Its All in the Seed

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[Music] Jesus is God's Living Word his supernatural seed planted in our hearts stay tuned for an inspiring message from Kenneth Copeland followed by a word from the Lord to encourage those who feel like giving up next on the believers voice of victory let's open our Bibles to first Peter and let's read from the first verse now I mean it now you ought to be believing in me tonight you start you start getting spiritually lazy on me I'm gonna wake up hey first Peter verse or chapter 1 verse 23 very familiar Scripture but read it carefully make note as we read being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible now what is the seed by the Word of God which lives and abides forever let's look at it again being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which lives and abides forever I want to talk to you tonight on this subject it's all in the seed now this is not something you don't know but it is gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger as we go tonight it's all in the sea now let's go to Ephesians chapter 2 you didn't bring your Bible to light well look on with somebody there next to you cuz you need to put your eyes on it Ephesians chapter 2 and let's begin reading with the forth first but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins has quickened or has made us alive together with Christ with the Anointed One by grace you are saved and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus in the anointed Yeshua that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness towards us through Christ Jesus for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast now look at this tenth first for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto Goods works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them wherefore remember that you being in times past Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands at that time you were without the Anointed One being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world but now in Christ Jesus you who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of the Anointed One for he is our peace who have made both one and have broken down the middle wall of partition between us now from here let's go to Genesis chapter 1 this is my favorite place to start in the Bible amen and don't get upset I'm not gonna try to preach the whole thing well I'm not gonna say that I got until next year on my mouth make it omegas go for it amen now let's let's go down to the 26th verse now in the the English Bible and of course why I'm reading from the authorized version it leaves the reader to think and God said let us make man in our image it leaves the idea that God is talking about creating a man and that's that that isn't true at all it is it carries the same thing go right back there at the very beginning in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth the earth was without form and void that also has been translated in the beginning the blessed one created the heaven and the earth darkness upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light now here again it sounds like thank God is talking about light but that's because of the way it was translated into English because it went it had already gone through a translation or two before it got down to us you understand and actually I years ago Rutan of the first just the beginning of this ministry this second or third year we were in this mess we were having a meeting in a small town here in Texas and and we had a place to have our evening meetings and back there in those days our meetings went at least three weeks long sometimes longer than that and we had a place for our evening meetings but we were just having a terrible time finding a place for our morning services and we and we had Layton's later on in the week of the we could have the morning services in the building man but we couldn't have the first few days I think is something like the first week or so whatever it was and much to my thrill the local rebel opened the synagogue for us to have our morning services and our Oh and he said make herself at home in my study I said be um I thought do you really think he really knows what he's telling me haha man I'm gonna go through River draw he's got it cuz I'm on the hunt you know everything I can find and and he blessed me and he helped me and and that was the that that first the first day in his study is when I found out that God did not say let there be light I found out he said like be light wars I said y'all I can't land oh yeah but can you see the difference in the attitude of let it be as if something was holding it back no he just commended like be light whoa that wasn't sunshine no that was that didn't happen for several days later what kind of light are we talking about the glory we're talking about light energy 186,000 miles a second kind of light yes but now see that's that's first mention now you follow that and it will really begin to open your open your eyes open your heart your mind now you come down to the 26th verse and God said this is not the Creator talking about a man this is God creating the man his lifeless body he formed him formed his body out of the dust of the earth out of the dirt with his hands but he had no life in it and he's holding him and you know what's amazing they're the same size he's not wholly not not some little little bitty guy no no you know how we can tell that it's right there if you know where to look I'll show you a minute anyway God said man be in our image in our likeness have dominion over the fish of the sea the fowl of the air the cattle over all the earth every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth so God created man in His image how they do you can you see it now now what was that we'll see well I'll just go ahead and tell you those were seeds huh you remember that Jesus said the sower shows the world amen now I want I want you to I want you to hang on that look look in the second chapter hello Thank You Lord verse 7 the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground now look breathed into his nostrils the breath of life now breath now this is a reason we in english-speaking people particularly we we have a hard time with this because breath and spirit are the same word and it looks like that God just took him and blew in his nose no of course not you know hey man brave thank you let's stand up in from me now yeah no eyes better because he's in the likeness of God he's the same size I'm saying now what's happening here extender and so what's happening here if I'm gonna hold him like this man be where is it where is it striking him right in the nose you should have got more excited over there amen this is painting a picture to us and for us for what was what God was doing here because now let's go to the first chapter of the book of John John saw this God revealed it to him John chapter 1 in the beginning was the word read that aloud with me please in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God hallelujah all things were made by him alright if all things were made by him then all things were made by the word now here's another thing I found out while I was really digging around and in the rabbi's study and of course with his help the route in Hebrew for a thing is word now that's that's an eye-opener and that's exactly that's that's exactly what we just read in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God now all those words beginning words like B he released a form and manifestation of his glory that never had been seen before he released matter no angel had ever seen matter before material things and that's reason when he created the man the angel said read it in the book of Psalm the angel said what is that what is a man what is that that you visit him they've never seen God visit anything they'd never seen a man they didn't know what a man was they had never seen material matter everything they had come in contact with before was spirit and now that's the way we're gonna be when we get to heaven that's the way they were when they saw when they saw that garden material things we get to heaven we're going to see spiritual material you know if it's going green there's gonna be something you can wiggle it there's no telling how long we're gonna spend this Wow Wow oh wow see that oh I'm that way now things of the Lord making all him glory to God thank you Jesus praise You Lord Jesus thank you thank you Lord all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life now what did that just say in him was life when oh wait a minute in the word is what his word is life to those that find it and what help to all their flesh [Applause] can you hey hey the word is the see the health is in the scene I said the health is in the see the life is in the scene Oh written God I know saith the Lord more than you know about what you've been through there were times when it was so difficult for you to keep from just throwing your hands up just give up and quit I know that Lord sayeth the Lord I was there and sometimes it didn't seem like I was there but I was there I was there I was the one that didn't let you quit I was the one down in there deep deeper than you even knew you had I was the one in there at the moment that you just said I've had this I don't need this I'm done with this go read a got out and but just but then well yeah but well no I can't quit I what's the matter with me I can't quit he said I was the one that was scratching on you down then the inside cuz I knew then and I know now that you're bigger than you think you are you're more powerful than you know you are because you see you thought you've failed you thought this is I've just I've just done it again I've just flopped again Here I am Lord no you didn't quit you're still here you don't know how victorious you really are because you couldn't see all that was arrayed against you like I could you have no idea the forces that Satan put together trying to get you out of his way you see you're very important to the devil he hates you you are dangerous to his affairs and all that he has planned and he has no defense for what you have on the inside of you because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world so rejoice and again I say rejoice for the best is yet to come and heaven has it written down that you won the battle you stood the test and now the good stuff [Applause] being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which lives and abides forever the Word of God is more than just a collection of promises it is a living force it is a seed that once planted by faith in a human heart will produce more blessings than you can imagine it has the supernatural power within it to produce the harvest of a lifetime get excited about it and start planting today there's a name that is above every name a name that contains power to overcome every enemy and pull down every stronghold it's the name of Jesus the power of the name of Jesus package is a 10 CD series and companion study guide by Kenneth Copeland that gives you the foundation in the Word of God to know how the name of Jesus represents the very power of God the Father put that power to work in your life and it'll lift you high above the circumstances you face each day as you listen to Jesus the name above every name you'll learn how to use the name of Jesus and expect signs wonders and miracles to manifest in your life and you will understand that your position in Christ places you in the heavenly realm to reign with him living a life full of victory you have authority in this world it's time to take your place don't go another day without knowing and drawing upon the name of Jesus when you understand your authority and right to use his name you will overcome Kenneth and Gloria have a gift for you request your copy of the power of the name of Jesus package receive your rights and your authority to use his name go to KCMO org slash TV special or call eight hundred 676 go to KCMG org come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event the love of dogs been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost we have the love equipment and assignment it is in there and faith [Music] April 7th through 9th Kenneth Gloria Copeland welcome you to the 2016 Branson victory campaign at faith Life Church in Branson Missouri April 22nd through 23rd get connected at the 2016 living victory Chicago faith encounter at the Sheraton Hotel and towers in Chicago Illinois may 12th through the 14th the Copeland's invites you to the 2016 Canada victory campaigned at Telus Convention Center in Calgary Alberta Canada July 4th through 9th joined Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their special guests for the 2016 Southwest believers convention in Fort Worth Texas for more information on these and other events go to the KCM website build your faith and be transformed by the Word of God the believers voice of victory is available on DVD or CD at KCMO org continue your studies with this week's product offer order your copy today and let these word based teachings help you live in victory receive God's grace abounding toward you and live in the blessing [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 27,359
Rating: 4.7408905 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, kenneth copeland, process, ken copeland, kenneth copeland ministries, encouragement, courage, 4747505614001, hope, word of god, confidence
Id: -iLtT16WsOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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