Embarrassing Injuries On Set

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Bank lady: How do you want it Dean? Dean: *laugh* well I'm gonna have to take a rain check, and all your money. *Pulls out gun* *Gun cocking* *Gunshots* Sam: Hands in the air! Hands in the air! Sam: Your money's insured, so no heroes, okay? Offscreen: Hello, boys! Obviously Sam and dean get injured a lot in the show Jared: Are you from Nevada *laughter* Offscreen: *sarcasm* It's pronounced Nah-vah-dah. *More laughter* Offsreen: So Sam and Dean get hurt alot in the show. And someone may or may not like stabbing other cast members But um, I was wondering what was the most embarrassing injury either of you guys have got on set Jensen: I ummm- Jared: I ripped my pants Jensen: I've had many Jared: I just ripped my pants *Crew laughing* Jensen: That wasn't really an "injury", it was a wardrobe malfunction *laugh* Well, to some people it might have been a wardrobe function ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *Fangirls screeming* Dean: Oh, son of a bitch. Jensen: Good luck with that. Um, Jensen: I was uh, I was supposed to chamber around on my 1911 Ummmmm Right as they uhhh yelled action, I went to do so and uhhhh I got it the gun jammed and so in an effort to unjam it uhhh I slid back at the receiver and then it snapped forward and caught the meat of my finger Fan: slide bite Jensen: slide bite That's right, slide bite uhhhh and it Jared: bloody bug saloon Jensen: that's it and so I quickly because, we were all, we were rolling and they literally go and action I was like, *groan of pain* and I just ripped it out. And I quickly looked down and there was just a flap of skin and so i was like Well we're rolling, we're now in the scene so i just held my finger skin together with, my thumb Like that. And then did the whole scene and then eventually looked down And there was like blood all over my hand and stuff that was pretty stupid and embarrassing Dean, realizing what has happened *using a soap-opera voice* Son of a bitch! *those weird laugh line things in cheesy shows.* Jared: I have a similar gun related injury, well I have a similar embarrassing injury related to guns. There was an episode where Sam and Dean were leviathan Sam and Dean and they robbed a bank and we had a, we had a automatic weapon that We had never used because it was the leviathans version or whatever do you member we come in and we spray? Some bullets and like everybody on the ground, because they're trying to make their, casa, opportunity leviathan Dean: get in there leviathan Sam: you ready leviathan Dean: yep *Screaming and gunfire* Jared: So, we come in and we fire up it is not air like that but i'm so tall that they Were like hey we're not seeing the gun in the frame not of word of a lie so instead of spraying it like that they wanted, me to spray it like this basically like Basically drop, my hands a foot and it didn't occur to me at the time it's like, we're shooting We have to make our day and this and that and so as i like ya sure so back to ones reloading the guns and so We walk in like everybody could can i start doing this number and the Jensen: To be fair it was a it was a horribly designed gun horribly designed gun with the key it had a it had a top a Top, ejector So most guns it they picked up a side this one literally went straight out the top So it never shot a gun, delaying the top of the gun right in your face Jared: And so sure enough might start blasting and I feel luckily I feel it i guess just in time because i'm basically *Imitating gunshots* Jared: Right as I kept I'm like, I stopped I'm like, hey, am I bleeding Jensen: And I'm not kidding I look at him and he has like perfect arch of mark here here here here and here as though the shells just went like Jared: Yeah and i'm bleeding from a few of them because it came in it might like, my face is hot and A few of them had hit *Fangirls screaming* Jensen: It is a little warm in here Jared: So a few of them were bleeding like, where my whatever this protrusion is called, my five head It just hit straight so i had to like go okay i guess call a first, aid because i'm bleeding from the face And i have like minor burns, because when Casings, eject there they're pretty hot And so that was uhh? You, might notice more, Jensen: I love he comes up he's, like is there something on my face Jared: Not here or here so much but right, about here. Jensen: and my reaction, was no, you're good Jared: Yeah so yeah, that's my! Jensen: that was embarrassing Offscreen: Cheers guys Jared: yeah cheers brother let it be said that you were on fire that episode because you, also stabbed this guy you probably cut to people in the history of supernatural and it was both that episode remember You stabbed me right in the knee Jensen: Thats what happens when you give a guy 9 hours to shoot a fight scene Like listen we're, not gonna, do anything but fights, and stunts today and it's gonna be all you, you have no stunt double go Jared: yeah when- Jensen: Don't hurt anybody Jared: He comes down with that That's not a. Knife this is a knife kind of knife Jensen: hey, to be fair that was not my fault Jared: I wasn't holding the knife, Jensen: no but you, decided to knee it I Jared: I Didn't knee it Jensen: look it, was like this this, would be the knife Jared: Yep, okay so as your, I and this would be cheer as you're collapsing I *Blows landing* Dean: Easy, tiger Sam: dean you, scared the crap out of me Dean: That's cuz. You're out of practice Jared so he's supposed to collapse but i he was actually collapsing I didn't Jensen: I didn't go, like this I Jared: I didn't see the playback The point is you know, jensen's a large man and you can't i'm saying Jesen: Husky, Jared: if he's gonna actually fall down, i wasn't gonna pick him up like this Because that's really Bad so i had to kind of like really I had to set my feet and in setting that i feet i felt it like i felt And i go into his leg so i kind of do this and i feel like a hmm you and i It's just in there like it's in there a. Good, like, half inch And it's real nice oh yes this is a real steel blade, yeah, and i'm like And i'm sitting there and i'm still and they haven't called cut Yet so he and i can, tell he knows he knows i know i know he knows i know he knows i know he knows i know Buddy, knows everything, is he gonna stop the scene cuz, i'm pretty sure Yeah, and so the ice in his leg Evidence and he didn't he, was just like i think i think i've been stabbed But i'm not sure you knew exactly, yes i know, what yeah? All right, well cuz. You didn't stop but i was like ooh there's a thorn, you're now it better You know, who does that crazy, people Too, many times it stops i was like, okay it's the end of the scene anyways and they call cut And i'm basically holding them up i can, feel that the blade is in my, leg, like right, above, my knee and like yeah okay, and Then they go cut, and immediately, aguilas just goes do your i felt that and i look down? And my there's already blood spreading already blooming on his jion's yeah it had gone through, my pants through, my skin luckily my knee had stopped it i think, you call that your bone Patellas better for things than just bending They can, also stop knives but Yeah, you were two for two that episode and i was not my fault it's your fault i blame you i'll Say, this it's times like, this that, make me realize How, awkward, it must be for like the doctor convention on the other side of the hotel to walk past these, doors We're all talking about stabbing Each other in the neck and the face so i got him in the face and i stabbed chair to the leg, you're like What are they talking about in there They're, crazy, someone's going, whoa, you're like, yeah Thank you for your question can i contradict you however you can, try i will Do it okay that was not the same episode was it not just good it wasn't yeah that's what i was gonna say Well thank you for the extra story i would i would've said i would say this then if it happened twice in a week Mercury could have been in retrograde, but two different episodes this boy's got a problem He could have stabbing people problem, what, was the other episode called how. Many did tim jensen stabs people awesome that's awesome Know what? you're, awesome Ha thanks wow, You too I guess
Channel: Wayward Winchester
Views: 4,599,107
Rating: 4.9196262 out of 5
Keywords: Embarrassing Injuries On Set, embarassing injuries, supernatural injuries, supernatural injuries on set, supernatural set injuries, set injuries, jensen ackles jared padalecki injuries, jensen ackles injury, jensen injury, jared hates sigils, jared padalecki injury, supernatural set, sanfrancon 2017, sanfrancon, Dean, jensen, Supernatural, j2, Dean Winchester, sam winchester, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, misha collins, castiel, jared, supernatural season 15, jensen loses it
Id: OfI-6mSfdqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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