Unusual Miracles | Unusual Obedience - Stephanie Ike

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[Music] I'm always standing we're just gonna read the word and I'm gonna be reading this is my Bible that I go when I got out deigned so happy to music you know we rarely bring our Bible to church so I could actually open my Bible not my phone all right but let's open our phones in our Bibles and we're gonna read from acts 19 and it's from verse 11 to 20 and the scripture says now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick and the diseases the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits saying we exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches oh also there were seven sons of sceva a Jewish chief priest who did so and the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know Paul I know who are you then the evil spirit actually where we're at right now but then the mass because that's so funny then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them overpowered them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded this became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus and fear fell on them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified and many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds also many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together they caddy and burnt them in the sight of all and they counted up to the value of them and it sold out fifty thousand pieces of silver today that is worth around six million dollars so the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed you may be seated family hallelujah we're gonna go on an interesting journey tonight with this word and we're gonna see where God takes us you see what is so beautiful about the scripture is that it kicks off by saying now God worked unusual miracles but he didn't do it by himself he did it by the hands of Paul there's a move of God that is coming and we already seen glimpse of it but there is something so powerful coming you see last night there was something interesting that took place so I always I love candles I love cents I just like things that smell good you know and so I had a candle in my I had a candle in my living room I had a candle in my bathroom I had both of them on and so when I was going to bed so I go to the living room I turned it out I go to the bathroom I you know blew it out and the one in the bathroom it was like a three wick candle so I looked at it all three of them were out and they're all far apart from each other and then I go to bed and I'm still smelling the aroma you know the essential oils from the candle and I was like wow this thing is last stain here now and it just got stronger and stronger to the point that in the middle of the night I'm like okay this is a little weird because you know it shouldn't be this long so I go to the bathroom and all of them were on and so I'm like okay I clearly turned them all off you know even if one was on maybe then I'll say okay maybe one just you know cut a new wind but but all of them were back on and the Lord began to speak to me that there is a fire of his spirit that will not be turned out you see family I love that midweek service is called active a delay because there are times that God has a word for a city for a region and even in that word it speaks to all of us it speaks to those from so many parts of the globe but it's amazing that in the Book of Revelations we see how there were letters addressed to churches in specific cities because there is a way that God moves sometimes that he addresses regions and the Lord began showing me something so beautiful about Italy and he has been speaking to me about this for years now but it's almost like the way he keeps showing it to me that the time it's almost getting shorter and shorter but one of the things he showed me about this city you see one of the we a lot of times you know you may have been that person know you have that friend when if you are not from this city and you moved here you know we are we go to like the walk of fame and we're so you know just excited to see the the names of celebrities and the stars on the sidewalks and we're taking pictures with them I said they're there you know we do all these things but this is a city that glorifies people it is part of the culture of this city and the Lord began showing me that this city would go from a city that glorifies people to a city where people flock to find God that people will begin to flock because they speak in an encounter with God you see I was studying here led me there was a revival that took place about over a little bit over a hundred years ago that revival was called the Azusa Street revival and there Zuza Street wait that's the place is literally I was looking at the maps is about several miles from here and one of the amazing things the person who let that movement was a man named William Seymour and I was reading the testimonies that took place during that time and there was one that blew my mind because there was a man who had one arm and he was there and they and he told him that you know what he's just believing that God will give him another arm and they prayed for him and in the sight of many people they said that the bone began to grow out of it's like the ball started growing and then flesh followed and covered it this was in the site of many people you see what took place in the Azusa Street revival it is believed that today about 600 million people can trace their spiritual origin to what took place during that time that meaning that the people that were impacted by that move began movements that began to touch thousands and millions of people around the world you see in that moment the world flocked to Los Angeles because they wanted an encounter with God the beautiful thing about revival is when people that are far from God begin movements that draw people to God and that is when you start seeing real revival and so when I saw when I was this morning that was like when God starts speaking to me about the fire because for many people the Azusa Street revival sounds like something of the past it sounds like what God did then but the Lord showed me that there was another fire and it would not be put out because the thing that where we were misfortunate is that during that time there was no internet there was no Wi-Fi so a lot of these stories were not captured they're not things that you can say let me go watch it on the internet but there is something about the move of God that it will trend and they would be without a doubt that we would know that the Lord that he alone is king you see but the move of God through this city what God has marked this city for is not just for this city this city has the ability to influence and shape culture around the world and so although it may look like something connected to LA it's connected to the world and all of us we have a road that we play in our cities in our regions you see very much like LA the city that Paul was in in this scripture was a city named Ephesus Ephesus was a city that it was one of the most influential cities in its time in the world but the interesting thing about Ephesus is that they the people what they love to do the most was to worship this God has named artemius she was known as the goddess of fertility now Ephesus they were thriving I mean that's why they had six million dollars to be buying stuff that were wasteful but they thought that they were thriving financially but spiritually they were bound physically they were dying but financially it seemed like always well and so the economy the economy was backed behind the worship of this goddess so much so that the the biggest industry in Ephesus at the time was the production and the sale of the idols of this goddess and so you have Paul now is sent to Ephesus now what I love about this scripture is that in in the book of Acts I can't remember where but if you read your whole by will you find it but it's before it's before this scripture there was a moment when Paul was trying to go into Asia but at that time he was trying to go into Eastern a I mean into northern Asia and the Holy Spirit forbade him he said you cannot go this way and Paul obey the Holy Spirit but then when he was going to Ephesus which was in Western Asia the Holy Spirit led him there now it's important to know where God is leading you because wherever you were led is where you have spiritual authority you see there is something the Bible tells us about that we wrestle not against principalities and powers and just join me on this journey it's also that we wrestle against principalities we were so not against flesh and blood but we wrestle with principalities and powers rulers of darkness in high places now a principality is really just it's a it's a Prince of Darkness now the reason why it has that title of a Prince of Darkness its authority is given to him by its assignment now these are falling angels because when the devil was exiled from the presence of God he took a group with him because there were people that followed him now he gave he gives each of them unique assignment against specific regions that is why if you've read the book of Daniel there's a moment where and I believe it's in Daniel 10 daniel has this moment where he has this vision and it bothers him and he begins to pray about the vision and he seeks the Lord and he goes into fasting and prayer and the Bible tells us that the more Daniel began to pray that God sent an angel to deliver an answer but then the Bible also tells us that the Prince of Persia resisted Daniel now the Prince of Persia was a principality unique to that city because the information that the angel was going to bring to Daniel - give him the revelation of the dream that information would have been the demise of Persia and so the enemy understood that right now I have territory in Persia and Daniel is seeking information that would take my territory away so when the angel of the Lord was sent all of a sudden he's resisted but Daniel pressed in in prayer because Daniel had an assignment to the city and wherever God assigns you you have Authority even in the spiritual realm and so that is why when Daniel continued to fast and pray all of a sudden now they release an angel named Michael and Michael went to release the angel that was sent to Daniel you see the beautiful thing that God has been teaching me is that there is an angel assigned to every city now we may question that we may wonder God why is it that you will send an angel to Daniel but that angel that even that the enemy had the power to resist him because you're the angels assigned to cities are only as strong as where there is agreement for what God will do in that city and so Daniel had suppressed in prayer to enable for them to give that angel reinforcement that what he has been called to do would be active that is why in Revelations and if this is up like revelations - when you study it when they're writing letters to the to the churches it writes a letter it says to the angel of the church in a particular City because if there are angels assigned to the churches and the church is bigger than the four walls the church is used and so there are angels that are waiting and they are saying who would agree who are the people that God has appointed to a city that would begin to intercede for what God wants to do in that city you see in order to be effective in the places that God has called us to whether it's Los Angeles whether is New Orleans whether it's Chicago whether it's Nigeria there are times they're regions that's why the Bible tells us about taking authority and Dominion because even don't you feel like you may be called to a family you're called to a territory you're call to our region everything about God is bigger than it seems and so you have to begin to ask God Lord what is the assignment of the principality in the region that you have sent me to you see whenever we get to pray about this city of Los Angeles so we're gonna just go and the dive that's why I just brought my Bible when I began to pray about this city one of the things that the Lord showed me that is the assignment of the enemy against this city is this spiritual fluidity I didn't even know that was a thing when I heard the name I was like let me google this then I go and google their books written about this I said Wow and there and these books talk about how you know one religion is not enough I said well well you see family without us even recognizing it because what we see in culture what we see in pop culture is this encouragement because now that there's a there's a phrase that is very popular to us and is that I'm not religious I'm spiritual and that is beautiful because your your encounter with Jesus Christianity is not about religion it's about relationship right but you have to look deeper when someone says I'm spiritual can you expand on what you're talking about because right now what we see in culture is that we are serving God and something else that we are relying on God and something else and because everything seems spiritual we're like everything must be God now we're doing these things without even the without seeking the wisdom of God without seeking God is this in your word without wondering God am I in alignment with you because just because something is spiritual does not mean it is for you I remember having a conversation with a lady and we were having this coming and she was she was asking me this she was like you know she she was talking about the thing she's like yeah I know I love Jesus and told me the other things that she does and she said but what could be wrong with it everything is spiritual and I said even if you look at nature nature would show you that just because everything was created by God doesn't mean that doesn't mean that something's will not kill you there was there something like poison ivy and if you tamper with it it will kill you and so the same way that nature teaches us that there are boundaries there are things that are for you and there are things that that can destroy you that in the same way in the spiritual realm everything is not for you there are boundaries in the spiritual realm and we have to come to a place where we begin to say God you show me is this spiritual thing is it for me or is it against me because the assignment of the enemy is that you are not rooted in who God is because when we start this fluidity in our spiritual life I I believe in God but I I purchased this thing to give me favor to give to attract good vibes to my life I I go to this place to experience this spiritual thing what are we actually opening ourselves to because you see what happens you know it's interesting right in this scripture I find I was confused I said why is it that the sons of sceva that they said in the name of Jesus that Paul preaches the the demons beat them up but that causes the people to repent I would wonder that if someone says in the name of Jesus that Paul preaches and the demon beat them up would that make me want a question why didn't that work if they called the name of Jesus but you see when I looked into that the people that said in the name of Jesus that Paul preaches you see these people they were traveling Exorcist and in this in the land of Ephesus because first of all this is a land that they worship you know idols and all kinds of things they recognize that these people use similar magic tricks that they use and so they were thinking that Jesus is just another name they could invoke because they had tried their magic and nothing happened and they thought that maybe we could invoke the name of Jesus but it actually made the demons upset they said how dare you actually try the cost and payment Jesus because the demons understood the power of the name but the power of the name only comes from those that have the authority based on their silent you see here's the difference Paul was sent by God and because whenever God assigned you to a place the assignment is recognized in the spiritual realm they recognize that you actually have been sent here that is why Jesus would walk into certain places and the moment he shows up the demons are begging him that please Lord do not send us into the do not send us out of this country please send us into the pigs Jesus did not even say anything to them there were people that would come and bow before him because they recognize you actually have authority you see that is why it is so vital and it is so critical to go to the places that God sends you because not because you're simply curious and you're wondering that you just start doing random things because there is there is structure and there is a system and there is order that is given by God so these people they have no intimacy with God they have no intimacy with Jesus and they think they can just invoke his name like the other things that they do it was this fluidity of the spirit that oh we can practice magic and we can call on Jesus and that moment it was almost like the Lord said you know what just I'm gonna let you in here for a little bit but he just go attack this little post people because you see family the truth is there is no power that is the deception we can come to the house of God raise our hands in worship but if we're leaving the house of God and we are relying on God and then we are losing we have no roots and when the enemy sees because again a lot of the things that we are distracted by that we believe that God this is just to cleanse my home and this is to do all kinds of things why the enemy encourages you because he understands that this ain't gonna work on me so go ahead and we are not moving in authority because unusual miracles we always want to be the people that say God do an unusual thing through my life but it also comes from a place of unusual obedience because you have to understand who Paul was Paul was Paul was a man he was the one who used to ordered the execution of people believers and all of a sudden the Lord encounters him I mean he had every excuse to say God nah bruh you want me to raise up the people I used to ordered their execution I don't see how that would have ever been an easy thing for Paul to do even Paul that the truth of the matter Paul was even afraid when he would tell the people that what God was doing in him it was a particular man named Barnabas who actually vouched for him and saying know God's hand is upon this man Paul had an unusual obedience to God he said Lord even though I was known for this I was known for the very opposite thing that you're calling me to because you have called me because I have encountered you Lord wherever you send me I will go and that's why Paul did not just do whatever he wanted do when he wanted to go into northern Asia and the Holy Spirit said no he backed away because he recognized God you see there is something when you recognize that your life because there it is one thing to talk about it but when you recognize that the very thing sustaining the breath in your body is the power of God you are not you don't joke around with the instructions of God because God if it is your power that is keeping your breath in me then I don't want to do my own thing because I don't know if your power will keep my pure breath in me in the wrong thing and so Lord where have you called me and where have you sent me because the lie of the enemy is that it's not going to work out but the truth even in the spiritual realm Authority is recognized by assignments where you have an assignment you have authority in that area wherever God sends you he's backed you up with his power all of heaven recognizes but the thing is that we have to be the kind of people that begin to press in like Daniel Daniel did not pray for one day and say God you have forgotten me Daniel's there was something that inspired Daniel to keep going and the notes of Daniel as he kept in prayer and fasting because what he was doing he was opening his he was creating capacity within himself to be in alignment and agreement with the Word of God that when that capacity was created the angel Michael said now I'm gonna release this angel to be sent to you from the resistance of the Prince of Persia and what is interesting is that after this angel had come to Daniel given him the revelation he said I must go back and finish this battle because what Daniel did the posture of Daniel had given him the it's almost like that there is a mirror there there is something that is mirror that is why the Bible talks about angels being our servants not that we can boss them around it is when we come into alignment with the Word of God that they have the empowerment to move on the earth on our behalf but where there is no agreement on the earthly you're there angels assigned to you they cannot do anything and it's almost like they are bound because they are waiting for you to actually wake up and walk in the thing that God has called you to and so sometimes you're like God god help me God help me you see what is interesting is that Daniel was praying to God because we don't pray to angels you cannot pray to the one who is called to serve you Daniel was praying to God God will recognized that Daniel because God is also a God of order he said everything you have ever needed I have already set it in motion that Daniel the answer to this prayer is in this angel and I will send him to you but the only way that he can be active in what he's been called to do is your continued surrender and obedience to my will and so when we when we find ourselves in this state where we flip-flop and then we accuse God and God is looking at us like I'm not punishing you because you were you see there are things that the Lord says and it's not a punishment when the Lord says that do not doubt it's not that when you doubt he's like well can I help you there it's because God is so strategic and he is everything about him is orderly and so when he's saying do not doubt because your doubt it causes a hindrance to what has already been set in motion that by your faith and belief alone there are things that begin to work on your behalf but the moment you begin to stall and withdraw now you have put and changed the very angels that were called to help you and they're literally waiting when are you going to agree with the word of God because angels only move based on the Word of God and it's not just the Word of God we say one time in prayer it is that your life becomes the word that everything about who you are says God until I see this manifest I am not changing my posture that is why the Bible tells us that the word is living and active the word is Jesus so if he was the word that became flesh then what does that say about us that when God gives you a word that word ought to be you it is not a word that you puts us to the side and say okay let me see what happens here no every time God gives you what you are to embody that word you were to become that word if that is the very reason that Jesus was the word and we're supposed to emulate him what are we supposed to emulate we have to know how to embody the very things that God is saying to us and so God is calling us to cities and to regions and God is about to do unusual things but it also requires unusual obedience and it's okay if you're an unusual person it's okay if you're the person who is just out of the ordinary if you are not the person that they expected to do the job it does not matter because it is God that calls you you see what what I love about this scripture is that God knows how to speak to people exactly where they are you see the people of Ephesus God saw that you know what you what you are moved by our idols the idols that you created with your hands yet they're not healing you and you are still spiritually bound so when God does unusual miracles it's amazing what he uses handkerchiefs and aprons is that let me also show you something that you created and handkerchiefs and aprons were so symbolic because aprons were worn by servants they were warned by workmen so this was something that was I mean it had no value and the things that they would they spend so much money on could do nothing for them and the Lord says you know what let me show you what happens when the thing that you don't even value but let it come in contact with my power and let me show you what it can do you see what the people saw in the move of God it compelled them so much that they said whatever it is that we have all the books we've bought on magic because their worship was not just about their acts it was the ideology behind it how they thought about what they were doing you see for many of us what is what is the hindrance is what we think about the things that we do in addition to God we have the belief that these things bring us peace these things bring us they cleanse whatever it is what what is it that you're doing in combination with Jesus that cannot exist it is a deception of the enemy because that shows that you are not rooted in Christ and it's when you are rooted in Christ that all of a sudden because you see the Bible says that our lives are hidden in Christ Jesus and that word hidden there is a level of intimacy that you have with the Lord that he begins to reveal your assignment he doesn't reveal it randomly because when something is revealed your authority is made known and so before God will give you will put you in a position of authority he says no you have to know me you have to have an intimate relationship with me and what the enemy is after is to make you weak while we think that we are being equipped but he's actually weakening us based on our roots you see what God is gonna do not only in this city because what he's gonna do in this city is about the world because unusual miracles happen for an unusual outcome God recognized that whatever happens in Ephesus that if the people who glorified the worship of this goddess if they turned their ways and began to worship God that it would echo into all the world because the Bible actually reveals to us that all of not only all of Asia worship this God but the world worship this goddess because of the influence that Ephesus had so then imagine what happens in this city when God begins to do unusual things and all of a sudden people are flocking to this city because they're looking for God it's bigger than this city it's about the world and because it is about the world everybody has a part to play because every individual you are called to a region you are called to an industry and every region every industry there is something that you are up against that you have to fight and you have to fight it with strategy and you fight it with first of all knowing who you are in Christ when you know that God has assigned you here it's something different you see something about this scripture that we never talk about are the people that brought the handkerchiefs and the aprons because it says that even the handkerchiefs and the aprons that touched Paul were taken to the sick and they were and they were healed of their diseases and the demonic spirits left them now these people if they were carrying handkerchiefs and aprons then it probably belonged to them because again these this was the attire of the servants and these servants that there was something about how Paul was moving that all of a sudden their faith began to increase in God that even though they were seen as nothing that they began to believe that God I'm gonna I'm gonna I want to know who you are and I believe you can do this because it required faith to say I'm gonna use this and touch Paul skin it was just like the woman with the issue of blood who who said to herself if only I touched the hem of Jesus's garments there was an exchange of faith that took place in that moment and as we were worshiping the Lord began to show me that there are many in this room and their doors watching that maybe you have been the unlikely person for the job but there is something there is an encounter of God that you have been exposed to and that encounter has told you that you can be you can be used by God in unusual ways you can see God do unusual things because it was unusual for someone to say hey let me take this apron and touch your skin and take it back to heal the sick but God has a place for you in his kingdom and God has a plan for you in his kingdom and maybe you're like Paul maybe you're the one who feels like no one is gonna believe me that if I talk about the very thing that God has called me to do no one is gonna believe me but as I was on the way to church today I there was this vision the Lord gave me and he showed me prophetic words that you have released it was almost like they were going through a megaphone and the Lord began to show me do not be afraid to declare what God has said about you because there is something in your declaration that also gives you the ability to even believe it the more but when you keep it to yourself and when you talk about it and you're like I guess you know I'm just I wish this happens and God is saying no speak boldly about it the way I said it to you that the very way I showed it to you begin to rise up in faith and forget to tell your friends about it you see I I challenge you that even before you go to bed tonight take somebody that you're close to and share with them a revelation that God's said concerning you and don't say this is something I wish to do this is something I pray will happen speak about it like a declaration this is what will happen begins to take ownership of the words that God has spoken over you because there is something in your declaration that all of a sudden you see when when we're asking God god help my unbelief sometimes we just have to speak up and say God this is what I'm believing for I'm not gonna hide it I'm not gonna bottle it up inside God this is the very thing you said to me and I don't wanna I don't want to play I don't want to dump it down any longer be bold about it that was Paul's life every single time Paul would open his mouth to speak the gospel it was Paul declaring the hand of God is upon me because Paul his presence alone showed the person you used to execute Christians but every time that he was bold to talk about Christ as Lord every time he was both to say I'm a prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ it was Paul's way of boldly declaring that the hand of God called me and I am assigned to do this and I don't care the looks you give me but there is an authority upon my life and those that I'm culture will be drawn to it and that's why God begins to back up his ministry God begins to back up his life with signs and wonders you see one of the things the Lord showed me even when we talked about the unusual move of God one of the attributes to the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is not confined to just the lane of hands and a spirit coming now the Holy Spirit is a creative in the Bible we see how the Holy Spirit would give people wisdom he will give people skills to build he will give people knowledge and craftsmanship the Holy Spirit is creative and the Lord showed me that he's gonna begin releasing creative ideas on to you and and if you if you would dare to step into it that there would be films that you would write that there are it's almost projects that you will do even for her eyes like I've seen hair stylist makeup artist the people that feel like know the things that God has called me to do it's just like this thing in the back burner and God says then I will give you a creative vision about the assignment on your life and if you do it I would make what is uncommon supernatural you see handkerchiefs were work were just it was just the common thing it's like it's a handkerchief there was probably snot and booger in it and God is saying but if you would allow because it was the creativity of the Holy Spirit for someone to think about taking a handkerchief to touch the skin of Paul and to bring it back to the dead body there are creative things that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you their visions their dreams their insights their projects their ideas and that if you would move in it that God would do an unusual thing in it I kept seeing where people would be in the in the theater watching a movie and all of a sudden they're coming out of wheelchairs because it is the power of God that would back up what you touch you see you have to understand that when you come in contact with the power of God there is no limits there is no limits to what God can do with your life you may think you're just writing a book and God says no you're bringing deliverance you see the car the two core things that took place in this passage there was healing and there was deliverance healing is not just physical there's emotional there's mental there's all of that deliverance we are we think about deliverance okay there's a demon being casted out of somebody but oftentimes what attracts the demon you see really a lot of times it goes back to the mind now in the life of a non-believer because again in the spiritual realm there is no there's no gaps there if there's an empty space the Bible if it tells us there was a time when Jesus was saying that you know if you cast out the spirit from a person and that the spirit goes into the desert and they're wandering about and they say they come back and they find it empty that it's swept clean and it's empty it says oh I can return because if you're not filled with the Holy Spirit then yes that is one opening but also pit believers also deal with spiritual attacks and believers often also need deliverance and it's not as we sometimes wonder how can a Christian be demonized how can this happen now how can that happen the one thing is that first of all a Christian cannot be possessed where you have no control of your your your physical nature right but you can be oppressed and even in the oppression yes they can speak through your mouth and it's not and you can desert you sometimes you may find them when if you've ever seen a believer or if you have been if God has delivered you from something where it's almost like you're going in and out and you're like what is happening because there are rooms that the beautiful thing with God is there you have to the Holy Spirit comes in you as a seed form and you have to give it room to enter every area of your life and the thing with with the evil spirits is that they are drawn to something and a lot of times they're drawn to how we think because the Bible tells us that every as a man thinks so is he you see for example I remember there was a lady that the Lord had used me to deliver her from this up which was oppressed by a very wicked spirit and we were praying and I mean the Spirit is just having a party and I was like god what is this this is you know frustrating and the Lord told me he said no it's your your the strategy that you're going about it is wrong that what is she's dealing with is unforgiveness and that is the door that opened for the spirit to come in and so when I spoke to her and the Lord said show me things that were connected to her father and we began to have this conversation about her relationship with her dad and there was so much hatred and then when we began to talk about it and I'm like no and it was just it was a conversation and through this conversation just like God the spirit left her now I'm sharing this is because their ideologies that attract spirits because when the Bible talks about when Jesus talks about forgive you know as much as they offend you what not that you should forgive them seven times seven and all that stuff it is not Jesus just giving you a command forgive you know it's like someone commanding you cry beside be happy is that when God reveals that when God says for if that that means that there is access to a revelation that would inspire how you see people and that it would nationally it would shape your heart and it will almost make your heart softened to the issues that you would naturally be offended to that there is a perspective that God can give you that all of a sudden it gives you the ability to forgive when God says forgive it's not this weird commandment that just sounds random like you know I'm commanding you to forgive he said no there is access to insights that if you change how you view this all of a sudden love would spring up and so it's there are ideas and there are fruits of different things that's why the Bible tells us the fruits of the spirit and if there's the fruits of the spirit then there is a fruit of the evil spirit so sometimes that the whole thing of deliverance you may not need to lay hands on somebody to deliver them it may be through the things God calls you to create that when they watch it when they listen to you all of a sudden there's something about what you said there's something about your business that begins to communicate to someone that maybe I can do this to that it begins to break off self-pity and self doubt it begins to break up sabotage of their life that who you are by yourself can bring deliverance to somebody and so when we begin to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit God what is it you're calling me to do God who do you say I am it opens the door for God to say now I can do unusual things through your life you see because jesus said this concerning us he said greater works shall you do you are marked for greater you are marked for the unusual you are marked to do the extraordinary but the thing is that are we gonna believe God in an unusual way are we going to prepare in an unusual way that when God reveals the words was are we gonna wait for the man feh station or do we realize that it is our preparation that brings the manifestation you see when you start believing God in a new way you're gonna see him in a new way and God has marked you the way he has marked this city for something that generations would talk about and the fire of the Holy Spirit would not go out that it was sparked something so powerful that it would literally when we talk about it when we're talking about the move of God it would no longer be a thing of the past it would be our reality that we see right in front of us but are we going to start moving in that manner are we gonna let go of the lies that we have held onto that maybe this is not it or maybe it's not gonna work in God is saying if you only understood that because I called you you have authority if you only understood that even when you feel like you're in the in the fight for your life when it feels like they're principalities that seem to be overcoming you because the Bible tells us concerning Daniel that the Prince of Persia overcame the angel sent by the Lord but it was only for a short time because the more you press in the more you agree because every time you're stepping into a territory that God called you into you're stepping to claim it's that it's almost like God gave us this picture with the Israelites he leads them out of captivity and he tells them that he's leading them to the promised land and the information that they had to realize in person is that the promised land was occupied it was not that God said I'm leading you to a place that is just open you know of a field you get to build your hurts do whatever you like live your best life he said no it's always belonged to you and I need you to look at it understanding that it belongs to you but because it has been deserted for some time because you did not realize your identity in this time because I was doing something to prepare you in this time it was occupied by the wrong spirit and so when you're stepping into a territory and you feel like God there is resistance the resistance is there because you're coming to claim what is yours you see when you have that mindset resistance and what may feel like oppression it doesn't stop you what may feel like silence can you imagine how Daniel felt on day 20 not one word but in on day 21 the angel would be released what if you just need to press in a little bit longer what if it's not about you looking for every excuse of why you should give up what if when you're saying God why are you silent and God is like I'm not silent I already sent the answer but I need you to press in to receive what I'm doing you see in the same way because the picture of Daniel is God communicating a message now in that picture he uses the angel in the physical form but in the same way there are messages that God has already sent to be whispered to your spirit and when you feel because some of you in this house right now you feel like God is silenced you feel like God I've been seeking you for this thing I've been praying about this thing and you have not said one word I am coming and and actually there there's some of you as someone in particular actually and you may be here you might be watching because you you there's something you're seeking God for so you come to the house of God and you're waiting for like you you're looking for the confirmation but because you the truth of the matter is that God is the one that will give you your your confirmation you're looking for words that would give you okay I should go but then the following week the word sounds like you should stay and then the next week you're like I think I definitely should go to debt and then you watch a sermon online and they're like stay right there you're like what god what's going on and you feel confused because you're looking for confirmation in a place that God did not it has not assigned the confirmation to what you're praying for in but you just have to press in a little longer because the truth is the truth about Daniel is the truth about each and every one of us the angel said Daniel the moment you set your hearts to seek God concerning this matter the answer was already released he said it wasn't that it wasn't like a week after no Daniel the moment the moment you turn to God and said Lord what is happening in my life God can you open this door for me that that very moments that there was something set in motion but there is a distance between what has been set in motion and it manifested on the earth and what closes that distance is your submission to what you're seeking for is that you will be submitted in the place of Prayer God revealed to me God show me your word God speaks to me because there are mysteries about your life that you are supposed to know but these mysteries are hidden and it takes us to press in in order to discover them even Jesus would honor the woman who is persistent why is Jesus acknowledging persistence why is he talking about the one who would knock and not stop knocking why is it that way Jesus is highlighting people who know how to get what they he's talking about the persistence of a person because that is the key that is the key family you don't just give up because you're like god you're silence God you're not speaking to me when God is like the moment the moment not a second later the moment your heart was so burdened that you cried out to me I already set it in motion but it is your faith that gets it to you it is your faith if you're if you turn your heart to something and that is why the enemy loves to distract us the enemy loves to break things that will turn you away that is all sin is it is that now you're going in the wrong direction and God is like if you stayed the course you would encounter the very thing that you are asking me about so what is it that you have been seeking God for what is it the assignment of your life that calling upon your life when you're asking God God Who am I what have you called me to and where have you called me when you're seeking that God I want to move in the way that you view the words that you've spoken over my life God show me what is the next step God is never silent never there is always something that he's speaking about but it is faith that brings it to us it is our belief and that is why the Bible says that whoever would ask the Lord of wisdom for wisdom must believe that he is why do we need to believe that God is if we're seeking him for wisdom because there is a gap and faith closes that gap why do we pray for the manifestation that God as your will is at your will on the earth as it is in heaven why why is it why is that in a prayer why is that not in the deck raishin why is that what Jesus says when he's teaching his disciples how to pray how to sit before God that God whatever you've heard ain't in heaven may it be on the earth why does that happen in the posture of prayer because prayer that is the place where we are so rendered before God and it is not it's not B it's not really about you being on your knees twenty-four hours of the day but it's about your heart bowed before God that God whatever it is that you have spoken concern in my life concern in this city concerning my family concerning the things that I desire that you have caused me to desire that God I'm not going to be distracted by the noise of the enemy telling me that because you've been silent you will not do it the moment you set your heart God sent the answer and so family there is something so beautiful and so powerful that is gonna hit this nation and the nation's and it's going to happen through the closing of that gap now there's so much more I wanna continue to share and literally I'm just gonna go as the Lord leads me but we're gonna continue this next week but I want to speak into some things and I want to pray into something so stand with me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord if you know that even when I spoke about God being silent that has been a battle for you and in this house and even those watching you are connected to this but you know that that has been a battle and when whenever it feels like God is silent you feel like you want to turn aside but what closes that gap is your faith it is the steadfastness of your faith if you know us speaking to you meet me at this altar thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord and if you know your someone and God has marked you and you know it in your heart that God has called you to something so big and but you have been feeling like Paul that God this has been the opposite of my life but God says no I am a redeemer I don't look at you through the lens of your past I look at you through my son his sacrifice cleanse everything about you I don't look at you and I'm holding you to shame and guilt that is not how I see you when I called you on this earth when I place you on this earth there was an identity on your life and I never changed my mind about you even though life took you in two different places and different turns I never changed my mind about you and that is why all the while when Saul and at that time his name was Saul and then God and counts as him and changes his name all the while when he was killing people and doing all of that and what he did that was evil right but this is the goodness of God God still saw him based on the calling and the identity on his life and understood that salt you may think that what you're doing is from the place of wisdom but you're actually ignorant and so yes you've made mistakes in your life yes you've not always done things right there was someone in particular and I'm not gonna really share what the Lord showed me but but there was something that you did and it was it's like you've not and it's it's a man in particular you've not forgiven yourself because you were young you were dumb I mean not dumb and like bad thing but like you know like dumb ignorant Ignite it's not a bad word you know it's just lacking wisdom at the moment but you did something to someone and your friends were there and they were around and and you'd never forgive yourself and the crazy thing is that God is calling you to the group of people that you were once the abuser to and you fought this but I want to let you know that God does not look at you and see shame God does not look at you and see shame and it's time that you forgive yourself it's time you forgive yourself and God is ministering to your heart right now because just like Paul there are some of you that have been scared then who's gonna believe me I want you guys I want you to come down you're wondering God who is gonna believe the things that you have called me to do God already has people set up like Barnabas who will vouch for you and they would build bridges to get you to the places that God has called you to thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord now there's some and already actually the Holy Spirit has already started giving you these ideas and he shown you what it could do and even though you've been wrestling with it because you're like god this is just a simple thing but a simple thing that comes in contact with the presence and the power of God is no longer a simple thing think about the rod that Moses had for him it was just a rod you see what God actually shown is that this there's their talents and their gifts and all the while you've relied on it for financial increase right you use it for gigs and all of that and that's beautiful right because God will bless you know your your the Bible even tells us that your gifts will make room for you but God is calling you to see it in an elevated place because all of that will come but he wants you to see it as an instrument in his hand that the very gift and talents that you have used to rely on for gigs that he would begin to use that for a move of his presence they yes well for come to you but don't let that be the deciding factor you're gonna be fine you're gonna be taking care of God wants you to prosper you know a miracle actually Jesus's first miracle had nothing to do with the perfect will of God he was turning water into wine there are things God will do for your enjoyment he wants you to have a good time in that moment the Lord was like you know one it's lit cheese day Jesus said that he's come to give you life and life more abundantly there are things in the overflow that God wants you to enjoy God wants you to enjoy your life but you have to understand also that there are gifts that God has given you it's just about perspective it's not so shortchange you but you should elevate how you see it you know even as I was praying for this message one of the one of the one of the group of people that Lord showed me were musicians you know and for the musicians in the room the ones on the stage right now and the ones in the room it's bigger than a gig it's bigger than a gig David would play his instrument and deliverance was taken place evil spirits were leaving people because he's playing an instrument and so it's not just the didn't it's not just about the next gig when you elevate your mind and coming to agreement that I am an instrument in the Lord's hand that the ideas and the gift and the talents and what is placed in my life there are instruments for him to use this is not random he's called me to bring change to this industry whatever it is your makeup artist is bigger than making someone pretty all of a sudden you will do a makeup or you will do someone's face next thing there is a confidence as imparted in them it's bigger look at everything that God has endowed you with and recognize God this is an instrument in your hand the power of speaking is the word of God I don't think about I don't think that I actually say anything but I think God is the one who has something to say and when I speak the word of God it's his power that is why I never rely on just preaching anything that God if you did not give me a word I'm not talking because if you give me a word then the power of your spirit to activate that word in people's lives will be present but if I'm just speaking oh I need share with your stir we're out of time but this is hilarious when God I love showing me that he was calling me into ministry and all that I you know initially I was like I was thinking like it could maybe just speaking in the bigger picture and there was this place that invited me to speak to like students and whatnot and in my spirit I didn't feel led but I was like oh but God has called me to speak I went to this school I stood on the stage the lights came on Soho wow this mic working I felt like a child it was the hardest thing to even articulate one sentence I said there's an anointing for this and it's not here everything God calls you to when you see that God this is an instrument in your hand you lie on his spirit that is why I can come up and just rely on only having my Bible with me because God I'm relying on your spirit you tell me what to say to your people and so family God is with you but let us surrender let us be steadfast in the faith God whatever you've said I'm after it God I'm believing God whatever you send me to I have authority there and that is the last group of people I want to call there are places that you have been sent to and you are conforming to their way of life because you think that you need their access but what you don't realize that you're doing is that that is actually idol worship because you have made them and those environments your idol but God has called you to bring transformation don't be afraid to be the one who doesn't seem to be in agreement with everything else because you're the one who is there to take the territory for the kingdom of God and if I'm talking to you I want you to meet me at this altar and there's one thing though thank you Jesus before I forget if you know and maybe already at the Psalter maybe you're watching that you have made your spiritual life is fluid UVU it's Jesus and other things Jesus and Jesus and and you know that even as I was speaking about that the reason I didn't say anything specifically I prayed that the Holy Spirit will reveal to your heart what it is because conviction is best when it comes directly from the Spirit of God to you and you know that the Spirit of God convicted you that you're there yes you come to church and yes she believed in Jesus and yes you say Jesus is Lord but your life has been Jesus and when you think about things to give you protection it is the end when you think about what will bring favor into your life what will bring love into your life it is the things that you have added to Jesus and this is actually diluting the power of who he is in your life this is diluting intimacy and in this moment you're saying that God it is exclusive to you intimacy with the Lord is exclusive relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ it's not fluid and if you know that you are you you're in that position and you're saying god I am so rendering my life all the things that I have said and to some of these things you may have spent a lot of money on it there's no difference than what happened in Ephesus they had spent so much money because they were buying books and they were buying things and they were buying these idols because they felt like these were the things that would bring prosperity into their homes they thought it would bring favorable when they encountered the power of God they burnt it all some of you there are things that you literally need to go home and trash and not just put in the trash you need to put in the trash and then take it to the dumpster if you know I'm speaking to you and you want to repent and say God I renew my mind I am NOT going to rely on the things that I have put in addition to my worship to you I want you to just boldly lift your hands to the Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus can we praise God in this house thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus family just bow your heads in prayer with me Heavenly Father we thank you we thank you for your goodness O God we thank you because all around this altar all those watching what you see is surrender we thank you lord we are stepping into alignment with your word we're stepping into alignment with who you say we are we're not gonna back down in this fight because we recognize that you have given us authority and we're gonna press in have your way Oh Heavenly Father I thank you for those who are in that waiting season believing and they're saying God speak to me God you've already released the answer and I think you they would know that their persistence in that posture of surrender would release the revelation that they have been seeking for I thank you Lord for the anointing on their lives I thank you Lord for those that you have called and it would seem unbelievable that why would you choose this person but God you mark them from the moment that you place them in their mother's womb you've never changed your mind concerning them and so I think your heavenly father for healing forgiveness of self and I think you Lord that you are restore that those that we that our actions have also affected negatively that we would believe you to be a restorer over their lives but as we come before you with that posture of humility and forgiveness that God you also love them and you are the one who holds their life I think you Lord that shame is broken in this house shame guilt it is broken in this house I think you will Heavenly Father [Music] God you are so good you are so good I thank you for the strength Oh God so walk out who you say we are and I thank you for the strength to keep reaching to keep reaching lord I hear you saying that your children there are a force to be reckoned with Heavenly Father I thank you for every one who raised their hands and worship and say God it is you and nothing else it is you and nothing else I'm not gonna rely on those things because I want to deepen my relationship with you I want to have intimacy real intimacy with you and in that place of intimacy lord I thank you that you would begin to reveal identities and you reveal Lord God the places that you have called them to the authority that you have called your children to walk in have your way Oh God for those that raised up your hand just repeat after me Lord Jesus come into my heart I make you my Lord and Savior you died on the cross for me oh you died on the cross from me and when you were raised up my life was raised up to thank you lord have your way in and through my life I belong to you aim thank you Jesus can we just lift up a praise in this house [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 141,077
Rating: 4.9256105 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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