"It's CRAZY How FAST THIS WORKS!" | MANIFEST Anything You WANT - Dr. Joe Dispenza

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want to be happy build a life not just a business hey it's evan carmichael and this channel was created to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself you watch these videos because you know there's something more inside you too you've got michael jordan level genius at something so today let's live your best believe life and get some incredible motivation from the one and only dr joe dispenza enjoy is no longer about pleasure or having a car it's something that you're cultivating within you so then imagine we have research to show and this is such a this is such a duality that when you start seeing the brain start synchronizing getting coherent the front of the brain and the back of the brain that two hemispheres coming together and you we can say to scientists that come and study our work oh watch this ed's gonna pop what do you mean just watch this is going to be good and all of a sudden you see this brain going into this kind of psychic union the heart blows wide open you see coherence going on and you look around at that person and there's tears running down their face imagine feeling so whole that it's impossible to want i mean how can you want when you're whole because you feel like you already have it now when you reach that point that's when the magic happens because now you are worthy to receive and the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving share this with them yeah i think you know for me i mean um i'm curious and i'm a pragmatist i mean if you tell me something all i want to know is how i'm going to use it in my life yes and i'm not in the dinner conversation because nobody changes from that you know i mean i'm a doer and i want to be around doers and and this is why you and i connect so well i think and i yeah obviously and and and and uh you you create a group of people that are passionate about transformation and they've they've done some of the work when we were doing our four day four and a half day uh advanced workshops right around the end of the event i was seeing people starting to notice seeing some really great transformations and i thought this is the pop yeah it's a pop yeah big pops yeah and we were like we had to send them home and i was like oh god man if i could just have them for a week so we created these week-long events where people retreat from their lives and they remove the constant stimulation in their external environment that reminds them of who they think they are as a personality yes they separate themselves from the people they know and the places they go and the things that they do at a certain amount of time in their routine mundane life so we'll bridge a little quantum physics with a little neuroscience little neuro endocrinology a little epigenetics psychoneuroimmunology those are all sciences about possibility and i now know that if you can give people sound scientific information and you know for me that's the language and then if they can turn to the person next to them and explain it you're not going to get off the hook if you can't explain it it's not wired in your brain but if you can build a model and explain it you're installing the neurological hardware in your brain in preparation for the experience so the more you understand what you're doing and why how it gets easier because you can assign meaning to it so then if i can set up the conditions in the environment and give them the proper instructions and push the envelope a little bit yeah and people who get their behaviors to match their intentions and their actions equal to their thoughts they get their mind and body working together they're going to have a new experience and the experience then is not only going to enrich the philosophical circuits in their brain because experience does that but it's going to produce an emotion so they're going to start feeling more unlimited how bad does it have to get i mean to what denominator to what lowest level do you have to reach before people really make up their mind to change my message is why wait i mean when you're feeling so altered emotionally you feel so bad that's the moment you could actually see yourself for the first time because you're you're not answering your cell phone you're not responding to all your texts you're not watching tv you're not going out to dinners you're not calling people back you're something's altered in you and you're starting to become self-aware right so then people wait to that lowest moment where they can start to see themselves through the eyes of somebody else well if you're waking up every day and you're combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion and you're changing your emotional state to be elevated you could still see the old self from an elevated point of view and be state conscious then from a limited point of view and that's what i want for people like let's go i mean what do you got to lose what people are going to start wondering like did you change your medication what's up with that guy something's different about him you're not predictable any longer right then we say to our our community you know when you're changing you just stop talking about it you're just too busy being it something's happening you know and that's the repetition of getting a few days in a row of that really well i always say god if you had a great meditation you wake up feeling better at the end of that meditation than when you started and you do that the next day and then the next day you're gonna start feeling better all the time and that your body is gonna start feeling better and everything is going to start feeling better and you're going to start feeling better about life so you ask the person why are you so unhappy why are you so frustrated why are you so resentful the moment you ask that their brain is going to associate that emotion to a past event to a memory to a memory that's because they have nothing to look forward to in their future so if you're not being defined by a vision in the future it just means to me that you're more in love with your past than you are with the future so how do you teach people to believe in a future that they can't see or experience with their senses yet but they've thought about enough times in their mind that their brain is literally changed to look like the event has already occurred the latest research in neuroscience says that's absolutely possible we know that and how do you teach a person to select a new possibility in their future and begin to emotionally embrace that future before it's made manifest to such a degree that their body as their unconscious mind is believing it's living in that future reality in the present moment and they're signaling new genes in new ways ahead of the environment now to their body begins to change to look like the event has already occurred we've proven that that's possible now think about this so the more you think about your desired future the joy the gratitude the uh the feelings you want to have that are more positive the more you think about it as it's as a future thing happening the more your body shifts now exactly so your body is believing it's living in that future reality in the present moment now think about this the stronger the emotion you feel from some condition in your life the more altered you feel inside of you the more you narrow your focus on the cause and the brain freezes an image and takes a snapshot and that memory now is embossed in the brain it's branded in there so then people think neurologically within the circuits of those past experiences and they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and the stronger the betrayal the stronger the trauma the more the body's living in the past right so then so how to reverse that so now if you truly got passionate about a future we've all done this you get a wild idea in your mind and you start holding on to that vision and you're preoccupied with it all of a sudden the thought in your mind becomes the experience and you start feeling the the energy of the future now the stronger the emotion you feel from that vision the more you're going to pay attention to the picture in your mind and now you're remembering your future and vice versa the stronger you pay attention to the feeling of the past pain you're going to create the pain in this moment exactly so then so it requires a coherent brain and we now know that there's a formula for that and we've got beautiful research to show that people can do it they just have to practice and it requires a coherent heart because resentment frustration in patience creates a very incoherent heart yeah and when that heart becomes incoherent you stop trusting yourself there's no energy you stop trusting in your future so then if there's physical evidence in your brain and body physical evidence to look like the event has already occurred it's quite possible you'll be thinking neurologically within the circuits of your future and you'll begin to feel chemically within the boundaries of that emotion of your future and how you think and how you feel is your state of being and now your state of being is living in the future instead of the past now the moment you disconnect from the emotion of your future because traffic or some co-worker or your ex or whatever people come up with now you're back to the energy of your past and now you're gonna start looking for it analyzing why hasn't it happened well if you're feeling the emotion of your future why would you look for it because you would feel like it already happened and that is the place where the magic happens so then you can't just do this get up and then return back to your old state of being you got to maintain that modified statement well of course of course i mean we all take blows in our lives yeah and and we all react emotionally but the question is how long are you going to reach right right so then if you can't mediate and regulate your emotional reactions and those emotions linger for days that's years for some people mood and then months temperament years personality trait so then the person's personality is literally based on the past but they don't know that because they're doing it over and over again it becomes a subconscious program so now if it requires a coherent brain and a coherent heart then we have to train people how to self-regulate the person's doing the vision board and they're saying when i get my new car i get my new house i get my new relationship then i'm gonna feel so great now that well then they're back to the program waiting for it to happen for them to feel the emotion they're they're believing their outer world has to change in order for them to feel better there's there's no effect of drawing the experience to you with that way so the person has to use those tools to get them into the emotional state for them to feel like it's already happened now think about this if you get up from a creative process and you feel grateful you feel a love for life you feel a joy for existence you feel a passion uh to for the moment uh you will not be looking for your future because you'll feel like it's already happened it's the moment that we start feeling those self-limiting emotions that we feel separation and then we start looking for it again well then if you're waiting you're not creating you're you're in separation again so then yeah so then whatever it takes for you to move into a state of being and what is a state of being thoughts are the vocabulary of the brain feelings are the vocabulary of your body how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so then if you wake up in the morning and you come come back to your senses with a clean slate and you say i don't feel anything you say well let me start thinking about all the problems in my life well all those problems are connected to different people or different objects of things at different times and places the moment you remember your problems a memory is a record of the past you're thinking in the past every one of those problems has an emotion associated with them so all of a sudden you start feeling unhappy you start feeling bitter you start feeling frustrated so now your body's in the past so then most people then create a state of being that's connected to their past and if they're in the familiar past then they are going to crave the predictable future and they're going to fall back into routine so then we want people then to get very clear on that vision of their future however they do it and begin to combine that clear intention with an elevated emotion and the stronger the emotion they feel from the vision they're creating the more altered they feel inside of them the more they're going to pay attention to the pictures in their mind and now they're remembering their future and biologically it's exactly the same as remembering your past in fact if you're not being defined by a vision in the future it means you're making your past more real than your future you're falling in love with your past you're more in love with your past than you are with your future that you're believing in your past more than you're believing in your future when you get to that moment where you have that feeling that's your compass because that feeling is going to drive your behaviors it's going to drive more of those thoughts and when you feel that feeling and it's visceral no person no thing no experience will stand in the way between you and that vision and and you will be initiated in by the universe into wealth you will be initiated into health you'll be initiated into freedom those people all those people that have healed themselves of all those different health conditions they are so humble and so happy and they feel so great that they would never trade this feeling because of what you thought of them they they've left that program behind a long time ago they actually don't care how you think of them they actually are so happy with themselves that they're no longer dependent on anything outside of them now i think that's a really important moment because that's the moment we give people permission in our lives to do the same right and i think that more and more people are beginning to figure that out one of the things about the global pandemic that i said to my staff and to my family the moment i heard how the circumstances in the world changed i just said i refuse to be a victim to these circumstances so a victim consciousness is when we allow something in our outer environment to control the way we feel and think so i say to you jay why are you so upset today and you said oh it's because of this person or circumstance what you're really saying is something in my outer environment some person or some condition is controlling the way i think and feel and that's not the truth that's just a response right so anything that controls our thoughts and feelings causes us to be victim to those things and the stronger the emotion we feel to some circumstance in our life the more we pay attention to it and where we place our attention is where we place our energy so we're giving our life force we're giving our power away to that circumstance and so i just made up my mind that it was a great opportunity to get into the cocoon a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition a habit is when you've done something so many times that the body now knows how to do it better than the mind so now the person running through the same routine every single day is on autopilot and their body's now dragging them into a predictable future based on what they did in the past and they've lost their free will to a set of programs right so now you have the familiar past and you have the predictable future those are knowns so the only place then reasonably where the unknown exists is the sweet spot of the generous present moment that is when the body and mind are free from those conditions so along with those emotions that influence the same thoughts people start becoming more judgmental they start becoming more impatient they start becoming more entitled they start getting more afraid more anxious more depressed and now the body is literally being depleted of energy because it's believing that it's living in an emergency situation and in emergency you tap all the body's resources for some threat whether it's real or imagined and so then when you're releasing all of these chemicals we are literally drawing the body's life force and turning it into chemistry and so for the short term that's cool but the arousal that's created from those stress hormones is a rush of energy and so then people use the problems and the conditions in their life to reaffirm their conditioning or their addiction to that emotion and in a sense they become addicted to the life they don't even like and this is why change is so hard so then when a person makes up their mind to change and they say okay i'm not going to say i can't i'm not going to judge another person i'm not going to blame i'm not going to complain i'm not going to make excuses i'm not going to be a victim i'm not going to talk trash about anybody i'm just going to stop well that works out really well for the first couple hours then the body's saying you're out of schedule you normally at eight in the morning you're getting traffic and you're angry then at 11 o'clock you check your emails and you're really judgmental and frustrated the body's saying well you've been doing this for the last 20 years you're just going to stop today so now the body which has been conditioned emotionally to be the mind wants to return back to its familiar territory to the known so the body starts influencing the mind and it says you know come on this is a good time to judge that come on this is a good time to suffer it's your ex's fault it's it's your it's the government's fault it's uh you know it's the weather what the news whatever it is and if we accept believe and surrender to that thought without analyzing it it slips by and it begins to program the autonomic nervous system to make those pharmacy of chemicals and so that's when the person makes the same choice does the same thing creates the same experience just for that familiar feeling okay i'll complain just so i can feel suffering then they'd rather be unhappy than step into the unknown i think that emotions are energy in motion and so let's just say that um we share the same experiences okay i don't we're friends and we share the same experience you're from london i've been to london my daughter lives in london and we have hey you do this i do that you did the you know you own this i own that you know so what we do is we actually look to see when we meet people if we're matching neurologically if we're matching emotionally so if we share the same experiences we share the same emotions and if we share the same emotions we can relate to one another so this is where it gets sticky so then the moment you start saying ah that person did that to you once yeah that person i had a similar experience to that person that to me now now we open the door like i'm gonna use you to reaffirm my attachment to that emotion and let's just work it up so that you can suffer and i can suffer and then we can have a conversation and literally we're sharing the same energy and if we're sharing the same energy we're sharing the same information and we're bound by an invisible field of energy that keeps us connected yes so then what does it take to break that energetic field and energy that's greater than the energy that's holding it together that's how you separate atoms that become a molecule you they're they're bound by an invisible field of energy that's keeping them connected so you got to use a greater energy than the energy that's holding them together to separate them well in order for you to change then you can't have energy without awareness or consciousness you've got to go to a greater level of consciousness and change your energy and nobody changes jay until they change their energy when they change their energy they changed their life so then you may say well this person you know i i use this person and i use my enemy to reaffirm my addiction to hatred i use my co-worker to reaffirm my addiction to judgment i use my ex to reaffirm my addiction to resentment that we have these different people in our lives that we need to remind us of who we think we are the enemy dies and you find another one you know you know your co-worker uh leaves and you start judging another one it's just it's not any it's not that so then when there's no longer a vibrational match when you start doing the work there's no longer a vibrational match with you and your past present reality that that person or that condition any longer that person or condition is going to spiral away because you're no longer you're no longer in need of that so then our life begins to change when we change our energy and we begin to take our power back that's essential for us to begin to create with now some people can't handle that because they're not conscious that they're doing it so they'll be working on their vision of the future and yet they'll spend two hours lowering their energy back into victimization or suffering and they want to know why their future isn't happening well there's an unconscious program let's go after that and once you start going after that now all of a sudden your life starts to change again so you can't say it doesn't work on some level we don't work and if you're really invested in this the question is what is it about me where am i directing my attention or my energy who am i using to reaffirm some conditioning that i need to remember as my old self so then when you stop reacting to the person or the person is now complaining to you and you're not complaining back it's going to be an uncomfortable moment because you're all of a sudden seeing a part of you you used to be that you no longer are and you have to be willing to not go there and over time that person will thank you and they'll say i didn't even know that i was complaining that much and by changing yourself you help others you ought to stay conscious and not go unconscious and it turns out that 95 of the time we're unconscious so if you're going to stay conscious then there's an element that also requires a certain amount of awareness or energy and you got to step outside of that unconscious state so the thoughts that they're thinking are slipping by their awareness unnoticed because they're hardwired in their brain because they've been saying i can't it's too hard my life will never change it's someone else's fault those thoughts have consequences in the body so then if a person then becomes conscious of those unconscious thoughts becomes aware of how they speak and how they act and they notice how they're feeling they're no longer the program they're the consciousness outside the program and that's the first step to change so there are when you when you're distracted by your environment and you got your cell phone and your tweeting and your instagramming and facebook and whatever people do you're distracted by that feeling but i now know that if you take a person and you say okay close your eyes sit in the in the silence of any external stimulation remove the environment sit your body down like an animal body is the animal tell it to stay i'm going to feed you you can check your cell phone you can shower you can have your coffee but when i say and so then here comes the challenge right so and and then if you say then you're not going to live in the familiar future a familiar past or predictable future you're not going to think about how long you've been meditating what you got to do you you labor uh for that present moment people think when they do this that they're doing something wrong because there's such discomfort that comes with it but they're in the unknown they're actually doing it right people say i think i'm meditating wrong i always say oh no no no you're doing it right because when you notice that your body wants to get up and check your cell phone or have a cup of coffee and you become aware that it's on autopilot and wants to do that and you say come on over here and you return it back to the present moment you're executing a will now that's greater than the program and if the person wants to just get angry while they're sitting there there's an arousal and they notice the body is amping up and revving up and they settle it back down now they're telling the body it's no longer the mind that they're the mind now we've researched this and it's tedious in the beginning at first because david is fighting goliath but if you keep practicing it just like training an animal sooner or later the body acquiesces sooner or later the body is trained to a new mind and when that happens there's a liberation of energy the body goes from particle to wave from matter to energy and there goes that emotion literally liberated from the body as energy so the person who has the strong emotion to some circumstance in their life and they're they're working and lowering the volume of that emotion the more they lower the volume of that emotion the more they're going to take their attention off that person and problem and they're going to take their power back there's going to be a break in their attention from that circumstance and now they build their own field and now there's energy to heal now there's energy to create a new life now there's energy for the mystical moment because they've overcome their old personality self so i think you know it's not like thinking positively that's not the message it's it's overcoming overcoming overcoming overcoming until we become somebody else and when that occurs and the person starts thinking differently and they start acting differently and they start feeling differently they're a new personality and they they start seeing those synchronicities and serendipity turns out we've done an experiment just 10 minutes a day three times a day with 120 people trading resentment frustration fear for gratitude appreciation and thankfulness measuring their immune response the the chemical immunoglobulin a your primary defense against bacteria and viruses the best flu shot you'll ever get lives innately within you turns out when you're frustrated when you're impatient when you're fearful the immune system dials down because you're an emergency it's not it's all your energy is going for some threat in your outer world there's no energy in your inner world for growth and repair but how do you turn that around so then as people begin to open their heart can that chemical begin to to elevate four days 50 change in the 120 people their their iga levels went up 50 in four days that's your body's immune system is now upregulating genes that are making proteins and immunoglobulins and antibodies that you don't need a flu shot in other words your interstate is greater than your outer world so then just by doing that we now know that your immune system is going to get stronger by the same means take 120 people or 50 people and measure 7500 gene regulations okay in four days two genes that suppress cancer growth and tumors are activated and up regulated the genes that stimulate stem cells that go to damaged tissues and repair them up regulate them the gene for oxidative balance is upregulated anti-cancer anti-aging anti-heart disease anti-stroke anti-neurodegenerative anti-inflammatory antimicrobial just your body's naturally doing this the gene for neurogenesis the growth of new neurons in response to novel experiences and learning this is four days the gene switches on uh the gene for more balance in the pituitary and the pancreas the gene for the microtubules of the cells the the little little fibers that respond to energy and frequency so in four days we now know that you can change your genetic destiny if you just practice the inner work if you think about this your senses plug you into your external environment everything you're seeing or smelling or tasting or feeling or hearing all of your five senses are affecting your brain so if you're waking up in the morning and you're going through the same routine behaviors as you did the day before and you're not in the process of being defined by a vision of the future then you're for the most part left with the old hardware in your brain from the past as a matter of fact your brain is organized to reflect everything you know from the past so as people wake up and they begin to pay attention to their body they start to look around in their environment they start to do typical things it's the external environment that's turning on different circuits in their brain causing them to think equal to their environment and if you have the idea that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny as long as you're thinking equal to your environment you keep creating the same reality over and over again so to change is to think greater than your environment to think greater than the circumstances in your world to think greater than the conditions in your life and i think every great person in history understood this they were defined by a vision that was much bigger than that i think one of the challenges i think many people have is really the discernment of information it's really difficult to know what's the truth anymore just because information is so accessible and i used to say that in an age of information ignorance is a choice and and now we have to confront a whole nother level and that is the information that we're getting uh is it is it actually supporting us or is it something that really is an incentive to to cause us to make choices so um for me i think the biggest challenge has been just really an awakening to what kind of information i want to expose myself to and i think it's now more than ever a challenge for a lot of people in the world overcoming the old self allows us to become somebody else and there is that period of transition yeah i call it the void where there's just not a lot happening and you just got to be able to keep going and continuously get to the end of your belief where most people stop i just had a fabulous conversation with someone this weekend broke through to the other side and now there's so much magic happening around this person but she's worthy now to receive it and that's that that is the key because the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving so we gotta become initiated into this and understand it thousands of years of programming that says that we have to change things uh matter to matter you know in three-dimensional reality and it will take time but to begin to connect to that resource called the quantum field and create from the field instead of from matter there's a lot of unlearning that has to go on i think this is a time in history where it's not enough to know there's a time in history to know how and if you rewind the tape 10 years ago you know information was the thing that stimulated thought stimulated new ideas and and as we learn new things we make new connections in our brains so as we begin to add new stitches into that three-dimensional tapestry in our mind we're beginning to cause our mind to function in new ways but the key then is to apply it to personalize it to do something with it in in ten years ago when i got in front of an audience and talked about the application nobody wanted to step outside that philosophical theoretical intellectual realm right because doing something means you're gonna have to change something about yourself yeah you're gonna get uncomfortable right and um i think we're in an age of information and in an age of information ignorance is a choice and because of technology we have access to so much content and information creates awareness and awareness is consciousness and you can't have consciousness without energy there they work together so there's an energetic change i think that's taking place in the world right now where people are so informed that old models old paradigms are beginning to break down whether it's the medical model or the religious model the education model journalism uh the economy you know uh politics it's all beginning to uh come to the surface because something else has to come out and and i think that one of the things that uh people are realizing is that you don't have to be a buddhist monk to do this or a nun with 40 years of devotion you just got to understand the formula and just like any skill or anything you learn you got to go from thinking to doing to being you got to take knowledge you create the experience and if you keep doing it over and over again you start getting a skill or you start getting wise about how to do it and you you know that you know how to do it if we teach a person then how to trade that frustration or that hatred for an elevated emotion and they'll say yeah but you know it was my ex's fault or i got betrayed by my partner in business yeah yeah yeah we know that okay so let's take your partner in business or take your ex let's duct tape them put them in a cannon and shoot them to the moon now what are you going to do sooner or later you got to reckon with yourself and change right so then teach a person then how to trade that emotion for an elevated emotion now trade the emotion for an elevated emotion right so you're going to give that up and you're going to practice feeling gratitude as an example yes the person says well i can't feel gratitude and i say absolutely you can because you don't practice feeling it you practice spending most of your time feeling hatred and frustration so now it's going to take a little time to cause that heart of you to bloom or your heart of yours to bloom once they're able to feel even the smallest measure of gratitude where they start feeling appreciation thankfulness gratitude it's emotional signature when you when you get something when you're receiving something when something has happened to you or when something is happening to you you say thank you because you're receiving something so the emotional signature of gratitude means the event has already happened where it's happening to you so the moment you open your heart and you feel gratitude well that emotion then is telling the body that the experience has already occurred and the thought then can make it into the body because it's consistent with the thought so now you're beginning to program the autonomic nervous system into a very specific destiny you've got to maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day independent of the conditions in your outer environment independent of your body's cravings of those emotions and habituations and independent from time and if you can get ready because something weird or unusual some synchronicity some coincidence some opportunity is going to land in your lap and you didn't have to go and get it yes it came to you now you're the vortex of creation so if you say to me well i was feeling gratitude but then there was traffic or my co-worker sent me a nasty email then i would say oh my god you mean you're allowing your environment your outer environment to control how you feel and think you're back to the unconscious program that you're the victim to your life you got it but when you start producing those outcomes in your life you're going to pay attention to what you did inside of you and you're going to believe more that you're the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life i think that we define reality with our senses and i think that is one of the biggest delusions so the fundamental question is can you believe in a future that you can't see or experience with your senses yet but you've thought about enough times in your mind that your brain is literally changed to look like the event has already occurred now the latest research in plasticity says that's absolutely possible and can you select a new possibility in the quantum field and begin to emotionally embrace that future every single day to such a degree that your body as the unconscious mind the objective mind does not know the difference between the experience in your life that's creating the emotion and the emotion that you're fabricating by thought alone to the degree that you begin to signal new genes and new ways to change your body to look like the experience has already happened now yes the latest research in epigenetics says it's absolutely possible now think about this every day installing the circuitry every day conditioning the body into the emotion of the future that your body begins to change to look like it's already happened now this is where it gets fun because now you no longer have to go anywhere to get it now it begins to come to you you become the vortex or the magnet to your destiny so then people who come out of their meditation and they say well i just focused on my wealth why isn't it there well you're not that good if you're asking why isn't it there you're back to the old person again stay in that state for an extended period of time as an experiment as the scientist in your life to keep your energy connected to the to the dream of your future and then see what kind of effects begin to take place without moving into impatience without moving into frustration without starting to analyze why it hasn't happened or when that is the trap of defining reality with your senses so you have the thought of your future and you don't see it then you experience separation but people who are practicing this work they have the thought of their future and they feel the emotion of their future they're still connected to it right so that takes practice and it's just learning like hitting a golf ball hitting a tennis ball dancing the salsa you know crocheting whatever it is you gotta you gotta start out staying real conscious and learning then you get good at it and it gets to be instrumental it gets to be fun and that's that's what i want for everybody that the act of creation should be a blissful playful ecstatic loose uh free process and um and so i love the idea of people taking time out of their lives uh to prove to themselves that if they're defined by the vision of the future then they're not living by the memories of the past and that's where the unknown exists so many people the unknown is a scary place so they don't see that future because they're used to seeing their future with evidence with their senses and you have to be able to get beyond that and stay in the unknown stay in that discomfort and then in that moment to be begin to self-regulate like oh i'm starting to feel a little anxiety oh i'm starting to feel a little frustration that's the defining moment where your body's going back to the past because emotions are a record of the past or you go into routine again so you catch yourself it's a victory and if you keep catching yourself those victories add up and it's not so much about your wealth or your health or your freedom or your new relationship it's actually about who you become we have a huge frontal lobe and it's 40 of our entire brain and most people uh when they have a thought they just think that that's the truth and i think one of my greatest realizations in my own journey was just because you have a thought it doesn't necessarily mean it's true so if you think 60 to 70 000 thoughts in one day and we do and 90 of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before and you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny your life's not going to change very much because the same thought leads to the same choice the same choice leads to the same behavior the same behavior creates the same experience and the same experience produces the same emotion and so then the act of becoming conscious of this process to to begin to become more aware of how you think how you act and how you feel it's called metacognition and so then why is that important because the more conscious you become of those unconscious states of mind and body the less likely you're going to go unconscious during the day and that thought is not going to slip by your awareness unchecked because you're it means to know thyself the word meditation means to become familiar with so as you become familiar with the thoughts the behaviors and the emotions of the old self you're retiring that old self as you fire and wire new thoughts and condition the body into a new emotional state if you do that enough times it'll begin to become familiar to you so it's so important just like a garden if you're planting a garden you got to get rid of the weeds you got to take the plants from the past year and you got to pull them out the rocks that sift to the top that are like our emotional blocks they have to be removed the soil has to be tenderized and broken down we have to we have to make room to plant a new garden so primarily we learn the most about ourselves and others when we're uncomfortable because the moment you move into that uncomfortable state normally a program jumps in when that program jumps in it's because a person doesn't want to be in the present moment and engage it consciously so when you teach people how to do that with a meditative process it turns out that when they're in their life they're less likely to emotionally react they're less likely to be so rigid and believe the thoughts they were thinking they're more aware of when they go unconscious back into a habit and that is what starts the process of change and so we have to unlearn before we relearn we have to break the habit of the old self before we reinvent the new self we have to prune synaptic connections and sprout new connections we have to unfire and unwire and re-fire and rewire we have to unmemorize emotions that are stored in the body then recondition the body to a new mind into a new motion like deprogram and reprogram that's the act and it's a two-step process the majority of our thoughts and feelings are connected to our sexuality to our victimization our guilt our suffering our shame our unworthiness our self-doubt or our importance our control our fear our anger our frustration our hatred our judgment those are those are the first three hormonal centers in the body and and those first three centers have everything to do with survival and those centers are energy consumers orgasm digestion stress is a lot of energy that that we're drawing from our very vital life force yes a resource of light and information and we're turning it into chemistry and we're literally robbing the body's energy right so so then living like that for the short term is okay because the body can move back to homeostasis it can restore itself but when we're over doing that consistently then there's no energy for growth and repair there's because you're living constantly in survival so again you can eat all the right food you can do all the right things but if you're living in anxiety and fear and you're viewing your world from the worst case scenario that could possibly happen because that's what you do in survival there's no energy for growth and repair there's no energy for healing so the majority of our thoughts are signaling certain circuits in the brain that signal another part of the brain limbic brain to make what's called a neuropeptide neuropeptides or chemical messengers that signal hormonal centers so now you're taking thought and you're storing it as energy in these energy centers and and if you're living in survival why would you open your heart i mean it's just not a time to open your heart i mean if you're getting chased by t-rex it's not a time to meditate it's not a time to learn it's not a time to connect it's not a time to communicate it's not a time to sit down and go within it's not a time to be vulnerable it's time to run fight or hide and so is that why we're this way i've never asked you this before is this some uh i don't i don't think you believe this but i just want to understand is this some sort of genetic disposition that's been passed down to us since we've been chased by t-rex i think so i think survival has been very adaptive yeah like because if you're being chased by t-rex you don't run up to t-rex t-rex and say oh cute little dinosaur let me pet you that's not adaptive the fear is adaptive you run from the unknown you run from challenges right yes so if you're living in survival there's better chances of surviving if you run from the unknown and by the way when you're living in survival at the infinite potentials in the quantum field you'll select the worst case scenario in your mind and you'll begin to emotionally prepare yourself for the worst case scenario because you have better chances of surviving there you go if you prepare for the worst right so people spend their whole life yes thinking about the worst thing and emotionally embracing it while you take a thought an emotion or an image and an emotion you're branding or conditioning your body into what anxiety into fear so then you keep doing that over and over again over and over again your the body becomes the mind of fear and whether you think you can control it or not you're gonna have a panic attack and the panic attack is the body saying you've conditioned me this way try as you may with your conscious mind and control it right you programmed it subconsciously then you start worrying about the next panic attack and it's that very anticipation there we go it keeps the person on the hamster wheel it robs them of all of this energy as well they're absolutely so so so they don't believe in possibility when they're living in that state because in survival it's not a time to create all the blood flow is going to the hind brain and away from the forebrain there's no there's there's no physiology really for a person to begin to create a new future so then so think about it so then 70 of the time people in the world are living anticipating the next moment based on their past moment and so they're laying reality down moment by moment with the next known the next predictable moment and so the hormones of stress endorse the senses our senses become heightened when we're under stress and we become materialists we narrow our focus on the danger yes so then you're focusing on matter you're focusing on the material world and when you do that you put all your attention the arousal of the stress hormones puts all your attention on your body if you're being chased by t-rex you better be paying attention we have research to show that 60 days of meditation five days a week will lengthen your life the telomeres the little shoestrings on the end of your dna get longer that means your biological age is changing so we we have the evidence now to show people what's possible we have brain scans that that are so outside of normal that when neuroscientists see them they're blown away because the amount of energy that's in the brain during this transcendental moment is uh hundreds of times outside of normal wow i mean you can't make your brain do that something is happening to you and that person's having a transcendental moment and we now know that we can predict it and we now know that we can induce it so then there's the evidence there then you take our community and you see people with stage four cancer with parkinson's disease with myasthenia gravis with with lupus with ms with brain injuries with rare genetic disorders with vertigo tinnitus kidney failure all kinds of health conditions come to a week-long event and then at the end of that event they make significant strides in getting beyond the emotions of the past now think about this the science says that the environment signals the gene that's epigenetics the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion so as long as you're living by the same emotion every single day you're signaling the same gene in the same way and if that gene is related to a survival emotion a stress hormone then you're down regulating the gene and you're creating disease so when the person trades that emotion and really breaks free from the chains of their past and now they're feeling an elevated emotion well now they're dialing down the gene for ms and they're up regulating the gene for health and balance and so the person will say to them where's the disease well i'm not the same person i'm not the and and the side effect of that is a transformation in healing so the funny thing about it is the person who has the healing is not talking about the healing whether it's blind people seeing deaf people hearing hearing we have crazy evidence now what they're talking about is how amazing they feel because they're refreshed they're they're they got a new lease on life and so now we have evidence in our research and that silence is the critic to show that what's possible for people so then if you're sitting in a meditation and your body's thrown the kitchen sink at you and saying ed you're a loser you're never going to change this is too hard why don't you quit and you're aware that that's your body doing that and you say to your body we're going to sit here and we're going to sit in this fire and i'm going to keep applying the formula and my your brain starts running to all the emails you have to do and you become aware of that and return back to the present moment you tell the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now your will is getting greater than that program and there's a liberation of energy and every time you do that that's a victory and you teach every time you do that that's a victory when your mind tells the body i'm in charge when you say you're when you you just want to get up and you want to quit and you go you know that's my body bring it back okay and now you're now you're taming the animal the body is the animal and you're like a dog you sit and if you keep doing this keep doing this you're climbing on top and the body finally acquiesces it finally says i'm not going anywhere and then boom there's this liberation of energy what's the side effect joy person's heart just automatically opens up and and every time they do that those victories add up there's no such thing as a bad meditation there's only overcoming yourself and when you sit in the fire and you work with that people say to me why do you meditate every morning i say because if i can overcome myself in the morning the rest of my day is easy it's easy true because because that's what it's about you master yourself you master your life yes and so then all the chatter in your head that you listen to all day long that is called the default mode network in the brain my research shows that shuts off not just shuts off during the meditation it stays shut off for the rest of the day so the critic in your head that's telling you this will never happen you don't have enough time all right that there's no voice there so you just have a clear flow on where you're going and you trust yourself more look i mean we're we're in a convenience-based society i mean if you if you lose your internet connection or your cell phone doesn't do it it's supposed to people get angry like yeah that's 20 seconds right so here you are creating something out of nothing and you don't have the patience well that has to come out because a very very masterful person who is abundant had to own impatience so then never make it be about the end result make it be about effort every day you're overcoming every day you're out of the bleachers and you're on the field and you're giving it your all and you're practicing keeping your energy up greater than your habits in your body or the emotional conditioning of your body greater than any circumstance in your environment and sustaining it for an extended period of time and all of a sudden when you're connected to the energy of your future and you know what that feels like yeah you will know the moment you return back to the energy of your past and if you tell me it's because of your boss or your co-worker your ex i'm going to say ah you're back to the unconscious program that you're the victim of your life right so then so then it takes some unlearning and the unlearning process is the most important process because once you do that you're clearing out room for the next creation to be easier and the next one will be easier because you're starting to understand the formula a little better and you start saying i'm not going to take that personally or i'm not going to react or i'm not going to go back to that person again i'm just going to self-regulate again yeah you only need a few experiences to know that this is the truth and then you start making start managing your attention you manage your energy a lot better and i think that i i always say i don't care that you fall off the horse i just care when you get back on right because some people fall off and then they have to go into guilt and analysis and and they take weeks and well you could have just said i fell off let me just get back on and keep going the stronger the emotion you feel from some event in your life be it a betrayal or a trauma or whatever yes the more altered you feel inside of you the more you pay attention to the cause outside of you so the brain takes a snapshot it freezes an image and embosses that pattern neurologically in the brain that's called a memory so we create long-term memories from strong emotional events okay so is that true i just want to understand the maybe the larger the event in terms of its emotion to you the stronger of a hold it has over you yeah well the more it's embossed in your biology so some certain people have a strong experience in their life and it catches all of the brain's attention so now they think neurologically within the circuits of the past experience and they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and so how you think and how you feel creates a state of being now here's the problem that if you don't know how to mediate or control your emotional reaction to that event and you keep that refractory period of chemicals going on for extended periods of time so that the event produces a chemical change and the body needs to return back to homeostasis or balance but if it can't then the elongation of that emotional reaction for weeks say for days or weeks is called the mood so you say ed what's wrong with you i'm in a mood why are you in a mood well this thing happened to me five days ago and i'm having one long emotional reaction so then what you do is you keep telling the story about it keep firing and wiring the same circuits and you keep conditioning the body into the past so then you wake up in the morning you look for the emotion so that now all of a sudden you keep it lingering for for for weeks or months that's called the temperament well why is he so angry i don't know let's ask him why are you so angry well this thing happened to me eight months ago i'm having one long emotional reaction i'm memorizing my emotions you keep it going on for years on end that's called a personality trait so then a person then is memorizing themselves by living in the past and so then you say to them well tell me the story now the latest research on memory says that 50 of what we talk about in our past isn't even the truth so we make stuff up about the past in other words people are reliving a life that they didn't even have wow just to reaffirm that they can't change right so then what's the significance of this where you place your attention is where you place your energy period yes so then the stronger the emotion that you have to some problem or condition or person in your life the more you're paying attention to them so they captured your attention so you're giving your power away to that person right because they're capturing your attention so then there's an energetic connection to every person everything everything in your past present reality has your energy connected to it so now this is the significance when a person really decides to be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memory of the past the hardest part about it is all of a sudden becoming conscious and not making the same unconscious choice so then if you lower the volume to your frustration to your hatred to your anger if you truly knew how to do that if you lowered the volume to that emotion you would take your attention off that person which means you would begin to break those energetic bonds and now you're taking your power back three types of stress physical chemical and emotional physical stress trauma accidents injuries false chemical stress toxins pollutants heavy metals blood sugar levels viruses bacterias mold and then there's emotional stress which has everything to do with raising kids and and second mortgages and single parenting and time and and all of those different elements knock the brain and body out of balance and the emotional component has always been the challenging one for most people because you could be in a constant state of fear and consciously or unconsciously it doesn't matter the food you eat it won't matter the type of exercise you do if you're living in fear the body is not in any state for growth and repair so we have to face this one important element and this is a time now if you're sitting down and you start thinking about some future worst case scenario that you're conjuring up in your mind and you begin to feel the emotion of that event your body doesn't know the difference between the event that's taking place in your world outer world and what you're creating by emotion or thought alone so most people then they're they're constantly reaffirming their emotional states so when it comes time to give up that emotion they can say i really want to do it but really the body is stronger than the mind because it's been conditioned that way so the servant now has become the master and the person all of a sudden once they step into that unknown they'd rather feel guilt in suffering because at least they can predict it being the unknown is a scary place for most people because the unknown is uncertain people say to me well i can't predict my future i'm in the unknown and i always say the best way to predict your future is to create it not from the known but from the unknown what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain what behaviors do you want to demonstrate in one day the act of rehearsing them mentally closing your eyes and rehearsing the action they're rehearsing the reaction of what you want or the action of what you want by closing your eyes and mentally rehearsing some action if you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between what you're imaging and what you're experiencing in 3d world so then you begin to install the neurological hardware in your brain to look like the event has already occurred now your brain is no longer a record of the past now it's a map to the future and if you keep doing it priming it that way the hardware becomes a software program and who knows you just may start acting like a happy person i'm not the type of guy who sits in my house meditating 24 hours a day and expect things to come to me i'm a pragmatist i'm a practical person i'm going to take value and information i'm going to apply it and see if i can gain more value from it so the message is not to sit and meditate and just receive universal love and do nothing else because my message is to not disengage in life but to fully engage in life that's my message toning world is all about the predictable it's all about predicting the future but the quantum model of reality is is about causing an effect the moment you start feeling abundant and worthy you are generating wealth the moment you're empowered and feel it you're beginning to step towards your success the moment you start feeling whole your healing begins and when you love yourself and you love all of life you'll create an equal and now you're causing an effect and i think that's the the difference between living as a victim in your world saying i am this way because of this person or that thing or this experience they made me think and feel this way when you switch that around you become a creator of your world and you start saying my thinking and my feeling is changing an outcome in my life and now that's a whole different game and we start believing more that we're creators of reality so how do we then go from that like mechanistically to begin this visualization process of something that's empowering it's me in a different state it's my future self is it meditation is what does that look like if you're not being defined by a vision of the future then you're left with the old memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life and if you wake up in the morning and you're not being defined by a vision in the future as you see the same people and you go to the same places and you do the exact same thing at the exact same time it's no longer that your personality is creating your personal reality now your personal reality is affecting or creating your personality your environment is really controlling how you think and feel unconsciously because every person everything every place every experience has a neurological network in your brain every experience that you have with every person produces an emotion so some people will use their boss to reaffirm their addiction to judgment they'll use their enemy to reaffirm their addiction to hatred they'll use their friends to reaffirm their addiction to suffering so now they need the outer world to feel something so to change then is to be greater than your environment to be greater than the conditions in your world in the environment is that seductive so then why is meditation the tool well let's sit down let's close our eyes let's disconnect from your outer environment so if you're seeing less things there's less stimulation going to your brain if you're playing soft music or you have ear plugs in less sensory information coming to your brain so you're disconnecting from your environment if you can sit your body down and tell it to stay like an animal stay right here i'm gonna feed you when we're done you can get up and check your emails you can do all your texts but right now you're going to sit there and obey me so then when you do that properly and you're not eating anything or smelling anything or tasting anything you're not up experiencing and feeling anything you would have to agree with me that you're being defined by a thought right so when the body wants to go back to its emotional past and you become aware that your attention is on that emotion and where you place your attention is where you place your energy you're siphoning your energy out of the present moment into the past and you become aware of that and you settle your body back down in the present moment because it's saying well it's 8 o'clock you normally get upset because you're in traffic around this time and here you are sitting and we're used to feeling anger and you're off schedule oh it's 11 o'clock and usually check your emails and judge everybody well the body's looking for that that predictable chemical state every time you become aware that you're doing that and your body is craving those emotions and you settle it back down into the present moment you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and now your will is getting greater than the program and if you keep doing this over and over again over and over again over and over again just like training a stallion or a dog it's just gonna say i'm gonna sit and the moment that happens when the body's no longer the mind when it finally surrenders there's a liberation of energy we go from particle to wave from matter to energy and we free ourselves from the chains of those emotions that keep us in the in the familiar past and we've seen this thousands of times in fact we can actually predict it now on a brain scan when i'm going through change in my life or i have a specific outcome that i want to create i love to get up early in the morning that's my time i'm a 4 30 in the morning guy because that's my time the rest of the day i'm serving but i love getting up early and changing and working and having some time to myself and i believe that when i invest in myself i invest in my future and that time in my in my morning nobody bothers me because that's my time and because of brain waves and brain chemistry the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is more open and so if i get up early and i'm kind of between theta and alpha i don't have to work as hard i'm not thinking i just kind of relax into the moment in the evening i always ask myself how did i do how was one lifetime in one day where did i fall from grace what happened and so then when i look at seeing how i reacted to someone or something or i made the choice that i could have made a better choice i naturally and we all do this begin to think well if the same situation happened again how would i do it differently and that's the act of beginning to come up with a new plan the act of rehearsing it in your mind begins to install the circuits in your brain priming your brain so that when the next experience happens you could modify your behavior to do a better job in life that's called plasticity so it doesn't matter for me what meditation i do any longer i like to just get up in a new state of being i have people say to me hey um i miss my meditation today like i'm supposed to go like this or something and i say to them eyes open our eyes closed you know my eyes open our eyes closed you know when you're passionate about something you know when people can't get up in the morning and they can't get out of bed i'm going to tell you why because they can predict the feeling of everything that's going to happen in their life and their bodies resigned to the familiar it says another mundane day but remember when you were a kid and you were going on a field trip what happened then you were up and dressed and ready to go before your parents were up you know why because you knew something unexpected was going to happen that's how we should live our lives waking up with the understanding to expect the unexpected and something unusual should happen in our life as a result of our efforts and it's just those beginning moments where it begins to happen that we begin to prove to ourselves how powerful we really are so take time in the morning in the evening and the rest of the day check in with yourself at certain times to see if you're still in that energy and if you're not excuse yourself for a second raise your energy and step back into your life if you keep doing that over and over again you'll become less frustrated less impatient less judgmental it'll just become something of the past and you'll be someone else the hardest part about change is not making the same choice as you did the day before and the moment you decide to no longer think the same way make the same choice act the same way create the same experience or live by the same emotion it's going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel unfamiliar there is going to be a certain amount of uncertainty and unpredictability and the moment you feel uncomfortable you just stepped into the river of change now most people the moment they feel uncomfortable they return back to the familiar state of the mind and body they start thinking the same way acting the same way feeling the same way and they say this feels right no in fact that feels familiar now going from the old self to the new self is the neurological is the chemical is the biological is the hormonal and even genetic death of the old self that void that place of uncertainty that unknown is the perfect place to create him and if you and i can become comfortable in that unknown and begin to decide who we do want to be in other words many people say when they're in that unknown i can't predict my future this doesn't feel right well the best way to predict your future is to create it not in the known but in the unknown so what if you said now what thoughts do i want to fire and wire in my brain what behaviors do i want to demonstrate and if you were to close your eyes and begin to think about how you were going to act the mere act of mentally rehearsing who you're going to be begins to install the neurological circuits in your brain to look like the experience has already occurred now what that means is the brain is primed in its circuitry to no longer be living in the past but now living in the future we have people that have been abused we have people that have been traumatized that have been um assaulted we have people that have had very very difficult difficult pasts and have you ever heard me say to to revisit the event have you ever heard me say that never do we need to revisit the event because once you do you open the box but what we want to do is overcome the emotion because that's just what's lasting from the event living in guilt or grief or shame or unworthiness someone tell me they lost a loved one the other day and i said well okay how long you been grieving oh about a year really okay well suppose it was you that left and you were looking at the person you loved moping around for a year what would you say to them after a year if you truly love them get over it and have a happy life i'm doing great you should make yourself happy you really love me live a happy life that would be the greatest testament of love for each other because if you're suffering then i go you know you're making this hard on me so then we always have to update our versions about reality because it's the only way that we adapt don't believe everything you've read or heard it just may not be the truth there's always a greater truth that you and i can begin to investigate surely someone in eternity has had similar problems you and i and have gotten beyond it yes or no so study that person you want to be wealthy study wealthy people don't just have some panacea that you're just going to get wealthy read about wealthy people and find out that they lost everything and failed miserably 20 50 times but what they had as a characteristic equality and their personality is they were persistent and they kept changing and they kept forgiving and letting go of the past and kept going and sooner or later they ran into it and when they had all the money they wanted it was never about the money it was just about that they could prove to themselves that they can do it and you and i are no different than that but if you can't create a future because of some emotion that keeps you in the past you're going to have to square off with that emotion and when you sit down and your body has all those physical sensations and it's getting vigilant and it wants to get up and it wants to move and you're just going wow and you're settling it down and you're working with it you gotta agree with me that something greater in you is climbing out of that body something greater in you is awakening and when you're able to overcome those emotions truly break the addiction don't you know that you'll return back to your life and face the person that betrayed you and you will see a part of yourself that you used to be that you no longer are and you're not going to have anything else but love for them in fact you're going to have compassion for them because you're going to realize how stuck they are and you're liberated and free if you think about this your senses plug you into your external environment everything you're seeing or smelling or tasting or feeling or hearing all of your five senses are affecting your brain so if you're waking up in the morning and you're going through the same routine behaviors as you did the day before and you're not in the process of being defined by a vision of the future then you're for the most part left with the old hardware in your brain from the past as a matter of fact your brain is organized to reflect everything you know from the past so as people wake up and they begin to pay attention to their body they start to look around in their environment they start to do typical things it's the external environment that's turning on different circuits in their brain causing them to think equal to their environment and if you have the idea that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny as long as you're thinking equal to your environment you keep creating the same reality over and over again so to change is to think greater than your environment to think greater than the circumstances in your world to think greater than the conditions in your life and i think every great person in history understood this they were defined by a vision that was much bigger than that think of your autonomic nervous system as the automatic nervous system and i've been saying for years that autonomic is synonymous with automatic and it's that part of our systems a part of our nervous system that functions behind the scenes of our awareness and it regulates body temperature and and hormones and blood supply and blood sugar levels uh in it and it happens without any uh of our conscious mind so in the autonomic nervous system there are two branches so one is the sympathetic nervous system and its job is for protection from threats and dangers in our outer environment and think of the sympathetic nervous system as the gas pedal and when there's a danger to the gross anatomy of the body by something in our outer world that we can perceive with our senses this system is switched on automatically and once it turns on there's a host of physiological functions that begin to happen automatically and when that occurs we're mobilizing all of the body's energy all of the body's resources for that threat or that danger to deal with it and and when it's switched on we don't go half in we go all the way in because we have to make sure that the body is going to survive survive in a threat or a danger in the outer environment and and when there's a release of all those adrenal hormones we're tapping the body's resources and we're mobilizing all of its energy and pupils dilate salivary juices shut off respiratory rate increases heart rate increases blood is sent to the extremities glucose is mobilized the immune system dials up and then it dials down and all of these systems switching on and turning on is to be able to allow the body to adapt to some threat in the outer world and uh that is the gas pedal and the sympathetic nervous system or the fight-or-flight nervous system uh causes us to really do just a few things to run from the danger to fight and stay or to freeze and hide and those are the primary choices that we have created in evolution and so when the sympathetic nervous system is switched on and we as we've been saying for very long for a very long time uh the short-term effect of the hormones of stress the body can adapt and return back to balance and it switches on the other nervous system that branch of the autonomic nervous system called the parasympathetic nervous system and think of that nervous system as the break or the clutch this is where the body conserves energy this is where utilizes nutrients and and transports chemicals to cells and metabolism goes up and and this is a time for growth this is a time for repair this is a time for restoration and there's a delicate balance between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system and so then when you're feeling a constant fear when you're feeling constant anger or aggression when you're feeling constant pain and suffering and you're living by the hormones of stress what was once very adaptive is now very maladaptive because if stress is knocking your brain and body out of balance and the stress response is what the body does to return it back to order if we're living in constant fear then we are tapping the body's vital resources and there's no energy for growth repair restoration there's no energy for long-term building projects 70 of the time people live in stress and living in stress is living in survival now all organisms in nature can tolerate short-term stress you know a deer gets chased by a pack of coyotes when it outruns the coyotes it goes back to grazing and the event is over and the definition of stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of balance out of homeostasis the stress response is what the body innately does to return itself back to order so you're driving down the road someone cuts you off you jam on the brakes you may you give them the finger and then you settle back down and the event is over and boom now everything's back back to normal but what if it's not a predator that's waiting for you outside the cave but what if it's your co-worker sitting right next to you and all day long you're turning on those chemicals because they're pushing all your emotional buttons when you turn on the stress response and you can't turn it off now you're headed for disease because no organism in nature can live in emergency mode for that extended period of time it's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress down regulate genes and create disease long-term effects human beings because of the size of the neocortex we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone we can think about our problems and turn on those chemicals that means then our thoughts could make us sick so if it's possible that our thoughts could make us sick is it possible then our thoughts can make us well the answer is absolutely yes so then what are the emotions that are connected to survival let's name them anger aggression hostility hatred competition fear anxiety worry pain suffering guilt shame unworthiness envy jealousy those are all created by the hormones of stress and and psychology calls them normal human states of consciousness i call those altered states of consciousness so then we tend to remember those traumatic events more because in survival you better be ready if it happens again that's and and when survival gene is switched on you could have 10 really great things that happen to you in your day and you just have one bad thing that happens and you cannot take your attention off that bad that that unhappy thing because the survival gene is switched on many years ago after the dna helix was discovered by watson crick they said the blueprints of life you know all diseases are created from genes it turns out less than five percent more like one percent of people on the planet are born with a genetic condition like type 1 diabetes or tay sachs disease or sickle cell anemia the other 95 to 99 percent are created by lifestyle and by choices you can take two identical twins exact same genome one dies at 51 the other one dies at 85. same gene different environment so all of a sudden they said we lied that was wrong it's not genes that create disease it's the environment that signals the gene that creates disease well okay but that's not the whole truth too because you could have two people working side by side in the same factory one gets cancer after being exposed to a carcinogenic for 25 years both working for 25 years the other one has no cancer at all so there must be some internal order that would cause one person to not get it while another one does so is it possible then if the environment signals the gene and it does and the end product of an experience in the environment is called an emotion can you signal the gene ahead of the environment by embracing an elevated emotion we've done the research on this we measured 7 500 different gene expressions in a group of people that came to an advanced event for four days and we had them doing a seated meditation a walking meditation a laying down meditation a standing meditation and at the end of four days just four days the common eight genes that were up regulated two genes to suppress cancer cells and tumor growth two genes for neurogenesis the growth of new neurons in response to novel experiences and learning the gene that signals stem cells to go to damaged areas and repair them the gene for oxidative stress was upregulated we started seeing all these genes that are very very healthy to cause the body to flourish imagine if people were doing that for three months we also measured telomeres the little shoestrings on the end of dna that tell us our biological age we ask people to do the work meditation five out of seven days for 60 days measure their telomeres that determine their biological age 60 days later 74 of the people lengthen their telomeres 40 significant change 20 a very remarkable change that means that they got a little bit of their life back if it lengthened by 10 percent they got 10 of their life back i think um we're living in such an amazing time right now i mean if you are not being challenged in some way in your life you're not alive and all of this is an initiation and i don't believe that you have to go to any school of ancient wisdom perched in the himalayas or for information or training any longer if you see your life as the school as the initiation then you can no longer be a victim to your life you're going to have to meet the challenges in your life from a greater level of mind greater than the mind that created it and so there have been plenty of peer-reviewed articles on the power of peace gathering projects lower crime that lower trauma incidences of of uh death and economic growth it's all related to what's happening right now for us and it's not enough though for us to just focus on peace and expect the world to change because in the peace gathering projects when the event was over a lot of the crime and violence returned back to its ceiling level again it's more important for us not only to embody that piece and feel it but then to demonstrate it and when we begin to demonstrate it i think we give people permission to do the same that means that we can't be preaching peace and then be stuck in traffic and you know flipping people off or you know are arguing with your co-worker you don't get to stand up for peace if you have conflict in your life so when we start i believe start that self-contemplative process of looking within and instead of judging someone or something look to see if there's an aspect of ourselves within that person or when that situation that we may need to change and if we're all doing that at the same time something greater greater consciousness is going to emerge and so i believe that it should never be about a person it should be about principles when we stand up for principles that creates community because you could be one belief or another belief but if you're sharing the same principles with your joy and freedom and cooperation and connection that's what builds communities so then everything in our world right now is reminding us of separation whether it's war whether it's violence whether it's political deceit whether it's prejudice all of those things cause us to live by those stress hormones and when we're living in that state of survival we're not trusting and we become more selfish so then starting our day asking ourselves what would be the greatest expression of myself i'd like to present to the world and then making the choice to not get up until we are that person i think that begins to demonstrate greatness and when there is adversity and when there are challenges in our life the question of course becomes how do we become supernatural and that means we're going to have to do what feels unnatural at first when everybody else is in poverty and lack that's the time to give when everybody else is in fear and vigilance that's the time to show courage when people are angry and hating and prejudice that's the time to show compassion people are competing to rush to get to the top that's the time to change your energy and draw the experience to you and if you keep doing what's unnatural over and over again sooner or later you're going to become supernatural there's another thing that you said that i thought was really powerful about how insights themselves are essentially inert they don't do anything um what what then do we do with an insight how do we take a breakthrough moment and make sure that it's not just a breakthrough moment like i guarantee people watching right now are having like 100 aha moments for sure that was definitely the case for me as i was researching you and when you said that i was like and that's the danger that you have the aha and then nothing yeah yeah and that's it's a it is a danger because then people will will shrink back into mediocracy and they'll use the insight to excuse them from taking a leap they'll say yeah you know i have a chemical imbalance in my brain my father was really overbearing he was a perfectionist that's why i am the way i am you know people they come up with stuff to to excuse themselves the insight is actually giving them permission to stay limited and it's it's a it's an amazing idea because they'll say to you that they really want to get over their anxiety but let's okay let's take your ex-husband let's put him in a straitjacket let's duct tape him and shoot him to the moon now what i mean what are you going to do now you still have to make those changes and so the person's enemy dies or something shifts in their life and that person's gone they'll find another person to hate this is just how we function as human beings we just slide another uh reason to feel those emotions so i think i think when people start to understand this you know i think knowledge is power but knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment crossing that river of change from the old self to the new self there's a neurological a biological chemical hormonal a genetic death of the old self but if you teach people there's something on the other side they won't give up on themselves they'll keep going so there's enough evidence to encourage people and you can't tell me you're too old to do this work you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work you can't tell me you had a turbulent past or or that you're too overweight or too underweight or too out of shape or you can't even tell me that you've never meditated before in fact some of our greatest scans are people who just have never meditated before that are not trying to do anything they just follow instructions so our community now is beginning to understand that it is possible and they go all in not fifty percent in not sixty percent and we do a week-long event we got a thousand people or fifteen 1500 people and they are all in and that when they start getting beyond themselves that first day or second day once they start getting beyond themselves and that magic starts to happen then i have no idea i can't predict what's going to happen next and it's usually pretty pretty exciting you speak about the neurophysiology of forgiveness sure think about frozen circuits frozen circuits or hardwired circuits the more profound the insult to the person that is connected to a strong emotion the more the brain freezes circuitry the more we think about the experience the more we fire and wire the circuits in our brain yes or no and the more we remember the event the more we produce the emotions that are associated with it and we're conditioning the brain and body further into the past yes or no yes and it you keep doing it enough times it's no longer conscious that you're holding a grudge it's no longer conscious that you're stuck it's now you're seeing everybody through the lens of that experience and everybody's a betrayer everybody can't be trusted everybody is that same person you're you're overlaying the memory of re of your experience into reality you're not seeing it the way it is you're seeing that person wearing the mask of the last person that's the lens that we're perceiving reality are you with me still and so then anything in your life that becomes remotely close to it based on your limited perception triggers the emotion in the network and you're back in your past and you're acting like you were when it happened are you with me still and so then the person says i'm not that person you say oh no i know i just had this event in my past and i'm sorry and then it's excusable but then here it happens again and there's nothing wrong with this we all do it it's just how do we overcome it so then you're sitting and doing the work and you're you're moving energy up those centers you're releasing the life force into your brain you are blessing those centers and taking a scoop and moving it all the way up and releasing it all the way up into the field you're opening the channel your unfolding is nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time and the identity and the personality is gone which energy's going to move scots it was going to follow the path you're opening your heart once it gets to your heart it's going to make its way all the way up and when you feel love and compassion when you feel true true kindness and care it's hard to hold a grudge are you with me still yes so then from a quantum physics point of view you have that person always in the back of your mind right you have the event and the memory rolling around back there because the very thing that you don't want to have happen you're already preparing for emotionally are you with me still so then from a quantum perspective you are actually as a creator of reality holding yourself hostage because of that person and you were holding them hostage because of that experience and you have an energetic bond that's connecting you to them and you're sharing the same energy and so then you're using each other to reaffirm whatever that energetic agreement is are you with me still so then when you forgive someone it's because there's been a strong change in your emotional state because the emotion is what's keeping you energetically bound to them or to more than one person and so then once you start lowering the volume to that emotion and the body starts liberating energy and you're calling your energy back to you because the lower the volume of the emotion the less you're going to pay attention to that person there comes a moment where there's a snap there's a release the energy is broken and once it's broken now all of a sudden you free yourself and you free them and this has happened to me in my life the people show up 10 years later completely changed and so humble and so asking for forgiveness just because they had transformed and and i let them go so then forgiveness from a quantum perspective and a neurophysiological perspective is just taking your attention off them that's all it is and when you start getting happy with yourself and you start feeling those elevated emotions because you're striving for that you wouldn't trade this for the grudge you were holding because this feels too good are you with me still now once that heart opens up and you start having energy in the center and it's releasing thirteen hundred to fourteen hundred different chemicals that begin to restore and regenerate the body the bodies start getting a lift of energy once it makes it's here now you're going to see that track sending energy to the brain the heart acts as an amplifier to boost the brain are you with me still so then once the energy starts making its way into the brain once the heart starts to open we've measured this with our students they have oxytocin levels rise once you start feeling oxytocin when you feel more loved then you feel the grudge so then you think why would i want to give this up for that person that's called forgiveness you don't have to try to do it it just is a side effect of your personal transformation and oxytocin then when it's released rushes right into the amygdala the survival center of the brain and the research is outstanding and the first thing it does is it fits in the same receptor sites as fear and it lowers the volume to fear and anxiety it shuts the lights out for aggression and anger and hostility and it cools the circuits off for suffering and pain and the only thing you can feel is a love for life and that's when you're free now the practice of forgiveness matter to matter you can do it but it takes a long time and a lot of work and then you forgive and then you're like i don't want to forgive him yet [Music] halfway forgive him and just never really authentic forgiveness do you understand and you know there was a woman that came to our work and she was raped by four men when she was a teenager and it was abusive and she had severe severe night terrors severe anxiety and panic attacks she had cyclic mood problems she had been to every single doctor every single healer every single alternative practitioner nothing changed it she came to our event in in tacoma washington and she hit that point where she became everybody everyone everything everywhere every time every place she became the oneness and that frequency had a message for her and it said and she was an incredible bliss when this happened i sent four angels disguised as rapists for this moment and that was the end of her terrors that was the end of her night she couldn't have a relationship she couldn't she could not live with anybody she was she was isolated one moment the divine stepped in and gave her the signal that was carrying a very specific message and she got the download not just that not just the thought she got the energy moved right through her body and she saw the whole thing and that moment is what she was waiting for that's what the soul was waiting for now she's healed she's healthy she's happy and she's on with a new life she's born again my mother would love this she's born again in the same life reborn in the same life didn't pass through a birth canal for it she just was born again in the same life she got a new lease in one instant that energy was carrying a message and it made its way all the way into the body and the bliss and the joy and the gratitude and the love that she felt and the message that was carried with made total sense to her she's free one instant to me that's true forgiveness that's the divine having its way with you because most people are waiting for their life the change yeah so they can feel gratitude to feel abundance to feel whole you know that's the old model of cause and effect you know so if you're living with emptiness you're living with lack you're living with pain most people have been conditioned that something out there has to take away this emptiness or feeling inside of them but if you believe that you're creating your life and you're living by lack well lack is going to create abundance right so so then it makes sense then that you don't really actually create wealth you generate wealth you generate abundance so the moment you start teaching your body emotionally what that future is going to feel like before it's made manifest well your body is the unconscious mind believes it's living in that future in the present moment now it's a scientific fact that it's the environment that signals the gene okay the end product from an experience in the environment is an emotion so when you begin to embrace an elevated emotion you're beginning to signal the gene ahead of the environment what's the importance of that well genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and the function of your body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life so by you creating an elevated emotion and teaching your body what that future will feel like before it's made manifest your body's starting to live in that future reality in the present moment now here's the key if you were able to become familiar with gratitude become familiar with wholeness become familiar with abundance to become familiar with freedom and you're able to generate those chemicals every single day more than likely you would be walking around feeling like your future has already happened then you would no longer be looking for it to happen you would already feel like it has happened now what is the importance of that well you're literally becoming somebody else so you're leaving your lack you're leaving your guilt you're leaving your emptiness behind your personality literally ad is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and how you think how you act and how you feel is your personality and your personality is intimately connected to your personal reality your life so then if you want to change your life your personal reality you got to change your personality and here we go again you got to start becoming conscious of your unconscious thoughts you got to start noticing how you act how you speak you got to pay attention to how you're feeling some people would live in guilt their whole entire life and don't even know it's guilt because at least it feels like them so then when you start doing that you begin to objectify your subjective self so so then when you begin to make small changes back to thought a new thought should lead to a new choice a new choice should lead to a new behavior a new behavior should create a new experience and a new experience should create a new emotion and that new emotion is teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood now your body is embodying the truth i believe in human possibility human potential and i think that one of our biggest limiting beliefs is the belief have how limited we really are and so my interest is to give people the science to begin to understand how powerful they really are and i think that science really is the language that does that really well and and the new sciences like quantum physics and neuroplasticity neuroscience neuroendocrinology you know psychoneuroimmunology the mind-body connection epigenetics all of those sciences point the finger at possibilities so i want to create a language for people from a philosophical or theoretical standpoint for them to begin to understand what's possible but then i want to be able to have those people begin to wire that information in their brain completely because learning is making new connections right in the brain but remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections and it's so much easier to lose our vision than to remember it right so then we have to begin to hardwire the brain or install the neurological hardware in preparation for an experience so the more people understand what they're doing and why then the how gets easier so i want to then set up the conditions in an environment in a in a in a workshop where people can begin to apply or personalize what they learn so that they can have an experience an experience then further enriches the brain but the prize of an experience is an emotion and once you start feeling unlimited once you start feeling abundant once you start feeling worthy now you're teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood so knowledge is for the mind and experiences for the body and people begin to embody the truth of that philosophy now if they can repeat it over and over again it'll become innate in them and become natural second nature will become easier they begin to master that philosophy so i want people to begin to understand that thoughts are very powerful feelings drive our thoughts and that they can begin to create a better life for themselves once they understand some of these principles we have research to show that 60 days of meditation five days a week will lengthen your life the telomeres the little shoestrings on the end of your dna get longer that means your biological age is changing so we we have the evidence now to show people what's possible we have brain scans that that are so outside of normal that when neuroscientists see them they're blown away because the amount of energy that's in the brain during this transcendental moment is uh hundreds of times outside of normal wow i mean you can't make your brain do that something is happening to you and that person's having a transcendental moment and we now know that we can predict it and we now that know that we can induce it so then there's the evidence there in order for you to to really begin to explore the unknown aspect of yourself you got to learn how to get beyond the known aspect of yourself and if you keep coming back to the known you're going to miss out on the unknown so you would say well i don't know anything in the unknown of course it's the unknown and if you try to control it there you're back to the known if you try to predict it you're back to the known so you got to go through this trial and error of just kind of refining your attention refining your ability and and it's just got to be something like playing tennis or playing golf or doing martial arts or working out or crocheting or stance in the salsa you just got to keep going man in the beginning it's tedious and then when you start finding your groove like our our community they don't miss their morning meditations yeah you know why because the magic is happening and they know if they miss it they're gonna they're gonna cut off from the magic so they whether they're tired whether they're hungover whether they're what they're right they're in right you know and if you if you wake up in the morning and you can't get your butt out of bed you know what that means it just means you can predict the feeling of everything that's going to happen in your life your body's resigned so then so then you know when you went on a school trip when you were a kid you know you woke up before your parents because you knew something new is going to happen that's the body going wake up wake up it's something unexpected is going to happen what happened to us christmas day so why not you know put in your put in your time and then and then measure the effects of you would cause i mean become a scientist in your life and really start to experiment with it okay let me change my energy let me just write down four thoughts that like i can it's too hard it'll start tomorrow this doesn't feel right whatever it is it's be this person's fault just write those down and say these thoughts like gandalf on the bridge yes you may not pass today this is the end yes so then if you become conscious of those thoughts now you're the governor of your thoughts what what what actions what behaviors do you want to change do you complain you blame you judge do you make excuses how do you talk do you speak limited just pick four things that you're not going to do any longer yeah what emotions get you in trouble what are the emotions that you're addicted to too right that you're addicted to that keep you returning back to your past if you don't know close your eyes for about 30 minutes and just watch where your mind goes and watch your feelings and just say okay it's frustration it's unworthiness it's self-doubt it's guilt it's frustration it's shame just become conscious of those and just review them in your mind so that you don't go unconscious them in your waking day we have a thousand reasons i have more than a thousand reasons every day to be unhappy with managing companies and staff and people all that but but then when you rise above that and you choose just who you want to be uh i think it makes a big impression uh on your on your family first yourself and your family and your friends and the people you work with and then finally our communities so i think that people are starting to figure that out there and and when they imagine oxytocin levels in our student body the love hormone the love chemical 200 times outside of normal the latest research on oxytocin a slight slight elevation in oxytocin it's impossible to hold a grudge now so then what that means is you feel so amazing that why would you want to hold the grudge against that person so forgiveness then is not something that you have to try to do to be spiritual it's the side effect of saying i don't want to give up this feeling for you or anybody so i'm letting it go i'm freeing you i'm freeing myself and my goodness there's more liberation of energy i call that the natural state of being and we're knocking on that door why because as you begin to open your heart to life again and you start trusting in your future and trusting in yourself a little bit more and you start self-regulating with your heart you do that properly and you lead from that place from that level of awareness your life will change in dramatic ways and why is that essential because when people start doing that effectively oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals a chemical called endothelial derived relaxing factor and that causes the arteries in your heart and lungs jay to literally swell just like when you're when your sexual organs are aroused and blood flow moves into them male and female that's a different consciousness there's a different energy in there imagine the same intensity moving into your heart that's what people are experiencing that is a level of love that's not like a love for your puppy it's not like the love for your partner this is transcendent of that this is the most familiar unfamiliar feeling you will ever have it'll be distant and at the same time very close and you'll start to see the hidden meaning behind all things and now when you walk in the presence of your greatest betrayer the person who threw you under the bus whatever it is when you walk in from this place there will be no emotional reaction you will just see that person for who they are who you used to be now compassion then is no longer something that you have to try to do it's the end product of doing the work and i think that mystics and saints and masters of old understood this so when they thought of that person they didn't allow that thought to produce a feeling or an energy that would lower their energy they understood that when they had the thought of that person they saw their limitation it wasn't hurting them it was only hurting themselves now i think that if the world was doing that wow thoughts to me produce an electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings produce a magnetic charge in the quantum field thoughts wait thoughts produce a what an electrical charge okay and feelings produce a magnetic charge and how you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life the thought sends the signal out now think about this and the feeling draws the event back so you could have the intent that you want wealth you want health you want success that's your intent that's your thought but if you're waiting for the experience to happen to feel it then you're not drawing the experience to you because you're not feeling the emotion right so then teaching people once again how to balance their thoughts and feelings because you can you can enter that cycle either place sometimes we do a meditation we start opening our heart we start elevating the body's energy and then those emotions can drive certain thoughts of your future other times you open your awareness you create brain coherence you have the vision of your future you begin to emotionally experience it however you want to jump on that cycle and then sustain it because the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you're drawing your future to you so then most people spend their lives right they we live in this realm called space-time three-dimensional reality and you move your body through space in three-dimensional reality it takes time yeah so everything all your goals all your dreams all your visions you're gonna have to get your body up and drag it through space every day to pay off that you know that home that's in your future right right when you create from the field instead of from matter when there's a vibrational match between your energy and some potential and your thoughts and feelings are coherent now you are going to begin to collapse time and space or the experience is going to be drawn to you now now you're the vortex to your destiny and now you don't have to go anywhere to get it because you're not playing by the rules of three-dimensional reality you're playing by the rules of energy and the quantum yeah i think uh you know if we everything starts with a thought i mean everything that you do in your life you you have to have a thought before you initiate an action right so so if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny like any great leader in history understands that the first thing you have to do is you have to decide are you going to be defined by a vision of the future or are you going to live by the memories of the past so give you an example most people wake up in the morning and your brain is a record of the past it's an artifact of everything you've learned and experienced to this moment right it's a it's a memory bank so most people wake up in the morning and they start thinking about their problems and those problems are connected to certain people and things at certain times and places and the moment they start start turning on those circuits those memories are actually causing them to think in the past every single one of those memories has an emotion associated with them and emotions are the end product of past experiences so then the moment they recall the event or the they recall some problem in their life they start feeling unhappy they start feeling discouraged they start feeling anxious now thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so we could say then most people's entire state of being when they start their day is in the familiar past well if you live in the familiar past then it makes sense you're going to create the predictable future so what happens for most people is they get stuck in their biology so think about this your body is your unconscious mind it doesn't know the difference between an experience in your life that creates an emotion and an emotion that you can create by thought alone so if you're living by the same emotion every single day and those emotions are influencing your thoughts and you can't think greater than how you feel or feelings have become the means of thinking you're thinking in the past your lens of the future is going to be colored by the past so you can't see possibilities so most people like to wait for crisis or disease or diagnosis before they wake up enough to see well the challenge is that biology tends to be redundant so if you keep thinking the same thoughts and those thoughts be begin to fire certain circuits in your brain the nerve cells that fire together wire together so all of a sudden you start getting hardwired and those are the thoughts that you can think the easiest at the same time those thoughts produce chemicals called emotions and the next thing you know your body gets accustomed to living by the same emotions and it could be guilt it could be unhappiness it could be pain but at least it's familiar to you at least you can predict it so some people would rather cling to the familiar than take a chance in possibility so for most people then they say well i don't really see how my thoughts have anything to do with my destiny well that's because 95 of those thoughts are subconscious programs right so you're not even conscious that you think those thoughts so the first step to change is starting to think about what you've been thinking about and change it and and then when you begin to observe those thoughts you're no longer the program you're the consciousness observing just simply by being an observer of your thoughts right so so though so most people though when they when you do that when you decide to really take a look it's like lighting a match in a dark place so you feel uncomfortable so it's easier to turn on your tv it's easier to play with your cell phone to distract yourself from those feelings well when you understand that change really requires becoming uncomfortable to a certain degree and that's normal that you're leaving the known and you're stepping into the unknown then it begs the question what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain because your attention on those thoughts begins to reorganize circuitry re-mold the brain when you're feeling gratitude and your heart is open you're broadcasting energy into the field frequency the frequency you lay the intent of the thought of your health or your wealth that frequency can carry the thought of your wealth it can carry the thought of your health if you're suffering you can't the suffering does not carry that energy does not carry the thought of your wealth it carries a different set of thoughts so then so then we're teaching people how to self-regulate because if you're going to believe in that future that you're imagining with all of your heart it better be open and activated and you better know how to self-regulate and you have to know the moment you disconnect from the energy of your future because of some circumstance in your life and you lose that feeling if you're practicing it on a daily basis with your eyes closed then the next level is to be able to open your eyes and do it right in the moment and be able to self-regulate and change the the frustration from some experience in your life back to the energy of your future now that requires great awareness and great effort but if you have a community of people that are practicing this on a daily basis and they're connected to their future because that's where their their mind is um they begin to want the future more than the emotions of the past so we've done enough measurements now lewis to know that we can teach people how to do that and we have evidence that people can sustain it for 45 minutes to an hour it's a skill now they know that they know how to do it so now they have brain coherence and heart coherence well once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent it acts as an amplifier and it drives energy to the brain so now the brain is getting more energy once the heart is open and then you're thinking different set of thoughts and those thoughts produce different chemicals for you to feel more of that and here comes uh nitric oxide from oxytocin and then all of a sudden your heart literally starts to swell it literally begins to open up and there's more energy going there and now you're coming from a different level of mind you have to really begin to mentally rehearse like so you ask yourself at the end of your day i do this every day how'd i do how'd i do today bro how'd you do did you do good where'd you fall from grace what what what was it that caused you to go unconscious for the rest of the day like what was that moment now if you're a student of life you'll begin to contemplate well it was that person that said that thing then i reacted or this i got this email or things didn't go my way and i started feeling angry or frustrated or fearful the next time that happens how could i evolve my experience now you may have to search for some answers of the best model to build or you may actually have a long contemplation and start to go god the next time that happens i think i'm going to do this or i'm going to do that or i'm going to plan my behaviors and the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing what you're going to do begins to install the neurological hardware in your brain to look like you already did it now the brain is no longer a record of the past now it's a map to the future and if you keep installing that hardware the hardware will become a software program which means you'll just start acting like a happy person why there's no magic there you install the circuitry so that's more important than the news right it's more important than answering any email or any text it's more important than talking about your past or some dinner if you can begin to just think about how you're going to do it differently that's the building process neurologically already so now you have to get conscious in order to do that and it takes some time it means you got to shut your cell phone off you got to close your door you got to take a break from everything out there and begin to practice and so by experience then you start noticing oh here it comes here comes the frustration here comes the fear and now we've given people the tools to be able to self-regulate to create brain and heart coherence and so you see people say excuse me one minute i'm just gonna need a minute it takes some breaths they get back in they connect to the energy of their future this is incidental compared to where they're going so they don't fall from grace they don't allow their energy to drop and so yeah in the beginning it takes a lot because it takes a lot of energy and awareness to stay conscious and not go unconscious but if you're persistent and you're determined and you're sincere you begin to figure it out you begin to say i am not going to give my power away to that person or that circumstance when i can use it to heal or to create a new future and so people then won't excuse themselves and say on a hard day yesterday i had a fight with my co-worker or my ex or and i don't feel like doing the work well that's the time to get back on the horse yeah because because it's the it's all of those times that we self-correct those are the most valuable moments to us people who've had profoundly transcendental experiences where they we say got lit up they connected and their brain goes into very very high coherent states and super gamma patterns that are way outside of normal and they have a transcendental download or connection that's mystical they look back at their entire life they don't want to change one thing in their past because it got them to that moment that's the moment the past no longer exists now by the same means they look back at their past and they see all those tough moments where they overcame themselves and they fall in love with that person they don't look at the good meditations or the things that went well they look they know that it was those moments that got him to this moment and i think then that's when they begin to understand that that all of the hard work all the effort in who we become makes no one can take that away from us so then once we arrive at that level and we experience whatever the dream is or whatever we create the next thing is do it until you fully enjoy it and then when it gets boring or predictable let's go again let's do something else yeah and our research shows that when you get a community of people together and they begin to open their hearts and they they have the intent for the greatest good for people that they know or people that they could focus on that our research shows that you can actually affect another person's autonomic nervous system when you move into hard coherence in a very non-local way well what's the significance of that well we have an amazing community and our community is connected by these elevated emotions those other emotions of survival create separation but we we work to open our hearts and to feel connected we can begin to affect people in a very non-local way in other words everybody else's hearts go into coherence at the exact same time you by opening your heart strengthen your connection to this community you strengthen the connection to the people that you relate with in your lives when you move into that state you you begin to affect everybody else every time we have a thought we make a chemical and and if you have uh an unlimited thought you will feel unlimited and if you have a self-depreciating thought you'll feel unworthy and your brain instantaneously fires circuits that signal another part of the brain to release peptides or chemical messengers that signal hormonal centers and when we get that arousal from the thought that we think those thoughts sometimes weaken the response weakens the physical body so it turns out that the emotions that are created from the thoughts are the signaling mechanisms of the body thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being so it turns out that the thoughts based in the stress hormones based in survival those are the thoughts that begin to push the genetic buttons that create disease in other words a person wakes up in the morning and the brain is a record of the past the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning is they start thinking about their problems and those problems are memories that are etched in the brain that are connected to certain people certain objects uh certain things at certain times and places so if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny the moment you think about your problems you're thinking in the past right now every one of those problems has an emotion associated with them because we've experienced them so the moment you remember your problems now you feel unhappy now you feel anxious now you feel fear so the moment we feel those emotions it takes a thought and a feeling a memory or an image an emotion a stimulus and a response and we start conditioning the body emotionally into the past now the body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that person's fabricating by thought alone the body's believing it's in that environmental condition so if the environment signals the gene and that's the truth and the end product of an experiences in the environment is an emotion we're signaling the same genes and genes make proteins and if you keep signaling the same genes you start down regulating the gene to make cheaper proteins and the body begins to break down now that's an unconscious process so what goes along with that is the moment the person feels that emotion of unhappiness or whatever it is the brain checks in with the body and says yeah you're feeling pretty miserable you're suffering and we tend to generate more thoughts equal to the feeling that we have and so then we get caught in this loop of thinking and feeling so if we can't think greater than how we feel our feelings have become the means of thinking then we're thinking in the past i'm starting to realize how conditioned we are into believing how limited we are and as you start peeling those layers away and you break through those beliefs those self-limiting thoughts and emotions on the other side of that is where the miraculous happens so you got to be willing to be in that place of discomfort long enough to reorganize order and begin to create more coherence and then all of a sudden you get this recalibration that goes on in the brain and body and then the extent of that is that the ultimate thing is you start to see feedback in your life those synchronicities those coincidences those opportunities you're scratching your head going everything is falling into place yeah i'm in the right place at the right thing i think about just comes to me because your energy is synchronized it's look i mean when you have coherence in the brain and heart you have a laser of energy and it could read information much better you're living in stress and your brain is shifting its attention from one person to another problem to another thing to another place to go each one of those things there's an assignment of neurological networks in the brain so the arousal of the stress hormones drives the brain into this high frequency and you're trying to control and predict everything in your life and those your brain circuits are firing like a like a lightning storm in the clouds when your brain's incoherent you're incoherent and and you can't you don't have a signal you're you don't have a wi-fi signal i'm not connected to the field how could you how could you connect to energy and information if your signal hasn't become orderly so that when people synchronize their energy into coherence they can synchronize to a possibility in the future and the synchronicities that are feedback from the environment are just a reflection of your energy and that's the universe saying follow the breadcrumbs do it again follow it again do it again and now all of a sudden the person's not waking in the morning like oh i gotta meditate now to create my future they're kind of going like i'm getting out of bed because i don't want the magic to end right they want to they want to sustain that state so that the old reality that they've lived in begins to transform into something new and because there's no longer a vibrational match with everyone and everything in their past present reality there's a vibrational match to their future and now their future is starting to give them signals what thoughts do you want to fire in wire in your brain what kind of attention and intention do you want a place so that that becomes the loudest voice in your head and if you keep practicing it the hardware becomes a software program and it'll say jay you can do anything jay you live in no time and accomplish everything jay you're unlimited you just got to hang with it on the other side of this is greatness whatever you want to program in there you get the program in there if you sat down and say how am i going to be with my wife my husband my partner how am i going to be with my kids i'm going to be at work with my co-workers how am i going to be in traffic and you close your eyes and you begin to rehearse in your mind if you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between the real life experience and what you're imagining so now the brain goes from a record of the past to a map to the future now you're installing the hardware keep practicing it it becomes automatic comes easier now it's a software program you may just start behaving differently now i've got a really special bonus clip that i think you're going to enjoy but before that it's time for the question of the day i want to know what was your single biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action for the next week the science says that when you just watch a video you get motivated to get inspired you have a 35 chance of following through on your goals 35 that's not enough that's not enough just to get motivated believe nation we're here you're here today matters you're an action taker when you commit to a plan of action of when and how you're going to follow through when you write it down you have a 91 chance of following through and when you commit publicly to somebody else it jumps to 95 chance from 30 something percent to 95 chance of you following through believe nation we need to make this happen so question of the day your single biggest takeaway from this video and your plan of action specific for the next week put it down in the comments below and i'm going to show on screen sometime next week to celebrate you i think that in order for us to truly change we have to get beyond ourselves and that is one of the arts of transformation and with the moment we are completely in the present moment we cannot be running a program it turns out coincidentally when we're truly in the present moment all possibilities in the quantum field exist in the eternal now so when we're truly present and we take our attention off our body off of people in our lives off of things off of places and even time that's the moment as i said today we become pure consciousness that's the moment now we are no longer playing by the laws of newtonian physics that's the moment we no longer have our attention invested in this three-dimensional reality and where we place our attention is where we place our energy so then the moment we become nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time that's the moment we get beyond ourselves it is that act of being in the present moment that allows us to see new possibilities that we could never see from the place where we are stuck in our own programs and personality the act of doing that as bruce said is a skill and it requires feedback and feedback happens in a couple ways one way you get feedback is to begin to measure the changes you see in your life another way is that you feel differently another way is that the voice in your head goes away that's telling you you can it's too hard you'll never change this process if it was easy everybody would be doing it and yet we are piercing a veil where people are waking up and they're beginning to take their power back we already innately know how to do this all we have to do is keep practicing until we start seeing those wonderful wonderful feedback mechanisms happening in our life the moment you start seeing those changes taking place in your life you are going to pay attention to what you did to cause it and the moment you pay attention to the cause of that action you're no longer thinking that it's something out there that did it you're beginning to realize it's what you did inside of you to produce it that's when we begin to take our power back if you want some incredible motivation from john assaraf check out the video right there next to me i think you'll love it continue to believe and i'll see you there are they gonna move me towards what i want or away from what i want okay so you you don't you don't try to change anything just ask yourself you recognize just become more aware
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 1,595,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, affirmation, Change your self talk, best habits for success, evan carmichael believe, joe dispenza, joe dispenza motivation, joe dispenza inspiration
Id: M9zJEuh3Ue8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 2sec (7982 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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