10 Mistakes People Make COOKING PASTA at Home

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today we are talking about how to cook the pasta perfectly and we're talking about the 10 mistakes that beginners make when they cook pasta in Italy I grew up eating Italian food and pasta is always been my favorite thing to eat on the planet so as an Italian I've been eating pasta the right way all my life so I want you to experience what my belly has been experiencing all my life so are you ready to cook pasta the right way [Music] I am welcome to the chainsaws plate the place where you learn to cook Italian residence with fun today we learn together how to cook the right pasta step by step I want you to become a fantastic pasta cook because you can't do it you know you can do it better than the restaurant so let's start tip number one is the pasta you need to buy top quality pasta now there are different types of pasta you can buy and how do you know which one is best it's not just for the branding what I recommend you the easiest thing to you to remember when you buy pasta is look at the cooking time so if you add two spaghetti options look at the one that takes longer to cook the one that takes longer to cook it's a better one another advice is to the two spaghetti next to each other one has a lighter color the other one is a dark yellow close to orange this one close to orange is not a good one this one is light yellow it is the good one okay I hope these advice will help you when you go and buy pasta from the shop [Applause] tip number two this is a pot but is not a pasta pasta when you cook pasta you need to use a large pot the reason why is because pasta needs space to cook it's like when you go to a nightclub when you go and dance you want space when you dance pasta needs to dance in a lot or water it needs to have fun the pastor needs to move and dance around so when you cook your pasta you get a large pot put lots of water in there and bring it to boil okay bring the pasta to boil you don't pay a little money for water it's only water from the sink and it is very very important tip number three prepare your sauce before you cook the pasta so at the moment we have the water that we need to bring to boil not boiling it and we need to wait you need to prepare the sauce because the sauce needs to be ready when the pasta is ready so you make any soul that you want today we're making a normal easy delicious base of tomato sauce I already made the sauce this is from the bottles that we sell you can change the spray bottle only available in Sydney at the moment and I just bring it I just want to warm it up when you cook your sauce use a saucepan according to our much pasta you're cooking you find making possible to am using a small saucepan if I make pasta for the family I'm using a bigger saucepan if I'm making a ragu a bolognese sauce then it's easier to use a large pot [Music] tip number four the souls it's almost ready the pasta water it's boiling so we need to add the salt when you add the salt you want to be generous you want to add 1 spoon of rock salt or sea salt that's what we recommend and you want the flavor the pasta to get the flavor in the pot so pastel doesn't have any salt okay so one spoon one tablespoon I guess it's enough my Nona will put two tablespoons of salt and you give extra flavor to your pasta tip number five read the cooking instructions on your pasta packet behind the pocket or the front it tells you nine minutes ten minutes seven minutes okay so from the moment that you put the pasta into the boiling water you count the minutes okay so put the pasta in give it a little stir and from there you count okay if you follow the instruction on the packet if you don't go wrong every pasta is different there is no need for you to put pasta on the wall or to do anything else you wanna do you can actually try a little bit of pasta to see if is ready the reason why we cook the pasta right now is because salt is ready and as soon as the pasta is ready so let's say the packet says nine minutes after the ninth minute I take the pasta out and I put a straight in the sauce that's why this is very important that you do it right at the end because if you go past them before in advance you know that's it you're gonna lose all the benefits all the flavors and all the deliciousness of the pasta okay you know the pasta is boiling and I can say after about five to six minutes that is boiling what you do get a cup pudding get a little bit of water that water right now after five or six minutes is full of starch it starch you need to combine the pasta and the sauce I put it on the side for now so I'll you take the pasta out of the water you can use tongs so use use tongs and get the pasta out a little bit at the time and put it straight into the sauce you can use a small strainer and strainer and get tongs to help you and you can again get the past out and pull it in the sauce another thing you can do which is what manic grandmother has been doing all their life you put a strainer in the sink or colander are you call it a colander throw away the pasta in there together with the water and get rid of the water and you put the pasta straight into the pan if you use tortellini ravioli I don't recommend you to strain the pasta in the sink but just get the pasta a little bit of the time with a spoon without so it's easier for you more delicate to manage the ravioli or any type of filled pasta romantic at aura is when you combine the flavors together so the past done is to get the flavor from the sauce extremely important you want to mix the starches with the sauce so you create an emulsion and that's what gives an explosion of a penis into your mouth okay that cup of starch you know they would mark the teacup of starch water you put it inside your pasta now don't do it all of it just put accordingly to what your names mix and you will see get your sauce will get thicker and you get more out of it you know what I mean if you use rigatoni or penne you want the sauce to go inside yeah use spaghetti I want every single spaghetti to be wet from the pasta that's what I want it is extremely extremely important I've seen people getting the pasta let it rest there which is not good and then put it in the plate just with olive oil then you put Nixon on top or you put just the sauce on top you're missing out I'm sorry to be so direct but what's gonna happen to your past or the passages in your flavors even if you mix it in the plate you're not gonna be able to mix it the same way because by the time you do that the past and dried up the sauce doesn't have what gives you the flavor you know what I mean it's hard to explain I know especially for you have been doing this or their life but try what I'm saying to you now try this way and you will take your pastor to the next level it's like the five star it's on your restaurants you know like you don't do you need to go and pay $25 for a plate of pasta you can do it in your own kitchen following these basic steps yeah they are basic try what I'm saying to you now and then you will be able to tell me being changed so you wait right and thank you and that's what I want you to say thank you and subscribe tip number eight add Parmesan or pecorino on top of your pasta always unless it's seafood then it's up to you know getting involved into this conversation but any pasta you make you need to add Parmesan or pecorino right at the end when it's in the plate put it in there and enjoy it's a must you must do this [Music] number nine it can sound stupid the tape money is very important and how many people do you need to serve your pasta hot when you put it on the play on the table it needs to be written straight away if you want to take photos what I recommend you to do to make an extra plate just for photos just for Instagram you can take the photos after when you finish your meal but the pasta needs to be served straight away if you make pasta you need a seat on the table for a long time you're not going to enjoy the way you should last but not least eat your pasta we'd love yes wanna say that I really want you to wear the pasta the way I'm telling you to do it not so love into it and enjoy yes it takes effort to do what I tell you to do it takes a little bit more time you have steps to follow but you are going to love it and you need to eat it with love and all your guests aren't going to either with love they are under sand and maybe you'll your guests can you know make sure they bring wine make sure to help you to clean make sure the hell to help you - - to enjoy the evening they would make your evening more special trust me and everyone will be everyon will give you compliments like you never receive compliments imagine of making this pasta or the path that you were doing until yesterday just a simple pasta with no dressing and the chicken on top trust me this pasta Oh get your compliments so thank you so much for watching this episode I hope it helped you if you didn't okay um I tried if we did just write a comment below I appreciate cook we love put passion into your food and family will come together hmm thank you so much an aorist manga being chained throws plate [Music]
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 213,508
Rating: 4.9436054 out of 5
Keywords: 10 mistakes people make cooking pasta at home, cook pasta at home, how to cook pasta perfectly, how to cook pasta gordon ramsay, how to cook pasta, cooking pasta, pasta tips, pasta cooking, how to make pasta taste good, pasta hacks, pasta tricks, 10 tips for better pasta at home, tips for cooking pasta, pasta fails, pasta skills, better pasta, better pasta at home, mistakes beginners make cooking pasta, pasta cooking tutorial, how to cook perfect pasta, vincenzo's plate
Id: Sq7xryeX_fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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