ISEKAI D&D #14 | "Frozen Nuts" | Tekking101, Daniel Greene, Shwabadi & Briggs

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everyone welcome to episode dungeons and dragons ah he took his shirt off welcome to issachai dungeons and dragons episode 14 happy 14th birthday taking uh we're finally getting to your real age starting high school getting really excited okay let's go um this is a shorter episode because my internet went out for an hour uh so we're starting an hour late but brig still has his volleyball tournament at five so oh my god yeah it's like you know he's really high cueing it up so we we yeah this is an hour long session but it we are doing it it does exist um this will be like dragon ball kai but the d d version everyone everyone has to talk at two time speed hey guys uh we gotta we gotta speed run this episode we gotta find the perfect line and we got this uh three two one break okay okay there we go you can't uh uh people who are listening there's nothing concerning happening on screen at the moment uh there is nothing hello guys so this is what it you guys just yogi's gone um cody cody was like get out of here uh i'll save your life jog's dead and killed y'all to everyone besides cody yoga is dead um he's dead yoga is dead but we know but yeah we [ __ ] on that guy yeah yeah um but you just captured uh another whole guardian who thought that cody was the beast because he did just see cody be a beast um fighting yog so but you you managed to trip him up with your bullets mr the shark right yes you shot him in the leg he took out his hands to be fair we did take half an hour to talk about whether or not you could do that or not which i cut out the episode and then and then you he fell over and now you're crowding around him i think i assume you tied him up um yeah go i mean if his legs were all shut up do we really need to tie him up well he's got arms you know he's got weapons you know he could crawl with arms that's nice i can shoot his arms you can was he the only one that witnessed cody he was the only one yes okay okay good because he was going to run back and tell the townsfolk that we killed this innocent man who is actually aware i mean he currently still thinks that's the case he's like yeah so we have to convince him oh my leg oh you shot my leg why would you do that i sure i have i am a witness to this to my own to the crime that happened to me my leg um i'm so i'm so sorry i'm i'm sure we could heal you uh we just didn't want you to have the wrong idea um we are not the beast or whatever whatever you think we are oh then what are you you oh we're just some traveling i'm just a janitor look we shot you in the leg to let you know we're not harming people yeah no no the beast was uh that fella over there i think his name was yog uh he transformed into a giant bear we had to kill him we had to put him down it was not a thing that i'm happy to do but i can see how you would get confused i am i am going to cure wounds when i get to this guy and heal is like just a sort of show that like oh okay yeah all right trying to actually harm you do you want to cast cure wounds yeah i do i can't even remember how much [ __ ] damage he took oh five he took five damage exactly holy moly so yeah so his the whole my leg swabbity what sound does cure wounds make oh yeah yeah yeah oh that that's quite nice i like that that's cool yeah i i i would imagine you know the sound of like flesh ripping open but you get the sound bite of that and then reverse it reverse it and then that's cure wounds yeah get some air trapped in those wounds now yeah okay see there you go though there you go oh you that was very that was mighty kind of you to be fair not a good deed just a net neutral deed i mean we are we are the well the thing is you see shark over here he really can't go more than 24 hours without shooting a living being in the kneecaps so we're not monsters monsters you know we're just victims of our own impulses we asked you to like stop but you you just kept running what were we gonna do let you falsely accuse of us of being like evil monsters we saved your life by shooting you in the leg because then you would have ran back to your town you would you would you would have ran back to your town and then we would have had to kill you because we're not monsters i mean imagine if you were in our shoes if you just killed your friend yog and you saw somebody saw you and accused you you do the exact same thing i you we just stopped the purge from happening i think we're great people i think i think there's honestly a net gain in reason i'm happy all tony's happy with this little feather is like nodding her head as well like he's just this guy's in the ground very confused we'll take you back to town and we'll buy you dinner how about that you take me back to my own town and buy you dinner yeah by the way we're going to be staying in your place i hope that's okay we just want a place to rest we're just going to breakfast um but okay the bracket's off limits until the beast is slain oh it's good then because you killed him we yeah we just killed the beast he turned back into yogg you really miss the most crucial parts of this this i need someone to do a persuasion just like any one of you for can i do an intimidation i'm really good at that i'm high intimidating i think i think i think persuasion's better because we are telling the truth so if we just like all right my persuasion i have a very good career actually no no my persuasion's actually really good as well 15 is just good enough holy [ __ ] is that the line holy [ __ ] was the dc-15 speed run baby ah oh speedrun all right suddenly suddenly as you perceive as you persuade him he he looks up and he goes oh i believe you know everything you said i believe it 100 i believe it i feel every ounce of my dad energy and i just get down on one knee and i'm like listen here son you're proposing to him no i get down on one knee like a dad talks to his kid like listen here son i know life is confusing sometimes but every once in a while we have to slay wear bears and then shoot people in the legs but that doesn't mean you're a bad person i i didn't think i was a bad person oh you mean your mother oh you cost me bullets i think you're kind of a bad person listen okay i believe you about the yolk thing it was very suspicious that that did you ever think he was a little strange that all the attacks seemed to happen when yogg just mysteriously goes missing yes yeah yeah we connected the dots in like less than five seconds no one in our town connected the dots we're not very smart may i ask if there's lead in your water um is is i mean our water is slightly gray is that oh that's gray water that's not good right there you need to get a plumber in here what do you use for installation is it asbestos that word is too many syllables for me [Laughter] yeah they have to have some sort of uh insulation considering how cold it is around here yeah we use fur um and yeah tell you what i'm gonna give you the number for a plumber friend i know named mark he'll help you not you mark this just happens that the plumber that we always use his name mark so i'm just going with that so you're doxing your real life plumber yup good old mark he's a friend of mine he's a friend of my dad's he's been doing plumbing work for like 30 years now he's a nice guy i i don't know it's like after 14 episodes i'm gonna give you a number for a plumber in another world holy moly okay mark's number and i give it to this guy you said you said mock the plumber yeah oh i know that wait one second oh for anyone listening schwabidy just just go down take off his like shirt i think well i didn't want to say shirt because it made it sound like you came up topless um here to fix your pipes i want everyone to know he did go down and take off his shirt but he is still a top or still has a tops oh yeah well either or yeah all right there we go i feel like in 10 episodes time isakai d is going to turn into an orgy um [Laughter] daniel green here anything am i finally gonna get laid [Laughter] okay all right hey the the man looks up well my name is rott nice to meet you lot nice to meet you right um what is a good name your name right don't laugh at my name your name is shark name for an orgy yeah i'm an apex predator you're a bad stage of life that's how that really sounds like something a character in apex would say after killing someone all right what are those pre-recorded voice lines okay my my name is rot uh yog was a good friend of mine is uh it's a shame that he's dead wait did you all give her bite you is that how that's transmitted we might have to kill this guy too no he never pretty sure never bit me i would remember we should take yog back though to make sure he gets a proper burial oh yeah well don't be culturally assuming maybe that is a proper burial for their culture all right he's just sitting over there in the snow so uh returning to earth yeah so rut uh what do you guys do like how do you guys bury people or like how do you like when someone dies what do you guys do what's what's customary oh what we we like to attach lots of balloons to their bodies and watch them float off to the heavens what are the balloons that sounds romantic what are the balloons made of uh magic how do you fill them with helium there is a magic it's the balloon it's the balloon maker he's a member of the council he's the one who supplies the balloons wait hmm does that mean you also have condoms i don't know what that is all right i'm gonna go pick up yogg's corpse well you guys we don't need zombies look leave the corpse it's out of our jurisdiction it could be contagious do you want to be a werebear that's a very good very good point i'm a janitor i've handled a lot of disgusting things it'll be okay i'm not gonna leave i'm just dead in the snow i'll help you carry it we could we could come back we can we can come back this way let's go to the we've got priorities guys cody we don't know what someone would do to the body if we left it right i completely forgot why we had them here hungry animals well we were on our way to go to that pl the hall guard place and this is the hall guard place right we need to keep going all right well then help me with this body and then we can get into nature tony i vote i vote we carry the body okay cool shark what have you ever cared about burials just leave the dude wait a second hold on a second right questions did your dog have like a wife or kids no every time every every woman he ever dated mysteriously died all right i think we caught up with you guys let's put this together we were just felt we felt really sorry for yog so um why i feel like cody's really against this so i'm kind of down for a balloon funeral look i can't i mean wait i'm okay with the balloon this funeral that is custom but do we have the balloons right here right now yeah we don't we have to i think we can go to the city first yeah yeah yeah let's go to the city and then yeah but absolutely funeral sounds pretty pogers cody's head you want to you want to meet the balloon man let's go to the balloon man let's go let's go to the blue maybe he's maybe does the balloon man have a necklace like ours no damn it but that is a those are some weird necklaces yeah mine smells like blueberries mine's a little rare it's just a little bad um it isn't real in indian d uh how far is it to the town oh it's just over there oh okay oh yeah yeah it used to be further away but we have got to speed run this so it's right around the corner to the town to the town you're like you like stand up at the doors like right next to him oh [ __ ] here it is wait wait what's up i am terrified of death rattles and or someone accidentally cutting themselves on a limp body's teeth uh and with thick sky's ability to turn people to wear bears i do request that i pull out his canines just to be safe sure that's you want to desecrate a court did he turn back didn't the curse end when he dead is that he yeah it's fine he's fine he's just a body let me pull a dead man's teeth i'd really appreciate no that's disgusting are you gonna try to convince me okay give me like if if you try to convince me we can do that we have magicians here uh magic users on the party and you can't tell me that a werebear's teeth are not a valuable magic i don't know if he's a werebear anymore though the person who's not actively aware of still bites you still get the werewolf thing says who my lies i'm currently blinded the sources like a persuasion contest okay yes yes cody and the shark both roll a persuasion at this moment against each other well okay seventeen's all right oh i would laugh if it's the same number i kind of wanted to do an intimate have i have same both it's the same in both oh my god oh 21 oh holy [ __ ] the body all right to the bottom of the teeth i mean the shark you walk over to the body to find that there is no body what it just disappeared while we were okay maybe he was still alive [ __ ] all right norman looks around is there anything any sign of like people i'm gonna look for animals yeah yes there are footsteps like big whole guardian looking footsteps oh someone must have carried them away already they already they've they've done you know them i think i can see the balloons dude you broke daniel cody um i don't see any balloons where are these balloons they just oh it's in the fog over there is it okay is it funky roll for fall a mystery how foggy is it wait yeah [ __ ] it uh roll for weather in it uh yeah oh wait that's 20. that's a 20. is it i wrote a d20 or wrote an 8. not even that foggy it's like partly i do i did also roll without setting what the roles would mean so i just assume the higher the number the more the more foggy it is so uh yeah it's it's a little bit foggy but things are still visible oh it just went behind the mountain the mountain ah i think i see what you're saying cody i see a uh yes see and little feathers eyes are way better than any of ours i have never i i am i think we should head to the town then because if the choice is hunting something out in the middle of nowhere that might not even be here yeah dude let's just move on to the yeah i'm worried that he wasn't dead and he turned back into a wolf but okay i'm not a wolf or bear definitely [ __ ] on him he was he was yeah all right well let's head to town then yeah you guys head to town you walk very fast wait a minute what was this guy kind of engagingly talking with us making it so that our backs were jogged maybe it's his friend who made him sure we weren't watching so y'all could get we should definitely kill this guy no i'm not gonna kill right we bonded over a plumber so i don't really think you i think you told him about the plumber and he didn't respond tony thinks he bonded him recommending a plumber with that's how that's how dad's in nebraska bond he's like hey uh yeah you got any problems with your toilet yeah call mark he'll get down there he'll fix you up there you are look we we've had enough fighting and bloodshed okay for for today i could go for a stay in town let's talk to the balloon man yeah let's have some food we should find um the next artifact thing yeah that's yeah it's in the town apparently according to right there right into the town yeah all right what's this town look like you you you walk up to the gates of the town and a man looks down uh another whole guardian man he goes all right hey the tower is off limits is the if the beast is still out there and rot looks up and goes apparently the beast is dead yeah you guys need to really check your asbestos and plumbing so i'm here to do that what where's yog apparently yoga was the beast what the [ __ ] and then they have this conversation and he convinces him that that you guys are telling the truth and it you know it's condensed you you we cut forwards and the and the gates open up yeah you're just pressing a to skip the title yog was the you know kill everybody [Laughter] disappeared in the snow and the doors open up into the tower after like one of the times we press a there's just suddenly like 30 dudes the machine guns coming it's like and then they plus five paragons where you you begin to skip a long cut scene and by the end of it you're in the jail cell or something what the [ __ ] happened um mid-cut scene uh rut is like you ever heard of the morphogenic field and then it cuts it cuts it you keep skipping the dialogue all right that one that one was for mark but he wasn't even paying attention let's keep going door's open um ten percent off g fuel what temperature um you you you enter into this very northern nordic looking town the the wooden and stone buildings are peaked high there are people in the village camped around fireplaces covered in furs and at the edge of the town uh there was a bunch of smaller buildings crested out a giant cave system it is very cold by the way guys did did we buy equipment for the gold i think we bought something right yeah i i remember vaguely some stuff yeah oh if you want to get warm i can fire some bullets and then the barrel will get hot and then you can like put your hands on it to be fair you guys do have a a wizard in your party that could just cast fire spells um i wasn't i wasn't paying attention do we need fire for any reason guys we're like frozen hold on is hypothermia a disease because if hypothermia is a disease i'm immune to that it is not a disease yeah but it's not gonna be so uncomfortable it is very cold i think most of you are pretty well clothed though except for cody i'm just wrapped around me and my pauldrons have fur on the inside i can make us uh i can think of some torches if we uh if we want i mean we're here in the town we might as well just see if we can get place warm here yeah it is it is still night time because remember you guys waited till night for the the werewolf so it's like middle of the night oh okay little feather is like cody i am so cold could you got any like like a little fire spell you could you know what i mean yeah i'm cold but like obviously so is there any is there any wood nearby can i could is there a bench or something i could like yeah i mean there's almost just like logs of wood just uh stacked on the ground okay i toss a piece of log over to norman cool so i am i'm i'm going to light one end on fire can i have to roll friday hey that's my log hey you're stealing my log over here i'm sorry sir i pay him whatever i give him like some change oh yeah we're pretty rich in this you guys actually do have a decent amount of money flicking my silver piece oh oh okay thank you yeah sorry guys we're just a little cold we're not used to being in this area yeah you're getting lots of weird stairs because you guys are not hoe guards yeah not bogart and now i'm just carrying a log on fire honestly it does look exactly like nebraska um yeah it's cold it's yeah nebraska woodland nothing like sac town i mean there's beasts that kill people it's just like nebraska yeah no it's pretty accurate yeah uh so it is the middle of the night i don't know what you guys want to do i don't know if you guys want to head straight to the cave uh or if you guys he's like the most important players or if you guys want to go rest then in or there were like other buildings as well there's like the mayor's little house we've had great luck in mayor's house or are we are we kind of beaten up uh well you had that one fight against i mean i still got a few spills left in me so i'm all right yeah i think we're fine to keep going for a bit yeah yeah i think we'll be all right i think we rested not too long ago to the cave all right let's go to this cave uh right you want to come to the cave with us you you guys want to go to the cave gotta go to the cave man is that why you're here yeah i mean yeah yeah wait did you did you recognize these necklaces uh i've just heard rumor of necklace um i don't i don't know much myself i'm just a scout but if you talk to he points over to uh one of the guards near the mayor's office um if you talk to uh gorge over there he um he looks like a whole guardian uh in kind of more like the traditional furs but on his head he has a silver helmet with like a almost red hairs coming off of it um like a galia that's pretty badass um he's like uh talk to him about it he started wearing this funny hat all of a sudden and um he's your leader now i get it yeah they're saying that we've got to start wearing these funny hats now they say the hat makes the whole guardian after all there you go all right are we just do do you all want to approach this hot man yeah let's see the hat man all right let's talk to him are you you just approach him he's standing there he looks down hey man what's up hello nice hat man thank you yep that's a loud noise oh that's a big hand it so i don't know if you're picturing this quite in your mind but it is uh it looks almost exactly like a roman centurion helmet oh okay all right well i'm nice that's about what i was picturing yeah yeah yeah like a galea i do want to say we technically have someone bathing on camera right now so where'd hello foreigners what brings you to breck well we're looking for uh a tower or maybe somewhere else that some somebody has these necklaces like we do oh he looks down at your necklace you have one of those like the great leader oh see there we go great leader yep jon jones that's his name calling it now town oh jim jones thank you oh my god jon jones or some [ __ ] country singer john jones sounds like he owns a subway shop [Laughter] jonesy are you associates of the great leader yes i'm very big fan of kool-aid what uh don't make sense don't worry about him what about aids is cool i also love that shark is making these references cody told me about them wait where are you on the twitch stream yeah yeah pointed everywhere but the right you're here's cap direction okay yeah there you go he told me there was this great leader he followed for a little while in california before he couldn't afford to move with him to south america but he always wanted to move with him to south america right cody did cody jordan a coat i think cody was in a cult is what he was telling me we're just talking about the jonestown massachusetts i don't know why but it's like okay oh my god my law caught on fire you guys have fire alarms in home guardian town wait did a fire alarm just go off at bricks's house my log my log shutting everything on fire no it's actually fire alarm do you know where it is not that loud okay we could only hear it when you talk no you're fine it's a shitty fire alarm [Laughter] like you're gonna [ __ ] die yeah if there's an actual fire you would die it's actually it's really sensitive but uh it sucks yeah but that's okay so cody's cody's backstory is he was part of the jonestown massacre gotcha no not true yeah what do you love well you don't know that you weren't that's true you know my backstory you don't know what happens after i don't know you might have repressed it cults cults get kind of brainwashed like that here all right but oh yeah so where's this great leader at the great leader is on the main continent oh my god how far is that it's a crust it's right over there right over there all right no this is a little worried there for a second no no in the opposite direction or something yeah i mean it's further north you have to cross the um the sea they're not working all right well what's this cave then the cave we're not sh we used to mine minerals from this cave but then oh sort of a strange magical aura emanates from it and and people don't want to go there anymore i think that might be what we're here to check out right like strangers that's what yog was telling us she was telling me you gotta go to the cave oh you're a lot of friends of yogs yes i love yog he was like a brother to me we helped him in more ways than you could possibly imagine i have known yog my entire life me and yog we we spent all our day time together never night times though um i i've always worked as a night guard and therefore i never got to hang out with him at night he'd always invite me to parties nighttime parties but i could never go i heard it neither could i i heard those parties got crazy man i i heard they were to die for good ones yogg happened to go into the cave at any point into that cave yeah no he's he's okay he was hunting for the beast right yeah yeah yeah wait a second if you guys are here did you guys find the beast oh we've got to celebrate yog he'll be very happy i love you well i don't know he he immediately wandered off we don't know where he ended up he said he was going to a farm-up state to a farm he said he was going to the the the continent oh the main continent hogarth is the name of the continent yeah that's what he said where we're from oh yeah yeah that's where i thought we were my bad no wait this is like north vistoria uh where we have territory but no eyes we could re we could reunite with blackbeard because we need a ship now we really need a map i want to be a pirate just just for a little bit it'd be fun one voyage my uncle was a pirate ah oh what kind of pirate was he i don't know he died well sounds like a pirate yeah yeah do you know do you know where we could take a boat or find a boat well there is a port town to if you continue going north okay um all right i feel like i feel like we have a good chance of running in a blackbeard if we go to the port town for a little bit yeah but in the meantime i feel like hopefully the port town is not on fire yeah it does do that a lot to be fair it has a condition all right guys you want to go to the cave uh yeah let's check out this cave it's cave time dude it's cave time yeah do you want to you want to come to the cave with us man i have to guard the mayor's house okay oh right yeah that's my job good thing we didn't meet the mayor we don't really get along with parents for some reason what all the mayors have you met uh i don't know there's a mushroom place [Music] we met the mayor of scrat town he was cool we met the mayor of muscle scrap town didn't have a mayor had a president president right and that was barratt ratababa yeah brett obama he was he's still alive though everything's still good with him yeah yeah um all right guys want to go to the cave let's go to that cave leave it up all right let's keep it up uh you guys speed run over to the cave if you like glitch through the wall uh yeah hey guys take out you i take out my smartphone and i turn the flashlight on all right let's see here okay so you entered the the the cave well i mean there is a there is a whole guard standing outside the cave and he looks at you guys and he goes well you you guys want to go inside the cave uh we would like to do that sir yes oh wow well i mean we don't really we're not really mining much there um it's it's a little scary in there oh we'll be all right are you sure yeah yeah listen uh take this and he he gets the cave that's the cape he takes out a little picnic basket and he gives it to you guys oh thank you oh that's nice what what's in the pic can i have a look what's in you look inside it's some nice little sandwiches and juice boxes oh that's nice um you're so sweet thank you man oh of course i always give it to the cave what what brand is this juice pineapple juice always what's the brand oh god okay we definitely do know now we have to find i really i really like like the idea of creation of just like human brand juice i do not want to try the human juice you already have because it's a different brand dude it could be one of those oh god cool no clueless slavery yeah i miss kool-aid i we'll get you that g fuel someday norman don't worry i'm gonna i'm gonna get our our workers back at the brewery on it okay imagine alcoholic do you feel that'd be poggers that would be pogba's as the kids say you guys enter into the cave okay um [Music] hello hello if we need to see i can just start shooting bullets in the muzzle flash we have a phenomena right here we have norman i have a flashlight there is zero reason for you to do that okay um all right what do we see so i mean i i i brought you over to a little map too oh cool yeah i have something here called um dynamic lighting uh yeah if you if you look at your character you can only sort of see the area that your character can immediately see i haven't done this in ages candy um what i'm going to do is we enter the cave just because i've realized i am actually at like half health yes i'm going to cap cue wounds at second level on yourself yeah all right just to boost myself up legal you can you can touch yourself um so yes i'm nearly here literally yeah 14. sweet okay so you touch yourself can i just like make sure a little feather is behind us yes little feathers both my hands have like have like little flames coming out of it a little feather with little things that'd be really cool all right you have press see i think you could do that with that yeah yeah i can do that i could do that for you so you have little flames emanating off of you now um i think my internet just went out we got a lot of stuff done today though guys it's okay oh no guys runner's ruined we gotta really guys oh is it oh no hi guys is it is the stream working hmm is the stream working oh there you go you're back hi guys he's not here i don't have this no hey look it's working now hi guys oh [ __ ] holy moly it looks like my stream's still working but the discord is [ __ ] up like crazy uh which is not good i think that means my download speed is getting [ __ ] but my upload speed is fine all right let's start from the beginning it's so crazy that his stream is back oh discord i can hear you guys now he's back okay you're back all right hey so you enter into the cave uh you see you see a whole guardian there and he's like mining away at at the wall just sort of aimlessly is he mining his own business i guess he is minding his own business does he acknowledge us at all not yet okay he's just he's singing a little song to himself i guess as we walk in i'll just be like yeah bro try and get his attention oh he turns around oh hello yo we're we're here for the magic can you like tell us where it is the gathering yeah wherever the magic is gathering can you like tell us where that is the magic is gathering um he points over at a whole bunch of like there's like a minecart track and there's a bunch of like rubble at the end of it and he's like uh we we don't go past there um there's a desert there's a uh a door we can't open and there's creatures so we stay here and mine who's we just you me and my father oh i'm sorry is your father okay yeah he's in the office oh just in the office okay cool hey very different tone than i thought i was going to yeah i thought you're going to say your dad died in a mining accident or something oh he goes out when he crossed the rubble hey father and his his dad comes out of the office hey son what's going on these people are asking about them the weird magic oh yeah it's right it's it's through that way yeah all right thank you sir do you have a key or do we do we don't know we don't know how to open that door uh i think we can figure it out uh can i can i blow up the door do you want to get close to the door okay the first let's get close to the door first instead okay as you guys get closer towards the door as you guys get close you guys can move your own guys as well as you guys get close to the door yeah uh it's this huge you don't know what material it's made out of it looks solid though um it's got weird runes all over it and in it has like a spherical hole in the in the middle not like a like almost like a slot with sort of weird room the room is recognizable to any of us no okay um there is right next to the door a statue like a of a whole guardian statue and in that statue's hands he is holding like a spherical orb oh this is simple i grab the orb and throw it in the door you you grab do you grab the orb i grab the you grab the old i ordered i need you to make a constitution saving throw tony i'm saying this is this is these you need to do a constitutional savings this is pretty simple to me i'd say your body it's getting warm freezes up like ice yes and you turn into like an ice statue immediately they froze all tony uh um normally can i try to melt him i'm gonna try to melt him yeah you wanna try and melt him he's not getting mobbed we're not like i'm sick of this i'm sick of this twitch chat he literally he literally got bored he's not getting moved he's still gonna you did it back in character i'm like oh no tony just got morbed i gotta try to melt them okay you start melting away should i roll i i think you can just use one of your fire can trips to be able to start to like melt him okay sorry taking's really committed i want to like we're double teaming tony here where norman's gonna like try and fire magic him and i'm going to try and like knock the orb out of his hand okay so um oh norman i just got distracted from daniel green's [ __ ] yoga just got morbed image uh norman you start melting well oh tony old tony underneath the ice is fine it's almost like it was encrusted in ice uh cody you knock away the orb uh like are you just like hitting it with your staff or something yeah i'm just gonna like try and poke it out of his hand yeah you thank you cody it hits the ground and rolls the whole guard statue starts to like move and go oh i'm free dude oh all right everybody don't touch that orb it turns you frozen and it's not a fun time dude what up man i i wanted to touch this orb and then i got all right so we got to pick up the orb without touching it and put it in the door can we like can we get like a cloth or rag something can i just take my cape off and throw it over the oven try and like smother it yeah when you take your cape off and put it over the orb the cape goes frozen right oh god but you're not frozen when you touch the cape i can i can i can wait guys guys guys i think i have some magic for this hold up hold up hold up yeah there you go you're the one i have 11. you got to have a way you you that'll work you do have levitate but hold up and it's clicked today i have it clicked as one of my spells let's go all right let's do it let's levitate some [ __ ] out of this orb hold up before norman levitates cody already put his thing over it and touched it yeah the the ice that it's like it it's harsh you are going to take a little bit of cold damage from touching your cloak is it like does it hurt too much to hold or can i like go like ah and like hold it in my hands i would say please make that sound again i need you to do that sound again real quick wait when when when when rusty tells me the damage like the sound again only three ah okay oh my god if this is ever a fighting game we need to have that sound bite i mean like i feel like cody as as it like hurts your hands norman's then going to start levitating it okay yeah guys i'm using the force i'm using the force the way to go norman he like uh like like luke like luke skywalker like luke yeah oh my god you got the reference let's go we all get we all get star wars references that's right i forget that yeah except for me i don't know what the star wars is um it is what is cody tell me it's uh i'll tell you what when we get back i i'll take you to the theater and we can watch it together to the theater what is a theater it's where you watch movies what is a movie no it's an e that's very mobile it's like a little oh you know like like stage plays we we did not have many stage plays in in where i'm from oh well it's like that but it's like cooler it's cool it's like from the future right yeah wait is it just the one orders or more than one site there's just two on the map those are those are candles sorry oh they're just the light sources all right norman did you put the orb in the door yeah we don't say anything to the ogre apparently oh god thank you so much um it's all right buddy he gets on his knees i owe you my life all right yeah no problem any anything you want me to do i'll do it we might need you to pick up that orbit yeah anything i i pledge my life to you does he have a death necklace on no he's a whole guard just calm down there son it'll be all right no shock is going to try and take advantage anything at all and i bet you need funds but i introduce you in a short term loan i take five gold pieces give it to this guy and i'm like get out of here as fast as you can i will remember what what are your names old tony young shark do we have like a gang name i am your father like darwin just geeked it out with us or with the area he's not even putting it in the door you're just like having fun with the fact that you can levitate [ __ ] i actually have a way to help this guy um if you need a job for your new life as i imagine you've been here for a while whatever job you're doing before is probably not waiting for you we own a brewery and we're currently hiring staff so if you go to i tell them where the town is and everything you can work there and tell them that you were sent by big daddy shark in the gang okay i will i i will be the best oh guardian brewer you ever see oh what's your uh what's your name my name ironically my name is brew let's go all right then i think you're live i was born to do this job all right then all right dude i do want to say because no one protested our official group name is big daddy shark and the boys no it is not i i is that's kind of hype not gonna lie well all the worldly brewery is our our business yeah oh you're you're like a yeah why do we have to be a gang i didn't ask can't you just be like a after after-school club we're more of us let's do that a party you know how about we could be a bowling team we could all go bowling together how about that i would like to put forth a group of sharks is called a shiver we could be the shivers oh i like the shivers all right that does sound pretty cool that does sound pretty cool i will give you the bear shark cody bear shark yeah i do like the shivers mm-hmm yeah not only because shivers is my favorite character in the series but norman is obviously the great white wow oh i like her headshots those are pretty cool hammerheads all right guys oh wait wait what what what shark is little feather bird shark baby you would have baby shark yeah we do we do what about his little feather the shark the he cut out your shark choke it just said nurse shark shark no shell fluffy was like no no shirt all right i'm a goblin shark let's go [Laughter] if we find a tiger man we can name him the tiger shark there we go yeah all right all right we got all right guys sorry guys but we're speed running puts orb in place you've been messing with that orb for the last five minutes this is a lot of fun the door i'm sure i'm glad you had fun there norman the door starts to shake and rattle okay and slowly if it's another door slowly starts to open uh icy smoke um dissipates all right you see a corridor leading down oh gosh can we go get the guy who's been like afraid of this and be like look we got it i guess you can no this is our thing i'll be right behind you cody can i take one of the candles and like roll it down the hall because i imagine it's pretty dark it's like trying to illuminate like a pack of xenomorphs just jump on us or something or i guess i can't stay for that long sag did i could i have got my like rip my frozen cloak off the orb as he was levitating into the hole it becomes unfrozen when the oil leaves its touch you roll in the candle you roll the candle down the hallway it just lights it up until it gets to the end it sounds like it it hits like stone like a dunk okay i guess i'll move the camera we don't see anything dangerous in the lay of the candle i can use the divine sense is there any like anything clearly devilish or faish down here devilish or feyish um yeah no nothing yeah let you detect like evil i think yeah nothing devilish or feyish yeah okay the shark will lead and i guess tony follows behind okay what's down this little side path though we gotta check the little side path yeah there's a side path so as you go down the corridor there is a small side path to the right can i go down the side yeah you can look down that side path if you want um oh wait does it as you explore down the side path you find a pool of water oh interesting oh wait where does this [ __ ] oh okay yeah here's the pool of water yeah you find a pool does it look clean it looks very cold it does look relatively clean actually but it looks very i'm gonna go guys i found water why'd you sell that like you were like drunk out at night you know uh desperately trying to find some way to sober up guys i found one and you start like drinking out of a puddle i mean yeah i take a drink i probably dehydrated you drink some of this cocoa does everyone just go to the watering hole and drink like a bunch of animals everyone left the water like a bunch of animals i have camping supplies i have a cup i have brewer supplies i put in a bottle yeah we're not animals here do you take some of the water in a bottle yeah i do i put it in my bottle you've got like canisters i guess i'll just find like a canteen or something yeah you guys start mining up with this like ice cave reef flower yeah you start filling up with this like ice cave water you start bottling it up hey shark maybe we can sell this water at the brewery you know because people like those spring water commercials and stuff what's a commercial uh you're kind of actually i'm kind of envious that you don't have those in your time they're very annoying but i think this would love them they they he would be the one who probably would they're like advertisements they're like billboards but on television what's a television it's like a radio but with pictures what's a radio i am just stupid [Laughter] oh you mean the talkie box yeah we're gonna all right we're gonna we're gonna continue down the main tunnel the main tunnel you continue down the main way back i think this way cody what is that yeah okay oh yeah as you guys enter the main tunnel you see this the shrine thing that you guys are looking for but crested around it almost like hugging my is a giant icy frost dragon who is sleeping oh boy i'm gonna grab the shot on the shoulder real tight and say no don't do anything rash i don't want to touch that one just sleeping cody i'm in complete agreement with you that's a giant [ __ ] dinosaur and i'm good all right just all right um i'm a shark i'm aware when there's bigger predators around [ __ ] that you can leave this thing to sleep israel all rights what what what were the like the signifiers before when we found a shrine so you can't you can only sort of make out the top of the shrine because he the the body of the dragon is coiling around it um all right wait i might have a ah i might have a thing here is a dragon code dragon count as a beast oh does it that's such a good idea hold up well it's a dragon hold on let me check aren't we all just beasts at the end of the day uh scientifically it's it counts as a dragon yeah wait are you trying to talk to it uh no i was gonna i was gonna try and beastbomb with it but i realized that only works would be so already friendly with you so much yeah it's a huge dragon or whatever yeah he's not hostile towards you right now so i don't know yet i'm an optimist i like to think if you're not fighting you're currently engaged with someone yeah guys guys i've played enough um mmorpgs to know that the second we that dragon is defending this place without a doubt in my mind norman are you telling me that's an actual [ __ ] dragon that's right in front of us right now yeah we're we're in another world i can't believe this still surprises you you got a great point there all right guys this is too much for me i'm just going to get out of here no wait wait wait wait wait no no where you want to go home and see your wife you need to accomplish i do but that's an actual [ __ ] dragon that thing is huge friendly i feel like we could take a dragon yeah i'm actually i'm with i'm with uh norman or not norman uh [ __ ] tony old tony on this there you go i'm really willing to stay here right now [ __ ] that yeah i really just spent my life here to avoid this i don't want to die before i get home to my wife before we leave we look at the altar what do we see like what is there like a little hole in it for like uh you that's the bit that's being covered up you can't tell which which uh one of yours if it's any of yours pendants it would be i'm gonna ask drew yeah oh good friend drew because i don't know anything about dragons all right hey drew hey what's up you doing those lifts you're getting those gains you're doing leg day arm day chest day stomach day face day yo every day bro ear day eyebrows you know what i'm doing yeah yeah uh i had a question because i don't know much about like dragons uh dragon d's nuts yeah got him [ __ ] yeah you got it drew none of us could hear this cody yeah we don't have any yeah context of what you know did you just get dragon d ducks joked on that's what the week it looks like it didn't that didn't happen drew's my friend he wouldn't do that to me buddy yes sorry are dragon's friends dragon d's nuts [Applause] ugh what is that song i don't know what that song is what's wrong am i singing i don't know i think that's the theme song of something right what is it isn't that the theme song of hawaii 5.0 that makes something so cody what did the what did the gods say about the drac dragon indeed oh [ __ ] is high enough for me to get that i think it is all right yeah um uh and holy [ __ ] right please um okay so am i gonna have to fight the scaly creature or is he gonna talk to us scaly i love that we're laughing so hard this dragon should definitely work oh no that's true wait how loud did you say dragon these nuts cody pretty [ __ ] loud you say dragon d's nuts and the dragon goes my what um and then to be continued wait so that's a real [ __ ] dragon yeah are you out of time oh my god oh goodness um yeah by the way cody dragon said that most of time are not very friendly [Laughter] i've been sitting here trying to like calmly suggest we leave so i can gather the resources to make a pipe bomb because canonically my character knows how to do that and has made pipe bombs i just wanted to get out of here because it's a damn dragon i don't want very good yeah yeah it's like legitimate reason yeah oh all right then well okay that was great that was uh that was the episode guys that was the two that was the one hour episode hope you guys enjoyed it
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 62,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isekai, Isekai D&D, Dungeons and dragons, Isekai dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, daniel greene, rustage, DnD, Isekai DnD
Id: KIvs48m1mMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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