ISEKAI D&D #39 | "Suit Up" | Tekking101, Daniel Greene, Shwabadi & Briggs

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wait Schwab why is your icon in the game now a sexy tiger that's just my FAA it's a bear oh it's a great looking bear thank you oh it's a bear okay nice golden bling for the bear this is going to be a wakeup call for all of the isekai d andd uh watches who didn't know that you were a furry no you know I didn't there's no way you can you can see me play Cody and the things that he do this guy isn't a furry so everybody that plays a Dr it is therefore a f well everyone who fooks a bird okay now clarifying clarifying statement because birds are not mammals they don't have fur they have feathers is that a different classif is that like a like a bird is it a different classification or is it still just a it's just an anthro but everyone anth okay yeah that's like any kind of anthro okay scal or feathery creatures usually scaly so even if you [ __ ] a you know someone say there there it is yeah to be fair to be fair because Norman like isn't a furry he's only into snakes he would just be a scaly there I I would imagine there's different words because furry is just like the general term that most people use but like in the actual Community it'd be like don't group me in with the scales I'm not a [ __ ] scaly or something I don't think I don't think they would ever be offended to being grouped in with each other I'm not sure if there's any sort of segregation as far as oh God I hope so I'm you hope they're segregation I hope they're segre like well hold on let's [Music] not hello everyone welcome to isekai dunger dragons episode 39 we're very close to the big 40 this is the uh New Year special even though it's recorded 10 days after New Year's and will be posted 17 days after that um it's the it's the closest one to New Year so happy New Year everybody happy New Year everyone do do do the isekai D and D characters have any New Year's resolutions that's the important thing yeah what's Cody's New Year oh is it the New Year in the world in the this yeah yeah what's going to happen is as you guys are traveling back to the capital that's that's like a weak Journey um you're going to have new year is going to happen and you're going to celebrate actually that's what we'll do so assumably you guys are traveling back to the capital um the the episode Ended as you guys just got that letter saying that you guys are being called into court for forging um and murdering oh right we're going to we have to get Phoenix right oh [ __ ] right um and you guys are still in no Venture at the moment and I assumed and I could be wrong that you guys are going to start traveling back up to the capital to you don't know what we're gonna do we don't know what we're gonna do so um um old man of the university is helping escort you out of the university and out of the city Gates um PR yes you haven't introduced us well we'll get we'll get into that don't worry okay it just feels like we're going we're going really quick right now feel like we're we're we're having an officient episode and we can't have that now that we're get into that we're get into that this isn't one piece D this is eai d eai d and episodes are only an hour long now so yes calm down listen I bet Daniel Green has a book he'd rather be reading right now uh okay what the [ __ ] did you finish the book though did he think he finished it yeah good that's great that's great I'm I'm really happy um are you guys heading back up to the capital question I assume so right okay yeah we can do that so as you guys are leaving the Venture and you're on your journey back New Year's is going to happen and this is probably at some point in that Journey back you'll be at camp and you guys are going to share in character your New Year's resolutions and with me today is Norman Briggs Norman what's your New Year's resolution you know what guys this year be it's be more about me I'm going to I'm going to care less what what what what women think and what they say I'm be I'm going to be Bas Norman Sigma Norman this year guys all right with me is Cody Schwab oh yeah um you know I think ever since I've got here I've let my morals slip a little bit and uh I need to get myself back on the right track so from now on daily workouts cuz I've been I've been letting the combat do the workout for me no more daily workouts and better veganism okay and more advanced veganism more advanced veganism um I'm also here with the shark Daniel Green the uh the only real thing I want to get is a bunch of levels into monk so I your New Year's resolution is the follow mon people out of character people complain the shark's Arc hasn't continued enough so I'm going to continue the arc he's commit to this monk [ __ ] it's going to be great Daniel I just have to say if the shark was a book series we're like you know like 20 books in and the plot is all over the place right now with this the shark is solidly I think he's he's in a very solid position where he wants to change but he doesn't know how to so he's trying to take steps to change but he's doing it all sort of muddled because he's like I don't know how to do this he needs training from someone who's trained monastic traditions and he's going to get that soon enough there we go we don't have enough stories of men healing and getting better and I want to heal this man and get him better that's that's the shark Journey that's why he's now the Pitbull rusted you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry there's like a huge debate whether or not to change your name on the uh on the wiki because they don't know if it's a bit or not uh yeah and I'm finally here with Anthony um teeking 101 yeah uh see in the future corporations bought the concept of new of New Year's resolution so it's just which company are you going to swear Your Allegiance to for the entire year you're like a Samsung man yeah like you know I think I'm going to go back to like uh Nike I think for my shoes I guess uh cuz I was you know Reebok up until now that's the only time of the year you're allowed to switch Brands so if I go back if I buy Reebok now like a squad comes to my house and like arrests me oh yeah your brand Allegiance changing in this in this corporate nightmare that I've created for for a future holy [ __ ] how did Mr Beast let this happen I don't know he's the president right you know yeah yeah okay right um but I guess I'll learn how to sing more songs because I enjoyed the the rap in the last episode that was actually kind of fun so yeah bone SLA and yog and hatcho I guess are still with you um what their what's their New Year's resolutions oh okay okay bone SLO says my New Year's resolution is to learn how to actually fullon wrestle and not just arm wrestle I like that good for you bone SLA yeah do you know leg wrestling Bon law is that like arm wrestle but with leg yeah literally yeah it's when the people do the thing with their leg and they do the same thing yeah I know you look down at his he's got like tiny legs uh he's that giant hking top leg a one piece character C is going to help uh B work out on his on his on his lower half yeah um okay uh yog is there um and he's he's back to a whole Guardian form now um and he was a bear for a while this time he was a bear for a while I don't know how long it usually lasts well it's it's just during the night um so he he he he turned back I think when it turned does it matter if there's a full moon or just at night no it's just at night so he he he has it rough to be honest yeah yeah honestly every night jeez yeah that's why he always asks you to lock him up um in a little cage and there's no other alterior motives the werewolf and Buffy the Vampire Slayer who always has to lock himself up oh yeah Green Seth Green ours yeah yeah thank you yes um what you what are you guys going to do about hatcho so hatcho is just well first of all what's his new year's resolution oh yog we need yog and ha resolu yog and Hao okay y uh my I my New Year's resolution he says Solly to the ground is to find a cure for this curse mhh and he looks at his hands um and they're shaking I don't want to be a bear anymore so sad I cast remove curse I don't okay artificers don't have that you that spell this entire time I would scream but I just I take out a syr and just inject it into I'm like there you go D I'm like Rick Sanchez there you go D buddy there you are oh my gosh I think I think I would turn to like Norman and be like like hey you're a gamer that's true what kind of person in in this kind of world would know how to get rid of a curse yeah wait isn't that much of a g yeah yeah would Norman know this well Norman I guess do an intelligence if Norman would can of Mage or like what class would know this would you think uh wizard for remove curse um cleric maybe for yeah what actually restores I mean this is actually it's greater restoration I think and artificers can actually learn that but it's a fifth level spell yeah cuz it is actually uh ly lycanthropy is a thing that can be cured in in fifth edition and I think it's Creer restoration that's the thing think I don't know but I think Norman might know uh oh okay can only be dispelled by remove curse it's not great that's actually easier because it's only third level that's not even that hard so you just have to find someone with a remove curse spell yeah can I learn that war wizard wizard learn yeah and Les maybe lesser because greater and lesser also have the stipulation of removing a curse like in Greater restoration it says you can remove one curse that clerics paladins warlocks and wizards so Paladin George Washington might be able to is this is this is that Norman would know um okay I'm I'm going to I'm going to say to say to Cody well I mean technically I could maybe learn a spell in the future that could help him remove it but George Washington could already know that spell maybe okay well I mean we're on our way you know to the capital so we let's talk to the president yeah wasn't my great wasn't my grandfather a paladin yeah oh yeah he would have been able to do it George Washington in our in this world does he have the white wig or is his natural red hair it's the white wig wig right he's not white wig he never takes it off he never takes it off I should explain to people listening to this on Spotify and they're like why the hell do Schwab sound like he's 20 years older um I'm I am sick I'm sick that's why I'm not like trying to do like an ASMR voice I just I can't speak and I keep having to mute my microphone to really loudly that's why I sound like I feel like every D and D episode I have something going on either I'm sick today I went to the dentist my mouth is like a little swollen like it's always something is our D and D sessions cursed yeah usually is any of us going until we cast remove Cur C then we'll be okay what are you guys doing about haiko so far he's just been here he sptify users this I mean he's a loyal dog he's a cool dog this is actually just Daniel rustage alone tending to be these other content creators God if if I could do an impression of you guys that would that that's it I don't need you guys anymore try and do an impression of our characters of your characters would be easier right um like hey I'm the shark right no show I got British action actually yeah hey I'm Norman uh I cast magic Missile and I want to [ __ ] a snake that's not bad pretty good hey bro I'm Cody yeah let's live some weights together and I want to [ __ ] a bird okay yeah all right sure good luck with mine I don't use an accent I don't use a voice all taking impression hey hey guys I'm Anthony um I'm a firefighter and uh Mr Beast is President yep all of those were actually pretty good I'm not going to lie those are all right those good there you go your techy and Norman impression were pretty similar they were similar yeah yeah I mean like you know no there he definitely made tekking way more nly than he actually is my voice I was trying to super high and so I genuinely wasn't trying to I was just trying to do an American accent that wasn't my Texan accent that's really funny and that's what I I love the more I I'm all of the idea that I was like how was your teeking impression you were like I I am a firefighter my name is Anthony and I'm a firefighter now this is isai D and D voice this is what I think I think Schwab could do a better impression of all of our characters than I could let's go around a lot of this a lot of This Is Us traveling the world so this is what we're doing in the metime just our characters are doing each other's Impressions I I do like to think that half of the conversations we have that are off topic are actually just what our characters talk about W yeah that's probably it my new head thank you travel the planet this place is huge we have to do something yeah yeah we're currently walking to the capital I imagine yeah this is Canon I've been living as the shark for the last two and a half years I'm never not in character oh I see that makes a lot of sense you're a criminal that's why had confess to crimes you think I moved to Boston yeah Virginia Virginia kicked you out cuz broken since I came here it's it's not like Skyrim where you have a bounty and white Rod so you could go to rifted and you'll be okay like no that's how America works is that how America work if you've ever played Red Dead Redemption 2 it is you could like murder the entire town but like feed a stray dog and it's like yeah you're good all right you're fine um while while we're like on our journey and we're camped up and we're celebrating New Year or whatever can Norman give us any fireworks yeah yeah prestigia word I can't say PR digitation pressed digitation prey just say prey I mean that's or just you know Fireball Fireball careful with the fireball just into the Fireball Fireball Firebolt yeah but it's not as big and cool yeah you want it to yeah you know I mean bone SLA is like you don't do the little one do big big boom you you big man you can do big boom what if the rain on on Fireball just double check 60t yeah do 60 ft into the sky Fireball Happy New Year I want sorry I want that know like Hallmark e like email cards that you send to people uh like you used to send to people where it' be like an animated snowman saying Merry Christmas I want one which is just Briggs going Fireball Happy New Year I don't think I'll ever have a chance to use this the spell in any other situation so I'm casting pyrot Technics which actually just creates fireworks oh [ __ ] oh never mind hell yeah dude yeah so Norman launches up this huge Fireball and then accompanied is Anthony's actual choreograph sply cool fireworks um is it choreograph to music yeah uh it could be if anybody's playing music in the background I imagine that Anthony has an MP3 player just built into his suit yeah yeah that's how it works yeah yeah it's like the 1812 Overture just plays in the background I've had cannon that Cody really really wants to listen to his music but he doesn't want to talk to Drew ever again so he has to like resist the temptation he's like man I could listen to some tunes right now and he he's like oh yeah um you what are you guys doing about haiko is he just with you guys is he is he I'm fine with the dog hanging out he's a good Dogo a brewer yes oh yes here's the thing about is obv obiously my last attempts to communicate with him didn't go super well but I assume that he doesn't want to be in this world you know he probably has someone to return to he has somewhere to go and wait you had a conversation with him it was mostly him speaking Japanese no no no that was just that was a joke for a second and then you did actually talk to him okay okay instead of having a little bone can he have a tiny little keg like oh like a St Bernard Kayla's a member of The Avengers the [ __ ] sorry that's not even on the visual version she's not even in frame properly like the I can see her on Discord yeah but like so this is not even a joke for the visual twitch Watchers cuz they can't even see it's just a joke for the five of us it's just for us Kayla are you in The Avengers she says [ __ ] yeah for the for a your only people and and uh oh you saw it for a second they saw it they saw it they saw they saw it for a second they saw it for a second crazy she has a giant a on her back and so uh yeah that that means Avengers we're supposed all right wait a minute okay who's gonna be our lawyer if we're going to court my dad was a lawyer I know a little bit of things do you know more stuff about being a lawyer I've been in court many many times I think that's a good idea all right cool been I've been in a video game Court many times oh the Phoenix wri Series yeah you know the yeah yeah there's a VR version in my time yeah yeah yeah roll 20 just crashed what what was Cody saying what about jwag oh yeah jwag let's have je he's not having his training but he went to the capital ahead of us so he's going to be there he hasn't had his proper training yet but he's definitely a better lawyer than all of us wait do we have to only have one lawyer can't we have like four lawyers like more lawyers means more likely that we're going to win have one representative yeah we're billionaires we have a legal team yeah yeah you think like Walmart only has one lawyer in the entire company it's just like we should really intimidate them we should show up with 20 guys in suits yes wait Norman can you cast like an illusion spell to make like an army of lawyers that show up all they look the same or we can just pay a bunch of dudes and get some suits but we have infinite money that's right we did agree the shark is going to handle this though and while that's a great idea the methods employing are called where does the judge live what's his wife's situation and is she vulnerable to being murdered okay I was with you on the first one because in my time we will just bribe the judge and then this all goes away because yeah we have infinite money so we can literally ask him for how much he wants we just give it to him okay so let's do that all right cool before or after we kidnap his children we don't have to kidnap his children why are why are you making this more complicated than it has you're the lawyer here I don't know I mean maybe this is something I'm missing just a just a okay what if a a threat a bribe and a threat a a a a we don't have have to kidnap anybody you I worry listen listen this is what I worry about family then listen you we get we get to the capital we threaten and bribe the judge and then it comes to the court day and he says these guys threaten and bribed me guilty we [ __ ] everybody up that's the way things work in my time I would see the landscape here to see jwag how does the court legal system work here in vtor we got to talk to jle yeah I think what we need to do is kidnap somebody all right well maybe that will work I don't know I don't I'm I'm kind of against that morally let's just you know yeah I'd rather not kidnap the threat of kidnapping completely okay with I will say I'm not I agree what are you guys doing about Corey he's also here oh my God Cory are you a lawyer what I am unfamiliar sorry I didn't get to say my New Year's resolution yeah what is it buddy I'd like to learn more about my past okay I can't fine [Laughter] past I cast Legend lore on himself there you go would also like to have a hobby oh I've been around him for more than a minute can I do the thing where I get one of his stats wa you could Oh you mean know thy enemy yeah definitely just sees everyone as a possible en yeah okay yeah what do you want to know about him I want to know his wisdom stat it's higher than yours well I don't get to know the exact no no it's it's it's either higher or lower the same as yours that's what it is so he's more wise yeah than the shark yes that's a hard thing to accomplish what is your wisdom intelligence is low sorry what is your wisdom I am being presumptuous I am I am stereotyping you who the who's the most least wisdom of all of us because I'm Italian um my wisdom is 12 my intelligence is zero yeah no it's not zero 10 your wisd your wisdom is plus one yeah no he he has more wisdom than you uh Cory does definitely yeah 100% um okay well we've we've got some like group goals now I feel like yeah yeah we'll be all right we'll be okay at court we'll be fine nice all right scenario we just leave a bunch of lawyers okay yeah I like that idea I feel like best case scenario they're like guilty and then we Fireball them okay let's keep the I don't want to burn down a courthouse I'm a fir literally put out fires Ates I don't want to do this Norman and then you put out the fire and we're the heroes I a line at Lighting on like lighting buildings with civilians in them on fire that is where Anthony draws his morally ambiguous line all right if we fight the law in the capital I think we're also going to have to fight George Washington and all of our I don't want to have to fight George become the government yeah I don't want to fight George Washington true that's true also I I'm the only that wants to stay here probably better not to be a fugitive yeah probably I'm not saying let's hire 20 lawyers I'm saying let's hire like 200 yeah no we just go into the City and put up some like hey who wants a job and here's what it pays and then they show up and then there you go what's oh gosh I mean that's it's a city it's a capital city it's huge you know how much to hire every lawyer in the city every single defense attorney Oh I thought we were just going to hire random people dress up like lawyers like we're going to go to like a Goodwill or a Salvation Army or something get a bunch of suits and just throw them on a bunch of random people okay okay everyone that's watching sorry everyone that's watching our like our our thing go down in the audience is wearing a suit this also says loyer yes yes make a little name tag cing bagage yes hello I'm what we're doing with haa yes we yeah you're right we did communicate a little bit and remember him saying something like he's waiting for someone yeah so I'm going to assume that he has someone to get back to okay so I'm like I'm I'm I need to get him back to the real world along with everyone else who wants to go so he's coming along with us until we we figure that situation out okay okay so he's here so your squad is bonela uh yog Cory hatcho and soon to be Little Feather as she is going to rejoin with you guys okay so there's eight of us now and then Little Feather will be n okay okay all right but yes haiko is definitely a brewer yeah yeah haiko I'm cool with the the dog is fine yeah okay all right we hire all the lawyers yeah let's hire every lawyer so you guys after a few days of travel uh as you guys are reapo muching the city uh you you see this flying creature descend overhead um and then she lands in front of you and it's further and she immediately just runs up and um hugs um hey babe Happy New Year I happy happy New Year I did not I did not even notice um I you guys are being sued she scream it's all over town it's not that big of a deal Little Feather we'll be fine it is a big deal it is big deal they are advertising the CT case like it's like it's TV event I don't know what TV is wait a minute H are all the lawyers right so wait a minute is court in this world like a like a gladiatorial Arena like what like trial by combat like what is this I I do not know Wellington says it's not usually he's very angry um oh and you do not like him when he is angry no Mr Wellington's very angry when he's angry uh okay look it'll we'll be fine we have a lawyer yeah we have all the lawyers actually yeah we're gonna have all the lawyers you're looking at like seven lawyers right nowo is a lawyer did you know that haiko is a lawyer we should get haiko a nice little suit yes yes and then make kou draw him in a suit okay I know this is but the thumbnail for this episode needs to be 200 fully individual character oh dude yeah he'll do it I love K oh God if we end up in court we all have to agree the session like the episode that we're in court we have to show up wearing suits yes this is the session that you guys are in court oh that's well we better get there we're wasting time IDE hold on R this is a story arc this is episode one of three like we're getting there okay okay so you um are we okay we're still outside the city all right yeah yeah um we we should probably go talk to Wellington as soon as possible yeah well I I I could just call him right now just like Anthony yes Mr Wellington I'm sorry what the [ __ ] is going on okay first of all let me turn down the AUD the volume I don't want you're very loud okay I don't know why you're all upset we're have we have every lawyer available we're going to be okay we're going to be fine I don't even give a [ __ ] about you guys being sued I don't care you who cares about we have un limited money other the worldly Brewery is just some some that you guys decided to do um wait so we have limited or unlimited money no you guys have we have we have unlimited money the other worldly Brewery is just some [ __ ] that you decided to do I like how he's like he's like getting more relaxed as he's being reminded he has un loed money he's like oh right is true that is true that does ease a lot of wounds um well why are you so pissed off Mr Wellington we'll be fine who the [ __ ] I told you that George Washington in as as president might have not been the best idea yeah I I wasn't there for that that was my grandfather I'm talking to the crowd right now oh okay I'm not Anthony you're you know what actually Anthony you're pardoned your I appreciate that the rest of you there all right I'm just gonna hold out the phone hey what is George Washington being the leader have anything to do with our court case this this democracy is in the infancy of democracy at the moment and a lot of rules and regulations are not put into place that they should be um and as you guys walk into the city you start noticing that like uh quite a lot of the shops have this sort of wintry snow branding there's like a snow Fashion Boutique there's like a snow restaurant and um it seems that Washington's a little bit bitten by his new treasury chief justice and a myriad of other roles accumulating a lot more power than we could have he he he pauses in sort of frustrated silence um and he says just come see me okay sure where are you yeah yeah are you are you in the volcano base where did you go yeah no no um meet meet me at the uh branch office okay yeah okay sure the branch office yeah guys that was no no don't meet him at bar what am I talking about meet him at that's where how about we just meet at a nice how about we meet at a nice restaurant uh cuz it seems like you need some food I don't know if you eat your skeleton and all but you maybe need some you sound really hangry right now Anthony he's always hungry he's always in so much pain you know this he can't eat just meet me in my room CLE I didn't I I have a I have a room just meet me at my room all right I'll meet you at a room okay buddy I'll bring you a Twix bar or something like it'll be okay as we walking through the to I'm just going to be pointing out like lot of uh snowy things here huh uh when you when you look and you see the fashion boutique you actually see a little poster that says check out our new uh design Douglas the rat the best clothes you could ever wear are rat made and it has a picture dougas on there he's he's giving like a thumbs up with his little rat hands we should go to that guy for the suits nice do you think do you think that's the Douglas rat the one that we met I don't I don't remember this so you weren't there to be fair okay that's fair probably how many dougl rats do you think there are yeah let's let's go let's go talk to Douglas hell yeah oh he did the Daniel Green did the thumbs up thing oh and just crushed his camera I love how we're all slowly grabbing suits yeah yeah I don't have I mean I I have mine on a whole rack right over there ready to go so it's like yeah he might have given the thumbs up and it's frozen his camera and then he's left to get a suit for the bit but we don't know that because his camera's frozen him wait wait wait yes I ICT the exact same Ling too do you have do you have a beanie could put on that but now we're all everyone suited up I don't own a suit it with within like my proximity um but you know remember the Orient Express video you had to rent one right no no no I we bought a suit but I'm I'm I can't keep that in my little place no that's oh that's stored somewhere else in like a glove box a suit a suit Factory a suit storage device facility just I can't be trusted to look after a suit listen rustage if you keep this YouTube up like one day you might be able to afford a suit as well yeah it's true one day yeah maybe someday maybe someday um okay do you have a jacket anything dude okay I can get something all right I'm being yeah just kind of Bringing Down the mood right now R yeah really anything a zip up anything yeah before he gets back now we all get naked no car off boys what if we what if we only wear suit jackets I wonder why like that interesting color suit yeah I've color Co yeah most of my suits are from when I was a teacher and I have like a couple really interesting ones that right I always forget you were a teacher yeah oh yeah he's got that nice jacket yeah that's a lovely that's a lawyer type jacket that's a lawyer jacket yeah this is my nice jacket great I still wouldn't hire you so out of everyone here I think Schwab gets hired I would hire roage as a private investigator there it is I would hire Daniel Green and Briggs as like thugs I I would vote for teking I mean I'm showing up with a giant ihe Heart anime button on my suit so maybe maybe that's not like all right um this this is what I would look like if I played Doctor Who I think yeah are you gon to be the the 15th or the 16th doctor now we know who the 15th is sh was the 15th but if they did do another one vote for me 16th doctor we need another white British doctor that's I'm joking thank you for clearing that out um my Loyals will be inou I really felt like people were not going to understand my intent with that one um okay we're back everyone's now suited up for for courtroom everyone suited up Russy just edited out his racist jokes in the int no it was it was making okay I was I was I was offended I was pointing F at the fact that they've all been white British people and that we need more okay your exact words were yeah okay but that's you know I was I feel like we need more segregation I feel like good call that is a good call back oh God that was beautiful oh gosh this is all not making it into the episode this is going to be our shortest episode of isy DnD CU I'm cutting all this that's a fine joke chat clip that clip that entire thing all right thank you okay all right so yes so you've seen the PO you've seen the poster of Douglas rat the you've been just for context you guys have probably been away from the capital for like a good month or two now with the amount of time it took for you to travel around and all the time that you spent in just various places yeah um yeah so so you see all these posters for Douglas rats and Cody what were you going to say well we were going in to see him oh you're going okay so you're going inside um suitable attire after all yes you do need some suitable atable attire you go inside uh it's not Douglas W behind the counter it's just some some some bloke um sees you guys come in he gives you a sort of knowing nod not a knowing nod but he just gives you a nod um an un oh hello uh am I am I right in thinking that Douglas rat is the designer here oh he's the designer at at most uh t Tories nowadays um he's a genius at work that's that's what I'll say who knew that the scratch could be so talented I didn't even know what Scrat were until about a month ago where where where can we find him oh um uh he's in witness protection at the moment for the for the for a little bit why should you be should you be telling us that yeah just random people that just walked in uh well he he a witness in that upcoming trial if you you know the one that everyone we've heard of that yeah we've heard oh tickets wow are they selling good uh no oh I thought okay little FEA said they were Talk of the Town and I thought be they're just being they they were selling tickets and then they got Mo they just got sold out to uh mostly guards and military personnel can I buy a ticket I they're sold out to guards a military personnel unfortunately I'm a guard are you he looks you off and down probably not no what listen you got an A we don't we don't need any tickets but what we do need is some Douglas rat clothing suits oh you need some Douglas R clothing suits interesting something appropriate for a court immediately behind the sky I I do want to note that there is a a poster about the upcoming court case and it has it has drawings of you for in like character like awful depictions they look nothing like you um you like look cartoonishly evil in this pict am I am I drawn in the Iron Man suit or how I really look you're not in it actually sorry aha I'm pardoned I don't have to do I mean you're not even a co-owner of the other worldly Brewery right nice um yeah that's hilarious you're not in it he sold it he sold half his sh yeah he's in it he's in it cuz he cuz you know part of the the lawsuit is saying that he didn't have the rights to sell it um first place so here's last time I mentioned I want specific fan art it actually happened so I'm going to do it again please somebody do those that [ __ ] C poster I want to see just different Renditions of the terribly drawn cast on like a advertisement for appearing at C he like Bill Scruples greatest case yet it's like a movie poster [ __ ] and you can see a big picture of Bill Scruples on the front and he's just got like his head is like a um half of a dome he's just got a dome for a head with big round glasses um and he's got like a bow tie on a little suit um he looks a little bit like a flunky from Toontown if anyone's aware of that yeah I know too so and yeah and it's it says Bill Scruples in dramatic font with the most the least dramatic looking man possible underneath [Laughter] it I'm making a thumbnail right now and I'm using a screenshot of me in this suit with this beanie right this second yeah that's useful make sure to use that yeah all right uh anyway so the guy says you you need suits I could provide suits and he perect he's like let me just check in the back and he turns around and he makes eye contact with the uh poster and he pauses for a second and he turns back around again and he turns around hey did anyone ever say let me say everyone has a right to look [ __ ] amazing while they defend themselves that is true you guys look like less ugly versions of the the criminals thank you the um the usurpers appreciate that yeah wow you could if they ever made like a a theater play you guys could play them oh you think so I never I never really thought about getting into a theater but could I think you do well specifically saying his name you do very well thank you Norman he looks like Norman oh I see what you guys doing you guys are getting into character already those suits anyway are you guys actors is your dad here are you what the hell is wrong what the hell why is this business owner so stupid do not look like you shockingly cartoonish out of spook I just rolling up and I'm like wait is this guy like not okay that's uh that's the tagline under the tailer it's a cartoonish amount of stupid he says sorry been YY um I'm trying to come off a scrub addiction um uh oh you're on that [ __ ] too I look over at shark I'm like yeah do you you ever hear the tale of our poor poor um you know Douglas rat you know he he was forced to Pedal scrub on the streets his whole life fell apart when Da Vinci was um uh deposed and wait didn't we like see that scrub is like super non-toxic and not bad no it was not it was it's like very brackish water it's definitely not it's definely non not that just dirty water yeah so like what the I don't know like this is like trying to blame all your problems on video games I'm out no it was just suable pulling up a stool and I am listening to his entire story I'm very I'm a Serial murderer you think I give a [ __ ] not I'm a fire I'm a firefighter and I do give a [ __ ] thing is seeing um did you know this about the scrap people is they actually um scrub is it's quite Sim SAR to what they usually drink ah so Douglas actually was able to persevere through these trials and after um snow saw his talents you know the rest was history hey I need to go back and watch these episodes I don't know what the [ __ ] going on I you know I can solve all your problems here's a thousand gold so [ __ ] off how about that oh oh thank you thank you so much Mister thank you so much how about those suits get us get us some suits let me let me get you some let me get those suits tailor made for you okay you have one that fits a dog oh you have a dog he looks down uh yeah we have a dog oh yes I can make a suit for a dog I just want to say like to like the party we need to stop being interested by everyone we meet okay be people that we use for their services and let money solve our problems all right so we just remove the MPC aspect from this and just like how much money do I have to give you to do the thing that I want you to do like if it's a character like this this guy's not going to affect the plot [ __ ] him I mean that's true like if I'm working as a cashier and you come into Dollar Tree and be like hey Matt here's $10,000 just do something I'm like all right sure I'm I guess he he turns he he starts measuring you guys up for your suits and starts giving you your what color do you guys want uh I feel like Cody Cody would want something a little bit tacky to be honest yeah like what's the brightest suit rainbow suit just like pink probably just like a like his do you guys want to go proper like Power Rangers with it that be yeah I'm red yeah so Anthony's the Red Ranger I do like um actually like straight up I think yellow suits are [ __ ] fire I want a yellow suit so we got the shark as the yellow ranger uh Norman I'm going to go blue blue that makes sense that is the yeah and then we got the Pink Ranger and then we just need the I guess either green or black Ranger being hatcho uh yeah or uh is bonl still with us yeah he's still with us yeah and I mean we could have a sixth Ranger we have like the gold ranger or whatever you know so yeah okay so we get a um no no no a sequined diamond suit oh Little Feather will be the Green Ranger then U makes sense are ties be the same color or do we have like complimentary colors for the ties cuz that's hot as [ __ ] if you do that I thought it would be just like the same color as the suit um we could do okay like like a red suit jacket with a white shirt and then a red tie I think that would look kind of nice if we're all coordinated that way C is like it's like bright pink for the tie in the suit and then a black shirt and then a pink tie it's not it's not even like a like it's just like a like a crew neck shirt it's not it's not but we'll go different colors for the suit jackets and then like black for the shirt itself and then the tie is the same color as the jacket I like that yeah so so then uh bone SLO yog and hatcho will be the black silver and gold Rangers and whatever yeah please put bone slaw in the in the white one I think that would look cool oh yeah the bone SLS in a in a white suit um with like the sleeves rolled up oh my God he looks so cool I can see this could be a poster post all of us suited up sounds like a one piece chapter cover we're going to ask him okay someone take a photo of us we're the criminals go give this to the police and tell them to run it everyone will be on our side yeah you just you take that photo you start stapling it to all of the all of the posters um up guys get these sailes up describe actually I described to the shark that the Power Rangers cuz he wouldn't know what they are but the Power Rangers are basically like a mafia they're really badass you know oh we have it so like yeah we all kind of match on like the color basis but each cut of the suit reflects the time we're from so like Cody has an 80 suit I have a 20 suit you have like a future super like a future suit yeah yeah yeah BRS You' have like a modern suit correct yeah you guys you guys are lucky that I'm a very talented tayor he says this is a very complicated request we're like drawing up and like yo it would be so it was so cool if it was like this I've learned from the best I'll give you 10 more gold if you find me two brass knuckles before we're done here I tell them this at the beginning okay I don't I don't Supply brass knuckles but I do have like brass Rings no I want you you have people you know friends what call people before we're done here this will take some hours to get I can just make you brass knuckles that won't even take that long I can just do that I'm taking my 10 gold back I'm giving it to my friend okay thank you yeah hey can I have brass knuckles too sure and like I imagine I can make that I just everyone gets Fross Knuckles all right should we do gold Knuckles guys I have they all have other worldly Brewery on them but I don't know how you many letters bre can M can mine be pit bull yes I'm like I'm using like an engraver I'm like at a jewelry shop next door using the engraver and just like yeah yeah one says nor one says man nor man ah Norman okay right after a little bit of setting you guys all up yeah saw chat they walk into court with we're innocent they walk into court all gun um okay no no no it's just not guilty and then I punch you with the guilty one it just has it on your face holy [ __ ] oh there's so many ways to do this okay we we all suit it up then I'm ready to go yeah let's do let's meet Wellington cuz he's waiting for us yeah let's go to the room we just spent all day at this T show okay you you you leave the uh the tayor shop in your finery in your suits nice you would been the two islands by now and one piece D and D yeah yeah and you you guys rock up um yeah he has a little he has a house right in in the capital that he so you just rock up to his house um and you knock on his front door and he opens up with his bright yellow Wellington showing um his skeleton body is grotesk as ever and he goes you look what took you so long and he SE I know we look great don't we we had some things to do on the way also didn't you know there's a dress code now I don't know why you're he to to be fair he no to be fair the way that Welling to dresses he's in that quite fancy suit all the time anyway if you remember what he looks like but he's wearing Wellington's boots I mean they're part of the fashion and yeah oh then let's just lie I just say oh we wanted to actually we thought you had like a dress code thing going on so we wanted to look as good you know let's do a deception roll on that Mr shark yeah yeah it was better than mine I love lying 14 is all right hey looks at you you you you can't quite tell whether he believes you or not but he like doesn't care enough so he says whatever get in here do you guys want tea oh yeah I'll take I'll take some coffee please he has a little teapot he starts pouring into mugs could mine be a latte no yeah hold on I make it into a latte [Laughter] machine he he sits down on a big leathery um chair um there is not enough seats for all of you guys um a cordal stand it's fine I'll just build a chair it's fine just dting Furniture in this guy's house that's what I did when he first summoned me I I built an HVAC system in his Mountain cave cuz it's like he lives in a [ __ ] volcano like I am not very liked around here he says just straight A why not Mr Wellington you're such a swell guy apparently not us either Wellington no I'm well I was only planning here to stay here for a little bit but I've I've had to organize this transferral of funds to no Venture um and as I was out and about on my daily stroll I noticed these [ __ ] posters um and he he places the down in front of you look way cooler here's the thing I said this before over the um what what do you call it Anthony uh a photo yeah I said it before the um a a a phone yeah the the phone thing yeah I said it before over that I don't actually care if you lose or win this case the objective here is to make sure that we finish activating these towers yeah the problem is Washington and Jesus [ __ ] Christ are so entrenched in this city I think that they have forgotten the task at hand counter shark you wanted to go see Jesus he's right here so that's convenient that is convenient also Counterpoint they're so entrenched which means we know they will stay here so when the time comes for us to get like finally maybe needing them we know exactly where to get them from as opposed to like I don't know what do you think Jesus and George Washington will do if we just let them loose on the world you're containing them there you go yeah what they both did when they were let loose of the world is great little coats we can we can we can talk to them George Washington and Jesus are super Against The Gods here so it'll be no issue to get them back on track in my opinion yeah you want to kill the gods right yelled at us we were cool last time we talked and you just came with this aggression and didn't ask questions try to figure things out I it being hungry all the time being tired all the time makes a man quite cranky you think A Thousand Years you'd be like used to it by now it's not been that long it's only been a few hundred oh just a few hundred years okay U he he he grips his skeletal hands together what are you guys going to do about this well first we got to go to court yeah you actually going to go to court uh yeah we're dressed as fly as hell of course we're going to court we spent like a grand on these you're I may be an outlaw but I still respect the law is that true I I I just don't want to end up in a fight with all of you I know how that will go and so I know you're going to make me do it so I'm just going to go all right I've been through enough conflict with you [ __ ] guys all right I think I don't think it's going to be too difficult for us to win this case and if we weren't to go I think it would be more of an obstacle than if we ignored it yeah I mean and my solution is just killing the judges family one Norman seems to be let me liking that kind of stuff more and more and I feel kind of weird accidentally corrupting that kid I know anthony'd be a pain in the ass about it and Briggs you secretly kind of like it but I'm just not willing to put up with all that again so why don't I just put on a nice suit and go to court I don't care whether or not you guys win or lose this court case all right the most important thing is that you do not make an enemy of the government here because we need George Washington and Jesus Christ if we're going to take down the gods together sure yeah thing Washington does believe in democracy quite a bit so we need to win this case guys yeah we need to win it we can't just blow up the courthouse if we win the case he'll just accept that as like oh that's the law so it's all good and win the case whatever you guys win the case now who's the judge do we know the judge I don't know who the judge is they're keeping that a surprise do you know a lot of lawyers I I to okay what does that mean I mean well Bill Scruples would have been the lawyer I would have said to go to but it seems like he's the one Prosecuting your case right we have infinite money though can't we just go and offer him more money than what the other guys are paying him uh you can try I it's a good it's a good Prospect but okay I just don't get that's how lawyers work that's how some people I did a perfect signature I did a perfect signature I don't understand how they're actually able to I don't know they say they have witnesses is the only thing I've heard people lie people might li like us listen yeah it's it's winnable I think it's winnable it's winnable yeah we can win yeah we can win if I was going to put a percentage on it I'd say like 80 especially we could get Jesus to testify on our behalf can we yeah but Jesus wouldn't wouldn't lie there hey guys um what are even going to court for oh I just meant as a character witness you call him in as a character witness and of Jesus Christ they like they're good people yeah Anthony Anthony Anthony doesn't actually know what's going on yeah no I just heard we're getting sued for some reason so you know the brewery that you inherited 25% of I guess I guess you guys brought that up like once it's aany open our own Brewery and then another Brewery set ours on fire and then happened go ahead we on one of the biggest breweries in the world and technically the way we got that Brewery was by killing its owner and forging a signature that signed everything over to the for oh so this is like a corporate kind of case sort of situation okay yeah I get it yeah like we we broke the law so we are guilty so guilty so not GNA say any of this in the court but I just want to defend ourselves a little bit here they burned down our Brewery first and my my signature was perfect so I viewed it as a seizure of property yeah I the more I'm listening to this story the more I'm like I don't need to be part of this court case you own 25% my friend I tell you what I'll sell I'll sell the 25% to Norman there you go no sell it to me I don't have anymore oh wait all right here you go I don't have anymore I'm out of this well is in is in bother because he didn't have the right to to sell it yes so that this is the whole point right [ __ ] um but I'm not on the poster then so I don't have to show up for this but you look so good at a you are the legal rights holder of old Tony share um all right I sell all my defend you don't want to defend your grandfather's memory I don't think my grandfather was he really invested in the brewery it was his idea yeah he cared more than all I'm doing it for him all right okay for for PO for papy I'll do this for papy Tony is Ling Cody just really wants Anthony on the side here because he views Anthony as like the most intelligent one in the group oh well thank you so much all right yeah sure okay uh okay guys I have a plan all right besides just offering this lawyer like a butload of money we know one of the witnesses that snow is going to try and use against us it's the rat oh yeah Douglas our good friend what was his name it was wait Douglas Doug Douglas rat wait wait are you suggesting some shark tactics here or pit tactics I'm suggesting we get to him we talk to him we pay him and he on the day of the trial confesses that he witnessed us legally take over the the brewery he saw the signing that's good I like that okay also I've just realized like you know maybe this is different from the way it works from where I'm from because my dad's a lawyer but it's like uh you know there's like a discovery phase like like the fact that judge is a surprise doesn't even seem like that's the way that should go we should know what the other side's going to do but I guess in this world it's just more entertaining I mean this is probably relatively new the new the laws BR new system yeah the democracy is being shaped by the ones currently in power all right if that's the case at at some point I am definitely going to be like you know you're out of order or objection cuz I like I have to do that at some point yeah I'm gonna say objection to everything it's going be so much fun yeah like if that's if we're just playing it Loosey Goosey with it let's just do that yeah they said that Douglas is in witness protection all right can I go see Jesus yeah how long until the trial yeah when's the trial uh the he he he looks Wellington looks down at the uh the poster what day is it today I always lose track Wednesday Wednesday uh the trials tomorrow oh okay what time morning or night morning okay so we need to get to Douglas tonight we have to find Douglas tonight all right we need to get to Jesus now okay how about this we split up shark oh I mean my bad p uh you go talk to Jesus do some mon things but tell him to ask if he will like confess about us being good people right um testify testify yes yeah remind him that we're his Apostles um we're going to find Douglas and I cast locate creature and you can locate Douglas yeah does describe our Name a creature that is familiar to you you sense the direction of the creature location as long as that creature within a thousand feet of you does that work on humanoids creature yeah it's any creature okay perfect as long as it's familiar to us and he is yeah he is familiar so you would know where he is yes your guys SE first okay yeah okay so you use locate creature and you can sense you you do that thing where you close your eyes you can sort of visualize the city like a map and you see a glowing rat um like like it's like GPS radar yeah um and he is currently um being held at the courthouse oh uh in the courthouse like what level or under it yeah it it it seems like he's on the um third floor of the courthouse building okay great this is going to be so easy this is going to be fun I can fly now so this is going to be easy yeah me too baby yeah I think let's leave our suits at Wellington's Place uh I mean I could like a steal Mission I tap it and my suit just like Nano so we're doing a split up right Norman and shark are going after Jesus right and yeah is Norman nor are you going with with the shark the pit to see Jesus or are you coming with I just told him to go by himself and then okay I thought we spit it two to Douglas is the thing that matters okay I mean uh the shark could be all the all the NPCs could go with him if you want yeah yeah you three are are heading out into the into the night yeah we're going to leave yog Cory Haik and uh B behind with wellton they all just sitting there in a room looking at each other they they have no chat those those Wellington you should you should arm wrestle bone slot and then I leave like I me I say that and then I have never AR wrestled skeleton before oh no no yells out and you you just hear like aise bone shattering um we should po the Ripper too if we have time yeah is he in the capital no he's in um St tell them to Sprint here bu for us in court Ripa get here and be our lawyer all right yeah so yeah let's go to the car house okay all right cool are we just all going to fly on top of the PO we can all fly yeah you you're using your locate creature and you can see the window into which Douglas is in uh the room uh and you could see it three stories high see it up there and it's sort of getting into evening time now um I'm worried about we don't want to be seen here obviously you know we're going to be on trial tomorrow they're probably on watch for us because they don't want us to tamper with anything we can they cannot know that we were here this can't be like with the King where they found out we were there this has to be how about I mean if we do we all want to go in or I could just cast disguise self on one of you and then that way I I think I can fly up there as a bird okay get his attention get in and talk to him all right yeah let's do that all right am I incorrect in saying that I don't think Norman and Anthony can fly and be invisible I can fly and be disguised as another person that might still be pretty suspicious I think yeah if I look unless you fly and I cast AB bu I was say yeah can you how many people can you make fly I can make both both of us fly and you make invisible yeah all three of us can go all three of us can go let's do it all right invisibility Ray uh I'm just going to turn into a little a little bird one of the local small birds that I've seen around so you you're yeah a bird and two invisible people fly up to Douglas's room you crazy set for a joke you look inside and you see Douglas rat there and he's working with a little sewing machine um is he on his own he is currently on his own in that room yes is the window is it open or closed it it is closed I'm going to tap on the glass I'm going to peck on the glass pick PE Pi Douglas looks around and he sees a small bird in pink spandex and and he he he he stares at it for a little while I just did a whistle but I don't think the mic picked it up oh no it did not pick it up I just every time if he's just looking at me I'm just just picking at the glass and he he walks up to the window and he opens it slightly he go and he says go away I I can't speak so I'm just going to fly past him into the room hey and and then we walk in after as well yeah we go in as well space for you guys to get through he's just opened window yeah he's only opened a crack so you guys open the window a crack can I just push it you could push it open but but I mean you if you want to do that hey hey say hey dougas it's us we're just invisible I I know it's you guys he says oh this will make this easy then I'm going to transform back into Cody I'm going to make sure that I do so inside of the room in front of any exit that I can view like if there's only yeah the door there is door it's like a hotel room essentially like a I'm in front of the door we just want to talk we just want to talk guys listen you've already [ __ ] me over enough you forced me inside a skin suit I had to pretend to be hops for for for months and then I was destitute after you guys took down Leonardo da Vinci and then your um your your your friend the shark forced me to sell scrub on the streets I've had a terrible time just just let us let us all in let us sit down we need to set a few things right we just need to talk okay and figure this out I kind of reject okay I'm not in the room never mind show you're not you're talking to Jesus yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll cut to you in a second Jesus man oh can is he going to let us in the invisible ones well Anthony says he's just he's just opening the window further I thought we were yeah just opening the window from outside getting into the room and so yeah um oh if you if you don't leave right now I I will scream listen Douglas we genuinely just want to chat for a tiny bit just a tiny bit okay we feel like we can set things right with you without having to do all of this trial stuff okay what you have done nothing but cause me grievances throughout what okay listen what have what have we done wrong let's address them what have we done wrong okay and how much money would it take to rectify everything we'll get to money snow has given me so much how much not money she's given me the one the one thing I've always wanted in life was to become a tailor okay okay all that you guys did was you came in scorched a bunch of rap people at first I thought oh gosh these people are going to save me from from from from where I've been trapped my whole life with all these rap people who are making fun of me for my name then you force me inside a skin suit and pretend to be a to to uh this man for months es brick man you know how boring it is to listen to Brick every five to 10 minutes I would not know brick is a nice man listen brick is a nice guy but listen Okay I I we thought that we were saving you from this pre like we thought we were doing the right thing you thrusted me into a place for I actually had like a family well not a you know not like I had Parents I you know I had at least they didn't care about you right they didn't care about you we set you up and in in a position of power in the outside world something you would position I was on the street selling drugs for the shark okay that part es this is I'm here to address this is what I'm here to address we pulled you out of Scrat town and put you in in in place of hops because that was our way of getting you up and out into a new life I know things didn't work out exactly how you planned with brick okay but come on it was better than where you were you had a chance to chase your dreams and what happened in the capital with the shark that is not we we didn't know about that okay I I I'm not saying I'm not grateful for what you guys did to me in Scrat town right um you know I I had house I inherited from my parents after they passed I and I I understand that the the only rat people that you killed were were bad rat dudes and I was being bullied and I understand that but the trials and tribulations that I have gone through have been uh just taxing andnow you wouldn't you wouldn't be the man you are today and in the position you are if it wasn't for that adversity yeah I wouldn't be the man who I am today in the position I am if it wasn't for snow she no no no no you wouldn't have even met Snow if it wasn't for us you'd be a Scrat like down getting made fun of and bullied well thank you very much for for for thrusting me onto the streets but what i' what I have done now is I have I have found who I'm supposed to be I'm Douglas the Taylor rat snow gave me this and all I had to do was testify against you guys in court yeah and you guys don't need this stupid Brewery Douglas I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm really happy for you that you're you're achieving your dream and doing your dream I'm really happy for you and I've been invisible this entire time talking I'm not yeah yeah and I promise you you will still be that after this trial no matter what but it's not going to go away as soon you definitely want to be on the side of the victors yeah and just like you just see me sitting down crossing my legs and like I have like like un invisible like I I appear you definitely want to be on the side of the V Victors I think I'm already on the side snow snow has no chance against us we want to do things properly we want to be good the same we were we were good in scrp town we want to be good let me explain if we're forced reason to be thrown in jail if you don't think I will not burn this entire town and the shark is 10 times worse than me the shark is 10 times worse than me and if they're going to throw me in jail I will Fireball this entire town every single one of your of your things will unfortunately burn down and I'd be happy to S you set you up somewhere else but if they try to throw me in jail here everyone sorting to threats again I'm just I'm just saying you want to be on the side of the victors that's all I'm saying I think I'm on the side of the victors you know what I will not feel guilty I will not feel guilty when you guys get M snow is going to be the Victor that's cute um you know you guys are really you know Douglas I think I'm on your side what did I do listen listen listen like like the more I'm hearing about this story is like yeah no this guy is definitely in the right here also Douglas this isn't a threat it's a promise man I wish pimple would was here he so so proud of me I think I think Douglas might start screaming um I think I think silence I think if you say if you look at his eyes after saying you're going to fire B the to and say that's not a thre that's a promise yeah Douglas looks in your eyes and he goes GS 7 and he starts screaming at the to I turn I turned to the other two I'm just like let's get out of here let's get the [ __ ] out of here uh okay and on the way out I will turn to Douglas I'm just going to say to him while he's screaming just like Douglas I really I just wanted to set some things right I'm sorry things didn't work out I'll see you in the courtroom who that's so sad and I'm going to sorry for everything that happened to you you know what I'm not even sorry oh gosh no one's really on that I promise I promise we won't do anything bad to you and you will be a tailor at the end of this so that is a promise no man you like fire bomb the entire did you not hear my New Year's resolution I got denied by a snake lady that was my ultimate goal yeah yeah fair enough you're right yeah he's an inso now oh my God red content as this conversation is happening the shark you are looking for Jesus um in around town um and he's the vice pres like know where he hangs out or are we not doing that those rules well you you do know where he hangs out he's the vice president so you go to the vice president's office yeah um and you Walts in there I mean what do you want to do uh I assume he has like a secretary that I yeah yeah yeah yeah he I I walk up and I say hello my name is Pitbull formerly known as the shark um you might be distracted by my phenomenal suit don't worry it's not complex what I need done all I need you to do is let Jesus know that one of his humble Apostles is here and it's an emergency and I need to be seen immediately but like in a Chicago way she she she looks at you she clearly doesn't give a [ __ ] but she gets up and she walks to the other room and then she comes back in she says Jesus will see you now um great and and you you notice there's like nobody else here like nobody wants to see him okay so so there was no wait you you walk into the room and it's also getting to the end of you know the working day um and you see Jesus there and he's chilling out he's got like a big spliff in his mouth um you don't know of what's like a fantasy splith and a fantasy splith he's like hey dude welcome in hey man I haven't seen you since that big battle that we got that we did you know things have been great here you know sit down I got bean bags hey man are have you are you acting as vice president right now yeah I do Vice but I don't really do much you know like honestly like the president does much and I say that but kind of the treasury secretary does most of the work now to be honest like who's the treasury secretary oh you know uh what's her name snow she right she she kind of just runs things now and I I'm fine I just chill um okay we're GNA get more into that in a minute but first uh I you know how like I'm a part of a system it's like we're in one of Norman's video games and I level up I don't know what the hell that means you see I said hell H my dad would be so disappointed me he has the same thing right cuz he's also transported here yeah he does have the same thing but he doesn't understand it like okay high right now are you talking about all these [ __ ] numbers that I sometimes see yeah yeah um I'm trying to do something with mine and for me to do that I need to learn how to be a monk which guess what this game classifies you as so I need you to teach me how to be a monk oh you want to train under me yeah sure listen I could teach you how to perform Miracles my dude I more want The Punchy but not lethally kind of Monk yeah man we just we're just vibing we're just chilling come do you do The Punchy punch stuff yeah man I I'm good at it listen just like Jesus going I'm good at it I he he hands out like a a a joint to you and he says you want some bro um no actually I'm trying to be cleaner and live a better life and not murder people so I'm not try to drink or I Ain judging you for that man I ain't judging you that for sure I ain't judging you well you know after after I became vice president of this place I just sort of things have been going well for me and a lot of my Apostles they they're they're all out and about you know converting people what have you how many do you have uh 12 you're one of them right not pretty yeah I'm just that okay but you haven't like just recruited a whole bunch more anything right well they they have like sub Apostles now my dude like sub how many what numbers are you how are we approaching Jonestown levels where you at it's like a pyramid scheme it's like multi-level marketing yeah they how many how many members do you have I don't I'm not very good at this whole math thing man okay last time you had a gathering how many many people roughly you know you know few hundred I think hundreds thousands tens thousands it's in the hundreds but like I I count all the citizens of Historia as my disciples now in a way you know okay the sh's kind of annoy I'm just going to open my menu and like try to do like leveling things where I'm like how do I get M listen man meet me tomorrow morning and oh no I've got I've got no I've got I've got something in the morning I have to oversee this trial wait wait are you the judge at our trial tomorrow no no man no no that's snow uh she's the judge at the trial uh cuz she's the Chief Justice now I think as well um I'm just are you [ __ ] kidding me I just have to be there as as um you know what was the word that she said safety yeah me and Washington um okay I need need you to listen to me very very carefully snow is an enemy of your Apostles she has actively worked against us and is a threat to us being your Apostles we need to be able to win this trial because the trial she's overseeing is against us and it could take away our wait well I whoes the [ __ ] of it takes away we go to jail or is it takes away our Brewery I don't actually think you go to jail I think it just takes away your Brewery oh I mean I guess I care all right yeah tomorrow if you could help us that'd be great but it's not as let's change the of that Norman thinks it's really serious like he thinks like I'm going to jail oh you might do whoever well we did technically like kill a guy let's make a fake case where we just P it all on RI we asked RI to go down this is Daniel asking can you any of you remember who was the one who dealt the killing blow to Hops cuz that guy would go to jail um I think he you know accessory to murder that's not a thing it's not being prosecuted at the moment okay anyway fine uh but yeah we'll just help us in the trial tomorrow we can if you know like where snow Sleeps Tonight I can go threat beard blackard killed him I think you guys are just um yeah I think it was Blackbeard yeah blackard killed them all right the case is just for your lawful ownership unlawful usurping really of the um of the company also two things I need to say one I want to roll intimidation for that play that I made on on Douglas like it should have some level of effect like what if I got a 20 right R your intimidation might have been super intimidating yeah you never know but you are Norm well if he if he's making a check then I want to give him Advantage with uh um enhance ability well that to be honest though that implies that that's something that Cody agreed with doing yeah do you know what I mean I feel like I threw it out there I did I definitely didn't agree to an intimidation that's fair um all right go ahead then King press that button six it wasn't very intimidating but he didn't like the threat he should be intimidated did it cuz Norman's ready to throw it down but also he thinks he's going to jail if he gets there he's like oh what we have to pay some money [ __ ] is that's that's why I also as the shark was like oh this is oh okay fine that's whatever that's the thing we're getting we're getting sued we're not getting like you know criminally charged with anything right you know I thought we killed Hops and then stole his company I thought that was pretty bad is that about the murder or is it is it all one thing all right a fraud yeah it's mostly the fraud you might go to jail who knows okay but Jesus uh we both have things going on tomorrow so you free right now cuz looks like you're just getting high on the couch yeah man I am just getting high on the couch uh but you know that's what life's about it's about relaxing taking things slowly and enjoying the time we have here I came to a realization man that like the time I have here is like extra time than the time that I had back home you know what I'm saying like when we think about it this is like free time and we can use it to just chill out so how about the day after tomorrow we uh we we you know we do some sparring and do that sort of thing man that sound good we're GNA do it now but uh I also okay here's the thing I'll agree to smoke with you and I'll hang out with you as long as you say it counts towards our training because I think as long as you believe that then it then then work yeah yeah it's training it's all about the peace and state of mind you know it's all about becoming one with yourself and God come on big big God up in the sky my dude I do that and so I sit I smoke and the whole time the shark's just clicking the menu is like what [Laughter] the uh yeah you smoke you're in the sound settings somehow and you lower the volume of of everything around you you you you take a puff and and the smoke sort of envelops you and then Frank the fighter fed is sitting there like hey you what the [ __ ] then he disappears um cuz you have some remnants of the uh Magic cigar smoke in there um okay but now you guys are just chilling for the rest of the night um okay no but we don't know that snow is the judge like shark should want to come and tell us that yeah that's the point here but he's not he's he's get he's he's enjoying a really nice night with Jesus um yeah but okay let me put it this way I'm not going to spend the night with Jesus I'm going to be there for like an hour or two and I also figured you guys would come see me after you see Alex you know where I am like I'm waiting for you to come here okay so I'm gonna talk to Cody and I'm and U and Anthony and be like okay well we we that didn't work sorry um we need we still need a lawyer and I didn't realize he held that much of a grudge against us yeah that was well against you guys you know and I realiz that Vinci thing kind of [ __ ] him up that bad yeah but uh yeah let's uh rondevo with the shark I mean we do that the pull yeah let's see if he learned anything can I do can I get a constitution throw from um the shark for me what uh sure this is just how well you're able to um yeah you're you're you're you're high um so you guys all sort of reconvene at Wellington's house um you come in um Wellington's having a great time he's like stroking the hatcho okay I was going to ask because he can he can't die so does like every time like uh bone SLO beats him in arm wrestling it just just a mountain of broken skeleton arms like um and well say welcome back gosh I was getting sick and tired of arm wrestling this guy over and over and over again hey Mr Wellington you need any milk that's a good for strong bones I can make you some milk why do you keep offering me food and drink Anthony we've been over this do you do you do nothing but torture me I make me feel better I know him a lat I'm making him a l no I feel so bad for Wellington um yeah our plan didn't really work so well we need a lawyer Mr won can you help us get some lawyers while we figure out some more stuff I have no Connections in this city the only connection I had was with the royal family but the only living member of the royal family is is a child um yeah we we know a lawyer that should be in the capital his name is jeac I don't know him why are you looking at he he's the best lawyer we know so we we could try and find him wait a minute I have another this is a stretch but in case we need to do this Mr Wellington you made this NE and you pulled me in from my time right yeah can you make another one and summon my dad here because he is actually a really good lawyer it took me like a hundred years to make your necklace I use the right tool for the job and I duplicate my necklace with my skills wait is that yes I [ __ ] can what is right to [ __ ] necklace infinite guy glitch I okay you sorry are you duplicating the necklace this is really important um well like he he in okay so these necklaces are all like magical [ __ ] given to them by gods mine is something that is artificially created yeah so I'll be able to at least look inside of it and see what the [ __ ] it's made out of cuz it's made out of like technology right so I should be able to tweak it if I need to I'm from the goddamn future you know okay okay cuz I am I was going to argue that like yes you would be able to recreate it and summon somebody else but it would replace you as the artificer um can I change it to another class uh I think I think you you would have to change it to a class that doesn't exist uh at least all right so I'm going to I'm going to pull up the unearth Arana here and uh look through all of the [ __ ] and then he's just GNA unai himself no it's okay my dad is a really good lawyer you know what I'm gonna do that it's it's it's it's also it's random I do want to state that it's random I can't pick my dad all right you can't pick a specific person that'd be really funny if like you just you go back to your time your dad came and then swap back after the trial wait it was random but he picked anth Tony's grandson out of all the people in the world yeah you know out of all timelines that's that's sometimes just how statistics are you know 123 is just as likely as 725 all right so I okay maybe we get Bob Odenkirk or Better Call Saul or some [ __ ] you know maybe all right um okay I mean are are you doing this I mean I don't like if there's no guarantee I can actually choose who I isekai then there's no point you you'll just get a random dude you know get a random dude Cody can you use that Creature Feature finder on jure feature finder Creature Feature fighter or je yes I can I still have two more level four spell yeah I tell you let's let's look at J we need a lawyer for tomorrow we don't have we're running out of time okay you guys you you you visualize and you can see a highlighted soin um he's currently at the bar he's in the city all right let's go get him all right bust down the door of the bar we're back in our suits this is no longer a St Mission you walk into the bar and this is actually an otherworldly Brewery brand bar um so the people in the bar they sort of look at you and they're not quite sure how how to how to think um because if you remember correct Prov guilty [ __ ] cuz snow is the branch manager of the other wly Brewery in the capital so it is one of hers technically but it's also one of yours technically at the moment it's in a weird limbo State the hey guys just remember until the results of Tomorrow we still do pay your bills um the the bartender looks off and goes o you look come here okay I think you guys think going to win tomorrow I I think you guys are innocent I don't know what this [ __ ] snows pulling out of her [ __ ] thank you I never trusted her to begin with yeah I can't believe I did betrayed yet again you guys have been better bosses than Ops ever was I honestly I don't even care if you killed him and you sered it he says very loudly but we but we didn't no yeah you didn't he Winks he does a big wink I sure but I don't even care listen my I I've been getting more customers with your Brew I've been getting my my everything my life's been great ever since you guys came into uh office um and I just want to say thank you I never thought I'd get to meet the big bosses themselves can I get these people are nice can I get an can I get an autograph he slides a piece of paper fors yeah of course absolutely get my big Cody signature wait I feel like this could be used in I'm not there God you are there no you're there now sh you're there now we're all there this could be used in court I don't want to give over any evidence IDE I know what people can do mag like DNA and stuff I think it's a good thing because I'm gonna sign it with my normal signature no but don't DNA DNA do they know about DNA in this world oh do I [ __ ] know about DNA never mind nor barely knows about DNA um I'm GNA sign it because in my head I'm thinking like the signature for hops was perfect it's nothing like Norman signature at all in Cody's head this guy is just genuinely asking for there's no way this guy will betray usz want so strongly I I wasn't a founding member of the brewery I'm not going to sign it well I may tip five gold I have 19 on me I'm going to tip him five gold and be like let's get a round including for our friend over there you don't need a pay it's your beer but wait a minute wait a minute I know I'm just giving it to you cuz you're my day oh can I read the paper he wants me to sign can I look it it's blank it's blank yeah okay you could do a perception check if you want or investigation investigation probably yeah probably investigation would be better 19 yeah 19 it's just a blank piece of paper that is a blank piece of paper if it's just for SI you guys are so paranoid yeah uh the money the money's for you my friend of course I'm paranoid all let's let's get around and also friend in the back over there and has you like uh oh yeah J like's noticed you guys but he's not he's publicly not really making eye contact but he's he's there okay hey come over here come have a drink with us got a friend oh no let's go sit with him okay yeah we bring the drinks over you sit down hello he says je buddy hey he smiles to you guys then he makes eye contact with the shark and he sort of looks away sort of embarrassed Hello friends it seems like you guys are in quite a lot of bother I've been seeing the posters and um our first trials tomorrow and this could be your first chance to to be a lawyer you know right I am I'm not a trained lawyer yet but you don't got to be it's a new system we're innocent it's a new system We Trust in your abilities what we saw in noventa you really think so you think I'm no other lawyers in this town apparently do you think I'm you think I have you think you think I'm worth you think I'm worth something yeah what do we say to you back in Corpus wait what did you say what did you say to me back in Corpus you you said you didn't love me you didn't say sorry no for that that was him what did we say what did we promise you back in Corpus we promised you that we would meet in the capital yeah and make you a worldclass lawyer yeah yeah you guys are you guys I like you guys I I I always like you guys you saved you you overthrew the government I like that I I am going to become lawyer I it just oh God okay I'm gonna be honest man I felt kind of bad but like we hung out for like a couple like a couple of days this is a lot Jesus pit use the knowledge you got from Jesus and comfort this man he he he is proper he's he's drunk I mean he's not yeah thinking rationally it's okay am I am I only good for sorry like we could have been friends but now it's weird I'm gonna be honest guys I don't want him representing me right now this is bad he's gonna be over tomorrow all right I'm thinking maybe if I use the power of my own blood my own DNA I'm just at the table tinkering with my thing like if I use my own blood in this thing it has to be a member of my family I think I could do that much yeah what if it's what if you summon like some kind of villain from history oh my great great great great great great great great great grandfather Antonius yeah maybe him I I am so down I think I would rule it that you would be replaced but you would be able to use it again and switch back i' would be so down for you to have that ability to switch can we do a role to determine like if it is my dad or if it's like somebody else in my family I would say if you do a blood thing and you you you do this with your artifice and stuff we will do a to determine which ancestor or child of yours it is and and then you become this person for we need a lawyer we need a lawyer lawyers run in my family every other generation there's a lawyer somewhere it goes lawyer then janitor then lawyer than firefighter OC it's law work and and good Blue Collar work is how my family cuz it's like you know my grandfather was like a a janitor and then his son was like well I don't want to be a janitor I want to do something professional and then I'm like I don't want to do something that professional I want to be a firefighter that's just it's just a cycle that's how it goes all right yeah also um I think there's something with this world and fate I believe we will get a loyer from this okay guys how far back is it like to the caveman you guys have like well I have no idea how this works might get a caveman we we're g to do two rols right we're going to do a D3 for for um past present future um present would be your dad he's the only living member of your family right like yeah yeah I have other family my Aunt Lisa she's an art she she's Works in art design at in La she could maybe I don't know dou roll me a D3 all right guys I will be back I'm just tinkering with this [ __ ] at the table and then I just zap out of consist Ro roome a D3 and depending on the role we're doing we might do another row all right all right right hold up hold on let me pull this up okay okay I have to do the D3 down here okay roll D writers I want a Tekken family three going back at 400 Generations okay okay so three means so you you you you Tinker with it you Tinker with it and then you activate it and suddenly you replaced with a guy and he's I mean you could you could help come with this but this is somebody from the distant future in the future for potentially an alien um yo cyborg lawyer like a proper cyborg you you pop like this is like a thousand years down the line sort of guy um so this guy pops into an existence I'm glad my the the the Schmid family live continues until like yeah half human half robot so what does this guy look like I'm going [ __ ] cyborg with it like you know Terminator kind of like it it's so far in the future humans have now like the the humans all got wiped out so we had to save ourselves by making robots to like suffice to be like I am antonus Mark 7 nice to meet you wait hold up does that mean Anthony is just in the future somewhere right now having to survive Anthony goes back to his time Anthony goes back to his time what okay what if Anthony being Zapped back to his time and he what if he sets it up his family line purely focuses on being lawyers lawyers whenever at some point in the future someone in his family line is out Canon it is Canon I had a fiance so we didn't have a kid yet so when I have my kid I'm just going to be like he's going to be a [ __ ] lawyer don't leave a Brey we don't need okay so what is this character's name he pops it so everyone you see this cyborg pop into existence anron anron is his name an anron 5K or Anon Mark or something he has a time limit of a day that's what I say that's what you've set it up to be I think that's your fail safe just in case like they decid so I can loop back so he's got a time limit of a day but he can go back whenever he wants no no no well no yeah anron I like Android is fun as well but uh I don't know which one do you like I like Anon Anon anon's good anon's good so Antron has now popped in uh and you guys just see this J goes sha greetings greetings Cody shark and Norman I am Anon my entire family my family has been kept my family has been waiting for this day for 7,420 years I've been told this like it's a prophecy how does he know his name but it's like part of like he a story been my family has been passing this down through seven nuclear Wars and the destruction the destruction of the earth we have moved to the we have moved to Europa the second moon of Jupiter where Humanity has begun a new life and this day has been waiting for for centuries well the good news is you know the case and we don't have to explain it to you I know everything about all of you holy [ __ ] there has been a there has been a relig that has been formed and unified mankind over this prophecy [ __ ] amazing I mean J like looks he goes I guess you guys don't need me I have studied all aspects of law also for some reason I was programmed to make this man feel better about himself it is okay jwag you are a good human I Am Not a Human I am the prophecy has been apparently muddled throughout Millennia I am a soing it's okay guys listen we're still friends we're still friends yeah we're we're friends I appreciate you guys a lot and I I'm sorry for my immaturity I still young you know we will still pay for your law school thank you I I appreciate it yeah he cuds up an you yeah so he like I have been programmed for human affection only 2% of my body is what you would call biological but I have all the [Laughter] love what's the 2% the rest of the 2% is some type of gray matter that is still in my brain robot apparently no in the future the future we figured out that how much of the body is actually the soul and it turns out it's just 2% of humans so that's the part that I have I open my head and show him the biological parts of my body it's just pieces of lint almost like floating in a jar like that okay huh I am ready for trial whenever you are okay it's uh it's tomorrow tomorrow just know we didn't kill nobody and the signature is Hop's signature cuz it's perfect okay it is currently the evening it's like yeah so so an anron is here for about 24 hours right that's just I do not require sleep he doesn't require sleep but he's here for 24 hours um and so he will go tomorrow evening unless he decides to go back himself yeah um I still I still wonder who this who this judge is going to be the judge is snow the judges no betrayed yet again me she is your future wife no way not all of this is true remember like some of this is like it's like the king the data that is in this is the data that was in the prophecy it's like distorted stuff like Norman would probably write that in you know what I mean Norman very Bic I mean feel like I wouldn't not marry her um no year of Norman should I like like should we like sne like by our house and like cast sleep and make her over miss the the trial all right I think I think we're about as well prepared as we can be for this trial now okay a robot from the future yeah I think that's about as prepared as you could be in this universe is there going to be a jury it's not going to be like a snow going to be like biased you guys suck um you don't know we don't know we don't know we're just G to have to find out I bet you the robot knows but but is there a jury tomorrow you could there will be a jury there a jury there's not a jury don't there's not I mean you could you could ascertain from the fact that it is a um legal system created by snow yeah um so yeah okay you are you you guys are assuming going to sleep for the night and yeah let's rest I do not require sleep and I will just sit here next to jwag at the table the entire night I I need to sleep I I have a room at this Inn anron do you want to come with me to the room I am programmed for all types of pleasure let's go good it's just something to forget I do the bull messy rebound something to forget he [ __ ] a robot he couldn't get the shark so he just has like a future sex robot rebound that's incredible goes back to the far future at the end of this okay right right the morning comes okay and you guys are in your suits and you are I guess you're making your way to the courtroom we are we are approaching the end of the episode so do we have our golden brass knuckles yeah I do you have your golden brass knuckles yeah I don't want to wear them mine have been passed down I hold up a pair of brass knuckles that are so weathered with time and I'm like they have been passed down for this task what does brass degrate so there's just going to be like three dudes in like crazy vibrant suits and the [ __ ] Terminator walking into or in a suit room or in a suit I'm in a suit I am prepared for this yeah okay you guys walk into the courtroom and as you walk you see there's like royal guards in a lot of the seats and by the doors you see at the prosecution bench there is Bill Scruples with his Dome head his big glasses and his tiny eyes um and you guys get to the to the to the defense bench you see above you on like a balcony George Washington and Jesus Christ are sitting there and they're watching the proceedings and a door opens to the side and snow walks into the room she takes her place in the judge's chair she looks down and she smiles and she says I've been looking forward to this and then we'll I have as well and there will have it to be continued I when I I I can I put this on record right when I was planning this session today and I was like okay so they're going to do the court stuff but that's not going to take up that much of the episode I imagine [ __ ] did we end up here so I I so it's like what the [ __ ] are they going to do I I was so stressed cuz I didn't know how the court was going to go so I didn't know what you guys were going to do afterwards and I was like I was like planning for like 10 different possibilities what's going to happen after this court trial cuz that's only going to take up the first half of this episode probably and you didn't even get to it you remember what I said at the beginning of this episode right did is I I said there's no way we're getting to that [ __ ] C today no we made it we made it come hell high water we did make it to the court by the end of it dude history
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 27,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isekai, Isekai D&D, Dungeons and dragons, Isekai dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, daniel greene, rustage, DnD, Isekai DnD
Id: zfj6jcLebWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 37sec (6517 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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