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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LineageTheSeries 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
one when I was in a boxing ring and Jessica gets in to fight my character so it's max versus Alec and she's like she's like okay so they're gonna start the shot off and I'm just gonna it's gonna be a straight right punch right to the face and I step back well she lined it up like this just like okay let's just step back and I'm like I wanted us to see further back well it didn't take it accounts that she's going to lean into the punch so she went boom and caught me square in the nose and we just watched some jacked-up looking and hey yeah that many other reasons but it was it was one of those where and I was still even if I was still young enough to be like well I can't stop you know I can't yell but that hurt and now now if Holdernesse Hall isn't laughs let's just think I'm older and more experienced and yet I still don't say that hurt but but there was that when there wasn't notice so a lot of me getting hit there's another one where the Beresford agenda was the episode and there was a young actress and she comes up to me and slaps me and I ever something she pretty get the timing right why she just sums she couldn't do the fake slap but so I was kind of getting frustrated like it's Timmy Timmy just I'm like she's you know small girl like how hard to accurately don't pack a punch my whole face welded but like it was like a welt just like a hand plant with like fingers and it and like the whole crew just it was like I've learned not to let them do that now that doesn't that doesn't mean I don't catch a few elbows or knuckles here here there which is just part of the you know that happens every now and again but gal never just sign up to get hit anymore that's no thanks I'm going to a bar get a fight on me today I don't need to get defensive no defense at the end of these Scooby natural episode when Dean does these scooby-dooby-doo so we were there was a small crowd of people who had gathered across the street we've been filming inside the store all day all day and there was a small crowd of people that have gathered to watch the film crew probably just going like is it arrow is it alleges it's gone oh it's about okay oh I just they knew we were and so well they did because he hires them to show up so they've got baggage whole thing's been going on for years first right but but we walk out onto the street and we've we've like framed the people out across the street so they're all still there I mean they're within you know 20 yards of us and they can't really hear what we're saying because we're just having regular dialogue but I knew that as soon as I did that line people are gonna be like what cuz they didn't know we were filming and and I just remember like thinking like this is really embarrassing and I was legitimately embarrassed to say that line because there was a bunch of people who didn't understand the context and didn't know that we were doing or crossover show or like the whole thing and I'm like they're just gonna hear me say this walking from this old cartoon and they're gonna be like wow the show is really jump the show they're just pulling out every stop they can and so it was it was stuff like themselves now I wasn't that was an embarrassing moment legitimately [Music] [Laughter] you know I'm gonna throw somebody else under the bus it would have been a lot less had not had a running partner whoever Slayer I was like hobbling back to the hotel and less money that pretty bad so CCB limping around that's since it's fine all right [Music] it's self induced I'm not gonna complain about it unless we do get a you know basically from the hip down picture of ice on his knees and most of my guys are like why she said that they wanted to see Warren because they're sick it was a picture all of it no it's like it's just it's a fair legs and so they go like this okay that's 100 because there are right angles the wrong way he says every day you sleep on the side sleep Rudy with phil ozz and I'm like how am a side sleeper with but instead of a pillow we're gonna have an exercise ball we'll say one of my favorite it's like that there's so many of you guys getting all of these calls now I mean it's all day every day it's so anyway one of them look up my favorite one of these sales calls happened to a buddy of mine we're in a goober headed to a restaurant or something and he answered it it was guys selling home security and what well everybody goes and I'm so glad you called you gonna pick a better time there's so much blood the guy was like oh and finally the salesman ended up hanging up I'm here with my friend she bought my tickets is my first time here and she had a question we work we work in childcare and we were wondering you guys ever do drop off and pick up for your kids at school and you know where the are the kids really big bands you I think most of ours are too young to know [Music] as well they only my the first experience I have it I guess with Tom and chef I know dad it's not even two years okay what's how much ever their kids don't really know you know they're buddies in school I guess Tom should know that uncle Jensen is on TV with daddy and you know oh my my niece is she's ten years old and I remember about two years ago she started going hey on the chair one of my teachers knowing her asking if I know you so she's holding them to computer Google search and stuff so hopefully she doesn't watch it seems with Apple Jeremiah well the I was dropping off JJ today and there's a security guard there at school and this was this is the first time I had met him and as I was walking by he just kind of put his hand on this on his belt and he just kind of leaned over he's like you're not tagging are you being [Applause] and I said yeah I am so yeah so the the students aren't aren't quite there yet but certainly the faculty yes I felt and the security guards name is safe it's like that's also the code name thank you no one doing a reverse ad in the baby first 180 and maybe in doing that you know I got to do that several times the first time I did it I just I love the moment of our guests are sitting next to the baby she's she's the one that me and she just likes to beat she's like you've done this before right and I have looked to her they're literally like camera I'm like now's not a good time to ask you that that's a great question we've had a lot of stuff you go first it's going to make the Gabrielle I'm sure but there's the stuff that happened at the filming of Episode seven let's just say Falls [Music] chessmen Mischa Alexander and me and it's sort the committee there's a lot of improv so because a lot of them from probably some broken ribs yes of booklets it may be a pity of torn Smee there's some funny so it makes me laugh because for years it was Jensen and making teasing Misha their season four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve then Alexander came on season 13 and Misha is like finally new victim every now and again it's a fun thing for an initial make a joke and looked at Jensen at me like no but yeah the hazing of Alex has gone way too far but it'll continue and he's a great sport without it it's like cursing us before he goes to bed but it all fell yeah let's just say in you know as I don't think it's any secret that Jack's vessel has what is the be his being has done through some traumatic changes in the end of my season that picks up here we right and that picks up the beginning of season 14 and his vessel was having its difficulties adjusting to his circumstances and so he's every challenges you know it's like almost like getting very very sick and let's just say he collapsed a few times his characterization collapses a few times in this episode that we just filmed which of course him hitting the floor is is just a green light for dr. Bob so it's just thought I'll central for the entire episode and he's not a big guy we are but he should jump against who is so excited to be on this side he was like this Mario excites like the first of nothing for Alex he's he's gonna he's gonna need to see not only a doctor but therapist as well we dominated it's about 600 pounds playing on every way yeah after about the fourth or fifth tape he started like full defensive positions on the floor yeah and in our stunt coordinator had to come in and start helping defend him it's it's not professional and hopefully you guys enjoy this he in Arabic it conserves effort to when something goofy or silly happens we make sure the safe is with what they call action and they start rolling when they call cut let's say even three takes of a scene they'll usually need to print the one or two or three of let's even six takes rather the red ones are the best ones and but you know one something went wrong the lighting goes wrong or we didn't order lines and sometimes there's a goofy one but they have to say to the script supervisor and make sure print take three even if it's just uh goofing around so both been like a mission print that so if you party Gabrielle my goal for this season is not a two-hour Gabrielle [Applause] okay JJ likes to get fired up on our way to school and she she makes me like turn it all the way up for that song a fight song Rachel like platinum excited that's again yeah it's not something I you know I'm gonna but here's the problem is that foul play which is not cool that's one for now but I'm sure that will change and you know six weeks yeah and obviously need some other person is the song that I've never heard of before a lot of times I find myself at night when I'm at home I have a a good-sized front yard and it has lights of the trees that have pools of light in the in the yard when I walk by the window front windows I look out there and it'll just be darkness with like these kind of pools of light and almost a hundred percent of the time I expect to see somebody standing there I did it because of that movie and obviously they're wearing like a happy mask but they're just just standing there like this and the pool of light [Music] that would send me into a frenzy and by that I mean that would send me to my gun safe yeah our cameras all over the place and one of the camera systems sends alerts so every time I get another me home in Austin and it'll be you know midnight the night 30 and I'll get you know motion a sense front yard my neighbor drives his car or lightning permission of course Jenna Jenna me makes me walk around all the doors and windows before going to bed and make sure they're closed probably I'll let me leave you with this I dunno where to the line the other day this is maybe a couple of weeks ago I was in my my living room and I was I was watching The Late Night Football game everybody else had gone to bed and my I kind of see he can see my front porch from if you're sitting on the couch out the windows and I looked out there and the porch lights were on I could see the porch but then it kind of just disappeared in the darkness which then you get out of the yards to get the pools of light but just in then that that hole that unlike that was the front and this is another movie that's played on the sphere that if originated the strangers is the purge and i sat there and i instantly envisioned several people in masks walking into the light and now this means that there are a there on my property be they probably aren't here to you know hand out Girl Scout cookies and three this is my great experience which way do I go first do I go to my closet to get something to protect myself of my family or do I go to my children's rooms that's that there and I started like sweating thinking about this like what would I do in that moment would I would I go to protect my children barehanded or when I go this way and hope that they don't beat me back to them that was a real fear I met and it like it struck me that I was like well I'm turning this off and going to bed and those those were fears that were born other movies like that so yeah he gets a little bit more grand with his pranks than I I tend to just subtly yeah but we're more opportunists than we are planning pranksters I think I still laugh at there are two that stick out in my head one is when Misha kicked us off set and the others when Nina kicked us off center making Alex laugh although recently recently he was kicked off off of set because Misha couldn't get his coverage because he was he was messing with Misha so so bad and he was kicked out of the room not off the soundstage but just out of the room and and and I'm I'm watch I'm reading opposite Misha giving my lines somebody else is giving Jarrod's lines and I'm off-camera and mission is giving us his performance and and I look behind him and the door that Jarrod will had walked out of his about you know 15 20 feet behind Misha and I just look I look over Misha shoulder here comes Jarrod army crawling back onto set you know the whole crew can see this Misha cannot yet and so Misha then looks looks like a different direction and I lean into our camera operators here and I'm like tilt down tilt down and so so the camera goes down finds Jarrod doing this so now everybody back at video villages that's not in the room is now seeing this on the monitors Jarrod crawling back towards like a shark in the water right it stills back up and Misha continues then you just see the and I don't know what you grab is like Achilles tendon or something no I grabbed the inside of his leg oh right as you do where's the most where's the tenderest spot yeah yeah there were markings on both of their bodies by the time we were done filming this scene and it looked like they'd gone to some like odd bondage party that's the funny thing is that later we did a different scene and it was now my coverage that Misha wasn't em and so I'm sitting there and chatting also and I feel fingers behind like the ends inside upper part of my arm and I'm like oh it's okay I deserve this I know I deserve this so I'm gonna keep on going and it was it took like breathing exercises to try and not break like a tear well he's performing like he's delivering lines as Sam Winchester and and just through through excruciating pain and he showed me his arm afterwards it looked like he'd been flogged and the next day I'm in a t-shirt and Tom is like daddy what's in your arm I was like long story I'd rather not tell you works tough kid but I came here and competed when I was a sophomore in high school and y'all still had the Rock and Roll McDonald's downtown and this is mind you this is a this is a 15 year old kid out of San Antonio Texas you know grew up in suburbia and I wanted to go I forget story was we were like we were here with drama and I was eating we were eating at maybe the rainforest cafe or something yeah and I wanted to walk to the isn't it right right next to the okay so I wanted to walk to the rock'n'roll McDonald's and take pictures because my mom I had heard about it and wanted to see pictures of it and so I told my teacher I was like hey I'll wait for the food can I walk the two blocks and my teachers like well it's you know like you don't really walk around Chicago by yourself and he's simply with one of the seniors whose name is Sean Hall and so Sean was you know 18 years old he was a senior I was 15 I was a sophomore and Sean was a little more savvy than I was I think he grew up you know in a bigger city and so we're walking to the rock'n'roll McDonald's and I don't think I'd ever really run across somebody who on the street who asks you for money you know like hey can spare some change kind of thing and not a word of a lie we go to the rock'n'roll McDonald's take some pictures remember you have kind of like skinny up in all the little hallways and take Ruby leo and then on the way back to the rainforest cafe sure enough this guy approaches us and asks asked me if you can have $5 and my instinct I was kind of taken aback and so I responded with I'm sorry I only have big Bill's - which Sean Hall just went we're going well that's really the wrong thing to say and I feel like the guy he gave me a very enigmatic look I think he sort of was like I probably should rob this kid but he's just too dumb like I'm just gonna he's gonna need those big Bill's I'll never forget I went there I took took my wife there it was me and Tennille and Misha the three of us went and ate there a few years back and real spicy food from New Orleans you know grew up like cajun spices and all things spicy and I do do too so a lot of spices in our house and and we also have a lot of spices and she ordered these peppers that they serve there and you know like he order like like chargrilled serrano peppers or something like that he just eat him so these this both peppers comes out and and she ate one and like things started changing immediately and like just she started crying and she was like oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah she kind of looked like this but I was like sweating and and then she's like oh my gosh just did these are the hottest things I've ever put in my mouth and and I was like what which is like food food and so and then immediately cuz Misha didn't wait to see how it turned out he grabs one and he throws anyway long story short cut two they're pouring water on their faces and just like every that whole face is just leaking on the and I'm sitting there going like mm-hmm I'm trying that and to this day I've never seen her react and Misha can attest he was like that was it was like torture whatever whatever they served them was not what they had said it was oh yeah yeah just pouring milk like I mean it was it was hilarious for might where I was sitting and so to this day it's still one of my favorite places
Channel: Supernatural Conventions
Views: 369,576
Rating: 4.9728975 out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural Conventions, Supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, SPN, SPNCON
Id: 0NmwA_Sx2k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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