Italian Chef Reacts to a COWBOY LASAGNA

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why it's a cowboy showing you how to make a traditional lasagna it doesn't make sense you try that in the kitchen see how far you get for you he's funny i love it i love it and in that very same skillet i want you to take a half a stick of butter i just prefer to use extra virgin olive oil it's just an italian thing you know we don't use butter grown down in there just a little bit and let's pour a can of ro tail what is that [Music] i and welcome to vegan sauceplate the place where you get to learn how to cook italian food in your own kitchen today we are reacting to a cowboy who wants to take my job wants to teach you how to make lasagna doesn't sound right a cowboy can show you so many other things but not how to make lasagna so let's see if we can make lasagna maybe the cowboy will be there your new vincenzo's plate maybe i can retire let's see baked lasagna in a dutch oven it is so good and so cheesy all the way through but i'm putting a cowboy twist on it so okay that's new to me cooking the lasagna in the cast iron i've never done that i've never tried before it sounds interesting the other thing i have to say the top of the lasagna didn't look amazing maybe because of the quality of the cheese but let's see let's not judge from the beginning what are we talking about a dish that means a lot to me because it was handed down to me a little that i had to change from my good friend joe parlante joe is just them kind of people that just makes you feel good to be around him i mean they are a great family oh how we love him we have to say thanks to joe thank you joe now i have to say i love the background i really love that place i love the little kitchen that he's got there the outside kitchen this video is looking good so far and i like this guy ken i'm gonna following him he's really good i like his character secrets out but you judge me on this and let me know how i'm doing oh yeah i'm gonna judge you don't worry we're gonna start with a little stockpot about half full of water and 12 roma tomatoes wow this guy is making fresh tomato sauce this is incredible this is fantastic and while that's going on guess what we could be browning us up some meat sofrito is the most important part of the lasagna is the beginning is the base in any sauce is the base you need carrots celery onion you can remove the celery if you don't want but you need the least carrots and onion chopped chopped chopped or blended like i like to do cook in an extra virgin olive oil cook it for about 10 minutes and then you can add the meat you need to give flavors to the meat but you need to give the sofrito the flavor first i just want the mushrooms to get in there and give that good meat and that italian sausage some flavor and we just want to get it good and brown so we did add flavors in there but they know the flavors i'm talking about i'm talking about the base okay onion carrots the base of your flavors you'll see me just peel put them all in that blender just sort of got to give them a little mash there you do these guy's doing a nice thing with the sauce i like it even though he put garlic i'm not a big fan of garlic in the sauce he did nice a nice job onion garlic basil a little bit of salt i think and it's beautiful grown down in there just a little bit and let's pour a can of rotel what is that i need to see this again rotel original diced tomatoes and green chilies okay okay but that just does the job yet it adds extra flavors and a nice kick of the chilis i went down the wagon train with kent yep sorry about that joe parlani he's funny i like this guy but you knew the cowboy had to put a twist on what you did that's what i'm worried about the twists that's what i'm worried about what twist no god if the chili's a twist the dice stomata is a twist i'm okay with that some italian seasoning there on top of that and it is so good now this is not his fault what's italian seasoning what do you go to the shop and buy italian seasoning it doesn't exist all you need to do is to get some herbs the one that you like and put them in there just go ahead and put the lid on there hit pull say vibrate whatever you got on there that makes it go around and get to going and you got your medium sauce pot there i need you to take half of what's in that blender and pour it in that saucepan take the meat out of the skillet dump it over here in that meat sauce square tap i do like what he's doing he's adding the meat in the sauce the flavors would be nice and i do like the way this guy speaks i like it yeah boy and in that very same skillet i want you to take a half a stick of butter and we don't chop this up another onion just sort of sliced it really fine sauteed to where it gets translucent yes yeah this guy is good i like it i like it now maybe too much onion maybe but it's okay um if you like onion you'll eat it i just prefer to use extra virgin olive oil it's just an italian thing you know we don't use butter when we cook the onion or the carrots this is a trick that joe parr told me can't when you put that tomato paste in there in a minute don't you burn it you brown it that's what you got to do so folks get you just like the way this guy speaks and i want to meet joe joe well done who else said joe well said one of them to later paste throw her down in there and then just go to sterling turn that heat down to about medium low we just want to blend all the flavors and give it a good color i don't see why you use tomato paste i don't see the reason why when you have some beautiful fresh tomato sauce that you just made but it's okay it's okay it's still something that you can use nothing wrong with that i just you know i'm saying you're using fresh tomatoes otherwise just use tomatoes from the can when that gets done scrape it over its side take it back over to that blender that is half full yes and hit the button again and let it go i like the blender because it blends all the ingredients the kids will like it sometimes you don't enter chunky and have the chunks in your mouth and i think it's more enjoyable to be honest it's more delicate to your palette so it's a thumbs up what's done took hand and at this time i need you to add a little bit of black pepper in there that coarse ground pepper just throw it right in there and a little dab of olive oil we are good to go things are happening i just love the way it speaks i want to meet this guy i mean this is a good cowboy well done man yes if you got extra virgin olive oil put it in there and also saute your food with extra virgin olive oil don't use butter i've read comments from you guys writing to me that is not good to cook with extra virgin olive oil high temperatures no no no no you can cook with extra virgin olive oil high temperatures you don't reuse extra virgin olive oil you know with canola oil with vegetable oil you reuse it with extra virgin olive oil you don't reuse you know you can't really fry at 180 celsius but you can cook with extra virgin olive oil it's the best oil to use for cooking pour it in the pot that's got that meat in it take a half a cup of dry red wine i'll tell you why it's a big mistake and i'm sorry kent i'm sorry joe the red wine you only use it in the meat when you brown the meat you need the wine to evaporate and then we're just going to put it on a simmer make sure you get all the way to the bottom because this sauce is thick and we're going to cook it for at least three hours before that three hours is up take you a stock pot fill it enough to water to where you can take one pound of these here lasagna noodles and put them in there so just make sure you get them in there wait wait you put the end inside the water i can't see it but was the water boiling you put your hand inside and you didn't react i want you to give it just a little dash of oil so they don't be trying to stick together no no this is what gordon ramsay says don't make the same mistake of gordon ramsay you don't put extra virgin olive oil in your water you just need a lot of water and that's how you cook the pasta we're gonna let it boil for about three minutes and that's as far as we're gonna go because i don't want them to fall apart in there these are a foundation that are sort of laid up in that all that stuff to keep it together two tackle berries yep go ahead and crack them in there because we need to beat them and when you're out here you can do this because of possums the eggshell needs to go in the nature you try that in the kitchen see how far you get from it's funny i love it i love it uh you can do it in the kitchen or it will stink so turn our beater on high [Music] we got us some ricotta cheese what does it say two pounds don't be getting that kind says skim milk huh we ain't talking about losing no calories on this trip folks that stuff got some carbohydrates in it and we're gonna need them to open up all them presents at i christmas it it's probably the best lasagna i've ever seen in my life i can't judge this you know but the traditional lasagna does not have ricotta yeah jalapeno no okay now we're going too far my friend you do not put chili in the lasagna you do it later when it's in your plate you do it who don't like some cheesy goodness let's hear it for the folks up north in wisconsin yes he's awesome he's in wisconsin i've got friends in wisconsin i want to go i want to go in wisconsin what is it it is some more that shredded mozzarella we got to have a bunch of it in there yes we do the technique he's using it's actually interesting and it's actually okay i like it but i don't like it at the same time because it's not even you know i want to be able to put the cheese evenly on my lasagna i found some of this here stuff at store parmesan a romano yep i don't know if i can trust this cheese it comes inside a bowl but the good thing is he's using parmesan and pecorino for the mix which is what we want so well done grease your casserole pan or your dutch oven and we're just going to put a thin layer right there on the bottom well done you do that so it doesn't get stuck to the bottom you don't want the pasta to get stuck but you can see these are what we call that guy that drove through the hill storm what was his name shen al dente yes he was that's those looks really nice and thick i like it beautiful really really beautiful sauce beautiful skins joe well done this is a beautiful sauce now i know why at the beginning i said it doesn't look amazing because the crust has got the ricotta and the fake parmesan romano cheese so when you cook it for a long time that burns what i will do in this case i will have just a sauce on top give it a good sealant across there mash it to that fold guess what it's time to slide it in the oven and we're sliding on some coals well i'm telling you i was ready he's using charcoal to cook a lasagna this is this deserves a round of applause and watch them cold this is what this video is good for i love it a cowboy is showing you lasagna can be made anyway you don't need a kitchen no excuses you can be any way for lasagna well done ken very nice and thick look at the lasagna look at how big look how massive it's a bomb look at the crust on top of the lasagna so crusty i don't think it's a good thing to say to be honest because that crust it doesn't give you the right texture to your lasagna my recommendation for you guys first don't use cheap cheese second do the top layer with the tomato sauce do this trust me do just the tomato sauce and what you do towards the end you put the pecorino cheese pecorino romano or parmigiano-reggiano on top to melt and that will give you a nice delicate at the same time rich flavor what do you think of this reaction video what do you think of this lasagna guys is this a lasagna that nonna will approve please write a comment below let us know and share the love with kent kent is a great guy i like this guy i don't want to say anything wrong about him and we're just correcting the lasagna because it needs to be corrected so kent if you're watching this lots of love lots of hugs and you did a good job thank you so much we will see you in the next vincenzo's plate video recipe aora let's go and make lasagna vincenzo's plate
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 374,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian chef reacts to lasagna, italian chef reacts to a cowboy lasagna, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, italian chef reaction lasagna, italian chef react to, chef react to lasagna, lasagna, cowboy lasagna, lasagna cowboy, cowboy kent rollins, cowboy kent rollins lasagna, how to make lasagna, lasagna italian chef reaction, lasagna recipe cowboy, lasagna video reaction, vincenzo's plate reaction, vincenzo's plate
Id: ZrLo_SwyWtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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