Entering the Rest of God | 9.13.20

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welcome everybody wherever you're at online we're so glad you're a part of the online church well we have got a real privilege today uh andrew womack has been coming for 34 years and uh i i you know this is this is andrew i got to say this now 34 years ago andrew would come with cowboy boots and blue jeans everybody else had a suit but not andrew all right now look at this this is the first wow look at it now we're all in jeans and he's in a suit looks good andrew you look great and we are so glad that you're here i want you to come share the word well i'm growing up okay thanks duane god [Applause] thank you jesus praise god thank you very much for it's a blessing to be back with you like dwayne said i've been coming here for 34 years he was a young man back then i remember going running with him one time and i ran eight miles and it like they've killed me and we got back and he says i'm going to go a little further and i think he went another 10 miles or something guy's a animal but what a blessing to be here and i was telling dwayne and bernie back there that it's just such a blessing to see what god has done with res life i was here and seen a lot of growth and to just see them still loving the lord and loving the same wife man that's awesome you guys are blessed i don't think you know how blessed you are sometimes we take things for granted but it's just such an honor to see them still doing the same thing and just plugging along and that's that's what happens we have these people come along that are real flashy sometimes and they get all the attention but it's the ones that just keep doing the same thing day after day that really see the results and so it's an honor to be associated with them let me mention real quickly that we do have two schools here in this area one over in ann arbor and one here in grand rapids charis bible college and we've got the directors of those two schools here or they were here in the first service are y'all here stand up if you're around here's somebody with the light up here in the balcony are both of you up there anyway i think we have a table out here someplace if you're interested in a bible college this is really awesome we have about 8 000 students worldwide and i forget how many countries but 70 different bible schools outside of the united states and so anyway please go check it out and we have uh icarus that you could also take that is all online and uh it's we've got i think the bernie said there was four or five of the staff here that are doing that so it's really good it's the best thing if i wasn't in full-time ministry i'd be at kerris bible college it's awesome so anyway that's great for those of you that were not at the first service i used ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and that says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of works lest any man should boast and i i was teaching on the balance between grace and faith if you've missed that i'm going to continue kind of what i taught in the first service i know that that's some of you that didn't hear it that may uh put you at a disadvantage but you can go to my website and get the teaching it's all free i've got a book on this dvds and stuff entitled living in the balance of grace and faith and real i hate to even say real quickly because if i try and summarize what i said i'll re-preach it but uh real quickly basically i was saying that grace is god's part faith is our part and there's misunderstanding some people think faith is what we do to get god to move no god moves independent of you prior to you even existing prior to you even having a need everything that you receive from god comes through jesus and he came 2000 years ago and did everything it's finished jesus doesn't have to do anything he's seated at the father's right hand faith doesn't move god faith only reaches out and appropriates what god has already given if it's already given then that means that there is no burden upon you to do something to get god to move now that's a quick summary of what i said but that's powerful and that really goes contrary to what most people live most people are they know that god is all-powerful that he can do anything they just don't believe he has done anything they believe he will only move in response to us and that is completely wrong our faith should be in response to him not him responding to us and you can tell this is an oversimplification but i don't mean this critical but if you think that god is responding to you and what you're doing you're religious amen i know that could be taken really badly duane's going to clean all this up when i'm gone that could really offend some people but it's true religion teaches you've got to do this in order to god get god to do this true christianity is not what you do for god it's what he did for you already by grace and you're just responding to what he's already done and if that isn't clear to you well then you're religious that means that you are it's man-made it's not god made god is him reaching down to us religion is man reaching up to god so anyway i talked about all of those things over here in hebrews chapter 4 i'm going to talk to you about the rest of god and this is kind of an illustration uh how you can tell whether you are responding to god's grace or whether you are trying to get god to respond to you those are two separate things they're diametrically opposed to each other one of them produces victory and joy and peace in your life the other one will wear you out amen i was raised in the baptist church that taught that you know you got saved and then after you got saved you couldn't get healed you couldn't do anything else you just had to work for god do a work for god and it was all about being a human doing instead of a human being and we had this little poem that we used to give that said you know mary had a little lamb it would have been a sheep but it joined the baptist church and died from lack of sleep and it was just all doing something for god and i thought that you know my my dad died when i was 12 years old and i had fasted when i was 11 and prayed for him he was in the hospital for months and i was doing all of these things and when he died i just couldn't understand god i've done all of these things why didn't you heal my dad and it's frustrating and this is why a lot of people turn away from the lord because they believe that god exists they believe he can do anything but they think they have to do something to make god move and this is why they get into doing so much and they study the word thinking god did you see what i've done that's not the reason you study the word is to have god reward you for reading the word or going to church or paying your tithes and yet if you aren't careful you'll fall into this because this is what religion teaches religion is teaching basically that god exists but man you've got to do all of these things and jump through these hoops in order to get god to move in your life and i tell you that'll wear you out and i've been in ministry now for 52 years and i've seen people come and go and i think that probably the number one thing that causes burnout in people is the fact that they are trying to make god do all this they're trying to live up to this standard and do these things and it just wears you out and there's a lot of people that have quit they still believe in god they believe he exists they just believe that man there's no way i'm ever going to meet all of the standards i might as well just quit trying amen so there is a rest for the people of god look at these verses in hebrews chapter 4 it says in verse 1 let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them and if you read this in context the third chapter was talking about the children of israel that came out of the land of egypt and they came out of bondage but they didn't enter into the promised land that god had promised for him and that entire generation died short of what god wanted them to be and brothers and sisters i say this with no joy whatsoever but the majority of christians and i know that this is probably not just your typical church but i would dare to say that even a lot of people that are right here you aren't enjoying the fullness of what god has for you you've come out of being lost if you were to die you'd go to be with the lord but you aren't enjoying the benefits the fullness of what god has that's terrible it's terrible that we aren't partaking of everything jesus purchased healing for us man we should be walking in healing we should be walking in prosperity we should be walking in joy we should be walking in peace we shouldn't be terrified the way that other people are and yet there's a lot of christians that if you were arrested for being a christian there wouldn't be enough evidence in your life to convict him i mean you're as sick as your neighbor that doesn't know the lord you're as poor you're as worried you're looking at things that are happening at the riots and you're panicking you're you're just as bothered as anybody else you're like the israelites that came out of egypt but you're dying in the wilderness you aren't entering into what god has for you and it says let us fearless that happens to us because unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that hear it this is not just magic it's not like you know i've actually seen people when we're casting demons out and somebody goes to manifesting demons i've had people before hold a bible up like this it kind of reminds me of the uh what do they call those the uh dra yeah vampires thank you i you watch those things don't it reminds me of those vampire movies where they hold a cross up or something and they just can't stand that's silly first place vampires are silly but if there were vampires holding a cross or a bible ups not you know the devil translated some of these bibles tell the truth [Applause] the bible by itself doesn't scare people the bible says of itself right here in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 that the word of god is quick that means alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and joint mora and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart the true word of god is a spiritual thing this bible represents it and i believe it represents it perfectly but this isn't the bible this is the representation the bible is alive it's real and you've got to make it a part of you and the way you do that is when you mix these words with faith when it becomes real on the inside of you is when it takes on this life and so it says you have to mix it with faith and then in verse 3 it says for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as i have sworn in my wrath this is a quotation from psalms chapter 95 verse 11 and anyway the wording here in the king james is really awkward this is one of the most awkward king james translations in the bible and i don't have another translation with me right now so i'm going to summarize some of this to you but when he's talking here about rest he's not talking about that well let me just go on and read just a little bit more it says uh in verse three for we we which believe do enter into rest as he said as i've sworn in my wrath if i shall if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world for he spake in a certain place of of the seventh day on this wise and god did rest the seventh day from his works so he's likening this rest that he's talking about to the sabbath rest that god took at creation and you've got to change your thinking here because most of us when we talk about rest you're talking about being tired and you go lay down and rest but when it says that god rested this is a quotation from genesis chapter 2 verse 1 that he rested from all of his works and he blessed or hallowed the sabbath day because he rested when he rested it wasn't because he was tired god wasn't worn out it says in isaiah chapter 40 that the lord doesn't get weary god wasn't worn out it's not like if he made one more star he was just done for the day he was he was totally give out that's not what this is talking about when it says that he rested it's like when an artist paints a picture and everything is so perfect that if you add one more brush stroke to that you're gonna ruin the whole thing and so you put the the paintbrush down not because the paint brush is heavy but you're resting from your work because it's finished it's complete or a lawyer will say i rest my case that's not because he's so tired that i just i rest i can't share any more no it means that he shared everything that there is to share and so he's through he's complete the when jesus rested from his work that he had made it wasn't because he was tired it was because it was complete and i'm going to say some things here about creation and just hold with me because i'm going to apply it to you and there is a direct comparison that's what he's doing he says there is a rest for the people of god and then he starts talking about this rest that god took so for you to understand the rest that is available to us you need to understand how god rested and so again just for time's sake here we're limited i'm just going to summarize some things but you go back to genesis and you study genesis chapter 1 and it is very specific the way the lord created everything he didn't just say let there be trees let there be grass let there be cattle let there be animals let there be fish in the sea see he could have done that but if he would have done it that way he would have had to have recreated animals fish and trees and grass after the fall entered in and people died he would have had to create in new things but if you go back and read in the book of genesis it's very specific he says let the earth bring forth the tree whose seed is in itself and everything he created let the earth bring forth grass whose seed is in itself let the earth bring forth animals and and let that and whose seed is in itself and he kept talking about this everything he created he created it so perfectly that he has never created anything since he didn't wake up this morning and create a million new cows to replace all the ones that we ate did you know that the lord has never created another tree god has never created another blade of grass he's never created another animal he anticipated even though he created this not to us not to sin he anticipated that we would sin if the scripture says he was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world he knew that there would be sin he knew that eventually death would come into this world that he created and so he created in every animal in every living plant in all of the fish and in people the ability to procreate he anticipated all of this and god hasn't done anything about creation since the original creation that is significant most people don't think about this but it's really important and i hadn't got time to go into this and i mentioned this briefly in the first service and uh i'm going to open up a whole can of worms here that i haven't got time to explain but pastor duane i'll straighten all this out when i'm gone but that's the reason i disagree with this humanistic thing that that we're destroying our planet that we're exploiting our planet that we're gonna we're gonna use up all the resources of our planet god thought through all of these things did you know he created enough he created enough food on this planet to feed right now 7 billion people and if we grow to 14 billion people there will still be enough he's anticipated anything that we can do and god made this world to last i was just reading this last week that he says that he's established the earth to last forever now he's going to he's going to destroy and create a new heaven and new earth but this earth is never going to run out of stuff uh you know people are talking about we could run out of fossil fuels i've got a guy that works for me that has built an engine that runs on water he's run he's driven a car a hundred thousand miles he's in the process of of working that thing out water can power everything we're doing there's no limit god has created everything the only limit is us and us just not using the resources properly so anyway my point in saying all of this is that god thought through creation nothing is taking him by surprise he doesn't have to get up and say well man they're eating all of the animals i got to create new animals no he created in the animals the ability to procreate and did you know i read in a magazine that there's one stand of trees in iceland that that one stand of trees alone is enough to purify the air of the entire world this one stand of trees and that's not even including the you know the south american rain forest i've got a friend that works in the forest service and did you know that there's twice as many trees in the united states today as there was when the pilgrims arrived god made things to replenish and stuff he when he created he rested because there was nothing left to do i mean there was absolutely nothing and this is just an ideology but i've spent a lot of time thinking about this and i believe that god might have spent eons millions of years thinking through creation and anticipating everything that could possibly happen and then when he created it only took six days to create the entire universe and everything but it had a huge amount of thought going into it if you look at things on the molecular oh man i could just i spent a lot of time thinking about these things but i was flying here on an airplane on friday and looking at the air and the clouds and thinking clouds are awesome how did god think up all of this stuff we don't think about it but it's miraculous and that plane was flying it looks like it was flying through nothing but did you know air there's all kinds of stuff in here it looks like there's nothing in between me and you but there's air air is real and yet we don't see it we don't take it from but god fought through all this and that plane was just it was uh it was because there is air that that plane was able to fly anyway my point is god is just awesome he thought through all of this stuff he thought through creation so well that he even anticipated all of the things that could happen through a fallen world and he created this earth and when he rested it was because it was complete there is nothing left to do god doesn't have to uh you know respond to us and oh we're going to deplete the planet and we're going to do this he's anticipated anything we could ever do to mess things up in this world will fix itself some of you don't agree with that and you're entitled to your opinion but i'm not going to agree with you or we'd both be wrong so he rested on the seventh day and it and it talks about these old testament prophecies and says when he rested that rest wasn't fulfilled when joshua brought the children of israel into the promised land because hundreds of years after that david said in psalms chapter 95 verse 11 that there is still a rest for the people of god and so he comes down here and he says in verse 9 there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of god that wasn't fulfilled in type and shadow with joshua bringing the children of israel into the promised land and then he says in verse 10 for he that is entered into his rest into god's rest he also has ceased from his own works as god did from his and so what this is talking about is that god rested because everything was complete he never has created another thing he's never done anything new with creation he rested it's complete the only other creation god has ever made is the new creation you and me second corinthians 5 17. if any man be in christ he's a new creature or some translation say a new trait a new creation old things are passed away all things are become new and here's the application to you is that just like god created this earth so complete that itself perpetuates itself everything was created everything that we'll ever need did you know all of the steel that's in this building did you know god anticipated that we would use steel and stuff and he put in rocks all of these things and gave us the knowledge to get it out and there is knowledge i heard oral roberts one time say that a regular slice of white bread has enough power in those atoms that if you could split those atoms in a one slice of white bread it's enough power to power an ocean liner across the ocean and back but we can't split those atoms we can only split unstable atoms like plutonium and uranium and stuff like this but god has created this universe has everything that we'll ever need god has never had to do anything else whatever the needs of mankind are he already anticipated it it's in creation and all we've got to do is just figure it out and unlock it and go to using it did you know that this wireless microphone we're using these laws have been in effect since god created things people didn't know it so they didn't use it the air conditioning that we're using these laws have been here did you know electricity has been here since god created the heavens and the earth he didn't just create electricity a couple of hundred years ago people are just learning these things but the laws have been here all along and likewise when you get born again god made you a new creation and just like the original creation he made you complete your spirit is as perfect and complete right this moment as it will ever be in eternity thank you for those two amen most people are thinking no that's not true and that's because we most of us don't walk in the spirit most of us go by what we see taste tear smell and feel most of us that's what the bible calls carnal we are completely dominated by our five senses and so the bible says that you have the fullness of the godhead dwelling in you bodily and we go look in the mirror and we think this is it and we see gray hairs and zits and ugly and and we think god i'm like you no it's not talking about your body and it's not talking about your mental part but in your spirit you are identical to jesus first john chapter 4 verse 17 says that herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is speaking of jesus so are we in this world not so are we going to be in the next world so are we in this world and see some people again think what i'm not like jesus because see you're judging by the outward appearance you know that your body is different and stuff and your thoughts aren't right but in the spirit you are a brand new creature and you are identical to jesus he's he made you as complete in the spirit right the moment you got born again as you will ever be in eternity your spirit's not going to be changed your spirit's not going to have to be cleansed purged from uh iniquity or anything your spirit right now is as pure and perfect as jesus is you have the mind of christ first corinthians 2 16 you know all things first john chapter 2 verse 20 your spirit's perfect your spirit's identical to jesus and the rest of the christian life is learning how to rest in that and say father you made me complete and the doctor says you're going to die all he can do is look at your physical body he can't see your spirit but in your spirit you've got the same power that raised jesus christ from the dead ephesians chapter 1 verse 19. [Applause] it's not out there someplace that you've got to pray and pull it down see this is what so many religious people do it's like oh god i believe that you can heal anything i believe you can do anything you have done nothing but you could do it and so i'm asking you to stretch forth your hand and come and touch this person you see you're thinking that he still has to do something to produce healing no it was already done and when you got born again he put that raising from the dead power on the inside of you the same power that raised jesus christ from the dead it's not out there it's in here and the victory in the christian life is learning how to rest in this and say father i believe that when you made me i am a new creation a new creature and i have everything and i am not going to doubt that most people believe when the doctor says you're sick what they do is start moving towards healing they look at it and say healing's over here and in the name of jesus i'm going to win a victory bernie and i were talking about that earlier this song you got to interpret it the right way it's not wrong to say that we're going to see a victory but the truth is jesus has already won it and we aren't headed towards victory we're coming from victory but most people will say here's healing over here and i'm going to be healed the moment you say that you have said i am not healed but i'm going to be and the moment you say that you have entered you've allowed the devil to enter in with doubt because you know if i said i'm i'm going to go from here to the back of this auditorium you know i've automatically made myself susceptible to their somebody could uh tackle me as i'm walking towards the back somebody can stand in my way and stop me something could happen but if i say no i am here i don't have to go anywhere i'm here how can i doubt that i'll get where i am you can't stop me from getting here i don't care what you do i'm already here but you can stop me from getting back there see once you understand that no bias stripes i was healed first peter 2 24 i've got supernatural the same power that raised christ from the dead dwelling in me i keep pointing to my belly because the bible said jesus said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water this fake he of the spirit so the spirit you know is here in your belly some of us look like we got more of the spirit than others not so so i've already got healing i've got the power of god right here and once i understand that no i'm already healed then i fight not to get healed but i fight to defend the healing that jesus has already given me see that's resting in him father i'm i don't have to do something to get you to heal me by your stripes i was healed you put this power on the inside of me and i'm just resting in the fact that it's a done deal now that might lead somebody to thinking well so you just do nothing you just sit back and count that everything's done if you're still in hebrews chapter 4 i quit with verse 10 verse 11 says let us labor therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief you could take what i'm saying and say well then jesus has done everything so i'm just going to sit down and do nothing well it is true that jesus has done everything but you have to labor to enter into that rest it takes effort to renew your mind and to get to where you are not going to trust in yourself i just prayed with the lady in between the services and she uh has a diagnosis of cancer and she knows the word of god and she's strong in the word of god and she's believing god but once that cancer diagnosis was given she's had some panic come at her and some grief and she's just been dealing with things and basically what i was telling her is you've got more than enough faith to be healed to cancer it's not a problem but it's these thoughts of unbelief and you're gonna have to labor to rest in what jesus has done and you're going to have to come against those thoughts and this is where most people are missing the battle i would suspect that the vast majority of people that go to res life you have heard the word of god on healing you believe it is god's will to heal and you believe that god heals today i've seen my wife and my son raised from the dead my son was dead for five hours in a morgue stripped naked in a cooler they'd already put him in one of the coolers and they called me and he just sat up and started talking and today he's totally healthy and praise god it's a miracle most of you in here believe that and you believe that things like that can happen but the difference is you don't rest you don't trust you don't rely upon the fact that it's done you think that god i know you can do it you don't doubt that what i'm saying is true but what do i have to do to get it you have to quit doing and start resting and just thank you father that it's done but in order to rest like that it takes a lot of effort it takes a lot of time in the word to renew your mind and get to a place to where what god said is more real to you than what the doctor says than what the banker says than what the lawyer says than what the news has to say there is a lot of effort in resting man that is a powerful statement right there but you've got to labor to rest you know my oldest son joshua when he was one year old he was running and he fell and hit the corner of a table it was sharp like this and hit right here on his on his ear and when he did this big old knot came up that was full of uh stuff and it drained and anyway we just prayed over him and believed god for a healing did you know that every year for like 12 years that knot came back on the exact same day every year i think it was demonic i can't see any reason why that would happen physically naturally but every year that thing would come back and we'd see that knot start coming back and we'd start praying and after a few years of this i was like god what's going on i said i have to rebuke this deal every year what what's happening and he told me he says you aren't resting in what i'm doing you are fighting to get healed instead of fighting because he has been healed some of you may not see a difference in that but there's a huge difference and all of a sudden i just said he's healed and instead of fasting and praying the way i had all of those previous years we looked at it and we were we were having a devotion as he was going to bed and we both started just laughing saying devil you are so stupid when are you going to quit and give up by stripes he was healed and we just forgot it and went on and that's the last time it ever came up there is a difference there is a difference than saying in the name of jesus i believe i'm healed but you are fighting to get healed instead of fighting defending what jesus has already given you you know i was in the military and in the military if you took a a hill it was much easier to defend that that high position than it was to go attack and overcome a hill you get a defensive position to where you were defending what you already have instead of trying to go and get something you don't have and you it's just so much easier this is what makes the christian life so easy is when you just start resting in what god has done and like this lady that i prayed with in between the servants that i basically just prayed with her primarily that you she would just be able to overcome the fear cast down those thoughts stand there and fight against the unbelief you don't need a lot of faith jesus said if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed that's tiny you don't need big faith it's not your faith it's the problem it's your unbelief that's the problem because we aren't resting in what god has done we are feeling the responsibility that god i've got to do something to make this happen i'm telling you this is powerful what i'm saying i've i've taken about two hours teaching and convinced it and so i've got a teaching on the sabbath rest that would go into a lot more detail i think i mentioned this in the first first service but if you go to our website awmi.net i've got 200 000 hours of free material there that you can watch or listen to so anyway you can get it and it will be a blessing to you if you haven't been resting in the lord if this has helped you today and you say man i i've been feeling like i've got to do something to make god move instead of just trusting what he's already done and the reason i get in the word and labor is to change me not to change god not to change god's attitude towards me but to change my attitude towards god if you haven't understood that and if god has spoken to you today and you know what it's you have to make a decision that i'm going to mix with faith what god has told me and i want to pray with you today and just uh help you to receive i know that this could have quickened your faith because of the covet things and and time we are instead of having you come forward i just want you if god has quickened your faith and if you're ready to believe and start resting in what jesus has already done i want you to stand right where you are and i'm going to pray for you and we're going to believe god for a miracle so you could be receiving a healing you could be receiving prosperity you could be receiving jesus as your lord and savior there may be some of you that are thinking well i'm coming to church will god save me now it's not about going to church you know going to church is like parking a car in a garage if you're a car you ought to get into a garage for your own protection if you're a christian you need to go to church but going to church doesn't make you a christian any more than sitting in a garage and make you a car you need to be born again you need to just receive jesus died for your sins all you have to do is just receive it so it whether it's salvation whether it's healing prosperity deliverance whatever it is that you need i want you today just to receive as i pray to receive the fact that god has already anticipated this when you got born again he put within you everything you'll ever need it's already complete it's just a matter of you resting in what god has already done so father we love you and we thank you so much for jesus and thank you jesus for everything you've done thank you for what you suffered you suffered sickness so that i wouldn't have to be sick you suffered the wrath of your father so that i would never have to suffer it father thank you that you've already placed all of your wrath upon jesus and i pray for my brothers and sisters here today whatever it is healing salvation deliverance joy peace prosperity anything father we just now rest in the finished work of jesus and we believe father that you are working miracles in people's lives right now if people don't know you i pray that right now they would just do what romans 10 9 says confess with their mouth that jesus is their lord and believe in their heart that you raised him from the dead and you shall be saved father i speak that over people right now we thank you father and we receive all of the benefits from what jesus has already provided we rest in that in jesus name amen turn it back over to pastor dewayne thank you thank you brother great word say you may be seated that was just a great word appreciate it very very much hey now if you were one of the people who stood and the reason that you stood was you're giving your life to the lord uh we want you to contact us if you would just text yes to 616-226-3922 we want to be praying for you we want to get you some information that's going to help you with your walk with jesus and i just wanted to mention as we're closing you know when jesus was before pilate uh pilate asked him are you a king and he acknowledged his kingship but he said i'm my kingdom is not of this world now the truth is you know this but jesus did not come to get you to heaven he came to get the kingdom of god in you now that kingdom is here and that kingdom is coming and the bible calls it the eternal kingdom so yet it is eternal salvation is eternal but what jesus purpose was it was the kingdom of god but he says my kingdom is not of this world right now the day is going to come the bible tells us in daniel chapter 2 that god's kingdom is going to hit all the other kingdoms going to destroy it and it's going to fill the earth it's going that day is coming but when we think about a heavenly kingdom some people think well what does that have to do with earthly treasure how how is it that i take something that is material and i put it into the kingdom of god and it actually does something that's spiritual because our physical resources are able to advance a spiritual kingdom isn't that true physical resources advance a spiritual kingdom so what happens is this you have something in your hand and you put it into the kingdom of god jesus said when you do that you lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven because it affects a heavenly kingdom and he said that's the place where moth and rust do not destroy or corrupt where thieves cannot break in and steal now that that thing that's in your hand you lift that from your hand i remember when i first got saved and doug bergsman told me i needed to give into the kingdom of god i was working at steel case i made 300 that week i had a 10 and a 20. the offering plate came by i put it in and i wait because i thought it was gone right but this is what happens when something leaves your hand it will never leave your life see it goes into the kingdom god blesses it and brings it back to you in the form of blessing you know jesus said it really is more blessed to give than it is to receive but pastor ken come on up all right did you enjoy the services today everyone awesome word from pastor andrew give it up one more time for pastor andrew everyone [Music] we just want to reiterate if that was you and and you made that decision for the invitation or maybe if you're online and and you're worshiping with us or even in the rest center we just encourage you to text yes to that number 616-226-3922 so we can pray with you and stand with you and walk with you in your new life and pray with you i want to also remind you that tonight at five o'clock is our first live service and it's going to be right here right here in this sanctuary pastor andrew is going to be back and have a healing service so we invite you to come back the first time that we're going to have our live services and that will be right here at five o'clock make sure that you do that now if if you want to give specially to his ministry his bible college he does ministry all over the world and for many many years you can give a special gift and just put in the memo either online that you want to give to andrew walmack pastor andrew wommack and bless him and his ministry that you can still do that okay let's all stand together if you would all right some of you probably wonder what this box is here well over the past month or so we've had a semi truck out by the volleyball courts right there on the parking lot and we have it we have another semi today and we have fresh produce in here and some fruit actually have some celery here have some apples some onions some carrots what else is in here huh radishes i'm not a radish fan anybody like radishes not me a lot of hands what i need in here is some steak so anyway so uh there's some boxes out there you're free to grab a box for yourself and if you know someone or a family that you want to bless we encourage you to get another box and bless them i don't know if you've been doing that we did that ourselves and bless the family so just take this opportunity to do that it's free right after church out there let me pray a blessing over you may the lord bless you may the lord keep you may the lord cause this face to shine upon you and lift up his countenance to you be gracious to you and to give you his favor and his peace in jesus name we said together amen have a great afternoon [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: ResLife Church
Views: 283,309
Rating: 4.8666396 out of 5
Keywords: ResLife, ResLife Church, Resurrection Life Church, Grandville, Grand Rapids, Michigan Church, Michigan, RLC, LINC, RLCI, Sunday Sermon, Andrew Wommack, AWMI, Grace, Faith, What is grace?, Christian Faith
Id: l79rXQIoZ-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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