Supernatural Season 1 - 15 FULL GAG REEL Supercut | Funniest Supernatural Bloopers VS Real Life

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[Music] hi I'm Jared Padalecki and I'm Jensen Ackles and we're gonna show you a round set and you know how much we love doing what we do and and what exactly we do do you said doo doo doo doo that's awesome [Music] that's my move did we just shrimp focus professional be a professional so there's a bit of art we should have to throw away your underwear you're one silly goose you shut your mouth we really need all these lies I mean IIIi think we've covered it hey what's happening an atrocity is that the meaning it seems like they should stop hey Dean I think you might be lactose intolerant now that's a woman's with the woman's pants are brown gross come and mark all around everybody's having a great time smacking dude I'm not using this ID why not because it's a spooky knee inspector on it dr. Jerry O'Connell what's with my man Kaplan no no no guys come on mean you had a family you have a life you have lights that flickers constantly I know what's up with that um listen I know a few ghost hunters see nine take three you told her shut up yeah yeah I mean you've been to a bar called Lloyd bit about em indeed [Applause] [Laughter] ever since Alex's joined the show supernatural there's been a lot of talk the fans have been saying like oh they look like you know they're related and father and son you know just because we have a lot of the identical physical attributes there's been some there's not just coming down my nose you should be kissing my ass dude yeah I had to pee in a year a little journal in that song that I had to pee in a urinal in that cell in front of people you told the patient about the homicidal phantom clown apocalyptic book what is it big clown evil clown apocalypse Thank You Sherlock acting it's like working with children to wake me up was my turn [Music] take out to carry out there you two okay over the line Brad I should have just stopped today I look back at yours there I couldn't move the line what is it look after yourselves safe out there to the car there I kinda look back like a guy just gave up one day you will owe me a favor they don't like you know us of course you're the Winchesters do you watch the show that's regularly a TiVo it should be good of course you're the Winchesters sorry we met it probably watches the show what do you think about our move to waste days we need to find those crypts before they do meg you're the only one who's ever been there hey hey okay we're not gonna be able to use any of that she's made [Music] are you ready jack I'm not ready jack save it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey I'm Sam I'm sorry about your dad kind of priest in you yeah that's a good question wanna make snowman yeah you're that bomb yeah yo Kelly Clarkson oh boy croatian croatian [Music] I need your case everything me daddy yeah oh yeah no I know I love you too and say I know what you wanted to say [Music] you are a sexy thing every day play along with other guys plug wires family ever different how long they live it goes is it reading suburbs man she's an out of wish best work ever [Music] visit what the hell was that I'll tell you later let's get on with the trial we're the Monster Squad see for a hunter's best friend you're cool right it's okay if it happens though did I just not okay it's called continuity there's been some talk um lot of time yeah and I have contended from the beginning that there's no way that Alex isn't my biological son I'm just saying there's a possibility that you know my real parents might be my real how do you think the boys will respond this baby law I think will be it because we're not the loose Chester's [Applause] sitting next to you so what happened though mmm what'd you drop too much Molly superglue your mask to your head des paranoid stop a guy I've been there let me guess Raj you are framed what there have been others before that whatever this thing goes people thought well then you better show me I'm coming with you what no no sir dick crazy but if you're right about this [Music] okay ready mother up you something I'm not saying I'm not scared cuz I am yes there's a reason why Jared doesn't have a long sitcom real is it a one-hour Trouble Man oh stop we're taking inside I for my part in all honesty we are not gonna lose Chester's but for my part I'm accuracies boys we're not gonna lose [Applause] let's see we gonna go bring it in bring it in buddy [Music] [Music] girl daddy let's does that still hurt heart okay doesn't hurt here okay does it hurt if I hate here here [Music] montage la what have you seen it's not real [Music] you're laughing I can hear you [Music] as much as I could do that too much [Music] everyone let this go century times I've missed your Musk yeah you know what don't worry about it I know what you need no no I'm gonna hit again okay why don't we do now oh you don't do Jackie all right Sam and me we'll head to the hospital see if anyone had told me in drama school that this is what it was gonna be like I wouldn't ground the school unless you have rumps rump shakers [Applause] hey guys here am I I just wanted to say I see how hard life can be oh it's hard I mean barely shows but I know it's hard to converse on the questions and if she says she's got a Chinese chair you call me if she has a Chinese chair call me you want more don't make me lick your face you were to lick your face there's no way in hell he'd say yes to being possessed by anything stupid um oh my goodness I really didn't that didn't occur to me um now I have to rethink everything thanks a lot I hate rethinking things we had a I was shooting a scene with with mark Pellegrino yesterday and he's fantastic we were we were doing a little improvisation and it was funny he was funny I wa I wasn't but he was funny it was good we will you do me a favor stop looking at the door every five seconds like you want to get out of here you'll forgive me if I'm a little on edge the last time we were together you killed me last time we're together you stabbed me I'm sorry you wanted well in the past I don't but there was a little lie there was a line where I'm sort of taunting him and I tell him that Jack doesn't even really look like him and and then I threw in a line like yeah in fact he actually looks kind of a lot like me and and Amanda tapping is directing and she she came up and she was like hey Misha don't don't throw that line in there don't do that it's not good not good but he does look a lot like me because he's I mean alex is my my biological son so I'm just saying there's a possibility that you know my real parents might be my real parents as opposed to Misha be my actual father obviously we have some disagreement there's been some disagreement out there on the Twitterverse and we decided that we would put this to the test and have the ultimate arbiter of these things Lauren Lake just decide once and for all so we have been sort of hard at work here on the set I need the results if I don't get these results I don't know how my life can just go on like this it's it's been a trying time here on this set of supernatural that's right so we we have submitted every type of evidence that we could think of we did cheek swabs and hair sandals and polygraphs and photos that I had to submit for documentation early childhood photos we got the exact location of Alex's mom 28 years ago 27 9 27 years I really know my 9 months ago anyway we're just seeing if there might be any kind of strange coincidences that we might unpack from that's going living the dream what can I get for two beers please two field regimes please dude you're not Sam all right happiest of holidays it was really nice from our family aired supernatural all of yours there we go wishing you the good ol happy holidays the supernatural all of your families out there we are holidays where's the eggnog save yourself ladies all right it's time to turn it up to 11 ladies miss me oh listen I talked to my producer here with you yeah right back at you every time you mess about to stand up and sit back down oh I'm so sorry my legs are tired I'm so sorry you want to play with the guns and have thousand props to do while you say your line no give it back I mean you guys are Hardy Boys well oh I get it the Hardy Boys well we're certainly not the lose Chester's you say somebody saves I could say shut up we have every right to know you don't something funny soon what's so funny Sam your brothers laughing at this and you were just giving us the business you need to give him his own all right and we're working through him shut your face [Music] if you don't want my help then I will follow Josiah to Colorado I have to do something Dean if you don't want my help and I will followed yours eyes trail to Colorado I have to what is that how you say Colorado this is so frustrating I don't like working with you just as an aside the partisan that knows accident and I think maybe that's because what is it look I know I know myself maybe that's me damn are you dead because I am and I think I need a nap anyway we submitted it and and we are eagerly awaiting a final decision here thank you so much these guys pins and needles welcome to fraternity court this is the case of Collins versus Calvert in the case of Collins versus Calvert pertaining to mr. Calvert it has been determined by by this Court mr. Collins you oh come on no no no no no well I know what you I know what you mean because you'd have to eat up not just one blur you'd have to have three blurs yeah well actually four cuts of the third nipple yeah so yeah I think it's great to have this conversation because we all know Jarrod's been very honest on his Twitter feed yeah and I think is it healthy for him to discuss this that was so brave brave so accurate so brave I will say that after and I had I had several friends and family members call me to say like dude did you twittering some stuff I was like uh-huh so to tell you from my end of the story we're out we're in Chicago couple days a week ago and I go to bed about eleven o'clock and I get some sleep and I wake up at 4 o'clock to like go to the bathroom or something and I have all these like your twitter was favorited your Twitter was like your twitter was favorited your Twitter was like like my Twitter like did I tweet something and then I have your tweet is really gaining traction your tweet is gaining traction make a comment and I was like and so then I have one text message not from Jensen not from Missha not from Bob or Andrew or Richard or Rob it's for matt Cohen and I was like Matt is he okay cuz I he's not the type to text me at like 2:00 in the morning so I open it up and it just says dude Twitter so open my Twitter I didn't realize he's fluent in ackles that's where it like it may have been Twitter dude or do it was but those two words [Music] [Music] okay you know it's bad enough that they're ganking people we're not mugs but now this got us driving around us this caboodle while babies unlock down it's temporary game nobody puts Baby in a corner you know that's a line from Swayze movie boys they always get to pass right well let's get some shots I'll show me it's gonna be a good night you mean me holy poop you know what we'll do it we'll do it silence broken once you try opening your beer bottle I don't until I press a with no heads George so ever like a Ken I always end up on all fours stove one bullet left we just have to start over I mean we already found the demon once we find this night Kim I love you sometimes you got to take one for the team all right you're blind a while you think feathers here for that I need your help brother no I got it you know it's called me his Gaston we still do [Music] just give me a slow death well that's not what I want jump in my truck and rally eyes I don't want [Music] all right be having a seizure peace am i right concerning me I'm afraid to hold it up I don't want no choice but to leave what I didn't understand now if he stays and find my laughing red let him leave hold on there Crowder I wish question sorry there's only one thing that can kill Cain the first blade [Music] did you just have sex in the hallway even if you win the fight you might lose them all I know I know we can't trusting a fart after 40 you know that right Misha he has been 44 years he's too busy relieving himself [Music] man I'll take three hey Marco light a match I'm gonna throw up what [Music] take a baby for religious I business that's great yeah I really do I remember the order and so then I opened my Twitter and I'm like that's the last time I hand my phone over to Misha Collins in fairness I think it was two years ago at comic-con that I posted you were like you grabbed my phone when I when we were signing and apparently I posted on Twitter I hate fans which is a great post at comic-con who does that crazy people and for the rest of the signing everybody was coming up like we hate you too that's right I remember you're in panic set in because we're we do a signing after this and we're signing in you pass and you sign you pass and then Misha upon realizing that so he had just put his phone on the table and it was on and I was like hehehehe put it back upon I think I think like you got a bunch of phone calls or something he was like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I had a like excuse himself you've done that to almost all of us and that's we were high-fiving when we saw that tweet Billy yes someone finally got him yeah that's why you didn't get a lot of warning phone calls from friends so get it out Aloha no no I'm having a hard time right now yes sure it's taking his pants off yes and they see a monster donut and monster donut that is not funny dude is there the defendant the snake on my arm Leviathan really had to take a piss means you're feeling back to normal well this normal is normal does what what for some reason her breasts aren't burning this isn't about little thing thinking about it can I stop that again don't think about little Dean that's what killed me we're staying white the rest verse seems to be charred but it won't be enough to pay for the therapy guys I find his fate Brian's the reason I carry this hey look with your eyes not with your mouth it's just a question [Applause] welcome back Dean hey why did you come after me with a hammer Sam Winchester Joe to the set from Winchester it is a vampire jaywalking I'm Sam Winchester hi Wow we all love you so basically what you're saying is that you love me I basically didn't say anything I said it [Applause] [Laughter] here take this stains mrs. Dean smudging shoppers in his it's from down south explains a lot yeah I thought it just grew that way thank you I'm still gonna keep talking you tell you a story can I ask you a question who's your prettiest friend it's diminishing work by an astonishing talents I've got dialogue Alex I honestly don't think I can take this anymore I need like I need hold on I need a solution I need answers were you in Seattle in 1989 I told you maybe I was we mean maybe I was maybe there all right um I think it's time for us to put this to the court of public opinion we need your help guys help us figure this out if anyone has new photos of me in Seattle in 1989 that would be particularly helpful [Music] flocked my territory room - back to you for now this show you know it seems like there's a there's a lot of resources here and we do have a lot of resources there are times when we come right up against that line where there just isn't any more wiggle room it's not this is not so good to see and I get that you know they're simply physically wasn't an extra space and so I took what was available do I care that I'm you know in in in a space that's maybe you know maybe 1/10 or 1/16 the size of what Jared and Jensen have does it seem arbitrary or unfair is there a barometer like who has the bigger trailer is more successful well maybe it's not that that really matters actually maybe it's something else maybe it's you know maybe something else so I want to know what was your favorite prank that you guys played on somebody else on cast either on set or offset he gets a little bit more grand with his pranks than I I tend to just subtly yeah what were more opportunists than we are planning pranksters I think I still laugh at their to that stick out in my head one is when Misha kicked us off set and the others when Nina kicked us off set Alex laughs although recently recently he was kicked off off of set because me she couldn't get his coverage because he was he was messing with Misha so so bad and he was kicked out of the room not off the soundstage but just out of the room and and and I'm I'm watching I'm reading opposite Misha giving my lines somebody else is giving Jarrod's lines and I'm off-camera and Misha is giving us his performance and and I look behind him and the door that Jarrod will had walked out of his about you know 15 20 feet behind Misha and I just look I look over Misha shoulder and here comes Jarrod army crawling back on to set and the whole crew can see this Misha cannot yet and so Misha then looks looks like a different direction and I lean into our camera operators here and I'm like tilt down tilt down and so so the camera goes down finds Jarrod doing this so now everybody back at video villages that's not in the room is now seeing this on the monitors Jarrod crawling back towards like a shark in the water I had two people lower the frame right and stills back up and Misha continues and then you just see the and I don't know what grabbed his like Achilles tendon or something I grabbed the inside of his leg Oh right it's a little lesson as you do where's the most where's the tenderest spot yeah yeah yeah yeah we're there were markings on both of their bodies by the time we were done filming the scene and it looked like they'd gone to some like odd bondage party which we did later but right which just just mixed with the bruises that you actually had from the body that's the funny thing is that later we did a different scene and it was now my coverage that Misha wasn't em and so I'm sitting there and chatting Alston I feel fingers behind like the ends inside upper part of my arm and I'm like oh it's okay I deserve this I know I deserve this so I'm gonna keep on going and it was it took like breathing exercises to try and not break like a tear well he's performing like he's delivering lines as Sam Winchester and and just through through excruciating pain and he showed me his arm afterwards it looked like he'd been flogged and the next day I'm in a t-shirt and Tom is like daddy what's in your arm I was like long story I'd rather not tell ya works tough kid so again that the pranks are not big and elaborate like like some would like to think they're just just in it yeah that's its target practice any time we find a target we just start ranking thank you but he is certainly committed I mean to come back in not all like you know on elbow is crawling towards his prey gotta give it to him gotta do it you gotta do things up Thanks she's alive [Applause] you know Jensen punishes she were alive why would you say or should I don't it's here you got a tear okay tonight's so good what about Jack don't find you I'm sorry he's a lot I guess hi my name's Dean hi Dean hi um I had a question my question is what is your favorite memory with Jared and Jensen on set don't have any of those I you know we recently announced that the show is going to be coming to an end after next year and it's something that we all are gonna miss we're gonna miss the fun that we have on set and we all know that we're never gonna have that again in our professional careers it's just it's been lightning in a bottle it's been really such a lucky thing to be a part of and and it's not you know it's not just the environment on set but it's also you know this community and it's been really really lovely but we on set we have so much fun so much of the time and spend so much of our time laughing or trying not to laugh or hurting each other and it's just so special like you're never gonna get that again in fact the last day that Jared and I the last scene that Jared and I shot together Phil who was directing in in our blocking rehearsal said Misha I'd like you to sit here Jared you sit there and I was like why would you do that why would you put us next to each other in a scene and and so my coverage was first we were sitting in the men of letters at the big map table and I was sitting there like this and Jared was sitting right next to me and my coverage of the close-up was on me and is a fairly long scene and Jared reached on to the table and just started pinching the my inner thigh with all his might I mean he was trying to tear the flesh off my leg and I remember distinctly thinking like this is so special I'm never gonna get this again on another show for about a week I had this line of like purple that turned green little spots along my leg it looked like I was dying of something and that's a tricky thing by the way just so you know for future reference to explain to your wife like oh no that those bruises all over my inner thighs just a work thing Thanks my water use it Dean's emotional zoiks crap Wow he's doing yoga thank is up with the mat that you know like most the fans were really excited to meet Jared and Jensen yeah and me I don't think any fan in their right mind expects that we'd be able to give up Jared and Jensen for any moment of their precious time so in that case you gotta sort of like drop down to the BCDE team the Expendables as we call them and knock knock knock Misha's not doing anything anyway have your tour you know I'm going to the wardrobe trailer all the clothes and stuff all the characters working on Wardrobe lady this is a little wrinkly so he can just these are these are my trapped in my old trenches the old shoes this is uh my favorite this is the best one for we're doing like wide master shots this one you can see there's a little bit of a shine on the lapel okay I'll put on so we use this one's for this one's for close-ups this is the one that I I don't like wearing this one because it just it it puffs out around the center they are all the same nine years almost nine years of trees those are the most fantastic shots flower nagulu like my flower nipple I really enjoy is the hairs regular so this Richie Sambora here's that Twisted Sister himself son of a the things you wouldn't believe if you were a kid and they told you you're going to do an adult so you're gonna be 38 and you're gonna yell son of a and you're gonna be with scooby-doo and the gang [Music] jinkies [Music] Castiel yeah he's a friend of ours Cass the Scooby Gang it's a pleasure to meet you Carrie can we use really wait let's just do it right away Dean is is super excited oh heck yes whatever universe he kind of finds himself in he quickly adapts is that all you're gonna do eight relax in a few minutes we're gonna find out that cousin simples missing the Scoobies are gonna think that it's a ghost but really it's just the lawyer cosgood creeps in disguise dojin Dean life is risky licking a battery to see if it still does gonna stab you all of it it's too risky but Jack knew that and you made him happy which is more than any of us did well except that one night it's my mark first you get if you get it first you are disgusting just get them out of here [Music] hi I'm gene this is ace we're new Chippendales dancers we just moved in next door who can be a u.s. wildlife service you'd like to scratch it that's okay you did a real good drug [Music] it wonderful I once led armies and now I am paired with a scruffy teenager and a talking dog alright all misha's line where instead of teenager make it make it scruffy burnout all right I'm not sure exactly what burnout is a bit negative connotation is there another thing that's just silly about scruffy and we don't have a talking dog I don't know me Cass is kind of like a talking dog now how do I look two-dimensional just thinking we get paid for those meat I have no friends here hug it out hug it out [Music] like three breaths and then so I was wondering if you had like a favorite meme I receive my psychic my psychic character that's what I would ask my psychic character yes yes there's there's that one the place it's online now you know why I don't know how you and your friends are to each other on texts my friends and I are very mean to each other and so I also will often use if I don't use the shocked like what did you just say to me I'll use Sam like crying profusely in the heart episode or Dean also crying so it's just like you hurt my feelings and it's some epic cry face and there's another one that's really creepy and it's of me kind of doing like a you know white I think it was sold as Sam and a white button-down shirt and it's like it kind of makes my skin crawl a little bit and so I pass it along I sent it to Jenna washi doesn't like it but yeah that's the ones that I send mr. Eckles so I have this this text thread that has been going for over five years with five of my friends that I've known some up known since I was 12 years old Jason bans is one of them and we all we all had our first child within a year of each other so every Friday we call it father Friday we send we put a picture of our kid or kids now multiply they well yeah they have because I think we all now have multiple children but we will text a picture of our kids to these five other friends of ours that would call it you know father Friday on that text threat there's other conversations that happen as well and I have used myself to meme several conversations and one time I did it was a meme of of Ryan Reynolds going like this and I sent that and then immediately they were like oh wow I'm really shocked that you didn't find one of yourself to send that's awesome look guys he's growing up and immediately I sent me going like this and it was so perfect I'm still proud of that today you should be I should have what are your favorite supernatural memes to send basically same question what do you send to me Supernatural memes to your friends it's like no I thought this was a Gotham convention I which which one oh you can do it memes folder there's like a lot of you and she's basically saying you need to be more expressive and make stupid faces Sam is not Explorer like this one [Laughter] awesome well thank you thank you glad we could help you with your meme game a whole Lucifer it sounded it as I am it's Cass and Cass wants it to do this yeah well this tons I want to get slept during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask I don't make it a good idea what's my motivation AJ goals how do you how do you shoot this in your basement gasps wanted to do this yeah and sometimes I want to get slapped in the face during sex by a girl with his oral mask it's terrible cause Tom's I want to get slapped instead you ready just give me the lead in dude you'll love these I'm in a recipe that I invented all of this yeah I guess you did yeah I'm not gonna pour that surf road sucks yeah so as the driver sometimes I want to get slapped in the face with Zorro and a girl during sex times I want to get slapped during sex by a girl wearing a hockey mask if I'm in Canada skating around like jazz hands Dennis's have anything to do with this what is the line it's nothing sore Alaska some junk it's throwing me away I'll cherish that moment forever Dean you call him back tell him to get inside stay the hell away from that fog I said tell just Siri now is not the time existing as Bob Sheppard waking up if just being me it's tough face seeing myself in the mirror why do you make me sound like a pirate and you make me sound like I'm in multibyte the HQ you're the Caesars turn me today [Laughter] shiver me timbers I mark Shepherd I don't know what that is spot-on is Mark you know what my favorite letter is what mark you think it's our but it's the sea ah the giveth it all so quickly take it away yes we did it did nice earth one so good have come back some days it's just really hard to come to work so days some it peace oh can I talk to my mother now talk it away [Applause] but you're me and I'm you and we are mark yep yep horse Mulder horse Mulder you need a fee so barks answer he's he's proud of what he just did right now he just turned into Marcel Marcel he's doing mine now we've scraped the absolute bottom I was trained oh god this is mine that he has actually sweat son great but what's to come Kent no box may amuse you're so good hugs what Lucifer is capable oh dear if you can't stand the heat get out of here I must say it's nice and unruly whatever it lacks an ambience vampires oh my god you people so sorry I don't believe you that was most fun I've ever had in my whole play today's your lucky day kid do you like to go on a date I didn't ask you that Corner's got to be worried sick about you let's just get out of you I think we're getting there sir although you seem to have a hard time getting out the word driver picks music shotgun shots is cakehole hey man I think that [ __ ] stripper gave me herpes hi i'm jensen ackles you may know me from the award-winning series Dawson's Creek I don't really care what you think okay that was a big old gob of spit he's he's he's too busy relieving himself not on mine people believe in Santa Claus how come I'm not good mmm that's a simple thinking about Mordecai know what's the line so okay I'll Drive so people are on the hellhound website I mean I don't know but maybe it's enough to bring it Jesus Christ to rain Jesus Christ back second sticks but your friend Juan robbed that Bank good I said Juan loose I got nothing this time of day must only be carried you betcha TV what is he talking about not not here nope next graveyard i guard hey guy guy um we have a lot of people in the eye line but there's one specific first ad who melt my loins in the butter police comb the place ours come on [Music] we initially had the weapons with we need to get all three of that crap 50/50 chance I felt like I could keep going further on that side [Music] I think you've had enough this is my life okay with this this is the tree no Dean it's not it's just you both have to try to remember because the people in your life so progress report we're going to paper the floor I love I love I love my calendar boy [Music] okay tell me when we can walk around [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] so he likes it too much you know it's really funny because I was about to redecorate the place exactly like some little bit more casual you know yeah animated weaponry stashed in the back or something Paula Sam pixel shotgun Velma Dean snatched it away Sam are you crazy they can't use this stuff that's a Scooby don't we don't know the first thing about fighting real ghosts we don't have the proper tools or weapons that's okay we do here Velma take this same are you crazy hey Kate use this stuff that's a Scooby don't hey I think that's so great let me know when she's doing this this is we're doing prosthetics today so it's it's like a barrier cream thing that I have to put on it's a pleasure to meet you you seen the car I'm Jeanie what are we listening to what is this the soundscapes of the Pacific Northwest we can put some rocket roll on please anyway gang of people we have a good time Jared's on his way so we'll just finish this okay if I could ask Jensen any question in any interview he's never been straight with me so I'd ask him why why do you cry so much and why do you say my name when you're sleeping freaks me out yeah when I have to wake him up in the mornings be like hey we got to get to work and he's like Jarrod dreaming and like doing crying and stuff is bad son of a [ __ ] Jarrod I just want to know why do you sweat so much I just I really would like to know what activities you do that make you sweat so much that you have to put paper towels down the neck of your shirt to stop up your sweat [Applause] so better be chasing you let's give you no no it's not good for you to look at you you you're a mess and you stink well our URL being Lance Armstrong that would be biking I was working you've heard of a town called prosperity Indiana anybody well I sweat so much knowing that he's always his eyes are always on me desperately wanting you've heard that better than Ezra song desperately wanting he that crush I mean it makes me kind of awkward and he's always crying and so I always feel like I should help him out and I get nervous you know because I'm like I want to do something form but I don't get the wrong idea and just that sort of crazy thought process in my head makes me sweat it's embarrassing and that's saying that is exactly why our lives suck come on well you want monsters we know people they see a monster and they run but not us no no we we search out things that want to kill us yeah huh or eat us yeah who does that crazy people we are insane you know then there's I think there's some out there actually somebody told me one time that there was a drinking game like what was it like every time Dean said [ __ ] or something it was like he had to drink a beer so I don't know whatever whatever it is but if I had to do it I would say every time Jarrod says Dean he's constantly saying Dean seriously Dean come on Dean we got it's constantly saying Dean I guess I really haven't busted him about that but I should know whenever you're ready Dean good quit screwing around Dean Dean I am summoning Ruby you're just gonna have to go with me on this all right Dean you just have to just so what is it then Dean what the hell is happening to us ding of course we did that you might not even enjoy it might not get through the episode but uh okay if I can invent my own supernatural drinking game I would base it on the character of Dean and every time Jensen makes model face you'd have to take a drink and so everybody be drunk every episode a lot of fun Jensen's got a big old crush on me and so I just sort of try and playoff it and you know I've told him many times that's gonna happen you know I'm not like that but he's really into me so I can just kind of play off it most helpful thing I've learned about Jared hide the beans from him during lunch it makes it a little bit more tolerable to work with him there's a laundry list I'll just give you my top one that's my top the bad diner food and and then the skeevy motel rooms and then the truckstop waitress with the bizarre rash I mean who wants this life Sam huh seriously we do actually like being stuck in the car with me eight hours a day every single day I don't think so I mean I Drive too fast and I listen to the same five albums over and over and over again and I sing along I'm annoying I know that and you you're gassy you have a burrito when you get toxic I mean you know what you can forget it oh really oh is that what he was saying that I took a long time getting ready that's because in the morning I wake up and I worked out and I lift weights in my gym and then I run I'll run my dogs over on my treadmill or something and he basically rolls his little pretty ass out of bed and gets into the shower and primps and he's ready to go he's in his mirror about 40 minutes before pickup time making sure he looks good while I'm pounding the pavement trying to work out take a long time you know and with his uh it's quite small little town too much finer citizens you gonna continue to do that well it and two of the finer citizens died in the last two weeks this one chick she she roasted underneath one of those beehive hair dryers the hair salon there's another guy boiled in a hot tub you know yeah that's what stretching yeah checking out yeah you let me stretch my growing it's good stretch yeah so what's going on with you Sam we made this conversation no see you do that got fancy talking right well you see if we can get this straight um see your new Sam your this this uh you know Mary Lou Retton so just because you see things differently when you're upside down or when you're on a runner's high or when you're doing whatever it is that you're doing right now I'm still me there's nothing going on with me are we good yeah okay no don't say yeah okay like yeah okay really get it in the legs you really got to get to leave me alone okay and you know if anything Eppie would be terribly bees down on the table [Applause] hey he's been doing it for years [Applause] each other like reaction memes I did that all the time to all my friends and it pisses them off so much it's not fair I don't have memes of myself on my [ __ ] sin often it's the black and white one of this I wish we got residuals for that yes anyways sorry hey Mark they love me you're taller in person I got that one you know what I'm trying to decide what does I Alice we'll fix that little condition of yours what to hafidh in it what how do you know that she slaughtered your precious little virgin plus a hundred well that can't be good she slaughtered your precious little virgin [ __ ] some dirty here right there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know what I see when I feel like swearing bunch throat Lilith off your tail I'm sorry I thought I just heard you say you were stupid enough to let the Colt get slipped out of your dammit dammit I know spell it'll vaporize every demon [Music] what you invited to grab me you would not invite it dr. cops yeah I like [Music] amazingly bad acting okay so what's the play open the doors let them all in and we fight like men in tights I love you I love you Dean come back I love you I love you too great well I miss your Musk okay oh sweet Peter on popsicle stick [Music] Oh scruffy scruffy scaredy-cat I'll be molded Tweaker yes I do know this guy yeah yeah he's a he's a friend of ours neo Castillo the Scooby Gang mm-hmm Castiel it sounds like a great Italian pizza place it's a pleasure to meet you nice to meet you too Sam Dean this dog is talking yep and what about the Black Knight hmm Mamba Wamba the space kook oh I knew it you love this show I love scuba deers this right here is our trailer yeah see him I'm gonna improv most of it just cuz I feel like I know Sam a little bit better than the riders do not just about you know I mean you know we don't we don't like to say Jeremy lets us do this or he asks a lot of times if I just let it take over you know Sam and especially when it's emotional cuz that's my specialty that's what the audience feels is my specialty so Jeremy knows that when sam takes over some of these lines gonna go out the window hey I wanna put you down for one sec okay you know when we watch the show it's hard to tell if we're seeing Jared Padalecki playing Sam Winchester or Sam Winchester playing Sam Winchester I get that you know what I think it's probably easiest for me to just instead of try to tell you because I have to use words and I mean I can I can show you if you have yeah I'd love to see the few minutes okay a sec [Music] what it's just like watching the show you're welcome it's pretty cool yeah not a lot of people get to see that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Nephilim is coming to be what it's the offspring of an angel in a human created this thing tell me she was on the pill got it what's this it's much the charts not saying his lines right created this thing Lucifer I didn't know he was dating that's not the time for humor D when high noon gasps do you know he was a soldier Bella go far he's fallen we like this version of Cass and I'm happy he's not interrupting me right now cuz I want to tell you about him he's soft hands small [ __ ] and small gentle this isn't Benjamin's blade we have to go back did the bunkers warding just fail the bunkers awarding hey Hayden here don't it lied to make things easier I lied I'm sorry just a hands on the hair yes I hear you man but it's mom whatever she's doing she must had a good reason but working with those Liopleurodon x' they're magically a player does they're gonna show us the way you need to keep fighting hey I'm talking to you I'm dying here Hey hands on your hands in your hands it come on rudia come on move you flying yeah rube hi hi so I'm Alicia from Texas and this is a two-parter first I want to know if you have any single friends [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] actually no I can't think of anybody okay so I was actually wondering Jared mentioned earlier the gift are the meme of the many hairstyles of Sam Winchester and it kind of had me wondering what gifts or means memes that you send each other or that you like to get I'll say this I've said this before you should say again I should say it again the single best part of being a celebrity is being able to use gifts of yourself to send to your friends who aren't celebrities I mean it all the other accolades are worth nothing I've sent the L'Oreal commercial to everybody I know and there's another one run like doing something and I'm like hee hee hee hee hee so most of most of my is a gif or Jif ok every time everything you asked that question it changes it's the same answer every time it'll it'll develop what does it stand for rapid rapid graphic interface file so gif okay so whenever I shouldn't visit butter when Jiffy and give is the little thing on your phone my point is whenever I send a giraffe ik interface file I try to make sure - in fact the other day Speight texted us about something and I hit him back with a trickster traffic interface file and his response is like ha well done I haven't seen that one it's fun so yes tons of them now I have a question for some of you some of you tech savvy folks out there with the gifts do they start to learn what you like to use and give you suggestions that are tailored more towards your usage have they always done that or was that since the very beginning they just started doing that right so in the beginning there was a lot of supernatural and I was stoked and I was thinking like well it must be because everybody's using them they're really popular this is better than I thought we're kind of a big deal and stuff [Music] I'm not going anywhere the hell we're not it's a spell and you you're gassy you'd have a burrito when you kick toxic eggs [Music] [Music] [Music] so much gas being let out of this man next to me sulfur I hate some sulfur for lunch of me oh my god oh [ __ ] crap whoa that was it I got I got a line you [ __ ] oh you hunters because amulets and I just go straight I'm out one and a half million and on the very bad side I've ever know that I'm starting it all over again not even stopping duh-huh that's just nutty now is not the time to go dark and now's not this Stila looks or not a blessing yeah oh that's gonna make the movie what did you say I remember everything maybe it's an angel thing right or the trickster he's dead or is he or is he or is he or is he something like that yeah that's great this is uh you saw that light did we just get sucked into the TV or maybe this is an angel thing or or the trickster no he's dead or is he calling it Jeff traffic interface file um yes I will say the Jared and I both get a we get a lot of pleasure out of text battling our friends with our own gifts it's amazing and it never ceases to piss them off which makes it even better oh yeah then don't like that's not fair that's not fair like use your own ID one of my buddy just go I'm not talking to you anymore now removing themselves from threads yeah if it's if it's out there if it's as if it's a Sam and or Dean gift he can be taught and it's it's gonna throw me a fish or I've probably used it what's your favorite gift I use a lot the Crowley one that says I torture all my friends it's how I show love what does that say about you I like it she said single friends like single friends Colorado has my number hey hey guys it's a big moment for me [Music] that's new meat soon to come to set two sets of testicles for balls rocky move is that me what's so urgent I like to wait to close the door until on my line we have my shoes oh the doghouse is [Applause] don't don't know you killed Hitler lost a loved one we speak together hates you [Applause] [Music] lady this is not love completely forgotten what comes next your mother could be saved she sees that Dean Sheikh is like for well that help not to say it's pretty smooth and you you can it's okay don't touch it it's important know sometimes in order to figure things after personal space sometimes he just makes us FS whines [Applause] [Music] what's your favorite thing that you found online about you guys are the show [Applause] I've posted it my L'Oreal commercial is legit the Lord help somebody if you're in here I'd like to give you a hug somebody Photoshop them you did a Laurie oh no it was like they put me on a gif of Beyonce like twisting around and so and I was mesmerised I've never had that reaction nightmare I couldn't figure out if it was a nightmare or a dream I was just like what what is happening now I think I just forwarded it to about every single person I knew and then you started sitting at the random numbers okay thinking about you four two four eight three seven one two three four like who is this never mind cool gift huh that made me laugh for sure and then the as far as the show it was the nine styles the nine hairstyles of the Winchester brothers that again I afforded many many times so that's that's my personal and show favorite internet moments [Music] there's my show you leave it the plan but it's it's get me right or left wood chips wood chips you're awesome I'm calling that little harder the spirit had a message for you run like hell sorry good now I was just warming up what am i pushing it sorry perfect you can just go there and like you said number genius students already pressed it that's why going that's where I'm going hello and you know how you press it what it's already lit you do it all the time I've seen you do it [Laughter] why don't you go to the basement to get your car Thanks how'd you do that you're miles away Thanks so I guess this is your first mystery so if you could keep those giant linebackers shoulders from knocking over any clues that would be great why do you keep talking about my shoulders wonderful I once led armies and now I'm paired with a scruffy Philistine and a talking dog we've had outside writers come in every once in a while usually the staff does have to a lot of work because they're outside writers they're not gonna know all the nuances of the show I'd much rather be with your mother hunting for chupacabra nothing can bring back the pool of people she killed let's join the next crack on that on that move look man cash yield your s'mores foot s'mores you're not acting this time those weirdoes don't get nervous before the cameras paid don't get nervous I'm trying to make it as couple as possible but there's a silent man standing distance away from my face I'll do that one can you give me one more line of direction listen it's gonna be until next season I just need one more piece of Richard Speight direction Fiona said she was going to come and see me obviously I never made it to the shed Fiona came that night a full moon therefore we know we're dealing with pure brain but it's like a couple of no jokes to me that's dumb one no just when you know I have an iPhone so I don't know if this was all servers or whatever but the one Apple added that where you could send gifts and the text message thing and there were plenty of Dean or myself and I started using those gifts to send him to send to my buddies back home they get so mad they're so angry you can't you can't give yourself I can this is funny that that is that's gone a long way in my world I want to I want to text thread with a few other buddies in one of them is a mutual friend of ours and he sent a gift that that was somebody going like this and it just said blessed this post because there was a funny funny text earlier and I looked closer and it was Pellegrino as Lucifer doing this and somebody had written blessed this post was Walker and I was like hey Walker thanks for the supernatural shout out it was like what and I was like like you just used a supernatural gift he's like damn it he didn't realize I love that we've infiltrated even like our buddies who don't want to send super now don't even know that there's such glorious payoff yeah I was right I told ya big lug there's no such thing as the supernatural hmm looks like you were right and now we know sorry what it's just subtext but then again you know you can't spell subjects without se X break it Snoopy gang Dean gets very excited it was to say I'm not even sure why you're there come on now that's not what this is about to us just questions I asked myself [Music] [Music] dots awesome today what a week if we do supernatural like this will be Gunsmoke I'll do 30 seasons section let's do this yep [Music] wait what see for supernatural scene 36 take eight marker [Music] action Balthazar is no hero he knows Rafael will never take it back [Music] [Music] you're good you're good no I got to that time hey bruh Oh once you get the bigger piece not cool totally not cool you ain't gonna steal my I ain't gonna steal mine nope there's no doubt about it there's I don't think the Academy oh really pale skin bad breath yeah probably never seen a vagina in his life it's in here where's the penguin well I'm sure you remember when we started turning tricks on Santa Monica Boulevard we're all a bit alarmed one direction - you brought there frequents the neighborhood like that somebody's gonna have to say this town [Music] it hits me in the ear okay where are my pants over here scared Jim but the one thing we don't kill freaking anything right Chuck Norris anyways let's say you're right who would want virgins yeah me experience [Music] as a bottle of old shirt you in a cabinet Micra pasta [Music] I'm Dean's nose like a stupid thing on the first freakin try [Music] no one's even seen God the whole thing remains mysterious what are you doing to my foot new pages no what yeah oh we skipped right past a whole bunch I mean yeah Jared kept me on hold that day but it's not something that happens too often is I mean every three days or so I'm gonna hold for ten minutes twenty minutes but you know I get other things done you know in that time and frankly just it comes with the territory you know you signed on for a job like this you're gonna sign on to deal with some real big big big enormous Lee's fat boos and you just try and roll with it as much as possible I just feel like the more I work out and just eat protein get sleep by now with the kids I really got to make sure Jim and the babies stay on my way so I can sleep so my body can properly properly I mean you know where I was my first my first season of supernatural oh my no I don't remember that far back I was just saying yesterday I love them the gang cradle that it was his second episode where Jared like he was shirtless and Jared was just like running his claws over the poor house when he was getting the tattoo yeah it didn't take long for things to go south we are thinking something like this right about here pain is a part of the complete human experience accepting it as a sign of maturity well because he he is uh he tries to be professional which which is not necessarily a trait that is utilized on our concept often and so we had this young young man coming on and being professional and also made it at the same time and Jared just sees an open opportunity because that's all it is is just basically it's a decent target easy red easy red easy bright and it was there's so many times when I've seen Alex do this you know how many times I've seen you do that [Applause] it feels good to pass the baton of it does not unfortunately the two of us are just now carrying the baton together basically did Jerry have I'll carry the other half it's I will say though that he's he's a delightful addition to the series nobody sticks around for a while you probably won't because I I thought the exact opposite about this one he's now been with us for myself ooh good start because I'm on TV as you said drink and hope we can find a better way [Music] fifteen delta T three [Music] don't want you now we can use that we can set a trap oh well now you want to use me as bait we don't want to use you as bait we have the opportunity to take out the entire Thule High Command in one shot that's nice here it sounds here what what language are you speaking I told you I think it's the espresso [Music] genius on my euro [Music] give it something to smell coming yes yes Ashley the Easter Bunny is a pagan fertility symbol it's just so weird I'm kind of scared she does come on now that works willing to take that chance are we gonna are we take that chance so let's say let's say Bobby was was working a job he's looking into the docks death in the alien I'm just explaining the yellow snake to come round I'm gonna get the last one this is looks wedding sounds here are my eyes vibrating this is like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] it sounds smell town I'll say big great you guys want to use me as bait don't want to use you as bait you'll report to me seriously I don't like it any more than you do I'd much rather be with your mother hunting for chupacabra in Texas Oh what catch chupacabra what was that Chupacabra chupacabra Chupacabra chupacabra Chupacabra chupacabra Chupacabra all right so let's see the dark all right so let's say Bob yawns [Laughter] I'm looking at a good doctor myself love some mouthwash my girl you take enough of it with enough practice you become a regular Freddie Prinze jr. seriously I got one line this Sandara oh sorry really the light holy blonde cheerleader Batman mr. gravy boat this dream root of serious mojo if you take enough of it with enough practice you can become a regular pretty friends like a bad impression of somebody doing a bad impression [Laughter] your speaks afresh to me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did you start at the man joke all you want smartass but I know the truth [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] doesn't wanna say Chupacabra chupacabra took a tickle a bra a net chupa chups chupa chupa chupa chupa popper can't catch a break on this show they just sort of handcuffed Leena everything can't catch a break can't catch a break not long locked up in the back of the fake police car [Music] [Laughter] it does not set you for cover I don't know is it's probably a line here so Lilydale has long embraced I'm sorry there's tea then it has to be a lock and when we find the lock we can get the weapons and then we can have the weapons and the lock locks will have locked up I imagine because we don't fit a ton of course the initial keel we need to get all three of that grab I'm gonna need to do that again I need you try faked morons yes see [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we were so close fYI whoa last time you sat me someplace I didn't poop or a week passed [ __ ] my ass but Bart bass what stunk up the car like you wouldn't believe we're gonna have a good time for posture somebody's gonna have to say this bad a minute no we don't even need to be here for this this is entertaining oh you're here I'll go away my sleeves are up it's a nasal it's like you new shirt yeah good night everybody let's go be the good guys [Music] you [Music] you need to stick with a kid yeah Casey you know yep Casey yeah yep all right here we go [ __ ] it lock it up we are thinking something like this right about here and you're cool everybody like we're good to go really yeah sure you're the old Alabama [ __ ] pretty sure she's in there it's me in the ear [Music] confetti it's a parade [Music] outside so sir why are you having my dreams dude I think you're having - this Bobby's entrance that way tell anyone no one's even seen God the whole thing remains mysterious what are you doing to my foot they put out new pages what yeah oh we skipped right past the whole budget but I was going it I need you to let me touch it touch it touch it touch it touch it touch it touch it touch it I have to do it very gingerly keep both hands on the wheel well I'm sure you remember when we started turning tricks on Santa Monica Boulevard we're all a bit alarmed your brother frequence than a brother Jared Padalecki it's a monster guys yep if we don't know I don't know every scared I skip the line and then I'm backwards we're told this is part of this this is the rewrites these are that do I'll do I'm really confused too and do a panel of a kind being guess and then before the fascia [Music] I need you to let me touch it hey bruh and it still does face looks like why would you read it to me upside down where they have an angel tablet in this world that one got me he's gone yeah let's keep looking found him no no I'll handle it and you just you stick with a kid if they see you know okay um see instead castle what about Jack I'm sorry he's alive I guess touch it this yes oh oh that's know him yeah clear the castles on top Jared Padalecki it's a monster hold on we're gonna pop them in the hole see there's a box and that's in the hole sorry [Music] Sam come on man yeah this will be hilarious [Music] [Music] newsflash a spud stoked up the car like you wouldn't believe we're gonna have a good time [Music] it's like gasoline [Music] did I skip if we don't know I don't know if it scared I skip the line in our backwards we're told this is part of this this is the rewrites these are that do I'll do I've really confused - and being guess before the fake we show good you right up coming right now [Music] so I jerk off jumping onto the ground and then I get my shot in the face oh oh right there [Music] you stick with the Katie Casey so not fair because they don't see what you're doing and they just thinking I'm fresh it's only a matter of time before Lucifer's at full power and then we're all bound we've burned enough our team has hmm why are you blushing catcher oh you've popped up with will wolves it's the pronunciation yeah this who's brother that's that's him that's date matters holy crap what that's Dave Mathers just happens Dave matters yeah cowboy outlaw member of the Dodge City game family's useful we are first right there okay [Music] run [Music] I walked up and down stairs all night for some reason I'm sore not a great Wu last time you sat me someplace I didn't poop or a week he'd better Scotch to cover that fog this is fun so the character in the show Bobby singer kind of douchebag names a character after himself did you know about this if I say it's genius plan on how to jam the devil back in the box circuit isn't a [Music] why are you having my dreams dude I think you're having you walking with agents page and I don't make the gag reel you shold any itching powder boy joy boys there's a foot on my right now just FYI water what about the ghoul I can stay there I'll handle that sad you need to be with the kid in KC you know great okay join your little band of merry men we're brothers we're a band of brothers is this the part where I shoot myself in the face we gotta find him fast yeah I should say what the hell is this there's no toilet in the armory they could just poop on the floor I'm tired of cleaning up poop on the floor Dean your mother is the one who killed it mm-hmm he deserved it all over this place I'm just like you probably gotta do hmm why sounds like this yeah this would be something of a Hail Mary it's a sports term like slam dunk or hot ball handler you call like ball handler hey what's up all right take it back to the ball Hey look yeah somebody restraining him ball handler he's still there huh it sucks it sucks I know okay hold on I got this you made a friend [Music] [Applause] you know maybe we should wait till she gets back she said she's on the road okay she's like two shakes out so smell him stewing in his own juices there's a terrible take yeah for you I was doing good you didn't do anything oh great man my line was brilliant my acting yeah but you know what you were so bad gave me bit [Music] okay you come in to you we go my god okay now I'm at home that's too but that's a giveaway it's too I mean you really want to rather smell them Stewart his own feces yeah I like his species well oh you're nuts Bob Bobby ah yeah we're trying to work here you are so close please give me a focus [Music] I'm sorry I really miss whoa who puts a three gallon aquarium aight whele no flood gonna have the couch if you want I don't sleep much I don't sleep at all begins we died in 1886 the year after 1885 historians still argue he's right something Bad's coming no no no did he say anything about her mom look you would take that line for me sure yeah did you second thing a better mom this is it from yesterday before the deputy was killed hold on who's driving that's baby driver Holden who's driving that's main driver getting worse not better that's the problem hey it never gets better [Laughter] [Music] confetti it's a parade he lied to us he used us he cracked your gourd like his he lied to us he it's if you could see his face I can't look at you I can't look at him then you don't get the over [Music] [Music] Catherine what seafood look Scott Scott so let me guess you touch something that he shouldn't touch another man's Weiner last hope of definitely the last hope must hope for them no I can't intercept Dean I really need to hear [Laughter] well Daniels on the show and this question is for charity because come on they were holding her [Laughter] [Applause] exactly perfect is that work all right here we go yeah now they're all laughing here we go cassia's never shoulders moving these shoulders can wait it okay it's fuzzy it's good okay all right here we go [Music] bastards you try fake points yeah see the hell is wrong with you the mark the mark got moved over a little bit but the table didn't pretty not so much view [Music] monsters I could hear you guys alright this is torture so many people laughing and now I'm crying for like an unfriendly rivalry a guy named slim jim morgan like wayne he was pretty well known in the competitive eating circuit was that a big deal around here oh yeah you betcha folks take it real seriously sorry oh yeah obviously stupid we were the best and when it's your time go it'll be somebody else's turn to save the world sorry enough sappy faces listen rufus kept a bullet Forge in the basement thanks Bobby welcome supernatural scene 36 take one marker action Balthazar is no hero but he knows Raphael will never take him back Trott hello so I'm afraid and I really love the nicknames it's firm and I chiefly because moose and the Australians are really funny word for the team of the school and we will have to challenge you to try to pronounce it yes [Applause] Oh all players well there's [Applause] Hey [Applause] [Applause] chances because we have no other choice that's my cue line no it's we're not gonna be able to use any of that frigging suburbs man she's not a wish ever use it thank you okay everybody me daddy yeah oh yeah no I know I love you too I didn't say I know what you wanted to say it I don't know is this okay that I'm in your shot no no you can do it say oh no no you love me I [Music] yeah you know what don't worry about it I know what you leave I'm gonna put this down no no I'm gonna hit you again okay girl let's does that still hurt hard okay it doesn't hurt here okay does it hurt funny here here you go Invisible Girl keep an eye on hear me good my friend okay it's our name for the burglary that's been running us okay what do we do now oh you don't do check all right Sam and me would in hospital see if anyone had told me in drama school that this is what it was gonna be like I just wanted to say that I see how hard life can be oh it's hard I mean he barely shows but I know it's hard to understand I need your help brother my god that's a lot of questions and if she says she's gonna Chinese chair you call me but if she has a Chinese chair call me Here I am if you don't want my help then I will follow Josiah to Colorado I have to do something Dean if you don't want my help then I will to Colorado I don't like working with you [Music] if they're not old enough when you're alone with the watch Danny on the TV show holding coffee well instant steps or yes then we'll know that it's not real [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] courtesy laugh [Applause] thank you for planning my wife's demise let's go back there's a key there must still be a lock god there's there has to be a lock and when we find the lock we can get the weapons and then we can have the weapons hey guys here and mine just give me a slow death well that's not what I want [Music] [Music] no no I'm having a hard time right now because charts taking his pants off so far get it out get out and the lock loss will have locked up I'm a genomic has to be open at the end of course the initial keel but we need to get all three of that crap we initially had the weapons with the we need to get all three of that crap she's alive how's mom she's alive [Applause] you know Jensen punished she were alive why would you say that she died well it's here you got a tear Oh Peter that's so good so we all know you're Jensen and Jared's favorite target for anything so what do you think the worst thing is might be yeah like he might be there's something about the fresh meat aspect yeah I think that maybe I'm alone it's not it's not fun for them anymore because they know how easy of a target I am sure no he's pretty easy too though it's kind of fun not being the target I'm assuming they still did stuff to you this year so what do you think the worst thing they did you was this year like filming this year wasn't that bad I mean there's definitely a worst moment for sure and it was the very first scene I filmed and it was very nicely captured on the gag reel we just saw that we just they said the gag reel to us as a formality we have to approve it as if we're ever going to say I don't want me to put that thing in there maybe it looks stupid so we always of course approve it but it has this one scene where Castiel is by the way the beginning of the season was very challenging for me to shoot I had about three days of shooting in the first seven weeks and no lines so Castiel is dead on the table and Dean teary-eyed and still trying to flex his muscles draws the sheet over my dead face it's a somber moment I as the actor under the sheet have one job which is to try and hold my breath so it doesn't look like she's like this 50-50 chance I felt like I could keep going further on that side what's happening an atrocity is everything it seems like they should stop [Music] [Applause] aim stocks around the table filled with raw emotion still try to flex his muscles and then he slaps me in the balls and of course I knew something was gonna happen and it's a very terrifying thing because I'm deprived of the sense of sight at that moment I can't see what's happening except for I can I can hear this creaking lurking me flexing you know just talking right next to the table and I know something is coming but I don't know what it is and I'm just trying to hold my breath and then WHAM and I shut up like the worst part about that for me was that that was the first take and so we had multiple takes after that where my heart was just pounding I was like you know I try to live it the sheet like you know why why is the corpse I thank you thank you about that thank you for thank you for making me relive that place work unimaginable evil emanation creatures too wicked for the pizza [Music] I think we should he's he's trying to pretend like there's going to be some sort of coalition against us the deal is going to help like come in here you know do a few reps before a big scene get the blood flowing it's up something you know the world we're all pretty fit and I guess that's part of the job but it also helps you guy think yeah emotionally you know in the right headspace for big scenes so anyway yeah but no she's just she's she's trickier than that she's gonna lower everybody in and then just run I think we should might be bright enough to also realize that she's not gonna be there every time he's there no so if he teams up with anybody against us that he's alone easy prey anyway should've done it I shouldn't have taken him out man I knew he was gonna get worse regardless you know it was too risky yeah but Dean your life all of it flying Legionnaire drinking the tap water and Flint Michigan going to a party with Brett Kavanaugh predict some Botswana opening a text message from adjacent eating the cheese in Peru cutting the cheese on set this is gonna make you stronger okay well unemployable trusting a fart after 40 you know that right meet you he has been 40 for four years by your enemies fight like real really okay sorry the bloopers of using their to my favorite I'm just sorry try that again with my ear your ears a little greasy excuse me tails really weird you know that I like it you're softer than I expected okay she sent this message Ruth is laughing I I don't know why I don't know what's funny about this you can have the couch if you want I don't sleep much I I don't sleep at all you can think feathers here for that one that was Dean that was an accident it's nice that it's an accident oh can you discuss your preparation process as an actor I think I bring a lot of just gravitas of a guy who's been through so much you know I grew up I didn't grow up with super wealthy parents I kind of grew up tough life you know my parents are still married and they're both college-educated you know we had a house and I had my own room and stuff and you know I always had a car look at the school but other than that just feels like the way I grew up with hard knocks and the barrio some people say I feel like you can sense it there's a lot of wisdom in these eyes I mean I didn't pause it there on purpose but we can kind of see it's it's it's sadness its strength its vulnerability pay big emotional see I got a trick for this Amana that really helps with these emotional things dad no my dad dumped you Morgan Shepherd noted Shakespearean actor you know yes well he used to beat me with the leather strap while I recited passages from the Scott spike yes miss cosplay sir anytime any of the words from that play I just are you yeah thanks for the guys hey thank you call me sir I'll feel like Sam call me Sam [Applause] dick [Music] now there are some funny so it makes me laugh because for years it was Jensen and me teasing me shimmer season four five six seven eight nine ten eleven well then Alexander came on season 13 and Misha is like finally new victim and every Donegan is a funny thing that's Dave my others just have happened Dave Mathers yeah cowboy outlaw member of the Dodge City game right we died in 1886 the year after 1885 historians still arguable make a joke and looked at Jensen at me no but yeah the hazing of Alex has gone way too far but ill continue and he's a great sport about it this white person asked before he goes to bed an adult oh yeah and let's just say in you know as I don't think it's any secret that Jack's vessel has well his the the his being has gone through some traumatic changes in the end of last season that picks up every right and that picks up the beginning of season 14 and his vessel was having its difficulties adjusting to his circumstances and so he's every challenges you know it's like almost like getting very very sick and let's just say he collapsed a few times his characterization collapses a few times in this episode of the Vita's film which of course him hitting the floor is is just a green light for a doctor so it's just all central for the entire episode and he's not a big guy we are [Music] but the funny thing is Misha jumping into is so excited to be on this side he was like this really sounds like the first have nothing for Ellen sees he's gonna he's gonna need to see not only a doctor but therapist as well yeah after about the fourth or fifth tape he started like full defensive positions on the floor yeah and in our stunt coordinator had to come in and start helping defend him it's it's not professional and hopefully you guys enjoy this him Arabic a concerted effort to when something goofy or silly happens we make sure to say fits with what they call action and they start rolling when they call cut let's say even retakes of a scene though usually we can print the one or two or three of let's even six takes right the red ones are the best ones and but you know once something went wrong the lighting was wrong or Whedon remarks or underlines and sometimes there's a goofy one but they have to say to the script supervisor make sure print take three even if it's just uh goofing around so you've both been like hey ignition print that so if you party Gabrielle my goal for this season there's nothing to our Gabrielle turn back and Jared has sliced my credit card in half so this is not an on-set prank this is them Frankie my real life now just here bear with me for a sec yeah this would be something of a Hail Mary it's a sports term like slam dunk or ball handler you call like a ball handler hey what's up all right take it back to the ball here butch yeah somebody restraining him ball handler he's still there huh this is the actual app that I've been too lazy to get rid of so yeah that's the best I got for you thanks Jared [Applause] now as an actor are you at all intimidated to work with Jared no no no he's a teddy bear he's a big big floppy eared dopey teddy bear he's not gonna see any this is he I wouldn't necessarily call Jensen difficult as much as I would call him fragile there's been more than one time I've gone to his trailer expected to be greeted by a shoe flung at me or a bottle of whiskey flowing at me but more often than not I'm just met by him in a bathrobe and a mud mask so it's just a tricky sort of deal dealing with Jensen who's uh not exactly the team we've come to know and love let me tell you about this real quick so this is an algae is a live algae what this is gonna do was this is gonna start to to kill all the bad stuff that's inside you yeah yeah he sent it a little sensitive on the inside yes yes he spends a lot of time doing Taichi and he likes a vegan diet and and he reads probably more poetry than the fans would expect it's key element it's really rinsing everything out getting your Chi getting I know people talk about it but it's true I can't employ tell us who is Jensen Ackles really uh well you know born born and raised in Texas and proud of it moved out to California to teach those Californians a thing or two about being a man somehow I ended up on a TV show I'm not quite sure how but I don't they said I get to play with guns and do cool things and save women and drive a cool car listen to rock music I'm like well that's pretty much me anyway so let's do this it's getting worse not better that's the problem okay it never gets better [Laughter] awesome that's awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Wayward Winchester
Views: 1,341,637
Rating: 4.9323125 out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural Season 1 15 FULL GAG REEL Funniest Supernatural Bloopers, supernatural full gag reel, supernatural gag reel, supernatural bloopers, Supernatural Funny Bloopers, supernatural behind the scenes, Supernatural Season 15 GAG REEL, supernatural season 13 gag reel, supernatural season 14 gag reel, supernatural season 15, supernatural season 12 gag reel, Supernatural, scoobynatural behind the scenes, misha collins funny bloopers, Jared Padalecki, j2, Jensen Ackles, dean, sam, Cas
Id: gGaAiZBR4aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 43sec (10843 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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