ISEKAI D&D #1 | "The Hole" | Tekking101, Daniel Greene, Shwabadi & Briggs

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[Music] and welcome to isakai dungeons and dragons episode one the first one of ours my second dungeons and dragons series that i'm doing live here we have some familiar faces we have some new faces i'm just going to introduce all the players first before we get into the actual like characters uh the two people that you know uh from one piece d and d is brakes over here um he's back hello everybody i'm back and mr mr tecking hey everyone um but the two new people um we've got mr daniel green he is book youtuber extraordinaire fantasy connoisseur um and also published author now um so go buy his book twice over twice over he's got two books um and we also have mr schwabidy my very close friend i've known since i was 13. by popular demand by popular development you had to bring me in because people kept it asking for puberty but mark is one of the first people i ever played dungeons and dragons with he is what what he is the first person to play dodgers dragons uh but he's also fellow fellow nerdco artist fellow anime enthusiast fellow fantasy enthusiast and fellow man fellow man hello human so we're all human being so uh normally what we did last time is we introduced each of the characters one by one uh but we're gonna do the same but it's gonna we're gonna do them a little bit spaced out where because it's isakai dungeons and dragons we are going to have um each person have their little thing when they're going to be issac so we're going to start with norman because he's the most kind of like a typical isekai protagonist-like character um and let's bring up a little picture of norman here that's me that's norman so norman is played by briggs so describe norman for me briggs all right so like coming from one piece d i'm like let's change it up a little bit so norman is like you're he's kind of like a loner shut in he's he's into anime video games has a little bit of social anxiety the exact opposite from what is it typically what did norman's life look like typical day in norway's life is he sleeps until like 1pm 2 pm wakes up games all day watch his anime all night okay he eats very unhealthy food all right so it's like it's like 1 p.m in the afternoon 2 p.m in the afternoon and you're you've you're your mum is screaming at you from downstairs what did norman's parents like um yes i i totally thought of this i think i think they just gave up they just gave up well norma's bob is like we just got a call from the school why aren't you going to school get to school you can't no do you guys remember how old i said norbert was he's got to be like what 1921. get to college he's coming to college he's not going to class there are games to be played i need to max out my character you know um what well i mean what do you say to your mother in this situation i want to hear your character voice is what i'm saying oh okay leave me alone what are you gonna hold out your older brother i've just given you an older brother your older brother moved out when he was 15 he's a professional entrepreneur i i would move out if i if i could [ __ ] the place is these stupid anime goals you need a real girlfriend i'll talk about my wife who's like that yo your wife will never love you um they love me more than you do give me a [ __ ] give me a reason to love you and then i'll love you this is deep cuts representation could just be a soap opera right here it's a really great really bad relationship um so you're depressed how do you make yourself happy do you read some manga awesome i just i picture myself right now it's under my under my covers like playing on like a nintendo ds all right as you're playing on your nintendo ds suddenly the nintendo ds screen suddenly bursts with bright light and it like it blinds you for a second and then you feel your body feel weird and uh unusual and then you almost feel like yourself getting sucked into the ds and then zomboi being portaled with a game console he is well now we're going to move on to mr daniel green so mr daniel cool okay mine's good mine's a little different i just apologize this is your character listen to me uh he is an enforcer for the mafia past his prime uh he's got a bum knee i do want to state as well all of these characters are not from so they're from our world right uh so norman it was just from our world but they're not all from 2021. so no i assume norman's probably from like 2021 but your character is not where's your character no mine is from the prohibition era and i know that i am in not american company here that's when america banned alcohol sales so he works for the mafia to help people pay up simple dude likes his bats uh that's his main enforcement tactic and uh he's got no one that loves him because he's no family no no he's no family so left him well let's say like you're in an alleyway and there's like a man that you're trying to get money from this is like a typical day for well what's your character called the shark the shark that's what they call him nobody knows his real name they just call him the shark and his name is the shark and he breaks legs that's his go-to tactic i'm just gonna break your knees and you're you're sort of you're walking down this alleyway with your with your bat in hand and there's this like nervous twitchy business man who's like oh please please i'll get the money back i promise it like i it just give me like a month uh two weeks oh well all right let me use my character what is your character voice listen here [Laughter] oh that's intimidating go for it continue it's been two months you need to pay up no no no no no i promise i promise i i'll uh i have a i have a wife and like seven children and they all need food you either need to give me one of the children or pay up that's [ __ ] up man jesus christ i thought you were just a load shocker now i'll sell a child into trafficking i don't care money you are actually a really bad boy i um i i would not give up my children even as big as me at this point oh jesus and he like crumples down into the ground oh man please i just had him down pick any wallet jewelry anything he's got on him yeah yeah you're like you like thieve his stuff and you pull out a wallet and as you look inside the wallet for money you suddenly there's this bright light you see where this is going from the man's ass pocket and you get sucked into the wallet wow i'm walded i've been wallowing i've been walleted all right now teching yeah this is your character mister or what's his name his name's old tony oh probably just tony but everyone just knows him by old tony and uh the night of the car wash yeah he is uh he's just a dude is in the best way i mean he's a pretty average guy i'm gonna be straight up the origin of this character was essentially my dad um because i was thinking of a character for this and i'm like man wouldn't it be funny if my dad got like issac in like a weird because my dad is a very down-to-earth he doesn't know anything about gaming or you know anime or anything like that so i just thought it would be hilarious to see him in this setting um so yeah he's like uh he's in his late 50s he'll be retiring soon he's just you know he had some kids he's married uh kids you know they grew up they moved away it's just him and his wife now they live in a suburb of omaha nebraska he's like a nice janitor just a guy yeah hits the bar every friday night has some drinks goes home and just you know spends time with his wife and some i don't know some golden retrievers they have i guess i don't know yeah all right well what would you be doing like are you like on job are you doing your yeah yeah uh i work at the uh i work at the ralston arena in omaha nebraska i'm just a janitor there you've done your research there's a football game there that night uh you know go corn huskers like that i've got yeah i've got a character from nebraska let me let me look up everything nebraska related that is a hundred percent what i've been doing the last month and a half okay well so it's like late in the evening and you're like cleaning yeah football game just happened there cornhuskers won and now i'm just there kind of by myself just like sweeping up the place one of the one of the cornhuskers uh players is like on his way out just finished yeah like and he's like i don't know what a nebraskan sounds like i don't know either really yeah good good um you've got a broom he's an actual broom oh my god he's got props he he he weighs you guys he's like oh tony i don't know what i would do without you everyone loves you old tony uh thanks there you go i just do my best you know i've been here a lot of years you know the way you caught that ball man it just it was it was great reminds me back in my days my college days when i played football for the you know i was here yeah oh tony you're great genuinely such a great amazing person wow thank you what a great guy thank you son um just you know nobody would i'll be always there rooting for you nobody would ever claim that you were a failure life and or nobody would ever claim that you would beat people up at alleyways you're just amazing very oddly it's like you're about to kill him it sounds like you're jealous and you're like everyone loves you and i i want everyone to love me no i'm see you around i hope to see you tomorrow it's my it's my birthday tomorrow i hope you can make it well happy birthday there you're invited to my birthday you know every day i just sweeping the floors you know it's what i do yeah right well i'm gonna take out some trash after this i think i'll just head on home you have a good night oh make sure you clean the toilets as well all right um kyle took up massive [ __ ] and it's real bad kyle that's my story you're gonna get sucked in through the [ __ ] goodbye all right well okay well i guess i gotta go look at that you know job's never done really so i just kind of walk into the bathroom i guess yeah pull out like the plunger open the supply closet take out the plunger and bleach and whatever and like oh man yep that was oh man those people okay and you go you're going to try to see where this is going as you go for the lid of the toilet you see a bright white light and taking you get sucked out why are we two for three going something related to ass into this world we have a wallet and we have a toilet well you know i'm an ass man if i get sucked into an actual ass then we're gonna have a problem it's getting closer and closer possible all right so yeah you get i mean you get dragged into this toilet that is fine but i do want to get dragged in the toilet with the broom the bleach and the plunger and the dust lid i mean yeah i had a dust pan yeah i was spitting out the trash in the bath in the bathroom too and i just had everything i was carrying everything at once of course all right you know mark schwaberty markaby yes uh schwark um this is your character oh um boom what's his name his name is corey last name snutz cody he's not cold snow he's not cold snots his name is not cody snutz his name is cody leron okay okay he is there's anyone who's going to get sucked through an ass is this guy i do want to point out that yes norman and cody do look like the uh chad and virgin meme when you put them side by side if i could actually move them yeah look at that they are definitely the chad and virgin mean next side by side but perfect incredible so this is cody i mean describe cody to me cody is just like a bro dude he's just like super chill man yeah you know what i mean it's a typical day his your his hobbies include going to the gym okay so you'll be at the gym typical day you're at the gym yeah yeah i i just i just bunked off my part-time job to hit the hit the gym with my bros your brick you have and chad brick and chad brickerchet also not from 2021 he's he's not he's from he's from sort of the mid-80s yeah he's uh so there's 80 music playing in the gym they're like very big on cocaine yo yo cody man lift this he's giving you a dumbbell i don't know yeah bro you could tell i've got a right and yeah yeah wow nothing happens at the gym i don't know they're just a bunch of bros like stand around and they look at each other at lifting yo i've gotta look at my ass yeah i told you no instead he go instead he goes hey cody you need a protein shake and he passes your protein shake oh yeah bro i'm parched let me get some of that yeah well as you open the lid with a protein shake you see a blighted bright light from the protein um and your body feels weird and suddenly you're sucked into the protein shake okay and now it's not that bad it's not it's not as bad as toilet no no i'm curious on what the protein shake who's gonna drink that after he gets sucked into it like it's like oh well i mean i was like all right it's still there it's just like okay wait yeah there's the guy pick up his wallet next time the toilet's flushed what happens there's like a whoa like like doctor who music's playing um i can't remember what the doctor who music sounds like i have i could pull it up but we'd probably get copyrighted and i wouldn't want to sing it because i'd sing it too perfectly i'd get cocky sounds like true whoa mr yo we both stretchy cheek boys wow that's my kind yours is a lot more though i just appreciate it i can't really do it that much stretchy brother i i think she's know me that is really actually that's kind of medically alarming a little bit like i don't know i've known about this stretchy face for like half a decade i can't really feel incredibly disturbing i like how that caused someone to gift a bunch of songs just my whole body please tell me this is getting edited out no it's not uh i'm like that doctor who villain the one that's like stretched skin over the thing certainly that's me but human so all of a sudden you guys you wake up and you're inside a cave all at the same time i mean each of you is you're in a cave yeah each of you are seeing each other for the first time you're like looking around i mean you see this like jock dude you see um this nerdy boy this this chicago gangster this janitor um what's interesting though is like for example norman you were just in your like jumper in slacks beforehand but now you've got like this wizard cloak on and this staff in your hand um cody you have like druidic pauldrons on and stuff i mean and tony you've got armor on and um uh shark you notice that underneath your your suit it feels like you have some sort of like padded armor as well um and it's like oh my bad and you still have your bat you guys have a broom you guys have a bat you have the you have the weight lift thing that you were lifting while you were drinking the protein shake um and norman you have the manga that you had on you not the ds unfortunately but you do have the manga but you do notice now inside there's there's no manga panels anymore but just like lots of weird words um and as you as you suddenly you hear a voice and in front of you there is this man with like like curly ginger hair he's dressed really nice like um but like fancy clothes but they're very ragged they're like raggedy fancy clothes and he goes oh thank god thank god it worked oh you need to help me i might my father the king he's he's a trouble you need to help he told me that this and then all of a sudden an arrow flies through his neck and he collapses to the ground dead i take his wallet bummer dude um and come on the hell is going on here coming out of the shadows uh three like men uh in cloaks and they all have like these like skull masks on and they like walk out of the shadows and they look around and one goes oh god and boys the other one like high fives them job well done and then they turn around and they see you for and they go witnesses oh okay okay i asked him if they currently need a loan well how do you say that do any of you need a loan and then i i i tapped my backup bat on my shoulder are you trying to threaten me pal this guy like takes out a scimitar and one thing that all of a sudden you guys notice is that round each of your necks is like a small little pendant that wasn't there before okay and all of a sudden in front of your eyes like almost transposed on the world almost like you're like you're wearing google glasses um you guys see this like weird like sheet of paper it almost looks like yeah and it has like a whole list of skills and abilities down one side and it has like a number that says hp you don't know what that means um and and it looks like i mean norman you're a nerd and to you it looks like a dungeons and dragons character sheet oh my god this this is so cool i right away run behind like cody the chad behind him and then reading my little my little book and seeing all my specs like i can use this and i was gonna like i'll turn to old tony by my side and just be like man what was in that protein shake oh my god protein shake i got sucked through a toilet is this the sewer what's going on down here what are you guys doing oh god i gotta get my eyes on do you know who i work for i don't the family protects its own buddy i don't know what the [ __ ] that is they don't sound like no no people to me but you guys are witnesses and we've been ordered to kill i'm just gonna run at him with my back hey guys hey hi uh there's only one reasonable explanation for this we we've we we've been issac [Music] uh you're gonna have to speak i i know what that means but they don't right i don't know all right i'm just gonna i'm just gonna point at him and go i'm gonna you're next hold on here everybody just calm down including you fine gentlemen with the cemetery with the giant swords over there right i got you you mr shark has already charged these guys so i need you guys to roll initiative absolutely you did roller one so you're all talking oh you're the most initiative but you also have that all right well as i turned and looked to you and said you're next it totally took away tony tony you're first oh wow all right well uh in that regard i'm just gonna be like it's like all right like everybody calm down here so i kind of like approached the um i can't imagine i would talk i would try to attack them so i would just like approach the people and i'd just be like all right everybody just calm down here all right i don't know what's going on um i'm assuming this is a drug deal in the sewers under the arena um but i'm the janitor i'm old tony and just you know just calm down maybe just head on home to your families and we'll we'll make this work let's make this all right just point me out of here if you could all right well now it's that guy's turn and he goes yeah what the [ __ ] are you talking about he brings out his scimitar and he's just gonna attack you old tony okay you're gonna that you're gonna get old tony and that getting attacked attacking old tony he's he critically fails the first thing on that the first ever role of this campaign is a critical fail uh that sets the tone uh so he pulls out his weapon and he swings it at you but it you instinctively have your [ __ ] dustbin lid shield you pull it up and he just like does he have a shield not a dustbin but i have a shield okay the lynx [ __ ] shield uh i'll get a dustbin for next week and he hits the sword against your shield and it just like woof flies out of his hands and tumbles across the ground and he's like all right so that was uncalled that was uncalled for right there you better get the hell out of myself there are three assassins and there's another one that comes up next to you old tony so now you're being flanked by two assassins the other one's like hey what the [ __ ] are you trying to do er and he swings 13 does that hit i have an 18 armor class so you block the second attack tony it comes down oh you're blocking all of these attacks left and right cody it's your turn all right i'm going to see i'm going to see them attacking this old game like hey i just spoke to that old guy he's cool and then i'm going to run up and try and attack the assassin closest to me okay my with my weightlifting bar my barbell i swing it down two-handed sweet um go ahead i've got that as an attack in my car you do all right 18. i hate to turn on that toggle for you but yeah 18. you just bonk him on the head you just bonk him on the head you bonk him on the head blood splits out the top of his head he's not quite dead but he does like go down to one knee he's like oh bloody hell you good old guy i'm i'm all right son but did you have to hit him that damn hard i mean yeah he kind of swung a sword at me but guess i don't know my own strength [Laughter] uh norman it's your turn the cody the man you are hiding behind is now just running off so now you're hiding behind nothing what do i do what do i do uh i'm gonna run away i'm gonna hide behind a rock over here all right do you wanna make a stealth check then yes i would love to no one's going to run away badly everyone can see you you're hiding behind a rock and everyone can see you they totally can't see me right now um i am going to it looks like i have a lot of different attacks written down in this book this is this is just like my my video games i am going to this one sounds cool magic missile oh okay on the injured assassin or one of the healthy ones closest one to me which is allowed okay so he's cracked he's cracked he's cracked uh magic mister likes he fires three times you already fired it once yes so uh and you can hit multiple targets with it or you just gotta keep hitting the same guy i think normal i'm just doing the same guy so you fire off three magic missiles they never miss that's magic missiles you fire them off they fly out of your hands and they just light up this assassin and he it just creates holes straight through him and his lifeless body drops down to the ground the other two assassins are pissed whoa dude that was the fireworks what was that geez what do you load that thing with i felt good [Laughter] jeez you have a damn rocket launcher on you yeah first blood to norman oh that was yeah that was the last person i thought it was going to be all right now it's this assassin the one that the shark was actually talking to and he's gonna walk up to the shark there's three assassins this one's on the far left he walks up to the shark he doesn't care about his friend dying he's upset that the shark like threatened him so he's going to pull out his weapon swing it 12 does a 12 hit your armor class 16 i i take it on the bat yeah so you parry it with your bat and now it's your turn so for your retaliation i i need to go for the knees that's what i'm i have a reputation to uphold knee boy um and you hit him does 19 19 hits and now you click that and that's exactly his health total so you're gonna kill him so how do you want to kill him i kill him by hitting both of his knees so [ __ ] hard that he's just dead now his legs explode and he bleeds out instantaneously so hard that he's just dead now so yeah you i mean now you swing your back hits his knees clean off and he just looks down and he goes i'm dead now and he dies go lord those are his final words he's dead now goodbye um oh tony it's all the time i immediately check his wallet oh yeah okay she's checked his wallet i mean he has a small uh purse and he has a couple silver pieces in them three silver i take it yeah immediately silver oh tony you're up i okay i'm gonna look at this there's only one assassin left right only one assassin left he's right in front okay he died right i look at him and i just kind of like see all this blood and gore around me and i'm just like son if i was you i would just turn around and run away as fast as i could and i'm gonna try to persuade him i'm gonna do a persuasion check if i can go ahead wow he he takes off his skull mask and underneath he's just sort of a regular man he's like a with a short goatee like beard he's got like a scar running down his eye and he's like you're right mate this ain't worth it and i think clean your life up a little bit i think you know go home go home with your mother and yeah yo you gotta you gotta you gotta question though go ahead i'm gonna murder him well he's he's starting to run away now i guess i'll chase him down down and smash my [ __ ] head all right well okay all right so i guess combat isn't over because the shark still wants to murder him so he's gonna run away um on his turn which means he is about yeah you son of a [ __ ] he's you can't move that far god damn it he's going to take a dash and run 60 feet away yes cody since he has to pass by me and old tony on the way can i try and stop him i was gonna try to stop him too opportunity attack do it uh i mean yes why okay sure you can yes i don't wanna kill this random guy he's running away oh you mean wait you mean the shark i'm stopping the shark he dashes he takes his action to dash which means he moves 60 feet away um so he's out of the cave now um cody is now your turn the shark doesn't go for a while okay then in that case i'm sort of gonna i guess i read the murderous intent in the shark as he's like standing up about to give chase he's he said i'm gonna kill him out loud yeah yeah i read it with my ears wait a minute i get the feeling you're trying to kill this guy i don't know what gave me that impression i'm not gonna stand for that i want to like just like move in the where and like if he tries to get past me i'm going to try and grapple him and stop him okay so hold a grapple action for a few moves faster all right norman what are you going to do norman um i'm just gonna hide behind my rock okay shark what is your you cody's giving you a warning now he's like don't kill this man wait there's still another dead assassin on the ground i haven't eluded right there is another day assassin on the ground okay then priorities i just loot that assassin instead i'm not gonna start a fight okay you you walk over the dead assassin's near cody so you it's kind of like you're walking near cody cody thinks you're gonna go for the other assassin and then you just go down and loot here this guy has one copper piece on him oh he's the poor one he's the cool one right no um i'm starting with business this is capital all right yeah and there you go i mean now you guys are just in a cave there's you've completed your first battle and now you're surrounded by a bunch of strangers nobody got hurt though well i mean i'm gonna look at my bat and see how the [ __ ] i just knocked a guy's legs off with it and see if there's anything special about this i mean your bat just looks like it normally did but you feel stronger you feel stronger i do want to state now because we didn't say this beforehand where everyone's classes are the shark is a fighter but he's got the um improvised weapon master feat being a variant human so he uses anything he can find as a weapon because he's a chicago goon uh cody is a druid because he's a dubrow uh vegan i'm very in touch with nurture he's very untouched i'm also a vegan he's also a vegan but he's also stupid uh old tony so as in he doesn't know what is that isn't vegan yeah okay he's just like a trendy kind of yeah yeah he's like eggs are vegan he'll be he's the guy who's eating pasta saying he doesn't eat gluten yeah uh tony is a paladin yeah kind hearted and norman is a wizard hi um so yes the dust settles on the battle sharks i guess i realize since since the shark isn't going to try and contest me here i'll just walk past him and try and clean the the blood and schmutz off my ah oh thanks yeah i kind of like look at the two cops on the floor or the three cops actually man do you think these guys are going to be all right um i'd say they're past a prayer there son i i don't think they're going to be getting up anytime soon that's what's up okay can i go check the guy that got shot with the arrow at the beginning of this you know yes the um the the other like royal looking fella yeah yeah that guy is he dead can i go oh he's dead yeah okay what's the tip of the arrow made out of oh it's it's i think like iron i snap it off and i take it okay add it to the add it to the bounty um yes absolutely you have to dig it out of the [ __ ] neck heartless i don't care okay so let me let me just here i don't think everyone here is wearing what they started wearing like myself i kind of show like this thing that's on my chest the padding i go check your pockets what do you got if we're going to have random [ __ ] put on us i want to know what everyone's got it's true um i mean in terms of things that you have like pocketed you you guys have nothing new you would i mean like i'm sure tony probably has some like cleaning thing nuts and bolts i have i'll tell you exactly what tony about tony would have like his wallet a big key ring arena yeah um i'd have a phone i would because tony does come from 2021 i would have a phone on me yeah um i'm gonna try to text my wife to let her know i'm gonna be home for dinner yeah you just like pull out your phone there's obviously no signal yeah i go what the [ __ ] is that it's true he's on 99. he doesn't know what that is exactly it'd be like what this is this is my phone what my phone i mean it's a little bit of an older model my son got it for me i don't really understand how these smart things work with that well yeah i'm trying to i don't think i got much of a signal down here but you know once we get out there why is it glowing uh son what what the norman exactly so i think i know what's going on here guys we've all been transported to another world and everyone here is from different times it's just like what time are you from 2021 oh me too what about you guys cool what about you guys i i don't really i'm gonna volunteer information about myself okay that's fair yeah i don't really know a military time so like 2021 is at like eight o'clock or something like that no no no the year what what year is it 1984. oh oh i mean that was a good year but uh no it's last time i checked it was 2021. that's crazy that's like like in in the year 2021 how's the guy like five yeah i mean wait how's the gaudi family what's the gotti family doing in 2021. i i don't know what that is uh [ __ ] what year are you from i'm gonna ask you directly this time and save yeah is alcohol legal where you're from yeah yeah i'm a budweiser guy myself bro okay that's okay maybe i'm looking forward to the future that's what i'm that's what i'm learning here i look damn good yeah yeah bro up top i'll slide i'll slap your hands what's up let it go okay i like this guy yeah it seems a little bit murderous but you know i like his style if nothing who has money oh i mean i'm broke yes i normally i'll take it i have 28 and 37 cents fantastic what was that on wait who's on the weight who's on the 20 dollar bill in america jeff not jackson okay jackson yeah okay i'll take that i take that money give me your [ __ ] money i just start taking people's money i don't let him take my wallet i'm just like i'm like i don't know if you want to do like i'm like i got 28 well well where do you live at son do you need like money for like bus fare or i'm from chicago which is like if we get in combat again and one of us dies i think it'd be kind of dangerous to leave the money behind it could be our only way to get out of here you know what i feel sorry for him i give him 28 in whatever sense there are no buses in this world most likely right right you said you said we were in uh iseki is that like yeah are we in japan no it means another world we're somewhere that we don't know oh like mars like i said i read john carter yeah essentially we could be on a planet like mars or a planet we don't know or a world where like and clearly there's bad guys and magic powers and you guys all have abilities now you where the folks are accidental um i'm i actually can't breathe through one of my nostrils you can fix that but actually i'm from new york i'm from new york so are you trying to make the actual walk outside daniel i walk outside the cave okay i do want to mention that everyone does have like these strange pendants on as well like i mentioned at the beginning which is the like oh wait are they shiny they are very shiny everyone should give me their pendants is what i'm learning right now everyone should hand me those immediately hey there's three of us and one of you you guys i go up to him listen um i guess i would you're you're about how old is your character dan i'm in my 50s okay so he'd be like the same i wouldn't call him my son but it's just like hey look um i'm getting the impression you're you might be homeless you know there's like there's a good you keep asking for money and everything i'm just saying guys wearing a suit i would like to point out yeah you're wearing a super you keep asking for money and it's like you know okay you might want to give me your pendant and i just like held up a very bloody bat and i start cleaning it off on your shirt all right i uh i just walk away yeah i'm like god damn it i checked my pendant what does it look like guys wait hold on guys we're in another world money could be everybody could be useless why don't we think why don't we figure out where we are all right i look at my pendant real close okay yeah okay so each have like idiots so um well firstly tony you look at your pendant and it's kind of like shining white and it has like a uh a shield on it a shield with like little wings on it um shark you look at your pendant and it's like an orangey color and has like a sword on it i bite it like the people did the old-timey coins yeah and i mean it's just it's it's kind of like a gem but it has this sort of aura about it kind of glows a little bit um what's it taste like uh yours is green and has like a leaf on it don't answer don't avoid my question what does it taste like uh have you ever licked a diamond i don't know licked rocks it i don't know it tastes like a rock it tastes yours tastes like orange tacking tastes like blueberry uh tasting mine sorry i don't taste jorah like oh cody's tastes like dirt and i definitely tasted mine yeah yours tastes like dirt but you like it and [Applause] all right and um norman when you look at yours yours is like a bluish color and it's got like a book on it and yours um i don't know tastes like tastes like paper tastes like paper yeah it tastes like paper sure it tastes like a book it's like a book um tastes like that game real bath water if you don't know i'm saying yeah it tastes that is exactly what it tastes like gamer girl birth water oh i look at the nerdy kid and i go have you read wait oh wait uh no it wouldn't have been published yet [ __ ] um give me a second i'm working on a book right now gatsby i was like god damn it when was lord of the rings published would have been after the late 40s yeah yeah so that's way too late i work you're the lord actually no wait didn't he do the hobbit in the mid 30s though i'm from the 20s man that's still too early from the 20s and still yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i'm working on a book called the hobbit i hope it takes off yeah what if you were tolkien this is tolkien's whole backstory it's where you got the inspiration for a lot of the rings was because he was issac to a fantasy world and he was like i should write a book about this just you wait the entire story of this is just going to be the plot of the hobbit and lord of the rings get my water everywhere holy [ __ ] i know some fantasy books that came out before tolkien but this guy wouldn't know of them he's an idiot so i'm just going to say so this is like bao you wouldn't know it's all he would reference does norman even like read western media or is he just a completely weeb completely weep yeah so like you could even say spider-man to him and he'd be like like the monster go wait i'm gonna make a shark just accidentally continually make references i'm gonna go wow this place really makes me feel like i have a dark soul well we don't know the shark's real name so he could be tolkien we don't yeah maybe yeah it could be tolkien's dad yeah maybe yeah that would make me more proud he's famously from chicago yeah well you don't know you don't know about talking's dad sure he's real dad in this you're so i think i think after after testing my my dirty little gem i'll uh i'll turn to to know i'm gonna be like hey hello bro you kind of uh seem like you might know what's uh going on here yeah i thought i've been i've been trying to say uh we're in another world and we can't go back home unless we figure out where the [ __ ] we are at least happy to know about these uh numbers and things i'm seeing i thought i just needed glasses but uh i think you guys could see them too i just thought i was tripping oh my god i thought i was going to do i want to jump through a toilet let me tell you what it is wait yeah what was the last thing you guys remember hp i don't know what hp is what is help uh hp is your health point actually it's um if that hits zero you usually die oh that's nifty like i'm super impressed like a dad that's having like his kid explain video game not play any video games okay no this makes sense this makes sense because mine's 10 out of 10 right yeah yeah yeah right i'm gonna hit yeah i'm gonna exactly the jock dude just hard enough to take away one hp to test something that's that's what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna nudge him with the bat firmly i don't know wrote a hit mine's 12 out of 12. so i don't i don't know what that means yeah uh yeah i don't i don't think that makes much sense old man yeah i'm not sure but uh yeah my kids played uh nintendo when they were when they were growing up you know i played some of that uh mario stuff that was that was a good game who the [ __ ] is mario he's part of the uh go go whatever listen i don't know nintendos but italians are not all plumbers you racist bastard i'm sorry i mean like a video game i was playing like a video game with my kids what's a video game i actually don't know it's like a box thing i mean they're they're getting oh you're a boxer what come down actually i did boxing college a little while there i mean a little out of practice but yeah why don't we just go outside do you guys want to go outside i never thought i'd be the one saying that to recap what has happened this like this person has some summoned you here somehow with like uh these necklaces or whatever and he said oh you need to help me my king uh my my dad's the kid yeah then he got he died and now he's on the ground wait let me test something real quick i think i might be stronger than i normally am i look at the dead guy who summoned us and i just swing my bat at his head just to see how strong i actually am i mean you just smash his head apart oh my god you get blood all over his regal do you guys know how captain america is like wait [ __ ] god damn it uh i think we're stronger than we used to be did this have to do with gravity i mean superman existed right yeah i mean yeah he wouldn't he had not popular enough yet so i'll just say i've read john carter of mars canonically my character has read john carter from mars so all right there you go that's something that's why i don't talk to real people oh man okay i'm going outside guys i want to see if i get a sell signal like my wife yeah you guys all head outside the world i just want to double check with you shark you you have looted the two assassins yeah and i looted the also the dead guy you haven't looted him yet oh let me loot him too i just wanted because i just feel like it's out okay you know i lose a guy who looks rich all right you loot him and he doesn't have any money on him but he does have like this quite valuable ring on his finger i just rip it off yeah you rip it off it's got it's like a ruby sort of ring and it has a uh eagle on it put it on it looks like it looks sick what fingers um it fits on your middle finger okay well okay my guy's kind of beefy is this this little dude's ring gonna fit on my middle finger i don't think it will probably fit on your pinky i want it to be a pinky ring thank you yeah it'll go on your pinky ring yeah so you you put it on your pinky ring and you feel oh you feel a little bit just a little bit stronger but you don't know how quite yet um i imagine this is happening whilst everyone else is going outside yeah everybody else knows about this ring his clothes are nice like they're good quality they're good quality i mean i know they're not anymore they're covered in dirt and bl blood and i i don't care all right i lived through the great depression [ __ ] let's do this okay so you strip him i guess um oh my gosh okay so i come out of the cave carrying bloody clothes yeah as you guys leave the cave and you enter into this huge forest it's got trees but what it also has is giant mushrooms sort of some of them are big as you but some of them are like as big as the trees some even bigger various different mushroom trees and stuff splotted around there's like fireflies um lighting the way and it's sort of i'd say like mid afternoon evening the sun is slowly setting and you it definitely doesn't look like a place on earth can i be a super nerd real quick yes your chat is correcting me that the great depression happened in the 30s there was also a depression in the 1893 [ __ ] i know my american history 1893 but i'm like you know what he knows what he know he knows he lived through it there's an impression in the 1890s our character lived through that he would consider that the great depression he didn't know there was another one coming if someone fought in the first world war they wouldn't have been like uh world war one they would have said they were like i lived i lived through the worst war the world has ever seen and someone's like hey wait a second you haven't lived through world war ii and they're like world war ii that was the second one it was literally called the great war come on now yeah it's all up and down the 1890s and [ __ ] so yeah you're fine those depressions all through history oh god yeah you know i'm depressed right now yeah yeah yeah this is a different kind of great depression why do we play dogs and dragons so we could be someone that isn't ourselves um so you guys entered the chad so you're a chad and i could be whoever i want and i could be liked okay so we we're welcoming so we go into this fantasy forest yeah and um i'm texting my wife yeah and i'm like i know no signal but i'm sending texts i'm like did they install a new amusement park in town because i don't know where i'm at i'm trying to be home as soon as i can honey it's like unscent i'm just like gotta get a signal around um the only thing that you notice like it's all trees but the only thing you notice is a small like smoke sort of in the distance slightly like a coming from like a campfire all right i'll just start walking towards that yeah oh yeah at least there's there's people there maybe they know where we're at so oh wait uh real quick question is there like only one sun in the sky is there any moons visible cloud formation oh my gosh you asked the real questions you can't see the sky at the moment because the trees and the mushrooms are covering the skyline is what i'm gonna say whilst i figure that out can i check if the mushrooms are edible yeah you want to go out to a mushroom i think i'd be quite interested right yeah i'm going to grab him and pull him away from a mushroom and say you really do not want to do that look bro i uh i'm pretty experienced when it comes to mushrooms i've had some mushrooms in my day just you know be careful just start understanding you do manage to you do manage to get a handful of mushroom um before he pulls you away you haven't eaten it yet and then you hear a hey that hurts coming from a way above uh my guy's gonna [ __ ] run [Laughter] i guess i'm gonna like look up can i see who said you see like this sort of big mushroom face come through the trees he's got like this big like simple eyes big smile big mushroom cap face you know white big stem he's huge right like a giant he goes hello [Music] i turn to if you wanted some of my tasty flesh you could have just asked he then grabs a little bit of himself and like drops it next to you i do not pick it up juicy here's a life here's a life lesson for you boy man is going a long way what are you gonna do can i look at it and because i'm actually proficient in nature can i actually look at it and see if it's any kind of mushroom poisonous nature yeah sure i have it might as well he's like a hunter all he like hunts on his days off and stuff so why not do your thing but yeah eight so um he no it just doesn't look like any [ __ ] mushrooms yeah it doesn't look like any mushrooms i've never seen a mushroom like this before i i don't know what it's i wouldn't eat it myself but i'm thinking we might have all been drugged with something because now there's a giant mushroom talking to us and i've never seen [ __ ] like that sober let me just tell you what i'm gonna gently place down the the handful of mushroom that i i managed to grip and just be like you can keep it bro okay no worries he grabs it and he puts it back into himself oh that was sexy we should keep moving okay i'm just gonna keep on moving there all right all right i'm a little bit more on guard now as you guys can place is weird as you guys traverse through the forest you hear like weird animal noises and stuff in the distance but as you get closer to this campfire you see two uh small humanoid creatures sitting by it they look kind of like goblins but they look kinda like uh gnomes but i have not gotten here first because i just started running you have gotten there first okay yes you've gone there first you're already there looking at them um okay so they're kind of like half goblins half gnomes um from from like your knowledge of snoblins yes they are knoblins you would i guess my guy would have read like alice in wonderland yeah [ __ ] it i don't know when that was published probably 1865 something there you go all right so there's there we go yeah uh you guys come and my guy's just staring at them going uh [Music] they're just eating some stew at the moment you can hear them talk we can't quite hear what they're talking about i go over and sit down next to one of them i'm like hey there little guys how are you doing hello whoa hey there what are you having a bit what are you doing here are you going fredo oh my god we're eating stew i like to think that i'm a friend uh so you're having a nice campfire here yes nice are they offering me stew nice to meet you nice to meet you too little man i like shake as i reach out to like shake his hand humans aren't normally this kind to me oh all right well we noblins are always discriminated against oh well that's not very nice i'm old tony i don't discriminate against anyone what i am smog smug smug noblin oh this is my brother hello we sound identical this is going to get very confusing for something that's only audio only um we are we are just traveling knoblins i always tell the truth and he's an [ __ ] well um that's an interesting little circus act you got there uh my light just went up yeah yeah um wow grab the nerf uh what i'm gonna grab norman and i'm gonna pull him to the side and i'm gonna go are there flying [ __ ] monkeys in this world what is happening right now uh i'm just as confused as you but they look like goblins so and they don't seem to be too hostile we could probably ask them for information hey guys come and sit down these guys seem cool i think i think i'll go sit down and be like whoa sit down across from them too yeah as i sit down next to old tony i'll like kind of nudge him in the side like yeah are these guys like i'm palumpas i i you know what i actually thought that too um i don't know but it's like someone well shark you can't you're you're back in the bush yeah this is the two of us yeah i'm just like i'm actually don't know i don't wanna i don't wanna say anything especially since they brought up the whole discrimination thing you know i don't want to be you know rude or anything oh yeah yeah totally i get you oh what is your name my name's smug oh me yes i'm i'm i'm cody little guy that's not part of my name little guy it's just just cody you're a big guy yeah yeah he is he is wow hey hey bro alex yes brother it's so crazy this is the first time humans have been nice to us for years would you like some stew i'm gonna i'm gonna come sit down with them and i'm just gonna i'm just gonna poke it with my bat in the face i'm just gonna poke oh god hey really don't do that man that's not very nice what's your name are you friends that's a strong word child no i'm in nobland we're a little bit smaller but i'm like 30. yeah they're knobblins how long is a year here how long is a year i i don't [ __ ] know dude i'm just a novelist i you know what i'm i'm i'm hungry i don't even like it yeah yeah i i i tell you let's begin yeah i take this too because i'm i'm starving at this point as i take the stew i'm gonna be like uh little guy is this a vegan what the [ __ ] does that work oh you want that vegan craze too he's probably safe right yeah my daughter was all talking about that i'm not really good at myself but look at the goblin i'm asking is the meat human no we don't eat human meat we try we listen man i know the reputation of knoblins is bad right but we're not like those other knoblins we're good gnoblins we try to change our ways come to human town and act like human but but they kick us out they don't like goblins how far is human town to omaha um it the [ __ ] is in omaha that was actually that was a good question how far and where is human town human town oh mushwick there's a human town it's it's just down a points over to a distance i'd say it's about a couple hours walk that way hmm all right we're gonna get the cardio in okay oh no i mean i hate cardio if do you guys know anything about people in like skull masks no um okay we're just dumplings we're just sort of we're vibing out here bro we'd like to borrow some money at a really really very reasonable interest rate oh are you giving us a job we would love to you just you need some money no no work yeah i just come back later and collect the money plus the interest rate we tried using human money but no humans would would let us buy anything maybe you could try again maybe you can use this money to make more money and i'll come back and i'll take my fair share um this my mother always told me not to side contracts no contract needed all i need is a verbal yes i'm you know what brother i think i think i'm good nice no i i think you should just not listen to this guy but i will say if there's something that you need to you said you couldn't get it you can ruin this business opportunity for me goblins you seem like industrial noble it's not goblins what the [ __ ] is a goblin i never heard of a goblin before i don't i don't think they like too much i apologize that's what i told him i said goblin i didn't realize you guys said knoblin i'm sorry we're no blinds nobody's okay okay goblins all right what's up goblins goblins are hated you know i'm italian italians are hated i'm just saying that if you take some money you know maybe you can do some stuff with that money and i won't have to come here you guys are crazy look we all woke up here i have no idea what's going on this is pretty damn good stew i gotta say about it this is delicious yeah it's pretty good oh thank you i'm gonna get i was the best chef in knoblin town before they kicked me out no do you what's an italian is my favorite thing i've heard all day hey guys i think we should go to the to the human town and figure it out with that that sounds about right i guess maybe they might have something going on there if if you guys need something if you fellow knoblins need something from in town i'm sorry i didn't mean to be offensive fellow creatures i think fellows living beings we just if you guys need anything from human town and they won't let you in i i i could pick something up for you yeah that is exchange for this dude i don't like to take the stew for nothing we just want to live like normal people but they won't let us we have no home the gnoblins don't like us they're humans don't like us and then i mean how much would you pay me to make them accept you i have no money god damn it and i guess we could uh i guess we could talk to the mayor do they have a mayor they do have a mayor oh see no okay now things are making sense towns all right there we go wow wow you know if you borrowed some money from me you'd have some money to go making i don't think they have any money there i i just i don't think they have anything and i quit trying to pressure them into business this is the best day of my life thank you so much i might cry i just look i don't say anything i just like oh my god this is the best day of their lives where are you guys from chicago what the [ __ ] from uh ralston oh my god it's a little it's a little housing community it's a pretty nice area i only know the local area what's a vistoria that's the name is that a part of a lady i didn't take those classes is is the name of our planet oh all right well we come from a place called earth so we are on one of the other planets that revolves around the sun what oh my god you guys are you guys are actually kind of crazy i hope i hope you're able to make it home safe oh wait i get it are you aliens no i wear no blinds how many times do we have to say that we're doublets this entire conversation is painful when will you guys figure out we're on another planet we're in another world come on okay so we're on one of the other planets that orbits the sun that's what you're telling me we could be we could not be who knows it doesn't matter i don't know what the sun is i have to understand the shark is from a time where they didn't know other solar systems existed yes it's rough for him it doesn't even need to be another system it could be a fictional place in another dimension uh i was cleaning out a toilet and i ended up here i had these uh uh other people you gotta stop saying words i don't understand the [ __ ] is the toilet all right i oh oh please tell me you have toilets in this in this world well describe the functionality of a toilet it's a [ __ ] son a [ __ ] oh you mean a hole oh boy oh boy that's um that's a damn shame oh i'm sorry no he didn't know other solar systems extension other galaxies i mean i've had to take uh i've had to take shits in the woods out hunting and just use leaves and uh do you have toilet paper anything to wipe well i didn't know what a toilet was we wouldn't have papers okay right but oh god i'm just we've got the hole you have alcohol are you talking about ale yeah yes i think i could go for some actually well there was a tavern in mushrik no do you have any right now no do you want some no well what are you what are you ready look i finished my soup i've heard there's ale in a nearby tavern i think we should just i think we should just get going i i've never had the urge to drink my entire life until now let's go bro hey lebron how old are you i'm uh i'm 21. yeah i kind of look at it i'm like are you sure i have a little little peach fuzz all right i mean i don't i drink once about once a week i go to the bar but i'm telling you what right now i i could go for a tall cold one i'll tell you how to drink in years okay well where are you from let's get [ __ ] up guys all right so you guys are heading to bushwick then yeah you're gonna leave the noblins behind all right well you want anything i asked them you want anything other than just acceptance yes you could talk to the mayor um i wait sorry what are those weird pendants you have on your your neck they look valuable i don't know it looks pretty cool oh you you were tasting yours shut up all right um yeah this uh just we we were there he's when i woke up i don't own this it looks cool i guess oh okay not really much temperature is low what are you saying it looks cool that wasn't slag i love this balls deep into this i love that though yeah this is gonna be fun all right now cool as in like it's not fairly well nice that's fancy i guess i don't know how many very well humans fancy things cold in the future it's just coding remote yeah let's get it yeah i go over to the shark and i'm like wait no that the cool has been like you must be even older than me because when i i was in i was growing up in the 70s that was kids said that back then so like um what time period are you from prohibition this happens oh okay that explains a lot all right i wasn't i'm not sure if he would call it the 20s or like what they called the 20s and the 20s because like we i don't [ __ ] did he just say where i'm living in the 20s i don't know so i'm just going to say i'm living in the 2020s that's a little weird yeah yeah so i don't know if he would be like i'm from the 1920s or if he would be the 20s tony would be like well can i roll a history check to see if he remembers because i don't know like when prohibition era wants go ahead you'd have like a vague idea his dad probably lived through it probably doesn't i'm not proficient in it or anything you could also just ask him what year he's from i did he won't he just said probably my grandpa talked about that that was like in the 20s right yeah oh man that must be crazy though you're a time traveler so what what it's like back to the future all right this is all making sense the what what i just walk away i'm just walking next to cody or whatever like all right this all makes sense i mean this conversation i imagine this conversation is happening on the on the hour or so yeah yeah we're walking toward the i assume that yeah yeah all right anything else you guys want to say to each other on the way to mushwick can i see your light phone oh i all right i can't get a signal or anything but here you go what's a signal um well you see they have these big tower things and uh you know normally i'm able to call and then goes to the tower and then it goes to the other person's phone i i really i didn't go to school radio i went to hvac specialty i don't really know much about hvac so every time i say something you don't understand you're going to have to pick up pick something my boss's number in your phone please all right what's his phone number i gave him the phone number okay i type in his phone number i'm like here you go and i'd probably not get there's no signal but here you go it doesn't work i mean you try and ring it and it obviously doesn't work yeah um there's no point in me even trying to explain this but oh you know what i'm going to take pictures with my phone because it's like wow this is pretty warm is a camera why is it called a phone and not a phone camera i want to roll something really quick before we continue i have 63 battery left on this phone okay because i just wanted to take my photo take my photo i've never had one take one i'd take his picture i'm like okay all right i need to be fair it's like a big deal to have your photo taken to the 20s show me all right here you go and oh wait hold on i gotta turn the flash on i gotta turn the camera around oh man oh man i told my son i don't want one of these i had a okay here we go i take his picture and i show it to him it's in color [Laughter] i honestly i didn't expect when i was like i'm gonna run easter dmt i didn't realize that half of it would be i mean like like look i'm a gender i'm wearing overlapping my phone in my wallet my keys i'm gonna have it on me i mean like [ __ ] oh man norman hey hey son do you have do you have your phone on you too do you ever say no no when you're in your pajamas you actually don't really have you're just in like all i have is this book i was i was saying that when it happened um okay well all right then all right i guess i'm glad i could make your day i'm glad i can make your day anytime you need a picture let me know i mean i don't have a charger for it so it's going to die all right you guys let's just say let's hold up i'm gonna come in here and say you guys are gonna walk for a few hours and shark and tony spend the time learning how to use the phone yeah features of the phone i have yeah i take pictures i'm like i listen i have some like leonard skinner and some almond brothers uh you're playing music to him yeah playing music to him and [ __ ] you guys are having a bonding experience while this is happening on the walk cody and norman i guess you guys what are you guys gonna do i'm gonna ask what his name is because norman i heard it yet yeah um i'm norman it's uh it's nice to meet you you're the only somewhat reasonable person here norman okay big big normie okay no one's ever given me a nickname before what's what's your name my name is cody old man okay i call you old man hell yeah i like it and ironically i think these two pairs shark and tony and norman and cody i think that that syncs up really well i don't know why it's good it's good i guess i i wonder i'm trying to think like what they would have in common not much girls boys something eddie i guess i i turned a nominee like hey you mentioned uh video games earlier you uh you know i'm a bit of a gamer myself someone explained to me why video games are so important and what they are at this point shark you were talking to tony about the phone you're having your own conversation you don't just go video games all right sure angry birds show them anger i don't i don't have that on my phone i just have this bowling game i have tetris like holy [ __ ] all right cody and norman wait you're talking about video games oh my god really you play video games what do you play well you know i i played a little bit of donkey kong i should play diddy kong racing on my on my ds doc diddy diddy kong is donkey kong's like brother or something i think his nephew whoa nephew okay they got man there's more to that game than i thought i thought it was just a monkey what what what other game you played donkey kong what year did you say you were from 84. 84. so you must have played super mario games too right yeah yeah yeah yeah mario brothers one of my friends actually he was just about to get one of those new nintendos for for his home but uh and then i came here so i never got to play it oh that's too bad when we're all well when we escape this world you got to play it video games are amazing that's myself bro yeah yeah changed my life all right mr green woody's this mario crime family you've brought up with brothers [Laughter] okay so you guys continue you're having these conversations and eventually you reach the town of mushwick it's kind of like a it looks like a medieval timber sort of town uh but you've got these trees and some of them are built into the mushrooms but there's all these mushroom trees growing around them um you can see as you enter that you know there's various houses for people to live in there's like farm houses and things like that to make food there is a tavern um a sort of general good store you can see a church but the church looks completely abandoned desperated like even it's like everything else seems a good nick but the the church is in ruin almost and then there's a a slightly bigger house that looks more like a mansion almost and that's like a mayoral house um do you remind us what that guy said when we first came into the world the the the the guy who died he was like i've i've i they worked i've summoned you here uh you you you've got to help me you've got to help my father the king and then he died he got shot down here okay all right okay okay i was able to put out my character wouldn't give two shits yeah okay that's fine i mean i feel like you guys are more focused on getting home than you are focused on yeah on anything it's quite kind of focused on getting i think booze right now at the moment or getting booze or helping the goblins i want to start a business or starting a business starting a business yeah you see shark um usually kings have a lot of money a lot of money and that guy he he said he summoned us to help the um i mean i'm down for a beer yeah well at least uh from what we understand at least you know people do speak english here i mean i understood what those knoblins were saying at least um is there anybody walking around i can ask where the bar is or whatever well there's like a couple of guys at the front and they uh they're like oh welcome to mushwick fred yeah i should try to shake his hand shaking hands a normal thing here yeah nice to meet you yeah um uh i'm old tony and uh these are my these are my friends uh i was wondering if there's a you know bar around oh yeah there is a tavern uh after hours place anything else yeah yeah there's a tavern over there uh the fugus among us is what it's called all right well i'm so glad i'm not from 2021 my character is not from 2021 i would have yeah i would not have any reference i would not know what that is referencing so i'm just like okay yeah let's go all right go into the bar i take out some of my money i've stolen as you as you enter into the bar the atmosphere is gloomy um there's there are people like drinking but they all look kind of sad and poor and and behind the counter there is like this old lady and she is like cleaning the countertop sort of hunched over like uh i think cody's cody's entrance to the the bar will be regardless of the atmosphere [Applause] some people look up and some of them just sigh and then look down yeah i'm gonna go up to the bartender and ask him uh if the authorities frequent this place and if we're safe you she looks up and goes oh deary travelers we don't get many travelers around these that's my [ __ ] question you old [ __ ] sorry i apologize he's um he has a little bit of an attitude but i was just wondering if you know the is this a safe place to drink i guess is it kind of a rowdy crowd what's what's up with this place would you like some ale i i would like i would go for some mail top doc will not believe what i would do to your knees that sounds way different than i've mentioned oh honey my knees are already beyond beyond repair there's nothing you could do to my knees i haven't already done myself she hobbles away and she's like i apologize i'm slow um it's just me running this place it's my son never mind my dear you don't want to hear me ramble when she starts to pour out some drinks okay that will be um wait how many these are just two at the the the other gentlemen drinking points over at cody and norman i don't have any any money in this world yet how much they cost um it's a silver piece per drink i just say put it on my tab and i walk away carrying the drinks what is the time i'm done walking away it's like okay you can't just take the oh well hold on i got what do you take credit cards what are you talking about my dear i'm sorry he took all my i gave all my cash to him i thought he was homeless um i i could cover it though um i got master i got a discover card i never really use um i'm so confused i'm gonna hand you a drink and i've grabbed a seat at a table with you i guess how many people are in this building there's like i'd say there's the old lady and there's like two other people drinking i'm gonna use the sleep spell to put them all to sleep do it that's your spell stop for the day though yeah yeah magic missile and sleep roll roll the sleep holy [ __ ] those are good picks by the way i mean like that's a pretty christmas sleep yeah i mean for level one wizard i mean i won't do it click um you've got to roll five eighty i mean that puts them all to sleep there's even like a um uh the guard that was like huh does my guy pass out too what it's totally just targets i'm only doing targeting this the the person serving the old lady and the other two people okay [ __ ] it now okay so yeah the old lady's like oh i'm suddenly so sleepy so i'm like in my wallet and then she just falls i make sure she doesn't like hit the ground whoa that's what it is you've rolled 5d8 there yeah it's just you click this no i think it just does it all yes i started going through it all over it we've never used spells on here before ever so this is a new experience okay all right well i just set her down i'm like all right well i start drinking my ale um i'm going to pour me and cody a nail okay cheers cheers and lock it so it becomes really hard to open holy [ __ ] guys all right so you guys just start drinking i just shake my head out the shark or i steal everything from everyone whatever all right all right i can see where this is going i can see i can see that can you really i understand the vibes now well that's that's what episode one's all about vibe downloaded okay yes you do steal all the money from everyone uh but actually what you notice interestingly is that people don't really have that much money uh the the granny when you look at like her her coffers and stuff she has like a silver and the the customers have like nothing on them is it like the kind of bar where she like lives in the top floor yes i break into her apartment you break into her room um you notice that like there's her bed uh but there's other beds as well um like as if to imply she has a family um and the floorboard's like a loose one i'm trying to find her life savings you you you ram sack the whole place but you don't find any money unfortunately she seems completely penniless i guess while this is happening i think the people in this town are kind of hard off there yeah yeah while that all that's happening sort of behind me i'm still at the bar with no one who's like man the vibe here is like major downer [Laughter] how good is the sale is it like strong [ __ ] or what it's kind of it's bad tasting it's not great ah this is like first time or something oh it tastes like [ __ ] but it makes me feel good right yeah that's what's up bro you guys i mean i guess it'll do but you guys have looted and drank what are your plans now wait how much money did i get from my looting by the way nothing but one silver one silver one server um i have a strategy i have a strategy um okay i'm timing this out perfectly on my statistics it said she's gonna wake up in like five seconds i'm gonna be like i'm gonna y'all panicked like you passed out are you hurt and then ask her for information oh [Laughter] so after a few minutes of drinking after you after shot comes back down not finding anything um i take her bed sheets take a yes you can take it you can take whatever you want she has clothes when you open her wardrobe she has her clothes she has clothes that look like they would be for a man um and i check all the pockets everything in there of course yeah no no money at all nothing of value which is interesting um i mean is that really necessary i know i've said that a lot it's just probably deaf ears but like she's just an old lady man we're gonna have to sleep outside eventually and then i just walk away um okay so i noticed the old lady waking up and i kind of like sorry hey it's my age i see are you are you okay you just you just fainted out of nowhere i'm so sorry you can have the you can have the ale on the house oh hi well thank you ma'am i i it's my bad i'm really bad at running this place and my whole body my old body isn't supposed to be working this late but i have to to survive you know off well bro like don't you have anyone to like help you no i mean not really it's okay i get by i wonder when i have any family do you need a loan alone dear oh you know just to help you get by for a while i'll come back with interest and we'll collect you know that's just how it goes here that might help you get started maybe put up some marketing okay i think i mean i'm desperate great i'm gonna give you two silver and in a week you'll owe me four but i'm sure you'll use the time to get more than just that four pack right okay my dear i might fantastic she takes the two silver shark is such a prick you know ma'am if if you need any help around the bar i can help you out i'm kind of handy with things if you don't you know you need someone to look after the boss guys we need to focus we need to focus um right right yeah the plan do you know anything about a king is there a king in this village like the king of astoria he's oh of the entire world well of all the yeah but oh pretty where are you gonna save all these children is the story or the country like how are most humans consider him the king of the entire world but um there are definitely people who would say he isn't um interesting okay um and where where is he we're just we're just travelers and we were we were just i just want to learn more about where we are oh he's in the capital don't ask me where the capital is dairy i haven't left this village in years it's far away from here that's what i know we don't even get supplies from there anymore is there a yellow brick road we need to find yellow brick road the nearest yellow brick road i know is miles away but there is one my sister matilda lives my name is belle by the way um what's your name nice to meet you bill people just call me granny though uh i'm norman i'm norman norman what up granny my name's cody oh yeah cody just think of me as your business partner my business partner okay well it's very nice to meet you all she smiles and tries to get back up oh my bones oh it's all right just sit down just you you know if you need any help i'm sure the mayor can help you more than i can my dear how much security does the mayor have typically do you know by chance oh uh he has that holy guard with him what's that oh you've never seen a hull guard before nope gruesome people from the north they um some say they have horns like a goat oh like canada pale skin what yes you just said pale skin horns like a goat all right um i've not met him myself the the the mayor has enough money to hire his own personal whole guardian i might say that's the top topic of security i wish i had this one like that i used to have my mayor seems to be uh seems to be not the nicest fella though oh he's great he he always helps us and protects us he's he is amazing don't please don't please don't disrespect can i yeah can i can i like roll an insight check you can go ahead yeah because i want to know exactly how much she believes what she's saying uh 14 um it seems unconvincing i don't know lady that's unconvincing oh it doesn't look like uh anybody in the uh town has a lot of money like what are the tax rates looking like here oh we get taxed fair and evenly and everyone is treated well on with respect and those who disappear into the night are just um i'm doing an inside shift on that one 23. all right she's getting really close she's panicking it's like it's all right ma'am it's all right it's fine i'm just gonna get close and put one hand on the side of her face and say just tell us your honest opinion about the mayor and don't filter it we're not on his side intimidation we just want to know what's going on intimidation all right um let's see what the intimidation rule is for me several oh i know not very she's like i'm an old lady and i have self-respect there's nothing to lose i'm so [Music] [Laughter] i'm going to pull the shark away from the old okay fair enough i heard that um let's go chill can we why don't we go do a nice calm visit to the mayor all right i love that i'm this guy but i'm terrible at intimidation you didn't fail it wasn't like you know really bad but like yeah that stuff happens you know that was like there's just the ladies turning point she's like she's had enough of this [ __ ] at some point and that you have nothing to threaten her with because she's lost everything already and the only thing she has left is her life that she doesn't value she's still laying down right uh she's getting up i put her own sheets around her i say just skill rest oh thank you darry i knew you had a good heart yeah i'm gonna come my son also used to um give me money be a prick no my son's amazing i just tell her remember you owe me three silver and i have not handed her anything and i just walk away wow the loan rate went down he must really like me [Laughter] where where is your son oh away trent he's safe he's safe and traveling he's just around he's just not here right now all right guys he wouldn't sleep you what i'm thinking some messed up stuff's going on in this town yeah you get that you got that impression too cody oh yeah yeah she was hiding something yeah travels yeah i don't think he went off to texas i think i think there was something going on there well are you guys going to hit one of them yeah we're going to leave we're going to leave the the tavern all right yeah i i put the sign if there's a sign that says open closed i switch it to close as we shut the door let her get some sleep you know start a [ __ ] pumpkin i will not it's like all right now yeah no i think i think since i dragged him away from since i dragged chuck away from the old lady since then i've just had my hand on his shoulder walking him around we gotta kind of keep an eye on him yeah i'm actually talking to him going we're clearly in someone else's territory you usually want to lay low we don't know how strong they are and you don't want to mess with a family that you don't understand you need to know your enemies before you attack them you know what i'm saying you're from prohibition you're part of the mafia aren't you yes i had a feeling i had a feeling disliking godfather okay bro you have a godfather in the mafia well i've seen the godfather you've seen your godfather's name is al pacino yeah i mean sure yeah okay why did you just tell me that you have an al pacino godfather in the mafia you know what i'm just gonna roll with it i'm like yeah yeah yeah you know what yeah my godfather's al pacino you know he's a pretty cool guy okay i'll introduce him i'm gonna introduce him to you someday there yeah let's just head on off to the mayor here to the mayor as you accidentally kind of step on me a little bit there um cody i'm gonna go i'm walking here and just move by i'll walk in here okay okay you guys walk to the mayor's house there is guards in front of it they look down at you and they go all right hello what's your business here come to see the mayor have you i look at norman norman hi what's up what's up um you've been nominated as speaker um yeah we just uh we're new to town and we don't know what's going on here and we just want to talk to the mayor just get grounded and see what's up we maybe we want to live here you're strong um only the strongest bro my friends my friends the man i mean and the shark are very strong for anyone listening and not watching uh cody is flexing right now um he's pretty strong yeah and even tony tony is a big guy too there we were i wouldn't say i'm gonna but they're my friends are strong we need strong lads come on in the mayor will be happy to see you all right and the door opens up and you sort of go up some stairs into another door and it opens up the guards are sort of escorting you into this nice room nice rug on the ground like books on the walls fine decorations and there's this nice mahogany desk that's pretty fancy i take out my phone and take pictures of it it's pretty fantastic let's show becky this later this is a pretty fancy place and there's a there's sort of a board man um sitting on the chair he's quite short and he's um uh he's sort of writing something he's got this big black mustache and next to him is this huge i'd say like eight foot man um but he's got these like curved goat like um horns his his face is a bit his skin is a pale blue his nose is really wide and almost like square like and and it's it's almost like he's permanently got a little bit of a red nose as well um he's got this like messy brown hair and a big brown beard and he's got like almost like barbarian clothing on and and i think i'll turn to whoever's like closest to me and just be like i guess that's the hollandaise yeah yeah that's the the the goat canadian guy yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that's him i think that's him yeah um yeah i started looking around for a cigar box i need something to smoke it says it's a nicotine addict too so we're gonna have to deal with this oh yeah the the man looks up and goes hello there um visitors i see travelers he's still writing as he's talking to you yes uh we're new we're new to town my name is norman norman and the rest of your i'm old tony nice to meet you your name's cody russo should i find a cigar or anything to smoke at all uh there is actually no cigars in here but [ __ ] i have smoked my pockets of any kind um would you have had it when you mugged the guy i mean yeah i'm not going to walk around sure you would have cigarettes on you i'm gonna light up and i'm just gonna go i'm your new enforcer oh we we need one of those uh you're serendipitous you're a rivalist i'm quite quite sure we've been having an issue recently with wait he takes he takes a look at you and goes that was pendants i recognize those pendants um yeah he's looking at them yeah what are they we don't we don't know what they are are they yours well there was another man who had a pendant like that that that traversed through town a few days ago um um we don't know anything about that well i could tell you what i know if you do a little favor for me uh all right okay business right you said you were my new york times well i don't know if you've noticed but the town is a little dreary of a flight and the the reason is um a bandits have been attacking that yeah yes bandits you know terrible people terrible bandits um they did they have do they wear skull masks by any chance no good question i don't know about any skull masks these bandits are just your typical run-of-the-mill thugs um i look over at shark and just kind of all right i ask what family do they belong to what family they don't they don't have any sort of organization they're ruffians they they come here they pillage they rob poor old ladies and they they leave despicable people and once again look to the shark and just like i can't do anything about it because i worry if i send my people i'll be vulnerable to break their legs yes they they're there there's a little bandit camp not far from town where they're posted up i need you to go there take them out help the town out i can give you some money and some information about this man i saw bro this sounds like a win-win i will have a map um use some money i guess yeah also though something i've heard of uh from these uh you know uh uh knoblins do you know do you know what a knoblin is ah ah even the sound of their name is so gross did he like spit on the floor yeah oh i i sweep it up i'm like all right just nobling hey racism isn't cool yeah i mean like that's that reaction very nice well i did not expect that in this car yeah the shark is very he was a very progressive for his time yeah unbelievable yes he yeah they i mean i might rob old ladies but i draw the line at racists yeah nobody's odd all right he gained some points they're monsters they're creatures they don't well the ones we talked to were pretty nice they gave us some stew and then you're telling them you can't come into town and buy stuff that doesn't seem that's insane see where this is going my good friend and fine if you deal with these bandits i will i'll make a little house for the knoblins that good all right that for me i guess i didn't think it was going to be that easy but all right it's gotta have plumbing what the [ __ ] we're doing plumbing and mush week we're in the middle of mushroom forest i can't even remember what the forest is called give them to that house and they can go to the local in the tavern to drink twice a week not my area of expertise but i might be able to whip up some basic plumbing maybe at some point it would help your town out quite a bit i'm not saying i'm desperate we can make this the new chicago go deal with these bandits knoblins will get a new house i'll tell you about the man i saw with the pendant you information help the town win win win everyone's happy right perfect sounds good sounds good sounds good to me i guess all right guys let's let's go let's go get these let's go now when you say as we're all leaving i turn to them so as when you say take care of you mean to like knock them out and bring them back here for proper justice right kill them of course oh that's we don't kill people unless they really ask for it okay they they are murderers and thieves oh all right i'm not well not a thief though you can trust me i just want to say like i'm not a thief tony's having like a crisis of conscience because he's just like i don't want to kill people but they're murderers like well what huh well our our quest per hour is terrible let's go let's go take care of these bandits i'll think about it on the way but all right what happens happens did he have a map though he he hands you a small local area of the map and there is a another can't go camping without a map come on bro oh good idea yeah you shouldn't just head off into the woods unprepared okay holy moly so you guys leave the mayor's office and you head out into the mushroom forest you're following the map and you follow the map a little bit distance it's not that far i'd say about 20 minutes or so walk you find a small little cap there's fire um and as you slowly approach the camp and you look into it uh what you see is some like figures hold around the fire you know camp they've got like equipment and stuff um but you notice that some of them are like there's a lot of there's some children there some of them you know children just sort of playing around uh so a lot of them actually don't even seem that equipped or armed at all um interestingly amongst them is this uh bird man like this man who's kind of like he's like a blue jay almost like a humanoid blue jay and he's sitting there like cross-legged and he's like nodding his head while someone's talking to him and yeah okay they didn't say there's going to be kids here i mean that's why i can i pull the group to the side real quick yeah yeah all right i don't know about you all but i draw the line of children oh yeah no we're let's let's just not agree let's just agree right now not to kill children i think that should be kind of a statement i don't i don't know what i was thinking of when i pictured bandits but it wasn't that i was picturing those guys back at the cave that you guys all slaughtered honestly so i have yeah let me talk them out of ever coming back to this area this is my area i see where you're coming from and i think that you were the last person we should send to talk to you this is literally my job i know but you have been you tend to have a violent streak you can take my weapon i hand you my bat oh trust all right um just you know you you look seem like a decent guy at least to the point where you don't want to kill children so i'll trust you on this i just need you to stand behind me and look good all right no bro okay you guys walk to approach the village uh this man like sees you approaching he gets up he like scrambles to get a sword he's like who goes there whoa whoa i just want to talk to you for a minute he put the weapon down for me look an adjuster to the guys behind me we're all gonna lower our stuff all right did dale win send you he did but we're just gonna talk he's just gonna talk now look you've made the local town angry enough that they're hiring people like us to come and kill you in your sleep i don't want to do that look at your children you think i want their blood on my conscience so i want to give you one chance to save me from having that on my shoulders just leave don't come back find another town that's all you need to do if you don't then the last thing you're going to see is me and i'm telling you the people who see me last it's not pleasant for them don't open your mouth anything [Laughter] the big blue jay fella walks up he's a bit taller and he goes so what do we have here he puts his hand on the man's shoulder you have come toboggan i've just come to tell you that even if you stop us and you beat the four of us which i don't think you will the mayor's not gonna stop he's gonna send more and more and how long until you think one of them gets to your children how long until you don't have someone who's as nice as me who's gonna give you a warning you might wanna just leave what is your name my friend just call me the shark the shark let me speak my peace can i roll intimidation real quick or no you're an intimidation you sure can yeah but he still wants to speak his peace oh yeah i got you i don't see what the result of that 11. not very good damn it what is [ __ ] oh it's because i have a chicago accent you're all laughing at me hey hey cold man cold man uh you should probably go and give tony some uh not 20 uh the shark some some backup just in case this goes south yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm like i'm like right all the way up behind the shark just i let me speak my peace friend i if we could leave we could but we would not survive the forest we have children here we are the mush week is our home but at least it is the home of these men and women and children the mayor is corrupt anyone who tries to to uh uh disobey him gets taken away in the night it seems it is he has sent you to come and kill us but could i offer you um an alternative unless counter offers are really generous they tend to make me mad the um i understand my friend you'll want to earn money and i'm sure he is offering you plenty riches but you will not seem strong if we we need someone like you if you team up with us and we go back there you could have all the riches that you want from derwin the mayor if you help us fight back against him does not not seem more lucrative to you it does now let me give me one second to talk to my people can that be arranged that is good what can i my name is broken wing i feel like names need to be exchanged for trust my name is broken wing as you can see and he points at his wings my wings they do not work which is why i'm here on the ground with you this is benson bell he is um a great man and maybe a bit angry at times but he is a good man yeah that's right and he still hasn't let me ask one question have you actually murdered local townsfolk of course not we just argued against tax rises let me let me roll uh they they they extorted my [ __ ] mother they gave they they robbed her and she was like oh it's fine is this perception insight if you want to see if he's lying inside that's right yeah politicians you're inside you've got a critical fail there mr shark you have no idea oh man you have no idea i mean with a critical fail you're just gonna believe everything he says he seems super convincing i'm like oh man my one heart string went ting all right are we are we huddling are we are we team modeling yeah all right guys i don't want to kill children and i feel like if we take a couple of them back as prisoner but we actually arm them get into that guy's office and then we just attack them we can solve a lot of problems here i mean like i think we might have backed the wrong horse here or maybe the wrong well no he's a bird but you know i think we should go with these guys i think these guys are the ones that are actually being oppressed by like you know politicians and stuff bro shark shark bro did you just think of all that like on the spot like the plan like that's crazy are you late you went to school didn't you are you irish from the 1920s context that's hilarious that is hilarious i just want to i want to ask what we need to make sure though is that we get the knoblins taken care of by these people oh yeah you want to ask about the novel right but like taking care of like not like we were supposed to take care of these guys but like taking care of like take care of them yeah like okay give them a place to stay i mean if we take over we should have we should have we should have power um to make decisions and honestly the shark i must say it's it's good to see you're not an absolute terrible person because i was i was not gonna kill children neither and now we can get this town homogeneous together an economy thriving and extorted i'm not really sure about your motives but i mean something probably has to be done about that mayor that sound looked pretty pretty worse off there so what you just think we just bring them back and you know give them weapons and we just like murder the mayor is that is that the plan or i don't know how i feel about that but well tony one way people are gonna die and you just need to decide whether or not there's children included in that all right the mayor did seem like kind of a dick if we're being honest here yeah his mustache was lame i didn't i didn't care for it i have to say you know all right the old man or old tony make sure that we get them in line for the knoblins we need to make sure that's taken yeah all right all right that's on you i did my part yeah okay all right and i refuse to be in a situation where i have to roll again because [ __ ] that go awesome all right um so so what am i asking like the audience to join us or to i'm sorry you're asking whether or not if you help them they will get a house for the knoblins oh right yeah of course it's like so um a broken wing uh nice to me nice to meet you i'm old tony nice to meet you tony is is it okay to shake your w you said it was a broken wing i don't want to i have problems kind of like arms with like talons at the end but then wings on their back like i apologize i've never met a a bird person before um apologize if that was offensive in any way some humans have not he goes out and shakes your hand okay and um the agreement uh we had with the mayor one of the things was uh we we met some noblins in the woods they were a pair of brothers they were really nice um they just wanted to like be in the town and buy stuff and mayor wasn't letting them and that that doesn't sound nice at all so he agreed to build a house for him if we helped him so could you help him out too if we help you i can help house knoblins all right i mean you that is not a question for me that is i am i am here to help these guys like you that is a question for for our chief um benson bell we call him big ben i i spit in my oh all right like the clock in london all right all right that's cool what do you mean the clock in london you know what at this point i think tony's finally gotten to the point was like no one's gonna understand references so he's just like it's it doesn't matter it's a place it's all right [Laughter] i'm like good for you good for you man yeah i'm the chief here broken wings are nice man he's given us a lot of help but yeah i don't worry we'll we'll build those goblin houses okay all right then so um i i guess you can round up your strongest warriors and uh you know make sure to keep the kids protected back here of course and you can just go back to town and i mean uh just to make sure that what what did he offer you so we can make sure that we match well money money sure we can just rate his coffers uh yeah uh house information information yeah uh you ever seen one of these before and i hold my pendant what the [ __ ] is that uh broken wing have you ever seen one of these before he looks at each one of he notices you will have one and he's like hmm and then he he looks at tony's one and goes ah i have not seen this pendant before but i recognized the symbol okay all right we got their guard down attacked what oh i almost gave me a heart attack there you don't joke about stuff like that yeah good one shark i'm sure we could torture the information out of dale win like yeah well just don't these people kill hard don't kill the mayor just just knock him out we'll get information from both sides i think it's a win-win yeah i'm more comfortable with that all right right uh but here's the thing we want to take a couple of you prisoners so that you can sneak into the mansion with us and help the fight be more on our side but once we actually help you break out we'll have a knife hidden on you and bam then you can go ahead and attack them we're not we're not really going to take you prisoner but yeah there's a little bit of a trust exercise here that needs to be done bro i extend the natural like i pull out my knife and i offer it to him like there you go it's like it's like star wars there are stars at war don't worry about it bro benson is immediately hesitant he's like i don't know about this man and then a broken wing puts his hand on his shoulder become my friend we we can do that for you i um we are desperate people and uh i'm sure that can be arranged future's so scary when we have time i'll sit down with you and i'll answer any questions you have about the future i don't know how much you'll understand but i i i can explain stuff all right um so do you have any uh like ropes or chains or something we could like pretend to like tie up i guess we do have a rope all right i take the bloody clothes i took earlier and i start making them into cloth there you go that work i guess i've just been carrying bloody clothes this whole time i apparently have just been carrying a jug of bleach so like that's a thing yeah okay so holy moly you guys have have tied up a few of the important key figures not the children um yeah of course and you are um on your way back to town now all right as you walk up to the mayor's office the guards are like oh whoa whoa whoa whoa we told you to kill there was not they're bandits we're gonna kill him in front of the mayor that's how you do it you need to make sure i'm not gonna cut off a severed head and drag it back here you psychopath i'm just gonna do it in front of him that way he knows i need you to do a deception check oh boy can i is that is there anywhere anyone in the party can can help yes yes that's sweet okay because you're gonna you're being held because we've seen we've seen him try to talk people so far again one of us whoever whoever wants to like just like helps him out and tries to start stumbling over my words you come in you come and you're like okay probably probably not off our game today you know well um well i figured we had to we had to prove uh we had to prove to you guys that we completed the job so this is our way of doing that right i i think it makes sense does normal want to do deception then fair i'll do that um great if it was worse it might be i don't think norman's no one has bad charisma i don't even oh my god my deception is wait i thought it was just going to like help you yeah actually give it a shot roll again yeah yeah you have your advantage i'll give you a knowledge oh okay character sheet advantage no you don't need to turn it on you just roll again for this because you've already done it because you already rolled the nines right oh yeah yes okay so this would be uh another perception deception i got you for him it's worse okay so norman norman sleep spells no no i can't the guard goes i don't like this and i just say i'm gonna do intimidation are you [ __ ] questioning me right now you're gonna opt for intimidation instead go ahead this is your last chance that one works that's something all right they're like i don't like this and then and then you yeah oh okay i trust you i mean that's the reason why you were said to do the job with your dog okay all right son just let us let us into the hall now okay and they let you into the whole we're doing you a favor you walk up the stairs back into the fancy room dale win is there and he looks up and he looks a little disappointed he's like i thought i told you to kill them you brought me them frankfully not dead um well explain is this bodyguard not here no his bodyguard is there yes we weren't sure if these were the bandits so we brought them back here yes they're the bandits now get killing all right house and i'll tell you about the man with the pendant that i saw with his [ __ ] baby well actually i think you should tell us about the pendant first we already killed a bunch of them with a few left this is just to finish the job we want to make sure we want to make sure we receive our reward this is going to be the entire job another persuasion this is a persuasion i just think it makes sense like you have the job you give us a little bit we do a little bit all right okay can i give an advantage is that yeah yeah you have advantage norman go ahead 15. all right even with your minus one persuasion he's like that makes sense right i'll give you half uh the man i saw he he wandered through town he was very confused um looked very weird he had weird clothing on uh made like a weird fruffling neck um uh he had one of those pendants but it had a different uh symbol on it had a little like loot um he uh if you give me your map um you the um the pink one um oh man okay yeah he he then marks it out on the map he went that way and he passes it back right well that's half of it now kill him all right wait real quick can i use the restroom and i start like walking towards like a race i would love to use that real quick if you don't mind i was doing a full bladder and i'm trying to get close to the bodyguard while being inconspicuous can i roll deception for that or is that no that's a that's a stealth i'll say well okay i guess that's stealth sure it's either stealth i i don't think it's this it's a stealth i'm gonna say deceptive moving that's your stealth right uh you have heavy armor on oh you're crap i mean you do because you've got this like plated stuff underneath so oh that does actually like it's like a kevlar armor you're wearing i just i'm not trying to be sneaky i'm just trying to be like hey can i go oh okay that's fine you don't need to roll anything for that then okay so i'm sure when we tied these guys up is there some sort of quick release on their their bindings where they can free themselves i just figured we didn't actually tie them tight and they could just slip their hands out yeah yeah that's probably the smartest way to do that yeah then when as he as he says let's start the killing i'm just gonna like take that as my q and be like oh yeah dude let's start the killing oh boy um and uh in in that moment what's it called i just want to say i'm like oh thank you for uh completing your end of the of the offer let's start the killing and i i cast a fire bolt against the big guy i'll swing my bat at his kneecap let's go oh tony we just all like engaged yeah we're all engaged broken broken wing gets off he gets out uh he he has like his claws ready uh benson breaks out as well the other people break out uh they get like they get out concealed daggers that they had on them uh oh tony oh do we have advantage for initiative because well hold up hold up hold up how to how the heart off hold up daniel green you guys all get out your attacks and it's like that you get this snapshot and then it's a 2b continued
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 394,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isekai, Isekai D&D, Dungeons and dragons, Isekai dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, daniel greene, rustage, DnD, Isekai DnD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 58sec (7318 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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