John Deere 9570RT and Mandako Storm Stuck

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oh he's going for he's going for a choke arm bar leg bar cats don't have arms oh oh oh you be quiet i'm watching the fight [Music] we had to lock these two up just for a little bit while the cats ate their food are you ready to get out on a all right they don't get locked up all night just to protect the cat's food for a few minutes well we finished harvest and then we mostly finished tillage we do have a little bit more i want to hit on some acres to chop the stocks up again with the mandeco but we got again close to two more inches of rain so we took a couple days off there and then it was a weekend and we did some hockey stuff with the kids and now i got odd job stuff to do meanwhile dad already ran away to arizona so he he kind of left me here on my own but that's all right we actually got a fair amount of stuff cleaned up and put in the shed we all kind of went wide open for a couple of days before the rain hit so we got quite a bit done nope still stuck you want to ride in this too no don't yip now the uh co-op wants the fertilizer trailer back they didn't say that and i didn't ask them but i'm just assuming that's a pretty safe bet turn the wipers on just to get rid of a little bit of the frost now they don't they don't turn off the knob is off but the wipers aren't i mean the the knob is broke but it should click off we've run it with the pliers for a few years now but it's not working i'll try unplugging it and plugging it back in the truck that is it's gonna work fixed i should have been a mechanic but instead i'm a youtube actor we're looking at putting a field approach in on a field uh just one mile west of us on a township road there do i need permits or how does that all work from your guys's end [Music] the fields are definitely drying up a little bit but the low areas are still really slimy but it'd be nice in the next couple days here if we could to get out we got probably 300 to 500 acres we want to hit with that mandeco to chop the stocks up in the fields that were really bad where the corn was down and just beat those stocks up a little bit more so there are less of an issue in the springtime that's that gotta hop in the pickup turn right back around head up the road here take a look at where we want to put a field approach in on the 50 acres that becky and i bought over the summer it's got a field approach but it comes out on the state highway in a really bad spot up on the hill we would just like to put a wider one in on the township road and not have to deal with getting semis to pull out on the state highway and it's just it's an unsafe spot and no it's not either of the spots where our trucks hit the ditch this year those are those totally different so this is the field here the existing approach is kind of up over the hill on the highway that runs down here this is where i came in and out with the combine uh and i believe a tillage tractor you can see it wouldn't take a whole lot just to level that off it's it's almost there already but i did call the township they're gonna come out and take a look just to make sure everything looks okay and determine if we think we need a culvert in here and then make sure i can do it they're going to talk about it at tonight's meeting but it sounds like shouldn't be a problem come here nice all right okay all right next thing i want to unhook thunder here but i don't want to keep too much depth in it over winter it already should be a really low on diesel which it is so maybe we'll put some fuel stabilizer in it and shut the valve off here but of course before i can run that engine and run any fuel stabilizer through it standard procedure and yes i see that the terminals are corroded and need a good cleaning in the meantime we're done with the field cultivator here so i could just well unhook that and free up the big horse we've had some problems with this door handle we've adjusted it twice for fear of not being able to get into it oh i busted something loose whoa i could have died you see even with new stuff it's always something usually something stupid [Music] now anna don't let me forget the door's open here don't shut that i would appreciate that okay all right thank you it's just so quiet out here it's just weird we're two weeks ahead of schedule probably and we got everything done and i'm putting stuff away and it's not that cold out you don't hear the neighbors going you don't hardly hear the bin fans running i don't hear or see a tractor anywhere it's just it's it's weird for early november now normally i i don't i don't use this product to um i can't get my words here becky um take two action now normally i don't use this product when it comes to stabilizing the fuel so i'm sorry derek but this is this is what we had in the cupboard so that's what i'm going to use [Music] she's empty on fuel so i'm gonna let that engine work its way out of fuel and i think this tractor is good on def but since i'm here i'm gonna make sure it is it didn't take much but i do know which tractor should take a bunch more depth than that one this one did a little bit of strip tilling for a couple of days so i know it's about half empty on def he wasn't pulling real hard so it didn't burn a whole lot but we may as well fill it up in this because i do plan to put the mandeco on this machine still didn't go empty so i suppose i may as well see if this tractor needs anything no it doesn't [Music] hey side note if anybody's interested in a i think it's a 20 2009 maybe somewhere in that vintage uh 12 row 20 inch corn header um went through it put some money into it had the dealership go through some stuff we didn't run it over a ton of acres but uh we'd like to sell it 27 000 shoot me an email link down below only if you're serious though don't don't waste all of our time [Music] [Laughter] by the way speaking of used machinery prices when i talk about that header the people from stephan stephens group stephanis auctions they've got a new app called the stephas price guide you can go to it you can look up any type of machinery that you're interested in you can see the actual selling prices for the items there so i can go in and look at headers just like that all through the different years and uh the different information on them and i can see exactly what they've actually sold for get that information you can narrow down that as an advanced search i was looking at some tempty hopper bottom trailers the other day you can look at whatever you want on there it's pretty cool obviously you can check with your local dealer you can look online looking magazines or whatever you want to whatever you normally do to find machinery prices but this is a completely free app you just go to your app store or whatever kind of phone you got your play store google play store if you're like me and you you kind of you rebel a little bit against the man so you have a samsung phone and your wife gets mad at you for not having an apple product just go to whatever store it is and download the stephan's price guide app for free check it out looks like the boy might be practicing to knock down the next big deer what yardage is that 25 yeah you got another buck you got your eyes on somewhere yeah you're going to go up to the stand again you think or you're going to go to the spot down here where you cleared the shooting lanes stand it's going to be dark here in about an hour and i've been avoiding this job now for several days so i guess i'll i'll just tough it out and get one of my least favorite jobs of the year done it's not one of those things that's gonna take very long so i'll get it done before dark here it's just it's one of those things i just don't enjoy but once it's done i guess it's done what's up [Applause] [Music] it needs to be done i need to get as much fertilizer off this thing as i can because that fertilizer is super corrosive well i i did it last night i wrecked my longest running camera i've ever had on this channel it was a good camera and i hope that this new one has the same settings as the last one because that one seemed to do pretty good but i was washing the strip tiller up and i thought i was going to change angles and i reached for it with one of those big waterproof gloves on and it went down on the concrete i guess there's really nothing i need to do in here right now it's just my standard place to walk into [Music] i've had a lot of people ask if this thing is actually for sale and if i've got anybody interested in buying it i've i've had contact with a few people people interested in buying it i've cooled down since i used it last and honestly i don't know i i you know when i was making the video and i was frustrated with it i swore i'd never put fertilizer in it again i was done with it it was absolutely going down the road and at the moment i kind of feel like it's one of those things where there's just so much going on that it's the learning curve is so steep that maybe i just need maybe i just need to punish myself for one more year give it another chance i don't know hi anna where you been hiding from the wind a little breezy out here you know all this tech is a wonderful thing except for when it's not but if you pay attention to really what was giving me fits and what was causing problems for me it was mostly the manual flow of the material that was that was really giving me the most problems the tech side of things was actually was working pretty well really [Music] now last year when i unhooked this thing there was too much weight on the back of it the tongue came up in the air if you remember back to when i hooked this thing up i've set the back of this machine down i really hope it doesn't do that this time but if it does you guys can go along for the ride look at that nice i am very pleasantly surprised about that last time i had the whole machine raised up and i had the jacks down but she rotated down and that tongue was like three feet in the air now i just need to hook the mandeco up but i'm pretty confident that takes a bigger pin and i got some stuff i want to take out of the cabin here anyway so back to the shop we go got to take out all the nintendo controllers i'll put them safely in a box labeled strip tiller sorry ready guys i'll try never to carry the the tp link or whatever this thing's called that way ever again back to tillage row i came up with that all on my own just now are you guys impressed hey there we go now we'll just go grab the control box out of the big articulating tractor to control our selector valve our selector valve and we'll be good to go guess what boys and girls this horse needs fuel [Music] oh we need a power source that's our anti-theft you can't can't steal from it if there's no no electricity [Music] that's going to take a while we may as well go grab that control [Music] box i've used a very complex mounting system here i can't get my wire cutter in there now we'll just put the nintendo controller in this tractor and all i got to do after that is set everything and push the up and down button i don't have to worry about fertilizer flowing through or switching on hydrous tanks or mapping anything or making sure the trucks are keeping up or the grain samples clean or the dryer's running just going to sit in a tractor and turn the fields even blacker there i think for the couple fields we're going to do this mounting location will work just fine that's depressing the fields are a little bit greasy yet but we've got some nice weather here for the next few days it sounds like we got about five days of good weather and then things turn us on us again it gets colder again we're actually quite a bit warmer today than what we've been for the last 10 days i think but it gets colder again a lot higher chance of some rain so i'm going to try and get about 400 acres tilled with this thing a second time looks plenty deep which would make sense because it's already been tilled out here conditions actually look really nice right here but i know it's awfully wet in the low areas i'm gonna get out and check the depth because we don't need to go very deep oh yeah that looks way more than deep enough all i'm trying to do is to chop up this kind of stuff that's left from that down corn which we typically don't have or we hope we don't have so on this piece and uh the other two pieces also that we're gonna we're gonna work we actually ran that wishek disc which did a really nice job of turning it over but now that we've had some rain on it and probably three weeks for things to kind of rot away and decompose i want to come through and just chop things up and level it out a little nicer which this does a really good job of both of those things six turns shallower we'll try that i think that's going to be pretty close well that didn't last long but uh i just got a phone call that up at the house it sounds like we've got an unfortunate situation with a with a kitten one of the baby kittens and we got a couple little girls who are maybe a little shook up about it so sounds like something dad might have to take care of part of living on the farm uh so maybe i'll just get back to you guys tomorrow we'll see what's really going on yeah i'm just not going to discuss that one one of the unfortunate realities of farm life i guess one of those things never fun now you you can't get up the steps otherwise you'd be welcome to come ride with me totally kidding i don't want your fur all over inside this cab and look at the difference that's making i'm glad to see there's some dust flying but you can just see where we've gone there it is just chewing up those longer stringier stalks there and turning things black even if it isn't chopping them up that much it's burying them so they should be much more rotten in the spring which is what we need because if we have those stringy stalks around in the spring they they're very tough to get through the tillage and get them to really feed right through our planter just you don't want that stringy stuff around in the spring anymore and this rt tractor rides a million times smoother than that big articulate i don't care what anybody says same brand same size tractor just two track versus the articulate of course that's on tires i think that's the deal but there is no comparison this is way smoother well i'm gonna open the window so you guys can see better here i was going along at a decent clip and i thought i was good here but i got into some peat ground and i can back up the problem is when i get here i can't turn the two track goes the direction it wants to and this is where our two track is not nice once you actually get into the mud pit but it was a smoother ride before i got here get jackknifes like that because i can't control the steering [Applause] i made it i almost wondered if i was going to have to call jim and get a yankum rope out here see if we can clean this out now just set it down a little bit go backwards this is kind of a peat ground here there's there's just like there's no bottom to it once you fall in you have fallen in so note to self i'm gonna stay out of this area now yeah i don't i don't think it would hurt and if we were gonna do one that might be the one it'd just be three years on corn but it might not be all bad i don't think that hurts it i don't like the third year's any worse from the second year actually if you do it three four five years it gets better in the second year yeah and we know it hasn't grown us great soybeans so we could just well try the corn yeah i think that's what we did on marks once we went three years corn and then the house in there growing really good soybeans there too right i can't get loose there we go i might have a plan i moved the ipad mount for the blockage system on the strip tiller from back here to up here but why would i do that right now you ask that answer's simple so i can watch vice grip garage of course i just got to figure out how to get the bluetooth to connect to the ipad now i i'm having trouble doing that and remember there we go got it all figured out catch cans well we're about 30 minutes in do you think we're making progress kind of a little bit slow going because there's came up a little short there just had a rough go and having to go to the back twice um but uh wait through the race ran out of ice cream videos with dairy contact so i figured i'd catch up on some hunt in the front make sure that everything somebody's out doing some combining seems like the corn is about 90 harvested around here beans are 99. well i almost finished that 90 acres i got 15 minutes left and then some end rose to level out but uh master pipe layer junior needs to borrow a shotgun from us so he can go deer hunting in the morning so i'm going to meet him up at the house here get them a shotgun and uh we'll catch you guys later [Music] one last thing here guys just a reminder again our apparel right now if you want any for for christmas or before christmas get on that because there's going to be shipping delays and and issues with getting supplies so if you're interested go to or there's probably a link below or go to those are the only places you can get it you cannot get it from one of these rip-off sites that are not a farm-focused site that's it okay bye hey cat no cat you don't want to stay in here overnight
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 446,764
Rating: 4.9745398 out of 5
Keywords: tractor stuck in mud how to get unstuck, john deere, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, farmer, farming, farm equipment, agriculture, education, comedy, harvest, farming simulator, big tractors, new farm equipment, welker farms, tractors, tractor stuck, heavy equipment, heavy equipment factory, tractor stuck in deep mud, tractor videos, tractor recovery, tractor stuck in mud, Millennial farmer, john deere combine stuck in mud
Id: mwzpV-nuq2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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