It Came From Tumblr #44 | Binge Compilation

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it's okay bye it is time to cleanse your mind man who is sad about how people treated his character but you know life goes on we'll have work to do my tumblr it's only one you walk without sucks that you realize you need to sweep you wouldn't care if you saw someone from real life in your dream go to freak out if the opposite happens phones are becoming increasingly difficult to hold between your neck and shoulder because of how thin they are getting once you pass a certain age people stop referring to you as good looking and start telling you that you're looking good which is wearing a suit to your job used to be as something of a status symbol now being able to wear jeans and a t-shirt is if porn video started with 15 seconds of unskipable ads about consent and safe sex they probably teach more than most current sex ed classes number 5 it's kind of like an honorary even number I was that true but I also need explanation on that being a billionaire probably feels like playing life on creative mode do you ever have a plan for the day and suddenly at 7 p.m. and you've achieved literally nothing big move guys never put away their summer clothes we just layer them with jackets in the winter I can't even dispute that right now son of a [ __ ] watching professional sports is actually watching a bunch of millionaires genetic outliers and drug users play a kids game it's like you yeah characters and movies and TV never have to wait in line in a coffee shop unless it's important to the plots this newfound information and this has been still sad getting kool-aid out for a while you can't just cut pieces of toast up put him in a bowl pour butter on it and call it a meal but he could and he did and soon after he would violate the Geneva Conventions we need to talk flaming hot cheetos on everything is not a personality trait real and your rewards will be great produce my brother no I said something dark and evil from that's final of a crippling Japanese porn addiction high five man yeah Turkey huh I got you you're absolutely fool you imbecile hey that's sandpaper man what are you doing I'm trying to beat the world record for the most sandpaper region I'm close I'm coming in a second see I tried to say goodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumble though I try to hide it it's clear I hate a bunch of sandpaper on the way here hey let me wake up I [ __ ] myself you're gonna change me or what bro I don't feel like anything everything I try sucks I practice I practice and try different things but it doesn't work out he'll feel my place there isn't a time limit on success dude just keep doing [ __ ] until something clicks it's frustrating but it's not a race keep going figured an unwholesome ooh but I can't because people want captain rich so [ __ ] the poor it is Jah [Music] with the thought of at one time because even fused with his dad in the movie Steven was himself his mom his dad I'm in pink time and all at once by tumblr the Roman numeral five is also visually the half of Roman numerals tend paying tickets aren't penalties they're receipts for premium parking capitalism and it's madness the age when you are the most useless 0-4 is also the age when you get the most compliments okay parents don't teach their kids playground games like tagger men hunt we all learned them from other friends I'm sorry what was the second one right your body killing itself because of a nut allergy is kind of like burning a house down because of a spider JK rowling changing aspects of Harry Potter 22 years after it was written it's kinda like the equivalent of coming up with a good comeback a few hours after the arguments already finished if future historians don't know how to decode multiple layers of sarcasm the Internet's really going to throw them off you did it Lance we made history by [ __ ] it up hitting a pothole is the car version of stubbing your toe when you window shop on Amazon you're actually just picking your ads for the foreseeable future a fake preachers money laundered earnings could be considered a false prophets false prophets those choose your own flavor coke machines are probably just there to gather marketing data they see what the most popular flavors are so they can release bottled and canned versions I mean and that makes sense with orange vanilla coke I did that one all the time like seriously I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it's for kind of sad that normal people and youtubers have to plant trees and save our planet while our world leaders don't do anything well that's not count on all the world leaders some of the big guys on that note though if mr. beast plane to 20 million trees morgues and other clones would also plant trees and make the amounts of trees plan to double just say it mister east get on that this has been me not asking mr. beast to plant 20 million trees because that that does be crazy right right by Tobler behold a beautiful Native American Fire Opal blade dude kill me with this as my vision fades I whisper my name backward spells disappointment and skin problems well nice to meet you spell barb Nix dinna Timna opposite all right listen you take me laser tagging and then push me into the corner and kiss me then shoot me and walk away my god imagine the OTP oh my god this is a good prompt God my imagination running wild at the moment what does it mean when kisses you and they kick you and then shoot you can you do that prompt it's dead if you want to know how long this year has been the whole [ __ ] type odd [ __ ] he happened in January I'll remembered it's January but it was the January I'll God kill me yo did they ever track down the baby born a - con the what you know the descon baby the baby born in the ball paid a desk on what the wats the - con baby okay fine history lesson alright here we go at - connelly turn pregnant lady there for a writing panel I believe arrived and while going around the event her water broke around two months earlier than expected and began to go into labor there was a huge traffic jam because of you know and driving to the Hospital was out of the question so they called an ambulance but the thing is because of the traffic jam it took over 40 minutes and she was going into labor now a nursing training there took over and had to deal with the woman so they took the ball pit being the best thing they could think of in the mostly empty area cleared some little balls away and had to use that as a surface to deliver the baby around five minutes before they got there they managed to deliver the baby thankfully in a safe State right back can't Oh God that can't possibly be true can it can it board there's a combat class which is true because I've never met anyone in marching band that didn't want to throw down hey let me tell you oh you cheeky scripts something playing tuba and marching band means you can power walk two miles backwards on your toes in 16 minutes without bending your knee while carrying a 35-pound blunt metal object with your arms held at right angles and blasting every gulp of oxygen you can spare without exceeding to make sounds loud enough to deafen the dead in an act of pure unchristian violence you're barred is a party member who will teach you how to kill God by example Jesus Christ y'all I just figured out how to make origami swans time to bombard my friends with thousands of little swans to make them happy and laugh this is the extent of my chaotic neutral energy I'm gonna fill their lockers with swans my art may never be as good as I want it to be but I have hands and a pencil and I will make that everyone else's problem that being said here's some c on up your face what now what do you do what do you get when you mix alcohol and literature tequila Mockingbird F scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway they're called leggings because he's pretty good say you put your leg the cold leggings because no it's okay take your time let's just be clear if you spend the time baking a cake cookie or brownie you can eat as many of them as you want and the calories don't count you made those calories you're there God disclaimer this does not apply to the children you made looking you Chronos oh look levitate I believe it's called Wingardium Leviosa okay so real talk my grandfather got suspended from Catholic school for referring to Jesus Christ and the Twelve Apostles as JC and the boys like this boy bed now Judas is like the [ __ ] of the group whitey stores always say gifts for her who is she why are millions Americans being encouraged to buy gifts for this entity so explain we must appease her she is all that keeps the darkness at bay without her the old ones will rise again we must not disappoint her she is watching and she knows and she goes okay Real Talk the only character tropes that matter the mad scientist the goth and the chaotic dumbass so you mean Eggman Shadow and Sonic in that order you you get it so today I learned that Gothic literature makes a distinction between terror and horror terror is the sense of dread and apprehension that precedes an experience horror is the sense of revulsion after an experience and someone described the modern difference as such fear is knowing that a werewolf is hunting you terror is when you see it in a chart is that you and horror is realizing that your feet are stuck to the floor and smut realizes that you're into all of that okay here's the weather for today is 34 6 sir Slovak cast I guessed oh the weather outside is the doctor didn't drop anything worthwhile only soup what do you mean there's only soup I mean the only drop soup will get out of the increased soup drop right universe the other God also dropped soup what do you mean the other God also dropped soup it means I kill them but he only drops soup go into the next universe be really doing this again no matter how much I try too far for her items the gods keep dropping so where are you psy has had ever done something that like genuinely disappointed you not in the disappointed caretaker sense just generally serious disappointment you ever see a man bite down on chocolate-covered espresso beans then take a shot of cold brew going thug life live fast die hard see oh no where's your neural net like what faster your processors you ever blown Pat's mind by something you said not sure how to explain the first two but the last one I did get with my bro moment humans are evolved from Cynthia eggs due to having started out as eggs see why can you just make a sock puppet version of Santa for some reason I really want to see that wait Sienna you wear glasses I thought robot eyes are perfect these have an extra high I can use them setting new things about the earth also they're cute you can't fight crime if you don't want cute I have no regret in what I'm about to say Queen you got those Thunder ties succeeded gender sighs oh hell yeah so which one he used the thrill-seeker flip-flops I want to do fun stuff like guard theme parks or go cliff climbing he wants to grind rails of this Healy so see you escape from the city now but why do you still Pym stuff also p.m. you need to keep trackers stuff better as the waifu I get all his stuff to luxuriously steal it's in my contract damn people work please help call my anger so I don't accidentally kill someone tomorrow Kevin you're on deck smarter ace yeah Pat I need advice you both seem so positive even in all the world could be ending at any moment coming in the future I must ask how do you do it the urge to do the 30 rock joke increasing I'm noticing your pupils appear to be hearts is that always the case or can you like switch between the circles and hearts can you do like other shapes mmm I can do hearts stars and circles closer than blue moons what hourglass and rainbows what what does happen why words your health practice it's not chrimbus yeah you back off sharing actually that's a good question what do you want for chrimbus must face off in the chrimbus manly fool enough know now about committing a few war crimes or RCN his thighs getting thicker with every image because of yes then I thoroughly approve re listen up will tempt him angles colors lighting clothes posture squish factor change the size of all the same comments about the chest as well Oliver's the same size as the synthetic overall people have good angles when it comes to selfies the same rules apply to drawings if you're going by proportion and not exaggeration top down at Cypress pectins make rounder objects look larger straight on everything looks small everything looks smaller conclusion the baby blue thighs have always been the same the way a color or shade sometimes makes them look large sometimes larger yeah thank you for coming my TED talk follow my soundcloud and buy my stuff bye he's stuff readout himself an expresso
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 249,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tumblr, p.m. Seymour, cyana, late night tumblr
Id: TZpaFoFtojY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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