Frickles Frackles, Jensen Ackles!

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don't touch the Beast no hard ways to get down I paid for these than didn't realize they really didn't because I know that this particular gene fits me and so I just saw some black jeans there and I just grabbed it was like I'll take these two like Hello juice I think I would almost rather want to do a shortened season like him as I can well yeah look at like a six episode release [Music] maybe three just yeah movie be great [Applause] what other TV shows would you like to see Sam Dean thrust into and we did all the dialogue gentlemen be shame [Applause] here's a penis it's just been an animated character as a unit of saying imagination [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was Jeffrey Dean came back [Applause] it's plenty to do [Applause] okay thank you yes each other keep it from my other we have to be honest why those visas planet 8 will just levitate [Music] Sherman joke's on you already got gummy bears I'll take a hug little fun fact about Dean winning rock-paper-scissors not in the script your idea phil was directing and he was like great and then it was a would have would have Dean wins and then doesn't collect his prize cuz he's that guy seems yeah it's like yeah what if I win and then because we were rock paper scissors gonna go upstairs and I guess we were like if we win then we get to go there way to get scrubs and I wanted I'm like out of here I'm just gonna stay down then none of that was in the script that was all just something we did we that's right we came up with on the day anyway back to the business are we going what we go on one or are we going two out of three which is normal alright is it is it one two three shoot no no no it's one yes it's one two three shoot and we're going to I was ready let's do this [Applause] Jared counted oh yeah so this is gonna be funny because the audience is gonna see what you did after you do it so I'm gonna see you live I'm gonna get one two three and then three or range one two three she show scissors 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 [Applause] [Music] right you remember rock-paper-scissors do them he lost I remember you did came out to kill me yeah [Applause] [Applause] step on up alright are we going to nine three Terry can't count so that's not real they were going it's on is it one to shoot they kept it together silenzio I'm gonna kick it up a notch so it's two or three yeah okay and 1 2 3 shoot 1 2 3 shoot [Applause] [Applause] changed she was like in Spain and she was like funny story there's a there's a family and the the bank of a network and I was just welcoming the airport the other day I remember this story and there was a day speaking of wearing makeup there was a day where the on set but we it was season one and when you're filming film which we were just wanted to you have to wear a lot more makeup than when you're filming digital when you're in visual they don't have to really do anything but just kind of make sure you don't bags other guys but with film it's kind of like a mom on stage like that I've been theater played you wear a lot of makeup so it's pretty obvious a person and gents and I have been filming until like three or four the morning we had a early early flight to Los Angeles to do some press and we were like we're both thinking if we go home and set our alarms and try to wake up there's no way we're gonna wake up it to get more time let's just go crash the Fairmont for get a couple hours just get whatever kind of shadow became you're still not gonna be twenties and so we could do that that would have saved us probably an hour and a half or so yeah it's a good thing wherever we were took downtown because you are the walls and rails itself and then back so we just had to be up where we're like let's crash on the the couches through security but that won't open yet and so we go up to the to the desk like hey we just need a room for like two hours [Applause] Vancouver's a picnic who was a very a very progressive city in an airport hotel and what a time now we're baked and make up like faded format as the hotel for a couple hours that's all we need and the person is pretty unfazed that everyone things they're like yeah it's very you know it's a progressive City okay you're in 201 our team sweet deluxe King sweet it's gonna be like two peas right do you want to meds I know the make up at the Bible yes what's know with the hair fool you okay we just need the credit out for a couple of hours welcome to the airport laughing didn't get that story it was expensive they wouldn't give us such everyone at discount whoever the person last time that ever had that done we walked by the Fairmont like this we want a discount because it was like 200 bucks we're like tour bus rich and how half-asleep is ridiculous you give it just like their dear something just come out no no like no we're gonna have to clean the shoes [Applause] whoa but no Robbie Hills he sweats a lobster pocket because usually when your stomach right why - wait control-alt-delete everything [Applause] my name is gonna come out give us some like pearl of wisdom like listen guys when you start heading down that road in a story and everyone else going south but no I just forgot my coffee what he said now we were about to the part where we're checking the makeup on the pillow so I'm fairly certain you don't want to stick around much longer awkward [Applause] think of the script and TG that's kind of funny Honeycrisp let me honey honey milk Honey Crisp like no honeys is it Honey Crisp apples good does it might be that and it's still going through ten of moderate rewrites throughout this whole process didn't we is it salary so this might be apples then we did the script of Vancouver mango isn't and then we start breaking it down with the production I think this is the fermented juice
Channel: Supernatural Conventions
Views: 262,172
Rating: 4.9824944 out of 5
Keywords: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Jensen, Jared, J2, Supernatural, Supernatural Conventions, 2019, SPNCON, JIB, JIBCON
Id: Xi17T0jMa4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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