Seed Power: It Works Not Sometimes, But All The Time, Part 1

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[Music] hello ladies thank you for tuning into the broadcast today we have a wonderful sermon entitled seed power it works not sometimes but all the time how can you say that brother Jesse let me ask you the question its seed power is it working in your life the way it should I think most of you would probably say no but when you understand that it then works sometimes it works all the time because God said as long as the earth remained and it is remaining it would be seed time and harvest time get a pencil in the paper and get some notes on this sermon this is part 1 this week next week is part 2 coming you'll be blessed because you have so some things it's now time for you to reap what you have sold spiritually physically and financially so let's go into the Word of God get our pencils of paper take some notes we're gonna learn something good today [Music] Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 it says in the beginning God now that's a that right there should settle the issue of how this whole universe came and do existed in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of the Lord God move you can't do something less you move upon the waters now notice when you move then he begins to say so and God said and then he starts creating all the way through if you look at verse 3 says and God said let there be light some great physical where the core theoretical physicist says that's the Big Bang I'll leave that for their interpretation all I know light flooded and the universe was created and God said light beam which me he didn't say let there be light we put that in our English times because you see that if we say let there that's a possibility it may not be there but when God shortened it and said light B he didn't give light a chance to say no did you see that light beat and it started brother and when I say started now to us we are time beings we finite he's infinite time does not exist with God and when we go into the heavenlies into the new heaven and the earth time will cease to exist think about that now would you have to wear how long it takes you to get somewhere you won't even need a watch think about that and you won't be trying to believe things the Bible said you shall know that's a big state to know all now you read you go on down it gets down my lord to verse oh it's just so many of my kids thought here verse 26 and God said let us make man our Jesse in our image I like to put myself in that after our likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea that's why I catch fish you may use your bait I use this bait this is the best bait it'll called fish that ain't 'i'm hungry the bite Joe look because you see it understands Dominion and let them have dominion over the fish to see over the fowl of the air Oh Lord even when I hunt I do good think about I don't kill the kill just to kill I I'm not that kind of a person I don't kill anything I don't eat just to kill for sport I don't you know that's just it's a personal conviction but I just don't think life is too precious even in the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom but some people's always you own a gun then why Jeep that vegetable you killed that too when you ate it okay they had life just like that bird or whatever a deer let me just say that so you're gonna stay over the over the father over the cattle over all the earth over ever creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image and the image of God created he him male and female created he them did you hear the word them didn't say him he said them he named him Adam he didn't he did not name Eve Eve Adam named Eve Eve God named Eve Adam Bailen few McCrady them and called them Adam meaning what she's not a lower species than man she's whoa man whoa man she's man with womb thinking about that man kind of likes to put her down but that's not right and it's wrong he created us equal notice this and when you see that now notice what God did in verse 28 and God blessed them empowered to prosper there you start with prosperity in the Bible right there he blessed them he didn't curse them he blessed them he didn't give him sickness and disease he blessed them and put them in a place where there was no mortgage because the word mortgage we get the root word is macho area more gage mortuary gage death-grip that's why you paid three times the amount of money on a house that you borrowed money on that's why God said oh no man anything but dilemma you don't want to pay in three times do you see that that's amazing once he blessed them and he said be fruitful always producing has nothing to do with the economy multiply always increasing replenish use what you produced which you multiply and refill it then he said some new a word that should not be in Genesis chapter one but there is an inkling here there is a hit some do control your environment or your environment will control you you've heard me say this before which God was hinting to these two people was snake coming gonna pop his lip off subdue him tell him who you are and you're created in my image and my likeness and you have my dominion over all my works and have dominion again over the fishes to see over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth now watch verse 29 something is set in order in verse 29 that is very prevalent today and God said behold I have given you herb bearing seed he starts the seed harvest principle Retta which is upon the face of all there and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat a provision notices verse 31 and God so everything that he had made and behold it was very good and the evening in the morning were the sixth day go with me to Genesis chapter 8 real quickly verse 22 while the earth remaineth seedtime harvest time : heat summer and winter and day and night shall not cease as long as the earth remaineth a while the earth remaineth what does that mean that it's not always going to remain that is a fact God is going to destroy this planet mankind will not do it with climate change thank you for that whole egos grunt the planet is bigger and smarter than you are it'll kill us all off and refurbish itself because it heard the words of God - Adam be fruitful that's - the human Kingdom the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom what God creates produces and if you try to pollute it and destroy it it will destroy you and why you did it agree if it will replenish and put grass over the dirt that's on top of you and man thinks that they can destroy it you're living in a dream world but when God comes upon the scene he's gonna give us a new heaven and a new earth which means what which means that the stain of sin cannot enter there this earth has a stain on it and nobody likes to wear something with a stain sometime I'm eating something as you get older you drop a lot of things out your mouth the saddest thing you ever seen in your life hey Cathy is always pointed mean you got something on your shirt I want to say look at your own chest woman and I got to keep a little club soda Bobby so I can because nobody likes stains think about that for a minute and neither does God he said as long as the earth remain seed time harvest time - I believe this message it works not some time but all the time I want to deal with seed time and harvest time I got to read one more verse Matthew chapter six that just came to my spirit Matthew chapter six verse 32 three go with me to it if you can here Jesus is talking what wonderful words does he say Matthew 6 verse 33 but seek ye first not second not third not fourth not fifth but seek ye first the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven is a place the kingdom of God is a method and I'm going over the things I've said for years but seek ye first so before you can get second third fourth fifth six whatever you believe for you have to seek ye first God's Way kingdom of God is a method God's Way of doing and being right but seek you first to came to God what's this and there's righteousness why would you have to put that in it because most Christians don't feel righteous but they are and all these things and you want to find out what those things are just go stuck reading up the verse 25 and go all the way down shall be added unto you it works not some of the time all the time people asked me for 41 years of preaching 39 years full-time preaching how come I've never had a financial deficit let me show you seed time harvest time you see I don't like to use the word give Luke 6:38 is a great Scripture in the Bible but it's most people know what the word give means but then the next word you ask them they'll say gave and the third word that you ask if they'll say given or I gave it the office see when you give and gee that word right there actually should mean sow seed time harvest time because if you use the word give the next one's going to get I gave and I have given it puts it in to your blessing which is totally contrary to the Word of God because God said long as the earth remain are we remaining on the earth right now seed time harvest time cold hot why do you say cold and hot and summer and winter because sometime it's cold in the summer you let me tell you can get a freeze before Easter you go plant all your new plants and something come bless you see it's a difference between coal and hot summer and winter then you can have a hot winner but you're going to get : hot and summer and winter in all these avenues what's this and day at night how do I know that daylight saving time do you think the guerrillas figured out that you took an hour away from them do you think that they got up an hour later no they not that foolish they just know when they get up when they lay down it works not some of the time but all the time see so instead of giving I have never give given hour gave or give I have sowed and I so I must so work but I'm also a reaper so I want to deal with this write this down chance has no part in seed time and harvest on this ain't done by chance because God said lungs the earth remained a BC time a chance has no part in seed time and harvest time because in that seed is the creation of everything you've heard me said what is it oak tree but an acorn that held its ground the seed don't have to be big but the seed must be sown not given or gave or give but so because he keeps everything fluctuate keeps everything moving for you through you around you and about you do you see that people say well that stuff that work or that works well time for me why because I so and I believe in sowing see seed will always produce change write it down you get married and you consummate your marriage and your wife gets pregnant I'm telling you and you she has a better your life has just changed it's called less sleep could the baby don't care when the babies in the womb something happens cede power seed power that baby demands every nutritional thing that woman has suck all a calcium out your teeth that's why you got to take prenatal vitamins and everything that baby demands it it doesn't ask it demands it don't care if you sleeping it will kick you while you see to let you know how powerful that seed is it will stretch your body it's called stretch marks now most people don't like stretch marks Lenny let me help you out I was on a beach in Honolulu and this girl come out there with a bikini on and she had stretch marks and I went wow look at there a life creator instead of thinking oh her body's not like it was before no no when you see a stretch mark you have created life your acorn just became a tree do you see that look at the ladies look at them in you know seed power not babies pulling every and after it's born it demands attention you should always give attention to your seed let me say it again chance has no part in seed time on harvest time seed will always produce change because you see what happens is seed produces life oh I like that that's a great statement seed locked within seed is great creative power are you getting this great creative power seeds of love seeds of faith seeds of action have the power to produce a unlimited harvest now let me stop right there and talk about that unlimited her how come you can't have too much God causes that the god of too much think about that the god of not just enough but more than enough El Shaddai the god of too much think about that but see people think well if you get too much you just might get to greed you know why don't you trust God that created you and trust yourself you know where you start to flip over something wrong all you got to do sitting oh I'm not going there Satan I'm staying what God said blessed in the city blessed in the field bless going in bless going out you see the seed time principle works in the spiritual realm in the physical realm and the financial realm let me start that again it is the law of the universe spiritual physical financial in other words you sow a seed in the spiritual rim you saw it see the physical rim you saw in seed in the financial room you should have a harvest in the spiritual room you ought to be more spiritual and a harvest in the physical room you ought to be healthier physical and in the financial room you ought to have more than what you have why because in that seed is creative power in that seders life and that more abundantly see Jesus God's Old Christ so he could get watch this Christians think about that for a minute let that sink in this is so simple listen to it it must happen all the time and you should never limit God we ought to learn that if you go reading the scripture in the Book of Psalms if the Bible said that Israel limited the Holy One of Israel why would you limit a god that just want to bless you why would you limit that I mean it's so hard for me to understand that and yet people want to criticize if you have too much and all you're doing is believing what God said so God is giving you the harvest and the harvest off the seeds you sow now you can't expect the harvest if you don't sow seed spiritual physical or financial so if you want to stay or what I call up Titan right my god do that and guess what god I bless you I'm starting to preach here I can't help myself come on Cathy take this thing away gasps it's coming right now with glorious moments where somebody believed God and got a harvest and these testimonies are wrote by you so Cathy take it away and bless the people [Music] hello these testimonies blessed me so much I wanted to share them with you today this email says I really like your straightforwardness it reminds me of myself even though English is not my first language and I laugh with tears in my eyes when I watch you I cannot get enough of you it's like I'm drawn to your voice and it makes me hungry for your amazing teachings how you uniquely communicate just inspires me I'm only 28 years young but I see you as a compass in this life you are a true example of total honesty and love the Word of God engraved on the tablet of your heart breaks religious thinking while you teach the principles of the Bible your hilarious stories bring the joy of the Lord and make young folks see how much fun it is to serve God with your whole life I love you appreciate you and thank God for your life and obedience and for still being an ordinary man God can use in that awesome it's so powerful and listen to this next testimony that came from Canada it says I didn't know you from a hole in the wall but I heard about you through the media and I believed the horrible things they said about you but then I begrudgingly watched one of your videos expecting to hate you even more instead it blessed me then I watched another and another and I have been binge watching your videos since your videos are giving me faith to believe that I can be healed from C PTSD and delivered from the bondage of being on disability and living in the squalor of subsidized housing anyway I am sincerely sorry for believing what people said about you they're wrong and I was wrong for believing them please forgive me please keep up your blest work and don't let the media or people like me who believe the rumors stop you ever may God continue to bless you and every one you love thank you for writing that in god bless you today and thank you for watching a special Friday event in Nashville Tennessee with and Kathy Duplantis August 16th at faith is the victory church Joe and Kathy at 10 a.m. and Jesse at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. get ready to be blessed in the city blessed in the field let's go on in let's go on up don't miss this special Friday event for more information go to JDM dot org can you really have everything God has put on your heart can you ask anything in Jesus name Jesus says you can Jesse's book here everything is as anything will revolutionize your life whether you have a vision a dream or something that your heart desires your everything is as anything is going to inspire you to believe and achieve it all it's time to expand your view of what prayer and faith can do your everything is his anything order your copy today are you being blessed by today's program it's not a coincidence that you're watching today that's not coincidence God wants to bring you a great harvest that's what he wants to do do you realize that you have the ability to produce financially for three generations or that can't be let me give you a scripture proverbs chapter 13 verse 22 look what God says it a good man liveth an inheritance to his children's children now how can I be cede power cede power will help you achieve that when you understand that you start believing for thirty sixty and a hundredfold and a thousand times return on every seed you sow spiritually physically financially you're not only leaving a financial blessing to your children's children but you're leaving a spiritual heritage and a physical say listen your grandfather your great-grandfather's not sick and you don't have to be neither this is listen later God doesn't lie that's why he said long as the earth remains seedtime Harvester every time I see a spring or winter a summer or fall I say boy that's God's Word coming to pass that's not just evolution that's God spoke that it I want to pray that the seed principle works for you in every way not some ways everywhere remember your seed doesn't need to be big it can't but it does need to be sown it don't have to be big it can be big but it does need to be sown whether it's big or small Father in Jesus name I come boldly to the throne of grace right now lord I ask you to bless these people help them to understand what you're saying you said it at the very beginning of time along the earth remain they'd be seed time and harvest time a lot of people have been given now they need to start receiving they need health they need spirituality they need finances and everything and then they'll get to a point where all they want some Aid and all it wants to come and all of this are because they're not greedy people they're given your glory what I can't thank you enough for this prayer and for these people in Jesus name Amen and amen you know I love this theme that I preach on your everything is is anything st. John chapter 14 verse 13 whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do who what does whatsoever mean to you if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it why that the father may be glorified in the son as you sow your seed today you partners you know what I'm talking about and I want to say thank you partners for your seeds of love your seeds of Prayer and your seeds of finances I need all three to get this gospel out I am reaching people changing lives one soul at a time it takes a lot of money to stay on television it takes a lot of money blessed God to do just about anything in life but I made up my mind I don't waste any of your seed 100% of what you send to this ministry goes into the world evangelism you've heard me say probably a thousand times I've been debt-free since 1982 my ministry is debt free me and Cathy are debt-free I want every part listen to me today to be debt-free and the amount of money you were in debt have that in liquid finance maybe in some financial institution somewhere get your expectation high because I believe a great harvest is coming to you but you have to so you see so do it right now and tell partners tell other people get involved in what this man is doing because I'm gonna tell you something 41 years of full-time ministry I've never had a scandal and all that junk you heard last year a few years back on four jets and all that has been a the biggest lie ever perpetrated about me I mean I like to know where they are if I have them and that's the truth thank you for sowing your seed thank you for being such a blessing every dollar counts because I've asked the Lord for every dollar give me a soul into the kingdom don't miss next week all right seed power it works not some of the time but all the time Thank You partners for helping me as soon as I get off this television I'm going traveling to get somebody saved healed in touch because of your financial seed I'll see you next week bye-bye seed will always produce change you should always give attention to your seed Chance has no part in seed time and harvest time because in that scene is the creation of everything the seed must be solved seed power it works not sometimes but all the time available for your August partnership of $50 or more visit JDM dot org for more information [Music] more it can be released anytime you call on the name of [Music] harvest time is a time of joy it's a time of joy people get excited when they get lit it is a time of joy but how do you get that joy and labor is the price of securing it if you want harvest you have got to work [Music] you
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 30,276
Rating: 4.9169264 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: xV3Fxq2L2zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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