Sam and Dean's best brotherly moments

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i got it dude i'm such a control freak you want to drive for a while dean your whole life you never once asked me that just thought you might want to never mind but in the meantime i'm driving how'd you get here stole the car that's my boy you're where the church was what church the place cyrus burned down murdered all those kids there's not a whole lot left the church ground is hell of ground whether the church is still there or not people spirits cross over hollow ground sometimes they're destroyed so i figured maybe that would get rid of it maybe maybe what if you were wrong huh honestly that thought hadn't occurred to me well it honestly didn't occur to me i'm gonna kill him sammy sammy sam girl are you okay if you pull that string one more time i'm gonna kill you sweet you didn't oh i did well maybe he's going to meet us there yeah because he's been so easy to find him to this point you're a real smart ass you know that don't worry i'm sure there's something in fitchburg worth killing yeah what makes you so sure because i'm the oldest which means i'm always right oh it doesn't it totally does [Music] the hospital hospital when we were there i saw a patient an old woman an old person huh yeah in the hospital but i call the coast guard plus the girl said she saw a clown vanishing to thin air cops are saying trauma of course i know what you're thinking sam why did it have to be clowns give me a break now you didn't think i remember did you come on you still bust out crying whenever you see ronald mcdonald on the television at least i'm not afraid of flying planes crashed and apparently clowns kill you all right sammy yeah fine we'll lighten up a little sammy he's the only one who gets to call me that okay no offense man dude seriously all right i'm gonna go talk to karen again see if she knows anything about this danish helps huh you're great what you're bossy you're short are you drunk yeah so and that's how it really happened i don't sound like that dean that's what you sound like to me okay what's going on with you two nothing no it's nothing come on now you're bickering like an old married couple no see merrick doubles can get divorced me and him we're like uh siamese twins it's conjoined twins see what i mean give me back my money oh no no consider it reparations for uh emotional trauma yeah very funny now give it back no nina i've had it up to here with you yeah right back at you [Music] you sure this is the right place no i spent all day canvassing this stupid town with this guy's stupid mug and supposedly he drinks at this stupid bar it's not funny yeah all right so what am i even supposed to do nothing nothing come here i don't want you doing anything i want you to sit right here and don't move okay don't turn on the light don't turn off the light don't even scratch your nose that's probably a dumb winner all these old houses had him no at all what what you should what never mind and he bloody death under the newborn sky sweet to taste but bitter when once devoured swanky the hell's that me well it's from a very obscure very arcane version of revelations which means what i think it means basically you kill a reaper under the solstice moon tomorrow night by the way you got yourself a broken seal how do you nice a reaper you can't kill death i don't know maybe demons can or the hell of the angels is what i want to know we could use their help for once it looks like we have to take care of this one ourselves what are we going to do just swing in and save the friendly neighborhood reaper you got a better idea i'm all ears dean reapers are invisible the only people that can see them are the dead and the dying well if ghosts are the only ones that consume yeah then we become ghosts you do have a concussion sounds crazy i know it is crazy how you shouldn't have that why not can electrocute you actually it can't it's just a wind-up toy it's totally harmless doesn't even have batteries so it can't shock you nope not at all i swear oh okay i mean all it does is just shaking your hand it's kind of lame see you know i still think i should play no you're not good enough i'm better bobby's way better we both lost exactly so what so i don't get to say on this anymore tammy when you get to be our age you're 30 dean okay well then we should go sorry boys no one knows more about the hounds than i you're long past the point of car damn it i told you well good for you hey what are we even looking for well he's pestilence so he probably looks sick everybody looks sick you sold your soul oh more like pawned it i fully intend to give it back well then give it back i will now did you kiss him say i'm just wondering who's gone colts colt called like the cult from samuel colt's journal what that's his yeah dude no dude yes well let me see get your own you know what bobby was right your head's not in it man when cass died you were wobbly but now what oh what you're dealing with is so perfect yeah news flash pal you're just as screwed up as i am you're just bigger what i don't know look once you go check out the local pluckies and uh ask about this billy cat look man why don't i just uh well i just wait for you to get back no can't do hermano i'm on my way to talk to little billy why why don't i talk to billy right now wait wait wait this isn't about your uh your clown thing is it what no sammy no killer clown you're serious no dean i'm joking because clowns are really funny to me go ahead say it you look like you got attacked by some pcp grace strippers dude one of them sprayed me with seltzer from his [Laughter] flower what nothing carry on oh no yeah did you win this we earned that i mean when you're not at the gym what do you work out with all your free time i try to get to the gym at least three days a week just trying to get back to my fighting way you know that shows you look amazing this never happened you ever do anything else with your free time like take a girl out for a drink you do anything else with your free time like stop laughing sammy stop laughing sammy um you don't know that bar stop laughing sandy that place is bringing sexy back which is easy stop talking charlie right so um sweet mother of god so me seriously check this out so i went through campus security archives around the time kevin should have been here anyone look familiar dude it's a burger it's a treasure he uh he was a real artist you know strange thing is though uh when you were five and you got dressed up as batman and you jumped off the shed because you thought you could fly after you jumped first i was nine and i was dressed up like superman okay everybody knows that batman can't fly i didn't know that i broke my arm i know you did then i drove you to the er on my handlebars who is that that's just uh you know these alert thingies for what no monster stuff hey hey oh no give it back why why why because privacy and stuff oh you're on a dating app yeah and you know what don't knock it until you try it nice screen name dean impala 67 all right give it back come on okay except there's nothing to talk about okay okay yeah i just figured since we're opening up veins and maybe you want to talk about the guy who you may sell his soul the guy who you then killed right i mean that's the same guy we're talking about it was a demon oh you were a demon oh i didn't realize that and uh it was mold all right get this heart missing body completely drained of blood so what we're looking at a werewolf vampire hybrid say with me aware pyre no come on i'm not saying that toilet water why do you keep spraying it i just wanted to see if the squeezy thing worked i think it was supposed to be a perfume or something all right i'm gonna go check out the rest of the end because now i got grandma all over me so out all right dude there's plenty left let's find some heart i'll take upstairs oh whatever i'm going upstairs okay dude i was 18. sinner it was college it was probably oregano anyways rebel you're an idiot dean dude don't say it maybe let's not touch anything until we figure out if this stuff wants to kill us or not yeah i got it all right oh uh the last time we saw you i killed hitler no thank you you're welcome no no you're you're a badass sheriff chick you're not a rom-com wait are you a rom-com chick are you he's more of a um animated japanese erotica chick [Music] really i need to leave this scintillating conversation you don't tell her that tell her what it's jody man dude be proud of your hobbies make sure you are what it's good it's vegetable water seriously what shut up i told you i'm fine dean you forgot your own name for a second okay yeah that was weird all right look we know we're dealing with a witch right maybe you got hexed dude if a witch got a clue shot of me i would be dead okay i wouldn't be freaking uh dory dory not gonna apologize for loving that fish not to you not to anyone right okay all right you smell like roadkill it's cause i do all the heavy lifting all right i'm using that fancy shampoo to keep hidden for me take care of her of course dean look even if ramsay circles back as long as we keep moving gwen's gonna be just you're talking about the car you turn the right brakes dean i know how to drive i'm just saying okay just imagine she's a a beautiful woman oh a beautiful beautiful woman i'm done sam look at you like a boy scout they're always prepared yeah you're like trouble yeah i don't know what you like yeah thanks oh wow what oh yes i shaved i mean it's so smooth it's like a dolphin belly thanks i got it it's cool it's good how is it it's good it's really good i like it good good flavor great uh you should have another piece that's fine
Channel: TheLaufeysonStudios
Views: 409,978
Rating: 4.9772949 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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