Italian Chef Reacts to GORDON RAMSAY Perfect Pasta Video

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gordon you've done it again you have done it again today we are reacting to you how to cook pasta the perfect way gordon please gordon please [Music] today we are reacting to golden ramsey advice on how to cook the perfect pasta i mean he doesn't know how to make carbonara but i hope i hope he knows how to cook pasta is a michelin star chef so you must know let's see if gordon can do it it can be easily undercooked or overcooked here's how to do it properly first water in nice large pan to make sure the pasta's got sufficient room to cook evenly perfect perfect large pot lots of water so the pasta has room to cook to dance to enjoy you know nicely seasoned absolutely crucial absolutely crucial you put salt a nice large amount of salt in the water you're not eating the water you're not drinking the water you need the salty water to give the flavor to your pasta olive oil in that stops the pasta from sticking together that's not true guys that's not true who told you that why do you waste the extra virgin olive oil in the pasta water never never never waste the extra virgin olive oil first because it's expensive second because you don't waste it like that it's such a beautiful beautiful ingredient it's the best olive oil the best oil for you to eat you don't waste any water okay you need a large pot lots of water that's the secret not to get your pasta get stuck together that's what you do nothing else never olive oil bring it up to the ball that's the rolling boil the secret there it stops the pasta from sticking together and it gently rolls it around yeah you need the boiling you need the boiling to cook the pasta the boiling keeps the pasta cooking so into the pan as it hits the water it melts and then you turn it round tongs as that starts to melt gently twist that yeah you can do that as long as you put the pasta inside the water that's what you need to do find your way to put the pasta inside the water into the pan bring it back up to the boil if you're bad at timing then set a timer beautiful to test it lift a little strand and you can actually feed it with your fingers it's still nice and firm dente authentic does he naturally know well then that means i hope he does i'll then the means to the tooth like when you eat it this kind of like almost gets stuck to your throat you can't really feel it you know it's not soft it's not moist it's like you know you'll feel it bite not a strong bite but just really nice and firm inside definitely not crunchy definitely not crunchy and definitely not crunchy it's true because if your bus is crunchy it means it's not cooked into a colander drain the pasta now drain the pasta which is okay i always recommend get one mug one cup of water from the pasta water just put it in there and keep it on the side because you might need a little bit of pasta water when you mix it with the sauce a light seasoning salt oh what did he do he seasoned the pasta with salt all right gordon how many how many michelin stars do you have you never do that what are you doing peppa peppa what are you doing where is the sauce you mix it with the sauce right now right now the pasta needs to go in the sauce you toss it toss it mix it with the thongs or whatever you want to do for spoon mix it mix it no salt salt is in the water salt is in the sauce you can add pepper right at the end when you put it in the plate what are you doing salt in in the pasta after it's cooked a tablespoon of olive oil why is he wasting more extra virgin olive oil he's not making all the oreo he's not making a raw alio because he's still the pasta is still in the colander so all the olive oil goes at the bottom right now what are you doing gordon come on you're know the teenager mix that through that stops it from sticking together it's not true doesn't help to stick together when you cook pasta you put it straight away in the sauce if you leave your pasta on the side it will stick together you don't do that you cook the pasta once the sauce is ready the sauce is ready pasta is ready put the pasta in the sauce mix it mix and mix it the won't get stuck together but if you leave your pasta in the colander it will get stuck and it's not nice you don't want the pasta to be cold pasta cook the pasta remove pasta from the boiling water straight in the sauce mix mix mix parmesan cheese little bit of pepper and enjoy it and look there you go beautiful pasta al dente does he know what al dente means he didn't try and he said al dente no no no this is just not the right advice this is not what you do so what i recommend you is going check out the views on my channel and i'll show you to make the pasta the perfect way the 10 mistakes that most beginners make when cooking pasta you guys need to watch it and you can take your pasta skills to the next level thank you so much for watching this episode gordon please stop doing this video okay just do something else we will see you in the next vincenzo's play video recipe eurozimanja vincenzo's plate you
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 448,064
Rating: 4.8102918 out of 5
Keywords: I am shocked at Gordon Ramsay Perfect Pasta Video, how to cook pasta, spaghetti, italian chef react to gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay carbonara, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, italian chef react to, italian chef react to pasta, italian chef reacts to popular pasta video, italian chef react to gordon ramsay pasta video, italian chef reaction pasta, chef react to pasta, perfect pasta gordon ramsay, pro chef react to gordon ramsay, vincenzo's plate
Id: _rkEtn_2L9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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