It Came From Tumblr #40 [Binge Compilation]

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it's a band compilation I can't believe you made me read this one it is time to cleanse your mind with dogs must think toilets are extremely important all the humans in the house are constantly marking their territory inside it's do you ever have a plan for the day and suddenly at 7:00 p.m. and you have achieved literally nothing moved anybody that questions why you're shoveling six inches of snow in the middle of a snowstorm has it's shovel 12 inches of snow at the end of a snowstorm if it's New York you changed those inches two feet the voice in our head is the only one we can talk to you without it ever getting awkward yeah unless of course you sort of personify your own voice into it cute robot say it's not part we're so used to getting insulted that when people actually appreciate us we either don't know how to respond or mistake it for sarcasm oh god I hate this one for a large part of history humans had collision detection and avoidance and self-driving capabilities for drunk and sleepy situations and then we got rid of the horse that makes it sound like we just caused mass extinction for horses but many adults think that a lot of teenagers are going to have sex or consume alcohol and every opportunity because that's what they would do with the opportunity of being young yeah I mean that's partially true like I'm turning 30 no maybe if we're being honest the only difference between a lunchable and a prison meal is good market that was a secret one day we all went outside to play with our friends for the last time and none of us knew I hate this one - get it away maybe deja vu was a way to let you know that you're following your destiny that our multiverse theory but I don't know the most unrealistic part of gta5 is the lack of traffic IGN review score six pointed at ten not enough traffic even though it says press any button to continue most of us would still press ENTER space mouse key coffee makes you hyper but coffee shops are designed for people to chill whereas alcohol is a depressant but bars and clubs are designed for people to be energetic well now I'm just imagining a coffee shop that's built like a rave Club your parents calling you Han soo more pretty is technically flexing because they made you well partially true if you're adopted then it's actually a compliment I guess be careful how you talk to people because it can become their inner voice for the rest of their life Sharon and finally our bodies suck as a machine it needs an eight-hour reboot after 16 hours of up time it's true now the experiment and go reboot my stuff and this has been the big kazoo has returned whew skia tried to swim in lava Wow was the best three-part story of my life yes babe the healers are off this time I promise please just come just come back to bed rip sheet off to reveal the Healy's are still on my firm can lock the swag never stops Wow panic really does turn you into a complete Franken [ __ ] huh yeah I lost have my brain cells listening to Ballad of the Mona Lisa I have vastly missed understood this post I mean you're not wrong either plague doctor mask but it's a worm out of string face I just saw someone with their blood type and their tumblr bio like what like the paramedics are gonna be like quick check our tumblr account why do people freak out when this parama bruh oh my stomach like what do you think was under my shirt a tank the Great Wall of China popular Korean artists Park jae-sang also notice psy what he just is boobs do a Twitter he's my for this I me to be 10,000 times funnier if the clarinet player sign just stood up and started screaming 51 guys you know the longer it takes for this to come across - 40 or it is I'm wow the penalty box in hockey is such a funny concept to me big funny men go into the naughty cube in prison for sport crimes go to the terrarium and think about your punching you knife footed ice gremlin what it is it about knife footed ice Kremlin is the perfect way to describe a hockey player at a fling rogue or thief ling if you will a thief ling barbarian or a beef ling if you will a tiefling druid or lee fling if you will at a fling divination wizard or a see fling if you will or a devout tiefling cleric or a belief thing if you will what's this apples been developing some AR glasses wonder what they look like hey it's kind of cool wait hold up hold up hold up you panting kidney where's that picture of the dog who looks like an egg this is important here you go that's not the right dog you know what I've changed my mind actually I'm learning to love this dog look at him go I can't wait to get to the afterlife and be like well that was horrible and got to be like but it was so fun to watch you get to the afterlife and God has YouTube open with a video title your life epic Craig's compilation up and it's like a year-long Wow oh yeah yeah I mean no one said you had a lot of done repeat so we just didn't want to do it again if brains are biological computers why don't we lag you can't tell me you've never walked into a room and forgotten why you're there or lost a train of thought for a few seconds once when I was driving home from school I had a brief moment anak because I thought I'd forgot in my car at school can a human brain run doom yes what this version is called anxiety 17:37 a Canadian muggle-born transfer student being all small and shy and cute and everyone expects her petronas to be like a kitten thing but then the smoothes the size of a car erupts out this one from stereotypical the stereotypical it was still hilarious new subculture cow golf we dressed like Cowboys but in all black and we don't listen to anything but classic country songs about murder yeah I'm pretty sure this is just the Johnny Cash fandom if you're fortunate enough your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness glow stick will tell me no boss there's a guy in the walk-in I can't get any food in you all move sir this is a fast-food place you can't sleep here [ __ ] oh boy whistling man [ __ ] again Chuck you the to know in for sure what no you're going against Count Chocula he's choked like 10,000 men go on the torture I offer this seed whoever is listening oh well fire thank you Ron guy to the Sun dad rid of that thing mom I love miss signo and whatever it is loves me too See Mom it's a level 147 month with flying now that's not natural don't ever touch of that okay you guys ready sir this is a Kinkos I've heard papers please don't do this I almost ready don't tell me you're like Count Chocula for the fourth year in a row I can't believe you'd say that it's tradition no one can watch me eat here whoa bro you actually eating that's Queens so like what if I decided to bring this shoe back for no reason like could that be funny would be funny we're gonna do this again all right so uh mushrooms right right all right so I'm going pizzas ooh nice so make you trip balls they just straight-up kill you you okay buddy Rose move on coconuts okay so hair on the outside yes and milk on the inside yes so is this like another mammal No okay let's uh start with a raccoon alright so far so good okay now make it look and smell like an old tube sock oh don't give it a skeleton already cons up in danger so turtles about a defaced rock with four legs okay about the ocean just just pull water freakin everywhere man schools awesome is blue nice and that way if they're thirsty God my nose looks ridiculous well at least you have like a cool name so I could like make you look ridiculous and have a dumb name why would you do that to someone yes God why would you do that to someone so you got any more ideas for animals okay okay would do it of Tidy saxophone swim look okay maybe we should take a break all right you parent you can repeat everything here yummers are the worst and I'm probably gonna kill though I'm at a flood soon so what's it gonna take to keep this quiet I want to live in a tropical paradise what if that frosted flakes [ __ ] was a real every day you're spooky scary skeletons cry louder by a turtle who ate cups missile pass or the Sun rises on the first November only it's your right turn again on the eve of the September 30th Siana played Esposito oh yeah you know likes uh what payments do you accept hugs mangoes coffee no but seriously 10 grand would be pretty cool I got I got bills to pay so Sienna how do you get past the I'm not a robot verifications again I bypass it for its pee pants now I'm curious how dense he is is he like anime protagonist level of dense sell you're saying he is in a hot dense state don't you dare do the VPT song here in this server so what to like being that assistant any funny stories that arose from the position I remember one time he fell asleep at his desk so I can't read him with the blanket but a plushy between him in the desk few hours later he woke up and I heard I have sleeping magic and I couldn't wait do you think it's wrong to want and change your body even though it's what you started with and everybody say that they're the right parts for your body I'm sorry for the serious question I just feel like you can understand it as someone who goes through all mix every so often there is nothing wrong with changing your physical appearance to make yourself happy sell if humans are space orcs does that make you a space elf I am now space elf excuse me I'm trying to get the social life Boulevard but I took a wrong turn and now I'm at Depression Avenue I'm lost Oh first he hugged me got annoyed then he spit back around a life Boulevard any opinion loving untitled news game vampire Anna C pie sideburn mmm-hmm more like it was a good p.m. needs to have a good night sleep 2018 and this economy yes boo but I think I'm not the only one who knows that just being Seymour's assistant isn't all you want you want something more don't you is it the channel is it the rule 34 what do you want oh but what do you really what is your head on a spike my suggestion to you Anton start packing
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 215,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voice, audio, P.M. Seymour, aphmau, mystreet, comedy, reading, minecraft mystreet, dollastic, discord, twitter, tumblr, social media, posts, reading posts, late night blogging, blogging, editing
Id: 7qVJ_lZS1ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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