The Power of Your Words | Kenneth Copeland

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open your Bibles with me tonight to the book of second Corinthians and let's look in the fourth chapter 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 and we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore speak now let's look in the book of Romans the tenth chapter Romans chapter 10 in the tenth verse far with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation you see it there with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made on to it so you can't stop with just the believing faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God faith comes and you suddenly begin using your faith to believe but it's not it's it's not getting into action until action is taken turn with me to the third chapter of the book of Romans in the 27th verse where is boasting then it is excluded by what law of works no but by the law of faith all right continue holding in place in mark 11 turn and turn to the eighth chapter of the book of Romans verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for the law you see it for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death these things work by spiritual laws an airplane would have flown in 1716 just the same as it will in 2016 everything all of the environment was conducive to it amen well what's the problem nobody knew the laws that governed it back there then men were still trying to figure out how gravity worked and and pastor Terry teaches a class every Sunday morning on faith and she was teaching down this line a few excuse me a few weeks ago I got so tickled at her she's talking about the laws of the Spirit and the laws of faith and what we're seeing and what we're reading here believe in your heart speaking with your mouth and that's that's part of the laws that govern the operation of the spiritual force of faith and just like the natural physical world is governed by natural physical laws you have to realize that this natural physical world and its laws were created by spiritual laws how were they created in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the deep but nothing was happening he's moving he's moving all the time he had never still he's moving all the time but nothing was in until light be then light amen he said once the word went forth faith is the substance of things hoped for read that carefully faith is substance it's spiritual substance and out of it is born physical substance that's the way it all began well it still responds to this to the same forth under the same rules under the same laws and Terry was teaching on this and and I got so tickled she said I'm doing my best to get this his clothes his way she said is I can't she said did anyone get up this morning and notice on television there was a gravity alert and where they said all children over nine pounds in weight we'll need to have a gravity belt and you can you can find that you can go online and she gave some goofy website and see so you can go online and find out how much weight your child should have if there's certain size in a certain age because there's a there's a large gravity fluctuation this morning that's correct but the first thing I thought was only shot I thought of that and it's so good when you shouldn't have a stupid no let me tell you what's stupid I'm saying stuff don't work that's like saying that gravity stuff don't work let me tell you how foolish it is to pray and ask God for faith or pray and ask God to please make your faith work that would be like I like long-range shooting I get a kick out of that and and I'm a hunter and so forth but I really do I really got into this long range thing I've been doing too long I really like it and when I first got into it I knew little of nothing about I just just just basic that's so basic about ballistics and all of that and my son John is really a whole lot more educated in it and I am and here we go to range and he helped me with it and all that and go out there and spend all day siting in that rifle it's a lot of fun and you know bruised your shoulder up a little bit there's a lot of good time spending all day particularly in a real good day no wind today and then with temperature just about right and there's a lot of fun you spend all day at it and then a couple of days later I'm I get all my stuff out and you know we're going up in the big big L going up in the high country and there's gonna be some long shots out of cross there you know and all that kind of stuff and I'm kind of nervous about it and I'm really looking forward to it I well I'm better pray about this Lord if you would please in the name of the Lord Jesus I'm asking you sir please please keep gravity steady all next week particularly Thursday and Friday that that's when we're gonna that's that's when we're gonna be in the Oh we're gonna be in the high country on those daily Lord in it I spent all last week citing this thing in now don't want to get up there and the gravity be off and my and my charts don't work so if you couldn't see that's about it today duh my prayers you could think well that being it wouldn't be any difference in now god I really need my faith to work here now I really need you've got a book reading it'll tell you everything you're supposed to do and it'll work for you and you don't go to God and you say yeah but I did everything it said and it didn't work for me surely you're not gonna do that no no no you go to the Lord or don't be foolish enough to do this I don't know why you wouldn't let my faith work on this no don't ever blame any failure on God he went to the cross for your success you get it he is highly invested in your victory amen when you go to God and you say Lord now help me with this because now here's just what I see in your word and here's what I applied here but somehow I'm missing it you can't miss it I was in know this was years ago his picture down in and in Louisiana and the Shreveport Louisiana and I had some kind of a pain on the int was on his left leg on the inside of my leg I noticed it with our meeting started on on Monday and we went in Sunday night we were in the church Sunday night in praise and worship and I noticed it just kind of felt like a tight spot but that didn't didn't hurt all that bad it kind of uncomfortable but sure didn't belong there and I but I just did mark 11:23 and 24 and I just said it I believe I receive it you want to pray and I got up the next morning it was a little bit painful and by that evening my mom oh man I'm telling you it got worried it was hurtin it was it was big-time hurt and and then it kept on until it crossed the line of any kind of pain I had ever had before and it just kept getting worse and worse and I'd come out in it now you can learn something from this I'd step out on the platform all the pain and leave see I come under the anointing of God and I'd started and I'm and I'm jumping around up there on the platform and I'm thinking glory to God you know what in my mind I'm thinking that thing's gone and I walk off the side of the platform and just hit me in a in a vengeance this thing was so strong well I went before the Lord and just laid myself down across the bed and I said sir I'm missing this someplace that this is not right I'm where's my where's my disconnect here I'm you never miss it y'all mean you paid for this victory and I'll be having me and I I want to know why I'm not getting into something then be very quiet just sent her up right here and just listen yes listen just listen and then praising anyone but a moment he said every scripture that you've been using on this you've been quoting them I'll suggest sir he said Kenneth the memory of a potato won't feed anybody yeah I can see that he said you can remember what it looks like remember what it tastes like you remember what it smells like but you cannot take a bite out of it and get it in the system for it to do any good yeah yeah I see that and then he took me over to to proverbs chapter 4 and hold your place in Mark 11 let's go look at that amen proverbs chapter 4 in fact this is this this is a manual for the operation of faith and if you'll put it to work and do what it says it work all the time verse 20 my son attend to my words now notice he said attend to my words my word not what somebody has said the word said but his word my word now was he mean at Intuit that means put in priority now in Texas we don't attend to things we tend to him yeah well you know I got I have to I have to tend to that what's he doing well he tended that stuff he's you know what and somebody says I need you go tell me but I can't do it man I've got an appointment and I told him I'd be there and this is an important thing and and I gotta tend to it so but maybe we get together later amen that's first priority in the line now notice the fixin's that the next thing that it says attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings so now remember faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God but it won't if you're not going to listen to it if you don't have if you haven't already made the decision what I see in the word and what I hear from the Word of God I am gonna act on it this is first place with me I will never now get this meant won't make a note of this glory and I stood up before the Lord and and we committed ourselves Oh 49 plus years ago that this was our lifestyle forevermore and took communion over we will not alter the word to fit our lifestyles will alter our lifestyle to fit the word whatever your word says is final authority in the name of Jesus amen I am what it says I am I can do what it says I can do well that feel like it or not alright incline my ear I'm going to the word and I fully intend to act on whatever it says where my flesh likes it out I'm gonna do this no right now what is next attend to my word incline your ear to my sayings let them not depart from your eyes don't let them depart from your eyes you're going to have to Spencer time putting your eyes on these things it's wonderful to have the Bible recorded and be listening to it it's wonderful to have preaching you ought to be you ought to be tithing your time you ought to be doing at least a tithe of your time every day in the Word of God amen if that's your waking hours if you're awake 12 hours that's 1.2 hours I mean hey if you tied the whole 24 hours that's two point four hours that's only one of my CDs so he come home hey hallelujah so you're hearing it but it's necessary to put your eyes on it not just your ears your eyes and this is what I was not doing I was quoting it just quoting it he's quoting now I was spending time in the word but I was not spending that time in the word to feed my faith for my own health I was spending time in the word to preach I was strong to preach but my body was suffering because of it now what's amazing to me is he's had to get on me for that more than once we won't go into all that but I'm just talking to you about the first time it happen all right amen and I'm understanding here you know taking a an inner chewing out about it again amen I love the word but I'll tell you what I get into and I start seeing things and I and I immediately just started I can just see it preached because I want to minister it somebody well if you leave your if you leave yourself out you're not feeding your faith for yourself now you are an integrated system you are a spirit you have a soul and you live in a body and that whole system requires nourishment your spirit desire spiritual demands spiritual food your soul made up of your mind your will and your emotions demands the Word of God intellectual food and your body demands physical food and no one of the three can get that food without the food enters the system and it's going to go in through your eyes it's gonna go in through your ears and it's gonna go in through your mouth amen and a potato memory will not feed your body so in and I heard that I said yes sir I'm guilty and I'm I received it in the name of Jesus well that afternoon I spent time in the word on healing scriptures and looking at him I'm still hurting me but I've started feeding right then and that meeting was over with that night and dead and and it had that that meeting went on for I had went on that meeting and they was about ten days or two weeks long and it was just terrible and just got worse the whole time and so after the service at night we flew back to to Fort Worth now I don't I don't even remember now why we were on the airlines but that matter we've and so we flew into Love Field and I stepped off of the the ramp there got out of the airplane and I heard the Devils say this I heard it so plane I mean it was it well of course what inaudible nobody else heard it but it was it was just almost like it was I mean I've heard it that clear he said he said it's a mile from here to the parking lot and you're a fool to walk it and I'm gonna kill you with that thing between here in that parking lot I said no you're not in the name of Jesus you're not gonna kill anybody no no no no particularly me my life is hidden in Christ Jesus you don't have killing authority over me amen no you don't and I'm walking out of the front door that airplane and the airplane ride just sitting in that one place but isn't this thing really talking to me you know and and I'm walked out there I have no idea where he came from and we had called my parents they came out picked us up we didn't I didn't tell them anything about this I told everybody about anything like I don't go top things like this I don't need their unbelief amen and Gloria and I are in agreement so we and we push that thing up there to me and he said you will need this oh that chair look good oh we look so good I said no sir he'll men don't need wheels yes thank you [Laughter] like it just got worse and sure enough you know the one time the devil told me something that wasn't alive it was a mile from there and there was my mother and dad she said what's the matter with you I said by the power and the name of Jesus I'm healed glory to God and so we got on out of the car and my dad's house was between the airport and my house I said daddy I'm done with this car all right didn't take me to your house I'm going to bed he said okay so we got there to home and I just went back to back into the house and the back bedroom back there and I just flopped out on a bed went to sleep of faith said well how do you did that on 127 psalm he gives his beloved sleep and so out is the glory to God and and I was tired anyway and I just flopped down there and went to sleep and it didn't hurt me bad wanna let you know lying down on my backs it did run up and my mother just pulled up a chair over there mama died Buster did it back till he could pull a buffoon amunt on now those of you that don't know mama she a rattle that gates of hell brother Laurie to God I was walking in her prayer group she didn't get his prayer group started didn't get some bigoted turn into the church and she didn't so she'd wait a couple of years and start another one and it had turn into a church and and after about 18 months you can get him were close to the house on Monday night and I'm walking up the front door their house one night and these two Baptist preachers were coming out of their mother's prayer group and and I won't pass them and Adam they you know they spoke to me and I spoke to them and then when they won't pass one of them said you know I beats on a liar so he said I think that's the first time in my life I ever felt sorry for the devil but he said I'm telling you and woman got through with him I'd left - oh I'm in now I mean she would dangerous brother and I went on the sleep she was sitting there praying in the spirit and about three o'clock in the morning I just suddenly set straight up in the bed why the wake and the moment I set up straight like that she said that did it bro writ a god good night out of the door she went praise God but I wanted you to I wanted you to see that this scripture is telling us how vital the Word of God is to our well being spirit and soul and body and financially and socially everything in life depends on this on this word - you and me now then surely you found mark 11 by now jesus said in the 22nd verse have faith in God scripture the cross references have the faith of God some translations say have the god-kind of faith' for verily i say unto you that whosoever so the very first thing out of the box who so ever can use the faith of God hallelujah that's exciting right there whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he to come to pass he shall how whatsoever he says now I want you to notice something here whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart now right here Jesus is going to tell us what we must believe in order for faith to do what it was designed to do and I have to stay in the word until I believe this in my heart I have to believe that what I say is coming to pass what I say is coming to pass I have to believe that well I don't see what difference amazing what you say okay let's see if we can deal with that here [Music] thank you Lord let's just see about this let's go to Matthew chapter 12 and we'll look at the 36th verse Matthew 12:36 I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment now look at this for by your words you shall be justified and by your words shall you be condemned by your words by your words amen now then Luke chapter 6 and we'll look at the 45th verse Luke 6:45 a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks so whatever you put in your spirit whatever is going through your eyes whatever is going through your ears whatever is going into your spirit being whatever is going in there is what's going to come out of there and whatever comes out of there is what you're going to have tomorrow what you have in your life today is the results of what you said yesterday that's an awesome thought but that's absolutely the truth and I don't care whether you're born again Christian or just somebody out there in the world and now now think about this well jesus said whosoever shall say to the mountain he didn't say pray about the mountain now you may have reason to pray about that mountain later but he said talk to the mountain the mountain is going to obey what you say and you know somebody come along and say don't that beat all you ever saw Oh goofy Christians particularly that name it claim it blab it grab it buzz well that's us oh yeah oh yeah I named it claimed it blabbed it grabbed it and I've had it for a long [Laughter] [Applause] mile an TAS something beats all I ever heard speaking this and speaking to that and speech crazy bunch of people you really thinks him just just just hang around the guy hang around him he'll talk to his car he'll talk to his hands the devil always he's bound to this he curses and calls things that be not as though they were and the people that speak after him do the same thing God always blesses and calls things that be not as though they were a me so here's one guy he walks up to the mirror now this is the same guy said hey stupid bunch of Christians but he walks up to the mirror and he says dad you know he cursed I'm losing my dad dumb higher he believes in his heart and he said it with his mouth and he used a curse to curse himself it hair I don't understand you oh well you know what my my dumb daddy was the same way yeah I don't daddy that's where you learned well what what do I do all the time you woke up and say thus saith the law jesus said not a hair on my head I'll perish and every hair on my head is numbered and I claim my original count glory though God thank you Jesus about this man you see I sound foolish to the guy that doesn't know but he does it because the devil's trained him to die amen now you're just you know you follow just follow through life yeah I was thinking about thank you Lord reminded me of that that's really cute I am I took my motorcycle into the shop and I bought some stuff to add to it and I was sitting back there in the shop and watching this guy work on it you know and he he dropped a boat and I know how he feels boats are magic you know you drop them they disappeared I mean you could you know you can move the bike in another room in the boat ain't there it's just gone you know and I was gonna grinning I'm watching this guy and I've been thinking that not long these same lines and that that whole day and I'm just standing there watching him you know work on my life my bike he got down on his knees and he said why don't you go you worthless never he's talking to a boat and he thinks I'm stupid cause I poke to my car only I don't talk ugly to my car oh no you gorgeous thing you know I don't want that I'm gonna be cursing my staff amen so I just said no lord I forgive him in the name of Jesus and that bolt came off my bike is not worth missing this show don't belong to the devil but he don't know I walked into the hangar one day oh my goodness this this particular airplane is a twin Cessna and it's got fuel tanks on the tips get tip tanks and those tanks are shaped like that and they come to a tip in the back they are exactly for head ask me how I'm walking in the hangar close to the airplane this mechanic ran into the back end of that that tip tank and you know what he said and and he come out from behind there he got his head like this and he saw me and he says oh no forgive me preacher forgive me I said don't let me cramp your style but how they love you I said only problem of it is we didn't now we know what's in you and abundance I don't think I helped him a whole lot but it anyway we had but see the whole world cannot help but function under those laws because this is a word creating universe it is a word dominated universe you can't change that but you can change the words under which you live the words get go in your heart the words which you speak now then let's take let's take another look let's go down here I want to see something in Hebrews chapter 3 and this will help you if you're wondering like we like people do I don't see what difference it makes what I say how could my words do anything Hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and high priest of our profession the same word is translated confession Christ Jesus now listen consider they Apostle the word apostle means sent by God alright consider the one God sent to be high priest over our confession now get this Christ Jesus what do you do when you see the word Christ you stop and translate and meditate Christ's anointing our knowing Ted anointing or both combined in this case both let's let's put it all together consider the one God sent and anointed to be high priest over what we say huh now you know why it matters what you say and now you know why it'll come to pass if you're operating is speaking in faith you're connected to your high priest go reader God hallelujah amen now that word translated confession also means to say the same thing as now when we take his word put it in our heart put it in our mouth and then we begin to act on that word as though it had already come to pass amen then Jesus is right in the middle of it hallelujah it's his word he's been anointed to do that that's his job over the heads as commander-in-chief of the body of Christ that's what he's anointed to do high priest what what does priest me the word translated priest is translated administration that's where we get the word add minister and you take the ad away and we are ministers ministers of what we are ministers in this administration of whom he is the high administrator he is the president of this whole thing he is the king of this whole thing he is the high priest of this whole thing amen he is the Lord director of the church hallelujah glory to God he's the administrator of it amen what can you see what happens when we line up with his word and we begin to lay hold and lay claim those words those are covenant words their blood bought blood paid for words they are there are God's spiritual facts that are in the Bible that by His stripes you were healed that's not a promise that's a fact already gone that has come to pass amen we need to be talking there we need to be saying that that's the reason if you'll analyze the curse of the law the curse that came on humanity when Satan got his hands on it now if you'll analyze what's in that cursed cursed shall you be coming in cursed shall you be going out cursed you'll be in the field curse you be in the city curse and your goods cursed and your family cursing this and Kirstin net and then think back at the way you used to talk when the devil had to hold your mouth you cursed coming in and you cursed going out you cursed everything in the field and you cursed everything in the city and I'm you know I mean it's just damn this down that they're just damn the whole thing you know now why what's wrong with saying why is it profane to say god damn a thing or another what is that perverse what was that wicked because he's nothing God has never dammed anybody but the devil did you know gods never send anybody to hell no man go there on their own there's only one sin that it seems you doubt you've heard people say well you go to hell the line that saves you well stealing no you no go to hell for line stealing or any other sin of the flesh the only sin that'll send you to hell is to reject Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your Lord and Savior because all the rest of its already been wiped out and paid for glory to God just not knowing him how to get you there nope he'll was made for the devil in his angels amen and he's going big time now and it's not very far off glory to God I am I'm really looking forward to life without his sorry self amen glory to God son and there isn't glory thank you lord alright I want to get down here to just a couple of more of these and we'll close let's let's look in Proverbs 424 and while you're looking that up I want to remind you that Joel 3:10 says let the weak say I am strong now you ain't that amazing and somebody come along you know and say why you're lying about it oh I am well yeah you know you're weak what do you what are you doing you do this you know you just you're just lying about it I don't know you subdue it's a weak he can't understand understand they're saying you're strong well that's like someone saying well glory to God by His stripes I'm healed thank you very much his nose is running his eyes are swelled up he's scratching all over on the counter something only you know he's not here you know what am i doing I've gone to the word and found scripture that says I am healed by His stripes that says I am strong amen the Bible is full of strength scripture man just over over and over again if I say this thing on my arm here whatever it is well she see I'm not healed the truth of it is you see oh no no no that's mistaken that is not the truth you understand whatever this is that that that's man it's causing me to to have all kinds of symptoms of the flu or whatever it is that's not the truth those are facts and if I'll get the truth which is by His stripes you were healed if I get the truth and put that in my heart and in my eyes and in mahir hearing and hearing and in my mouth and I continually say I am I have I have faith in God I have healing from the Word of God the truth will change the fact that shouting ground right there go ready go good do you see what kind you see what what kind of armor that is not only protective armor but I'm telling you brother that's that's ordinance you've got victory right there amen John Osteen years ago wrote a book said isn't a miracle in your mouth I read that and got excited and I said I called him I said John I wish now the thought of that don't worry to God you got a miracle in your mouth hallelujah amen now proverbs 12:18 are proverb 424 scuse me proverbs 424 put away from you a froward or a disobedient mouth and perverse lips put far from you you bring that mouth into some under subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ and you demand of your mouth to be doing it's spiritual God ordained duty in this system spirit soul and body you get that mouth in line and you just say you look here you you get on this praise God quit talking that other stuff okay now then verse chapter 12 proverbs 12 verse 18 12 18 wait a minute oh here we are there is that speak of like the piercings of a sword but the tongue of the wise is health praise God when you get up in the morning don't say man I'll tell you I don't feel good I just feel like God seems like I'm coming down with something [Laughter] I'm kitchen I'm catching it just shows a world you know all sweethearts you done got it what you took it I believe I'm coming down with something I'm catching the flu and a myriad of other things well rehearsed over the years come on in sickness how long you gonna be with me this time you know I put that mouth away but if you'll get wise and get in the word what what did we find out in Proverbs 4:20 the Word of God is life to those that find them and he'll in Hebrews word medicine and medicine to all there Russ Robison was born and raised in Sparta Missouri his mother was a woman of strong faith who taught her children the Word of God at the age of 12 Russ was forced to leave his family farm and move to a new home with his mother and siblings his parents marriage had dissolved and his father single life seemed distant from the things of God Russ entered college as an 18 year old athlete overwhelmed with temptations I started drifting away from the Lord and I started enjoying that so much but you know staying only is fun for a while especially when you got a mom it's praying every night and you know I consider that one of the things that kept me alive as he grew into manhood Russ married a beautiful young woman and became the father of two children his young family motivated Russ to return to his faith but he had no real understanding of a relationship with Jesus in 2007 when his father died Russ was tormented with guilt regret and questions about his father's salvation and I felt a deep depression I got a little work come on so much and my recliner and I'm used sanic really not repent on that so I get six I wasn't sleeping I would go down his farm after work the lot and it said if some of my favorite places you know and I drove down there and sometimes I would just shoot his stuff but that day was different cuz it was just I was so tired and more out and selfish because I would think about my little kids a 401 year-old wife I was just thinking about myself and I was tired of doing this man and I was decided to take my life that's the side of the tailgate of my pickup right next to this gully neck in a hay field and put it up to my head and pull the trigger I'm gonna go up we're not pool and then I was a little bit missed because I wouldn't go off and so there's some cans sitting there that and that ditch and I turned shot at one of those and just bang I feel a thing down in the grass and bunnies and then my face buried in the tail get in my truck and start repenting I'm sorry Lord okay I get it you know I kidding now you obviously alright done today so the next day my sister she handed me a Walmart site just full of CDs and I was one for other colors it was about taking authority and authority of the believer and I just listened to him constantly he started killing me you know and I just it just cleared up a lot of things and I was able to let go I didn't write to go to Dad's grave once a week and crying I was I was okay he wasn't there Russ began to walk in true freedom and through prayer faith and standing on the Word of God he was delivered from the deception and guilt when Russ finally visited a trusted pastor he was surprised to learn that his father had not only stayed in contact with this man but that he had indeed confirmed his decision to accept and confess Jesus as Lord Russ was overjoyed to know that his dad would spend eternity in heaven own path of destruction and path of great dreams and visions the Lord has shown me and the minister that he was spending I know and you know he's saved mama if he's kept me alive I'll be 40 next month and well look at it I've got 80 more years to serve Lord this is just 120 years that I believe that 525 been years I never really was was alive in total Christ getting me Islam [Music] community to me is about never being alone but you always have people around you that you're doing the same thing going in the right direction together and you're always developing and going to a higher level with people and so it never feels like you have to do it on your own but you're doing it as a team community is letting your guard down and just being you [Music] [Applause] community is partnership community is all about ministry a place to find friends a place to build relationships doing life together it's a place to get together with family community is unity and Trust community is a group of people you can rely come to a Kenneth Copeland ministries event September 16th through 17th get connected at living victory Orlando at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando Florida September 22nd through 24th word explosion with the Copeland's and guests in Columbia South Carolina with special benefits for veterans and military personnel October 14 through 15 joined the Copeland's of the 2016 Venezuela victory campaign and by NECA Boaz Stoddard a Zulia Venezuela [Music] [Music] thank you for watching victorious living with Kenneth Copeland if you need prayer call our 24-hour prayer line eight seven seven six one five four two six seven KCM has prayer ministers on staff trained in the Word of God we'll see you next time on victorious living
Channel: The Victory Channel
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Keywords: the power of your words, power words, the power, of your words, power of your words for kids, power of your words sermon, the power of your words joel osteen, power of your words, the power of your words sermon, the power of your words youtube, the power of your words kenneth copeland, The Power of Your Words, The Power of Your Words | Kenneth Copeland
Id: 6RU6cw-qIxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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