It Came From Tumblr #24 [Binge Compilation]

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imagine if you will a fantasy world where there is a giant gate that stands between the world of light and dark guarding the skates is a giant skeleton who holds the gift to open the gate to those who seek passage his name is key mm-hmm Court in 2030 do you swear to spill the tea the whole tea and nothing but the T so help you Regina oh yes the card harvest is coming in nicely questions that keep me up at night is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from ghostbusters a kaiju like is it that I need to know silly anime idea a skateboard anime we're all tricks are done in the style of initial D don't lie to me you would watch the crap out of that this Justin if you do not have a dad you have been adopted by me now brace yourself for dad jokes pizza and demands to finish your homework on time oh and uh undying love I guess yeah in Pokemon sword and shield they don't use the insult sheep shaggers they use lures five things I want in breath for the wild to able to play as zelda and Link less core exceeds time travel mechanics save data bonuses from breath of the wild one and Zelda's hair to do the Ghibli thing you know you wanted yeah sometimes I'm brain feels like an over cluttered harddrive and trying to look up an item not for the sake of finding the item but where exactly the origin folder is like I know I heard the song somewhere but where the hell was it we hear YouTube our network thriving with many different genres of entertainment and creativity that maybe we can all learn from and laugh also YouTube yo she's screaming for 24 hours 7 days a week I watched like never before I get bored explain your favorite anime in the worst possible way Ghibli reenacts The Lorax my name is Sun and I speak for the trees shoot the deer and I'll break your knees here's a new challenge make a list of all the things you like about yourself and then keep that list close by when you're feeling down to read Deeley you won't Americans have a new nickname and it's star spangled ding-dongs that's a Captain America call just slung hey that's America so long to you when you stub your toe but YouTube is watching you carefully biscuit yo Travis really lost his touch with the ladies false you got the best girl in this series also he never really had a touch he just kind of winged it and it worked like how most relationships are supposed to work write that down it is time to cleanse your mind with these me puffy pose bottom bra the only part of you that doesn't age is the voice in your head before 1918 colorblind people had the same experience watching movies as everyone else sleeping on a couch is like cheating on your bed there must be thousands of people alive today who we have exactly the right mindset physiology and motivation for successful life on Mars except that they were born a hundred years to were saying okay - everything someone says is like trying to skip NPC dialogue and she's rude Mike Wazowski notic is the same as him the fact that there haven't been any internet challenges recently is evidence of their use as a tool for natural selection maybe we should start doing more challenges the man who invented the internet created more jobs than any other person on earth Thank You Internet man without you I would not be here this day and offended the guy nosov fireflies by Owl City gets a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs so one in ten fireflies like him therefore he's pretty unpopular with fireflies and this has been should meet with EP oh look it's an image prompt Gary I realize it's your first day but we do have a dress code I can't literally tell who was talking to who and I don't want to change that for a second who was the first man who first salted the slug what was he thinking to try roaming the lands pouring salt on God's creatures open for one which would die why does this work may this handsome boy a little while back but realize I posted him to IG but not tumblr his name is Charlie and he lives in my closet man enough seven looks great not every single long sentence is a song by Fall Out Boy there are two ways to read this yes and here the two not every single long sentence is a song title by Fall Out Boy not every single long sentence is a song title by Fall Out Boy by panic at the disco hey yo imagine waking up for church every Sunday we can get an entire your worship done in one serving it doesn't work like that wait it doesn't hello my baby hello my honey hello doctors my old friend oh god I hate this thank you so much shad don't call it that please you would not believe your arms if ten million car alarms blare in the night zero tried to sleep you are the owner of a magic backpack every morning you stick your hand in it and it contains exactly what you need for the day one morning it contains a gun okay but isn't this the plot of Dora the Explorer Swiper Swiper no more you know I'm sane oh he did dude shirts are crazy your body goes in one hole I have three excuse me we're no strangers to the house you know the pattern and so do I may God bring his wrath down upon each and every one of you all right good work today team let's pack it up call our therapist it is now time to cleanse your mind with these Schmieder theaters it's theoretically possible to flip a coin for infinity and to always get heads if you get drunk you basically borrow your good mood from the next day to lightly touch someone is to hardly touch them if you live to 113 you can say you have experienced being a teenager twice the most unrealistic part about friends isn't the size of their apartments but the fact that the couch in Central Perk is always available for them Western gunfights were probably held at high noon so the Sun wouldn't be in anyone's eyes there could be a ghost aggressively breakdancing next to you and you can for no it wrestling is two guys without pants fighting for a belt 90% of the ads on Spotify are about Spotify Premium making a horse where a horse leather saddle is like making a human wear human skin shirts the night before day off is more satisfying than the actual day off you're probably constantly worrying about the next part of your life without realising that you're right in the middle of what you used to look forward to one day graphics will become so real that the games will be all about gameplay if Harry Potter was initially rejected by 12 publishers before someone printed it we could have missed out on so many more childhood shaping stories just because some people in suits decided they weren't good enough and the author gave up and finally who lives in a pineapple under the sea he could also be answered with Gary this has been near theaters yes metre theaters you know you can tell a lot about a person based on the where on their keyboard if the spacebar has a smooth circle in the center there a writer if the West Keys are all worn out their PC Gamer if the Z key has been burrowed through the keyboard to form a hole through the desk they're an artist and if the keyboard is on the floor 2 million tiny pieces they use her as a programmer if I ever have a son I'm gonna name him alt i air just so when he's sad or mad I'll be like hey what's the matter you all day eh that's racist you're racist well I'm gonna name MultiAir so when he comes home from school I'll be like what's new novice and when he tells me that he failed the test and that is why you will always remain an office in my eyes really this is what you guys are doing so the go to my work were being mean bad Northy kids get shame orbs put on their heads oh no they look like the poke on my hands I was curious about what the other side of the moon looked like so I googled it and I am so glad we got the side we did the moon's ass you're so rude to miss booth the reason her ass is so BAP is because she's protecting us from meteors her face is beautiful sir asking me disgusting and we can be safe very someone who hasn't watched Italia please care to explain this dude I've watched Italian I can't explain this oh there's a witch in these woods is she single bear me going ask the forest witch out on a date so my firstborn child has been stolen your wife taking care of your child is not stealing aa ship sale why is every author a number one best-selling author why is every toothpaste the number one recommended toothpaste why do my parents hate me why is every movie the number one movie in America did he commit a crime where's the warrants I know it's his last day at kindergarten it's for his mom yes mr. firefighter please run away from the fire you're supposed to put outs if I ever become famous enough to go on talk shows and have fan fiction written about my character I'm going to read fan fiction follow the authors of my favorite then go on Graham Norton or some show and discuss it in enough detail for the author to know I'm talking about their story and then end with so now I follow them on tumblr and wait for them to freak out people are lazy and will never do any kind of work for free meanwhile minecraft players wait that's that's that's that's in Minecraft somebody made that way whenever I'm sad I just imagine a bunch of tiny versions of myself working inside of my body that singing pushed blood cells around and have romantic encounters and have sword fights with bacteria and have so much fun keeping me alive I'm gonna take care of myself for the tiny people inside me now I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that is just the show cells at work right imagine a D&D game but everyone talks like golf announcers and you just soft clap when someone rolls a 20 great swing from the Barbarian absolutely beautiful and I do believe yes that'll be enough damage from the rogue sneak attack to kill the dragon Baron the black house pulled ahead in the kill shot tally for this campaign in his stupendous way well done although his overall damage is still behind Synnex the sorcerer drew that's very true it's hard to compete with syntax gratuitous use of area effect spells truly outstanding I think yes yes grog the orc has rolled 20 very very beautiful you know there's always that speculation then the orcs are bloodlust and hungry for war and just want to fight all the time I would like to clarify though that's not true most of the time some of us actually aspire to be different things and I feel like I could be one of those ones that could you know breaks new ground you know II mean I mean like you look at me and think that I was built for battle and believe me that is what my father said been set up for me and I I just was not a fan of it at all my brother certainly was when he came home for the first time with the skulls of his enemies at school it just oh no creeped me out it really did I don't know if cuz I was wrong at the time but just would not me so I I pursue different things I I wanted to write so I wrote my first book about you know growing up in my household let's just say my father was not a fan of it mainly because well I talked about other things besides war you'd think he would be mad of all the things I insulted him in fact he actually told me you liked that part unfortunately if the first book didn't do so well you got canned because the only always bad circulation among the tribes and let's just say maybe I I did get a little angry I found the first negative critiques hold well I broke his house a little bit just a little not not enough that he couldn't possibly go back to it but enough to send a message to him you know I mean you know when I did that that was the first time my dad ever told me he was proud of me and the irony one time I finally get mad and I said I didn't know how but hey Ward's buicks you know an island
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 381,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tumblr, social media, binge Compilation, late night tumblr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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