"It Is ABSOLUTELY Gross" | Kitchen Nightmares

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oh this is your salmon this is a special yes the dill Dijon cream sauce dill Dijon cream sauce somebody likes cream in the kitchen is that all these principles come from I don't know who originally started them but Alexa cooks with a lot of cream Wow everything's made with heavy cream oh yeah yeah we have oh that's um another it's a cream sauce mm-hmm thank you someone tastes frozen some tastes fresher till it's dry and very dry Wow I mean it's very old-school cream on cream on cream but thank you for darling yeah yeah that wasn't Pleasant that was hideous salmon tastes dry right come on really cream again yeah well everything he ordered has cream but I know wow I would think I would know what they're ordering before they did it but that's whatever I think everything is delicious I wouldn't serve it if I didn't think it was delicious [Music] what a mess Randy woman's last time we had a coat of paint or I changed the wallpaper when was our science wallpaper five years ago this this wallpapers five years ago no not this one I'll show you something sure please what's all this here for and this here disrepair and you pull that table out and just seal that mark in there across the wall like that in this place looks and feels like it's been closed the last 10 years sort of look that the restaurant has Wow hopefully before the week is finished I'll get a straight answer here's your Yucatan scallops our view here is wilee there you go chef the man and where are the scallops excellent thank you well it is absolutely gross Wow trap no season whatsoever mr. scallops are just hideous I don't find out why this is called jerk attack because I don't insult those people in Mexico Randy and I'd like to find out why it's called the Yucatan sea scallop dish well what's the relation the spice with the chipotle peppers so why is it called yogurt an cuz it's got spice in it just the name you just picked the name out the hand it bears no relevance the actual if it does or doesn't they're not actually 100% sure are you kidding me okay I'm done with that thank you [Music] Thomas Krause scallops are over done and the sauce is bland that's the way I've been cooking them they look beautiful they were cooked perfectly I know they were getting irritated I like it it's an absolute matter of taste this is just stupid that's the way we cook that's that's it wasn't an off day you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 4,377,798
Rating: 4.9451203 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay best insults, Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, kitchen nightmares HD, kitchen nightmares best moments, kitchen nightmares full episodes, kitchen nightmares online, kitchen nightmares watch online
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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