Ep. #20 Perfect Your Putting Setup with Andy Carter

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hi everybody Andy Carter here thanks very much for checking out today's video and this is number one of a three-part putting Series so definitely stay tuned to all three videos because they will 100 guaranteed absolutely definitely help your putting we're going to be focusing on everything from setup all the way back to distance control from 30 40 feet now obviously there's no exact science from that sort of distance but we can give you routines as long as you're set up and your ball striking is good enough you can get down into from a long long way but in today's video we're going to be talking all about setup and the importance of setup the purpose of today's video is going to be all about setup and the training aid that I use is the Back to Basics golf putting mirror because it's basically going to allow us to do all three videos with one training aid because it covers everything from setup to swing Arc to start line which you're going to see in future videos but first of all I want to be able to make sure that I set up correctly training AIDS are so important particularly when you're putting so first thing what this mirror does it encourages me to get a little bit more over the golf ball I see a lot of golfers kind of sitting down more into their knees sitting down more into their hips and therefore the spine angle tilts quite straight and then it's very very easy to put a very poor stroke on it and also in terms of actually being able to line up on the golf course you're not actually looking down the line of the ball what the mirrors encourage you to do is get right over the top of the golf ball so I'm going to get my eye line over the thick green line through the middle of the mirror so straight away okay that's where my eyes are going to be that means they're going straight down the line at the golf ball so when I look from the golf ball to my target line I've got the perfect view if I'm more on the inside my view is parallel to that line so I'm actually not really looking down the line of the put I'm looking down the parallel line of the pot which is not the put so I get my eyes directly over the golf ball I put my putter in now we've also got a line for shoulder line which is very easy to get a little bit too closed or I have a tendency to actually get a little bit too open so what I get my what I would do now is get my two the tips of my shoulders on the shoulder alignment line okay now I can actually feel that change in my back that means I've tilted more and that's what I see from the majority of golfers when I'm teaching I tend to end up tilting golfers over the golf ball more because it gives you a much better line also in terms of what it's going to do for our stroke it's going to allow allow the stroke to work on more than what I would say a natural putting Arc of around about 15 degrees it's going to allow the Potter Arc to work this way if I stand up more it works more around this way and if you think about how that putting stroke was going to look from this path the face is going to be very very open coming into the ball unless it's math unless it's over manipulated what this is doing is getting my eyes over the golf ball it's getting my shoulders parallel okay and it's encouraging my my path Angle now to be a lot straighter relative to the Target and if I'm from here back and through oh got it in first time get in the after setup one of the key things from there is Grill part of the setup I should say is grip okay the hands need to work together now I've recently changed my grip I've gone from both hands being as far under the grip as possible to actually getting them as far over the grip as possible it's basically doing the same thing but it just feels more comfortable for me to be more over and the reason I've done that is they're now in opposing positions they're put once they push against each other the club face is not moving I am twisting my hands and imagine getting a holding a towel and just twisting inwards okay and what that's doing to the club face is not moving it at all I personally go cack-handed so left hand below right again it allows me to feel like I've got better control of the club face and that is the most important thing for putting you need to feel like you have full control of that pot because over the space of let's say a cup let's say what's this this is around about eight feet so we've got three six seven feet okay if I miss the club face open or closed by one or two degrees I miss that Target comfortably miss that Target now step away another 17 feet okay that one or two degrees now what's one or two degrees here from seven feet is over here from 17 feet majority of golfers have at least 30 feet for their first pot if you've hit the Green in regulation could be over here somewhere okay I may be slightly exaggerated that but you get the gist if we haven't got face control we do not have much chance of getting the ball close to the hole to get the Tupac okay so this sort of distance is vital because we could be left with distances of this if we've got the pace wrong or we could be left with distances of this if we've hit a cracking little chip and we've got a chance of pass so putting can save your bacon all right so I'm going eyes over the golf ball I've got my shoulder alignment down the shoulder alignment line I've got my cack handy grip I've got my hands working against each other to help stabilize the face and that's gone in again let's hit the flag I hit the flag okay flag sticks should come out I've read something this morning flagsticks should always come out got my chance of the ball dropping in next on setup is ball position and just just like every other golf shirt you wouldn't play the driver off your back foot and you wouldn't play your lob wedge off your front foot because it affects the angle in which the club comes into the golf ball which therefore affects the way the golf ball reacts off the face and everything else that occurs afterwards so with the putting we need to figure out the optimal position and this is a little bit more trial and error because everyone's got Different Strokes everyone's got different heights at the top of the the backstroke and everyone comes down differently as well and everyone's got your different lengths arms different length Putters it is vital to get a putting fitting just to make sure you've got the right length of putter I personally I have the put I have the setup just forward of Center if I put it in the center I actually end up hitting down on the golf ball to note to know if you hit down on the golf ball you'll see the very first few inches of the put bounce and once you've got a bouncing ball off the club face you're going to really struggle with distance control just the same as if you've got the ball position too far forward you will add Loft and the ball will pop up and then bounce as well and then then it'll get into its role that will cause you a lot of issues again with the distance control imagine hitting uphill with a bouncing ball it's Landing into an upslope it's gonna it's gonna land it's going to come to a stop much much quicker okay so just really make sure you've got a bit of this is a bit of trial and error I often just go with just forward of Center so my eyes now are directly on my putter rather than the actual golf ball and then from there I've got my shoulders in the right position so I've just got I made a slight adjustment then on posture my eyes are in the right position back and through and for the purposes of this video three in a row guys thank you very much for watching I hope this has helped there we've covered eye position over the golf ball shoulder alignment grip and ball position and therefore with all of this we've covered a good posture which is going to help you have a better stroke so the quality of the ball striking can be consistent do not neglect putting never please don't just think I just need to go and practice a bit of putting because it's dead easy it's really not that easy it's just as technical as every other part of your golf game and needs proper work like you would do when you're trying to hit that extra 20 yards off the tee so go and give these tips a try there's a two more videos in this series for you to really kind of get to grips with but guys thank you very much for watching please do subscribe to the channel makes a huge difference if you can just click that subscribe button and I can bring you so much more content and hopefully some Pearls of Wisdom guys thanks for watching see you again very soon
Channel: Back 2 Basics Golf
Views: 4,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andy carter, Putting Setup, how to putt, stop 3 putts, golf lesson, putting mirror
Id: O81tBxrCU6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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