Italian Chef Reacts to GORDON RAMSAY Carbonara Video

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This guy praised Jamie Oliver.... opposite of Uncle Roger

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jay_eba888 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ramsey went full Jamie Oliver on this dish

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Flimsy-Many7268 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I found out about Uncle Roger from watching this guy.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Longjumping-Ninja-19 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
gordon ramsay is the nightmare [Music] i and welcome to vincenzo's plate today we are reacting to the most one of the most popular carbonara videos and it's a video made by gordon ramsay he abused so many people in his life what are you an idiot sandwich and now it's time to take revenge i'm taking revenge guys for all of you who were abused by him now he's a great character he was very aggressive now he's very sweet it changed so much as you can see in this video guys he made carbonara which he was terrible that's how i start my video so let's watch it together and let's see step by step all the mistakes that he made to the neighbors loved my neighbor now welcome to ramsey in 10 hope you're well um what an amazing week it's been and first of all a big thank you what a nice guy this guy became i mean if you watched the videos from 10 years ago it was not nice come on garage yo keith and gary they just got all quiet none of you are working as a team where's the lamb sauce that's how it used to be and now it's so sweet no no no because i haven't actually started cooking yet this is the prep okay oh we throw salt on the floor in italy we're very superstitious we're done really throw salt in front of you always at the back we should be putting garlic mushrooms inside the carbonara but let me tell you something really important initially they do it with the concealer the cheek and there's no cream and there's a touch of regular garlic but hey excuse me what do you say in italy to do like this so why are you changing it you're not doing carbonara why did you say neither we put garlic we don't put garlic never never put garlic in carbonara all right i understand you're in england you're saying i'm in england i can make it a different carbonara but it's carbonara so what if i make a burger and i don't put meat i put mushroom is that do you still call it a classic burger oh come on sweetie you give us gino the campo so these will give you is a mushroom and some garlic or some peas as well mushroom peas garlic there's nothing about carbonara you're using bacon okay we've got some smoked sticky bacon normal street bacon touch of cream see it's mocked bacon first it's very thin so it doesn't give you the texture that you want you want the bacon if you use bacon or pancetta or guanciale the way it should be you want that to be thick thick slices and you can cut into cubes you want that texture in your mouth when you have it okay also pancetta and pig chick is cured smoked bacon doesn't give you the right flavor i'm sorry to come fresh egg yolks and um beautiful spaghetti take between seven and nine minutes al dente now this baguette is using his brain called divella they used to be so good in the old days you know in the 90s in the 80s now it just became such a big commercial brand if you look at the pasta it's almost orange i don't recommend you to use this pasta mushroom i've got a little bit of chili there ground pedalla or parmigiano some garlic and a touch of chili to give it some heat chili so you're basically combining spaghetti olio pasta with peas bacon on egg roll mushroom pasta and i don't know if what's about there's nothing about carbonara in here i've never been a big fan of parsley um especially when they just dump on the side of the place and we'll chop that why are you putting pasta if you're not a fan don't put parsley parsley doesn't belong to carbonara in okay let it melt don't break it and just twist that around okay lid back on and bring that up to the ball now like i said the classic carpenter is done with a little bit of concealer but we're going to go a little bit more sort of exciting and just cut these he said bacon is more exciting are you kidding me i mean pig chick is very exclusive and that's exciting my friend bacon it's something you can find all the time and you eat all the time that's not exciting that's average everyday meal why street bacon you're asking okay it's got the most amazing flavor but more importantly it's got a lot of fat on there it is good he said there's lots of fat you do want fat okay it is important but it's just too thin that bloody bacon now from there bake it in okay this guy's really messy in the kitchen i just put water into a hot oil the secret here is to make sure we've got a really nice color on the bacon now black pepper in okay it is very very important when you cook your made for carbonara you cook it slowly you want to get a crispy on the outside tender on the inside you don't want to stress the meat why is the pasta already cooking if and he's probably cooking the bacon way too fast and in a low or you know very high heat and i don't think you get the texture that you really want in the carbonara why i really like that going in there from there take your garlic i like leaving the garlic in slice them nice and thinly okay and then you can actually keep them whole and take them out before you serve it but in like so and then what is using garlic two and a half minutes down if you want to use garlic which you are not meant to saute the garlic before you put the bacon are you doing the opposite this is basic this is basic garden this is basic turn that around that pasta water is going to be absolutely crucial in a minute that's right pasta water is going to be crucial because it's full of starch and that's what you need to create the creaminess mushrooms don't slice them too thinly okay sometimes we just got a bit of bacon spaghetti you sort of look for the ingredients it gives you a little bit of body what are you talking about a touch of black pepper and a touch of salt in there it puts so much salt in there which you don't need man bacon is should be salt okay just one beautiful red chili i know you're gonna ask me that you're fine you're not really fine beautiful red chili with a rainbow pasta what is doing we got so many colors in this dish there is nothing about carbonara would you buy a pizza margherita from the shop and then they give you a meat lover's pizza do you still call it pizza margarita that's basically what he's doing you're ordering carbonara from the restaurant and he's delivering you a rainbow pasta with whatever he wants i don't think you should have put chili in it just a mature please it's a touch of chili look at that there it is just call it gordon ramsay lock down rainbow pasta but look at the soupy bacon it looks expensive bacon now because all that fat's gone and that flavor's in there it looks like ham it turned like a ham to be honest to me and i like the meat to be cut into cubes when you make carbonara okay i want a great vanilla inside the eggs grana padano that's the cheapest cheese you can get parmigiano-reggiano okay pecorino is the right way the right cheese to use for carbonara but grana padano guys come on i know it's it was in lockdown but someone like gordon ramsay he can get all the ingredients you want come on now i said you use a little bit of milk milk so now we're making a mac and cheese what are you doing so grate some parmesan on top of the eggs and then look a nice spoon of creme fraiche of course milk is fine sorry what's creme fraiche is that double cream okay look so you mix that up the creme fraiche is really important i'm gonna put a little touch of water in there okay should put pasta water in there i know if it's hot it'll cook the eggs did you see what he did i mean that cream didn't look that bad and then he added the water from the tap even the daughter told him you should use pasta water cardamom what are you doing you got so much experience on tv you can't tell me go stressed i understand when you're in front of the camera you make lots of mistakes i do too i do a lot because there's pressure but you don't use top water block is not the right kind of banana cream i have to be honest it doesn't look that bad i'm sure it's tasty now look at that color how beautiful is that it's not beautiful i'm sorry it's not carbonara for me so it's not beautiful the mushrooms they're not ready yet so sorry i cook my mushrooms at least 15 minutes to give the flavors guess what next come on this is england some fresh peas peas peas and it's still called this carbonara look at that and also i want a nice full portion of carbonara okay again spread the seeds of the peas in there we're gonna lightly toast it it didn't put a little bit of peace it's covered by peace gordon i think your daughter would have done a much much much better job she is good she's on you like she's telling you what to do you're doing the opposite right pick up a little add a cream a little touch of crunchy should be seven seven and a half minutes that's how you taste the pasta either i think this time right you didn't throw the pasta on the wall that's how you taste the pasta so well done take a spoon and add a touch of water ah using my idea well done daughter well done that's what he was meant to do with the cream gordon gordon you're under pressure i'm sorry we abused so many people you made us enjoy yourself abusing people and now i'm abusing you to take a revenge on everybody you are making a big mess in this video in this recipe and you don't deserve any views on this yeah don't take it too seriously my friend we love you gordon but this is not a carbonara again this is about 30 seconds away go against the ceiling if it sticks it's gone and if your fingers go through there gently okay it literally signifies it's done no i don't need to do that don't cut your pasta just taste it if it doesn't taste right you keep cooking it don't do any other thing no no no sealing no no breaking the pasta break off yes it's done the daughter matilda she's allowed to do it that's cute well done matilda you can do it not your garden if it sticks on the seaweed basically half of the past is on the ceiling half of the pasta is eating already so there's not much pasta left okay okay colander over drain put a little bit of that pastel water in there just a touch season the pasta okay there so watch this is the most complicated part now look come down please i'm getting in it too come down come down this is where it gets tricky hey gordon matilda is doing a great job don't tell her off she's a great cameraman you are making the mistake my friend eggs in turn the gas down the gas is not down look at the flame look how big look how powerful that flame is three eggs [Music] i'm starting to believe that they created a video like this on purpose to get the views because gordon like this is not even a beginner there's just such a mess you made a frittata but at the same time it's a rainbow pasta it's not a carbonara pasta okay parsley you can actually make it if you're trying that's true you're interrupting me please where's my baby and then from there get a really nice twist on spaghetti twist it round garnish you don't have time for the fresh parmesan how long how long 20 seconds and then your parmesan look at that in there what is that it's all you tell me guys what is it you call this carbonara if you do then you're missing out on the real carbonara we are in 2020 and you can find the right ingredients for carbonara 20 20 you can make carbonara you can enjoy the real carbonara forget about olive garden forget about gordon ramsay you want to learn how to make carbonara i've got the video for you on my channel it's the way to do it it's easy and anyone can make it you don't have picnic you use pancetta you don't have pecorino use parmesan parmigiano-reggiano but no peas no mushrooms nothing else and no bacon guys this is bad this video was terrible and gordo ramsay deserves a big time's down sorry gordon but you have made a big big mess sorry for the first night bless have a great week 30 seconds it was fun it was fun to watch he's a great guy he's entertaining i love him we love we all love him um so well done gordon but i'll this it was revenge so did you guys enjoy if you did let's put a like on this video not on garden videos and learn from me how to make carbonara the real roman way don't forget if you add other ingredients then you have to change the name of the dish okay that's how simple it is i hope you guys enjoyed please write a comment below subscribe to vincendo's plate and don't forget every wednesday on this channel we are reacting to the most popular italian recipes gordon i got the revenge and i can't wait to find another of your videos with lots of mistakes and i'm gonna judge you thank you gordon i hope to meet you in person one day if not i will keep attacking you
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 1,973,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian chef react to gordon ramsay carbonara, italian chef react to gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay carbonara, italian chef reacts to carbonara, italian chef reacts to popular carbonara videos, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, italian chef reaction carbonara, italian chef react to, chef react to carbonara, carbonara, carbonara pasta, spaghetti carbonara, carbonara italian chef reaction, spaghetti carbonara gordon ramsay, vincenzo's plate
Id: inLQtXvzLT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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