The Secret of Health Success and Wealth | Kenneth Copeland

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thank you Lord thank you Jesus let's receive our evening offering father we thank you tonight thank you for your word we come before it expectantly with open hearts thank you father reveal to each one of us tonight what our part of this offering is this is a praise offering tonight we bring our offering before you in praise and worship and we thank you for all of the wonderful marvelous things that you've done Thursday night and all day Friday and then all day to day glory to God wonderful things marvelous things people have accepted you as Savior people have been baptized with the Holy Spirit people have been healed restoration has come and we thank and praise and bless you for and tonight's offering father is an offering of worship yes sir I'll do that I'd yeah yes sir yes sir yes sir thank you sir praise in Jesus name Amen well the Lord changed my direction a little bit but you know I just work here hey then when the boss says go this direction I mean that's you know we're hook up and go to me open your Bibles to the book of Galatians leave those of you that are familiar with the believers lost Victor broadcast you know that the Lord told glory of me years ago many years ago now and that to make let me let me back up here just a moment because there are those of you that that may be new to our ministry and so forth since 1968 when the Lord revealed to us we were preaching in our hometown in Fort Worth and I was I was just getting ready for the service that night and and I'm walking around with staying there in my Mountain my mother and dad's home and and preaching in our our home church our pastor in those days as brother Harold Nichols and grace Temple Church and so he had invited me to come from meeting in it and I'm just walking around in the back room there and just praying in the spirit and and I had my Bible in my hand my eyes fell down on Romans 13:8 oh no man anything but to love him I thought what I'll get the amplified on this and it said stay out of dead I didn't help me any its although how do you do that and so I hollered at glory I said Gloria come here look at this she read that and her face fell dislike mine because you know I didn't know you could do anything without that I mean I that was just our way of life and and and of course like I glory said she married me in my notes and so I said well Gloria look at this and she said huh well you put a finger on that verse she said if that's what the book says that's what we're going to do amen but see the thing of it was I didn't know I didn't know anything about how the kingdom of God function financially I had no anything about that and so I had to learn how that system worked I had been trained in the Babylonian system and the reason we call that the Babylonian system is because at the Tower of Babel we know what Adam did with the blessing of the Lord and then came Noah and his sons and God blessed Noah and his sons and said said exactly the same thing to them that he said to Adam exactly the same blessing ham and japheth nor to sons did the same thing with it that Adam did with it now Sam didn't he stayed with it but then he stayed with the blessing of the Lord now at the Tower of Babel there began there began a system of man attempting to meet his own needs without God now Adam was the first one to do it but he's off the scene and then beginning with Nimrod and coming on up I'm going to take time to go through all that but that that system that was born there at Babel where they said we don't need God and God said whatever they have conceived in their heart they can do so he had to stop it now I want you to unless you get this this I wish we had time to dig into this tonight more but but we don't God said Babel the word Babel means confusion now that word spoken do you understand the dominating power of the word of God think about this the prophet Micah said a child will be born in Bethlehem 715 years later the Word of God dominated nations dominated people mooned things around so that Jesus was born in Bethlehem right on time isn't that awesome I mean just this think about the dominating power of the word and it hadn't gotten any less and you and I have been given the honor and privilege to speak it whoa and if we walk in it my faith is just as dominating in our lives of the things we speak to as it is when God speaks to it at any rate I wanted you to see that so that in the spirit realm there is a cap and every natural nation rises up big powerful nobody like us until it hits that cap and without god mister you ain't going any higher because man is never ever going to meet his own needs he's not qualified and it hits that cap and collapses now in times past things have lasted hundreds of years some even a millennium but it hit the cap and down G now in recent times as the time grows closer and closer and closer what happened what happened to communism what happened to Russia it to cap down it came see none of them can last well now in the United States there's an exception there not an exception but there there is the set of circumstances here that are different there's set of circumstances in Israel that are different because Israel will never fall again amen but see we're pushing time we're doing I mean it's just about quitting time here break yeah I mean to tell you you know it's two minutes to five with time to quit but now the United States is the only nation in history that was ever formed by a people that love God for the purpose of worshipping Him only whatever now God created the nation of Israel because he loved them but this nation was created because of people that love God and and he'll never forget it there's there's covenant between this nation and God but the Babylonian system in this case has it's been called progressive socialism that began attacking this country 115 years ago and you go back and check check out the history and all that it's hid the camp now people call it judgment and rightly so but now you see judgment is not a bad thing it's a good thing because if it wasn't for judgment you just keep on going till it just destroys you amen the judgment that we're experiencing the United States is not under judgment that Babylonian system that's been attacking it is under judgment this is not the end of the United States it's the end of that system and it's come to a close now thank you lord thank you Jesus hallelujah say that to me again more thank you Lord thank you Jesus if you look back 1913 great outpouring of the Spirit of God my the great stone street revival in Chicago my my the Chicago World's Fair I'm telling you Chicago was what was headquarters for the miraculous during that time no wonder the devil attacked it like he did so on the other hand you see that you see the devil moving trying to destroy things in 1913 was when they passed the Federal Reserve Act which should never have happened in the United States and it had they tried to do it and try to do it and try to do it and Congress would just kill it every time he'd come up because it just cuts the throat of a of a free economy because you put all the currency into other people's hands anyway won't go into that but I want you to notice this it was done secretly President Woodrow Wilson called a special meeting of Congress on Christmas Eve which ain't nobody going to show up on Christmas Eve and in pay attention to it but they had certain ones picked enough to make a forum that showed up and voted in the Fed we'll reserve a one of the first steps towards Babylon amen now just just follow what happens here when that that cap now we know what happened at at Babel in fact the word Babel means confusion like I said and and Pete you know people have the idea that all of a sudden two people standing there talking to one another and suddenly one of them speaking France and Netherlands speaking Mongolian or something no no no that wouldn't have confused anything because you give them a year they learn the language they were speaking the same language at the time but there was so much confusion among them they couldn't understand what they were doing enough to build anything do you understand that you could all be speaking the same language and all of a sudden if something starts happening to your mind and you're getting confused and everybody's got a different idea how we're supposed to build this tower and and we suppose none you know no no no let's build no no no and a fight breaks out because we can't get along with one another that's what happened on that day now as they dispersed other languages began to develop out of that but the confusion that took place confused everybody to the point that tower could not be finished it collapsed now that's what happens now and at you and I are living in a time that is so accelerated and so exciting we are seeing more than one or two or three or four governments around the world hit that hit the wall at the same time and they can't figure out how to do anything once built on the rock another's built on the sand that that's the that's the parable that Jesus used to explain this the and the same storm hit the same people the same storm hit both houses at the same time what I'm stood the other one didn't and that's that's what he's referring to now we're in that time right now glory to God and we're seeing it we're seeing it function and it is a function of seed time and harvest now here's what the Lord reminded me of a moment ago when I asked him to show me that again now not now listen to this the judgment that we in this time frame and will continue like this up until the time of V judgment God is not just judging someone no it is a function of seed time and harvest you keep sowing what you've been sowing and you're going to reap the harvest and if you're so into your flesh it's coming down if you're so into the spirit and judging yourself like the scripture says judge yourself that you not be judged not condemn yourself judge yourself a father I judge myself of that in the name of the Lord Jesus hallelujah and I repent of it judgment doesn't come on you you judge yourself but you just keep sowing the same thing the same thing the same thing thinking every year you're going to get different results you can't do that that is the definition of insanity that you keep doing the same thing over over over over over expecting any minute to get different results it's just not coming you just keep saying the same thing the same thing you keep planting you keep planting peanuts thinking I'm going to get a cotton crop someday no only a fool would do that well see the same thing is true in the spirit have you found the book of Galatians I talk long enough where you know no now you have you have noticed that we in all of our on they believers voice of victory broadcast for many years on every Friday is offering day and the Lord said many years ago he said now see we that's where I first got into this by not borrowing money you're not tied to that Babylonian system because the borrower is servant of the lender amen and that and borrowing from the world is under the curse it's listed in 20 a chapter deuteronomy under the curve so the Lord said to us there stay out of that system well like I said we didn't know the first thing about it but then then as we began to learn as we begin to walk in it made a law on a mistake goofed up here and then God forgave us and picked our dumb selves up you know and and and helped us and we just kept getting stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger out of debt unconnected to that system that's what's so big about staying free from dead now Jesus preached the acceptable year of the Lord that's the great Jubilee that was the time of super natural debt cancellation very important to God to cancel debt see where you don't get where you don't just get strung out there and you and you owe the world and and that system then you're tied to it now I'm going to ask you a question I ask God this question I said Lord water I know I mean you know we're in favor of doctors we're in favor of medical science I mean doctors particularly strong Christian doctors are fighting the same demon sickness we are amen and I said I understand that but what's the difference between going to a doctor and going to a banker I couldn't I couldn't find the difference in them do you know to go to the doctor you don't have to enter covenant go to a banker you have to bow your knee that's huge what am I going to do brother kokum I'm already in debt well smile sweetheart glory thank god there's a way out of this and God supernaturally deliver you a partner of ours that's all years back he was a farmer farmed a big lot of land and had lots of cotton a lot bigger than West Texas just just big farm and this is you know one like two old tractors we used to have there the Lord of mold man killers go opposite you have to want to I did I like to drive them I sure didn't like to work them go well I didn't like to work but anyway well the one thing about it I wasn't afraid of work I'd lay right down beside and go sound asleep but anyway ah that's what my grandpa said and he was right so but he's out there that he got that air-conditioned cabin he back in those days with tapes you know and he got those tapes going and I'm preaching on you know on on debt freedom and and Angela he got excited man and you know when I when a farmer turns around and starts coming to the house in the middle of the day he's either had an attack of pendous at us or he's seen an angel or something I mean you don't come home in the middle of the day man he come running up the house and his wife said what's the matter he said nothing glow red a god he said we're out of debt on everything but this farm and I'll tell you what my faith is alive and we're going to get out of debt on this farm and they shut down and they prayed he said call it call it loan company and find out what the payoff is on our farm we're breathing God and you know and went on back to the field so she hits all of her papers up and everything and and calls the people the hill alone on that place and told him that said we've decided that we're going to work towards paying off our farm would you give us the final payoff please they said sure we will we'll check it and we'll call you back well she didn't hear anything a couple of weeks went by she didn't hear anything so she called him again and and and they said would hang on just minute so they got the loan officer on the phone and this is not just any loan officer this is one of the executives of the bank and he said um we haven't been able to find record of your loan she said really and you know I mean he knew good and well they had they knows these people they're local farmers but and he's kind of sheepishly saying we we can't find any record of your loan she said then that means I don't owe you anything he said I guess it does she said would you write me a letter to that effect and he did he had to so the blood of Jesus not only eradicate sin it'll wipe the night it'll wipe the hangover you note brother yeah go ready go that's supernatural dad cancellation and and our testimony files are full of stuff like that well things like that of habit but it doesn't happen to you to you zero in on that thing and you begin to read what Jesus said that he's in the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he's anointed me to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and you go read those scriptures over there and in the to Ryan you find out how God would blow the horn of freedom and everybody went free praise God and I don't care if you two lost your home place because you got sold into bondage for notes you couldn't pay in all of that I want you to know praise God you go back home the property was yours again see God and won't his people tied to debt let me tell you this God all my he Jesus Christ of Nazareth your Lord and your Savior does not want you he does not want you obligated to anybody but him amen hallelujah and that wonderful praise God I remember oh the last that I had man I was so blessed and my dad's my but the bank were Mount where my dad did business then this is back when they had the state banks and they were local banks and everybody knew everybody you know and so I mean the president of that bank and my dad were good friends and and my dad was you know such a man of his word dear Lord I mean so I wasn't all I wanted to be things just wasn't working out right Benny way I had this $2,000 note and I'd pay on it I'd pay on it something something that happened and energies went on and on and that was one of them one of the notes of Gloria married amen well and and of course he was he was a friend of my dad's and his so but here we are at all Roberts University and and we've stepped out now from the University we've gone into into this ministry full-time and I called mr. McCanless and I said sir I want you to know the Lord Jesus Christ has made a great change in my life and I said glory and I are believing God and I want you to know I will pay that note and I will pay it just as fast as I can get my hands on the money he laughed he said Kenneth he said somebody came in here last week and paid that note I said why and I said who he said I've been sworn to secrecy they just told me to tell you that Jesus told them to do it now see and and you and I say things well hunters don't see how this could take place that's cause you and I can't see therefore but you have to remember that God is always always on the other side of this thing when he told Israel do you remember when Joshua took over command after Moses and he sent out two spies now before he was part of he was 2 of 12 and tenem you know messed up so he only sent out two he made sure he had to faith guys before he ever sent about well do you do you remember what Rahab the harlot said to the two men she hid them out and she said where have you been we have been expecting you since we first heard about your God split in the Red Sea she said our hearts melted in us see God never intended for them to have to go over there and fight that bunch he intended from just to go over then claim it but they give that they gave the devil 40 years to build up his forces over there if they'd have just gone on in their data took it without firing a shot that have fallen at their feet because their hearts had melted in them and they said ho look we don't want that bunch coming in here on us so see he's always doing his thing on the other side but he not tell you that because you're going to have to walk by faith and not beside now after you say sir yes sir I'm going then he'll begin to reveal to you things that he's doing so don't ever forget that I went into I mean oh Lord when Gloria and I first left Fort Worth going to Tulsa I weighed 240 pounds and and so man the day I left Fort Worth eight nine boiled eggs a day man because the Lord said you and get that fat off of you boy and CISO and beggar then that's the only thing I knew to do and so and I'm steadily going down going down going down finally got down to 200 and then then started down under 200 I only had one suit and it fit me at 240 [Laughter] and then this is the man that was altering that suit oh brother and I'm you know I really did look funny man and I kept taking my suit back over there and he kept alternate and he said he said mr. Kenneth I can't alter that suit no more man she's I can take a shoot down no more I said one he said what I think it was my thinking pass up any more to our WOM MIG pocket right in the back and I did but what it's all you got breath so you got alright here's a lodge got my suit when preaching praise God well we're in footwork and there was a man there again and in fact it was on not the trip that I was talking about find out about that but it was the next no it was on that trip anyway there the man that good friend of my dad's and and and he bought his clothes there and I and I knew him Jewish man and wonderful man I mean I really enjoyed him over the years and and I knew him as a as just a young boy and so I went over there and I said mister Howard it's time for a new suit go rate how God I had the money brother God had blessed me now back in those days a hundred and sixty dollars for a new suit son I'm gonna tell you what that's fifteen hundred eighteen hundred dollar suit now the Lord had blessed me Amen now at the where that thing with them big pockets on the bag I went in there and I knew right where that suit walk Brian I just see it today of course it was blue and so I I went over there I put the suit on and and of course he marked it up for me you know and I went back in the dressing room and you know put my jeans back on my Becca and I walked up over there and man I was so excited to get to do this I got the cash brother and I just laid that cash down there on the on the counter and he pushed it back at me he said Kenneth while you were in the dressing room a man came in here and paid for you soon I said who he said he swore me to secrecy and said I was done that now that this is this is Jewish menu they said I was to tell you that Jesus bought it for you and he said I believe it see he's already working on the other side don't ever ever ever forget that particularly in the realm of finances always he's working on the other side when it came time to go across the Jordan he already had his angels over there he already had that place staked out scared stuffing out of everybody over there where they're just sitting there waiting to surrender because they heard what I'm the Pharaoh Brown that whole army boy they won't know that hey that's the reason the devil do his best to try to get you attention on this side amen so there's another thing about finances very very unique it's different from healing is different from any and using your faith for any other part of your Redemption you cannot buy by yourself you can't sell by yourself you can't give by yourself and you can't receive by yourself someone else is involved in every financial transaction and you may be doing you may be praying with somebody and they got a big smile on their face and they don't bleed nothing you were saying or you know they're there you're doing business with somebody and heard really nice to you while you're there and you leave and they hope you crash and burn so you're always dealing in the natural realm when it comes finances but that's the reason it is so important to keep your faith in line and walk in love all the time amen walk in love all the time faith works by love and grace works by faith no love no faith no faith no grace no grace forget it because that's where all the blessings are that's what makes the blessing of the Lord work is the grace of God hallelujah God's grace is his overwhelming desire to treat you and me as if sin had never happened next time you see the commercial where they got the green trucks and green people green uniforms and they come in after a flood or after a storm you know and they run in there with all the green equipment they clean everything up and they drive away like it never even happened I saw that and I said that's what grace is like it never even happened Jesus amen and clean it up oh-ho-ho-ho hallelu glow ring surely you found Latian six but not verse six we have never ever in 49 years and eight months of ministry we have never raised money now enough don't misunderstand me I'm not putting down other ministries that doesn't what they do is none of my business I'm doing what the Lord instructed me to do he said I'm holding you responsible for the laws that govern abundance that means I'm gonna have to walk in it III can't sidestep and and continue to walk in revelation concerning the the economy of heaven and the kingdom of God if I'm not gonna walk in it I can't do that so now however but I would suggest you don't try to pay for your church with with bake sales and there's been a lot of chickens gave their lives by little rickety churches forgive me oh no we got week new better than that but think about it I had the Lord say this to me he said I have churches that owe money to the Mafia and they don't even know it because they didn't they didn't know they borrowed it from a bank or a source where mob money was behind it so you enter into a covenant to get somebody's money to do what you want to do then what they have in their life just got a door into your life and there's a lot of those folks there's a lot of bankers you don't you don't want them in your life particularly in these days anyway here we go let him that is taught in the world have you been taught in the word this week communicate or respond unto him that teaches in all good things don't be deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap now remember here in the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians we find the fruit of the Spirit we find the fruit of the flesh listed here in the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians verse 16 I say then walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh lusteth against the spirit now you'll notice the the english translators put a large s there do you realize that in the greek there are no punctuation marks in there and there's no capital letters so it was just at the privilege of the translator the more you study this the more you realize he's not talking about the Holy Spirit he's talking about you're in my reborn spirit because your flesh is not fighting the Holy Spirit your flesh is fighting you and your spirit is standing up against your flesh and we can refer to the book of Romans which also the Apostle Paul wrote by the Holy Spirit and and you put these put those books side by side and you can see that's exactly what he's talking about so now notice this he said the flesh puts pressure against the spirit and your spirit against the flesh for these are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would but if you be led of the Spirit you are not under the law now the works of the flesh are manifest which of these here's manifestation of sowing to the flesh adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunkenness revellings and such like of the which I tell you before as I have told you in times past they that do such things and not inherit the kingdom of God but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith or faithfulness meekness temperance against such there is no law and they that are Christ's they that are in Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and the lust if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit let us not be desirous of vain glory provoking one another envying one another now come back down again let him that's taught in the word respond unto him that teaches in all good things don't be deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap he's talking about what he just listed there where whatever you sow is if you're sewing on the flesh side you're going to reap the flesh curse it's what you're going to read sewing on the spirit side you reap reap or you're developing the fruit of the Spirit against these there is no law hallelujah so the devil has no defense against you when you're walking in the spirit now notice this very very carefully now he that shows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that sews to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not life everlasting that word in greek is zowie translated everlasting life translated in this case life everlasting it is the life of God the life of God is in your born-again spirit amen his life is in there that so a life is inside you now here's one thing we know the so or souls the word we've sold a lot of word in here since Thursday night I can guarantee you because Jesus said it Satan's coming some of you he's already he's already done his best start trying to talk out of it amen don't let him steal it hallelujah now jesus said these are they by the wayside who have no root in themselves now we're supposed to be rooted and grounded in love how no root in themselves and when persecution and affliction arise listen for the words say that persecution didn't rise to teach you something you maybe got sense enough to learn something out of it but that's not the reason it came God didn't do it the devil did it trying to steal the word off either he's trying to kill you he comes now listen he doesn't come to kill steal and destroy no Jesus said he came to steal kill and destroy before he can kill you before he can destroy you he's got to steal the word the word is is enemy it is he he has no defense against it so he's got to talk you out of it somewhere don't let him father I pray that every person in the sound of my voice recalls these words in the days and hours to come and Satan comes try to steal the word that they just stomped their foot and said no bless God Satan you ain't taking the word out of me I'm healed just like us like I believed I received Saturday morning at 11:45 hallelujah the sixth day of August 2015 and an aha oh you know what Nana hi Chicago oh we're in Anchorage that's good praise God now reap life and this is what the offering is tonight it is a praise offering for what we've heard for what has been ministered how the Spirit of God has dealt with all of us and and and we've seen many wonderful things and and revelation I mean I you know I get the advantage of standing up here and I see your face when you get that yeah you know it's that place where you ps-aguié to God you see that and and so is it I seen on what way don't Amen you see something in the spirit that's revealed knowledge revelation knowledge not not especially written knowledge of the book of Revelation but revealed knowledge is knowledge revealed directly from the Holy Spirit to your spirit bypasses your mind and so forth and you see it I mean you just see it Amen hallelujah I've already preached me plumb happy of it good father we thank you and we praise you and we believe the word that you have spoken that these words as we sow according to these scripture verses here as we sow and as the people so in praise for the word that they've heard and then they sow to the spirit and in doing so they receive and take hold of the word as their own revelation not just something they heard from me or from Gloria and we give you praise for it and we thank you for it and we worship you and we bless you in Jesus Holy Name Amen if you need an envelope for your giving raise your hand and now twice in this meeting I have said uh sure's pass out the offering pass out the um look Kelly reminded me that one time some years ago I'd forgotten about it in Anaheim we received the offering and the Lord said count it and divide it up equally among the whole congregation and give him back I said why he said because it's a good seed dummy why he didn't call me dummy I call me dummy because they didn't catch on hearing it and that's what we did hallelujah amen well the best seats out of school praise God can you can I just share one more thing with you about finances don't ever let anybody steal something from we went into the airport this is back before we had an airplane that go overseas and and so we're in the in the boarding area and this is years and years ago and the ministry the the Gloria was the photographer back then I mean Gloria was the photography she sold books at the table I did the preaching and then I'll tell you what even there were times that I would go back behind the platform and put on my overalls and people didn't recognize me with my overalls on and I'd come out there and start breaking down their system Oh God Amy well I mean we're out there you know and so I had that camera there's a little canon camera nice camera I had it on my shoulder well I got up to go get on the airplane my camera's gone I said blurry you got the camera no she said you're not the camera I don't have it Kenneth BC began to rise up on inside I'm gonna find that God and spank him and get my camera the Lord said you better watch what you're doing he said give him the camera right now and if they bring him back over then says this is your account you tell him no no no no I gave it him that's his Amen I'm so in it I'm not gonna let somebody steal off of me I'm gonna sew it fast and they can steal it and I said Lord we're believing you for an icon icon if and I want to thank you for it in the name of Jesus that's my seed from an icon well we went we went to San Francisco where we were preaching out there full gospel businessmen for a week and so man I've been in that hotel I hadn't gotten out of it in several days we've been just one service rut after another I said come on Gloria we're going to get out of here and they'd leave walk around the block we're just walking along there's just some little some some little storefront you know a little small to showcase windows and door in the middle just row after row up and we're walking along there and out of the cone amount is almost like that $20 bill in Oklahoma City I saw it out of the corner of my eye and I went back over there and I look then in the corner of the case there was a Nikon F camera now how many of you know what a Nikon F is all right now listen to me now so I went in there I said I'd like to know how much that that Nikon you have in display case she said a Nikon little Japanese girl and I said yeah so within the display case she went over there and looked and got it out and I could tell she never saw that before she said just a minute let me go ask my dad so he came back out there and he didn't he doesn't speak any English and I said how much you want for this Nikon el otoño and I so I turned around her to her and she says make him an offer he don't know it's in there either I had $250 with him traveler's checks in my pocket two hundred and fifty dollars even back there then wouldn't buy that box because bath in that was about just the camera body was round 750 800 something like that and and so I said well how about how about $200 hi I wrote it just fast I'm ready [Music] so we're believing God I said what about the lens come with camera ice okay that's good well I'm believing God for 100 millimeter lens we get to Hawaii and I'm excited over this because I know me I know my seeded working brother amen we get to Hawaii and witness out walking around and we walk past camera store and so I had a big chemistry with on colu so we walk past there and I said good let's go in and see if they got 100 millimeter Nikon lens we walked in there and I now saw one up on the top shelf there young saying in a minute okay and I saw it up there I said what in that isn't that 100 millimeter Nikon lens case up there he said it looks like it doesn't it he said I've died but I don't I don't know where it came from but he said I guess somebody maybe left it here on consignment or something he said i I've never seen that I said could you get it down when he had to go get a stick you know and get up there like that and clamp that thing and pick it up and down and sure enough pristine condition brand-new I said what do you want for it he hadn't got any idea he's slim to glass the balls he goes and ask the boss he came back he came back Texas talking he came back and he said how about 100 bucks I said Stan real Steve I rest my case don't ever let anybody steal from you so it it's worth more as a seed than it is for us as a sale because it's worth a hundred times when you saw it hallelujah
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 219,900
Rating: 4.665164 out of 5
Keywords: 5090116201001, christian walk, debt, finances, kenneth copeland, spiritual growth, The Secret of Health Success and Wealth, health, success, wealth, money, prosper, Secret of Health Success and Wealth
Id: wi24ldmCiOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 56sec (3716 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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