Unlocking the Power of Intention: Dr. Wayne Dyer's 10 Principles

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the first of these principles came from a uh a vidan scholar on in the 10th Century his name was tilopa it's uh it's not exactly bestseller books but it's the kind of thing that really excites me because I think of going back a thousand years or 2,000 years and reading what some of the greatest Minds had to say and how open they were to uh the potentiality that each and every one of us have for greatness and this first principle says as tilopa put it have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing one of the central principles of my life is that no one knows enough to be a pessimist about anything and that each and every one of us when we close our mind to to what is possible for us or what is possible for Humanity closes off the genius that resides and lives in each and every one of us having an open mind doesn't necessarily mean uh finding fault with all of the things that you've been taught by others it means opening yourself up to the potentiality and the possibility that anything and everything is possible so having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing really means finding within ourselves the ability to get rid of a trait that I find so common in contemporary in the Contemporary world do you know that most people that I meet spend their lives looking for occasions to be offended they actually are out there hoping that they can find some reason to be offended and there's no shortage of reasons they're out there everywhere the way this person dressed the what the person said they turn on their TV they hear the news they're offended by this someone didn't uh someone used language that they didn't like someone doesn't share the same Customs that you and people all day long in fact if you keep track tomorrow you will find uh probably a hundred reasons that you can go around being offended but a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing is a mind that says I'm never looking for anything to be offended by and that whatever anybody else out there has to say my response to that is that's an interesting point of view I've never considered that before I remember uh being interviewed for a morning television show uh and the woman that was in interviewing me said how does it feel to be talking to uh audiences where people have all of these strange beliefs these weird things that they come to and it it it intrigues me because one of the uh one of the things that uh that Emerson said is in one of his very first essays he says the first thing we have to say respecting what are called new views here in New England where we are right now is that they are not new but the very oldest of thoughts cast into the mold of these new times and that was in 1842 he was speaking about that and this woman asked me the question she said U doesn't it offend you that there's out there's people out there and they're talking about people using crystals to heal somebody and I remember my response my response was that if I've got hemorrhoids and somebody out there is convincing me me that crystals are going to heal them I'm ordering Crystal chairs I'm uh why not I mean all you have to do is understand something called a placebo and what is a placebo it's nothing more than a convincing belief if I hand you this pill and say this pill is going to cure your arthritis and you take it and the pill is just a sugar pill but your arthritis disappears I'm into buying those placebos where can I get some of those placebos and it's true of everything and it's when you think about all the things that we enjoy and what our life is like um it took people who had a mind that wasn't closed to allow us to make the progress that we've made progress is is impossible if you always do things the way you've always done things but the other word in this what tilopa said is be attached nowhere be attached nowhere attachment really means I am deluding myself into a belief that if I can't have or if I can't do this or that thing then somehow I am going to become immobilized so an open mind that is detached in one of uh in my most recent book and a spiritual solution to every problem I have a um an observation and it's uh an observation from Anthony Dello a man I respect enormously a priest who um in the way to love puts it this way here's a great test for your relationships especially the relationships that you're in uh with those whom you love not your children but your spouses and your lovers and and so on try this test on for size one I am not really attached to you at all I am merely deluding myself into the belief that without you I will not be happy happy and two and here's the toughest test for non-attachment I leave you free to be yourself to think your thoughts indulge your tastes follow your inclinations behave in ways that you decide are to your liking how's that for a challenge and so what most of us do in our relationships and why they are not as successful as we would like them to be is that we become attached and we tell oursel that if this person behaves in a way that I find offensive then I can't be happy I make my happiness my fulfillment dependent upon those people that I love being what I think that they should be and Detachment doesn't mean being a victim it just simply means I know that I can make my life fulfilled and happy by having having a mind that is open to everything and attached nowhere the second principle is a very simple principle it says you can't give away what you don't have now it sounds ridiculous okay but it's more than what meets the ear as you hear this you can't give away what you don't have people who are not good at giving away love can't give away love because they don't have it to give away if I want to give you a dozen oranges I can't give you those dozen oranges unless I go out and pick up 12 oranges someplace otherwise all it is is just empty rhetoric and the same thing is true of virtually everything in your life you can't give away love for others if you don't have love in here to give away if what you have in here is contempt if what you have in here is anger if what you have in here is fear then these are the things you're going to be giving away in your life and I've often thought and I really believe very strongly that uh there's a law sort of a law in the universe I call it the Law of Attraction and the law of attraction is one that works like this you get back from the universe from the world what it is that you put out there in the world and if you're putting out there into the world that I am not worthy of attracting Something Beautiful into my life that the universe will respond back to you with exactly that message and there are people who come to me and who came to me for years when I had my own counseling practice and so on and they would say to me um I just keep attracting the same kind of people the same kind of events the same kind of uh losers into my life why is that why do I keep doing that and I keep attracting uh an absence of uh of abundance I just can't seem to attract abundance into my life I'm always behind the eightball I'm never getting ahead and I suggest to them I said did it ever occur to you that that's the very kind of message you're sending out to the world and out to the universe that the ocean of abundance is there and you can go to that ocean of abundance and you can take a Mac Truck and you can fill it up 20 times a day and take it out of there and guess what it doesn't impact at all the ocean of abundance it doesn't even go down a zillionth of an inch it's unlimited or you can go to the same ocean of abundance with a eye dropper and you can just take this much out once a month and say that's all that seems to be available for me and the interesting thing for me is that when people go to this ocean of abundance this uh unlimited World all that I have is thine it says in the Holy books all that I have is thine it's all there for you but if you believe inside that it's limited that you can only get so much that other people are going to get it before you do then you'll find yourself creating that very same thing thing and the even more interesting part about this you can't give away what you don't have principle is that if your message to the universe is gim me gim me gim me which is a lot of people's message to the universe I want this from you I want that from you please give me this I have to have that that's what their prayer is like that's what their message is you know and they say I want this from the universe give me give me give me the universe's response back to that kind of an uh mentality is exactly the same the universe will say right back to you over and over again give me give me give me and you'll find yourself never ever arriving but always being in a state of striving always feeling as if you're being neglected never feeling as if you have enough always feeling as if you're being short changed because you're constantly under the pressure to give to get back what the universe is demanding from you and the interesting thing about all of this the the irony of this is is that if you shift that and you say to the universe to the world how may I serve how may I serve the universe's response back to you is how may I serve you how may I serve you and it's very intriguing when you take your energy and your attention off of what you are demanding from the world and instead saying what can I give to the world and it's really the the basis behind that very famous line of the President John Kennedy's inaugural address ask not what your country can do ask what you can do for your country and the irony of that is and I've learned that in my own life that when I stopped thinking about what was in it for Wayne Dyer and how much could I get and I began to shift and say how can I help you how can I give to you what can I do for you and people who write to me PE uh I send them something when when I encounter somebody that needs help of some kind I'm very often just giving that to them and then I find that it just keeps coming back into my life and once I shifted that energy off of what can I have into what can I give it seemed to me that the Universe responded back with the very same message what can I give to you and the most incredible and wonderful and beautiful abundance has flowed into my life in every way that that I can possibly think of you can't give away what you don't have so take a look at an inventory of what you do have how much do you love yourself how much kindness do you have in you how much peace do you have in you how much joy do you have in you and if you're able to give that away as many times as you can in a given day watch and see how much more of that continues to show up and come back in your life okay the third principle is one of my very favorites it's called there are no Justified resentments and this is a very difficult principle for many people to get but one that I believe very strongly in I was in a group one time of uh drug addicts and alcoholics and I was one of the people that was a sponsor and leading this group and the sign on the wall said there are no Justified resentments in this group and what I said to that group that that night was no matter what anybody says to you here no matter what kind of uh uh anger comes directed towards you no matter how much hate you may encounter show up in your life there are no Justified resentments meaning that if you carry around resentment inside of you about anything or about anyone and I'm talking about the person that you lent money to and hasn't paid you back I'm talking about the person in your life that you feel was abusive in your life I'm talking about the person who walked out on you and left you for somebody else I'm talking about all of the things that you have justified in your heart and in your life that you have the right to be resentful about and I'm suggesting to you that those resentments will always end up harming you and creating in you a sense of Despair I've often said that you no one ever dies from a snake bite the snake bite will never kill kill you you cannot be unbitten once you're bitten you're bitten but it's the Venom that continues to pour through your system after the bite that will end up destroying you so now you have to take a look at all of the resentments that you may have in your life and I'd like to suggest to you that I think there is a wonderful metaphor for this that I have created in my life for how to make this work and I think that Regis Filman is the one who's responsible for it all right my buddy reges there's a show called uh Who Wants To Be A Millionaire that has been popular all over the world I'm in South Africa it comes on all right I was in Australia and they've got their own Australian version um and in Greece they have the Greek addition of uh Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and basically this show has two levels that you have to get to now the first level is the $1,000 level and at the $1,000 level you basically have to answer a question like on your hand you have some digits those digits on your hand are called your feet your nose your ears your fingers uh and everybody whoever goes on the show has this horrible dress that they're going to go out on one of those questions right so basically in order to get to the ,000 level all you have to do is answer five pretty simple simple questions in order to uh to get to the Thousand level now on this program the1 th level for you in this metaphor means that you will leave with something if you get this at least get this this is the Thousand level you must send blame out of your life for any conditions of your life blame has to go all right now blame means if you're sitting there with a disease you say without guilt it's mine I take responsibility for it this means that if you have been through any tough circumstances in your life this means if you have a minimal amount of uh Financial Security in your life this means if your children don't get along with you this means that uh if your neighbors are having taking up a petition to get you out of the neighborhood whatever it might be that's going on in your life you name it and everybody across the this great country and across this world has a series of these things that you're willing to say I am here because of the choices that I have made right now I'm willing to say that if even though it's difficult and we know it's really not your fault we know really there's a lot of people out there who are really bad all right but but you're willing to say no blame that's the first level all right that's where you understand no Justified resentment and then and the uh Who Wants To Be A Millionaire show there is what is called the $332,000 level and the $32,000 level is not only an opportunity for you to walk away with a sizable amount of goodies which you can walk away from tonight in this program but it also is the door opener to multi- wealth but you got to get to this in order to have an opportunity to move into these Transcendent levels all right millionaire spiritual uh status all right you got to get through these next five questions and this $32,000 question or level rather comes to this it came to me from a quotation that I used in the writing of a spiritual solution to every problem I read the uh a book that was written a couple of thousand years ago by pangel the yoga sutras the aphorisms of pangel and one of those sutas one of those aphorisms observations that This brilliant man made almost 2,000 years ago was this he said if you become steadfast in your exensions of thoughts of harm directed towards others all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence now this translates to blame pretty basic no more blame I'm just not going to assign responsibility to other people for where I am because now I have an opportunity to get rid of it if I think someone else caused it then I've got to wait for somebody else to change in order for me to get rid of it and you might wait forever for that but if I take responsibility for it I can do something including move on which might be the most important thing to do but at the higher level when there are no Justified resentments what you are doing is what St Francis did Francesco what you are doing is you are at a place where you are sending love in response to hate you are literally saying no matter what comes my way I am going to be steadfast in my exstension of thoughts of harm directed toward others I'm going to work hard at no matter what comes my way having it come out of me what I want to come out of me and that is love and that is a higher energy and if you can get to that level pangali said all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence I have a little girl a precious little girl I have six precious girls and two precious Sons but I have a a little girl who is almost 12 and she loves animals like no one I've ever met in my life I mean her whole life revolves around animals and when we we walk in the woods butterflies avoid me fly away from people around and they come and they land right on her arm and it happens all the time all living creatur she couldn't have a thought of harm directed towards any living creature and patang said to us all living creatures will cease to feel fear or enmity or anger in the presence of those who can send love in response to hate that's when I mean when I say there are no Justified resentments what I'd like to do I'd like to share a little story here with you it's a very tender story it was sent to me by someone who sends me beautiful things in the mail and I call it the teddy story and I'd like to read this to you if I can do it without tearing up and this story illustrates this as well as anything I've ever seen there's a story many years ago of an elementary school teacher her name was Mrs Thompson as she stood in front of her fifth grade class on the very first day of school she told the children a lie like most teachers she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same but that was impossible because there in the front row slumped in his seat was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard Mrs Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn't play well with the other children that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath Teddy could be unpleasant had got to the point where Mrs Thompson would actually take Delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen and making bold x's and then putting a big F at the top of his papers at the school where Mrs Thompson taught she was required to review each child's past records and she put Teddy's off until last however when she reviewed his file she was in for a surprise Teddy's first grade teacher wrote Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh he does his work neatly and he has good manners he's a joy to be around his second grade teacher wrote Teddy's an excellent student well liked by his classmates but he's troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle his third grade teacher wrote his mother's death has been hard on him he tries to do his best but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if steps aren't taken Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote Teddy's withdrawn and doesn't show up much interest in school he doesn't have many friends and sometimes he even sleeps in class by now Mrs Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself she felt even worse when her students brought Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper except for Teddy's his present was clumsily wrapped in his heavy brown paper that he got from the grocery bag Mrs Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing and a bottle that was one4 full of perfume but she stifled her children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was putting it on and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say Mrs Thompson today you smell just like my mom used to after the children left she cried for at least an hour on the very day she quit teaching Reading Writing and arithmetic and instead she began to teach children Mrs Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy as she worked with him and his mind seemed to come alive the more she encouraged him the faster he responded by the end of the year Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and despite her lie became one of her teachers pets a year later she found a note under the door from Teddy telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life six years went by before she got another note from Teddy he then wrote that he had finished High School third in his class and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life four years after that she got another letter saying that while things had been tough at times he stayed in school and stuck with it and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors he assured Mrs Thompson that she was still the very best and favorite teacher he ever had in his whole life then four more years passed and yet another letter came this time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree he decided to go a little further the letter explained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had but now his name was a little longer the letter was signed Theodore F Stoddard MD but the story doesn't end there you see there was yet another letter that spring Teddy said he'd met this girl and was going to be married he explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs Thompson might agree to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom of course Mrs Thompson did and guess what she wore that bracelet the one with the several rhinestones missing and she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together they hugged each other and Dr Stoddard whispered in Mrs Thompson's ear thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference Mrs Thompson came with tears in her eyes and whispered back Teddy you have it all wrong you were the one who taught me that I could make a difference I didn't know how to teach until I met you isn't that a beautiful story yeah that symbolizes there are no Justified resentments work at reaching that $32,000 level the place where the only thing you have to send is love because that's what's inside and that's the message of our greatest spiritual teachers that's all they ever had to give away the next principle I call don't die with your music Still In You and who better to quote than thorough right here in conquer when he talked about some of us here a different drama and we must March to the music that we hear but all of you everybody watching everybody here in this beautiful Parish all of you have some music playing and all of you have a heroic Mission there's no accidents in this universe we all show up here with a purpose there's an intelligence that is a part of everything and everyone and all of us are connected to it and too many of us are afraid to listen to that music and March to it you out there I know you have a book you wanted to write I know there's a composition you wanted to compose I know there's a song you want to sing someplace maybe you want to raise horses out in Montana or maybe you want to open up an ice cream shop on Cape God who knows what it may be maybe you just want to travel and see the world World maybe you want to go into a relationship with someone but you've been afraid to but your heart says it's the right thing to do all of us feel something and in Leo tolstoy's famous novel The Death of Ivan illich he asks this question that would be terrifying to me he says as he has his accountant from Moscow lying on his deathbed contemplating the horror of this question what if my whole life life has been wrong I've known what my music is it's playing right now as I stand here in front of you with these cameras and in this place and as I sit down and write my books and tell the world what I know are my truths I feel always completely on purpose and fulfilled and no time will I ever come to the end of my life and say what if my whole life has been wrong whoever you are whatever that music is however distant it may sound however strange however weird Others May interpret it to be don't get to the end of your life and know that you're going to leave and not have it played yet don't die with your music Still In you it's the message of uh the greatest teachers who've ever walked Among Us it's the message I give to you today as one of the principles for success and peace peace in your life the next principle I call embracing silence and embracing silence is not that I say this to you because it's so important to be quiet what I have learned I have a dear friend many of you know we've put out tapes together we've appeared on stages all over the world together he's like a brother to me his name is Dr Deepak Chopra a medical doctor and a dear and close friend and whenever anything is going on in my family if I'm having a problem with one of my children or with my in my own life and if I call him up and I'll say deepok or his wife Rita I'll say deepok what do you think I should do he always has the same answer meditate I'll say yes deepok I understand meditate but I said what do you think he said Wayne go deep inside and meditate always meditate I'll will you put Rita on Wayne meditate I say all right and you know I've learned a lot in meditation but what I know most about getting quiet and getting peaceful is this that there's only one power in the universe and it doesn't matter what you call it you can call it Soul Spirit Consciousness God you can call it Louise you can call it anything that you want but as alen watt said you can't get wet from the word water it's not what we call something that gives it its substance and this one power this one force that flows through everything and allows everything to be is indivisible you can't cut it in half you can't divide it it's one it's knowing the one and everything in your life is almost always given a division male female young oh tall short black white good bad up down these are all dichotomies these are all these splits that we all have in our lives the whole physical world that we live in and are immersed in it's always immersed in this Division I used to teach course at St John's University in New York and I used to tell my students when I was trying to teach this principle anybody who can come to class and bring with them a magnet that only has a North Pole I'll give you an A in the course you don't ever have to attend attended another class and no matter how thin they would slice that magnet there was always the South Pole because the physical world is made up of dichotomies but we have to learn to fuse the dichotomies and in fusing the dichot dichotomies and blending the want that's what silence does for us that's why embracing silence is so powerful because no matter how many times you cut silence in half it's like zero you still only get silence in Zen they say it's the uh it's The Space Between the Bars that holds the tiger and it's the silence between the notes that makes the music these words that are coming out of my mouth right now come out of the silence and finding that silence and embracing it means that you go to the place within you that you cannot divide just like you can't divide the Source the one the spirit you can't divide that either it's only one so when you go into your silence and you begin to practice meditation and you begin to make this a part of your life and embrace silence what you discover is this is where you'll come to know your Source you'll make conscious contact with your S I can't tell you how many people that have come to me who have suffered from serious illnesses who've been given being given diagnosis that it's terminal and that that you can't do who have gone out to the Wilderness and have decided that I am going to commune with nature and the transcendentalists thoro and Emerson they believed that nature was our source and that we were all products of Nature and if you can get back to your Source if you can get back to that feeling of being with spirit that that's where healing can take place and I've had wonderful St stories of people who' told me that it was when I began to embrace that silence that I began to feel more connected to my source Embrace silence because it's a way to come to know God to know your Source both are indivisible and the only experience you can have in your daily life that even comes close to a spiritual awake Awakening is silence the next principle I call giving up your personal history and I learned it from a man named Carlos costan who once said that um one day he said I finally realized that I no longer needed a personal history and just like drinking he said I gave it up and that and only that has made all the difference in the world you know the nice thing about giving up your personal history is that if you don't have a story you don't have to live up to it all of us have these bags of manure that we carry around with us called our past and the people who have done things to us and the events and the circumstances all of this stuff that we use and we bond to and we bond oursel to these wounds of our past and we identify oursel on the basis of these wounds and every once in a while we set it down and we reach in there and we smear it all over ourselves and then we wonder why does my life smell so bad I don't understand this when in fact the now this moment merging yourself into the now means that you may have been in a relationship I had a woman from Holland who came over to see me whose husband had left her after 25 years she had four children and she just had been on the verge of suicide and she was losing weight and she was depressed and she was taking all kinds of drugs for it and she was getting sicker and sicker because she just couldn't get over it and she came to a book signing that I was doing at a bookstore down in Florida and she said you've got to say something to me you've got to say something to me that will help me to get over this and I told her this line I said give up your personal history merge yourself here now into this moment and those 25 years or something if you want to understand how to do it think of your past as oh this hat and this is your past now you can't just set this thing down over here and walk away from it and give up your personal history because you'll always have it there to look back at what you do is you pick up your past and you embrace it you understand it you accept it as I had to go through these things that I had to go through in order for me to get to this place today and the evidence for that is that I did you don't need any more evidence you did and then you toss it you toss it you embrace it and you toss it and you merge into the Now by giving up your attachment and some of you have heard me use the metaphor of the Wake Alan Watts talked about the wake is not what drives the boat the wake is just a trail that is Left Behind that's all it is and so is the wake of your life and the Wake doesn't make the boat go and neither does the wake of your life the reason why your life is going in the direction that it is the wake is a trail that is left behind and it's an illusion to believe that it is the cause of your suffering or your struggles or your difficulty give it up Let It Go embrace it understand it get help doing that if you must and then move into the now the next principle I call it's from a line of uh Albert Einstein he said you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it in order to work at solving these things called problems in your life you have to change your mind it is your mind where they live it is your mind that created them they there is where you experience them they're all Illusions you must change your mind literally rewrite your agreement with reality one of the things I had said earlier is that one of the most difficult things to do in the world is to admit that you were wrong admitting that you were wrong is nothing more than saying I have been making choices with my mind that have created things in my life that are not working and I no longer intend to continue making those choices I was wrong you don't have to make a declaration of it you don't have to go out and feel guilty about it you just simply say it didn't work the relationship that I was in before I behaved in these ways I didn't realize that it wasn't working for me now I do and this is where I choose to be now The Secret of a successful relationship is to me understanding that you put your attention and your energy in a person on what you love rather than what you don't love Robert Frost said it so beautifully we love the things we love for what they are for what they are not for what they ought to be not for what they used to be but for what they are so when you look into the eyes of a person you're in a relation relationship with whether it's your children you catch them doing things right as much as you possibly can that's often time takes a lot of hunting but you'll find it and when you think that my relationship isn't working remember it's in my mind what am I thinking about that person and if I could just change my mind and put my thoughts on what I love about this person and keep them there that makes the relationship flourish and there are people who go through their entire relationship history with no anger no hatred no bitterness and only love the next principle is I call it treating yourself as if you already were what you would like to become in other words you get out in front of your life and you see yourself as having already what you know you'd like to have and deserve to have my children know how to do this perfectly I have a daughter who wanted a prom dress and the promes was way outside the budget that I thought a prom Des should be uh well I thought a prom Des shouldn't cost over $20 so I do have a problem but I upped it to somewhere around $ 250 I don't know how much whatever to me it was still more than I paid for my first house okay uh but anyway she called and said Dad this is the only prom desk I could with this is I've got to wear this prom Des if I don't wear this prom desk it's just on and on and on with this uh wonderful you know I've got a I saw a wonderful book about how to raise teenage uh daughters the title of it is get out of my life but first drive me and Cheryl to the mall all right that's a that's the actual title it's a good book and so I told Serena I said it's just beyond the budget I've got a certain amount of money that I'm willing to put for it and she said but I've already seen myself wearing it I've already tried it on I have a picture of myself in the dress in my living room and I've already showed it to the guy who's taking me to the pr I mean there was this whole thing about and she already saw herself in it I said well if you see yourself in it then you're going to have to also see yourself as earning the difference between what I'm willing to pay and she Drew up a contract she went on to the computer and on the background of the computer you know where they had these little background things they put on there was 500 pictures of the dress all right and she signed a contract and said I'll babysit I'll do this I'll do that and I will pay the difference and she did and she wore the dress because she understood that you treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to become there's a genius in you you have to treat yourself as if you already were that genius there's something you're completely capable of see yourself as already there then you'll act upon those thoughts because the ancestor to every action said Emerson is a thought the next principle is called treasuring your Divinity treasuring your Divinity there's a wonderful observation that I saw from from uh from Emerson in self-reliance it's about trusting your Divinity knowing that you are connected to your Source knowing that you are a Divine cre creation and that there are no accidents he said a man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of Light which flashes across his mind from within more than the luster of the firmament of BS and sages yet he misses without notice his own thought because it's his own in every work of Genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts they come back to us with a certain alienated Majesty we often reject our thoughts and we see the things that we think of as Grand and as genius and we reject them because they're our own treasuring our Divinity instead of being terrified of it knowing that I am always connected to my source there is no way that I cannot because it is in you and I am in you and you are in me and you can never be separated from it there is no place that this source is not it grows everybody's fingernails it beats everybody's Hearts it digests everybody's Foods it opens all the flowers and you're always connected to it and finally the last principle I call wisdom is avoiding all thoughts which weaken you you know every thought has an energy just like everything else in the universe and if you have a thought of shame it will weaken your muscles and what is your heart but a muscle if you raise a child to believe in shame and feel ashamed of themselves every time they think that shameful thought they will be weakened and if you have a thought of fear and if you have a thought of stress and you have a thought of Anguish and anxiety all of these thoughts and many more are the thoughts that will always weaken you when you are having a thought that you know is disempowering you shift it shift it to one that is empowering rather than disempowering and the thoughts that Empower are thoughts of neutrality and willingness and love and ultimately thoughts of divinity and when you see a troubled person who is out there struggling at the highest level of unity Consciousness or God consciousness or spiritual consciousness you recognize yourself in all that you see there but for the grace of God go I and I am connected to that person changing your thoughts I appeared on the tonight's show many years ago several times quite a few times and I remember coming home from The Tonight Show and I was walking along the beach and and they had taped the show the night before and I was out for a walk and a woman who lived in uh the Northeast stopped me and she said didn't I see you last night on how could you be here I said well I flew the red eyee and I was walking along and she said you know we're moving down here she said um what are the people like here what's it like and I said to her I said well what do they like where you live she said well she said I I live in a very big city and she said uh they're very pushy and people are not very kind and they don't have time for you and she said uh it's really not very pleasant she said that's one of the reasons I'm leaving there I said well that's pretty much what you're going to find here that's basically what the people are like here on the way back on the same day someone else who had seen me the night before on The Tonight Show who had lived in the midwest stopped me and asked me almost the same question she said you live here I said yes she said what my husband and I are moving here and we're looking for a school she said what are the people like here what's it like here I said what are they like in in h Chicago where you live she said oh she said it's the Midwest she said people are very friendly they're open they open their homes to you they're very loving they're very kind she said it's a wonderful place she said I love that I'm going to really miss that I said that's pretty much what you're going to find here it's what you expect it's what you think about that expands it's what Emerson taught us the ancestor to every action is a thought change your thoughts and you change your world change your expectations and you change around what you begin to manifest and see showing up in your life thank you very much
Channel: India Career Centre
Views: 204,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wayne dyer, wayne dyer speech, wayne dyer motivation, dr wayne dyer, wayne dyer meditation, wayne dyer law of attraction, the power of intention, law of attraction, wayne dyer manifestation, wayne dyer power of intention, dr wayne w dyer
Id: A71LUfGTyjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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