Italian Chef Reacts to JAMIE OLIVER CARBONARA Video

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it's time to react to jamie oliver carbonara jamie oliver is the king he's my inspiration the reason why i've started my youtube channel so can i react to his video let's see i and welcome to vincenzo's plate the place where you get to learn how to cook italian food in your own kitchen so many of you have been asking me to react to jamie oliver carbonara and this is it he is my favorite chef on the planet the best of the best so am i able to react the way i normally react to jamie order he is my king how do i react let's see pasta cream bacon cream perfect way to start jamming well done jamie well done no cream hi guys we're gonna make spaghetti carbonara a classic italian dish pasta cheese bacon what's not to love right but it's really controversial i want to give you what i think is the most authentic recipe so first up guys see what jamie said is very important like it's gonna show you us how to make a classic carbonara okay which is important to know the classic way jaime online also made other recipes like asparagus carbonara or there were so many different oh my dad loves fish carbonara the base it's always the same but it replaces the the pig chick or the bacon like you normally do with the asparagus to make a vegetarian or we can use zucchini or with the fish but you need to remember that the classic carbonara is made with simple ingredients and that's the ingredients you use if you do like gordon ramsay where you change completely the razory you can call it carbonara this is very important for you to remember you can change the dish and still call it the same you only need five ingredients guanchali this is the cured cheek of pork and as you can see it's all about the fat of course it's similar to smoked bacon and you can get some pretty good results actually but you can see this is quite lean or there's pancetta great great he showed us perfectly show that's what the guanciale is amazing pronunciation by the way jamie the guanciale he had was fantastic so you cut it into cubes or into strips okay you want the nice chunks you use the pancetta and the smoked bacon uh i did show you that okay it's fine you're meant to use cute bacon if you want to use bacon but okay i can't go against jamie the thing is the pancetta and the bacon that you had there was way too thin but you always need to get chunks chunks of bacon or chunks of pancetta lactic one charlie and then you chop it into strips or cubes you can't really use the thin version because it doesn't give you that consistency that flavor that taste that you really want in the carbonara then most people use parmesan but actually the more classic is pecorino romano sheep's cheese it's crumbly it's salty see the big difference between pecorino and parmigiano okay lots of different parmigiano scalp pecorino sheep it's richer yes saltier i know people like to mix parmigiano and pecorino or people just like to use parmigiano do what you want um i like my beautiful rich strong flavor of pecorino but if you like parmigiano go for it and then optional garlic so jamie jamie why did you say optional garlic huh did you watch gordon ramsay video why did you say that come on jaime no garlic grab the pasta buy two hands twist it into the water by twisting it it won't stick together put a tiny amount of salt in this water because the cheese and the guanciale is salty okay so he's saying is cheese when charlie are salty yes that's correct you don't put too much salt in the water yes that's correct the other thing is i will recommend you guys is maybe just um just because i've got feedback from everyone maybe just wait to cook the pasta i will recommend you to start from cooking the meat and the ingredients and then do the pasta once you have the guanciale ready i'll tell you that because i don't want you to be stressed and be in a situation where your grandchild is not ready yet and your pasta is ready because the past and then will become too soft so what i recommend if you're not an expert in the kitchen start by cooking your sauce always and cook the pasta only at the end when you know that your salt is ready okay almost ready so i've got my guanciale i'm going to remove the skin and i'm going to take a nice centimeter slice of the guanciale roughly chop this to about half centimeter chunks that's what i was talking about before so basically the guanciale or the pancetta or the cute bacon you can use okay use cute bacon if you can't find anything else but cut into chunks cut it into chunks like you did now with the guanciale if you guys are vegetarian or a few guys for your religion you can have pork you can use zucchini you can use fish use something else okay but always have chunks of it the pan is cold turn it on to a medium high heat the reason i want it cold is because i want to render the fat out fat fat fantastic you want to cook the bacon oil one charlie slowly calmly relaxing you want the grandchili to be delicious that's why i said to you just wait to cook the pasta you know because when charlie might take longer than 10 minutes to cook give the garlic a crack and then put it in the pan why did you do that jamie why did you do that let's see why you did it as this starts to sizzle the fat will just pull out some of that perfume from the garlic then okay let's see what he's doing i see what he's doing he's adding the garlic in there to give the extra flavor my that's probably a good idea even though the guanciale already have the garlic in it as a flavoring you know but this is a good idea jamie this is a really good idea as long as you're going to remove the garlic there's the black pepper get your peppercorns in a pestle and water crack it get a little sieve this is one of the most important little bits and no one really does it okay honestly this is the outer skin this is much milder what we have here is the inside part the peppercorn which is hotter perfect for a good hot carbonara wow wow jamie fantastic really like that technique i'm gonna do it i'll definitely do it but why did you put pepper on the guanciale when charlie already has pepper inside i'm sorry jamie you're meant to put the pepper in the in in the cream that you make with the eggs not in there on the ground chocolate because you don't need it there and the problem is you only have that pepper you didn't spread the pepper so what's what's what are you doing there you go you got three pieces of guanciale with a lot of pepper but everything else doesn't have it anyway there is pepper inside the guanciale that's how it's made eggs are really really delicate and if you don't treat these right you end up with stir-fried noodles and we don't want that no we don't want your stir-fry noodles jamie no we don't want that i'm going to crack the egg straight into there and i'm just going to add a little pecorino to that so like 20 grams now we're time since only 20 grams come on jamie come on jimmy don't be a tight ass put more in there we've got dark guanciale you've got the fat that's come out of it and that's what you want you want attitude and color correct attitude and color beautiful look how beautiful the grandchild looks see the oil the guanciale the fat from the one charlie create the oil which is full of flavors please remove that garlic please remove that garlic turn the heat off and we're going to drag the pasta and the water into the pan a bit of water a bit of water he's cute he's amazing he's amazing i love jenny i love the way it moves the way he moves his hands he's the best james the best that water and the fat that is what's going to emulsify to become a creamy sauce we're not frying anymore can you hear that okay so this is the moment where you're meant to switch off your pan in my video i actually don't switch off the pan i put the pan on a very very very low heat the reason why is because you can do it very very low heat for people who are not experts it does help to have the heat very very low okay now to do this technique where you basically switch off the pan and then you're going to add the cream and toss it it's a bit more difficult to do so if you are a basic cook i will keep the pan at a very very very very low heat and have a little bit of pasta water in there only then can we think about adding our egg as we toss we add some more liquid the reason why you add more liquid is because it doesn't create the scramble because you know the pan is still hot so you don't get the scrambled eggs and which you do want a tiny bit of scramble but not really depends that's a different topic here because some people like to scramble some people don't like it but you do need the pasta water because the pasta water helps to make a creamy to emulsify everything together and it is such an important ingredient it could be the most important ingredient at this point of the recipe that's the cream you get the cream through the emulsification of the cooking water and the fat so that's it's a bit unclear how much used okay so uh it looks creamy it does look creamy everything it did is perfect i'm just a little bit concerned about the pepper at the beginning when you put it on the green charlie i'm concerned about the quantity of eggs i didn't use enough eggs um but let's see what else is going to do now it's creamy it's beautiful it's done right uh definitely done the right way forget about gordon or markup you're white this is how you do it see jamie's english and he's showing everyone that english british can cook carbonara very well so don't tell me that in britain in the uk you make carbonara your way because jaime who is the king is making carbonara the authentic way and technique and timing so as simple as this is it's technical get your friends your family get them around the table glass of wine look at that guys look at that carbonara and you finish with more pepper look how creamy look how creamy the pasta is look how beautiful the pasta is it puts so much love in it it did it did a random opposite jamie well done jamie well done you make me very very proud spaghetti carbonara with a beautiful little finishing of pecorino that is as classic as i can give you guys he made it so classic it made it so beautiful carbonara should be covered by paper and he did that carbonara should be covered by pecorino and he did that you know it's amazing jamie well done if i'm going to recreate this carbonara i will be extremely happy you will be extremely happy so jamie oliver is great jamie laura is a master he really wanted to impress all of us and he did he did and i'm going to try to add the garlic in the guanciale just to see if it makes any difference i'm going to to do what it did before there's a little platter for two people and of course the most important thing when you eat pasta is don't watch it eat it [Music] it's just the queen he's the king jamie i can't well honestly guys i want to meet jamie i never had the pleasure to meet him i really want to do it i was living in london when jamie started to become jamie oliver and we used to work in restaurants very close by um i was in pattany bridge he was in pattany bridge and that's where he became famous it was like 200 meters from the restaurant i used to work to i really want to meet this guy please please write a comment below and write a comment on jamie's page tell jaime to watch this video please and hopefully we can connect he's my inspiration so what more can i say thank you guys for watching this episode i think jamie did a great job we will see you in the next reaction video just let me know what else i can react to just write a link below and let me know what videos i can react to okay let's teach the world how to make the food the right way and yes you can be creative yes you can add your twist but don't tell me you don't want to learn how to do the classic way you can do what you want in your kitchen i'm not coming to your kitchen to react now but with these reaction videos we want to teach you how the classic way is done and then once you know how it's done you can add your twist i hope it's clear so thank you so much it's time to go and make some carbonara
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 642,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian chef reacts to jamie oliver carbonara, italian chef react to jamie oliver, jamie oliver carbonara, italian chef reacts to carbonara, italian chef reacts to popular carbonara videos, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, italian chef reaction carbonara, italian chef react to, chef react to carbonara, spaghetti carbonara, carbonara italian chef reaction, spaghetti carbonara jamie oliver, jamie oliver carbonara reaction, jamie, oliver, jamieoliver, carbonara, vincenzo's plate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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