Golf Putting Myths Busted: Improve Your Putting With These Tips

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are you struggling to improve your putting game despite following the best advice and tips will you'll want to watch this video cuz today we're going to bust four of the biggest putting myths that are actually advice everyone gives but they actually harm your chances of making more putts you'll want to stick around because the last two of these myths we're going to talk about will really surprise you but by the end of this video you'll have every thing you need to make more putts and be sinking them all let's get to [Music] it so the first myth is the concept that you need to have your eyes over the ball when you put that's a yes and a no certainly the way that most of our eyes work we need our eyes above or very slight inside the ball to be able to see the line but there's a problem let me illustrate that for you right now I step up to this part and I've got my eyes over the ball and I'm really cramped in here to be that close or I have to bend my back an awful lot which hurts my back that's not a good thing or I have to stand up really straight or maybe use a putter that's too long for me that's not a helpful thing so here's what I suggest what I've been doing and it helps a whole lot I set up into the putt eyes over the ball like this and then I back up slightly so that I'm a little bit inside the ball what I do when I'm my eyes directly above the ball it helps me see the line make certain I'm Square to my line and then I back up ever so slightly until I'm comfortable and my hands are immediately Bel beneath my shoulders and I can make a good smooth stroke I'm not cramped in here same thing from a different angle take my grip step into the Putt and I've got my eyes directly above the ball looking to make sure I see my line okay now I'm going to back away just a little bit so that I'm not cramped and I can make a good smooth stroke so that's the first Miss eyes over the ball it's not 100% wrong but you've got to make a little adjustment to that to be a little bit more inside the ball if you'll notice the best Putters on the PGA tour are doing that they're lining up with their eyes a little bit inside the ball because it frees their body up to not have any tension and to maintain their form and their posture make a good smooth stroke so that's myth number one myth number two is the idea that you have to have a perfect arc on your putting stroke there's no such thing as a perfect Arc it depends on how long your putter is how you stand whether you bend over the ball more or less and all kinds of a variety of factors and no two putting Strokes are exactly alike and they don't have to be there's probably a million different ways to roll the ball up the line and into the hole so you don't have to panic with that there's not a perfect stroke what's important is not that you have an arc or you don't have an arc you don't even think about an arc what's important and all that matters is that this putter face is square to the Target line when it hits the ball and so I can set up on this putt I can take an outside stroke even this much and cut across it a little bit and if that putter face is square to the line at impact the ball goes in you don't believe that there's on the channel in another video I talked about the putting Arc matter on a video sometime back did slow motion laboratory Photography they showed a putter coming across 10° the ball went straight up the line because the face was Square same putter coming inside out 10° and the ball went straight up the line because the face was Square the putter doesn't the ball in a putter it's not like a driver and iron you're not compressing it it doesn't dwell or stick on the putter face wherever this is pointed at that moment of impact at that moment of truth that's where the ball is going so there are things that are important here with regards to that and that is in this last five in before impact you have your putter face Square now let me illustrate that here I use a ruler I went to the hardware store bought a 36 in yard stick cost me a149 sought it off at 14 inches so I got 9 in out in front of the ball 5 in behind the ball but we'll just use a piece of plastic here important thing is I work on and practice keeping my putter face Square in this five inches as I approach the ball if I'm Square here and I keep it Square through impact then it's going to be on the line and I don't have to think about Arc and having the perfect Arc and all of that and by the way if you're thinking about all of that it's darn near impossible focus on the important thing which is your target where you want to roll the ball so it goes into the hole now the third myth is going to frustrate some of you but it's the myth of feeling the putterhead release hear me out 50 years of golf instruction nobody ever taught oh you've got to release the putterhead and feel the putterhead releas relas until one day the golf channel is doing a little story on Tiger Woods and his putting and he talks about feeling the putter very loose in his hands and when he comes through the ball feeling the putter Head release and everybody misinterpreted that now they have this concept of after impact I have to release the putter head like this and your wrists break down and that is not a conducive to a good putting stroke let me give you a couple of facts you probably don't know that will help you understand what Tiger Woods was talking about first off Tiger Woods putted with the toe of his Scotty Cameron up about you know maybe an eighth of an inch or so off the ground in the air Scotty Cameron himself who designs those Putters knows a little bit about how these things work says if you putt with the toe of your putter in the air then you're aligned off to the right 1 to 3° which means anything over 5T you're going to miss unless you do something in your stroke to compensate that to close that open putter face well Tiger Woods was putting toe up so he was a little bit open he wanted to feel the putter Head release he wanted to feel it close a little bit here's the thing you got to remember Tiger Woods practiced putting 2 hours a day 6 or seven days a week for 30 years maybe more you don't have that much time you don't have that much talent set up with your putter face Square don't try to feel your release because a lot of people misunder understand that when they say feel the hutter putter Head release they're thinking they got to flick it with their wrist after impact causes all kinds of problems causes your stroke to be off don't do that the other thing that tiger was I believe talking about I don't know I'm not inside of his head but if you'll notice professional golfers something happens almost immediately after impact they're taking their putter stroke and their hands stop here about on a long stroke their hands will stop here just past their front hip or at their front pocket and so on a bigger stroke if my hand stop here the putter head keeps going that might be feeling a release but you don't try to feel that you just try to make a good stroke keep the putter face square up the line after impact let the putter head go where it goes big thing there you're not trying to feel that release you are trying to stop it about here but you don't want to be like release the putter Head release the putter head you're doing that you've got to time that perfectly or you're pulling or snap hooking that's the last thing you wanted to put the thing that's really important on those is that you stay square and maintain if you'll notice when I'm set up to the ball with my elbows in right on my rib cage not all the way back on the shirt seam and not in here in my chest but when I'm set up properly there's an angle here that looks like a home plate in a baseball and what you want to do do is maintain that angle throughout your stroke it's not a triangle unless you're one player on the PGA tour who puts like this and maintains a triangle it's more of a home plate shape you maintain that shape through the stroke try stopping here at impact let the putter head go where it goes if that feels like a release to you that's great but don't be thinking about a release and trying to release it be thinking about smooth stroke and the Target now let's talk about the fourth myth and this one's going to make some of you angry and you're going to disagree with me but it's okay um I'm right everybody says you need to accelerate through the ball accelerate through the ball no you need to accelerate to the ball there's a big difference here and let me explain to you what I mean so if you're accelerating through the ball allall then my putter is going faster after it's going the fastest after impact if I'm accelerating through it that's not what I want number one accuracy gets off because the further I accelerate out here the further my body is moving my home plate shape is breaking down and I'm twisting offline I don't want to accelerate through the ball I want to accelerate to the ball which is why we talk a lot on this channel about a rib a timing and a Tempo to your to your stroke and there certainly should be acceleration to the ball but not through it the difference here's what that looks like if you're accelerating through the ball and a lot of people have the problem of decelerating they get too big of a backstroke and they start and then they're like oh no I'll kind of illustrate that again big backstroke and then decelerate that's terrible you don't want to do that so people overcompensate oh going to accelerate through the wall and that's not a way to put that creates all kinds of problems and even if they're a little smoother they're like accelerate through it that's not what you want you want to accelerate to the ball look how much smoother that looks if I do that accelerate to the ball and you can see the putter head's moving fastest at impact and it stops by hands stop here the putterhead goes forward to that but notice how the putter heads still Square to my target line couple of things because this myth is so important talk about a couple of things that you can do to help you resolve issues with these last two the first one is you want to keep your balance and make sure that you're accelerating to it but not over accelerating not breaking down flip flipping your wrist set up to Putt and then lift one foot off the ground and stroke the putt with one foot wow just we'll do it again from this angle I said wow because it rolled right up and hit the camera tripod that was just perfect so set up to the putt then just for balance I wanted to keep my body balanced and make a smooth stroke practice that a little bit on one foot it'll help you get a feel for how much you wobble and weave and you don't want to do that you want to be stable most important thing is stability in here because if this moves everything else moves and you beat the ball in the dirt sideway it just doesn't work and a tiny little bit there makes a big difference in where that ball rolls so you want to do that and then the other drill is a drill with two T's and we'll show you that now so what I'm doing here is just firm enough to move the ball and feel I'm not releasing the putter I'm not accelerating through impact I'm accelerating to the ball keeping the face square and it gives me a feel of How firm to hit putts by the way you want to keep the putter face Square If you hit both of those t's at the same exact time you're doing that if you hit one te or the other one first then you're missing it now one of the things you want to be careful of if you're doing this drill with the two T's where you're getting a feel for the stroke and accelerating to the ball you want to be careful to make sure that you're making a smooth stroke and not punching it you're not trying to punch it through those tree teas you're trying to make a smooth stroke and accelerate that to them if you'll work on these things that we talked about this video instead of the myths that are related to them you'll find you'll make a lot more putts then you can work on something like speed or distance control or reading the greens or the good information that's coming up in this video and in the meantime you know the other drill like subscribe comment share and here's to you making more puts [Music]
Channel: Mister One Putt
Views: 11,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf putting tips, golf putting secrets, putting stroke myths, best putting tips, golf putting alignment, golf putting stroke, golf putting accuracy, golf putting tutorial, putting fundamentals, putting stroke mechanics, golf putting strategies, putting tips for accuracy, putting setup tips, how to putt straight, how to fix putting errors, golf putting myths debunked, putting stroke advice, improve golf putting, golf putting mistakes to avoid, golf putting masterclass
Id: vBmqXZori2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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