How to BUY PASTA like an Italian (It will Change your Pasta Game Forever)

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this video is going to shock you i'm going to change the way you eat pasta in this video i am telling you recommending you the right pasta brands to eat like an italian and i am sorry if you are buying the brands that i don't suggest that i don't like i hope you will say to me let's try this vincenzo suggestion maybe you pay the same maybe you pay a little bit more but hey it makes a difference watch this video until the end because you will become a pasta connoisseur [Music] the first thing you need to know how is the dry pasta made the pasta you buy from the shop the dry one it's made with semolina and water nothing else no oil no salt nothing so it is made in a way that you combine the ingredients you shape the pasta and then the pasta needs to dry okay this is the dry pasta from the shop how do you dry the pasta okay so to dry the pasta in the factory they go inside a machine basically the dries the pasta and you choose the temperature the temperature can be low which means it takes longer but the temperature can be high which means it takes less to dry of course when there are brands out there who use cheap semolina and then they dry at a very high temperature for a short time you are killing the pasta no benefits no proteins no fiber nothing if you're using top quality semolina good water of course the water is a very important ingredient and then you dry at a low temperature for a longer time which you're talking about starting from 18 hours getting all the way to 36 hours the more you dry the slower you do it the better your pasta is gonna be okay so cheap brands out there they dry the pasta very high temperature very fast talking about hours of drying process and that's why the pasta becomes orange so now that you know a little bit of our pasta is made and i will do another video to show you how the pasta is made in italy what brands do i recommend you it's very difficult to recommend brands out there because it depends where you live you might not be able to find all the pastas that i'm recommending to you but you can always buy online okay if not you can go to your trusted shop you should be able to find it now before i recommend you what brands to buy keep in mind that what i'm doing with this video i'm helping you to buy a cheap good quality pasta so if you're spending 1.50 for a cheap pasta that is not good i'm gonna make you spend maybe two dollars maybe 50 cents or one dollar extra but it's gonna make a huge difference okay a huge difference so you're gonna you're not gonna go broke you're gonna be spending the same amount of money feed the whole family with two dollars but it makes a huge difference so i hope this helps and i hope you appreciate this video let me start by a brand that i don't actually eat but it is okay to eat it's called barilla barilla okay everyone is eating barilla even manona me you everyone eating barilla okay is barilla good brand barilla is a good brand because it can be found anywhere in the most remote area city town in your country you can find barilla it's a global brand that brings italy into your plate is it the best one no is it good i'm about to tell you don't be offended because i'm pretty sure you have barrel in your carbons but it's not quality parilla is dried at the high temperatures and the products of the ingredients in my opinion they are not the best but you have to choose between barilla and a cheap brand like in australia we have brands like sarimo saremo zafarelli balducci brands made in australia the pasta is orange almost brown and it's not uh wholemeal it's brown because they're dry at very high temperatures and they cost as much as barilla then i say i'm sorry i'm all about supporting the locals but these brands do not deserve to be supported in my opinion okay my opinion you can do whatever you want but in that case you want to buy barilla if you're looking for something cheap okay but then if you want to eat pasta and you don't eat fast every day you eat pasta every now and then maybe once a week okay why don't you go for a better brand you can pay a little bit more than two dollars you can get a brand like la moli sana murisana is a top brand you can buy here in australia between 2.50 and 2.99 in america it will be a lot cheaper it's a great brand for a commercial pasta and i really recommend you to have that another brand you should try is called di martino really good they did a collaboration with dolce gabbana so yes it's a little bit more expensive but it's a really good pasta the checo is another good brand that it's a lot better than barilla a little bit less maybe the molisana and it's around about the same price so if you see at the shop la morissana 2.50 the checo 2.50 go for la mulizana but the checkout is also pretty good rumor romo is a pasta that everybody likes and everybody eats room was a really good brand it's at the same level as the checo probably the same price it's around there but again i will say go follow mulizana but if you have to choose i only have room or barilla go for rumor garofalo is another brand that you find sometimes it's the same price as barilla and i would say to you just go off of baroque it's not the pasta i eat because i like to eat artisan pastas but it is a good brand for you we don't want to spend too much money and want to enjoy a plate of pasta you pay a little one dollar extra but it makes a difference now it's time for me to give you my school to the commercial pasta brands divella oh my god used to be such a great pasta in the 80s in the 90s but now it really dropped i don't know what happened and i give divella pasta a tree barilla barilla is the pasta that can be found everywhere on the inner world very easy to find in any remote areas is it good i'll give it a five the chico pasta pasta from my region i used to be amazing in the last couple of years it's too good it's not amazing like it used to be so i give it a six and a half molisana la monizana is from a regional malaysia a region they produces quality molysana pasta deserves a seven and a half really good commercial brand granola granola it's a brand from puglia made with okay ingredients but it's it's mass produced so unfortunately it deserves a six but you can also find the specialty granola range which is really really good okay so when you look at granola there is a cheaper version in our specialty version rumor rumor i give it a seven i give it a seven because it's a really good pasta that i like to weave in my cupboard the martino martino is a really good brain pasta and i give it a seven and a half nothing wrong about this brand there there that there is a pasta bread unfortunately is not easy to find it's from my region top semolina top water i'll give it a seven and a half or even eight it's a brand i wish i can see more often unfortunately it's not easy to find but go to your shop and ask to get del verde it comes in a in a green dark green packet and it's really good last but not least the pasta called liguori come from the granano region the pasta kingdom near naples and it's really good i give it a seven also keep in mind that some supermarkets or shops they might have a private label okay they might have their own label and that's good that's okay you always want to read the ingredients and what is made here in australia we have a brand called cucina matisse this pasta brand called cucina mates it's imported directly from coals coles is an australian supermarket and i think they have an agreement with them okay it's a pasta it's not easy to find you can only find a cold and because it's not the famous brand it doesn't mean it's not good it's made in italy in the original molise which is a very good region where you can buy quality ingredients and the pasta it's a cheap pasta two dollar 2.50 sometimes on sale for 1.50 and it's a really really good pasta so see that doesn't mean that because a brand is not known it's not good okay so in this video i'm gonna try and help you okay with advice now what's the difference between the cheap pastas the one dollar pasta and the one dollar more expensive pasta the average pasta i just mentioned if you buy this pasta that we have in australia like zafarelli or sarimo or balducci this type of pastas okay what they do is they use very poor quality in my opinion ingredients very poor quality ingredients dry machine temperatures people they create these brands that all i want to do is make money they're not proud they know artisans like these people in italy we've been making pastas for a long time yes there are brands in italy like divella who i mentioned who have lost the passion for the brand in my opinion okay and the pasta is orange so when you see a cheap pasta and the color is orange and no a kind of light yellow almost white it means the pasta has been dried for too fast at high temperatures when you buy a dry pasta you want to see a nice light color okay a light yellow if you buy egg fresh pasta it needs to be nice and dark because you're using eggs you're not using eggs you're using water in semolina so you want the semolina to be looked after to be dry naturally and the pasta will be nice and light what's the average between average quality pasta good pastas like the one i mentioned and the artisan pastas we are mentioned artisan pastas are basically made with top top of the range semolina okay sometimes these brands grow their own semolina and this is how strict these brands are and are passionate what these artisan brands do they dry low it for a long time 30 36 hours maybe even more and that really makes the difference why do you need that because the pasta is a nice texture it absorbs the pasta better if you buy the cheap brand it does not absorb your pasta your pasta or sleep it's not gonna stay if you buy a better quality pasta brand your sauce will stick on the pasta it will make love with the pasta and you can enjoy more your flavors and at the same time you get more fiber more protein in your pasta if the pasta is alive the pasta is happy to go in your belly another reason why artisan pasta is more expensive maybe it's three times the price of a good quality pasta it's because the production is a lot less so they produce less the producing quality for you for me who i love supporting these brands i love it and if you come to macabre my kitchen is full of top quality pastas what are my top 10 pasta brands that i really love manchini a beautiful pasta from the original market amazing outstanding product rusty quella de bruzzo rustic i'm from my region of abruzzo i absolutely love this brand and it's very easy to find everywhere pasta cocoa oh i think coco is a top of the range for me coco is a brand that i really wish you can easily find which is not easy mozzarella is a small pasta factory from abruzzo famine is still involved if you can find macharelli pasta please try it ferrini pass is a really good pasta they use beautiful fancy machines and extruders to make the pastas and it's really really good i felt as a really good brand that you guys must try all these brands are amazing to try benedetto cavalieri oh wow what a beautiful artisan pasta this is martelli pasta it's a beautiful fancy pocket you can't miss this one i believe if you have to choose between all these pastas you will go for martelli because the branding is beautiful monogram felicity is a really top quality pasta lots of chefs love using it and you should try which one is my top three coco rusticella and manchini these three are my top three favorite artisan pastas so the question now is how do you choose the right pasta so you choose the right pasta by going in the shop you put together the brands and you say okay this one is lighter this one is more orange i'm gonna go for the lighter one this is a technique i recommend you to use and i'm talking about italian pastas do not buy pastas that come from from other like countries that they you're not supporting the artisan okay i i support the locals don't get me wrong i like to support the locals but we're talking about pastors brands they've been making pasta for hundreds of years and they have the right recipe they know what they're doing so when you get italian pastas put them next to each other if you get developed and you get at the checkout you see a big difference so look at the colors look at the orange look at the white and then you pick for the lighter version of dry pasta and trust me it makes a difference
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 767,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to buy pasta, how to buy pasta like an italian, pasta brands, pasta, de cecco, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, italian chef react to, how to shop pasta, how to shop for pasta, how to shop like an italian food, store bought pasta, store bought fettuccine, pasta review, how to pick the right pasta, buy pasta like an italian, best pasta brands, pasta brand, how to tell a good pasta, vincenzo's plate pasta, vincenzo's plate
Id: mYsffeNkslA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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