Why Do I Miss Short Putts

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when you get down to amateur golfers and you're playing for real so they're not any gimmies the putt that is missed the most often is the three to four-footer I mean you don't expect to make the long putts even the tour Pros drop below 50% when they get past 8 ft but we amateurs miss a whole lot of three to four Footers that we shouldn't there's several reasons we missed those but one of the biggest ones is speed in this video we're going to talk about how to have perfect speed on three four 5 foot [Music] pip so when you hit the ball at the hole there are a lot of people who say oh if it's a three or four footer just charge it in bang it in there the problem with that is when you do that you make the hole smaller so unless you're absolutely perfect and starting it online you don't want to do that let me give you an example if you'll zoom in here I want you to look at what we're talking about with the hole so basically the hole is well that falls in that's my point the hole you're laye into the hole is about three balls wide if you hit it at the right speed look back at these balls though you see the ball to fall in the hole and they've proven this with research has to as it goes over the edge of the hole get to a point here's the mark line on this ball the equator has to get below the rim of the hole well if it's going too fast it's going fast enough that gravity doesn't have time to pull it in and so you have those lip outs I see people tend to do that a lot lip out these short ones the other big thing that we do is we hit these too soft and so that they don't go in and so on a putt that's on this target if I hit it too fast it doesn't go in if I hit it too slow it stops here in other words the faster you hit the putt the smaller the hole becomes because you have less margin for error it won't get the equator of the ball below the lip of the hole to go in so how do you get the perfect speed for those so the perfect speed for putts in the four to 5 foot range is tap end speed I'm going to illustrate that for us now so here I've got a coin here that's about 5T from the hole and on the golf course this is too long to be a gimme and so you got to make it plus it's around where we're not taking any gimmies it's a comp competitive round and most of us step up over the ball and we get nervous and we do things like oh I've got to hit this on the right line and we leave it short like that because we don't know how to hit it or other times it's like okay I'm going to pound this in there so that I won't leave it short and a lot of the mentality here is the hole is Bumpy it's been stomped around right at the hole you want to hit it firm enough to get through that that's a great idea but when you try to pound it in there well I missed that one terribly but when you try to pound it in there here's what happens you hit it too firm and it lifts out so here's how to hit those putts to show you what to do to get tap in speed on that four 5-footer I'm going to actually ask the cameraman to help us out a little bit so let's come right here Mr cameram man there's one what's that 12 12 maybe 15 Ines or so all right I'm going to take the camera and you hit that like you would do it if you were tapping in that putt all right so here we've got a putt that's about 12 Ines or so and I've got Leroy my cameraman he's just going to hit it like he was tapping it tapping it in that speed okay so now what I want you to do is you take that same putt that's 12 in or so and hit it where you miss it same speed but hit it where you miss it off to one side or the other all right so that was tap in speed and you're three what four feet past maybe something like that okay now let's go to this five foot putt I've got it marked here with a coin so I got you on a five-footer here what I want you to do is just forget about the hole and I've got you on the right line but just tap it like My toe is the hole hit that at that tap end speed how about that go back and do it again so we've got about a 5T putt here and it's got a little brake in it so you got to be careful and the right speed is important what I want you to do is and I'm going to try to get on the line for you there you go my toe you're tapping the Putt in like it like My toe is the hole just tap it in it's amazing how that works and that was the perfect speed you were actually off the line a tiny bit but because it was going the right speed the equator it it dropped in didn't lip out yeah you didn't you didn't have the lip out in addition to the speed on these let's give them a little bit of bonus work I see so many people on these oh it's a shorter Putt and they don't make take the time to set up square and make sure they keep the club face Square you do you see that a lot Leroy the head down yeah and the head down so what walk through your setup and routine on this one what you would do while we have Leroy the cameraman putting I want you to notice he takes the time on this five-footer to get set up be solid watch his head and body he's still hitting at tap end speed but he takes it as a serious putt so the other thing that's key on these even though you're hitting it at tap in speed is being set up ball in the same position every time solid and then still ESS notice his head didn't come up and see that ball go in the hole he was set up Square kept the putter face Square didn't pull his head or body once you move your head or your body the putter face goes offline and you'll miss these so on these putts that are four or five feet take a good solid setup make a smooth stroke keeping the putter face Square and don't worry so much about babying it or not babying it or pounding it just treat it like a 12in tap in so I'm tapping it into there on the right line and the speed will be perfectly fine if you'll do that you'll make more putts by the way if you'll subscribe to this channel that'll give you all kinds of tips help you make more putts and you know the rest of the drill like subscribe comment share and here's to you going out having fun golf rounds and making more [Music] putts
Channel: Mister One Putt
Views: 9,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aimpoint short putts, golf putting speed control, golf short putts, hole more putts, how to hole more putts, missing short putts, missing short putts right, missing short putts under pressure, perfect speed for short putter, perfect speed for short putting, perfect speed for short putts, putts, short downhill putts, short game, short putt distance, short putt distance control, short putts, short putts golf, stop missing putts, why do i miss short putts
Id: j3GBb-kxuoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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