It Came From Tumblr #29 [Binge Compilation]

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it's a big compilation okay bye okay sure tumblr made us hate the idea that our bones are always wet but if they ever started a dry out you would panic my brain after losing an online match a dumb way Oh surely you must be joking they must be joshing they must be drinking joshing delivering back out of me right now I want to meet the guy who looked at a celery God's flavorless green water stick and was like I bet this can make soup taste better game pitch five nights at freddy's remastered but it's actually six hours real time a night have fun and now dr. pepper AKA barbecue sauce soda that is all err day yeah what is Mountain Dew other than sweet and sour ginger ale hmm alright here's a visual pun for all ya what happens when you share a satanic summoning on YouTube and accidentally swear you get dude monetized okay and what do we do when we're sad um use puns more down a shot a cold brew and blast music about how much I hate my town close I'm sorry did you say JoJo's Bizarre Adventure no jar jar's bizarre adventure Mesa gonna make my stand new internet rule rule number 11 - 18 if it exists there is a minecraft parody of its also if you understand what 11 - 18 means you've been playing minecraft for way too long me and before I go I have an important announcement to make horses walk on their toenails that is all enjoy your sleep ah yes the avocado the king of greed food dreams only few of your ilk deserve the avocado yummy me huh pirates here to tell you the world not be flats if it was what would he do anyway your brothers would still be to tomorrow the government still be taxing your honor funds [Music] I'll make it a new valve I'm calling it you think they won't I get it you lie their opinions really matter spot competition no bro you win I stole this leg I'm getting older and older I no longer wish to fight but rather surround myself with love as I get older though I get less and less friends I've already seen many of my friends move on or die reminding me that someday I too will leave the friends I have or die I just want to enjoy whatever time I have left with the people who care about me sir how much longer do you want me to hold your Blizzard upside down you kids these days know about glamping what is that Hey whoa what the Frick my god the world has changed I feel it in the water I feel it in the earth I smell it in the air much that once was is lost for none now live who remember it no but seriously what's going you're too late spider-man we just been legalized yes you're the one getting smoked Gabby oh good because these I need you to hold the net sneeze or else my spices will be ruined sitting on and touching warm rocks that's good stuff are you a reptile what are you a cat mind your business life size breath of the wild Guardian and attend of America headquarters in Redmond Washington dude like I'm not going to be keeping one eye on this at all times at a distance I can get out of it I say as fast as possible if necessary Oh actually better concept hang out near this and then play The Guardian has spotted you music and see whose flight instinct acts up yo ass sexy yeah behold who laid baked chicken wings I'm convinced that Jesus canceled the Second Coming a while ago yo wats T's B fire though guys I have a really really hot waiter guys he came back with my food and said careful the plate is hot too so I asked to and then he touched my shoulder and made sizzling noise I'm freaking out what I do him us things that I only know from the internet flash TV and that I won't believe until I've seen them with my own two eyes Girl Scouts selling cookies garbage disposals regular school assemblies psays coupons oh god can't believe I forgot cheerleaders serious school sports teams and spirit week still not convinced this isn't a myth I can't believe in an industry ripe with falsehoods you managed to list everything that actually exists reasons why Highland cattle are obviously the best reason number one that's it that's all bet that's the post I have three Highland cattles and I can confirm this is the only reason you need oh yeah baby guys there's a fudge recipe on a headstone I feel like I should make this just to be able to say a dead person taught me how to make it maybe I'll do it for Halloween I desperately hope that she spent her entire life telling people that they could have her fudge recipe over my dead body oh my god that's exactly what it is probably bad RPG ideas the party is all half human half other races looking for their shared human parent change your URL Opie hey Ellen bar diseases gaggle a bastard stumbling into the tavern I said always the BART and why is it always true when if the bard oh my god does anyone else secretly have that I liked it before with school complex but won't admit it it's more along the lines of you guys were faking making fun of me for liking this before it was cool kind of complex also I super excitedly tried to show this to you years ago and you brush it off and now you think you introduced it to me and that is infuriating kind of complex all of the above how to make a story better add dragons how to make it even better a dragons you don't have to kill you you're promoted best idea make the dragon the protagonist yeah the protagonist that man is our new presidents yeah this is pretty much my senior report card how do you fail lunch what is strange cat that's not a cat let you pet its belly without biting dogs like rolling over on their back baby dog ah look at this weird dog at my belly for evermore so uh did the guy sneeze did you ruin your spices this I must know but this is suicide strive did you hear what I said I have to try okay but you guys are aware that I am 18 right I'm not a baby I'm so close the stars are right there done i heart light brigade member no matter how many times we get thrown down we okay can someone explain to me why the ninja guy is just staring at me with full of hate or he's just like that leave him be the two ours and jir Tolkien stand for rocket and rolling down to the Grey Havens I'm strolling but the Eagles poke at my head not fun I said Eagles hmmm stop it now oh this is a great way to start this because nothing starts your day off right like Darth Vader crying heavily over your naked body oh you're his Natalie Portman I love that Team Rocket isn't Pokemon go now but I just can't take them seriously because their main goal is to steal items from polka stops like polka stops are free you don't have to steal them you can literally just walk up to a polka stop and get the items for free it's like stealing a balloon on free balloon day actually it sounds like they managed a completely accurate representation of Team Rocket which is better a dog with a backpack or a dog in a backpack clearly a big dog with a backpack containing two smaller dogs oh my god it's true look at that face you know it's astounding that maplestory YouTube videos came back around in the form of Gacha light videos I've been on the internet for way too long what is maplestory Jesus who said Ferraris aren't family cars pair because the air from the grill is diverted out those channels that baby will be launched at at sufficiently high speeds fantastic G time on the eye 88 none of y'all know what propaganda actually is do you it's when a British person takes a good look at something [Laughter] [ __ ] you CJ what is ever said to our boats thank you for your service you don't get it see propagate dataverse exit Orca yes yo if the Evans family had like anymore daughters they end up calling them like flora cactus and eucalyptus imagine Harry's mom being called cactus Potter just imagine it and giggle nobody absolutely no one me we're a walking brain that decided I want to name our brain stop go to sleep why are they call it toilet paper maybe because but napkins sounds stupid or great your butt napkins my lord Pentagon hexagon octagon his parents gone I won't apologize and you can't make me what did I do you have you heard me this way why are you getting after my boy why are there is like power to the main thrusters all systems are go we're going turbo shared
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 381,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voice, audio, P.M. Seymour, aphmau, mystreet, comedy, reading, minecraft mystreet, dollastic, discord, twitter, tumblr, social media, posts, reading posts, late night blogging, blogging, family friendly, editing
Id: 0Qnpzrx_Igw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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