Solving The Sherlock Holmes Camera Puzzle - Level 8

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yo what's up and welcome back today's puzzle we're looking at another creation by ID Venture they've made a ton of escape room style puzzle boxes in the past and we've reviewed a bunch of them but now this one in particular is their most complex complete and unique puzzle to date this is Sherlock's camera available now on Kickstarter if you guys want to go check it out I left the link below but before you do that like this video subscribe and let's get into solving Sherlock Holmes's camera the Sherlock's home camera probably the most intricate of all the ID Venture puzzles I've ever come across this one currently like I said on Kickstarter it's got so many moving elements and I love the integration of the plastic mixed with the wood it just makes it seem a little bit more solid um yeah we got so much to look at here I don't even know where to start so let's just begin um let's take a look at every side and inspect so we got like some type of Zoe Trope here which is like the early origins of film on this side here we got the lens obviously and this can be turned I guess to focus there's an arrow as well right there over here we've got this knob and it says start so I guess that's where we'll begin and there's a bunch of beads here and then on the top you can align I don't even know there's so many things to look at this all this we've got these swinging pendulums over here little symbols everywhere arrows on these tabs over here as well we've got this which seems to rotate depending on where oh cool so depending on which corner I go to it can rotate those symbols I guess we gotta match up the people to those symbols and something I've seen right where was it right here see we've got these little symbols here so I guess that'll all come into play um and on the bottom we've got this as well which is currently locked so much to look at so let's start here this is where it says start okay let's go this way all right so we're going this way oh and this this has to be unlocked I see foreign oh so check out the beads that are under there I gotta make room for those to drop down that's my guess here so right there that should I gotta get one more over there and that should be able to drop down can I spin that oh that did work the spin move so I spun it and the centrifugal force actually propelled the beads to the ends allowing this to drop down what a cool mechanism so now this now that that's done how does this open huh here we go that is now extracted okay oh I had to line up the times nice how cool so it would have been I would have been right about there or something like that okay now that that's unlocked we've got an I here and an arrow pointing in there so I'm guessing I don't know if this is the way I have to go right now there's so many things to look at hmm okay so now that that's done what does that unlock now this made that go this way oh this little arrow here this little arrow can be completed with uh with that so I guess that's what we have to do I'm not sure this can freely rotate this can go side to side as well stopping that I have this which is a magnet not sure what to do with it yet but there are little magnets on the inside here lots of things going on really hard to really hard to try and figure out what what the next move is here because there's so many things that are just being presented to me oh wait what is this this says this has to be pushed in there's an arrow here oh there's an arrow and it had like uh flames on the end so I expected all right maybe I gotta push it strong and I guess it unhinged the magnet which then shot this out which is very cool very cool mechanism all right but that being said now this has to be pushed in sure not sure why or where okay so that's good we got a few things out of here uh does this need to be used anywhere sometimes these tools can be reused we got an on off button here which I guess will eventually have to turn on all right under here as well there seems to be a cog symbol right down there not sure what that's attached to quite yet and this as well has got to move out of the way somehow it's being blocked by this what's this being blocked by this says to push in uh so this has to go through I see so as soon as I pull this back then this is free to push through here allowing the space to open I'm not sure what else that's going to accomplish but I think whatever this is here is blocking that so maybe we just move forward try to find a different uh approach so I noticed they have different ties different mustaches and different headpieces and here we have an option of different ties different mustaches and headpieces so maybe we're trying to find uh the culprit here I think that might be what we're trying to do which is pretty cool can this be used at any point if it can be used it'll it'll probably show me a similar symbol so I have a camera symbol here where did I see that before okay down here ah [Music] here ah check that out always got to be attentive to all the symbols oh it wants to move so this does go in there there is something blocking it however I guess it might be this or I have to turn it on first but yeah this definitely is going to be the tool as you can see it's already moving that Zoe Trope up there so this is going to be the tool to end up moving that to match the camera up to the camera now this is this still relevant there's all these extra symbols as well all these symbols which lead to these ones here so depending on the crime and the person who committed the crime it's going to give us some type of combination that'll let us open that section and this is a some type of time that we have to adjust maybe we can even we can even use this to adjust it okay maybe this is the time that we have to look for Here wherever that arrow is different types of arrows though I'm sure where to go next I think this and this but why does it say to look through there there is a small opening and is that what the eye symbol is for so that I look through that small opening this feels like the final compartment okay let's try this hats oh I can't move this one huh aha I push this down and there's a tiny symbol that appears right there and is this where this goes in oh I don't want to lose that in there but this no okay so we got a symbol now that I push this down does that free anything up okay so what is that symbol this is and that by the way is coming from here there's like a small dotted line that was coming from the mustache and it's going to there which is showing us a symbol here and then it's also opening this Gap and I feel like that's important that that gap's opened but I also don't want to just randomly lose a piece in there you know okay so if that's the where else are we seeing the symbol let's have a look at that not here no wait is this the symbol oh man there's so many things to look at I'm getting distracted by like each and every tiny uh component of this puzzle I just wish I knew where to go next because this here gives me gives me a symbol and I just I haven't found that symbol yet oh it's here wait a second so does that mean I don't understand what those two symbols have to do with one another the only thing I can guess is that this maybe comes out and then I use that very same symbol to push it in that hole because otherwise I don't think they're connected am I looking for a specific time here there's this Arrow can we find this Arrow here ah there it is it's that one what does that mean the arrow is pointing there now does that give us a Time two that's clearly the same Arrow I don't know if that's a coincidence but this arrow is now the same as this one does this give us something it's at 12 o'clock or is that six o'clock or three o'clock wait if that's two o'clock it's hard to tell because here the back of the arrow has these beads and so does this Arrow here so that might be the long hand or that is the shorthand all right this definitely has to point some way that this can be released and this is the clue I just don't understand how to translate this clue onto this here that's what I'm failing to see aha so it is connected that is out is it all the way out it is not all the way out so [Music] I haven't found the correct time there we go all right now that that's pulled back oh there's a magnet on there oh and now it reveals an eye because this was pulled out like this this is and now it's in now there's an eye so I guess I got to go towards the eye and there's a mirror on the inside have a look at that there's a picture of a diamond right there it's like two mirrors reflecting this uh this image of a diamond right there so we have a diamond that is good okay so I guess we go to the diamond which uh the only Diamond I see are the ones that are here on these little symbols okay this side seems to be complete we have a diamond what to do with that information now that we have a diamond we still have this to work with here is there a suspect that we can pin the diamond on on those little images maybe that's the next move here since we have a diamond what does that mean oh I can move this and it moves the mirror ah so if I move it to here that's when I see the diamond so this is a clue is there also a mirror over here okay well we know that whoever is wearing wearing that has the diamond so it could be it's definitely this person so I wish I'll put the diamond there diamond on this person because he has that scarf now I guess we have to find out who the other people are and what they've done so that is part one solved I guess we move on to the next one which entirely sure so this has to be some type of clue as well all these little beads on these lines here not exactly sure what that represents but I'm sure I have to Circle them with these little circles here and that'll give me you know once I find the correct combination that'll allow maybe this to come out further ah that relates to this quite obviously okay these shapes here look a lot like the shapes that are here when did this Fallout what is this was this year the whole time hold on a second this has the same symbol AS this here where was this this was here oh this just fell out like this it was just in there ah okay so now good good good good now I go here [Music] aha there we go [Music] beard where's that pointing to it's pointing to here pull this down where was it was it here or was it here because I can change this now what does that do though okay we got beard or mustache stash guys here beard guys here also mustache guy oh mustache and necktie guy if I line all these up they actually line up to these money symbols and this ring uh the ring with the diamond the money with the cash the gun with the gun and the medicine with the blood okay what does that do now that I have all that information [Music] oh foreign so this definitely wants to come out um because I've lined them all properly see all those little symbols this matches the money symbol the diamond matches the diamond ring the oh no this one has to be the target so what is that what is the target then which symbol is a target it's gonna either be the gun or the bomb oh it's the gun and over here is the bomb but there's a bomb over here set that to bump there we go now I think if I line them all up just like this that'll be able to come out yes cool [Music] okay [Music] Wild on the inside here we have a little well it looks like a spinning Cog symbol and that spinning Cog symbol looks like it might be connected to that on the inside there as you can see right there but I can't turn it something's blocking it there is a peg blocking it there we go oh there we go so now now I have to rotate this because I can push this in right here [Music] and then once that's pushed in I can lock it into place like that and now it says on ah it says on which means yes we can turn the camera on now if we can turn the camera on does that mean oh cool [Music] how cool is that that doesn't come out further than that oh is this a tool we needed hold on that looks a lot like the tool here so it goes in like that oh got it there's a little lever on the inside here woohoo okay okay this is all part of the Zoe trope oh and there's like I got to put them in the right configuration take them all out here for a sec okay so it looks like if you look at the drawing there looks like every symbol is like attached to another one right like every person [Music] some I just have to find the right arrangement [Music] and stand arms a lot okay so part of their body parts oh okay it shows you like see here there's like two feet so maybe the only one that touches with two feet on the ground all right well I guess the ground is this way right looks like the first one here he looks like he's touching with two feet and he's jumping in the air with two feet the next guy is touching with two hands and his head okay so let's look at we had two feet and then two hands and his head okay it's these two here so it's going this way two feet let's see which one that was he's kind of like he's this guy so this guy goes with a two feet are is my guess bam okay next up use the guy with two hands and his head and when he's in the air he looks like this guy he's upside down next guy touches two hands to the ground foreign that's the guy at the very end in the air he's kind of doing he's kind of doing this here why is it this is this okay so this guy's the guy with the two hands which is there he's touching the ground there okay um only one hand and head one hand and head touching the ground that's the middle guy there as you can see okay and in the air he is this guy hey if this is a solution this is pretty cool just make sure here so that guy is this guy all right what's that a hand and you know what okay we got one foot let's just see the guy at the one foot since that's pretty clear it looks like the third guy here and in the air it's this guy so this goes this way and then this one obviously would be the last one which would be here oh and now this moves freely oh there we go this wasn't lodged in properly oh cool okay now this comes out what do we have here looks like fingerprints analysis okay hold on how can this just come out what is this oh that's so cool it's fingerprints and I have to look for the correct one I'm guessing oh man that's so cool is that the uh it can't be the end of the puzzle I guess I have to look for the fingerprint here uh and then maybe it gives me a clue I'm gonna bring this in here maybe this will help out a little bit one two three four it does help out actually a lot okay so maybe we're looking maybe this is a combination lock because there are four layers here and there are a bunch of these symbols so maybe I gotta look for these symbols here so in the first one in the middle you see a kind of like Circle type type thingy it's very tiny second one's kind of like a V but like oh maybe it's like the waves here so maybe we go to the waves third one is kind of I feel like it's kind of like this one and then the fourth one is this one right now oh let's go best detective and it's reflecting my own face very cool dude this was so cool a little hard to see uh probably could use a magnifying glass but what a cool little idea to incorporate a negative into there man all right um my final thoughts on this puzzle coming up all right hot bang here we go this was pretty cool um as far as ID Ventures puzzles go this one definitely Takes the Cake I would say definitely worth purchasing if you were looking into getting it a couple of unique mechanisms and features that this puzzle box have has that I haven't seen before one obviously being the Zoe Trope which is very cool and this here as well which is acting as the sort of Zoe Trope with these little figures here I thought that puzzle was really really unique the first puzzle was was great which is a spinning I didn't so much understand the clock puzzle and kind of forced my way through it but past that I did find it very entertaining to you know decipher this code with the different people and and what they had to do with the crimes and whatnot this last one this last one I thought was the most interesting concept however uh it was a little hard to read the fingerprints and some of these parts are sort of damaged and it's really hard to sort of see if they supplied us with a magnifying glass of some type I think that would be greatly appreciated albeit a magnifying glass made of wood and a little bit of glass that is compartmentalized in in this box as an extra feature I thought would have been really cool that being said though I think you know as far as original that being said as far as originality goes this is like a 9 out of 10 and as far as solving goes I give it like an eight and difficulty maybe maybe also seven and a half eight out of ten all in all probably took me about an hour and a half to two hours to complete pretty cool puzzle let me know what you guys think in the comments below and we'll see on the next video peace
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 351,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: dOPn3aXKO0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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