BREAK THE ADDICTION To Negative Thoughts & Emotions By DOING THIS...|Dr. Joe Dispenza & Lewis Howes

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when you're out of balance you're in survival when you're in survival you want to rush to get things done you can't be present you know you you believe everything that equal to the feeling of fear you've been more busy than ever during this time creating content creating meditations serving people because people really need your information more than ever now well you know I thought from the life that I was living and I'm kind of in a new life and and if I'm not creating then something's wrong so I just wanted to be able to adapt and give people some tools or resources to apply to their lives so yeah I literally just came from the recording studio just now I just recorded a new meditation and it was really fun so yeah if you guys are big fans of dr. Joe if you're from my page leave a yes if you're a big fan of dr. Joe if you've heard one of our interviews if you've seen his content maybe you followed him on social media he's got some of the best meditations I swear I have so many friends that have heard our interviews and then gone and got your meditations that say they swear by them their whole team's are listening to them their families you're truly helping people heal expand their field around their heart more so make sure you guys I'm seeing tons of yeses I'm not sure if you're seeing the comments here but make sure you guys get his meditations if you haven't yet and and for people I'm gonna be asking dr. Joe a few questions during this live but for anyone that takes a screenshot and tags us over on your Instagram stories we're gonna I'm gonna pick a few winners over the next 24 hours I'm gonna send a couple copies on my book and I send a couple copies of dr. Joe's books as well to people that share this over on Instagram story and tag both of us but lots of people from all of the world who love you and this is your first live I think right I've met yeah I'm a virgin I've never done this before I love it after this hopefully we'll get you to do more on your own so you so model but I wanted to ask you a question and again go ahead sorry no no go ahead I wanted to ask you a question and we just did it we just did a full length interview about a week and a half ago that's been going viral on on YouTube and on the podcast but I wanted to do some follow-up questions because you know I just feel like people are still in a lot of pain and trauma and overwhelm especially if you consume the media in the news please stop and minimize that because I think it only creates more stress when people say this is going to be the worst week of any week and it's getting me more deaths like what can people do in a simple practical step when they just feel like man there's so much my head right now what could I do to start to slow down my heart rate just a little bit to start thinking more calmly and make better decisions yeah you know I think that the moment we switch on that system for alert or for emergency we alter ourselves in some way and and all of that response that we have to an environment that we perceive as threatening or dangerous pretty much causes us to move out of balance and when you're out of balance you're in survival when you're in survival you want to rush to get things done you can't be present you know you you believe everything that equal to the feeling of fear or hostility because information is is relevant to you in that emotional state so teaching people then that they have some type of control over that that that sympathetic response that emergency system the switch is on is preparing you for something you can't predict yeah that's an unknown something that you can't control and that survival system causes us to move more into our animal nature and we're tapping our body's vital resources and for health and regeneration so short-term it's great but you keep doing it over and over again you start becoming more and more conditioned to that rush of energy so teaching people how to self-regulate teaching them how to move back into the present moment teaching them that they can shorten their responses it's really not that you react and we all react the question is how long are you going to react for because if you keep that reaction going then then you can't perceive any change in your environment you won't have any ability to feel so you become more affected by your environment so simple process of getting back into the present moment self-regulating trading that fear to for some other emotions yeah and that that's doing the work and but the practice and that's what we should be doing because now we have energy to heal we have energy from repair we have energy to create now and in work we're not losing energy now we're gaining energy and yeah that's now that signals the immune system as we talked about and that's what causes T cells to make antibodies and antigens immunoglobulins that fight antigens and and now your your internal defense system can can take care of the micro world where there are invaders where there are attackers and you have energy to heal and your immune system as we said is always combating viruses and bacteria and and if you're less responsive to your environment emotionally then you're less responsive to your environment physically and you haven't got more energy and and that people just need to know the information because that empowers them to begin to make different choices and now that you know you can apply knowledge and make a different choice demonstrate a different behavior create a new experience and that new experience creates a new emotion Wow then all of a sudden now you you start learning new things and you start stepping away from your old self and that's what you want people to do biology changes and creating creating a new self stepping away from the old stuff talk about that and our interview if we want to check out more on that you for those that are just joining us I'm seeing a lot of people joining and sharing whether we're chiming in from good to see you all I saw my friend dar man a lot of people from all over the world watching this I want to ask you a couple quick questions one before I ask the next question if you guys click the little airplane button below and you share this on your Instagram story or if you take a screenshot at any time and you tag mean and at dr. Joe you tag us I'm gonna be giving away a couple copies of my book a couple copies of Joe's book to a few winners I wanted to ask you a personal question not too personal but something personal I don't think we talked about a lot at least not in interviews that I've seen and I'm dealing with you when do you feel the most stressed and overwhelmed or are you just like so elevated at this point because you do your work and the meditations daily that nothing affects you but is there any moments where you're like you feel trigger you feel reaction because I think people see you as this incredible leader who's been doing this for decades and you know you live the practice but there's gotta be moments you react right of course of course I mean I react when I see certain people in the world misunderstand this information or have an interest in in trying to attack it in some way or take you down or misrepresent I react to that of course I think a good day is even if you do react that you make your way back into your heart if you finish there and you learn your lessons I think it's a it's a good day so I mean I still get triggered Horsa but you know I do my best every day to catch myself and yeah I'm less effective in that state and I think I've learned and through trial and error to self-regulate and get back it up it always feels like a better day when I do it's hard to make good choices when you come from reaction fear anxiety stress but you always create more powerful service in the world from my experience when your heart is filled with love peace and those type of qualities what you teach about and talk about in your meditations which I know if you guys have gone through dr. Joe's meditations leave a heart just comment with a heart to let us know if you have and it's meditations are unbelievable I want to ask you the next question when you get to that state of dr. Joe your stuff is horrible you suck it's wrong there's no proof your science is wrong you know whatever people say how do you get back to your heart and how long does that usually take for you well I'm gonna answer that on two levels because I just realized that that used to bother me you know much more than it does right now because I actually don't care any longer you know not an example because we have so much evidence that actually shows that it does work so so um let's just say you get frustrated right now and how do you is there like you know second practice you're like okay I'm aware right now let me get back to my heart what is that practice for you personally yes so when I do react though part to my answer was that with that I really want I always take a moment I step back I have to disengage from whoever I'm talking to I have to step away from whatever I'm doing break my routine and and step away long enough to just remember that I'm disconnecting from the energy that I'm using to create a new future and I'm back into a familiar energy that's connected to my past and I've lost my ability to stay connected to it because a circumstance has altered my feelings and my thoughts so I remember that that's not a conversation you normally want to have with yourself when you think somebody's doing something to you right but I know the alternative just leads to a day that spirals downward so then I close my eyes or I step away for a minute and I just put my attention back in my heart and the first thing I work on is changing the way I believe become conscious moving the body out of danger breath teaching it how it can be safe again to self-regulate to slow it down into the present moment and start breathing and when you slow your breath down you slow your brainwaves down and when you slow your brainwave down you're slowing down the system of arousal and your heart actually influences that so then once I feel my connection to my heart then I start thinking about the emotions that I'm using to create that future whether it's platitude whether it's freedom whether it's CAW or the mystical moment or whatever and I just bring up that energy back into my heart and I tune in to that energy that I've become familiar with because I do it enough times and I remember I'm connecting to the energy of my future again and I can do it sometimes in literally a minute or two yeah sometimes I fix an hour an hour and that's yeah someone Allison just posted that she went to your retreat in Sedona early this year and said it was life-changing someone else said we do your meditations every day again if you're just joining the last few minutes dr. Joe Dispenza in the house a lot of people say they've seen you a few times in person they love you in Arizona make sure to share the little button below it's a little airplane you can click on that you can share it on your story if you take a screenshot of this and tag me and Joe I'm gonna send out a couple copies of my book and a couple copies of Joe's book to a couple of people that we choose from that later you've got some amazing resources on your site dr. Joe Dispenza comm the next question I have for you is what is the biggest transformation you've seen someone in your work over the last few decades you've seen incredible healings within a few days of people on stage you talked about are any of you you've you know probably don't even share a lot of these stories but what's the one that stands out the most of a massive healing or just transformation from the past itself that was hurting them into a new future something you talk about so much God there you know lose there are so many accidents if you ask me that question like maybe a year or two ago I probably could have picked from a handful but you know this last year we have seen so many incredible outcomes from blind people seen to deaf people hearing to people numerous people with Stage four cancers go into remission tumors disappearing on the spinal cord on the breast and lungs in the brain we have seen serious conditions tumors and children disappear I mean it's it's been a crazy time but I can tell you a quick story about a woman who is a nurse and in London and she had a stroke and it was right under the optic nerve and it caused blindness in the left lower quadrant in both eyes like from like 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock that she was clinically blind as a result of the stroke and she lost her driver's license she couldn't function as a nurse anymore she couldn't type compromised because she was diagnosed as legally blind so our life changed dramatically and so she went to all the doctors and and the pretty the prognosis is pretty straightforward if you don't see many changes after 2 weeks you're probably not going to see many changes after that point in so a year went by she was asking all her colleagues I mean I think if you if you if you want a good doctor ask a nurse nurses know good doctors and so she went to all the good doctors that she knew get used to it it's probably gonna degenerate over as you age and one of the doctors said hey why don't you go to this Dispenza pen I'll go with you so they can't so they they did the course the preliminary course and they came prepared and and it didn't even occur to her that she will want to heal her vision she was more interested in just learning how to cope in her life and she wanted to start a non-profit but she was curious let me had a cope with the blimey yeah that's what she thought that would be a better person so halfway through the event it occurs to her maybe I could heal this thing Wow and she's in a walking meditation and she gets lit up and inspired she goes into the next meditation in the late morning she finishes the meditation she lays down and she has this crackling sound in her brain and with this kind of temperature change when she opens her eyes she has complete recovery complete recovery her blindness we have the medical scans to show that the before is scan nosov arises all black between 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock the Monday after the event on the Monday morning there's not one black spot on the post can neither I so check complete recovery of complete change in my office and she can still see fine today she's missed it we just saw her in Munich in February she was one of the volunteers and still doing very well Wow amazing caring blind is that's another level man that's inspiring a lot of I'm reading some of the comments come through here are people who are saying there they can't wait till they can get tickets to your next event when they're allowed to get out of this quarantine really quick before I ask the next question if you guys can all type in the thing you're most grateful for and today for me I talk a lot about gratitude and joy I know for you gratitude is something that's important to get to that that field of energy of positivity of love where you can think clearer and when we have the right perspective we can make better decisions so go ahead and type in what's your most grateful for in the chat box we'd love to see some of that and leave a question that you have for dr. Joe and I'll try to skim through and see what we have here also if you're just joining thanks to everyone who shared this click the little airplane button below on the bottom to share this over on your stories to your friends this will be up for 24 hours so people can watch this later seeing a lot of people saying just grateful to be alive grateful for dr. Joe grateful for being healed from dr. Joe in the past what the bleep do we know that was a movie you did what was that 10-15 years ago or something a documentary we yeah probably a little over 12 years ago wow it's amazing grateful for the feeling of gratitude grateful for my son I think the more we express those things we get out of that fear state what does gratitude do for us in replacing that kind of anxiety and fear well I mean we've done research on gratitude and it's very interesting because when you receive something you've just received something when something's happening to you or something just happened to you that's favorable you feel this feeling of gratitude so this the emotional signature its signature emotionally means something just happened to you or something is happening to you so your body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between an experience in your life that creates an emotion and an emotion that you can fabricate by thought alone to the body it's so objective it's exactly the same so when people start to feel gratitude their body is believing that something favourable is going to happen to them that is or has already happened to them really emotional signature of gratitude is the perfect signature or the state of energy to receive so so when we begin to embrace our future and we give we feel gratitude for it we will believe that future is more of a reality because it's equal to the emotion that we're experiencing but we're feeling the emotion before the actual event occurs so gratitude in a sense you could use it to elevate your energy and when you do just 10 15 minutes a day you'll strengthen your immune system by 50% Wow please just by having gratitude for 10 15 minutes yes because your body starts to put energy right in your heart center and there's a gland in there that we talked about in your show called that a plan that has an end the chronological aspect and a methodological aspect in it begins the signal chemicals that tells your t-cells strengthen you got energy to go like modest and create more receptors for anything coming out and now your inner environment is doing that and your t-cells make these antibodies these immunoglobulins that setre the body's natural flu shot it's proteins that protect cells especially immune cells and now you have an internal army an internal order that that will be greater than the environment and now you have now you have strength you know and move and you from a suggestibility standpoint you only accept believe and surrender to thoughts equal to your emotional state so people are in spare then the information that comes in equal to fear they will begin to resonate with or relate with because it's equal to that emotion so they'll accept the information they'll believe the information to those surrenders of the information without ever analyzing you know programs us into certain limited behaviors so then when you feel gratitude the thoughts that you think the the dreams that you create mmm but to demonstrate prejudge you begin to feel the future now something else happens you start creating a huge change in the information and you program your autonomic nervous system to program your body to become that future and then people are doing it amazing man I've got I've got three questions for you that are that I'm seeing come through that I want to make sure we ask want to keep this probably in the next ten minutes we'll wrap things up cuz I'll make sure you you got to go cream or meditations connivance you've got so much going on if you guys are watching this and enjoying this right now leave a heart click the little airplane button below you can share this on your story and tag me and dr. gel before I ask these to me questions which I think are gonna be mind-blowing for people I hear Zeus responses you just launched some new supplements as well to help people with optimizing their body their mind can you talk about that for a second just so people are aware of this sure I mean I didn't predict any of this global situation yeah and going to happen but I have been working with creating a healthy blend of raw materials that have to do with vitamins minerals amino acids and plant-based herbs and and formulations to provide the very building blocks of the hormonal centers in our bodies that we bless on a daily basis to create more order and coherence in each one of those individual little break and the coherence begins to create more orders or more clear orders to hormonal centers and so by people doing the blessings and creating this balance I thought God if I've provided the raw materials and we have the amino acids that were in the highest concentration in each hormonal center we can begin to influence more the raw materials for for people to move back in the balances we created this one for the heart center and because the arts is you know has all these functions we put a lot of the immunoglobulins that are the natural boosters for our immune system to create more inner balance and and then you know we do a lot of work with the pineal gland in in our community that radio receiver that connects you to the mystical so I created the raw materials to create more balance when we go to sleep if you want dream and go into restorative sleep and then maybe something that may empower your pineal gland to catch you up and get you going and create the proper amounts of serotonin and some of those excitatory neurotransmitters that keep people awake and focused so we've got three the company's called BIOS entropy and that we have three in formulation so yeah you soon I'm seeing someone someone commented they already have the supplement so they got them for me already so where can they go to get that is that just that dr. Joe Dispenza Tom there's a link where they can get the supplements and or those no the company is called by the BIOS entropy di o s by n TR o py dot-com and you know the products through there okay cool awesome I think I think there's a link somewhere in your website too yeah yeah so if you go to this link here here's a question here's a question that I saw and I'm seeing people saying they've already got you supplements and they want to get it so that's gonna be awesome for people if they go there this is a question that I think everyone wants to know the answer to especially during this time of feeling like there's a lack feeling like there's a loss feeling like there's uncertainty around money around opportunities opportunities are swindling for some people that they're thinking you know all these uncertain times how do we change from having a scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset especially if the evidence is not showing that we have abundance right now for some people here sure well look this is a tough question the answer but I'll tell you that for me I'm going to see this a great opportunity brilliantly disguised as an impossible situation that I'm not going to meet this challenge from the same level of consciousness I will have to go to a greater level of awareness a greater level consciousness and create and invent and figure out new ways to connect and figure out new ways to influence the Earth's field and create new ways to change outcomes in reality and it's not about one person doing it it's a new consciousness that must emerge that isn't going to live in fear it was what we fear we give power to we give our attentions that we don't live as victims to our circumstances that we create different circumstances that if you face this present challenge as an opportunity for a greater consciousness to emerge a collective consciousness that sees behind the illusion of separation that could connect in a field of information and create one mind create one heart and emerge like those birds that all fly in one pattern fish in one school you you get the appearance that it's a bigger organism because there's no leader in that flock there's no leader in that school everybody's leading it's everybody is demonstrating it and and that's we have to step up beyond it and and information is causing us to see that maybe maybe government's aren't going to take care of us many churches are not going to take care of us or synagogue sir maybe you know medicine is not going to take care of us and maybe all of those things that we've relied on to change our inner state it's not gonna really we're not going to really take care of at a certain point we got to take care of us right and Bridget doctor job preach it no we got it we gotta face this in there's no other alternative yeah there there isn't another alternative except waiting instead of creating so so maybe it's a time in history that you and I negotiated to be here some other space and time and that we're here for an awakening let's just let's see what happens if we play that out and you can't be afraid and you can't be angry and you can't be hostile and can't be resentful and all this consciousness that creates viruses that creates a disease it's gonna be a different frequency we're gonna see it from a different level of mind mm-hmm okay this is I that question is something I think a lot of people are saying thank you for asking I'm glad you shared that that's a powerful response if you're following me you don't know who dr. Joe is you've got a great opportunity to learn to heal to take your life to the next level if you go up here there should be a little button where you can click on his name click on that follow him if you're watching right now we've got two more questions is that okay two more questions for you dr. Joe yeah I'm just I'm laughing because I'm looking at the amount of battery on my assistant bone here it's like less than 10% okay well we quickly makes you guys share this below this little button that you can share this out tag me tag dr. Joe as well and let us know that you're watching this we'll be up for 24 hours okay this question is someone asked what before is about changing your DNA by changing your environment is it possible by changing your physical space the environment you live in or you're surrounded in our daily basis that when you change that your actual physical DNA will change either for the better or for the worse based on the physical environment yeah it depends on your response to the environment so you can change everything in your environment and if you're still unhappy the unhappiness is the emotion that is the dominant emotion that's keeping certain genes expressed your body is believing it's in the same environment because you haven't changed ah so but you put a person in the environment that they're thinking differently they're acting differently they're feeling differently they're changing their state yeah theoretically you'll begin to express new genes and dole up regulate and make different proteins and the problem with some of the placebo studies is that when people healed 50% of them healed from Parkinson's disease when they returned back to their lives all the symptoms came back because they were reacting to the same environment with the same neural circuitry in the same emotional state and how you think and feels your state of being so they return back to their old self again and the emotion caused them to be don't move back into the same gene expect now if you have a more positive environment but you you don't shift your your mindset around it you could still be in a negative state physically even if you have the best views ocean breeze living in nature you know the most comfortable beds or whatever it is if you don't change your mindset with the environment you could be trapped in a prison cell emotionally essentially is that correct yeah well there's no there's no new information that's coming in because you're in the same you're the same emotion means your your body's believing it's in the same environment that's creating the emotion though it's the environment that signals the gene but the internal environment of your body is still the environment around the cell so what what signals the gene and the cell is the emotion so the emotion is information coming through your senses from the environment and that's what selects it instructs the gene so then when you select an instructor gene you make a new protein a new protein is the expression of new life in so regime to get up regulate so but it but the person has to stay in that state in that same emotional state so when you begin to marry a clear intention of your future with an elevated emotion and the emotion that you're creating that future with is greater than the shock or the betrayal of the past the stronger the emotion you feel the more you pay attention to whatever you're imagining and now you're beginning to condition your brain and body into the future and the strongest emotion it's no longer the environment that's signal gene the end product from the experience and the environment is the emotion and you're signaling the gene ahead of the amount of the environment and you're beginning to change before before your wealth comes your creating wealth your your cheer you're not waiting for your healing to feel gratitude you're creating health by by changing yourself and becoming it mmm creating health by changing yourself I've got one final question for you it's really important before I ask the question because I think you have three percent left probably now if you guys want if you're enjoying this live experience I'm seeing a lot of comments coming through here and you want me to do more with dr. Joe or for him to do his own lives in the future because this is his first one then type in yes if you're getting value from this and you want more from him or more from both of us make sure to follow dr. Joe this should be a little button up here on your screen of dr. Joe you're not following him yet go there below I've got a link pinned if you want to listen to a long-form interview just like this we just did one about a week and a half ago that's been going viral I'm the link is below right there if you take a screenshot Luis / 9 3 3 and if you want to truly transform your life you've got to get these meditations that dr. Joe has you can go to the website below there's also a link for the supplements that he's just launching right now on his website that you can get from there a lot of people say that already been signing up for and loving it any final thought before I ask you the final question during this first ever live yeah last final thought if I cut out nothing personal I just ran okay last question real quick then what's thing you're most proud of lately that you wish more people knew about oh gosh I'm I'm so proud of our community yeah because in a time where separation isolation lack quarantine whatever could be dividing a community our community came together in a collective consciousness and you wanted to unify and I'm so proud of us because our the people that come to our events they do the work you know and and when you start opening your heart and you got enough people doing it you connect you know in that energy it's love that Bond's us yeah I mean physically and and not locally or I didn't mmm our community came together you know and in Rose rose above the circumstances I'm super proud of that because I our community is there they're my heroes you know yeah dr. Joe your hero to me and so many people thank you for taking the time and go plug in your battery recharge get back to creating adding value to people we appreciate you very much man I'll talk notice I appreciate you very much salsa thanks brother thank you ciao if you enjoyed this please subscribe leave a comment below and like this video and check out my last interview with Kevin Hart also right here there are no easy road yeah so when I was coming up and I'm not getting the auditions I'm not getting the opportunities I had to say to myself it's going to come
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 396,592
Rating: 4.9253368 out of 5
Keywords: dr. joe dispenza, joe dispenza motivation, lewis howes, lewis howes interview, school of greatness, inspiration, motivation, joe dispenza motivational speech, joe dispenza speech, how to heal your body, unlock the power of your mind, how to break addiction, addiction joe dispenza, success habits, success principles, self help, self development, self improvement, wealth, how to become successful, joe dispenza impact theory, control your mind, joe dispenza meditations, success
Id: 1CuY6t9Aroc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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