It Came From Tumblr 10 [Binge Compilation]

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do British people not drink iced tea as much as Americans do what are they drink during the summer tea but it's not only tea there are no other drinks only tea wait what what if you don't like tea then the weak tie natural selection goddamn is it weird that we pay money to see other human beings are you talking about prostitution the movies are airplane tickets glasses a very intimidating middle-class family is staring me down to my Panera Bread because I put mac and cheese on my baguette update I told him that staring is rude and I would eat everything on this baguette including their small shy other you are everything I remember the selling their kid on eBay story who sells their kid on ebay that's nuts that's a child a living being that you made that [ __ ] goes on Etsy is she brushing his hair with a fork or dude it's a dinglehopper educate yourself these don't even have knees so if someone says you're the bee's knees it means that you're nothing in net real in fact they do bees have segmented legs consisting of parts called a coax a trochanter a femur a tibia and Tarsus the joints between which are considered to be knees you kick ass [ __ ] go to a Sudoku puzzle I can't express how much I hate [ __ ] bees it's stop [ __ ] beasts it's really a simple solution you know what I meant not after B movie we don't fun party trick put skittles and M&Ms in the same bowl wait for someone to grab a handful you can go [ __ ] yourself you are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos then tomorrow is not your lucky day get out me do not want the D me want the see this could confirm that you're either hungry or lesbian or college student who needs a GPA boost why can't you be both oh is for the way you look at me o is for the only one I see these very very extraordinary well you were busy being heterosexual I studied the blade this ain't no etch-a-sketch this is one doodle that can't be undid homeskillet do you always have to insult the ghost of the place we're at and you're willing to risk your lives for this I won't risk my life but I assume I can outrun anything so I'm in Oh My Goddess when someone says hold your horses they're telling you to be stable real secret to immortality not dying you want to be immortal okay easy just don't die that's it refuse to die there you go but how you may ask easy just don't do it refuse to say oh no thanks you bet your ass I got this strong from screaming at the moon and eating dirt I'd sell you to Satan for one corn chip I'm the highly a champion a humble protector of the princess and who are you supposed to be I am the hero time let's see well I think sick prepare to cleanse your mind with these shower thoughts the Sun is physically or artificially featured in almost every daylight scene in the vast majority of films that take place outside that makes it a pretty big movie star when people hear about 1c of warming that doesn't sound like a lot but consider the human body 37 C is normal 38 C is a fever 39 scene is high fever 40 C is life-threatening the planet is already one above normal it already has a fever but high fever is coming when o P is really active in the comments it feels like your parent is hanging out at the party they let you have every house has a smell that only the people living in the house don't smell irony is cutting down trees to print more copies of the Lorax if you say have a nice day nobody will think twice about it but if you say enjoy the next 24 hours they will probably feel threatened Jafar didn't use his staff to hypnotize Jasmine into marrying him when he could have he may be evil but he believes in consent not-safe-for-work images are either really bad or really good maybe cats like to sit on keyboards because they think were petting the keys as teenagers getting picked up was embarrassing because everyone started driving as adults getting picked up is great because you don't have to drive if mermaids were real their version of a werewolf would be a merman that turns into a shark at high tide and toddlers are like when you start a new video game and are mashing a to see what you can interact with I hope your mind has been cleansed from these shower thoughts quick explain to me why pineapples are pecans both can be made into a pie special message your existence is very much appreciated oh thank you flying cat humans our featherless penguins have a nice day I'll propose to somebody with a rock oh but we don't go out in the cold searching for food oh we don't exciting on her stomach a low in summoning bed or on fire I'm heroes say wow Pat what was your first reaction to the when angels fall script I'm a danger the real mystery but what's your verdict it's good hey hey if no he came from Norway would that make her know we Gian Oh dare you do you ever just what you know what you yo haka shell the show were finger guns literally solve everything and they did it better than please Oh shots fired I'm just kidding bleaches the cocktail now stand aside worthy adversary tis but a scratch a scratch your arms off no it isn't well what's that then I've heard worse you liar wait wait why do you need a special mind for rocks to eat there's rocks everywhere aliens eat plants right why do you need farms why don't you just eat grass [ __ ] yeah think before you speak next time punk-ass Oh you're supposed to say you're not that old but you are old hell yeah I'm a cat holic I've been addicted to cats my whole life oh wait you meant cat you don't rank me and you don't have pointed ears so get off my back maybe you should stop trying to socialize everybody hates you everyone well not everyone just people that have met you or know you exist you know when you want to tell someone something but you don't want to hurt their feelings so you kind of bottle it up inside till it's slowly and surely develops into an overwhelming urge to kill them obviously oh I cloned you so I could kill you you're not yes you're not named nice nice I'm just saying next time I'm gonna get you I'm just saying I beat you twice the first time was a toy and the second time there were no witnesses the second time sometimes you have to spend money you don't have to make it seem like you have money that you don't spend you get what I mean boy for a creator tail competition your story ended with din getting eaten by vultures and nehru drowning herself in a tub I thought it was a better ending you smell like peanuts I love peanuts oh thank you you smell like old people and soup I like it wow I haven't seen this many strange letters since the last time I placed a personal ad hey hey [ __ ] was [ __ ] up I just got hit in the head with a bird you should have ducked was that a [ __ ] bird pun forget ducking bird stop crazy when they need to you should've dove was that another [ __ ] bird pun a fly just flew into one of my laptop ports and hasn't come out yet did you try debugging shut the hell your mouth okay February March no April May I'm so [ __ ] done with this website you say that but I bet you lie what's that the currency do they use in outer space [ __ ] I literally just threw my phone it took me a moment I am leaving what you're looking at there Mario something Beecher never let this die singing in the showers all fun and games until you get shampoo in your mouth then it just becomes a soap opera you which way does a cyclops wing their eyeliner tumblr user greenhouse D is asking the real questions that doesn't matter because nobody's going to criticize their makeup was that a mother fracking odyssey pun hey guys sorry mario why we're dinosaur so big because Jurassic times call for drastic measures get off this computer I just swallowed the wire from my brace please help I was gonna say brace yourself but it appears you already swell a bad pun you not hey hey hey what do you call it mm mockingbirds extreme stroll but I can't stop them it's like I'm at a disco this is not fun hmm seems like there is a panic at the disco damn it's not a joke it's time for another cleansing of the brain with shower thoughts people who are anti-vaxxers and also flat earthers are basically people from the Year 1400 living in the 21st century if they remade the Six Million Dollar Man today it would be about a family struggling from medical bills after emergency surgery silent comedies made a comeback through gifts only humans can be germaphobic as we're the only ones who know that bacteria exists people love dogs because they love us unconditionally imagine how happy we'd be if we treated each other that way the perfect age is when you can fit your whole arm in a Pringles can feeling a crunch in a non crunchy food is one of the most terrifying experiences you can have while eating and that's a fact today happens 7 billion times and none are the same bank heist movies make more money than actual bank heists may be one of the most overlooked features of the internet era is universal access to a clock that is unquestionably viewed as having the correct time on Halloween we dress the skeletons but in reality the skeletons dress as us I love high contrast photos of fruit floating threatening ly in the night I don't believe such a thing exists I was mistaken the sorting cone you're a hazard Harry the Joey comes out but it's a better idea to just leave it in mother why have you made me this way Bank and cheese what mac and cheese that's an egg that's an iPad I don't like using my dad's bathroom because I'm not that into watching myself poop I thought your face was embroider on a hand towel there's kids on this website don't even know what this is that's a coffee table Jeff can't get authentic Italian cuisine like this anymore I don't even know where to start with this post Beauty and the Beast but reverse I kissed the love of my life and she turns into a sickening monster and it's awesome Shrek never mind boys cancel what's the password is it is it dog you may enter hey hey what are the strongest days of the week Saturday and Sunday the rest are weekdays stop why don't you manzara specific noise that means there are bees here let's leave immediately why are elephants more advanced than us we do have a specific noise it sounds like this there are bees here let's leave immediately I probably spend too much time in my computer chair this is my brother sorry for sitting on him serves me where did they come from and where did they go where did they come from cotton-eye Joe sacrificer this entire site is on drugs breaking news rising ocean levels threaten Gorgui that settles it we have to get rid of the ocean and my boyfriend told me to stop impersonating a flamingo I had to put my foot down this is like the most innocent joke I've ever heard the trouble was centaurs so you know Colts can run almost right away after they're born but human babies can't even hold their own heads up for a long time yeah so uh we've had a lot of rain recently hot dog first 30 seconds actually can't help but feel we're playing with fire here we need to stop doing this coming in 2017 tank monkeys versus nuclear spiders I bet this dark black shirt would go great with my lighter black jeans my 28 year old still gothic at heart arse you have no idea how many orbs one can spend on one color only to get an entirely different hero you have no shame I most certainly do hey idea for a video game remake super mario RPG remade with Paper Mario graphics a thousand-year door combat skinny thighs are fat thighs Oh Game Freak remember when you didn't spoil every single detail about Pokemon when you were releasing a new game can you go back to doing that I like to have a sense of wonder when I'm playing those games and I haven't felt that since I was 12 what is the plot of Fire Emblem I've played a bit of heroes but nothing else please tell all right every Fire Emblem has a different block but do fall certain tropes one legendary weapons that are pretty damn hard to say to perma death three somebody love is either good die or betray you and it's easy to spot for there's always a greater villain and five big evil dragon who is surprisingly not a small cute girl I need an original NPC from my D&D campaign any ideas an orc bard who only uses war drums who he shots hell the tales of the party what be thy name hmm Raven also I just realized I really enjoy playing characters that get their sad asses tricked by a demon don't I I feel pretty in Punk cool so I'm leaving for a trip at twelve so I should get up at around nine you're getting up at 5:30 but I 5 now 1 reading and coffee brew later oh yes my favorite anime is indeed white chocolate macadamia for real though the only hero in my hero academia I would give a name change to is best genus like he had so many other good choices denim denim Dan Billie Jean Levi's Gino or hell Jean just Jean let him be the best dude he can still be the best but come on best genus just sounds hard let up let his draids dude um actually Pat there's an award in Japan called the best genius award it's given to celebrities they look the best wearing blue jeans so basically this genus is celebrating the fact he looks hacking swag and denim oh oh well then I will redact myself it still sounds weird are you in fact a secret swaggin duh dragon dragon that one no it's too late I'm a secrets raggin now my brother's soon mystery schools animated as a root ball scooby-doo anything I should explain to him yeah how many of the main characters of scooby-doo have died end or kitsune end or traumatized and or have amnesia and are being followed by a gigantic haunted shrubbery and or have a shotgun or a pet hamster with no legs and moves around on wheels God freakin damn it bad because if you are downloaded fun now I'm addicted and I am exams are probably gonna fail bags this stupid game is not stupid how are you gonna take responsibility for this dude if I could trade you heroes I would right now what is life and why do we live it well life is really all about kind of making people laugh and being there for them and caring for them when they need it so my personal recommendation wholesome memes I'm just kidding go out there and actually be a good person goddamnit if I don't have the romance of a Studio Ghibli movie I don't want to oh my god that is perfect I am remembering that the perks of being Travis from my street how does that go well every character you voice in the future everybody will now compare to Travis and that's it and that's not really even a perk I'm kidding having a character that popular and having so many kids inspired getting to acting just makes me happy who is the best waifu in a few heroes Sakura or Celica battle the fvy foods begin actually both of those are the incorrect answer as much as I love brave Celica the true waifu a Fire Emblem Heroes is Hector remember a Maestri was a happy spin-off while diaries killed everyone yeah it's like the worlds are connecting there's something Oh where's that T that I need to sit for this the great is the Akuma dory tree breath of the hero academia boku no of the wild you get it I got it fyz are powerful thighs with stretch marks to remind me of lightning so when they are on a pair of thunder thighs they have both the power of lightning and thunder this one gets it so feel good about your thighs yes that's it roses are red my son is a fruit as a fellow demisexual I have made the demisexual drinking game whenever someone says I thought Rael so just normal what is that bonus points if they refuse to Google it when you're too tired to explain take a shot of water you guys stay hydrated I remembering that game man Agha master huh waffle you looked in the mirror some day you off answer for your actions and God may not be so merciful ha my parents didn't raise me to order something expensive when someone else is paying reblog if you're too scared to drink anything but water when someone takes you out to eat does it bother anyone else that there are parts of your life you don't remember you've done and said things that you don't even know about anymore that means you don't even have the right perception of yourself because you don't even fully know who you are however something that you've forgotten about could be a prominent memory in somebody else's mind it trips me out I really wish you hadn't said that my mom is a friend who has a failed program service dog and he's literally my favorite creature he's a really smart lab he learned all the commands but he just has an affinity for doing them whenever he wants so this lady's dog literally turns on and off lights opens doors opens the fridge etc and his own wishes her house looks like it's baby-proof with kids safe locks on everything and stuff but she really just has a dog that's learn the mobility service dog commands but has a mind of its own oh he's a chaotic good boy the lady at Target couldn't scan my item and just looked at me and said just take it I hate this friendly place dude the cashier at Whole Foods gave me free cake because he couldn't scan it and said whatever it's yours it was one of the best moments of my life how introverts make friends eh online be an extrovert found them like them and adopted them it's true if you want to be my lover you got to tell me really explicitly because I can't tell when people are actually flirting with me that's fact in 2018 we started pressing people who like their hot chocolate with water if you're lactose intolerant you can stay but you're on fantastic thin ice hey powder straight from the pack hey do you know how horrible what you just said was things to do after finishing a TV show rhe watch the pilot it's always enlightening to see where and how characters started off when you know how they end up we watch the second episode surely you missed something the first time around what's the whole first season school there's a star for week anyway hey watch the whole thing you peace have sweetness rewatch it all okay so there's a game me my friends play called don't get me started and basically someone gives another person a random topic and they have to go on an angry rant about it and it's the best thing that's ever happened to us at parties and car rides so I highly recommend playing it sometimes with your friends don't get me started did you draw that they asked as I continued on the same piece of artwork under my pencil and immediately my eyes widened in horror as I throw the sketchbook to the ground screaming there is like a panic every 20 to 30 years in the 19th century get your stuff together I have a panic attack every 20 to 30 minutes so no judgement if people are really going to assume that guys with long hair gay and girls with short hair or lesbians then I'm going to assume that all bald men are actually Eagles I know it's something about my dad just wasn't adding up hey yo I may be a failure but at least I am NOT the emoji movie 2017 welcome to Australia where a fast-food restaurant literally made a mere reflective seagull proof packet for their fries so they don't goddamn try to fly down steal your fries you think I'm joking light fright this is the best thing I've ever seen the QA on Hungry Jack's website makes this even better what if I encounter a particularly brave seagull run this is the model of how many earths can fit inside the Sun Dan that's got to be at least twelve well you're not wrong can someone just explain fringe to me it's Spanish but you speak it in cursive you have eleven letters you pronounce four of them learn to speak Spanish now learn to speak Italian now subtract the Spanish from Italian you are left with French Latin but then you make it fashion one day you lose your wallet and it is found by a mob boss who figures out that you are in such a good place financially and takes pity on you so they start anonymously sending you cashed clothes and furniture in the mail eventually the mob boss sends you a letter to stating that they bought you a house and it lists an address what do you do in this economy thank them politely pledge your loyalty and join Mobb cute things to call your girlfriend sugar honey flour egg salt one tablespoon of butter stir thoroughly pour into a baking pan uh we forgot to preheat the oven to 375 why would we have to preheat her if she's already hot you smooth Frenchmen monkeys in the Arctic what's next vampires on the weekend they imagine if they were dragons year Punk's are also daft boy if you keep making these puns we're gonna fall out these puns are bound to cause some kind of panic at the disco oh my lord this is getting out of hand a lot of Fedora type dudes don't actually wear fedoras you just know them from the way they are it's like a personality Fedora an internal Fedora it's their Fed aura remember when the b-movie promoted bestiality bestiality I need a moment you know if you watch The Lion King closely you can find a lot of symbolism carpenters go to boarding school Wow would you believe that I saw what you did there tres thank you for your contribution brah let's get matching anchor tattoos why bro so our friendship never floats away brah I had a dream last night that I was working at Starbucks and Steve Rogers walked in and ordered an iced americano and I said one iced americano for the iced americano then I woke myself up by laughing too hard at my own joke how do hipsters talk about shoes well they did did you just get in yourself you can't make me you don't run this cell actually I do all these video games with their epic orchestral musical scores those concerned moms are right there's way too much violins and video games I don't mind the violins it's the sax that's a problem don't do drums kids oh securities you are a cute coffee pie you are narrow scalding and irrational oh that actually makes more sense I bought my friend an elephant for their room they said thank you and I said don't mention it is there a joke here that 15,000 people get but I don't you cheeky bastard huh I'm not an a cup or a B cup or even a D cup I am a tea cup stop
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 475,535
Rating: 4.9565659 out of 5
Keywords: voice, audio, P.M. Seymour, aphmau, mystreet, comedy, reading, minecraft mystreet, dollastic, Tumblr, Binge Compilation, Social media
Id: UbhErvZRV6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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