Italian Chef Reacts to Most Popular TIRAMISU Videos

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yeah killing me with those beautiful shots i wanted a missile right now that coffee is ice cold just that in thirds don't add it all straight away oh my god he put coffee in the mix this guy's nuts he put coffee in the cream what are you doing hi and welcome to be chainsaws play the place where you get to learn how to cook delicious italian recipes in your own kitchen tiramisu today we are reacting to the most popular tiramisu recipes and let me tell you tiramisu is my favorite dessert on the planet so you cannot make mistakes with a tiramisu i also have to tell you something i made a mistake in my tiramisu video recipe it's not a reason mistake it's a mistake with the video and i will tell you later on towards the end of this video stay tuned the first video we're watching is from this cooking channel called the cooking guide uh it's a very popular channel normally their recipes are pretty good and this tiramisu looks good it's been watched by two and a half million people so let's see if these people are doing the right thing when we're with our friends it's definitely something new [Music] must be an architect creamy perfect look how beautiful it is this tiramisu is what i want to order at the restaurant this is what i want when i go to the restaurant it's beautiful but let's see what's inside the look is nice let's see the ingredients oh you're kidding me yeah killing me with those beautiful shots i want dinosaur right now you do want to get your espresso make sure it's cold okay that's for the biscuits so you can dip biscuits in there it's optional like she said i never use it because my wife doesn't like the alcohol in cakes and it's kids friendly and i believe that tiramisu tastes better without alcohol if you like the alcohol go for it you put it in the coffee like she's doing right now this is great so far great resume mix of course [Music] perfect five egg yolks in sugar perfect i don't see the white part of the egg but i'm sure it's coming [Music] up well done because basically by doing this you avoid risk of salmonella or anything else i never do this to be honest in all my life i never had salmonella or any anything but i guess this is the safest thing to do for you and your family if you want to make tiramisu i never do but if it makes you feel better do what this lady is doing in the video well [Music] done [Music] so beautiful look how creamy it is amazing [Music] she's so professional she's got a temperature well done it's important to let it cool now we see the white the egg white oh she's not using egg white that's a shame i like the egg white because you create the foam with the egg white you know it's such a beautiful telemeter looks nice but why you didn't use the egg whites that beautiful foam needs to be created it's very important unless you're doing it next it is good to put the mascarpone and the vanilla extract which i don't normally put but it is nice to put vanilla extract and the mascarpone in the egg yolks because that would be the most creamy part [Music] oh no why using heavy cream am i using any cream i know lots of people use cream at the moment i know you tell me to longer if you use heavy cream usually a trimmings will last three four days but what you have to put cream in the tiramisu the egg white does what you need it creates what you need do not use every cream in the tiramisu please it tastes nice it's delicious but it's a lot better when you just use eggs okay i'm glad she writes the egg whites version read the notes okay so she knows that the right thing to do is the egg whites but she probably prefers the cream i guess it's safer at the same time i just love the egg whites i like the classic version i'm a tourist in futile resources it's my favorite and i don't want to do anything to change my favorite resume now this video is so well done this video is worked out [Music] so important to do right now see how you put the cream inside the egg mix it's so important and you do the same if you use the egg white the reason why you fold slowly and you don't use the end stand mixer is because you don't make the mix go flat you still keep it nice and dense and creamy but if you use a mixer you're at home it's okay nothing wrong with that now dip each lady finger into the coffee mixture it is important to use ladyfingers it's called savoyard if you can get the italian brand savoyardi it's a lot better than any ladyfingers that you find simply because for some reason the savoyardi in within two to three seconds they they get enough coffee they absorb enough coffee those ladyfingers they made in australia england or america in my opinion they never absorb enough coffee and i will probably do three seconds one to two seconds is not enough for me as you can see at the beginning of the video if you notice again you can see how dry the you know the biscuits are you can make them a little bit more soft by doing three seconds that's my recommendation [Music] they definitely need three seconds one to two seconds is not enough three seconds and they're perfect look how creamy it is yeah you pull off you're right you put off yeah you do the same thing beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] now she said refrigerate for at least six hours i agree i actually like to make material miso the day before now the only question i have and maybe she's making it more authentic than me is that she didn't put the chocolate yet you know she's gonna put the chocolate just before she serves i like to put the chocolate when i make the tremendous because the chocolate will eventually melt in the cream and i think it will give so many beautiful flavors let me tell you when you use cocoa powder right before you serve sometimes i find that it's overpowering sometimes i find it it's a bit annoying the dust of chocolate isn't always the best thing to do i do believe that tiramisu needs the cocoa from the moment you finish to make it let it melt and if you want to add some extra cocoa powder just before you serve and then you serve you put some more again but you don't need it you don't need to perfect it didn't get stuck the plastic wrap which is perfect [Music] wow the city looks amazing looks fantastic and yes it is also delicious with a cream i can't watch this anymore i have to stop watching this this is so good this is so yummy well done the cooking foodie really nice recipe this is delicious give it to me i can eat half of the pyrex let me tell you well done bravissima and now it's time to react to my favorite gordon ramsay yes he made tiramisu it's been watched by almost two million people and let's see what he does the michelin star chef showing us how to make tiramisu [Applause] tiramisu basically pick me up that's what it means in italian but it's easy simply delicious that's right pick me up that's what it means in italian this guy's a bit stressed how many coffee have you had very very fast you're very fast we split it into two bowls mascarpone put that into the bowl and just let it go nice and soft in the next bowl 150ml of cream we do not put cream i like the other video now you can use cream but yeah it didn't say it's authentic [Music] [Applause] already within seconds it's got nice and sort of light and soft vanilla extract now we use an extract over fresh filler because it gives a really nice sort of dense dark color masala wine wow okay using manila masala now as you can see the lady before added the masala in the coffee that's the right thing to do so god you should have watched this video if you want to use masala masala goes in the coffee which ovens in the coffee everything the coffee what you need to do as well that vanilla can go in the cream but you need to use the eggs why the eggs where are the eggs god all you have there is cream and mascarpone that's not to me egg and coffee are very important so where are they on the cream coffee now it's really important that coffee is iced cold just that in thirds don't add it all straight away oh my god he put coffee in the mix this guy's nuts he put coffee in the cream what are you doing gordon stop teaching people to do italian cuisine this is not french food just change your title to tiramisu just change it don't call it tiramisu oh my god there's no eggs he's not putting eggs so he's making his own recipe and he's calling it tiramisu so it's a really nice light soup tiramisu it's not tiramisu it's just cream with coffee and then you put mascarpone mascarpone is the only tiramisu ingredient you're using where's the eggs where's the sugar do you put sugar fast and sets within 20 minutes of the fridge thank god he's not using creme fraiche thank god ladies fingers and just into the coffee turn them round and out again oh my such a tight ass how much money you got so much money put more coffee in there use more coffee come on the biscuit the savoy or ladyfinger need to swim in the coffee for three seconds dip in you take it out you don't do that what you just eat don't be a thai dust please you want the biscuit to absorb the coffee you want to give the flavors of the biscuits you don't want the biscuit to be dry in the middle now there's something on the outside still nice and crispy in the center well that's not what you want that's not what you want you want them to be the soft inside taking martini glass fingers in ah of course i mean you're doing my thing glass you're making this fancy of course you do want the biscuit to be firm i understand now i apologize i apologize you're creating your own version that's okay but it's not okay let me tell you the scream is delicious this cream is beautiful i love this cream i love the way you've done it it's beautiful but there's not tiramisu it's not tinamisu fridge 20 minutes yeah okay that's it let's see that's it let's change video he said fridge 20 minutes and that's not correct because tiramisu needs to go in the fridge overnight or for at least six hours like the other lady said you need to give time to set you put a biscuit in the glass just like that what is that what is that what are you trying to do just put the biscuits the way they should be in the martini glass okay you just put at the end two biscuits there for decoration but do the right thing put the coffee anyway you always know how to make me upset gordon honestly i don't know what to do with you anymore but i'm going to show you my video now okay this is my original tinamisu video the first one i ever made i'm going to show you one thing okay the title of this video says best tiramisu recipe how to make italian tiramisu my way i told you it's my way this is how i love to eat it this is how i love it because i'm a big huge tiramisu fan okay from the title i hope you get it's not the most authentic because i do ride my way in there okay and i tell you what is different to what the ladies did before in the previous video so first i use the egg white because the egg white is very important for about three minutes each or um until it's softened and smooth so as you can see we have both the egg yolk and the white together in there see together the in separate bowls but i've got both of them that's important thing now i want to show you how creamy the white part is look at my white part to compare with the other lady look how soft moussey it's like a mousse you know it's not too dense it's like a mousse on top oh my god it looks so young in here you have to watch this video guys i look young and skinny so but if you look at that it's just beautiful and it's the way it should be should melt in your mouth should not be too dense but see that see how moist how beautiful it is now this is the thing that people got pissed off i use chocolate which is a nice so that's my touch you don't have to it's not authentic it's my way i use nesquik so by using this quick i'm bastardizing my recipe but let me tell you i grew up eating nesquik tiramisu i'm using nesquik and i like the way the nesquik melts in the thermistor because now i cover it i leave it in the fridge overnight and the tiramisu gets absorbed okay yes go for the look how beautiful it is on the side yes you can go for the chocolate cocoa powder and that's what i do now because i don't want to make everyone upset but trading is quick once in your life okay myself me reacting to you i bastardize my risk look what happened the day after you got that still got a little bit of cocoa powder on top like then it's quick because it got stuck on the chocolate look at the inside there i want to show you you got the biscuit it's soft so the tremendous is not very firm this biscuit is soft so it's creamy you got the nice amount of cream right on top in the middle you get less cream it's not perfect if you look at this it's not perfect so maybe you can do it in a glass so when you make terramisu in the glass it will look nicer when you serve it because you don't see that it doesn't become floppy but this floppy reaction that you see it's showing you that the tiramisu is not thick it's not dense it's not firm it's moist it's soft and it will melt in your mouth just the way you want it i think it's a good thing but now i have something else i want to show you in my video now this is the other video i want to talk to you about i filmed this beautiful video and it was so yummy when i feel like look at the cream see that beautiful cream oh i see it changed i want to show you this part because here i had the cream it was perfect that cream it was just perfect now this camera i was using stopped working when i put the cream inside so i had to refilm it if you look at this this cream is not the same so you can see the thing inside the lumps you can see it's darker basically what i had to do speed up the process i used the ricotta i had in the fridge i mixed it mix and mix it up and i pretended it was the cream i made earlier so the cream i used earlier doesn't look anything like ricotta look how beautiful and moist it is that's the way it should be it's moist screaming it's like a mousse and then we get to this point where my ricotta is terrible in there but i had to do it because i was filming i was filming if i'm not wrong i was going away the day after so i was not able to redo it that's what happened look at that i don't have a video of me putting it i don't have a close-up i don't have a close-up because the camera the battery died and i didn't know so see the lumps in there that's wrong that's because i use ricotta so if you look at the other video made see that's the right one what i'm eating don't look at the lens okay so here is the right video i'm enjoying it putting cargo but the camera it was no recording the close-up i was just recording myself talking to the camera i'm so sorry for that but keep in mind if you follow my recipe your tiramisu won't look you won't have those lumps okay it would be nice and moist guys i hope you enjoyed the video i hope you're not gonna make the golden ramsay version because it does not deserve you to watch it or to be remade i hope you will try my version with egg whites but the lady did a very good job and if you want to make this lady tiramisu i will go for it just use cream it's fine she did everything perfect apart from the cream it's not something i would do but it is nice it is also nice but as you can see my tiramisu is creamier it's fluffier and i love it because it's my favorite dessert so you choose which one you want to make but thank you so much for watching this episode we will see you in the next reaction video or video recipe every sunday for you same time same place just for you hey hora simanja vincenzo's plate thank you guys and please don't make god don't rent it soon don't make anything italian that he makes thank you
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 238,625
Rating: 4.8850641 out of 5
Keywords: italian chef reacts to most popular tiramisu videos, italian chef reacts to tiramisu, tirami reaction, italian chef reacts, italian chef reaction tiramisu, italian chef react to, chef react to tiramisu, tiramisu most popular videos, tiramisu italian chef reaction, tiramisu, tiramisu recipes, tiramisu review, italian tiramisu, vincenzo's plate tiramisu, vincenzo's plate reaction, tiramisu reaction, tiramisu chef reaction, tiramisu recipe reaction, vincenzo's plate
Id: KSyOiUYos9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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