Changing Your Mindset About Money | Kenneth Copeland

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Oh continued in our study and discussion of grace in finances and so let's look again in second Corinthians chapter 8 verse 1 moreover brethren we do you to know of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality now we also read that from the amplified translation that concerning the grace that was bestowed on the churches of Macedonia arousing in them they desired to give now notice verse for praying us with much intreaty that we should receive receive the gift and again the m5 translation said they begged us they begged us to allow us to have part of this offering now remember this it this and this is that very important in in looking at this and studying this the Holy Ghost by the Apostle Paul is writing this testimony of what happened to him and his team in Macedonia he's writing this to the church at Corinth and he's teaching them concerning grace and financial prosperity and and how how that functions and how it's linked together now and we discussed this the Spirit of God moving by His grace aroused in them not only the desire to give but also great joy now here's a people that in a lot of trouble man on the in finger are they're really rough deep poverty and a lot of affliction a lot of things happening to bad things but they're full of joy glory to God will see the joy of the Lord is history and for the joy that was set before him Jesus endured the shame and the contradiction of sinners against himself hallelujah for the joy that was set before him that was his strength now then in this we see the will of God being displayed in his word concerning financial prosperity in the life of a believer now let's go down verse 7 again therefore as you abound he's talking about the people there now in in in Corinth therefore as you abound in everything in faith everything in utterance and knowledge and in all diligence and in your love to us or love for the ministry see to it that you abound in this grace also now the things that he just named their faith utterance knowledge diligence love to us these things are graces now he's that they're bounding in that they understand that and obvious they understand that it's the grace of God that has caused them to abound in these things because this is the second letter he's written these people and he has been there so they they have been being told now he's adding grace number six for them to abound in spend time believing in and listening and studying and that is in verse nine for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus The Anointed One that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor and you always have to remind yourself again and again that Jesus was never poor a day in his life in his earthly ministry he was not born to poor folks he was not a man he went the only reason he was born in the manger because there wasn't any hotel room scripture says it one cause he's broke broke people don't have to go anywhere to pay their taxes all the poor folks are still back back in Hazzard but the people that had means people had taxes to pay had to go to their home place to pay them now you know why that happened seven hundred and fifteen years before Micah the Prophet declared a virgin will have a vertical a child in Bethlehem now this demonstrates the dominating power of the word of the Living God this demonstrates faith filled words dominate the laws of sin and death those words dominated every government dominated every human being dominated the thinking of of armies and nations until they were all in exactly the right place and Caesar got a crazy idea to receive taxes by making everybody go home and she had to go pregnant or not amen and that baby was born at their exact second that he was supposed to be born hallelujah now the same thing will work in your life by faith in God when you take God's word you put it in your eyes you put it in your ears you put it in your mouth you put it in your heart and faith is the substance of things hoped for and it begins to grow and give substance to things and it comes out your mouth it will begin to dominate the glory round it will begin to work angels are at work and all of Heaven is moving to see to it that your faith product is coming to hallelujah didn't take much for me to preach myself happy in fact I was doing pretty good when I got here glory glory glory now the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ though he was rich now Jesus walked in true prosperity prosperity is not just money there's a lot of poor people with money and they're dangerous you'll see what I'm saying and it's not money that's the root of all evil it's the love of it the love of money is the root of all evil and there are people that'll kill you over money and they've got about a minute so that's not the issue here true prosperity glory to God is life seeking first the kingdom of God and living by faith in the laws of God meeting and securing every life's need spirit soul body financially and socially money is on actually on the bottom of the list amen they went out there I'm telling you you had 40 50 thousand people out there in front of it and they've been there for two or three days hadn't had anything to eat now we read about this in the word right and they came to him said what are we gonna do we gotta feed these people he said you feed them we feed him he gotta be kidding here we got a little more lunch Jesus did not feed now listen to me don't don't shut me down now for before finish Jesus actually did not feed that 20 to some estimated as many as 40,000 people in one of those incidents there when he said that he didn't feed them he did the prayer he did the blessing he did the breaking but he handed it to them and they fed them the miracle multiplication happened in the hands of the Apostles and his staff members now that should be exciting to you see then the scriptures say why do you why do you tall and work for perishable things come and buy without money our currency in the kingdom of God his faith amen God didn't tell you to pay for it he paid told you to plead for it hallelujah now you don't see something here and as we've been in this final installment of this that you'll be glad you came tonight amen now they said all we have are these these little fishes need little pieces of bread those who a said bring it to me oh yeah that's step one bring it to me that's so good how they lose you little is much when Jesus gets his hands on it [Music] glory to God now then you know the grace of our Lord Jesus The Anointed One that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor so when did he become poor poor and poverty poverty is not a money issue poverty is a spiritual issue you can throw money at poverty by the billions and people it doesn't even change anything that's it that's been proven out right here in the United States since the lyndon johnson administration and the war on poverty was launched and they have spent billions and billions and billions of dollars and and all of the records show that the poor have increased instead of decreased and it's all the same people what the scripture says that a rich man's wealth is his strong City but a man's poverty is his destruction he thinks poor he has his soul is not prospering but prospering in the things of God I pray that you be in health and prosper even as your soul prospers take stock of yourself make sure that that your mental faculty that your thought life is prospering that that you're not still hanging on to some old old junky thoughts of like sucking the last drop out at toothpaste you put a little water in the shampoo bottles or are there there's at least one cabinet in the kitchen when you open it up you got to put all the margarine bowls back in the cabinet sweetheart the depressions been over for a long time come on get out of there get all of those little twisters [Laughter] and bread wrappers notice glory God if we had time we'd go through these scriptures but see if you can you can search them out there's the one of God's commandments was when you harvest your olives don't go back over the tree the second time dead long sticks and they'd knock those olives out of them out of the olive tree don't go back over at second time leave a little leave a little if you left a sheath in the field good over back get it leave it now back in those days you would leave that and then open your property up anybody that wanted to come in that that was in need could go in there and harvest the rest of those olives get that sheep out of the out of the field but this is important this is not the end you're gonna you're gonna have more toothpaste there's more and better shampoo right around the corner here stop hanging on the stuff if you've got stuff that you haven't worn for the last three years that's a strong indication you ain't gon wear it in the next three come on bless somebody with it glory to God let me get it out of there amen that's when your soul begins to prosper when you begin to have when you're motivated by prospering other people all the time you go into a business you treat that restaurant like it was yours you go into a service station you treat that station like it was yours amen you want to prosper these people well they weren't all that nice to me wonder why that's dumb think about it what could it be well number one it could be that they're just that way all the time but probably not number two wonder what happened to them today we were on one of our great motorcycle rides one year in Colorado glory and me and and Jerry and Carolyn Seville and happy and Jeannie Caldwell and and Dennis and Vicki Burke and Justin Kathy Duplantis we were on our motorcycles we riding through the mountain having a wonderful time and on those trips like that every time we stop every time we slow down we preach it one another just as fast as we possibly can amen I mean it's just it and some of the greatest revelation that that's ever come into our lives there are at times like that and so we we walked into this restaurant and the waitress really acted like she wish we had to come in and oh she's just barking and so and we of course it tooks they had to put some tables together because there's a bunch of us you know and all that and and so I picked it up in my spirit I said come on guys there's something wrong here and so we did we just we got into prayer over her and for her and she came back over there and then on the menu down and so she came the next time then and I just caught her I said sweetheart come here I said something's hurting you I said how can we help you I said we did witness with a bunch of preachers and we know and love God and we want to pray with you we want to help you she broke down right there she just unloaded what all had happened to her and she's overwhelmed she was absolutely overwhelmed and and she was just about to break and we loved on her and we didn't give her a tip we took up an offering for her praise God and blessed her and loved her and told her we loved her and held her hands and prayed for she got so happy she got so thrilled she couldn't stand she didn't want to believe always keep that in mind that may be the reason why you're in that service station that day so you don't need to be grumpy - amen now they live always always looking to prosper people when you're doing that you're walking in grace for Prosperity and your soul is beginning to prosper and you start you know you start hanging on the stuff and Gigi would stuff and stuff like that correct yourself they said no no I don't need to be doing this I'm prosperous here when you live and walk by faith you're not afraid of losing it because you know how to believe for what you've got the first time amen they come in there and say we're laying you off today's your last day on the job you put a smile on your face that glory be to God I was believing God when I found this on the highway Luke yeah give me a few days off here time to recoup a little bit amen glory to God because you know what you can't lose your job you're a soldier in the army of the Lord your own assignment in this earth glory to God your needs are met according to his riches in glory not by your employer but by your faith in though if somebody said I'm gonna tell you what you gonna have to have two hundred thousand dollars by week from tomorrow or oh and you start trembling and shaking well that look that's too hard for God no it's not too hard for God it's just too hard for you but then you come right down the line and somebody tells bill gates you got to have two hundred thousand lost by a week from tomorrow seeing which account we're gonna take a two hundred thousand dollars oh I know I'd note here they want it by a week from more see it wasn't too hard for God it's too hard for you now you can get to a place where it'd be too hard for Bill Gates cause he ain't God Amen you just keep pushing the number and you can get to the place where he started bringing out in the cold sled amen because it'll get place to him where it looked like it too hard for God I'll tell you what the Lord said to me one there and it shook me and it just it hangs in my spirit a lot he said Kenneth I have a million ways a million different ways that I could get a billion dollars to you you can't think of three and I thought well I see somebody somebody can give it to me yeah somebody could give it to me [Laughter] that's the way we should be the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and adds no sorrow or no toiling with it now if you are making a living if you are making deals you see where are you going with that but in the kingdom of God we don't make a living we live by faith and the blessing of the Lord it maketh the living now about eight have you got it somewhere during the night tonight the rest of you why don't worry yeah that's a shift over into having a prosperous soul a prosperous mind prosperous emotions you do not allow yourself to be startled or made fearful at any kind of bad news alright now I'm going somewhere with I'm not creflo I'm working on something now you study with me praise the Lord now he said now this is what we should we should abound in this grace that though he was rich yet for our sakes he became poor because he bore the curse of poverty he was made poor that through his poverty we might be made rich that means that everything God has belongs to us we are unlimited in our resources if we just learn how to live and function my faith amen there's not anything to be whatever God tells you to do that just authorizes you to do it I don't care how big it looks to you amen he's not looking for somebody that's got enough money he's looking for somebody that's got a lot of faith do you hear what I'm doing because he's got the money oh god I'm just I'm just not qualified don't don't tell him that maybe he doesn't know that yet did you ever think about how much time you spent quote praying and all the time you were informing God about how bad things are as if he didn't know instead of talking faith with him hallelujah you remember you remember the woman that made the little the little prophets quarters for the Prophet and then she had the son that God gave her and then later that boy died of heatstroke you remember that man I'm telling you she saddled up she headed to the the prophets house and every time they asked her when her husband asked her why are you going to the Prophet she said all is well she got a dead model in upstair all is well she took off from the prophet saw her coming what's the matter with you all as well all as well that's all she ever said all is well well the Prophet went on I raised that boy of Minette but she never didn't come in the life of her son she talking the problem instead of talking the answer by thing now that so now we come on over since we've found this out we come into the ninth chapter God is able to make all grace abound towards you remember now remember now again the Apostle by the Holy Spirit is teaching them from this testimony in Macedonia that grace is what stirred these people up to give grace and joy is what brought these people through that terrible hard time they ran and the reason grace was there was motivating them to connect with God my faith for as he wrote to the church at Rome it is my faith so that it might be by grace say grace there is grace for finances hallelujah now then God is able to make all grace now back up he's still talking to the church there Corinth now and he's teaching them concerning this matter of bounty he which so sparingly shall reap also sparingly he would sow bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according as he purposes in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or necessity for God loves a cheerful Giver God is able to make all grace we'd only talked about six but he's able to make all grace abound there's something about abounding grace it's running after you it's abounding there's way more than enough of it where sin does a boundless grace does much more abound and he's talking about abounding grace for financial prosperity now look at it God is able to make all grace abound towards you why so that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work he was talking about them having such a desire to give in to that good work to give and help those other people that were in trouble financially and grace motivated them to give and motivated him with joy amen and they did it they gave themselves and then they showed what what they had into that offering now he said this is the result that you may always having the Babylonian system has taught people that you don't ever always have you're always trying to get and the world has taught you and I both were taught like this and this is the way the Gentile thinks Jesus said that the Gentiles seek after what am I gonna wear what am I gonna eat what am i going to drink but he said that's what they do that's what they seek air that's the only way they got to get in it either that that you can only add to yourself by working borrowing or stealing I don't suggest now there's nothing wrong with work absolutely you don't work you don't eat but you're not working to earn a living the scripture said in the book of Ephesians as I said this to you listener and and this points it out let him that stole steal no more let him work with his hands that which is good so that he may have to give to those that need because the giving is what creates the income for him not the working with his hands the working with his hands provided the seed it provided the beginning of his tithe because he's tithing on what he's earning but the more he tithes and the more he gives the more his income through grace and faith begins to come his way and before long if he's doing this thing according to the word hallelujah and he's got the grace of God on his mind all the time he begins to prosper so that his job is very little more than his seed been cuz he's living on his faith hallelujah I've seen it happen I had it happen to me now we're getting there stay with me that you may abound to every good work everything that God comes along with and puts a desire in your heart to be a part of it and to be a part of what they're doing at the church what's happening in the kingdom of God I want to be partners to these ministries I want to help in my church glory to God I tell you I want to be a part of this thing well I can get to that place where I'm not looking to do what I can do I'm looking to God to tell me what he wants me to do and that I come up to that with my faith that's faith so that it might be by grace and you're always having always having now in the word we're taught that everything is out there and you have to go out there and get it somebody else has it you started off it was your mom and daddy that had it so you had there somehow another you had to get it out of them sometimes that's hard Hey well yeah and you grow up thinking like that then you gotta go get a job somebody else out there's got it and I gotta go get it well you're thinking like that and then you bring that over into the church well there's God off out there wherever he is and I got to go to him and you know and try to get him in an ocean to give me for me all that came out of that world system because when you got born again the scripture said you were delivered from the authority of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God's dear son you're a citizen of heaven you're a citizen of the kingdom of God and we're living under Kingdom rules now and you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness or his way of doing things what are his ways of doing things love faith grace praise God those are his ways of doing things you put his word first place you're living in his kingdom then all these things will be added to you you're no longer having to Adam oh there are that's good news you can go to bed and go to sleep at night over that I don't have to do this all I have to do is sleep and believe God and do whatever he tells me today so whatever he tells Minister amen I'm living by faith the just shall live by faith now we are then put your hands right here and see the spiritual part of you is is right in this area right in here that's the reason particularly in King James just referred to some of them as coming out of you belly it's out of the core part of him we are inside out people not outside in people everything that we could possibly need in life as a born-again human being is already in here we increase by the fruit of our lips hallelujah our increase comes beginning with our tithing then with our giving and we believe it in our heart and we say it with our mouth and our faith connects with God's grace and then the angels are released to do their job amen and the scripture said give and it will be given unto you again men shall give into your bosom press down shaken together running on I don't mean you go out and beg them for it no you're just doing your job in the kingdom now are you still with it that's kind of weak okay as it is written he hath dispersed abroad he have given to the poor his righteousness remaineth forever now he that ministers seemed to the source now in verse 10 this is talking about Jesus the high priest of our kingdom but who is he talking about in verse 9 as it is written he that couldn't be Jesus he has dispersed abroad he had given to the poor his righteousness remaineth forever uh-huh well there's a little letter out there Psalms 112 verse 9 okay let's go over to Psalm 112 better fashioned his seat belt Psalm 112 verse 9 he hath dispersed he hath given to the poor his righteousness endures forever well there's the verse that was was quoted correct well who is he well now you got to go back to the very first verse to find out who it was that dispersed all right praise ye the Lord blessed is the man who that started out good in it blessed ah ha it's the blessing of the Lord where we're gonna find out some things about the blessing of the Lord here because that's what's coming to play by grace blessed is the man that feareth the Lord that delights greatly in his commandments he is eager to God for God to command him to do something because he's found out when he does it the blessing increases he's gotten over on the delight side amen not the grip' side do I have to no I'm going to hell it'll be alright forgive me his seed shall be mighty on earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed wealth are you listening you understand what wealth means more than one tube of toothpaste well and riches shall be in his house here is a man that delights greatly in the commandments of God and he's got a house and it's filled with wealth and riches and his righteousness endures forever here's a man it's got a lot of money in a big house and his righteousness is intact so I'm hearing godly wealth it is he that giveth thee the power to get wealth amen I'm hearing I'm hearing righteous wealth it's not the money that's bad the money follows the character of the possessor bad guy with money as bad money good guy with money the money's good amen but if the bad guys got more money than the good guy the bad guys money's gonna win this is reason you don't ever want to go in business with a bad guy don't get unequally yoked you want to print Bibles he wants to print pornography but if he owns 70% of the company yeah it's gonna be pornography so sell out and get somebody else Jesus makes a good partner yes he does now unto the upright there arises light in the darkness oh he's walking in Revelation in me he's gracious and full of compassion and righteous a good man shows favor in Lindon he will guide his affairs with discretion across reference says good judgment surely he shall not be moved forever the righteous shall be an everlasting remembrance that's covenant talk you remember the scripture said in God remembered Abraham well it wasn't like he got up on one said wonder where he is forgot all about I hope he's all right oh no he's in everlasting remembrance of thee as him on his mind all the time all the time he had Noah and his sons on his mind all the time he lined the walls of the throne room with that rainbow and any direction he looked he remembered Noah well guess what Jesus is sitting at his right hand ever making intercession for you and for me you are ever on his mind hallelujah surely he shall not be moved forever the righteous shall be an everlasting remembrance he shall not be afraid of evil tidings bad news doesn't move this man remember what the Apostle Paul said none of these things move me I got really tickled in Keith Moore he was telling me he said he got under so much pressure one day he felt boy one more thing and then and I have had it and he said he walked he came home that afternoon from school and he walked in the front room of the house and just threw his beef case in the floor and just just flopped down on the floor and shouted none of these things move me he said it was amazing how quick it broke the pressure of that I'm not moved by what I feel I'm not moved by what I see I'm moved only by what I believe and I believe the word of the Living God he's not afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord his heart is established he shall not be afraid to until he see his desire upon his enemies he hath dispersed he has given to the poor his righteousness endures forever his horn shall be exalted with honor he's in the business of giving he's made it his life if you study this out and go back into records and so forth as far as you can tell this man of the banker man and he's in the business of helping people he's not in the banking business he's in the people business and he's dispersing and he is so busy giving he is so busy being delighted when God gives him an assignment particularly if it's more than he can do because if it's more than he can do then God's gonna have to step in and do it which is gonna bring him up to another level amen and he delights greatly he's so busy doing that bad news doesn't inga that goes in one ear and out the other glory to God and he sees his desire on his enemies Amen come out of save can you see it can you see what the Apostle Paul was telling these people he was referring to this man and his teaching with them he was referring to this man he fully knew that they knew the hundred and twelve song or he would not have just referred to it amen he brought it to their remembrance oh yeah the rich guy with the big house but full of wealth and riches this nun is scared to anybody oh yeah we know that guy we know that that's who we supposed to be yeah that's who you're supposed to be because already God you're supposed to be prospering you're supposed to be growing you're supposed to be getting bigger than the problem hallelujah it's time to shout out man Amen right there go ahead god [Music] I just was going through a very painful separation and divorce I didn't have any answers I didn't think that God really wanted me anymore I was young but I felt like my life was over I got born again in my bedroom reading an old Bible that had been kicking around in my stuff for years so I turned on brother Copeland in the fall of 1988 and he was teaching from mark chapter 4 and it changed my life I became a partner and it wasn't long before I heard him talking about a believers convention so I lived in Boulder Colorado at the time and had been through some very tough times and I bought a van for $70 and a friend of mine Eric and I we we decided that we would make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and head for Texas long story short we made it here on Tuesday morning and there just seemed to be no agenda other than the Word of God and delivered so in 1989 when I went back obviously on fire you know I'm full of the word I mean I wore out tape players one after another listening to you know the tapes that the ministry would send me and you know and then God began to prosper me something he gave me my own business in 1989 and he I believe is my angel spoke to me and said why don't you go on the lawn business and I did and the first day I I went out and made $60 and so I've been doing that ever since with with a pretty good degree of success Brian Lee returned to Colorado as a changed man he submitted to his pastor and spent many years in service to his local church Brian and his daughters grew in the word together through their church they met a young widow with two small boys and following many years of friendship the Lord blended them through marriage into one family distracted by success before they realized it Brian and Cindy found themselves trapped by growing debt without knowing it I had turned my back on the principles that Kenneth and glory had taught us about staying out of debt and I woke up one morning and I was head over heels in debt we had 16 creditors after us mostly due to some really foolish business decisions that I had made but came to one day where we made a commitment that we were going to become come back to KCM and be partners and find out the keys to make this thing work and God gave us a seed gave us a an income tax refund whose eighty three hundred thousand three hundred ninety seven to 83 97 and when that income tax refund check came to us I didn't have to pray about it I didn't have to call my pastor and ask him I didn't I didn't have to ask anybody I knew that that was my that was my seed to get us out and I just told Cindy I said we're sending that to Kenneth Copeland ministries within six weeks of sewing this seat despite natural circumstances in a depressed economy Brian and Cindy secured a contract on their home we took the modest proceeds from the sale of that home and and negotiated with each one of our creditors we closed out about 13 of those 16 accounts in six weeks and if you and if you just add two zeros to that 83 97 God took 839 thousand seven hundred dollars debt off our books and so Cindy my since 2008 we've taken a solemn vow no more no more credit no more no more debt of any kind you know we're just not gonna ask anybody for a loan ever again I can testify that today that we we have become faithful and tithing and it has made a difference it's brought peace to our lives I don't worry about money like I used to I don't worry about what's gonna happen is or what's gonna happen I just say you know what god this is this is Germany industry if he wants to be there you'll make a way for us and God oh wait he has done that and I just at the Ministry but our lives and our kids and and it's almost like you just can't wait to see what he's gonna do next we're better off now than we've ever been and as we get more and more completely out of debt and pay off our homes and pay off all of our creditors and really enter into the fullness of the debt-free lifestyle that God wants us to have we're so young there's there's nothing but good for us coming but we know that the enemy when he when he attacks us as a husband and wife what he's really trying to do is to destroy the lives of our children our grandchildren our extended family since we have been able to walk through the crisis moments of life it has galvanized our marriage we are stronger than ever and we know that our best is yet to come [Music] come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event faith is a power spiritual uncie most of the time unfilmed or detected by the flesh august 4th through 6th the Copeland's welcome you to the 2016 alaska victory campaign at the de niñas civic and convention center in anchorage alaska August 19th through 20th get involved with the 2016 living victory Anaheim with Kenneth and Kelly Copeland at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim California September 16th through 17th get connected at living victory Orlando at the Rosen's shoe boutique hotel Lando Florida September 22nd through 24th word explosion with the Copeland's and guests in Columbia South Carolina with special benefits for veterans and military personnel this is not the end of the United States of America listen to me you've not been witnessing you have [Music] socialism stay in the world don't be moved about what you see don't be moved about what you hear be moved by what you believe this election year vote and vote god Kenneth Copeland mysteries offers a wonderful range of ministry services to our partners and Friends and it's pretty hard to actually pick out one that goes to the top of the tree really but I think for me brother Copeland's monthly partner letter it tells the reader what God's talking to brother Copeland about at this particular moment in time and I think we get an insight into almost that secret place that brother Copeland has with the Lord the things that they talk about together the things that brother Copeland is thinking about the words that God has spoken to him and so when he writes those thoughts and the messages that he's receiving from the Lord in his letter to his partners it's a very personal letter that brother Copeland is writing and you know people will receive inspiration from the Word of God and from the Scriptures of brother Copeland refers to so I would say the heart litter is a key piece it's really valuable in terms of the way that brother Copeland can let his partners know straightaway what the Lord's talking to him about the partner that it is a great is the main way in which brother Copeland communicates with his partners every month in that there is an anointing so that the anointing that's on Kenneth and Gloria to preach and to pray and to see results from applying God's Word and God's principles in their own lives applies equally to all of the partners of the ministry so I would really encourage people to consider getting connected as a partner with Kenneth and Gloria so that they can be beneficiaries of that same anointing and they can see great results happening in their own lives within their churches and in their communities and in the places where they live as a KCM partner you have exclusive access to listen to the partner letter personally read by Kenneth Copeland go to KCMO org slash partner letter sign in and click on the letter become a partner with KCM today if you need prayer call our 24-hour prayer line eight seven seven six one five four two six seven KCM has prayer ministers on staff trained in the Word of God believe God and pray the word in we'll see you next time on victorious little [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Victory Channel
Views: 221,294
Rating: 4.6373367 out of 5
Keywords: Financial Grace, kenneth copeland, money making mindset, money mindset meditation, tony robbins money mindset, abundant money mindset, money mindset affirmations, money saving mindset, mindset money, money mindset, changing money mindset, mindset for money, positive money mindset
Id: GzrCrpTvrjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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