The Power Of Consistency - Stephanie Ike

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hey family i'm pastor torre i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being a blessing to people practically we love you get into this message gonna change your life [Music] hallelujah family i am so excited to be with you today for activate and wherever you are i just want you to let me know in the chat where you're watching from i know that this is a global movement and we're impacting the lives of so many and so let us know in the chat where you're tuning in from i'm excited today because we're going to piggyback off from where i left off when i was last with you and i recently did a message on help my mind is a mess and one of the key things that we took away from that message is that we got on this activate 21 challenge it's a 21 day fast it's a mental fast that might sound different for some people but it's a mental fast when we're saying you know what lord during this 21 days i'm gonna fast my insecurities i'm gonna fast my doubt i'm gonna fast my excuses i'm gonna fast whatever makes me feel unworthy i'm fasting that right because you see we i talked about how fear often has many faces and those are the different faces that fear can come sometimes come and present itself in our lives when we feel like god gives you this vision god gives you a dream and you're like god i feel unworthy and that the root of that is fear but i want you to watch the message if you haven't then you should go back to it after this not right now but go back to it and i want you to watch that and join us in the activate 21 challenge because you see the truth about life is that you can have a knowledge about what god knows about you you could have a revelation about who god says you are but it's one thing to have a revelation and it's another thing to walk in it you know when i was praying for this message there was someone in particular and for different people it might look different but there was someone in particular the lord showed me and for 10 years that you have been talking about the same thing that you're gonna do you've been saying it over and over you've been telling your friends your family members at this thing that god has showed you this and you're going to do this but for 10 years it's the same story and no action because every time the moment of opportunity comes up you the fear of like oh am i am i actually ready for this and you know am i really the one did god really say it cripples you and so when we are doing this 21 day fast we're saying lord you've spoken to me there are things about my life and my identity you've you've showed me lord but now it's time for me to walk it out and so we are walking in the direction of our fear that whatever it is that causes you to be crippled in the face of opportunity they were saying god i'm walking that thing now i'm fasting from anything that is toxic to my identity and so join us now the beauty of this is that this is going to create a rhythm of consistency in truth in our lives that we are going to start walking out who we are and be consistent in the truth because you see family the the reality about life is that all of us are consistent each and every one of us but either we are consistent in our excuses or we are consistent in our truth either we are consistent in in our fear and saying that you know what lord i'm just going to hide on this one i'm not ready to call somebody else either that's our consistency or that we are the type of people that when god puts a vision in your heart when god reveals a word to you that you are consistent in walking it out that when you're the when you're saying that god i want to know you better i want to know you more who are you lord jesus that your consistency can reveal that this is what your heart is really after that you're the person who is seeking the face of god every single day not just in the moments when you feel good but every single day there is consistency about your life you see there was a man in the bible named daniel and it was said of daniel that he is one who carries this an excellent spirit in him and if you have never studied about daniel's life i want you to read about it because there is something about his relationship with jesus that is so beautiful but daniel was a man of consistency you know it's so interesting you see there was a moment where the people who were looking for something against him and the only thing they could find is what he's consistent in they're like look you know what this man every single day at this time of the day three times a day he is praying to his god maybe we can use this as an angle to to knock him out right and so they tell the king read this story if you're unfamiliar with this they tell the king at the time they're like look daniel is bowing down to a different god he's not bowing down to you he's now bowing down to your statues and all of that he's not bowing down to your god they're like surely if he continues anyone who continues in in this you know behavior he the king didn't even know they were talking about daniel but they thought they could trap daniel in the place of consistency right so they're like king whoever is walking out of life that is bowing down to any god except your god you should throw him in the lion's den daniel hears about this but what they didn't realize is that the place of consistency was the place of power for daniel that the place that he was seeking the lord every there was something that caused him to continue in his consistency that was a revelation about what he understood his prayer time meant it was the place of his power they missed it daniel hears about this he's like y'all are tripping because from this place of consistency i recognize that there is no lion there is nothing that could actually harm me and you know what happens they throw daniel in the den and the bible tells us that there was an angel of the lord that was sent to shut up the mouth of the lion power that comes through the place of consistency you see actually not too long ago i had a dream and in the dream the lord was teaching me the power of consistency in the dream this is just a very brief summary because it was much longer than this but in the dream there was a woman and the woman was having a conference right there were people everywhere and there was another lady who came to the conference but she had a walking stick and she's with this walking stick and and she could you know she's it she had a lot of problems with her legs so it was given her support so this woman sees her and she approaches her and she's like hey can i pray for you because you would be you know you're going to receive your healing right now and the woman is a bit like hey you know sure and so in this dream i'm in the dream but i'm watching the dream i'm observing the dream so sometimes some of you may relate to this there there are sometimes that there are dreams that i have where it's a teaching moment with the lord and so the lord is there and i'm watching the dream and i can ask him questions about what has taken place and so this woman goes to this lady she tells her to sit down the lady sits down on the floor and she you know she kneels over and prays for her leg and she takes this really dramatic right she takes the her walking stick and she you know flings it in the crowd and she tells the woman get up and walk and you will think this is like the story in the bible when the disciple told the man get up and walk you know silver and gold i don't have but what i have i give to you was like wow you know this is a movie and she tells this woman get up and walk and the woman gets up and the crowd they're they're cheering on and she gets up and she falls because she didn't receive her healing in that moment and so in order to rationalize the situation some people in the crowd are saying wow this this lady didn't have enough faith because everything that was available was available right now she didn't have enough faith and i understood in the dream that it was the desire of the lord it was the will of the lord for this woman to receive her healing that it was in the plan of god for her for her legs to be restored and so i asked the lord in the dream i said lord why isn't it that this woman received her healing what what happened and he said to me that the lady who prayed for her is without oil and i'm like lord are you saying she's not oily and he said that oil comes from the place of consistency in my presence but that this woman and this is a word he used that really stuck to me he said this particular woman that she only seeks me when it's time to perform and i said god what are you what are you saying and he began to break it down that the when she comes into my presence is when she has to prepare a message to speak at her conferences or things that have to do with her speaking before people but she it's not that being in my presence is not her norm it is what she does in order to perform even that word performance god did not see it as this is just the overflow of my relationship with you he looked at it as a performance he said she doesn't carry the anointing because oil is very symbolic to anointing she doesn't carry the anointing the power that is required to release and cause my will to be manifested in this other woman's life and i was shocked by this because i'm like lord so could it be that there are moments in life that your will the only reason that your will has not manifested is because what it what it requires is consistency to some degree whether it is consistency in the presence of god or consistency in the very thing that will cause his purpose to be manifested on the earth it could be consistency it could be your work ethic it could be consistency in doing the very thing connected to what god showed you and he began to show me that power is released in the place of consistency because you see even in the spiritual realm consistency attracts the spirit nature of what you're doing now to say this better when you are consistent in something when you're consistent in something that is is connected to the purpose of god your consistency attracts the help and the support of the holy spirit because god is not just looking at what you're saying he's looking the reason there should be some type of results that flows from your life to show that you are in agreement with him agreement is not just what happens when you say yes lord agreement is what happens when you actually move in the thing you see noah in the bible when the lord tells noah to build the ark it's one thing to say yes to building this ark but it's another thing to actually do the work when noah began to do the work all the help that was required because there's a scripture that there's a verse actually in that story that's another thing you should read there's a verse in that story that talks about how there was a moment when the lord said to him that the animals would come to you so two of its kind but they would come to you male and female what will cause all the animals that were created by god to be drawn to noah there was supernatural help behind the scenes to lead the animals to the ark when you are consistent in what god has called you to do all of a sudden the spirit of god will back it up it's the same thing actually that happens even when we see it go left because for for instance lust sometimes people say that i need to be rebuked from the spirit of lust because they found themselves in a in some type of bondage in some type of hold but the truth of the matter is that the spirit of lust did not come upon you the first day you were watching pornography or whatever may have you it's that's not when it happened because on the first day you did it it was your will you desired let me put this on the second day you did it it was your will speaking the third day the fourth day but all of a sudden when you're consistently doing this then all of a sudden the spirit connected to that would be would find itself oh this person is calling for me and that's what people find themselves now in a place of bondage that they they don't know what to come out of then now you actually need to deliver them from a spirit but sometimes it's not always a spiritual problem the spirit is connected to the action consistency but i'm going to talk about the power of god that also flows from the place of consistency that's my focus on today's message and so just like the dream that the lord showed me when he said stephanie i have a desire i have a purpose in this moment but where there is no consistency then my power cannot be revealed it's just like even with jesus there's a story in the book of mark i believe is mark 9 and there was a boy that the disciples of jesus could not heal and when they could not heal him they brought him to the lord the father brought him to the lord and he says your disciples couldn't heal the boy jesus prayed for him rebuked the spirit that was oppressing this child and when he rebuked the spirit the disciples later on said lord why is it that we could not cast out this evil spirit and the lord responded and he said because this kind only comes out by prayer and by fasting jesus was talking about a lifestyle he was not just talking about in the moment because there are times in life that something would confront you and you don't have the time to go on a three-day fast you don't have the time to search for a prayer closet you have to speak to it right there and then but the power that is released in that moment is the evidence of where you have been consistent in and so it was not that it was not the will of the father for this boy to be healed but that someone had to carry enough measure of power to release his breakthrough that's another topic but we see this even in the word jesus didn't say you know you couldn't do this because of something else he said this kind comes out by prayer and fasting there is a lifestyle of commitment of surrender that this requires consistency and so i want us to read this scripture in galatians galatians 6 9 and for those watching my my message for today is the power of consistency if i have not said that but maybe you caught on but there's a scripture galatians 6 9 and let's read it together it says and let us not grow wary while doing good for reduced season we shall reap if we do not lose heart let us not grow wary while doing good but in due season in due time we would reap a harvest if we do not lose heart you see i recently read a quote that really struck me and it talked about how weariness is the anxious outcome and i'm like wow wariness is an anxious outcome this this is really interesting and then it dawned on me that when you are when you find yourself in this place of uncertainty or anxiety about the outcome of what it is that you're doing then wariness kicks in because if all the effort and the work that i'm putting into a project if all the effort and the work that i'm putting into this thing that god said and all of a sudden i find myself and i'm like god i don't know what's going to come out of this i don't know if anything i start dealing with uncertainty then weariness kicks in and this is not the type of weariness that causes physical exhaustion no this is the kind of weariness that causes you to become inconsistent you may feel like no i'm not the one who i'm someone who when i when i have a goal in mind i go after it but your actions reveal your truth if you find yourself week one you've been working on that thing you were motivated about that thing week two you started finding ways to you know put make excuses and and have the excuses validate what is happening i've just been so busy you know you know if you're not busy to brush your teeth you are not busy to do the things that the lord has called you to do because when you value something when you see the value of something you make time for it i believe and i'm really believing this i really believe this in my whole heart that everyone watching values good hygiene right and so because you value good hygiene when you wake up it doesn't matter how busy your day is you find time to brush your teeth right to take a shower with soap and water right we do this because we value good hygiene you're never too busy to not take a shower you're never too busy to not brush your teeth it's just it doesn't happen even in my country right there are times in our in my country in nigeria where maybe the water stops running but you would go downstairs you will go wherever you need to go and find water because you value good hygiene the same thing so when we find ourselves in this place of inconsistency then our value has shifted all of a sudden we start questioning is it really worth it whether you're questioning that consciously or subconsciously and i get it because for one look at the culture we are in our society celebrates overnight success and not the process that it took we don't celebrate the fact that it took someone 20 years to become an overnight success but we celebrate the moment of wow where did they come from look at that they went viral and now we build our whole lives on going viral that lord all i just need to do is do this one video and you will cause it to go viral i just need to do this one thing and because you are with me imma go viral that's not how it works consistency there was consistent effort but you see what i love about this scripture is that it it's not i mean we we still have our human nature it's not telling us that look in life being wary is a sin it's not saying that because it's it's normal to a degree or it's expected to a degree that when you are not seeing results of something that it's normal to sometimes feel discouraged like god i really hope this is going to work out i really hope that something is going to come out of that i know i've had those moments and the lord will comfort me in that time and say look my daughter i'm with you so it's it's normal to have these moments of saying that lord i feel weary in this time but do not grow in it that yes you can have the experience of wariness but don't grow in it and i began to seek the lord and how do we come to that place where we are like okay i experienced this moment of of questioning what can come out of this i've experienced this moment of uncertainty how do i get to the place of not growing in it and i began to understand this that you see consistency the fruit of consistency is not immediate it's not the moment you become consistent it's like you know after seven days or seven months you may not see results it's not immediate and oftentimes we are pulling strength from results and it's normal right when you have results you find yourself motivated when you see the results of your hard work you're like oh god this was awesome you know let's keep going but when you're in the stage where no one sees the work you're doing when it's almost like writing a script we we are excited about the movie when we watch it but we don't understand what it took to actually put the script together write in a book what it takes to write the book we're excited when we see the book cover available here now when you know but we don't know what it took to actually write the book the business when you see yourself on forbes you're like you know mama i made it but actually what it took to build that business from the ground up we don't see that and so when we don't see results we sometimes find ourselves losing courage we find ourselves in this place of being discouraged and the lord began to teach me something that when you don't have this when you don't have the opportunity when you don't have the the luxury when you don't have the ability to pull strength from your results then pull it from someone else's and it led me to this scripture in the book of revelation you know i know that revelation is one book that we all avoid even the book tells us that there is a blessing just to read it because i believe the lord understood and my people they see this book they're like you know what turn the other way it's just like turn the other cheek just you know look away but revelation 12 11 it says and they overcame him him being the enemy by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony the power of a testimony you see when you cannot find results to pull from in your own life i want you to begin to research and look for people in the field of what god has called you to glean someone that you can glean from someone that you can learn from someone that you can read about our pastor would normally say that sometimes your best mentors would be authors and the question i have for you is that who are you reading on right now what podcast are you listening to what do you have in your life what is connected to your daily habit that is actually motivating your giving you is feeding your motivation rather what are you doing that feed your motivation outside of yourself because you you would not see the results from consistency immediately it's not that the moment you conceive an idea that you you manifested it doesn't work like that but what is it in your life that is feeding your motivation you need to get connected to someone you need to be able to glean from someone you need to have a mentor in your field that shows you that reminds you that man when i'm going through this moment and i feel like lord this month three it's year three and nothing has happened that when i'm going through that that there is someone i'm gleaning from that i realize wait actually he went seven years and nothing happened and look at where they are now the same god that did that lord you are with me you need something that feeds your motivation you need to get connected to someone every industry everything that god has revealed to you about your life my question is what is feeding your motivation because if you're looking to only glean results from your life when you don't have it because your testimony is still unfolding you need to be able to glean from someone else's you see the testimonies of those around us is to bring encouragement it's to show us that god you are the same god even the lord would make it known he would say look i am the god of abraham isaac he he he's he's excited about who he is because he's like look if you don't know how if you if you're yet to experience me understand what happened in the lives of these people i was the same god who did that so you need to have people that you can glean from and that is your assignment this week that it was my assignment to tell you that when you don't have the ability to pull strength from yourself you can pull it from another get connected to someone we've been plagued by this idea of overnight success it's not real family it takes hard work it takes effort it takes consistency so many times we're like you know what we are we are happier about the day we registered the business name then when we're having a brainstorming session to figure out how is this going to be profitable we have to get to the place that we are lovers of process and not moments because moments come and moments go but the process even when the moment goes even if all your hard work and something happens and a lawsuit comes god forbid but when you've been through a process you're like look i can recreate this thing god has built me for this you have to be a lover of process and not just waiting for a moment because the truth of the matter is this the outcome the end result rather of your faith is manifestation faith would always lead to the place of manifestation and that is why the scripture tells us in galatians it says in due season you would reap if you do not lose heart because the end of faith is manifestation the bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god but then in the book of jeremiah the lord also tells us that he watches over his word to perform it so the word of god comes to you not for entertainment it's not just to entertain you like god wants to just gossip with you like hey girl no the word comes because it needs to something about that word needs to change something on the earth it comes for manifestation and so when you can tap into the rhythm of faith and the mark of your consistency is faith when you can tap into that the end result will always be manifestation and so get consistent family it is the place of your power it is the thing that will lead you to what you actually desire but you need to start getting you need to have accountability in your life and not just people that you're accountable to but someone that their story becomes accountable to your process that when you feel like lord i'm all alone in this no one understands me and it doesn't have to be someone who has the exact details of your life no but it's someone that speaks to your field if you're someone that god has called you to to do things in multiple industries you don't have to find someone that matches exactly all of that but you could find someone who got raised up in several places and in several ways and said let me let me learn about them let me learn about their failures let me learn about their their process let me learn about the things that tried them the things that tested them and how they were able to overcome because even when we study the word of god the bible we are we're learning about a lot of people's stories outside of the things that we're like okay this is things that build us up and edify us in god but also the stories of this people are also adding to us and in the same way you are a story you are the bible calls you a living word so learn to glean from other people you're not an island don't just try to live life by yourself and the lord you're also called to live to do life with people to have a community around you the end result of your faith would always be manifestation it's going to happen family that is a fact but sometimes you just need a little help along the way you just need a little motivation along the way and sometimes you can get that from the stories of others see i want to encourage you that if god has said something to you whether you've joined us on activate 21 or you're going to be starting today or tomorrow if there's something that the lord has said to you it's your consistency that responds to him that lord i agree that lord i believe what you say and that is where manifestation begins to be attracted to your life because it's not just your verbal yes it is how you live your life in response to the word you see you cannot be someone who just does things out of the place of you know being carnal minded and carnal sometimes sounds like the king james version like of talking you don't be carnal you know but what i'm talking about is don't be someone whose life is is is determined or is driven by their by you know just the the passions of their flesh that when i feel good i do what i'm supposed to do but when i don't feel good i'm i'ma do it tomorrow i don't feel like doing it you should be someone whose life is governed by the word of god whose life is governed by the holy spirit not your feelings feelings are good because they they track with you they show you where you are they show you what you need to lay down before the lord but don't be governed by your feelings because some days you don't feel good to do something some days it's you're not always going to have the feeling of doing good and what i mean doing good is is staying in the rhythm of what god has called you to you're not always going to feel like it i remember one time this was a couple years ago the lord said to me he said you know stephanie meet me every day some of you may know this story meet me every day at 5 00 a.m i want to talk to you and i was excited family i said whoo 5 a.m in the morning i'm a wake up and the lord is sitting by my bedside and he's just going to say what do you want to know because funny stirring is during that time i had a very interesting request right i was asking the lord and don't laugh if you know because god sees you so don't laugh but i was asking the lord i said can you take me to eden this was my request i was actually being very serious i said lord i don't want to just read about the garden of eden i want to see it i want to know what adam looked like i want to know what eve looked like i want to see the tree what was happening there can you just take me there for a moment this was my prayer i was seeking the lord i said god i want to go to eden that's that's what i want to do i want you to take me to eden and i just want to see it i want to see what it looked like for you to be talking with man and so this was my request i don't know if i've ever shared this and as a result of this request the lord says to me you know what stephanie meet me every day 5 a.m wake up and meet with me and i was hype i said i'm about to go to the garden and i'm about to eat the fruit you know all the fruits maybe just the one that was i don't know i was just excited right so every day i woke up at five in the morning every single day for months it was the most boring experience of my life because i woke up nothing i said well where's the lord and i would pray i would study the word i was bored okay to be honest it was exhausting i said god i i don't know where you are but i'm here and i have yet to see eden i have yet to see anything i don't know what's going on it was boring family months passed but one of some of the things that motivated me is that there are people that also inspire my walk with god that when i read about their stories when i read about their lives i'm like they would i mean be in the place of waiting on the lord months years just for god to reveal himself even in in a moment but they were in that place of like god we believe you're gonna show up and i was like you know what if they had the ability every morning to you know come before the presence of god i'mma keep showing up but i was bored but one particular day i woke up and the i don't even know how to describe what took place that day but the atmosphere of the room shifted no one needs to ex no one needed to tell me the lord is here or he's not here the presence of god in the room was so strong that everything in me recognized that the king of kings is in this room the moment i got up i fell out of the bed and i just laid down flat on the ground because it was just this understanding the the best way i could describe it it's almost like when the i the the fear of the lord becomes um active in your life that's the best way i could explain it i just knew that the god was here that he is here right now he is in this room and as i lay down he began to speak and he said stephanie i've always been here every morning that you woke up i was here i was just watching you i was always here but you see it was this moment it was the consistency of showing up every single day bored tired yawning drinking tea thinking about a cookie but every single day it was showing up and the lord revealed himself in the moment and from that moment on even when i was when i was studying the word it came alive to me in a fresh way that sometimes i'll read something and the the the holy spirit the way he began to teach me it changed it was not just words on the paper when i'm like okay god what does what happened here and why this and why that all of a sudden a lot of questions of my heart began to be answered in the time of study he hasn't taken me to eden yet but all of a sudden it came alive to me the very thing he called me to do i could feel him equipping me but it was in the place of consistency he said i was always there because you see consistency reveals that you can be trusted even when you think about a relationship many times are so easy to say like i just love him i just love her i love him you know just love everywhere but when you think about that moment of saying what made me what what was this moment of falling in love what was that like and many times you can trace it to the to the place of consistency that maybe it's that good morning text you get every day hey big head you know it's something about the person's consistency that makes you feel like wow i could really see my life with this person but where there is inconsistency you start feeling a little funny about somebody you're like i don't know you know but where there's consistency all of a sudden you're like wow i could see my life with you consistency builds trust it says that you know what god this very thing you've called me to do that in this time because every time that god equips us it is a responsibility i always say this your calling is not a gift your calling is a responsibility because you have become a bridge between heaven and earth to manifest the purpose and the promise of god so it's not just this thing that god gives you to make you feel better it's a responsibility and you give you you and trust someone you you make someone responsible for something that you know that they can be trusted with and so family if you're feeling discouraged if you're feeling wary my word to you don't grow in it you can have the experience of it but don't grow in it get connected start gleaning what are you studying right now you have some time on your hand begin to glean from people who actually feed your motivation they feed your faith because what god has called you to do on this earth it's serious you're a bridge our pastor is talking about being being bridge builders i'm like you know i'm about to rap you know drop a hot fire beat you know no not really i don't know how to rhyme or rap but i can sing but all seriousness our pastor has been talking about being bridge builders right but he also calls us that we are a bridge and we see this you are a bridge literally you are a bridge for manifestation on the earth when we say lord your will be done on earth as it is in heaven how does it actually how is it carried out it's carried out through you and i it's carried out through his people you are a bridge and it's your consistency that attracts the empowerment the resources it is your consistency that that calls the attention of heaven on your behalf consistency so let's get into it family see i want to pray for you you know one i want to pray that the lord will begin to open your eyes to the people that you should be gleaning from right now maybe there's someone you have the ability to serve or maybe there's someone whose books you should be reading i believe in that god will begin to reveal to you that maybe perhaps in conversation randomly someone would talk about someone and it would strike something in your heart and you would realize that oh my gosh i need to read their books i need to learn from them just even the other day yesterday i ordered books from um from the author named watchman knee because when they talk about him i heard a pastor talk about his life and all of that i was so moved by it i said oh my gosh that is beautiful i want to know what he learned about the lord i want to know what what gave him the ability to surrender in such a way and so i just bought three of his books at once [Music] and i'm like you know what i'm going to be more committed to reading myself reading and learning and gleaning from these people that their lives the stories of their lives would inspire and feed my motivation and i'm believing the same for you that god will begin to open your eyes that you will just hear in conversation that you'll begin to hear about people that you're like oh my gosh i need to i need to plug in i need to get plugged in now if you're watching and you don't know the lord that's where it begins because if we go back to that scripture in revelation it says that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony it is the sacrifice of jesus that gives us the confidence to know that victory is ours it begins with him and to be honest it ends with him too but it starts with him and so if you don't know the lord and you're watching this and you're just like lord something up from this message is speaking to my heart i want to know you i want to seek after you and even after this prayer family i encourage you to be consistent sometimes it would be the most boring thing reading the bible sometimes it could feel like this even seems like it's contradicting itself but when the holy spirit begins to open your eyes about the word all of a sudden it's like going from black and white to color you're like oh my gosh this was this was in here all the whole log it comes to life as a kid i remember this reading the bible as a kid when i would read about all the sacrifices they did i remember like when we will be growing up and maybe they're killing a chicken i mean it's what we did you know they'll be killing the chicken and i will run downstairs and i'm like save the blood [Music] we need to offer it to the lord and my mom is like stephanie no no no no that's not it but i love those moments because i can i can trace i can track my growth in god i can go from the person who is trying to save the chicken to bring an offering to the lord to the person who starts to understand what an offering actually means what it means to actually be the offering to the lord and so if you're seeking after god not just about this moment of prayer but commit in your heart to say god i'm gonna go after you get a bible get a bible you can touch you can feel not just one on your phone because when you're reading it all of a sudden you went from genesis to instagram then to the book of twitter but get a bible you can touch that you can turn your phone down and say lord right now it's you and i and i'm just gonna keep reading set a time each day that you would come before the lord in prayer and just sit with him and journal if you have questions in your heart write it down god why was his name adam this is just so random right just write down stuff and just say god i just want to understand right and all of a sudden you will find out that inconsistency all of a sudden you will ask a question and the answer will just be downloaded in your spirit consistency but the same thing with us in every area of our lives this is the bridge to manifestation and so let's pray and if you're giving your life to christ i want you to just put in the comments i'm in and i'm coming home yes i'm coming home oh thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord you're here right now and you're filling the homes of your people i thank you lord jesus that our minds are being renewed i thank you lord for the power of transformation that is actually taking place right now in the lives of your sons and your daughters lord i pray that you will open your eyes to the people that they can glean from that would feed their faith and feed their motivation i thank you lord for the testimonies of others that you would place around them lord that it would show them that you are the same lord you are consistent your word says that jesus you are the same yesterday today and forevermore that when they see what you have done when they hear about your stories what you've done what you're doing they would know what you can do because you're a consistent lord and so i thank you lord for what you're doing even right now lord that every wariness we're not going to grow in it but we're going to grow in you we're going to grow in truth we're going to grow in character we're going to grow in love we're going to grow in consistency and heavenly father for all those that said lord i'm coming home i'm coming home i pray lord jesus that this moment of their yes when they're saying lord you are the one who died for my sins you are the one who made it possible for me i want to know you i want to lay down everything i want to pursue after you that lord it would not just be about this moment of saying yes but what they're saying yes to is to be consistent in their pursuit for you and i thank you lord that you will show up you would make yourself known to them in great ways you would reveal mysteries about who you are to them in such unique ways i thank you that the word of god would even become alive to them oh god as they continue to read i thank you lord god that you would strengthen them even in their prayer life lord i come against every attack of the enemy on consistency in the name of jesus lord that we would recognize that this is not a moment for an excuse to be born but this is a moment to recognize that my destiny is under attack i thank you lord that we would see things for what they are and not what we like it to be that everything you've called us to do that in this moment we're saying god i'm committed i'm committed i may fall one day but i'm getting back up it's not gonna be the thing i talk about to laugh about and joke about but i'm gonna get back up because i'm so many i'm seeing destinies that have been under attack and we've been laughing about it but lord i rebuke that right now in the name of jesus i thank you lord that we will be sensitive to the things that we ought to do and not just looking at it like it is the works but recognizing that works is the evidence of faith thank you jesus have your way lord in jesus mighty name amen amen you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 118,064
Rating: 4.9557352 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Id: e0MPz4n_2LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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