How to Make BRUSCHETTA Like an Italian

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ladies and gentlemen today i'm showing you how to make bruschetta no bruschetta bruschetta the classic way you don't have a barbecue that's fine i show you how to make it at home three different ways easy fantastic classic bruschetta i have a fresh mouth right now refresh your mouth with bruschetta i and welcome to the chancellor's plate with my bruschetta come on guys let's make this together let's not order bruschetta from the restaurant anymore you must make bruschetta at home there are so many different ways of making bruschetta bruschetta is not just with tomatoes you can use grilled zucchini you can use mozzarella you can use sausages you can use honestly anything have plans and you be creative you know bruschetta is creative but today i'm going to show you the classic original way now bread very important you can use the paneer de casa or any italian bread that you like or sourdough i'm a big fan of sourdough and i do want to use sourdough today and i'll show you how beautiful it is then we need some nice fresh basil it needs to be fresh two options of tomatoes i've got cherry tomatoes and i'm gonna show you what i do with the cherry tomatoes or we can use a classic normal tomato two cloves of garlic i'm gonna use one garlic to actually put on the bread and one piece of garlic to put in the tomatoes you can use red onions if you prefer okay up to you extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper simple ingredients now with the tomatoes what i actually like to do you'll be surprised i'm not using a chopping board to cut them what i like to do is i like to cut them with a tomato knife of course and just cut it like this into small cubes okay as small as you can please as small as you can just like this oh beautiful i want to get all the juice out i don't want to do this on the chopping board because if i cut the tomatoes on the chopping board what's going to happen it's going to happen that the juice will stay on the chopping board thank god to the person that created tomatoes thank you tomato maker thank you now i like to do everything with my hands okay i want fill the tomato okay the tomato is there we're gonna put a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil when i say generous i mean generous don't count can be three four five tablespoons we're gonna put a nice generous amount of salt okay just nice salt we're gonna put some pepper tomatoes like the pepper just the pepper there beautiful beautiful now i like to crush my garlic i like to use a crusher because i think you know you crush the garlic so good and when you put the garlic in the tomatoes it kind of disappears in the tomato i don't want to have chunks of garlic in my mouth beautiful now you say to me oh we don't want garlic in the tomatoes what can we do well use red onion you don't want to use red onion well don't use anything just keep it simple last but not least we're going to use this beautiful basil okay beautiful basil from the garden okay if you can't find it from the garden go to a shop that sells beautiful basil and this is how i like to break it okay break it with your hands straight from there you break it with your hands in small pieces you want to put the old leaf put the entire leaf but i like to break it and when i break it i smell my hands i love the smell basil see if i was a woman i would ask you to give me basil plants for valentine's day the one thing left to do mix and i'm using my hands use a fork if you don't feel comfortable i'm doing this because i want to feel my tomatoes beautiful and my hands are washed by the way here's what we do ah look at the juice look at the juice that we get over here the juice from the tomato the extra virgin olive oil brings all the juice out look look what we got over here look at that see this see they see the juice this is what you want because the bruschetta the bread needs the juice over there if you let it rest you're gonna get more juice out of the tomatoes okay if you don't have time to rest it it's still okay but if you do have the 10 20 30 extra minutes just let it rest and look what you get you get more and more juice juice this is better than gold another fantastic option to make bruschetta is to actually use cherry tomatoes and i'm using top quality cherry tomatoes here and what we do is we cut them enough why because what we're going to do is we're going to squeeze the cherry tomatoes on top of the bruschetta and all the juice will go out fantastically right on the bread and i'm gonna show you so just get good cherry tomatoes nice and juicy you know you want the juice to come out no juice no party [Music] i'm going to show you how to cook the bruschetta three different ways keep in mind the original way is to use charcoal you need to have a barbecue charcoal barbecue and you actually grill toast the bread on the charcoal we are inside we don't have charcoal so what do we do one option one is the skillet we're gonna put a skillet very high temperature on the cooktop other option is to use the toaster the toaster it's fantastic option three is to use the oven so what you do you turn the broiler the grill on top and the fan force option at the same time at 200 celsius degrees first option i'm gonna show you is the skillet okay the skillet is on a very high temperature it's very very hot i can feel it and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to put a bread and toss both sides so when it's ready i don't know when it's ready we have to keep checking okay so in a couple of minutes we go and check and when we have those beautiful dark lines it means our bread it's ready to be turned after a couple of minutes i'm gonna turn the bread and look what we get look at that see this is what you want to get this is the achievement this is what you want to achieve it's a bit hot but see that this is beautiful this is the color that you want the toaster the almond can not give you this color okay this is as close as it gets to the barbecue and now it's time to turn them and see if they're cooked ah yeah they are look at this look at this beauty look at the perfect color it looks like i cooked them on charcoal but instead we use the skillet it's fantastic now what do we do we put the garlic on top so it melts on the bread look at that look how beautiful it is beautiful melting garlic on top of the bruschetta fantastic and now we're gonna put the tomato look at the juice there for the juice first spread the juice everywhere yes baby let's spread the juice now we add the tomatoes ah yes the beautiful tomatoes on our bruschetta this is what we want guys you don't have to order bruschetta from the restaurant please don't do that they can't put the love that you can put on your bruschetta look how much love i'm putting i'm not kissing the tomato but they can feel the love look at that look at that the basil on top better on top we put the extra juice on top wow and first pro skaters are ready to be eaten come on [Music] now the toaster what you can do is you can put the bread in like this standing up or if you're sliced it's small then what you can do you can actually put it in like this and the toaster is the faster option okay it's gonna do the job in no time okay so this bruschetta will be quickly done [Music] look how perfect the toaster makes the bruschetta so now guys before we put the tomato on top you get a piece of garlic you get a garlic clove and you just go like this on top okay the bread is nice and hot it's crunchy you do this and the garlic melts on it you see it's perfect once this is done we're gonna put the tomato right on top beautiful tomato right on top and we're gonna put some juice as well you know the juice is extremely extremely important here put the juice on top and give extra [Music] flavor [Music] now the third and last option is to actually cook the bruschetta in the oven so you need baking paper you put a bread here on top and then we place it in the oven but what we use is we need to use fan first and the grill the broiler together at the same time okay so we cook from the top from the side the good part about this is that you can actually make bruschetta with something that you want to melt so let's say you want to put mozzarella on top or any cheese on top okay or you want to cook sausages you just spread the sausage means on top of the bruschetta you put it in the oven you're cooking the bread and what's on top okay so the oven it's a great option when you want to melt something on the bruschetta i like it otherwise i use the toaster or the skillet okay guys this is what you get when you put it in the oven okay we've got broiler the grill and the fan force you get this now if you get a little bit burned don't worry about it it's more authentic isn't it more authentic so what you do you get a knife and you just remove the burn part okay you will be fine use charcoal most likely you will get this so now what do we do now okay we put extra virgin olive oil on top beautiful extra virgin olive oil and then we're going to squeeze the cherry tomato on top just like that just like this and then we leave it there okay so one we got two look at that look at the juice look at this juice coming out look at this juice do then we have another one here so three yes baby yes baby and then the one again here beautiful juice look how much juice we have on this one more one more yes and here we have one bruschetta with a little bit of basil sprinkle of salt some pepper and here we have the bruschetta with fresh cherry tomatoes here is how you make the cherry tomatoes bruschetta simple delicious yummy full of flavors and most importantly full of juice juice is what we want [Music] guys this is the best time of the video recipe the moment i've been waiting for time to eat luca is beautiful bruschetta listen to the crunch listen to the crunch [Music] what else can i say guys what can i say thank you so much for watching the episode we will see you in the next vincenzo's play video recipe eurasimanja mean change those plate go to the shops buy the tomatoes buy the bread buy the basil and make your bruschetta um
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 626,945
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Keywords: how to make bruschetta, how to make bruschetta like an italian, italian bruschetta, how to make italian bruschetta, how to make bruschetta at home, how to make bruschetta with tomatoes, how to make bruschetta in oven, bruschetta, bruschetta recipe, bruscetta, tomato bruschetta, bruschetta tomato, authentic bruschetta, bruschetta bread, brushetta recipe, recipe bruschetta, traditional bruschetta, how to make brushetta, italian bruschetta recipe, vincenzo, vincenzo's plate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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