Living in Divine Health

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we're going to talk about divine health today that's what you and I are supposed to be living in if we're in the new covenant now if you're not born again you don't have that privilege yet but it's easy to get all you have to do is receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior when you get him as your Lord and Savior you also get him as healer and of course he heals all kind of people I'm not saying you have to be born again to get heal but to live healed you need to know some things about Jesus amen I like to live in divine health Laurie to God Ken and I are in our 70s we feel good we got plenty of energy we don't have any prescription drugs because we don't need any glory to God Jesus is our healer and that's what's available for all of us and so we've been we've been letting him be our healer for lots and lots of years and today we're going to go to the scripture we're going to talk about healing and living in divine health really that's that's what we can live in if we will follow God we can live in divine health and when anything tries to come on us we can stand against it with the name of Jesus say no you're not coming in my house you lay hands on your children that's how you learn how to lay hands on people's like hands on your children and they come up with some sickness or disease some sore throat or whatever we don't want the devil to get away with anything in our lives in Jesus name glory to God so let's just take our medicine the scripture talks about the Word of God being medicine to our flesh we're going to take our medicine this morning let faith come put the word in our eyes and our ears let's faith get down in our heart and then we're going to take on faith say our healing glory to God we're going to take our healing hallelujah what's that sound good glory to God now in healing school if you've been in it before you know we don't get in a hurry but we do not lock the doors if you want to need to go some people have to get up go to work or different things during the service that's perfectly alright so but the rest of us were here to take the word how long would it take you to go get an operation oh man you have to go see the doctor two three times then we have to get you to hospital and you'd have to figure out how to pay for all that and then this may be the worst part of all they'd put one of those little things on you they don't have a back and you'd have to be going around like that for days well we don't have any of those here we don't need those we're healed amen glory to God so I must start off with we're gonna look at what God says about sickness and disease some of the things and this is unusual but we're gonna start off with a footnote in the Amplified Bible this is a in Psalm it is a song ninety footnote if you want to turn to Psalm 90 in your Bible and it is a little bitty print but it says so much I even preach the footnotes this song we're going to talk about long life today we talked about that we're going to talk about it today and we're going to that's where really what we're going to have a long life you need to have healing because you don't want to live long sick so we're going to talk about long life and then we're going to talk about healing but this is what we should be thinking you know the Bible says and I found this to be true as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so what we want to do we're healings concern is thinketh in our heart that we are healed and how do we change what we think of in our heart with the Word of God the Bible teaches us the word goes in our eyes in our ears that gets down in our heart where it talks to us hallelujah how many of you the word talk to you how many of you word talks to you about money what to do about money what to do about children what to do about healing glory do i what to do about a good job how many of you see the Lord's talking to us all the time now this song this footnote says in the in the amplified bible and it's a footnote in Psalm 90 the son this Psalm is credited to Moses who is interceding with God to remove the curse which made which made a it necessary for every Israelite over 20 years of age when they rebelled against God at Kadesh Barnea to die before reaching the promised land and that's numbers 26 25 now this song that people many times take for a lifespan says this in the amplified bible in Psalm 90 verse 9 for all of our days here in this wilderness says Moses pass away in your raft we spend our years as a tale that is told for we adults know that we are doomed died soon without reaching Canaan and they get that numbers 14 26 to 35 and here's that where they got it the days in the amplified it says the days of our year are threescore and ten are seven two years now many people read that and they think well that's our life spend but that wasn't talking about you and me that's talking about the disobedient people in the wilderness he was he was cutting short their time in the wilderness the days of our years are threescore and ten seventy years or even if by reason of strength for score 80 years so people think read that and I think well that's just how long we're going to live no we'll get to it after a while I believe but if you went to a Bible number to live long it'd be a hundred and twenty so I'm going there the days of our years are threescore years and ten seventy years our if by reason of strength fourscore years eighty years and this says in here the number has often been mistaken this is the footnote Moses says most of them are dying at the age of seventy the numbers often been mistaken as a cent span of life for all mankind it was not intended to refer to anyone except the Israelites under the curse during that particular forty years seventy now listen to how many of you who ever heard of well you know we get 70 or 80 years how many of you ever heard that 70 or 80 years business see there 70 years has never been the average lifespan of humanity not ever when Jacob the father of the twelve tribes had reached a hundred and thirty years he complained that he had not attained to the years of his immediate ancestors so I guess it's okay to complain when you get to be a 330 but don't complain until then in fact Moses himself lived to be a hundred and twenty years old and Aaron 123 and Miriam's several years older Joshua a hundred and ten years of age note that as well that in the millennium a person dying at a hundred will still be thought of as a child hi hey and Isaiah that you can find that in Isaiah 65 20 in that something we've been lied to children we can live long and we can live strong were either God hallelujah and we're just Ken and I are endeavoring to do that and we're doing a good job of it we're we've got we're not sick we don't have any disease we're feeling good we've got an energy well occasionally we get tired but not very often and life is good hallelujah life should be good for the believer amen why because we walk by faith and not by sight we believe for long life strong life heal life prosperous life amen that's us church and we have it and you have it if you believe for it if you don't you need to get busy and start feeding on the Word of God because it's not just saying it it's getting it in your eyes and your ears and getting it in your heart and then out your mouth with faith and strength that's what changes things that's what fixes things so today we're going to send her in on being healed and we're going to take the scripture on healing we're going to we talked about faith yesterday we're going to employ our faith today and take Healey now the same way you take healing you can take financial blessing or the salvation of your children or whatever it is that the devil is trying to beat you over the head with we've got scripture for everything hallelujah so now how must read some things to you proverbs 14 29 and 30 in the new translation says this this is really an important thing to a relaxed attitude lengthens life write that down remember it because that's a short way to say live long and live strong if you're worried if you're uptight if you're always this or that or the other you know that's not good for you it's not good for you physically but then the scripture tells us that our commandment is to walk in love think about how healthy that is to walk in love if you're walking in love and somebody does you wrong you just forgive them and turn right around and be happy and full of joy you don't let it eat on you you don't get mad if you're walking in love you forgive if you have o against any that covers everything anybody that you know do you feel like she done you wrong and you stew over it and you think about it and you think well they cheated me they did this they did that that's not good for your health it's not being scriptural and it's not good for you that's worry worries not good for you that's not good for you we don't have to worry and doubt and we don't have to we don't have to hold things when people do us wrong we can forgive we forgive forgive the scripture says if you have anything if you have aught against any anything against anybody you forgive them yeah but you know they really did me wrong they stole money from me they they did this they did that they talked ugly to me a lot of times people stood over little things somebody they feel like just didn't treat them right they get their feelings hurt that's not healthy if somebody did little things to you you forgive if somebody did big things to you you forgive because if you don't forgive them they're still doing something bad to you unforgiveness is going crosswise of our command to love one another to love love forgives love overlooks a transgression love forgive so you and I we can be free if somebody does something wrong to us we can just forgive them and go right on about our happy day hallelujah yeah but you don't know what they said to me what difference does it make what they said it's what you said that makes a difference amen glory to God that's a short sermon right there so this says a the descent span of life for all mankind that some people believe 70 or 80 years has never been the set span for humanity now if we're going to take a Bible age just from the scripture we could we could go for a hundred and twenty now we might not want to stay here that long you know we might want to just go on but we could believe for that if we're going to believe for 120 we're going to have to believe for healing and strength and all the good things of the Word of God glory to God think about how long they lived in the Old Testament my goodness they probably got tired of in here they were here a long time so a relaxed attitude lengthens life that's a faith attitude you're not worried you're not fretful somebody does you wrong you forgive them and that's the end of it you go free hallelujah and and you're not concerned about getting even or anything like that a relaxed attitude is a life with no stress no strife we don't fuss we don't get under stress we don't walk in fear I'm talking about you and me we don't walk in fear fear tries to come on us we go to the Word of God and we get the answer there's nothing that can come up on you in this life that you can't find an answer to solve it in the Word of God if we'll just take that word in our eyes and our ears and put it in our heart and that has everything to do with our divine health now in healing school if you've been in it before you know we don't get in a hurry now I just read some things to you and about healing you know this relaxed attitude this healthy way of living you know in our day we have the general population out there has a lot of curse words they use we don't curse we bless amen but just people that don't give God any attention they curse they damned things they do this they do that well that's not us now the scripture says in Psalm 109 17 we won't turn there I'll just read it to you in some 109 17 through 20 and this reminds us of our generation because you know not all generations but people have always cursed but they haven't it's not been a lifestyle like this with a lot of people now and people didn't feel free to men didn't feel free to curse in front of a woman and you know there's just more there was just more politeness about the situation but here's what Psalm 90 109 says 17 well I didn't write it down but here's the the all of it but here's the main part he loved cursing so let it come up on him boy that'll shut you up on it he loved cursing so we'll let it come up on him that's Psalm 109 17 through 20 sin stops the blessing if you've been around faith people very long you know that what you say with your words is important I mean you can go pray all night long and fast but if you don't release your faith nothing's going to happen and if you don't release the right words you're not going to release your faith it's what you're saying that's what you believe and III don't get I don't get have the privilege of judging what you're saying because I don't know what you're saying but you do and you ought to judge the words they're judging everybody else we ought to judge the words that come out of our mouth because that's what's calling things to us and saying things about our future do we talk word do we talk positive do we talk in agreement with the word are we saying what the world says my word if you watch i watch the news but i talk back to it and if you listen to the news you'd be and you just went around reporting what they report you would be on the negative flying all the time glory to God and if I hear something's happening on the news okay there's this epidemic the flu epidemic it's it's here it's doing this it's doing that and I would say it's not coming to me I'm not having the flu you got to talk back to television if you watch it I'm not having the flu or this or that or the other oh well we're in a money crunch the money's tight enough not for me I'm not having a money crunch I I'm a toddler and the sower and I live in prosperity so you learn to talk back when you hear things like that don't take it don't say well do you know a lot of people if they don't know better they'll hear all that stuff and they'll just say well yeah I know there's an epidemic you know I always come down with something you know if there's some flu season well I did I had the flu every year people talk like that they're just begging for the flu don't do it amen so so talking right and saying the word about your physical condition is vitally important I mean when you get a symptom of a fever or you have something come on you maybe you feel dizzy or maybe you get a pain don't call everybody you know and say I'm sick just start saying to you and the Lord I'm healed I don't have that you should have healing scriptures in your Bible or written down somewhere to immediately go to and take like you would take medicine proverbs says that work the Word of God is medicine to our flesh so we take the word like meta we don't wait around three or four days and see if it's going to get worse when we have a pain or a symptom we take it we take the word we go to he bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by His stripes I was healed if I was healed I am healed amen and that's what we're going to do today we're just going to enforce the healing that belongs to us we're going to take it hallelujah oh we knew it I've forgotten how this story went but there's this woman she was snuff dipper and she got under conviction about it she wanted to quit dipping stuff and she began to say Lord look take this good old snuff away from him take it Lord take it take it away from me he's not gonna take your snuff and he's not going to take your sickness and disease but he'll heal you of it amen he'll break the power of it I'm telling you if your snuff dipper I believe I'd be I believe I'd be getting to redeem from that and delivered from that back where I was raised in the country my grandmother and her sisters were all they all lived in this little town where I was born and several of them dipped snuff and several of them didn't and I thought that was the most disgusting thing I ever saw one of those spit cans full of snot you've got to be kidding me so I don't even know if people still do dip today but I remember back in the old days they did but what about smoking that's not healthy that's not good for you everybody knows that we don't need that glory to God we're healed so one thing to stay in divine health what you need to do is stop doing things that are prying trying to make you sick that includes the words of your mouth don't talk sickness and disease talk healy talkin deliverance glory to God top the scriptures go over a list of script healing scriptures every day because the scripture says that that word is medicine to her flesh so we take healing scriptures like we take medicine we don't take actually with Ken and I would take medicine if we needed it well we don't need it but if you you know it's I'm not saying don't take your medicine I'm saying take the best medicine the Word of God hallelujah and applied take it I receive it I received the fact that Jesus himself bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases and by His stripes I was healed not I'm gonna be healed I was healed the Bible says I was healed I say I was healed amen and so you need to get your words right what do you do if you get a bad report from the doctor well you thank him you appreciate him you paying some good money and then you get you do you know I'm not saying don't take what he says as far as medicine but the big medicine the big guns right here doctors can only do so much but God can do everything he can give you a new liver without an operation he can he can give you new brain cells he can heal your body of anything or any impairment he's got miracles and so what we learned what we need to learn and what can I have learn to do is to not wait till we get sick to take healing we take healing all the time we say healing scriptures and we if we have anything to try to come any symptom try to come on our body we jump on the word of god hallelujah hallelujah now we're in our 70s and neither one of us have any prescription drugs we have doctors we go to the doctor for check-ups and stuff but we're not sick how come this word right here and we endeavored to do things that are healthy I mean we and if we don't we try to eat right we do eat right most all the time especially can sometimes I eat a dessert don't don't say anything about it but you should you ought to eat right sugars not good for everybody knows that so but the main thing is our faith our faith our faith and our words see we know that faith we know from studying mark 11 that we can have what we say well let's just read that I'll just read it and remind ourselves of it so we so this is just the way of life for believers and not all believers do this but all healthy believers probably do it all right it says in fact I like to talk about this a little bit we talked about it yesterday but I'll just mention it remember that Jesus went by that fig tree and he was hungry and there was no fig on the tree and that must have gone crosswise of him because he said to the tree no man eat fruit again of youth forever tree you're a done deal you've had it that tree when it's trebled up and the next day when they went by there was that fig tree had not just one just looking peeny it had dried up from the roots from the bottom up it was a dried-up piece of nothing and the disciples were amazed and he says in verse 20 well in the morning when they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and Peter was so amazed he said master look at this fig tree that she cursed it's withered away and I just didn't say a fig tree damn you no he didn't say that he said no man eat fruit again of you forever that was his that was what he said and Jesus answering them said have faith in God for verily I say now watch for the word safe word say verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he say so that's 9 times and then jesus said to them this makes Tim therefore I say now Jesus is saying something I say unto you and he says it's unto you and unto you therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them now that's the way you stay healed you say it you stay healed in the way you prosper it's the way you get your children to do in the right thing frame of mind and doing the right thing you say it you say it you go to the word you take the scriptures it's concerning your children or your health or whatever it is and you take those scriptures and you save them you you take them the word caused it receive you receive them which in the Greek means take you take those scriptures over a situation whether it's finances or health or children or whatever that's the way you stay healed and if you want to stay healed you have to talk healed if you want to stay prosperous you have to talk prosperous amen now we're centering up on we're endeavoring to Center up on healing today but that's a key you know what people do if they don't if they're not aware of the way the Spirit of God works and the white faith works they want to tell somebody the a symptom they want to tell somebody you can run to your husband or your wife and say old manna I'm as sick as a dog who wants to be sick as the dog I don't know most dogs look pretty healthy but they don't that's an old saying or you want to say you know I'm just I'm just I just feel so bad today don't say that say the word of God say healing take healing see that's what we do remember that word take take healing glory to God and that's what we're gonna do in here today we're gonna take he leak hallelujah and we're going to learn how to live heal after you take your healing you need to stay healed all the time and you need we need to feed on the scriptures because the words the words teaches us that God's Word is like medicine to our flesh it's medicine to our flesh glory to God a tenth of my word the scripture says and so we live by the Word of God we take healing all the time we we say healing we expect healing we have no fear if there's something going around the area and some kind of like now is Ebola well what do you think I did when I heard about Ebola I said I'll never have Ebola I'll never have that well some people would listen to that and they'd say oh my word it's it's gonna oh I don't know what I'm gonna do that just scares me to death what my yeah really I'm not taking that I'm not going to take that and our if coal season comes and they start talking about people having cold and so many people are having colds or having a pneumonia or having this when you hear something like that say I'm not taking that glory to God hallelujah and that's the way we do with our money you talk to people talking about well you know it's this it's that it's hard times are coming we're going to have a recession we're having a recession it's this at that I'm not having recession I'm not having depression I'm having the Word of God going in my eyes in my ears and out my mouth hallelujah I'm not sick I'm not going during the epidemic you know people join an epidemic with their mouth say well it's the flu season they start taking it I think I'm taking it take it now Lord this don't count on this preacher I think I'm taking a cold no we don't take sickness we take divine health hallelujah today we're gonna go to the scripture we're gonna talk about healing and living in divine health really that's that's what we can live in if we will follow God we can live in divine health so the scripture says a relaxed attitude lengthens life that's proverbs 14 29 you know what a relaxed attitude that's a worry-free attitude worryfree there's only one way you can be worryfree and that's to be believing God because there's always something always something come in or somebody in the family needs help or whatever but we we have we take our healing we take our answer we take our prosperity with our mouth and our heart and our mouth if prosperity is a problem then we go to prosperity scriptures actually you should be reading the scriptures and all the time everything just everyday y'all not let a day go by that you don't feed your faith if you'll feed your faith your faith will rise up at the right time you'll have it it'll be there when you call on it every day I'll read the scriptures I read some of the Bible every day and but then I have you know there's been times in our lives where we did that just about all the time to get a basic foundation of what belongs to us and we still do that we listen to the work we we study the word we hear good preaching glory to God I love to hear good preaching why because it helps me I get faith my faith rises up and so that's what we're doing here this week is we're just coming around the Word of God all right blessing healing and deliverance and then I read you that scripture about cursing say the right thing don't be like the world and say curse things and even don't just you don't you can curse things without using profanity as saying I believe I'm catching a cold I believe I'm taking this or taking that that's bringing the curse I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my job you're saying curse come on over here Here I am take me take me no don't say against yourself don't talk against yourself now ken and I had to learn to say what we wanted to come to pass and not to say anything that was the wall or what's the word opposite of what we were believing for and we believe for like we believe for lots of things you know health or equipment or payroll or whatever glory to God and we we learn how to do it if we learn how to say the right things and we've been free for a number of years glory to God and we were in poverty we didn't have anything when we first heard the word of faith and that is not much of an exaggeration we had a know loads more bill that had a lot of miles on it bought it secondhand moved to Tulsa because ken was he felt impressed to go to oru as a 30 year old freshman with two little kids no money old car but we loaded the old car we went to Tulsa we we got in her old house and needed it was bad it was really bad it was bad it was like a little project house you know for all the little house he's not not nice neighborhoods but little houses were all like and it was a rent house so we got that house the paint was peeling off the and it was so bad that even Kenneth painted a wall now that's bad he is not a painter or a fixer-upper he can fix anything it's his desire that's lacking he really can't even fix anything and you if you can get him on it he'll fix it but painting was not his thing so eventually we got the little house painted eventually then the worst time in our lives when we had our our food on the porch in a cardboard box because we didn't have a refrigerator that was before the house with the paint peeling off the walls that was in Arkansas but you know we begin to learn the Word of God and we begin to to develop our faith we listen to brother Hagin teaches about faith we begin to operate in faith and from the time we've done that all things have been possible there's not a not a building that we didn't weren't able to complete there's not a piece of equipment we weren't able to buy maybe not when we started we had to believe God to do it and then we had said once we got out of debt we said we're not borrowing need more money that'll help to get our debt I think that's the number one rule of getting out of debt to stop borrowing because you can't do both amen and so in divine health we believe God we stood on the Word of God and it's possible divine health is possible by obeying proverbs 13 through 23 let's look at that proverbs 4:13 3:23 glory to God I keep trying to talk about faith and prosperity today but we're talking about healing which all where everything works the same way what what works for one works for it all alright proverbs in for 4:13 glory to God but divine health divine prosperity you know what all that is really if you just want to say it in a short way it's living in the blessing you can't be in poverty living in the blessing you can't be in sickness living in the blessing all the bad things if you look back and do me 28 I believe all the bad things were under the curse all the good things were under the blessing and it's not hard to figure out what's good and what's bad so we live through the blessing of Abraham and through what Jesus did for us that we could have the blessing of Abraham we live in the blessing it belongs to us if you're born again now if you're not born again all you do is just receive Jesus is your Lord and Savior and that blessing will come upon you if you'll receive it but many people don't receive it but they could all right so proverbs 14 no proverbs 4 says in verse 13 take fast hold of instruction now that was a key to our deliverance from poverty from sickness disease take fast hold of instruction fast oh that that means you're not a casual listener like when you hear how prosperity comes in the Bible you don't just sit back and do nothing you take it and you receive it and you do what it says if you're believing for healing you take it and you do what the scripture says that's healthy you quit eating wrong if you want to live healthy live healthy glory to God can I give him all credit for this because I probably never would have done it but he decided we were going to start eating healthy well he kind of had that background his mother was a healthy cook all that my mother we like fried chicken oh we like blackberry cobbler man so it was a little harder for me baby that was for him but but I went with you an aren't I glad glory to God we're healthy we're strong we feel good we got energy so what do we do well we took fast hold of instruction what the scripture says about our health what it says about our money and let her not go let instruction not go keep her for she is your life whatever it is whatever the the words talking about it's for us it's instruction for us so that we can be free whether it's the money and the healing if we're in in our relationships with people what about walking in love now that's our commandment and what is the Bible what does amplified say about love is not touchy fretful or resentful boy that gets right down to where you live doesn't it not touchy fretful or resentful pays no attention to a suffered wrong say somebody did me wrong they did me wrong people ruin their whole lives over what somebody did to them wrong and the truth is if they do that they're still letting them do them wrong if somebody does you wrong what do you do well if you can fix it you fix it if it's out of your hands you but whatever you do you forgive if you have ought against any glory to God well I'm gonna sue them for everything they've got well that's not the healthy way to do it I'm not saying don't sue I'll do it I wouldn't tell you what to do but but it's not healthy when you're getting strife so this says take fast hold of instruction and let her not go keep her for she is your life now that's what the word will do to you it'll it'll tell you what to do in all circumstances they'll help you stay straight it'll keep you healed glory to God strife is not healthy unforgiveness it's not healthy getting out of love with somebody and getting all upset is not healthy what do you do well forget the Bible's it says forgiving everything gets T buddy so that gets rid of all strife doesn't it yeah but you don't know what they did to me it doesn't matter what they did to you it's what they're doing to you now that's gonna make a difference in your life right now so we forgive if we have art against any what happens when you do that you go free glory to God thank you Jesus hallelujah in or not into proverb says enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil avoid it avoid evil you want to live long and strong avoid evil if you want to live well avoid evil past not by turn from it and pass away glory pass the foot and pass away from it in other words for they sleep not except they have done mischief to evil their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence but the path of the just if you and I are born again were the just the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day now this is in proverbs 4 all this so we take the path of the just we walk in love we forgive if we have aught against any if we do miss it we repent Amen and get it right with God and we endeavor never to do that again hallelujah now we can live we can live well and strong and that's God's will for us because Jesus already bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by His stripes we were healed so weak it's been done for us but we can sabotaged our health by worried by unforgiveness by not walking in love but not being scriptural with our words and our actions so the healthy thing to do is to attend to God's Word like proverbs 4 says attend to my son down here it says well it's I'll finish reading down to that but the path of the just is as the shining light that now we've been made just by the blood of Jesus that shine of more and more unto the perfect day but then we have to live up to that also if we want to you know you can get born again and still live like the devil and you're not live in divine health the way of the wicked is as darkness they know not at what they stumble now here's what Solomon said to his family my son attend to my words this right here is the key to everything it's the key to peace as a key to divine health it's the key to divine prosperity attend give attention I call this the law of receiving is the law of attention give attention to the word now attention to attend to my words that doesn't mean you just run through a little passage of Scripture and don't pay attention to it but you do it every day well that's better than nothing but then you're supposed to pay attention to that that you run through every day and let it if it's the Word of God let it talk to you now that's why Ken and I are living in peace and blessing and health today and we know we're not we don't need any prescription drugs or anything else because we live in health we're healthy we attend to the words we both get in the word every day not together he goes to his porch I go to my spot I go to my chair and we we met we you know we go through the word some portion of the word every day and that's what I think attending to the word is a key to your health really and doing what it says there you got to do what it says so my son attend to my words incline your ear to my sayings don't run away from the Word of God don't be afraid he's going to tell you something you don't want to do everything the Lord tells you do will work for your good you might not like it for a while you might like that a woman that dips know she tried to she's trying to get rid of snuff you know anyway she said Lord take it tank take it or tank and you think she had something you know some terrible pain in her body so they came to see you about her she said take or take it they said what is it sister oh I want the Lord to take this snuff the Lord doesn't dip snuff I said nastiest habit of all that stuff oh my relatives used to dip snap they had a little spit camp well that's the way we've got to do we've got to we've got to get rid of stuff except we're gonna say we're gonna stop that snuff stop that strike stop it we won't do it we see that walking in love is the key to our victory in our life and our faith faith works by love and that's our commandment we quit we quit doing things that that goes the opposite of the word of the love of God if you've got anything against anybody forgive them if somebody does something to you somebody breaks in front of you if they just think people get upset over little things forgive if you have anything if you'll remember that it'll help you stay healthy it's if you have anything against anybody maybe somebody cheated you out of money or somebody's this or somebody's that forgive if you have law it against any if you did people wrong make it right you go to them and make it right we know when we do wrong and when we don't so we don't let anything stop us from walking in love we don't we're not touchy fretful or resentful we pay no attention to a suffered wrong we don't rejoice that injustice and unrighteous but we do rejoice when right and truth prevail love bears up under anything and everything that comes that means no matter what happens you can stay obedient to the scripture into your commandment to walk in love you know what it does when you forgive and you walk in love it puts you over the top instead of the bottom when you take unforgiveness you're down here it is hurting you now it's doing you harm because it'll stop your faith faith works by love but when you forgive you stay up here you don't have to worry about it you don't have to think about it if it comes to your mind you're south forgiving that shut up devil life forgiving that we're gonna look at what God says about sickness and disease some of the things our healing is possible by obeying a proverbs for my son attend to my words give attention to my words incline your ear unto my sayings make yourself listen and talk to yourself talk the word out loud give attention to the word and here the next scripture says let them not depart from thine eyes every day put your eyes on the word of God and what you read there receive it and act on it keep them in the midst of that heart keep the words there see what what happens to us well the heart talks to us the heart will talk to our head tell it what to do the heart will talk to us about our words and put words in our mouth whatever we do alone that's what's going to be in our heart good or bad for they the words of God are life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh and the Hebrew that word health is medicine the Word of God is medicine when you get up every morning or if you do it at night I like to read the word before I start the day if you get up in the morning and you read the word and you take it your your taking your medicine medicine for what medicine for good everything good a blessed blessing and prosperity blessing in divine health blessing in your family you're taking medicine that brings forth faith faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's why it's medicine through your flesh and your faith rises up or you let it correct you many people are sick because they they didn't listen and they didn't correct themselves when God told him to do certain things or not do certain things or like one big thing is walking in love if you're gonna walk and strife you're not probably you're probably not going to be very healthy we're not supposed to walk in strife somebody does us wrong we're supposed to forgive them and not dwell on it and take over on over just I'll forgive that I forgive that what happens when you forgive will you go free and then they're not your problem but what happens when you don't forgive you don't go free and so that thing becomes a problem to you Laurie we are our law is to walk in love so when we just think about it now we don't usually think about it this way but when we don't walk in love we're breaking the law we think about the 10 commandments don't kill don't steal don't commit adultery but when we don't walk in love we're breaking our law glory to God we're gonna walk in love amen so meditate I think it helps to take the amplified bible of the scripture in first corinthians about love you know and and just read it over and over and over every day especially every day if you're having problems at work if there's strife there if there's a situation or our problems in your family but i think it's good to read it when you and act on it when you don't have any problems and that way these things don't come up hallelujah and you live free somebody does you're wrong you don't get sick over it you forgive them and you're going about your business glory to God hallelujah so the scripture says my son attend to my words give attention to it put your ear on it and let them not depart from your eyes keep them keep them how so here we know how to keep the word in our heart we put it in our eyes and our ears it gets in our heart and then it comes out our mouth hallelujah glory to God and this is a very important part of healing I mean you can't talk sickness and disease and live and divine health you can't talk poverty and live in divine blessing so this proverbs 4 goes right to the bottom of the attend to it give your attention keep it in your eyes keep it in your heart how do you keep it in your heart you give it your attention and you keep it in your eyes and it keeps pace in your heart for they the words of God are life under those that find them and health and the Hebrew in your margin probably says medicine mine does the words of God are medicine to their flesh you know what I believe if we take this medicine you won't need anything else glory to God but you'd have to be faithful about it ken and I neither one have any prescription drugs and we we just aren't we're not well we live on the Word of God we take the Word of God every day like you would take medicine or take your vitamins compare it to taking vitamins every day glory to God and you can stay healed well you don't have to spend hours a day if you have 30 minutes spend 30 minutes if you have an hour that's even better a glory to God and I like you could do it day or night but I like to do it in the mornings I like to get myself set on the Word of God in the mornings I like to give my attention first thing and then as the day goes on whatever arises I'm ready for it amen glory to God hallelujah so divine health is possible by obeying these scriptures about walking in in the word and keeping your letting your attention be on it then Psalm 103 says that God heals all of our diseases boy what a scripture he heals all of our diseases let's look at the amplified bible in that that's it that just settles it doesn't it and you know they're always coming up with new things new diseases this says an amplified bless the Lord O my soul now that's a good healthy thing to do to say good things about the Lord bless him and all that is within me bless His Holy Name Lord I pray I appreciate you I thank you Lord I bless you today thank you for being so good to me thank you that I'm healed thank you that I'm prosperous thank you that my families bless bless affectionately gratefully praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits so we can learn something really important here the benefits you forget are the ones you're probably not walking in forget not all his benefits that's why we stay in the word all the time every day stay in the word well I'm busy I work two jobs well maybe if you'd get in the words you can do both only one job one good job it's dinner too mediocre jobs I know this the word of work wonders in your life hallelujah so this says who forgives every one of your iniquities bless the Lord who forgives every one of your iniquities who heals each one of your diseases so it doesn't matter what's wrong with you if it's something that's your disease the Lord will heal it glory to God yeah but I've got an incurable disease there are so many people alive today who had incurable diseases that got miracles that either the medicine helped them are the are the you know just got an outright miracle glory to God that's it we're not normal you know that everybody else knows we're not you're not you're not normal now I'm not normal we live in the Word of God we live in the blessing we're healed by His stripes we were healed we've been healed now all we do is maintain it we're maintaining what Jesus did for us when he bore our sins and bore sicknesses and diseases it's been done it's the settled deal if you're in Christ Jesus it belongs to you if you're not in Christ Jesus all you have to do is receive him as your Lord and Savior and all all of the blessings belong to you and they're available to you if you'll just take them in faith hallelujah all right who redeems your life who heals each one of your diseases who redeems your life from destruction this is the Lord that we're supposed to be blessing who beautifies increa you with loving-kindness and tender mercies who satisfies your mouth with good so that your youth this is good all you people up here as old as I am your youth is renewed like the Eagles that might not mean much to if you're 20 but you hit it 40 50 60 70 it's gonna be a break scripture so you guys won't get used to saying it now and then when you get 40 50 or 60 you listen be better and more health and you look better glory to God amen don't you love that scripture if you're my age you'd like it who satisfies your mouth with good glory to God so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles I take that Scripture hallelujah glory to God and then in the amplified it has in brackets your youth renewed like they go strong overcoming sorry hallelujah we're not living alone we're sorry are you spin renewed like the Eagles the Lord execute righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed glory to God we take that verse 17 of in the amplified of Psalm 103 says mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord are from everlasting to everlasting upon those who reverently worshipfully fear him and his righteousness is to children's children so there you got a grandchildren script glory to God if your grandchildren during a situation that you're not happy with standing on the word for them believe God for their blessing impart to them all you can the power of God and the blessing of God and the Word of God it says his righteousness to his children's children that's Deuteronomy 10 12 that he's quoting to such as keep his covenant hearing receiving here's his covenant hearing receiving loving obeying it and to those who earnestly remember his Commandments to do them in printing them on their hearts it's a great blessing and compliment when people call you a word person see this whole group we're word people now some people don't think that's so good and they criticize and all that but that's because they aren't word people if there were word people they'd know better to be a word person is to be a blessed person to be a heal person to be a prosperous person glory to God to be able to get help in a time of trouble that's a word person that's us how they so anybody says well you know their word people don't get offended so thank you so much yes I'm a word person glory to God hallelujah so he see in Psalm 91 of course says no evil or plague will come nigh our dwelling you ought to live in Psalm 91 no evil no no epidemic no problem no earthquake no nothing's going to come now our dwelling hallelujah we're word people Psalm 91 he heals all of our diseases and no evil or plague comes not our dwelling now I think I think I should tell you this if you want to live healthy and be strong besides your faith you need to do healthy things boy that was squeak when I got one Amen in one hand glory to God I mean you can't eat stuff that's not good for you and it makes you sick and all that and I give kiddin credit for our our diets he he started eating right and so I did and I'm gonna tell you it wasn't natural I mean I like fried I told you I like fried stuff but you know whatever you eat I could prove this to you whatever you eat all the time it's what you develop a taste for you can go to some places in the world eat the worst stuff you ever saw Ellie anything bugs or whatever well if you hate bugs long enough you do develop a taste for it but I don't recommend that but start eating healthy just start just try it say I'm gonna eat healthy for 30 days and you'll you'll get in a habit of eating healthy you'll develop a taste for that I'm perfectly satisfied now when I eat glory to God hallelujah and you won't get fat glory to God hallelujah see it's got perks living rights got perks eating rice got perks thinking rights got perks talking rights got perks hallelujah prosperity healing health peace glory to God hallelujah we thank you Lord and and it's got divine health we talk right we we line up with the scripture we find the what the Bible says is right to do we do it we forgive if we have ought against any we begin to do what scripture says and the blessing will manifest in our lives that we give and it's given to us we so we become sewers and we become Reapers hallelujah so everything that the word says to us in the scripture is far good everything it says to do or not do is because to do works good for us if you're born again and even if you're not God has a desire to bless you that's what he does we don't have to talk him in the idea of healing us he is the healer Healing was his idea if he hadn't have thought of it we would never thought of it he wants us well that's what that's what the thing that will help you stay healthy is to have a list of healing scriptures and I do this I you know I like to go over healing scriptures all the time I don't just do it when I have a symptom I want to stay well I read the word it's medicine to my flesh I want to stay well hallelujah glory to God so you you develop that get up a little earlier spend time in the word before you go to work pray pray and then spend time in the word pray in the spirit if you don't pray know how to pray in the spirit you need to get baptized in the Holy Ghost somebody here will help you if you want to do that because that gives you power that's when you receive more power than you had before amen and and just just then just be bold about living your life for God hallelujah and being healed this song it says many are the afflictions of the righteous didn't say we wouldn't have trouble troubles out here in this world but the Lord delivers him out of them all sickness would be an affliction a lawsuit would be an affliction prosperity financial things could be an affliction children not doing right but it says the Lord delivers them all hallelujah so today we're going to send her in on being healed and we're going to take the scripture on healing Psalm 33 US 18 through 21 says behold the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him and upon them that hope in his mercy so those of us who look to the Lord we're not afraid of him but we honor him we reverence him we do what he says is to the best of our ability and we find out what he says so we can do it ignorance is not any excus we've all got a Bible so the eyes of the Lord are upon those that fear him to keep honor him or obey him or walk with him and that's the only way to live in this life and live a free life to deliver their souls from death and keep them alive and feminine so these scriptures telling us it's important where we keep our eyes where do we look for deliverance do we look to the Lord for deliverance do we look to something natural for deliverance where do we put our hope and our expectations we look to the Lord amen and to the and to deliver us to keep us regardless of what the problem is we look to the Lord pray over everything every problem that comes in your life every if you just have a little headache pray over it put your hand on your head and say in the name of Jesus I rebuke pain and I rebuke the source of that pain from my body I have been healed by the stripes of Jesus and I stand on that I take my healing I am healed glory to God hallelujah and do that for your family fill that's your hallelujah our soul waiteth for the Lord he is our help and our shield our hearts shall be for our hearts shall rejoice in him because we have trusted in His Holy Name we have the name of Jesus jesus said in my name cast out the devil don't give the devil any place in your house in my name now lay hands on the sick and they shall recover well if you're the sick lay your hand on yourself and recover see the more aware and the more those Scripture gets into your thinking which comes by spending time in it the quicker you are to act and the quicker you are and the more accurate you are to get your deliverance in your healing and the more things that are holding you back won't seem so important to you more and you can throw them off you know if you got bad habits like smoking and stuff like that you don't have to succumb to that you know when you think about smoking it would be different if it was chocolate cake but smoking doesn't taste good it doesn't smell good it makes you smell bad it's unhealthy no you don't need to be doing that glory to God chocolate cake won't hurt she except everybody just do it every once in a while but if you had it three times a day it would be unhealthy I'm trying to get right here to say it right because I'm talking about bible foods eat the right food study what's healthy find out what's not healthy what's not healthy cokes doc drinks sugars not healthy you have to be careful with sugar do I eat any sugar yes but not not in excess amen hallelujah really I'm telling you just we need to do our part of being healthy is to eat right to live right in to talk right eat right let's just say live right eat right talk right that's our part of being healthy we find out what's unhealthy we don't do it anymore we find out what's healthy we do that and you can get used to eating healthy I'm here to testify to it you can do it so Psalm 34 this is a good scripture 34 9 and 10 fear the Lord all ye his saints for there is no law to those that fear him you know prosperity is healthy if you if you do handle your money right because you have food good food you can have good foods you can live good lives healthy you don't have to work 35 hours a day the young lines do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the Lord this is a great scripture this is Psalm 34 10 remember this they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing now things in italics so you could read it this way they that seek the Lord shall not want any good any good we shall not lack in other words they that seek the Lord shall not lack anything good glory to God is healing good yes healings good we shall not like healing if we seek the Lord and do what he says my-my-my no one no one first Peter whom having not seen talking about Jesus you love and whom though now you see him not yet believing rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls are receiving the the end of your faith the salvation of your souls the other things that belong to you in Christ Jesus 13 says wherefore gird up the loins of your mind and be sober and to the end or to the hope to the end for the grace that is brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus so we gird up we're not lazy we guard up the loins of our mind we tell our mind we get the mind renewed with the Word of God and we tell it what to think we find out it that we're healed by the stripes of Jesus we don't think sickness and we don't talk sickness we find out that the Bible says to walk in love that's not negotiable if we want to be obedient we'll have to walk in love love is not touchy fretful or resentful pays no attention to a suffered wrong does not rejoice that injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when right and truth prevail now you you memorize that in the amplified bible and keep it at the forefront of your mind that is our commandment that's our main commandment we don't walk in love witness we're just not being obedient to God and it's unhealthy not to walk in love but it's healthy to walk in love if you're walking in love you know it said forgive if you have aught against any if you're walking in love somebody does you wrong you just forgive them walk away I think I told you this already but you just forgive them and walk away and you don't have to touch it again if it comes back you just say to your thoughts I forgive them I forgive them well what's that doing to them well it's not doing anything to them but what's it doing to you making you live right healthy walking in love you're being obedient now the blessing can come up on you freely but when we get our love love is our commandment we're being disobedient and it stops the blessing from working you know that's why the scripture says I assume that's why it says faith works by love so I get about that if you don't have if you're not walking in love and you're not walking in the commandment that's given to you your face not gonna be working so faith and love go together therefore gird up the loins of your mind and hope to the end of the for the grace that is brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children not fashioning yourself after the former lust in your ignorance but as he which has called you is holy in all manner of conversation or lifestyle because it is written be holy for I am holy now the amplified says holy in all your conduct and manner of living or I'm saying your lifestyle so the more we get in obedience to God the more we walk in love the more we react in love and we act and what we know is right to do and we reject the things that we know is wrong to do the more blessing is going to be manifest in our life the greater our faith will work our faith you know a faith it's not going to be working strong in somebody that's disobedient well it's love our commandment so if you're not walking in love if you're holding things against people it's it's holding back your faith it's not letting your faith be strong so forgive this just settles the whole issue for if you have anything against anybody well they cheated me well they stole from me well what is it gonna do you any good to get sick over what they stole from you they're still stealing from you so we forgive and we go free glory to God amen they said bad things about me well Ken and I've had a lot of people say bad things about us they said all kind of things about 10 years ago when he was first started I mean like preaching things you know and and we just had to forgive and go right on what does it matter what they say it's what we say that makes a difference why does it matter to you what they say about you it's what you say about you they'll bring deliverance or it'll bring condemnation amen so we just need to sharpen up we need to tighten up and we need to face up and we need to get a grip on saying right I stated myself many times and about things that come up get a grip get a grip on the word of God get a grip on healing get a grip on your faith Jesus bore your sicknesses carried your diseases by His stripes you were healed if you were healed you are healed we take our healing this morning Lord we take our healing this morning we are healed by your stripes and we know it and we take it and we take healing right now now let's just stand up and take our healing today father in the name of Jesus we stand in obedience and we declare in obedience to your word that we recognize and we know that Jesus himself bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases and by His stripes we were healed now we take our healing say I take my healing I receive it now my hands on your head I command my body to be healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet I called myself healed based on the Word of God that says Jesus himself bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases and by His stripes I was healed I realized every sickness every disease is under the curse and I realize that when I made Jesus the Lord of my life I was also redeemed from the whole curse of the broken law and I take my healing inhale I stand in it I keep it I'll not allow sickness and disease I will resist it I will resist the devil and I will live healed all in my long life to the glory of God in Jesus name [Applause] Oh in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I commend your bodies to be healed from the top of your head to the soles of your feet you take it and you keep it you're healed in the name of Jesus Jesus we thank you that you are our healer a newly Landry sickness and every disease I rebuke every form of cancer I speak to cancer and I commend you cancer cells you die and come out of anybody in this place that you're in in Jesus name I command your backs to be healed in the name of Jesus your names to be healed Jesus your mind to be healed I speak to your mental parts to think straight I rebuke confusion off of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I speak the peace of God into your thinking into your skin to your mind and I speak healing into your flesh hallelujah glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus in case some of you have failed to get mourn again to this point I want you to say this after me all of us will all say Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior take my life and do something with it I'll make you Lord revealed to me truth revealed to me light and revelation and how to walk this new life out I'll give you all the praise in Jesus name hallelujah [Applause] I speak their eyes to be healed eyes be made hold in the name of Jesus see perfectly see 20/20 in Jesus name I command your ears to be healed glory to God your heart hearts be healed they might hold be fixed be normal in the name of Jesus kidneys be healed be fixed in the name of Jesus joy knees elbows hands whatever it is please be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we take it Lord we take it we take our healing whoa if you had some sort of a ability that you couldn't move if you couldn't bend over bend over in the name of Jesus glory to God if you couldn't pick up your legs right pick them up in Jesus name we thank you Lord we praise you I commend all of the parts of our bodies to be made whole Jesus you for everything that could be wrong in any person's body we recognize that we believe that and we take our healing right now in the the Lord Jesus Christ and we give you all the praise for every healing it doesn't matter whether it was called out or not we give Jesus surprised he doesn't overlook anybody [Applause] [Music] do you want to get the most out of this teaching we have you covered download your FREE copy of the easy to use study notes for today's broadcast on KCM org slash notes follow along with key teaching points scriptures faith-filled prayers interactive questions and more use them for your personal Bible study or to share with others go to KCMO org slash notes and download years now we're here for you in the nee Toma shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land and you shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants there are it shall be a jubilee unto you say jubilee unto me and you shall return every man unto his possession and you shall return every man unto his family so here you are yeah you lost you though is it you lost them two oldest boys they took them for debt put them to work I don't even know where they are it all off someplace my lands gone my places go foreclosed on and I've been I've been slave myself now for the last 20 years working for somebody else or wherever he decided to send me and but all of a sudden one morning you hear that one somebody declared Jubilee I'm going to pack up my stuff and I'm goin home I'm going back to the whole place because the word says that I read all of my possessions that I lost or returned to me and there's my two sons coming down the road oh look at there there's my wife coming down glory be to God and I walk over there and jerk that sign off that you know that said so in Souls place and and pulled it down and grabbed me something and rolled on the top there now this is my place throw ready gun and mail it back up with my name on this is our whole place no more dance presenting [Music] that resonate with Linda mimbar from nothing you'd be the head and not the tail folks when are we gonna wake up and get out of the boundaries of time and step on over into the supernatural and expect God to do things like he's done in times fad for his Jubilee people the Word of God promises you healing and wholeness for your spirit soul and body discover how to make this promise a reality in your life with the faith and healing package gloria Copeland's teaching how to get well stay well and enjoy life shows you how to take your healing by faith listen to Gloria and receive insight on how to speak and do God's Word be healed and stay well and live in divine health in Christ the healer the dynamic book by FF Bosworth's learn about Jehovah Rapha the God who redeems and heals gain biblical understanding of your position in Christ that secures your healing deliverance and wholeness God's prescription for divine health by Gloria Copeland gives you instruction for taking God's healing word daily learn the power of God's Word to cure any sickness and disease and receive a breakthrough to complete wholeness live an overcoming life healthy whole strong and blessed order the faith and healing package for only $24.99 go to KCMO org / TV special or call eight hundred 676 [Music] Lauria this is Marianne from Alexandria Virginia she has a tremendous testimony she said that she woke up this morning at 6 a.m. with tremendous heart pain for a half an hour it went on and so she called a friend of hers and they prayed in the pain subsided so she was able to come to the meeting today and then during praise and worship the pain in her heart kicked up again as she said then you had a word of knowledge that hearts are being healed and she received that when she did all the pain left she's totally pain-free and she said but also so sweet of the Lord she said I came here with a broken heart and He healed that too emotionally and she's just glowing with the peace of God [Music] job be the glory hallelujah praise the Lord thank God for what he's done for you today this morning I woke up at 6 o'clock with sharp pains in my chest and I felt like I was having a heart attack it was terrifying him instead of calling an ambulance I just said I will not die but live to proclaim the works of the Lord and I knew God had more for me to do and I got my ministry partner on the phone and we prayed with each other for half an hour and finally the pain subsided and I got dressed came to the meeting expecting great things and during the praise and worship the pain kicked up again I start feeling pain I was able to concentrate and focus on the word and I could feel the word working on me as she was in the name of Jesus Christ I command your bodies to be healed from the top of your head to the soles of your feet you take it and you keep it you're healed in the name of Jesus glory to God your heart hearts be healed beatnik be normal in the night OG and then at the very end when Gloria prophesied that hearts were being healed all the pain every trace of the pain just left my body and not only did he heal my physical heart but he healed my emotional heart because I was very brokenhearted about something that recently happened in my life and God did both so to God be the glory this is Brianna from Waynesboro Pennsylvania and she was born with a hole in her heart about the size of a half a dollar when she was five pastors and ministers and her family they prayed and that size of that hole in her heart was reduced to about the size of a half a dime she's 17 now and three weeks ago she had surgery and as a result of the surgery she's been feeling discomfort she says that this morning when we were praying the discomfort left right it came off of her chest she couldn't breathe and she can talk straight she is just here to share her testimony with us this morning [Applause] I was in a lot of sports I did like cheerleading and like gymnastics and stuff and I was having pains from that and I was having trouble breathing I was having trouble sleeping I had a lot of discomfort on my chest my mom had to constantly take me to the doctors I also had acid reflux plus on that so it's making more pressure in my chest and like data coming out so many medications to take the paint take away the pain and then the doctor said that she had to get started surgery ever since then I didn't having discomfort and today when I came to healing school it went away I'm sitting there and I'm writing in my Bible and I'm writing down the scriptures that she wants us to read it helps us it helps us out and everything and I looked at my grandma and I told her I don't have pain anymore and she said you mean like I don't have troubles breathing anymore and I looked at my mom like can you come up with me and my mom said well I'm not going on camera like okay and like I started tearing up my grandma was like are you okay she thought like I was crying because of other people snow I was crying I was crying for them but I was crying for myself I'm like ready to go out and be able to do things I was used to do like going to pictures of nature and hang out my friends I don't have to worry about anything I'm really happy about Lord we just give you the praise for this we believe she totally restored from the top of her head to the soles of her feet Tyler's restored and she's nothing broken nothing missing everything working right in the name of so you be the glory bless the Lord that's a wonderful testimonial do [Applause] [Music] Exodus 34 10 and he said behold I make a cover oh my my his covenant spar for a thousand generations [Music] when you say behold I make a covenant found in your antenna ought to go straight up you say yes sir I'm about to hear a promise a covenant statement from God I can latch on to this there's no private interpretation to this I make a covenant I said that laughs Lord either this covenant with you before all your people in 2015 I will do Marvel's such has not been done in all the earth nor in any nation and all the people upon which you are shall see the work of a work for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee the word terrible and here is awesome display man I agree and when I was praying over this message I said lord I know you said this is the year of the oval comer and he said I want you to preach Jubilee he said 2015 is that outbreak of Jubilee lakhs never been seen among my feet this is Liberty time this is time for the captive to go free this is a time for the blind to see this is a time for the poor to break out Allen [Music] Gloria this is Calvin from Richmond Virginia and Calvin has had numbness in both hands in the tops of his fingers for about three weeks and he's had high blood pressure and during the worship and the teaching all the numbness left a [Music] [Applause] man for about three weeks up we have some numbness sensations in my fingers and today during praise and worship I felt all the numbness go away then Lord my spirit said I was healed from high blood pressure this is a definite atmosphere and a presence for healing like I said I received a write during worship and come hungry expecting to receive from God and so I would definitely encourage people coming we have Tasha from Greenbelt Maryland and she has been experiencing severe pain in the hip for over a year and the doctor said that Tasha had the bone in her hip was collapsing but Tasha said today while she was in healing school listening to you sister glory she the the pain left her body she could not lift her knee but now she can walk pain-free and lift her knee [Applause] now here's what I'm gonna do I've got a bad report on the hip and I'm gonna just put my hands on my hips right now I want y'all to pray for me I speak to my hips to be renewed to be restored to be whole to be healed in every way I thank you Lord for healing any hips in this place today that aren't right aren't working right need to be replaced we commend them to be made hold in the name of Jesus we take hip replacements right now this is pastor Millicent from New Jersey and she has been standing against arthritic problems and stiffness and she couldn't bend her knees until this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but let's put that to me when you called out fax pinched nerves all type of nerve endings bulging discs herniated disks they're being healed in this meeting as we speak right now miss Gloria this is Spencer Davis from Franklin Wisconsin his healing began to take place in the Wisconsin meeting a year ago he had torn ligaments over a year in his leg and he said now up from Wisconsin to this day he's now walking completely normal just take off over there show us brother go I tore my leg later broke my right knee and I was leading on a king to get into the meeting I could barely walk with with a cane and after that after the meeting I haven't used the cane since and it's gotten stronger all the time it's on there all the time so Ray's got a sister that's a manifestation of what brother Koch preaches about the preceding word yeah those the words proceeding on in his life to complete holdings he's doing it here you have to stay as brother Hagin used to tell us keep the switch and faith turned on you don't pray and if you don't instantly see a miracle you don't quit you just keep the switch of faith turned on and that's what you did wasn't it and it'll work glory to God hallelujah [Music] this is Maryanne originally from Uganda but now from Marilyn and she has had a lot of bitterness and anger and Gloria you talked about that so much this morning releasing forgiveness she also has had a severe cough she was fired from her job yesterday and she was able to forgive her bosses good and she has no more cost and she feels like a new girl she says [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now let's pray for that new job father we pray for Marianne we believe for her right now the best job that she's ever had it'll be peaceful it'll be good it'll be a blessing and we call it the administering spirits you go and cause that opportunity to come her way in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we take her job the best job in Jesus [Music] you know from here on out you thank God for the best job just as you go home and driving home or however whatever you do thank you Lord for the best job of it and expect that door to open to you hallelujah I have poorly canes from sulphate Virginia she has a testify about the joy of the Lord she had been resisting sorrow and depression and God had put in her heart to seek to rekindle Copeland's book on sorrow not last July and she's still armed that that helped her aunt passed but it looked like that sorrow and depression tried to keep creeping up and creeping up but she said when she came last night she said the word that brother Copeland gave on to no longer sorrow and no longer take grief broke her through when grief comes and grief transferred to take over and grief begins to attack you you say no I don't grieve I have the joy of the Lord I refuse the spirit of grief I have the spirit of life I know the spirit of life I walk in the spirit of life and she said when she came out this morning she's been rejoicing in everything become sorrow in Greece she's been healed of bitterness she said Tracy the words you gave about this is your breakthrough time she received it and she's getting a manifestation a breakthrough in our life [Applause] this past July that week the Lord told me pick up the book again of sorrow not the book led by brother Copeland because I just been battling depression and oppression for a long time last night the enemy wanted me to stay home and I said I'm coming and brother Copeland went into a prophecy about rejoicing and and saying thank God for the blood just breaking that spirit of sorrow and grief I needed that an anointing last night just set me free rejoice by faith [Music] rejoicing does not come save the Lord by some sort of feeling for the joy of the Lord is your strength and he said rejoice by faith so this morning I got up in my hotel room and I started rejoicing by faith and I said I'm gonna come to a healing school God let you know you overcome by the blood of the lamb in the word of your testimony get up and share it I felt embarrassed whoever would know it but I want to share it because we all need to tell of God's goodness so others could be sent free and I'm just not ashamed of what God has done for me I'm rejoiced no more grief no more sorrows to joy the Lord is my strength and I just thank for walking in love I'm set free from sorrow and grief and I'm a child of God that's who I am it's so important to forgive when you release that offense you go free you have peace joy and gladness it affects your health your outlook your relationships for life to be good on earth we have to get on God's plan in his way of doing and being right that plan starts when we get born again so if you've never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior you pray this after me just say Lord Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior take my life and do something with it hallelujah that's what I said said to him and I had no idea this it would be this but it's been a great thing I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world if you prayed that prayer you're born again he took you he's faithful and just to receive you we want to give you something that's free salvation package it'll help you get started learn what happened to you a book called he did it all for you and the two brochures on how to read your Bible this will help you understand who you are in Christ Jesus you have benefits including healing that belong to you request your free salvation package and learn more go to KCM dot org and let us know you need it and spend time learn to spend time in the word read the word every day give God first place in your life obey what you read there hallelujah this is Gabriel from hedgesville West Virginia this is a testimony of a little guy when he was three years old his grandmother went to go see Kenneth Copeland he could not talk and so Kenneth prayed with the grandma when he was three years old and what happened was the doctor said dad he was mentally and that they had to get used to it so the grandmother didn't believe it and so Kenneth pray and the next day he began to talk so now he's 12 years old and he wanted to come to say thank you this is his first time here and also he has on his pilot's jacket because he wants to be a pilot just like Kenneth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] says top gun fighter pilot f-18 glory to God hallelujah can't you just see [Applause] [Music] well we're glad split testimony Thank You Jay [Applause] thank you lord I have a pastor here allow me from Columbus Ohio originally from Nigeria he's battled with knee pain for about two years and especially the cold weather would make it come Oni but he said during prayer this morning he noticed the pain was completely gone and he's going to demonstrate now what he can do without pain praise God [Applause] [Music] I'm really very blessed because I've been following Gloria and Kenneth for a few years and I'm really very happy this is my first time with my wife and my sister we're here just to just to see and just to give glory and honor to God thank you for the ministry thank you thank you lord I have with me Kaylin Davis and I'm telling you she is just rejoicing at what God has done a year and a half ago being a cheerleader she wasn't caught when they throw up in the air and got a concussion that concussion has caused her constant migraines for over the last year and a half she's been in and out of the hospital with a minimum of 16 times it has enabled her from being able to go to school at the long as an hour at a time and she's been on strong rock artist cart narcotics she's been trying to withdraw from them and when she does that creates more migraine but I'm telling you today she came up in tears she's so excited the pain is gone she is pain [Applause] really happy so I cry but I'm making this weird like a half happy you have really I don't even know what but I'm happy and sad at the same time with we want to pray about the withdrawal thing in that coming off that you know I used to be a cheerleader but when I was a cheerleader they weren't throwing each other around like they do now yeah but I was treating other day but all the cheerleaders you read about football injuries now they're talking about cheerleader loser but we're not gonna have that here in Jesus name I commend you to be whole and well of that in the name of Jesus we thank you Lord we praise you [Applause] this is Misha from right here in Woodbridge Virginia a hometown girl and she said that she came this weekend and was dealing with such heaviness and depression and just sitting in the word all weekend enduring healing school she said I'm taking my joy back and she is just glowing all her Joy's been restored and she's just lying said I feel full of peace and she wants to give God the glory [Applause] feelings of all kinds of his house today the joy the Lord's are straight so for weakness take your joy back believe God that's great thank you so much how they got a word of knowledge for about 52 people in here you're gonna find yourself whistling and humming [Music] and you hadn't done that in a long long time and it'll be a sign to you that the depression has lifted that's the word thank you Jesus take it he's the grave Jubilee he is our Redemption if you go ahead and read all this it just starts talking about big redeeming things redeeming things that you are redeeming inland your debts all canceled on the Jubilee see Jesus cancelled all of our debts and he preached the acceptable year of the law he said to them this I'm here I'll did you believe poor man you don't have to be portable I'm here they're anointing of God is only he has anointed me to preach the Jubilee to the poor man he has anointed me to preach Jubilee to the sick man he has anointed me to preach evil do believe in the captain Liberty you don't have to stay poor you don't have to stay sick you don't have to stay broke I tell you right now I'm here praise God I have Ruth from Warren Pennsylvania this is a testimony that took place watching healing school over and over a year and a half ago on vacation she woke up one morning and could not move and she said she had the choice of calling the ambulance or KCM and she said thy choice was Casey him I called there and had a prayer partner pray with her she said then she began to listen on her laptop to healing school continuously and she listened continuously the pain and she said the next day and the day after I was shopping with my husband right God a year after that I have finally they they did an MRI on my back and discovered compressed disks pinched nerves arthritis in my knees and my hips and I continued your your CD God wants you well speaks to me every single day I listen to that and I'm here and I'm walking I can bend I can do all the things that I need to do my strength is here I find that you've been talking about joy I have been laughing more than I ever remember the joy of the Lord is my strength and I am so grateful to KCM thank you [Applause] from here you see she took aggressive action she of what she knew to do and she got our total deliverance glory to God aggressor you can't just sit around it when when symptoms come on you can't just sit around and feel sorry for yourself are sit around and do nothing or sit around watch see you got to get too aggressive Satan is trying to take your health or he's trying to kill you we're aggressive the first sign of a symptom I jump on it I say you're not coming devil okay I lay hands on myself see you're healed I'm a fanatic but I'm healed a year and a half ago I was on vacation with my husband and I woke up one morning went to bed fine woke up the next morning and couldn't move the pain was excruciating I couldn't stand I couldn't sit I couldn't do anything and at that point in time I had a choice of either calling an ambulance obviously or calling KCM so I've had my husband bring me my cell because they couldn't move and we die out KCM and talk to a prayer partner there and she sent me to the website to this section on healing which is right there on the homepage and the healing school that's there but I listened to that repeatedly all day long and the next morning I was able to move and the day after that I was out shopping in the mall with my husband I have listened to healing school every day since that incident or almost every day there's not many I've missed it's on my phone it's on my lap the CD that Gloria did God wants you well has ministered to me so strongly that is just an amazing disc of healing information and just the fact that God wants you well when Gloria did that she wasn't ears you could hear it in her voice that she felt it so strongly and it just resonated with me and so here I am I find that I'm happier than I ever remember being I laugh more there's just so much good going on in my life and I'm just so grateful I continue to stand on God's Word the verse that says I will restore health unto you and heal you if your wounds is my verse and whatever's going on in my life from here and moving forward I'm going to live long and strong Kenneth Copeland ministries is so so right on so intense so full of truth that you cannot get anywhere else and it means so much to me and I've got cassettes of his that I've had my husband convert to discs so I could put it on you know my my iTunes and we go back so far you cannot do it by yourself I don't care how capable you are the partnership is what gives you you know one can put a thousand but two can put ten thousand to flight it can just do so much more when you get hooked up with somebody who is where you want to get to and that's what makes it so special and that's what that's what this ministry is all about is how to apply it you know don't just have faith but here's what you need to do and that's what makes KC I'm so very special to me it's because I've learned how and I've learned that it's possible and I'm a living testimony [Music] nerves bones and body parts respond to the Word of God Jesus redeemed us from all of the curse whatever's under the curse he paid for the price for you and me to be free he paid for it all Ruth aggressively took action engaging her faith with the word that's the key take it by faith go on start with the word and receive it say it act on it do it she spoke the word and she called the KCM prayer line we have people here who know how to pray and get results Ruth is able to do the things now with her strength and without pain glory to God she has her joy back she has her life back glory to God God is a good god and he wants you strong and well today is offering day and I'm gonna pray over your offering today and believe for you to have an abundant return father I lift up every person that's taking part in this offering today and I lift up those who wanted to but there's just nothing that they have they can so I pray for them too lord I pray for the blessing to come upon them we believe we receive increase and from the seed sown that their seed increases and brings in harvest hallelujah now when you sow do it in faith pray over it have scriptures ready you you know the scripture says for us that we sow and we receive back again many fold a hundredfold even the scripture says so wherever your faith is that's where your return is if you say oh I don't ever get anything you don't ever get anything so thank you partners we pray for you every day we believe you're blessed and prosperous that you increase that you have the best job you've ever had that opportunities come your way hallelujah in Jesus name if you missed any of the broadcast go to kc m dot org and catch up go Church this weekend get in a good church that preaches the word to you Jesus is coming soon you and I are gonna be ready hallelujah next week join me and pastor George Pearson's on how to develop a strong spirit call your family tell them to watch this is Gloria Copeland reminding you that Jesus is Lord thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMG org or call or write to us today be sure to request your gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland it is designed to help you grow in the things of God receive it and make it a part of your life go to KCMG org and request your gift today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 9,067
Rating: 4.8510637 out of 5
Keywords: bible healing, youtube, healing, week@once, kenneth copeland ministries, wao, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, faith, spiritual
Id: sF4vgqRlFF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 26sec (7106 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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