Italian Chef Reacts to Popular CARBONARA VIDEOS

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chicken stock whatever their chicken stock in carbonara why the parsley I am welcome to be change those plate today is going to be fun I'm going to watch and react to five popular video recipes on YouTube the video recipes are about carbonara oh my god is going to be fun so the first video we are going to watch is a video from tasty that's a page that already love so that's my first reaction and it's called pasta carbonara can you cook these right let's watch it and let's see hi my name is Ryan in your pot as well so now that the pasta is just softening up in the water it's just enough that I can start moving it around and a lot of you still want to use a little bit of olive oil she's saying you have to use olive oil extra virgin olive oil for the guanciale open Chetta yes I do that too sometimes because if you don't have too much fat on your pancetta or guanciale big cheek you might need a little bit of oil but in Italy they don't do it because the guanciale in Rome is just perfect and full of fat and the fat creates the oil that you want oh my god is from a cow's milk cheese so it's gonna be a little bit more subtle than the pecorino romano yes sorry my friend if you want to do it right you don't use parmigiano you need the rich salty flavor of the pecorino cheese there's not a cheese you can use that's why we're gonna use three different ones because the pecorino is gonna be a little bit and I'm pretty much gonna go half and half oh that's okay she's going off and off okay that's acceptable hospital you know funny John so some recipes have garlic some don't so what I like to do is just kind of meet in the middle and what I'll do is just kind of place the garlic clove under my palm garlic is a no-no for carbonara carbonara it's just eggs pecorino pepper and one Charlie or pancetta one Charlie or pancetta full of flavors and trust me you don't need any garlic I mean how badly can I actually mess this up both using the same ingredients good I like him I'm gonna put this in and I'm just gonna wait a minute this can't be right I was told not this cuz you know it will fix this is this cheese right here it's trying to fix it isn't doing a good job gave me two eggs created okay she managed to just good that still has a little bit of bite to it and that's actually perfect so if it's already totally cooked all the way now it's gonna be over cooked delicious awesome she didn't show us the most important part which is when you switch off the stove you put a past time there and then you throw the way put the water in the cheese well the reason why it's important is because if you leave this the cook top on you're going to create a scrambled egg mixture and you want to do this pretty quickly so what you're gonna do is kind of move the pot as you add this want a little bit of green at this point you could put them a little bit of parsley here and that is spaghetti no no no novel puzzling I want to see the creamy carbonara that's what is going to decorate our pasta together with the guanciale or pancetta you don't need any greens immune to this it's very good it doesn't bring it very dry my friend and you want the carbonara to be creamy okay now we're going to watch one of the most famous cooks on YouTube which is pinging with babish reel of this channel great yarn or great videos let's see if we can do the carbonara all right so before we can make carbonara we've got to make carbonara which by definition is made with guanciale it's a pork jowl it is very delicious but a little hard to find so if you can't find it you can sub with pancetta if you're in a pinch I have to say that guanciale doesn't go cry when Charlie should look more like pancetta with a little bit more fat it's okay so that looks more like heme do a medium bowl or measuring cup goes 3 large eggs and one egg yolk for a little added richness great great great great I love this you use the entire egg and then you put the extra egg yolk for richness well said the only other thing you're gonna want to add is a whole lot of freshly ground black pepper we're not adding any salt yet because of guanciale can very insult eNOS and we don't want to over salt our dish beet as soon as the pasta is done we're dumping it directly into the saute pan with the guanciale one you want to work quickly here because the only thing that's going to cook our egg slurry and make it smooth and creamy is the residual heat from the pasta school okay switch off the cooktop it is extremely extremely important at this point is which of the cooktop otherwise there is a big % high percentage they are going to create scrambled egg pasta we're gonna taste for seasoning my needs a little bit of salt then you can optionally toss the pasta that's just an adult thing you need to add salt guanciale salty the pasta salty pecorino and parameter and salty you don't need salt at the end and finally it's time to plate up I like to use a carving fork to twirl the pasta into a giant cylinder like this one I've never seen using a crying Fork I like it I'm gonna do it there you have it folks I'm going to say it one last time got Oakland Anna it at this point I'm gonna ask all Italians to leave the room because it's time to make carbonara this looks good I really enjoyed it just like a couple of things you need to change but now it's pretty good I'm not gonna watch the modern carbonara here we go we have tasty again hmm puzzling olive oil okay bacon no one Charlie open Jetta just different just different flavors you can do of course but it's just different here we are talking about our dainty carbonara thyme garlic nananana negara looks burned no more garlic chicken stock whatever that uh chicken stock in carbonara and speeches [Music] heavy cream okay do you know why sheds and started using cream many many years ago because by the time it goes from the kitchen to the table and then the people talk on the table and my take maybe five minutes for the person to eat it the carbonara would get stuck together and at the same time I believe no many people know to do the right carbonara just using eggs so that's the reason why they used cream because it doesn't stock the pasta doesn't get stuck together but if you're making carbonara you have to use eggs and to prove to yourself to your friends your partner that you are a good cook you use eggs and you create cream with the eggs [Music] now why the Possley everything is wrong maybe the only thing I can accept in this video is parlay nothing else [Music] okay now we're watching a popular recipe from Mooga foods and they are making one you black truffle carbonara sounds really good watch out this is black truffle unlike the canned stuff like fresh truffle is completely different I've had the canned stuff before but nothing compared to the real deal you're eating Wagyu he has already a tremendous amount of fat so always save the extra so this guy is using the Wagyu fat to replace the guanciale and the punch or the pancetta this sounds very interesting for my pasta this is the one I got this one straight from Italy and as you can see it has black truffles infused into the pasta if you are unable to find this one I recommend you using any pasta you like as long as it has a rough texture if the pasta is smooth you won't catch the sauce and the pasta smooth you won't catch the sauce well said yes I'm going all out I'm not gonna be using regular cheese this is the real deal it is parmigiano-reggiano from Italy I really like you you're a good guy and I really like what you say you cook well the pecorino in this case I always go for pecorino by especially now that you have one you which is very delicate you want a rich cheese and the pecorino is what you want not to give you the nice contrast bakery you know salty and rich Armijo know is a bit too delicate I think and value is also delicate so both Jesus and while you are delicate put the pegaron on top trust me my carbonara sauce it is pretty straightforward start with three egg yolks beat them fine then added my cheese okay he's a chef who likes to use egg yolk I believe to keep it traditional in my recipe I always do Nara with the entire egg because in the old days nothing was going to waste and they used the original recipe used the entire egg a lot of chefs today lots of modern chefs they tell you to use egg yolk and so he's not doing anything wrong it's choosing to use eggs oh I will just use I like to use the old egg if you've never made carbonara sauce the trick is to boil your pasta once that's done drain it but reserve a little bit of pasta water in a saute pan you would throw the pasta in then well said this guy is so good sauce that was just made and throw in the pasta water until you get the consistency you're happy with the biggest tip I'm gonna give you is to keep mixing so you can mo safai everything together into a sauce keep in mind that you can always add more water but you can never take it out to creation I really like the creation truffle is perfect you have our a beautiful pasta here what do you think angel it looks crazy it does look crazy it looks good but I have to say I will use the same path same cheese it's okay the truffle oh my god beautiful creation and just a mate I don't think it will give you the right carbonara flavor I will just stick to the guanciale or pancetta again I find the meat bit too soft which is not gonna give you the same texture of bacon pancetta or guanciale and I think bacon is much better that way so I think I can use value for Bolognese for any type of sauce maybe a nice red sauce to go with it but the way these it looks a bit too dry to me but the guy said it it's a walk you black truffle carbonara it's a wild pasta and it is a wild pasta well-done googa I'm gonna try and I'm gonna try and make it perfect we have another video to watch you guys and this video is the video by the grandfather of Italian cuisine mr. Antonio Carlos show it can't go wrong right let's see I have Antonio Carlucci Oh welcome to my kitchen I show you how to make the real carbonara most of the people who get it wrong let me show you why now this is ricotta to which we add in the ratio of 10 grams per liter water so as to be ladies really Mason then we put in as to be boiling a pasta in this case is sort of spagett Tony the biggest scientist for you see how important it is he is not using spaghetti spaghetti awning which is thick square spaghetti they absorb the sauce more and they are the right pasta ten minutes and if you don't need to waste your oil in your past water never never okay you just need to use a large pot and that's how you do it that's how you cook it now for the original carbonara you need the guanciale which is the chief to poultry say it is important you have to use one Charlie it is tender on the inside and crunchy on the outside and the only senior to do now to make the sauce is to take good olive oil put in a pan now I want to say one thing about the Godfather because I do use the oil as well okay extra virgin olive oil if my guanciale is not like the Italian one this guanciale looks very fatty there's lots of fat on it so maybe you can avoid to add the oil because the fat will create a lot of oil or lovely color look at this to be a little bit naughty I take just the yoke piece you don't have any any any cream absolutely forbidden no cream in your carbonara it's forbidden so this is the beginning of the sauce so we put a bit of parmesan at the in Roma they use also pecorino cheese which is a cheese to be grated there are fresh pecorino and H the gorilla but it's lovely to have this see what it's saying is right and also to your taste you when I use parmigiano because it's more delicate I understand also you know Antonio's from the north of Italy which is parmigiano is more popular than pecorino everyone says in you in Australia in America that you want to balance it out with the parmigiano okay I don't understand that but if all of these guys are saying the same thing then it means something so maybe you need to tell me what this means because I don't understand it so you please explain it to me with a comment below I wouldn't put any soul here because the bacon here it's a quite so should you be not wanting the fat I show you a little trick here we are and do this so the pasta seems to be doing well here the taste now should be enough I switched off the guanciale because it's too hot ends is exactly what I don't want to be too hot yes thank you master you don't want the pain to be taught yes hot but you have to switch it off otherwise you get scrambled eggs you let it cool down in doing this it shouldn't be too hot because what is going to happen now should be the temperature enough to coat the egg around the pasta I just right now and now it comes to yes the resistance the actual sauce and now we stir it like this and this is the carbonara and now the last touch Parmesan or pecorino depending what you like and in my opinion also a nice touch of pepper this of course is a must love love a beautiful presentation this is the way I grew up eating and just one thing we have evolved and to make it perfect now in these days carbonara should be made with a creamy must be extremely creamy ok I have an old recipe of carbonara where I make the same way Antonio just did something not dry about doesn't have that much cream ok I did it exactly the same way a few years back but now I evolved like everybody else and I make not a very creamy and that's how the perfect carbonara should be done and this is the real carbonara it is the real one and this exactly or should it be creamy without having cream because this is the usual thing like this is just fantastic that's fantastic just fantastic there's nothing wrong to it nothing wrong I'm just saying you can make it a little bit more creamier but this is perfect so here we had five different versions of carbonara the tasty ones didn't like it the basic with babish was pretty good not perfect then why do carbonara with the truffle ooh that's something I really want to try maybe without the Wagyu or maybe just use the Wagyu fat and Dantonio is just beautiful to watch so if you wanna watch a recipe just watch Antonia because it does the perfection it does a perfect or you can just kind of watch my video on Vincenzo's plate I'll show you to make my carbonara approved by Romans so thank you for watching this episode we will see you in the next Winchesters plate video recipe mayority mangia oh hey hora good Anna food Vincenzo's plate [Music]
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 4,310,739
Rating: 4.8535109 out of 5
Keywords: italian chef reacts to carbonara, italian chef reacts to popular carbonara videos, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, italian chef reaction carbonara, italian chef react to, chef react to carbonara, carbonara, carbonara pasta, carbonara most popular videos, spaghetti carbonara, how to make carbonara, carbonara italian chef reaction, spaghetti carbonara gordon ramsay, spaghetti carbonara binging with babish, spaghetti carbonara tasty, vincenzo's plate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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