How To Hit A Hybrid! (Must Watch)

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so in my hand I have a 4 iron and a four hybrid now a four iron is incredibly hard to hit most damages out there really struggle hitting the four iron and the simple reason is because you need a lot of speed you need to be able to generate speed to get that nice launch so we're going to get rid of that and we are going to focus on how to hit this hybrid this is going to become your new best friend if you are that golfer who when you get to your longer irons you just don't see any differences in your carry distances or maybe you hit the shots they come out super flat and you just can't hold any greens then you really do need to consider hybrids and don't sort of see it as a higher handicapper Club you know the technology has improved so much in these clubs that tour Pros are now putting them in and they are really benefiting from them the great thing about a hybrid is it can kind of effortlessly get the ball up in the air and that's because it's designed to do that with the way the face is built is very forgiving not only toe to heel but also top to bottom now the other thing is because of the width of the sole this sort of helps us with a load of different things the first thing is it pulls the center of gravity back in the club which just gets that ball launching just way higher straight away a good sort of four to five degrees depending on the goal for obviously it changes but it's just going to get that ball launching so much higher that therefore means it's going to get to a better Peak height and as it lands you're going to have a chance at holding those greens so then the next question I get asked all the time is Charles how do you hit this do you treat it more like a fairway wood or do you treat it more like a long iron and I would say look these clubs are designed to replace a long iron so hit them the way you would hit a long iron so that means we are still trying to feel like we take a divot we might not actually take a divot due to the added width of the sole but we're going to feel like we still have that intent of hitting down and taking a divot we're going to feel like we can hit these with a bit of speed because we need speed to hit longer clubs and ultimately we're going to set up the same way we're going to have the same swing thoughts so let's now jump into how to set up to a hybrid so let's just run through a quick A to Z on what we are looking for when it comes to hitting a hybrid so the first thing is let's start with the fee feet want to be pretty much shoulder width apart maybe a hair wider so I like to draw a line down from the edges of my shoulders and I roughly want to see them touch the center of the ankles that's just going to personalize Down The Stance with to you obviously if you've got broader shoulders you're going to have a little bit more Master support so you're going to need a wider stance if you've got narrow shoulders you don't need as wide of a stance you don't have as much Master support so it's just going to personalize it down for you then from there really the question I get asked all the time is ball position where do we want it well I often see players get it too far back and too far forward so let's put that to bed right now really really simple we want to have a slight descending blow so let's position that ball somewhere underneath the left ear that's going to put us in a perfect position to where we can still get that ball then ground contact but it's also going to be shallow enough to where we can still get that beautiful high launch so it's going to be that happy medium place again exactly the same way we'd set up to a forearm now once you're in that position then from there I like to go pretty even on the weight I do know players that like to have just a little bit more pressure in their left leg but I like to go pretty even to maybe a hair more pressure in my left leg finally from there we're just going to have a touch bit of shaft lean don't go crazy we don't want to take all the Loft off again we need some Loft here to hit the ball high but we also don't want to see the handle go back we don't want to feel like we're adding Loft in this shot so have a touch bit of shaft lean and now from there you're in a great position to just let it rip and don't be afraid to give it a bit of a hit let me give it a go for you right here so now what we're going to do is jump into two key swing thoughts that are going to massively help you increase your chances of hitting this successfully so like we said we're very much hitting this like a long iron that means when we're looking at angle of attack which is how is that club head traveling as it hits the ball we are still going to be seeing a descending blow we're going to be hitting the ball and then the grounds now you might not take a massive divot like you might do with an iron because of the width of the sole but we're still going to be bruising the ground as we hit it we still need that intent of hitting down now this can be sometimes quite hard to train and actually we don't even need to go to the golf course in order to do this what I want you to do is a very simple drill where you're going to grab a t you're going to pop it on the ground and you're going to place it so the t is pointing back at you so you've got quite a wide little area right there now here's the thing if you want to hit a Hybrid successful like I just said you've got to hit down on it so what I want you to do is set up to this t as if you are about to hit it now from here we want to make a swing and we want to be able to clip that t off the ground so that is no longer there and here's the thing if you can do it with a tee it's going to be an absolute Breeze with a golf ball so let me show you what that looks like I'm going to set up here pressures on can I do it first time first take let's have a go and as you can see I have absolutely crunched that too it's got about 30 yards right there and that is going to hone in my skills of making sure I can get that ball then ground contact by making things just that little bit harder in terms of putting our focus into really getting that good ground contact we're gonna find that when we add a ball in it's going to be so much easier so use that really simple drill the tea drill is going to massively help you train that descending blow making sure you can get that awesome contact now the final tip that I have is give it a bit of a hit we need speed to hit these longer clubs especially when we're hitting it off the ground yes the technology is in there to help you get the ball up in the air but the harder you can hit it the more clubhead speeds you have the easier the ball is going to get up in the air so what I want you to do is just don't be afraid of doing it add a bit of speed in there really try and just get that club swinging around you at a nice Fast Pace if you can do that your confidence is going to grow if you also do the tea drill whilst trying to add some speeds you're going to see some some really really awesome results now one of my favorite ways of doing this is to actually do what I call the kick start drill and you can do these in your rehearsal swings what does the Kickstart drill look like well you're going to set up inside the golf ball we're not going to hit a shot doing this you're going to lift the club up and move it about two foot forwards now the reason why this drill is awesome is because it sort of gives us a bit of a running start it gives us some momentum so it's going to train you just to swing just that a little bit faster so if I take it to that position and now I swing back from that I can learn what it feels like just to get a little bit of oomph a little bit of extra kick in the swing so then once I've done that a couple times in my pre-shot routine I can step on in and I can swing a little bit harder now again always remember we've got to maintain balance so don't swing to where you're falling off balance but don't be afraid to give it a hit don't get scared of it so let me show you what that looks like I've done those swings I feel like I've got some good speed now let's give it a hit so there you have it that is how you hit a Hybrid and a hybrid can become your best friend it can really be your get out of jail club now what I would also say is when you're hitting the hybrid off the tee tear at a sensible height you know tear at the same height you're teeing up an iron and hit it exactly the same way let's not over complicate this game this game is hard enough as it is let's keep things the same just a little bit of margin for on that too it's going to make life a lot easier now if you're looking for more one-to-one help with your game I offer online coaching on the Skillets platform see the link down below I've helped hundreds of people all around the world and I'd love to help you next if you have any questions about today's video please ask away but if not I hope you've enjoyed today's video if you have please give it a like And subscribe and I hope to see you back here soon
Channel: Giles Gill Golf
Views: 657,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Giles gill golf, Hybrid golf, danny maude golf, easy golf swing, effortless golf swing, gilesgill golf, gilesgillgolf, golf, golf coach, golf drills, golf instruction, golf lesson, golf lessons, golf swing, golf swing basics, golf swing tips, golf tips, hit a hybrid golf club, how to hit a hybrid, how to hit a hybrid golf club, how to hit hybrid golf clubs, how to play golf, hybrid golf clubs, hybrid golf clubs explained, hybrid golf swing, hybrid golf swing tips
Id: AqVRqm6PUm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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