ONE PIECE D&D #60 | "Blue Bloodbath" | Tekking101, Lost Pause, 2Spooky & Briggs

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[Music] thank you hello everyone welcome back to one piece Dungeons and Dragons episode 60 the big 6-0 celebration um it's it's very cool everyone we're very excited to be here we've done 60 episodes It's happy 60th birthday Noble um actually I think it would not be right if we weren't scared about what's going to happen here it's so funny because either on YouTube this will be titled well PCD episode 60 or one piece TNT finale the finale I mean a nice round number to end it out on if you were gonna you know true true true um all right guys it is uh where we love I'm here again obviously with duros lost pause hello everyone I'm going to die yeah I'm here with William taking 101. I'm gonna try not to die but probably will go down the ship I am here with Verona too spooky I'm in danger bricks I already got one step in the grave but I hate stepping backwards boys only four words this is when we have our badass anime moment we're all about to die and we yeah we personally hear we have to make it to episode 69. yes I'm drinking pineapple juice I've got a whole carton of pineapple juice 100 pressed juice never from concentrate by Sainsbury's and this is the Good Ship not a sponsor not a sponsor a sponsor Sainsbury's just happens to be my local supermarket um Myself by saying that but now you're good oh pineapple juice is so good okay oh my God this guy okay it's genuinely good guys so the last thing that happened was Blue Blood used um his legendary action to [ __ ] clock out Louis leclock it that wasn't the last thing that happened but he knocks the real o'clock unconscious um then William you missed him duros also missed him you guys did your um what are they called uh reactions reactions yeah and it is now Cyril's turn um all right and Cyril is standing there he's you can tell that he is scared but he is trying to act Brave like he is trembling but he's got a trident in one hand and he's like we can we can do this and he uh is gonna charge forward with his Trident leaping over the vat of maybe you should stay with him [Laughter] do worse way I can only hold him back so far Cyril I want to keep you safe but definitely help us out uh okay um all right so I guess he won't charge then with his with his Trident there is this like River of blue blood running through the center of the room um as well uh okay so I guess Cyril will then put up a hand and stop firing off water bullets at Blue Blood I don't want him to die um he doesn't hit yeah hydro cannon flies out and just splashes against the wall blue blood doesn't even notice it's Jimmy's turn uh Jimmy goes I think there's a shot in hell he can hit him he's like dead I'd say take a shot Jimmy but stay way back like move back further than you already are to be honest with you I ain't afraid of my own father about a bit he pulls out a gun uh this is for the thousands of children huh come on there's still the thousands of children who who have died or been made slaves because of you boom oh yes Timmy he actually hits he does six damage yay I'll take whatever it means our secret weapons final shot on this that'd be great that'd be hilarious Doris Europe right well now it's time however because I don't think I I have to hold this man back so what I'm going to be doing is going to be trying to do my grappling strike since I just leveled up I'm gonna try and restrain this [ __ ] um so let's see if I can actually oh that does hit oh fantastic all right you hit it so I get to add a a maneuvering die to my grappling chat or Athletics check to try and restrain him okay oh that's not great 14. all right and then plus 9 39. that's the one thing he has is he's [ __ ] he's like the strongest you have a better job than any of the other [ __ ] but strength is never right I'll tell you what it's okay we got the strongest bear on our crew though ha ha ier I'm scared we're just going I'm going into this with full confidence that we're going we're gonna kill this side [ __ ] that's just all I'm doing let's go you you I mean I at least hit him so he's at least a little bit of damage do the thing yeah all right well well it's really strong I'm trying to get around him I didn't think it was going to be plus 20 to his normal wounds you're like you like try to grab him for whatever his blood vessel is enough to like knock you back you can imagine he's like very strong but also has like expertise and Athletics specifically uh and then his proficiency is very you know it's all like compounded he is he's Blue Blood this is the thing he's good at just being strong I mean there is a case to say that he might be the strongest man alive to anybody arguing this in the chat it's a [ __ ] yonko all right like well there goes my plan um well I I okay I still have something I could do um I'm going to use um I guess my Commander's presence or whatever I another burn another thing and I'm gonna allow buried the brick to do an attack you see how strong our Admiral friend is all right uh uh are you gonna come on Barry yeah so Barry there he he like gets up after being healed slightly he looks very wounded and he looks over at Blue Blood and goes I don't understand how are you still so healthy I thought I almost killed you what is going on um and you you ordered him to attack does that mean he's that he can move I I use a creature you can see over here explain one Spirit a diet the creature can immediately used its reaction to make one weapon attack uh adding Spirit eye to it all right so he can't move so he has to use a ranged attack all right all right so he's Rob brick he's gonna throw a brick brick throw yeah brick throw so I imagine he's strong so yeah he's pretty strong um all right so he's gonna his hand becomes this giant brick and he pulls it off and he's got this huge like wad of stone in his hand and he's gonna Chuck um this brick at Blue Blood there we go [Applause] I got excited there I thought that was blue boy wait no no critically failed so knocks himself out again I mean he's throwing a brick in your guys's direction there's a lot of things in the way um all right let me roll up for it yeah fantastic start I gotta say um okay I want these all right William but the brick comes it knocks your Consciousness that is exactly my help yeah yeah you have invasion you get half half I don't get to do anything with this no no the damage is hard no you you you you you you have the road thing you half the damage you're good listen I gotta say something for chat real quick people are telling me use the ring I used that forever ago and we have not long rested I cannot use it I'm out yeah yeah tekking is frozen probably because he got hit by a brick yeah am I good now can you hear me yeah you're good now you're good now yeah okay okay yeah I got hit by a brick in the back of my head that's you can use a reaction to halve that damage so you'll you imagine what he throws the break obviously still like oh my [ __ ] Admiral and then a young ghost in front of me you gotta be kidding me it's like we're fighting kaido in like you know a kind who punches me in the back while I'm doing it or some [ __ ] I'm like come on all right Rick come on Rick I still have no I still have moves go ahead go ahead go ahead yeah yeah I I [ __ ] I guess I'll try do I just keep trying to Grapple this [ __ ] regardless I mean like it's not impossible if he rolls you you can well what is your modifier including the thingy right it's ten right I get an extra d10 if you get it to roll you know he gets a plus 20 right yeah there is there is there is a grace period of times where you beat him right if you go if you roll anywhere if he rolls like a five or below and you roll like a 15 or above you beat him right yeah I guess I still think his wisdom's gonna be way high so I don't even know well we should try to find that out now if anything right [ __ ] it let's hit him again hey guys rip he was fun serving with you what a travesty out of the gate what is going on [Music] all right right oh my attacks don't do a lot of damage yeah yeah yeah I just [ __ ] roller damage Max I think that might be Max yeah that's Max possible [Music] okay we're out well you obviously terrified of the rock being thrown you look over your shoulder and see uh William gets hit with a giant brick and trying to like attack blue blood at the same time you just narrowly miss him and uh got doxy instead oh son here comes the damage though oh God all right that's something I guess sorry yeah it's something you injured a child bloody hell yeah I'll I'll save action surgery this do you get any health back as you stab technically speaking he's already at Maxi there's the only one damaged yeah oh right yeah wow okay the spot was already hard enough with us when I was fighting each other you wanker uh doxy says ah you're sorry not all of us not all of us are dressed head to toe and [ __ ] Armor you Nance all right so it's Rick's turn now Rick is um he he's like pondering hmm what is the best course of action here huh Rick and Rick's clone yes it's both of them um Rick is not an idiot thank God I love how Rick comes back to life and he just has to fight a Yanko right away right away hey you wanted to be the captain Wiki editors get ready to change to once Rick is like if I was a captain I know what order I would give um and he he's gonna use his Blunderbuss on bluebot so I guess he uses it twice because him and the puppet use it one of them hits dealing 22 damage not bad that's something and then he's gonna run away that's about accurate yeah Rick leaves I mean you cannot argue that that is not what he would do Rick is like guys I think we should go and he leaves could you at least leave the puppet like oh yeah the puppet is not no he leaves the puppet stays because okay all right because the puppet is um you know what [ __ ] this every time we leave somebody alive they come back to kill us if we survive this you're gonna kill Rick foreign we already got little Ricky we don't need him we don't need to we don't need two weeks it's kind of messed up we appreciate your presence Rick don't let the captain he's just it's charged negatively right now all right well it's it's Blake's turn the Blake is going to I he won't fling a fireball because they'll hit all of you so he's just gonna use I guess scorching Ray I mean like this is It's a spell it's a spell he's just he's just using fire abilities um so he's just gonna use his meronomi and continuously uh fling fire at um he's got to do a role for that right I'll just use his I'll just use this flaming chain roll and then do the damage separately so that's three I can't I can't believe Rick gave us up and deserted us two of those hits and what is it 2d6 for each so I'll just do 46. all right fleeing Flames he does 12 damage hitting Blue Blood um okay as flames are erupting from from Blake's hand uh and now he is now blue blood's turn oh and blue blood I mean the nearest positive blue blood is Doris and doxy uh he turns around to duros sees him um hello again he loves to himself I mean he's just enjoying this he's gonna pull up his hand um and he's gonna blue blooded bash you he's just gonna punch you into the ground when he doesn't hit though all right um so how many attacks does he get whoa two right I guess I don't know I don't know you're like sweating um no he just don't push it let's don't push it no no he has one attack he he he's slow moving he's he's big he just has the one uh it's one he used last time but he just has a lot of legendary actions so yeah he has this what attack he could use a lot but yeah he brings us down his blue-blooded bulging Fist and you pull up your Shield I imagine it no and I [ __ ] myself [Laughter] a loud clanging noise reverberates across the hall as he slams down on your Shield um but that's his turn it is now pose turn she is in Dragon form and I am up huh light up light whoa she doesn't hear you but she is going to light it up the unfortunate thing about that is that does light up everyone in that cone oh which is the risk of pearl turning Dragon if she is going to breathe fire and that will hit dura's raggedy doxy Louis leclock unconscious and blue blood okay maybe maybe not um can she fly to a different position no no no no no you don't understand oh she's out of here she's in Dragon form you asked for this I don't know um you you had 57 episodes since the last time you went track and it tried to kill us like come on um that's not true because last time she went Dragon was against uh black duros and oh was it yeah I remember that yeah because Cyril got knocked on conscious and she went Dragon oh yeah yeah now I remember that yeah okay well she had time to learn she did she did say before transforming William are you sure I don't quite I control over it yet and you were like yeah we need all the power we need no I don't think it's again but we were willing to take boys it was the gamble we're the temple Slug and I don't dragon attacks have a recharge of a D6 if you roll a five or a six it is a breath weapon I will roll a D6 if she rolls a five or six she will use her breath weapon on that group including blue blood if not she will fly towards blue blood and start using her claws I I thought you were gonna say she could have a I I like the idea of her having a wisdom save so she can maybe have control over her actions but I'm gonna say this right so then if it's a five or a six she's gonna use her breath she is just gonna attack Blue Blood that's the one thing she's doing and this is deciding what she's using to attack him with straight away he'll just do one death roll uh all right do it three so no breath weapon okay instead she's gonna fly towards Blue Blood land next to him um and is going to use her claws um [Music] uh two and then a bite uh one of them hits the bite hits dealing 15 piercing damage and two fire damage is it closed down on blue blood um I would say blue blood would then use a legendary action here to turn around and punch the dragon in the face if he hits I mean Poe has a lot more health because she is in Dragon form so [Music] Dragon form Pearl has 170 health she's fine oh thank God that's why we needed her you can imagine the dragon dropping down clawing and biting Blue Blood turns around punches it straight in the face um Ragnar it's now your turn Jesus Christ it looks like yeah he's bleeding some of that blue blood a little bit we're we're doing something oh we got yeah I saw something good Ragnar standing on like the edge of like the the pool of blue blood looks down on actually would I even be looking down I'm I'm in Big Bear yeah looking down on Blue Blood I look down on him pull up my executioner ax and said we're taking you down even if we go down with you and I start I start swinging I'll have to I'm swinging with um I have to keep that in mind that means that he does have advantage on you yeah I mean everyone hits me anyway so two of them hits okay that's some damage hell yeah that is some damage something uh you're just slicing into him 45 damage as you cut ruthlessly into him slicing away into his uh and you see little specks of blue blood kind of dripping down him you guys are unloading into him but he still seems unfazed um I'm gonna let Barry go first here um Barry is still very shocked he's um I don't understand how he's still so healthy all right are you guys the devil's lock Pirates yes yes well for the moment you are not under arrest but I um I will assist you in this um oh thank God just try not to hit me with any more bricks aim at him please yeah well he's gonna run down he can't actually quite reach blue blood from where he is but then he doesn't have enough movement so he's just gonna run down to a round where Verona and Blake are on the other side of the pool of blood and he's gonna throw another brick oh please hit um please don't crisis [Music] the big the brick flies down [Music] um and does 56 damage yeah Blue Bloods [ __ ] yeah right um blue blood takes the full brunt of the brick flying at him um and I guess he's gonna use this moment to um pick up the brick and throw it back so he picks up the brick and he's just gonna throw it back as his legendary action he's strong he could throw [ __ ] so he's gonna pick up the brick well I'll just use uh I'll use the melee weapon attack roll for the Blue Blood bash but then use the damage from the brick throw um oh my God oh my God 61. oh my God he's supposed to break back his Barry unconscious with his own brick William you're out oh all right well I don't well I was excited that the Admiral was gonna help us there for a second but [ __ ] I mean he did a lot of damage mostly to you all right um I gotta think clever with this okay I'm gonna use the string fruit I'm gonna like gecko my way like next it would be halved but Barry only had five HP he only had five hp's he's going down no matter what okay so okay William you wanna I'm gonna kind of close to his face I'm gonna make a [ __ ] load of string I'm trying to make like a blindfold to just cover his eyes with and then just ensnare it on his face okay so how do you want to roll that how you want to roll it's snaring him with a blindfold yeah make a string blindfold and title it's super tight with his head so he can't see it okay so it's he would I would say roll to attack first okay devil fruit attack 22. sweet and did you do get the sneak attack bonus on this um and then he will do a strength saving throw to can I can I try to do damage to him too like yeah this is gonna do damage the devil fruit attack does damage um not a great sneak attack Roll Jesus Christ I know we're having shitty luck today so yeah you like almost like Spider-Man you put strings around his eyes to try and blind him uh spidermaning the [ __ ] out I'm flying in the ceiling with like earrings right now holy moly okay all right [Music] okay so he would then do a strength savings okay um 26 so it's not gonna blind him but it does cut into his face and and then he just his face muscles like yeah that's about yeah it's [ __ ] cheekbones like cuts through the Earth that's exactly he Grins and it rips off of his face and drops down to the ground I appreciate everybody's suggestions like like control him with the strings that's not going to work guys yeah you're gonna do anything like if doflamingo try to use that on kaido kaido would just snap the thread like it wouldn't matter all right you gonna do anything else William I I do um this is gonna be a weird thing but I just want to see if you'd be going for it I want I want string to grab Doxie and throw her out of Harm's reach so she doesn't get like one-shotted by Blue Blood here um can I do that can I like okay this is this is what I'm saying this is what I say this is what I say this will say your Connie action lets you disengage as a bonus action uh I will say you forego that ability for you to be able to disengage to grant that ability to doxy as as something that your devil fruit gives you affected I don't know I don't want her to die in there that the Clone doxy got pounded into dirt I'm like I'm like so I I will let I will let you essentially give up your disengage for her disengage I will do that all right so you what's up spooky no I just had a thought I'll give it to myself okay all right all right you spin your webs around doxy she goes what the [ __ ] are you doing keeping you safe no are you filling her back and she disengages I guess maximum 60 feet distance ish uh back near pillar um but you are still interlocked with blue blood and blue blood will take his third legendary accent here to tear around and [ __ ] punch you in the face let's go um you are not within protection range by the way Captain I'm sorry you're not you're just out you're 15 feet away from duros 24 hits you oh absolutely uh 94 knocks you unconscious I'm not dead you're not dead though but you do get he just he just turns around and back hands you and smashes you backwards um up it is now a doxy turn doxy sees you get smashed and goes I hope she yeah go ahead no go ahead what the [ __ ] was he meant after what the [ __ ] duras he's he's trying to keep you safe that would have killed you Docs I don't care about my own life I've got nothing to live for anyway um Doxie is gonna put a knife and she's gonna just start chucking knives I guess um there's still a part of her that doesn't want to get in close range so it's time for her to Chuck a knife she's smart enough to know I didn't do that for no reason and she doesn't just run right back up to Blue she critically hits oh well the nice flies through the air uh aim for the eyes doxy I'm unconscious right now she critically hits incredible uh she critically heads through 42 dollars through the air and sheds Blue Blood like in the face more he yells out um Doxie is then going to use her cunning action to hide um good would she gets a 14 on I don't know what's wrong um so yeah take that away he sees that yeah yeah his passive perception is higher she is behind a huge dragon and a pillar now yeah it's gonna be hard well he's behind like three quarters yeah he's behind cover he knows where she is but she's far away she like she like throws the dagger and just I know you had an idea no my idea was for William but he's down now so yeah that's a bit awkward yeah I don't know um okay I guess the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm just going to with Sharpshooter just let out my my triple attack and I'm also gonna pop in a banishing bullet right now okay so we'll see what happens so two of them hits one of them are crit all right so this is the one with the bullet nap and then the one's the next one wait so the Bullet is on the crit or not the crib the crit okay okay sweet that was the damage as well yeah so as well who's smart about it you you load up your your attack and you feel the sort of um the arm thing that Lissa made for you sort of Titan and like able to line up your shot uh with with extra precision and you line it up oh yeah we don't have Healy I forgot about that sorry yeah he only got left behind me uh Healy was out of heels anyway [Music] um so what does he have to do what saving sir it's a it's a Charisma saving throw oh a charisma he's not as charismatic as his other stats but he's still kinda charismatic seems charismatic with his backhand oh look at this guy's Audi you both you burn one of his legendary resistances yeah I was waiting for that that's that's too burnt you have burnt two of them and he only has a limited amount of those you don't know how many but he only has a limited actually three on meta gaming here so Chris you failed you hit him you hit him with the the banishing bullet um critical damage uh hitting in one of his vital spots um he looks down he's trying to like will himself in you can see him start to fade away and he goes no not today when he sneezing okay then boys meta gaming here we've got to get him to wait to the other one yeah Derek's like wasting his uh legendary resistances so that Veronica could do the vanishing bullet is exactly my goal I still have one left so we can try again all right um so I do have one devil fruit use left I could use my bonus action for the last Med kit if we want to get anybody up right now the only person down is Louis and Barry and William and William sorry I'm pounding into a wall back here I can get somebody back up if we want we just gotta pick who well Louie can get another poster back up but he's probably gonna die again next but Louie's up next and then yeah so we could reverse it when we now and make Louis reverse what happened to William theory yes but Louie would have to move to we're meta gaming as [ __ ] no then we wouldn't have to move no he can just he can do it right that's right that's right he does have that right okay I would go with that then yeah okay then I'm just does William lose his devil fruit ability since he got knocked unconscious or do you still haven't I was I was just gonna re-roll it anyway yeah he does lose the um disregard me then I lost the string fruit it wasn't doing us any favors anyway okay then I'm going to save the med kit and just use my last healing serum and animate that for the record okay boom all right so the healing serum oh it's time for some healing fun and it scampers over to Louis leclock right yes injects himself into Louis leclock and Louis leclock opens his eyes ah Mon Ami I am alive I thought this was the end for me a poetic end for a boy like me and then he he opens his eyes and um I don't know how this is I don't know how to say this but blue blood has more legendary actions and he sees Louis leclock open his eyes and get up and he looks down at Louie and looks over at William and goes no no no no no no no no but to be fair to you guys it's a game of chance I will roll before he takes his legendary action there's other people around him right now one thing we also gotta do add 20 more damage you're right you did an extra 20 damage damage amount taken okay it barely drops yeah if it bleeds we can kill it oh God okay uh you know what I'll do I I will do a role to see if he notices uh Louis leclock getting up because he's obviously not facing Louis at the moment he he just knocked William unconscious and he's facing in sort of doxy Direction so I will do a perception roll for Blue Blood uh so it's not like stupid that he's gonna [ __ ] punch Louis again um so which is just wisdom here so he's going to do a perception role and if he succeeds the perception role he's going to take a Leisure reaction if he doesn't then he won't okay okay sounds fun he succeeds is the perception I mean rodent you know 19 plus all right so uh Louis the clock gets up ah the birds we we they are singing Blue Blood looks down at Louis leclock oh this isn't good actually yeah he's dead I think even if I protect him there's no shot that he misses unless he like I guess Blue Blood could get a crit face yeah so there's a five percent chance that Louis the clock lives is what you're saying um because of protection yeah can he use his reaction to heal me before he goes it is at the end of Verona's turn yeah yeah um all right it comes down [Applause] 20 hits but no I I'd protect him I will protect him so disadvantage 26 but it's gonna be 20. you roll your D4 there is a chance here it doesn't matter no it doesn't there's no chance Louis armor class is not 16 is it I thought it was wait let me look he's a [ __ ] right 17. we have ah there was a chance his other class was 17 there was a chance a fake glimmer of hope glimmer of hope 85 damage that's dead kills Louis the clock Blue Blood brings his fist down on the French man he opens his eyes hey here comes the giant fist this must not be the timeline he turns around to you guys you hear distant sad French music playing monomies thank you all for having me on this journey that is very French word thank you all for having me on this journey hey for once felt like I was part of his family and as he is saying his his like the final words of goodbye the blue blooded fist crushes him deep into the ground like a bloody smear a French pancake blooded on the pavement so we're talking just like splattered everywhere yeah it's like fully just smashed onto the ground his body [ __ ] um oh God and you see Blue Blood some of his cuts and stuff start sealing up oh [ __ ] and he looks up smiling at himself f um all right um well yeah it is now Cyril's turn Cyril goes um and Louis leclock um death I think puts Cyril in major panic mode I'm gonna make him do a wisdom saving throw here um he succeeds okay um uh and anger in his heart he is going to send a hydro cannon towards blue blood team does that kit that's close I don't think it does what Jack I didn't get any armor on it's like his muscles are the armor his mother yeah he is wearing a full suitable King armor guns of Steel oh my God all right that bear muscle that doesn't bear arm that doesn't quite hit as he's splashing forth water um Cyril's body starts going almost fully water right um and he's he's pushing it further and further and further and he gets to use action search that's right I gave it to that though we're about now he from Doris's training and from his he gets to action search and this time he hits okay good this time he hits blue blood um a force of water blast forwards dealing 22 damage blasting into blue blood all right that takes the damage he gained back I guess um Jimmy's up Jimmy looks a little shaken as well no what do I do you bastard strong believe in yourself Jimmy we got this uh Jimmy fires off his gun multiple times no no neither of them hate it you're making contact oh he's panicking duras is your turn oh God [Music] I'm out yeah acting Captain yeah uh well then I guess there's only one thing I can do at this point and that's trying uh to hit him with the menacing attack to say if I can burn some music um so let's see if I actually hit him oh yeah so he has to make a wisdom save it okay all right so he has to do a what a wisdom safe uh a wisdom saving throw all right okay hey it's wisdom his wisdom's all right about his name is charisma okay save me through wise so he burns a legendary resistance okay well all right so what actually what does my missing attack do it makes him uh terrified let's see here he makes him terrified uh so Superior on his face so it's Friday due to the end of the next turn so he's he would be frightened okay so this he's he he's not gonna be frightened so uh yeah but he burns the legendary resistance so I love the wording of legendary resistance because it's phrased it says if if this creature fails a saving throw it can choose to not yeah it could choose to succeed instead um but you're burning through him he uh yeah so but you do hit him you hit him with a blessed sword so do your damage oh yeah that's right that's right I do hit him do you have another hit type I I do um so let's do the maneuver and then the wow amazing and then no no that's just that's just the maneuver yeah so that's what damage plus 11 12. okay you see my rolls are on fire today all right um and I have two Maneuvers left um looks like both the people that I want to use my attack on is they're gone now and I can't really revive them uh I can't use rally to give them temporary hit points so that doesn't work ah this sucks I don't really have much I can do here um [ __ ] it I was just stabbing more I'll just try to stab him even more so um let's let's do this and try and hit that doesn't hit that doesn't hit you know what [ __ ] it we're burning an action search if the situation is dying one hits one hits all right take it I'll take it and you know what I will try to fear him even more yeah with a menacing attack okay one more time one more time he has to try to do the same all the time I'll hit him with the hockey so that's 22 damage at least this one succeeds unfortunately but do you still do 22 damage um nothing into him um slicing into his body [Music] that doesn't hit but [ __ ] it I'm gonna try knock his ass prone what does he do his strength safe um no no it's a skill contest remember it's a skill context so it's strength versus strength or Athletics versus Graphics uh it doesn't matter I guess yeah you try and push him over but he stands firm yes um I guess Rick clone is gonna go now even though Rick has disappeared um so Rick clone is just gonna oh Rick clone heal me Rick clone has no healing on him damn it Rick clone is gonna just keep using his shotgun Mrs that works um Blake clone is gonna just keep using fire I guess actually black clone can run up and start um hitting him with his chains he jumps over at his knuckle dusters um uh Blake clone uh his fiery chains [Music] so he's really gone guys though he's really gone hmm um all right flaming chain coming in doesn't hit as he tries to hit him with the with the chain wrapping around blue blood blue blood just shrugs It Off not even looking he's at his eyes are on duros now the only one who's actually done some stairs with damage to him besides Corona Rose too far away um but Juris you might block this you always do no I don't no no this is the one thing you know a lot of damage doesn't mean anything if you can just block it well in theory it would suck if he just got a crit In This Moment yeah I would die he hits he does hit um all right so the damage coming through 91 as he as you're stabbing into him he just sort of picks you up and put it into the ground smacking you against the floor like hope does the Loki in Adventures uh 91 damage does not lock jurors unconscious he has a lot of HP but he is bloodied and weak uh plasma okay hold on plus you're right so there we go uh when Louis revive me I guess I got my temporary hit points back but I don't think it matters because I'll still die going to keep yeah absolutely still gonna die no matter what okay I was gonna bite and claw claw uh the bite in the claw hit okay good actually doing a decent amount of damage the giant dragon roaring as power rips into blue blood s 22. can you also roll to see if she gets her breath weapon back I did I did I wrote the D6 oh it's just a two okay I was gonna say because now there's nothing behind Blue Blood except two puppets and a dead corpse of a Frenchman's yeah yeah yeah she would have been able to do that really well you could do it yeah um okay Ragnar it's your turn Okay so Ragnar you see you see a very serious look on Ragnar's face and even though he's been talking super confidently up until now he knows it's a losing fight he's standing on the edge of the pool of blue blood and he says I told myself I'd never do this but it's soccer I'd sacrifice anything for my family having just witnessed Louis die he looks down at him and says and leans backwards and falls into the pool of blue blood oh [ __ ] arms open what oh blue blood the blue blood enters into your like you you get four gulps of it like I'm drinking it I'm drinking it in every porn orifice and Ragnar you rise from the blue blood bulging your bare body blue veins pulsing your eyes are crazy veiny blue um you your whole gripping your ax in hand you feel an immense strength that you have never felt before you the you also feel this immense bloodlust that you've never felt before the only thing that you want is blue blood dead and you enjoy this power pulsating through your body your HP doubles and so does your damage [Music] keep a track of 149 so that you don't lose your actual hit points but so yeah okay you you you go up to 300 HP Ragnar whoa roughly it's a bit I just got to say you go up to 300 HP yeah let's round up let's round up okay that's why you put the pool of blue blood there it just exists there it's his domain um Ragnar lunges out of the out of the pool I just want to be pulsating as I'm rising and I'm standing out of the pool blood and like my hair is all like soaked in Blue Blood as well I'm like this feels insane this feels incredible he steps out of the pool of blue blood lunging towards Blue Blood all right what were you what were you gonna say your your fur is blue you're a blue bear I am blue brag no blue blue bear form super bear blue there we go okay so uh yeah you ever bought it go ahead okay for it oh I hope this hits so bad I lean forward my execution reacts two hands on it and you just see like every like muscle my back like [ __ ] pulsating as I swing down on him and I swing three times one of them is a critical which is actually crazy because the damage is already doubled so it's getting important all right for the damage cubed damage yeah 23 28 32 they all hit so I'm gonna add it all up and then damage uh double it all oh my God who loves maths I love maths I hate uh yeah sure so 72 times 2 is 144 damage slices down for a 144 damage cutting into blue blood uh cutting up a nice chunk of damage from him uh as you can see like a wild smile from Ragnar at you stupid he's enjoyed Blue Blood looks over and says it feels good doesn't it it feels good that was the blessing of my people um this will be this is a hollow Victory if you beat me now his eyes shine uh what about brutal critical oh you do get two extra D12 damage roll the 2x to D12 and that's double two oh my God two extra details yeah because of your of your Barbarian Level okay so 26 extra damage on top of that [Music] holy guacamole holy guacamole uh yeah I mean you're there now I guess you're over blue blood um Louis leclock's dead body um first legendary action he's obviously gonna retaliate against you um just two massive blue boys bassing each other blue blood is gonna slam into Ragnar 35 does hit unfortunately so you do take the 91 damage but you've got a lot of health so you can take you could take 91. I still have my I never added my temporary hit points did you add it or did I already have it I never added it then they're still there okay all right okay oh they wouldn't be they wouldn't be so you you take the chunk of 91 damage but you you barely feel that as you your blue blood is coursing through your veins okay uh Barry is unconscious I want to roll a death safe um yeah thanks that's a yeah yeah one to nine and then 10. actually yeah yeah yeah yeah it's one and nine ten to twenty yep okay we're good we're good all right William you do this safe all right here we go oh God please let it be a crit I don't want to die here [Applause] one more and he's dead guys two death saves oh [Music] that backhand he hit me in the back real I mean he hit me with that thing really hard I got slammed against the wall like I'm not looking too hot right now hey yes well it technically is a crit yeah it technically wasn't crazy yeah yeah holy [ __ ] all right dumps these up she's gonna throw knives from hiding uh she doesn't get Advantage because blue blood it's not actually stealth um but she is gonna get the the stake attack damage um come on doxy another threat come on does hit well it hits it is decent amount of damage yeah all right my soul I'm not dead yet but my soul appears behind her let's guide it lying true there you go um all right well okay [Music] all right so I have to keep track the rest there are still three more Blue Blood legendaries yeah okay I think I'm the only one with a med kit right now yeah and I also I don't have any more doubles reuses so I I have to go over there um stealth your way around it is it is very far it's not 30 feet yeah he is 50 feet away you can't get them can I actually search it yes yes you can okay okay if you're gonna do that and like I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna go around yeah you can just jump around can I just go through the water yeah yeah you just jump off yeah yeah yeah okay all right I'm going right up to William I'm taking this [ __ ] syringe out and just stabbing it right into his chest I can see him seizure it's like the scene in Pulp Fiction when they just inject her yeah exactly adrenaline straight to the heart of this man as soon as like I'm just processing everything that just happened Louie just got squashed Ragnar's like all blue William's like having a seizure on the ground I just just Sprint as fast as I can crap I had this weird death fantasy where we had a card game after us we got a spirit of [ __ ] games later Captain I I I finished dropped in the rules of the card game he's coming along I'm just waiting on Art right now it's actually the only thing I'm waiting on now so because William doesn't even know that Louie's Dead all right I'm back oh my God Verona thank you so much man why didn't Louie just heal me instead [ __ ] he said Louie's dead I'm seeing pieces of him all over the battlefield like all right oh [ __ ] that piece yeah all right what do I roll for that again yeah whatever what is 2d4 plus two oh the healing syringe what you ever wait you said healing French right it's a syringe yeah yeah didn't you cast it from you got it from the Marines yeah yeah oh oh the one for Marines I think that's a yeah that's a slightly better one right it's 44 plus four oh [ __ ] I just I I just still have the syringe sticking out of my heart like I haven't taken it out yet it's still in my chest you said 44 plus four I think so let me just really quickly yeah 44 plus four type that object oh wait a minute Bob Blue Blood sees you heal William Verona yeah wait no can we do the other perception thing the perception thing all right you're right there's a lot of [ __ ] there's a lot of [ __ ] happening I will do the perception thing he sees but but duros and Ragnarok will get opportunity attacks just one opportunity attack and Ragnar does have Sentinel so uh blue blood is gonna try and walk over to Verona to baguettes punch him uh Ragnar do you want to do your I already used my reaction yeah you already use reaction okay so right now this would be your reaction dare turned your back on me what are you an idiot you don't hit him I missed even with Advantage you do not hit him so blue blood walks over to Verona Verona you're gonna get punched just [ __ ] looking up at him all right give me reference Verona has a hundred HP right now Audi yeah April is 18. he comes over and just like essentially just pushes you against the wall uh the stones shattering behind you you're like bloodied and crumpled like in his hands and he pulls away expecting to see like a lifeless body but you're still like I'm hanging on to with 15 HP games they're hanging on like Zorro getting hit by kaido's attack yeah yeah yeah yeah wow [Music] Cyril's time Cyril Cyril do something cool buddy oh God okay uh oh gosh what does Cyril do that could be cool Cyril's entire body is like this watery shimmering mess now um and he starts to like hover in the air as his as the bottom half of his body like turns into like a typhoon right I think okay doesn't like Ace do something like this with the mirror mirror or someone he uses um a flame commandment and then like great flame commandment and then he summons like a giant Fireball and like throws it yeah so he's Cyril flies off into the air essentially water Commandments water commandment and he he pulls out his uh Trident and he's going to bring his Trident down upon um Blue Blood heat attacks twice both of them hitting both of them during substantial damage let's go Neptune's rage yeah yeah Neptune's rage yeah um he yells out as he [ __ ] Spears into blue blood uh Jimmy is gonna continue firing off shots um tears in his eyes come on buddy foreign like imagine a normal dude with a gun firing at kaido and somehow managing to hit him like like an accident like hit them in the eyeball and like yeah really right before your turn blue blood will take his third legendary action and to grab Cyril out of the air [Music] he's gonna take off damage from this okay [Music] it does hit it does do 104 damage 52 half damage Cyril's health is currently 58. so okay so Sarah is not even knocked unconscious because the blue blood comes around to try and Swatch this insect out of the air but it goes through his watery body um smacking him out of the air but he splashed down like a puddle and is still conscious six inch six HP remaining which is coincidentally how much Jimmy did to Blue Blood durus it is your turn okay all right who wants out of that horrible situation that is true there is William Verona and Cyril are now all around blue blood with like what have you I meant disadvantage to shoot this cool stuff that's mine that's my only argument anyone else can put those forward I'm down for whatever we're pinned to a wall right now I think I could I have a plan if you can get me out of it my job is to make sure my crew survive that I will use my movement I guess whip around here how much movement can I do uh you can reach foreign pack to swap places with Verona in a safe manner but I I'd have to be in the below where the pillar is is the only way I can get them out of there yeah what does Wolfpack do uh basically it's bait and switch yes yeah what it does is it makes me swap places with them yeah and then I can use my maneuver uh to give either him or me extra Armor class yes are you gonna give that to you yeah he's gonna yeah yeah okay so uh all right so I'll try to get him out so five extra armor to me oh sweet that might be that might save you yeah right because he blue blood will be annoyed when you pop up in front of him what's your AC duros uh with the five it is 28. that's good that might save it yeah 28 I'm across May save you So based Verona against the wall and I like the idea that he like peeled his fingers away hoping to see peroda dead and instead duros is there all right now I only have one maneuver left I could try it captain or I could just get Ragnar to attack again but he's not close enough to attacks true I can stab him I guess the best thing I can do is try to fear Him with my last thing um yeah [ __ ] it let's do it uh let's do some attacks then uh that hits yeah I'll just do that one doesn't hit so [ __ ] it all right um so that and it's a menacing attack so an extra D so he has to do a save wisdom Charisma wisdom miss him safe oh all right he will use his legendary action here to punch through us this last one um you have a 28 armor class but man there is a chance he doesn't hit he got 34. um that will knock you unconscious you're not dead yes but you are unconscious he brings down his fist uh and just smashes you like a Coke can um your armor Springs up and down like a xyloph like a xylophone like an accordion yeah there you go you depressurize no it's like a no it's like a xylophone it all gets crushed again [Music] wait from my perspective I'm unconscious Verona's there then duros is there and the duros just gets crushed and I'm oh [ __ ] all right all right right well it is no Blake's turn yeah it is uh Blake is Blake puppet's gonna run up he is just a puppet after all uh attack yeah I mean he will it's like a really crappy AI he's just gonna like he's gonna keep flaming chain he hits this time 23 damage AO nice um but now it's Blue Blood Holy Moly is Blue Bloods turn all right um there was a William who is the captain there's Blake who just hit him with a flaming chain uh there is Cyril who is I guess there was now actually slightly out of range because he got slapped down puddled and there was Dragon Pearl who is within range so is it possible I could still pretend to be unconscious so he doesn't you know what I will give you that opportunity do you want to do a performance role for me he looks at Doris and William and goes two down and then he turns around she Pearl and Blake I'm Gonna Roll a D2 uh because they both have done substantial damage to him all right so he's gonna punch pole Dragon pole um yeah but she's down if she gets hit anyway uh that is exactly the remaining amount of HP she has uh she has 85 so she is she is knocked straight out of dragon form and back into Pearl form but she's still conscious is she still conscious yes okay it's like a druid I'm doing it like a druid but when she transforms um when she becomes dragon fully so she is not straight out of dragon form and she flies outward obviously unaware of everything that has been happening for the last few minutes um just she goes I didn't expect to what the hell is going on uh and looking around she sees duros and William unconscious because she sees blue bear Ragnar and he's like what what fragile she sees cereal on the ground not unconscious but like a puddle but it's like Cyril what is going on uh it is now her turn actually so she immediately writes herself flies at Blue Blood and it's going to she's a fighter she's gotta do what she's got oh no I can't say anything I'm dead yeah and I'm pretending to be dead and she's going to use Dragon spinner not hitting Ragnar your turn You Hear The Stomping of Ragnar's footsteps as he walks towards Blue Blood dragging his ax behind him and he's just like Blue Blood where do you think you're going get over here get over here and then yeah this recklessly attacks Advantage well you have advantages you just see his like arm the like the one that he was using to drag the the Executioner act just like bulk up and grow a little bit bigger and he just starts swinging Kuma X oh X go for the X across the chest all right with Advantage he has Advantage because he doesn't have exhaust yeah holy [ __ ] he has Advantage because he doesn't have exhaustion anymore and he's recklessly attacking um without Advantage 25 25. yeah roll all your damage you have brutal critical So You're Gonna Roll an extra 2D 12 on top of this these aren't even that strong for Rose yeah those aren't that good wow genuinely for for but you are it is being damp doubled four plus fifteen plus four plus eight plus one plus ten sorry I [ __ ] that up I'm sorry I forgot the plus between the two and the ten 63 times 2 is 126. out of curiosity do I get hockey back from like because I'm Healed now no that's a different thing but you do a 126 damage as you slice into blue blood chunking his health away my man you are you I mean you can see he is getting closer and closer to death he's at like I don't know 20 maybe a little less than that I don't know so once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack you can re-roll the weapon damage dice yeah because you for that eight for example you wrote a one so you can re-roll that yeah Savage attacker yeah so it's a it's a D12 plus five plus two twelve plus five plus two yeah just roll you could just press execution as X again you don't need to okay just press it again and then press the damage again there we go uh so I I will add 16 and take away eight so just adding so just add it you do an extra eight but then it's doubled so it's extra 16 damage he takes an extra 16 damage 139. take what you could get right now that's not right yeah he takes an extra 16 damage all right [Music] so yeah you're cutting him down these big giant ax wounds inside of his his armor shattered his blue blood splurting down and dripping down his body but he's smiling but he is smiling um and he's going to take his less reaction now to attack you back uh of course bring it on but I knew the only person the only person who would be strong enough to fight me would be someone who uses my own blood all you're doing is proving that I am the strongest um and he's gonna hit you for 92. holy [ __ ] chunking Ragnar okay that knocks him back into his normal Health range all right 17. uh and then we're going to do a 120 for Barry Barry is fine Barry's good William all right I'm on the ground pretending to be dead and I'm duros is next to be unconscious Pearl got knocked out of drag Farm I'm just reflecting on everything in my life yeah it's just like okay I ever needed this why is everyone saying half oh yeah no no no no he's hopping because you're a barbarian but it doesn't apply to Blue Blood because he's a yonko everything he has has hockey on it yeah yeah you think you think you think Blue Blood yogurt is not going to that's why I like Cyril was still able to take damage even though he said Loki yeah yeah passed right through him anyway so I'm just gonna everybody I'm Gonna Roll this I have one left and let's see oh good luck Captain if it's cereal if it didn't have hockey he wouldn't taken no damage in that situation because it was fully like water sorry all my friends could easily die Ragnar's raging out right now I just I need this to be a good number now clarification if I roll this and it's a stupid ability can I then opt to use the other power to pick a number or it's one of the other um I don't get to know what the ability is first right uh so it's either I pick a number or I roll pick a number where you roll yeah right yeah how it works that that is your choice yeah you can either pick a number you can roll oh my God I oh if I roll this I'm gonna get some stupid you might get something good that's some kind of stuff yeah but no that's the devil's luck William that's what you're all about everything you've done is all about luck we are the devil's luck you know why I'm picking a number and it's gonna be number 666. that's not even on the roulette then let's just go 66 then no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no William William you picked 666. okay you thought outside the box okay you pick 666 and the roulette goes what it's like it's like spinning it's almost like spinning forever whatever you're like it's like what is this gonna land yeah like what's going on did I Just Awaken my power you broke the system oh all of a sudden you did the one thing I never expected you to do and choose a number not on the roulette I've been holding this in my back pocket okay wait wait wait wait stop for a moment you're not just pulling this out of your ass this was something you actually expected me to do at some point oh yeah oh so what happens now is yeah because you what happens now as you when I the moment I gave you the ability to choose a number always had the ability to choose a number that wasn't on the 410 uh of the roulette I had a plan for that and this is the plan what happens is the the roulette spins and it starts like you can see like the vision of like dice being and you can see the dice has like six sides on every side the roulette all has jackpot on every single side of it and all of a sudden it it spins around and opens up and it has a thing that says create your own devil fruit on it basically it says number 600s what do you say 616 666 yeah number 666 not on roulette create your own devil fruit um well you have a wide range so there are limitations here right you're not you can't just create a devil fruit that's like I become God right it has to be right I'm gonna have to consent on this you have to be clever with this I pick a devil fruit I pick a devil fruit that allows me to pick any previous devil fruit I've ever selected okay like I don't know because when you when you no I can think of a million things but I don't think I'm gonna be allowed to do them just say it teeth I want to give you an idea so bad you can I feel like no I mean right no no no right now Verona probably would please uh-huh an ability that allows me to teleport anybody I've previously met into this room right now I just have to be but multiple people though you you chose okay okay not everybody but how many people the devil fruit lets you teleport people that you have touched two way you want to right so that would be anyone that you've met essentially because you shake everyone's hand um yes so anyone that you previous met you can teleport but it will take you know the use of a devil fruit so every I would say every time it's your turn you can use your bonus action to summon someone okay old Louie sorry I don't think he touched all this so he's dead Louie's dead so who do you summon that's such a good one that's such a good one yeah that's not a bad idea uh boom you choose Luna yes oh my God you rolled your net teleportation fruit and yeah body next to me and I think of Luna and I just summon her lunar appears a Moonlight shoots down and Luna sort of does like like a spin as Luna appears sword at already in full resplendent armor she looks why am I here I was just in the middle of giving a royal address because you're our Guardian Angelus she rushes over to duros exactly right that's what I mean right she she rushes over to your unconscious body Doris are you okay who did this um who did this to him uh that guy blue piece of [ __ ] right in front of me she puts her hand on her stomach and goes nobody hurts lady also I'm just realizing I could have just picked an ability to heal all a few [ __ ] yeah you could have resurrected Louie but you've chosen Luna so she's here though okay the ability to revive people from the dead I choose to summon a pregnant lady genuinely I am so happy though because I I because everyone in everyone in twitch chat is going to be like the most logical what is the best way that we could do this but this is I love this this is so much fun lunar is back so I've got a [ __ ] role Initiative for Luna it's looking to Luna's character sheet oh my God you can get to attack when she's seven I will say yeah yeah yeah pregnant Luna she's like it's been a while since we've been there it's like she's like eight months pregnant at this point like she's God damn it oh my God God I need to get that token for Luna right just she's not even that strong because she was she was pretty strong when you fought her when you guys were like level seven it wasn't you know the first person that popped in my mind I thought Trevor would be the first person to pop into your head to be fair you know why all right the quiz the Luna comes down okay holy [ __ ] rolling her initiative uh she got 16 which is right before William so I'll just say she goes now um that's fine yeah oh boy holy [ __ ] all right she's gonna just start using her Diamond blade and starts she attacks three times as she said brother please create one of these to justify my decision oh okay she hits two of them okay okay that's damage that's damage 26 damage as she cuts into blue blood how dare you do this to the father of my child I'm like still unconscious another thing because for my bonus action would you allow me to take one of the substances and give it to Duro no your bonus section was summoning Luna yes I thought it was the devil fruit no no the devil fruit was rolling for it right yeah and then the action was using the power yeah you see you see what I mean okay you've got you can on your next turn you could summon someone else you can keep summoning people yeah I could date in people okay great I think I'd love Twitter travel between universes well you've chose to summon a pregnant lady she has five attacks because she she yeah that's right she has five attacks because she attacks a lot in the relativity week yeah so she does an extra 12 damage on top of the 26. she as she's cutting into the creature um he's low on health we might be able to do this before okay okay let's go let's go Foxy's throw more knives come on doxy Place doxie's gonna run out of knives to throw uh that one just doesn't hit okay oh [ __ ] okay she's got 20 okay Verona your turn all right I don't know if you'll let me do this as a bonus action or not so it might just have to be my action but I'm gonna meta game this a little bit okay Ragnar's right in front of me so what I'm gonna do is climb up to him because he's like so focused on Blue Blood right now yeah and I'm going to take out of my pocket the purple Finkle special substances which if we will recall the purple one okay gives you an identical clone of yourself so I'm yeah I'm trying to duplicate roid it out Ragnar right now that was my plan I am planning to duplicate the Ragnar how long does it last for today how long does it last for we don't know because we use the one that decides that yeah I'm guessing at least it right now it's at the party right like I'm yeah yeah I don't know like how long it will last either it even ran out of Louis reversed it I can't quite remember but either way that's my plan I I I yeah I mean that is such a good idea and it does work um I think it lost like an hour or something like all right cool I'm just climbing right up definitely get a loss for the rest of the battle so that that even doesn't matter it lasts for the rest of the battle Yeah so holy [ __ ] you create a clone of Ragnar yeah uh I mean if Ragnar willingly ingest it of course oh I'm just shoving it in like I imagine yeah Verona could definitely get away with that yeah the second Ragnar appears I mean so double Ragnar double damage I'm guessing that takes my action right probably yeah you you are administering an item then I'm just going to do a second win for my my bonus real quick then sweet because he's definitely going to use his legendary action to [ __ ] you up wait what can he get oh I guess he probably yeah yeah he's pretty much as tall as big Ragnarok um no oh God because he's only used got so much so much has happened in this round 20 hp he he attacked Ragnar and he attacked I know he's already used it he's only used one lesson reaction okay in this round um yeah so blue blood's gonna turn around to Verona Verona I mean yeah just you're just a guy I'm just banking on yeah that's a GG so Verona you as your like final action you sprinkle the powder to ragda's mouth he doubles up then Blue Blood grabs you and just Chucks you [Music] uh and you'd like a land by Barry epic unconscious epic um epic oh um I will use fentanyl on that attack I once per turn oh sure oh both Radars are in range I think oh Fred Mouse are in Rage both ragnos can you have the same ability so both ragnas could use sentinel to get a free attack on Blue Blood using every action tilts his head over he's like again you ignore me you'll regret it then you hit twice yeah come on we can finish oh no the first ones are fine uh all right and double double 398 it's like 78 78 damage less holy [ __ ] you're ripping into him all right just as he's like throwing Verona both both ragnars in sync do a Kuma cross like one each um I can just imagine like we're both like it's just echoing it's just echoing throughout the room it's shaking the throne that was awesome yeah it's so cool uh Cyril Cyril shakily gets up his body liquidy and watery shimmering bright um he looks over at Blue Blood and he's going to go in with his tridents again he's angry Louis leclock's dead everyone is dropping around him he knows what evil is and this is evil someone who fights for no purpose but to do harm um okay one of them here all right take it take it listens not a critical oh it was close yeah it was actually very close to a quick fail oh cutting into blue blood his health dropping absolutely dropping um we could do this guys Jimmy um okay Jimmy she ain't even true Timmy I mean he does no not that bad no neither of them hit sorry Jimmy death saving throw uh success a success all right and then it's puppet Rick has now to maneuver around so that he can actually blunder boss so puppet Rick runs around the London bus out already [Music] uh he hits 19 damage crowding around this blue blood his blood is dripping down him his health at a critical mass um he is gonna lash out at this moment use a legendary action um or there's so many targets here everyone's done damage to him at this point one two three four five six seven eight nine there's nine of us around him yeah well not the pregnant lady man not the prince yeah oh [ __ ] you know we know rustic's track record with pregnant women one two three four five six seven eight stop all right this is hitting the replica Ragnar okay I mean that's fair sorry Poe would have won and it Loops round anti-clockwise so this is hitting replica Ragnar uh actually replica Ragnar this actually does have a chance of taking out replica Ragnar because Ragnar is running low on health now uh yeah well hey can he do 117. if he rolls really well he can yeah yeah and when he does hit yeah he can't miss Ragnar he literally cannot 93 replica Ragnar is still up still there sorry about the Ragnar have like all of my abilities yeah he's you know so like even if I were to get knocked unconscious I could use my Relentless rage to stay College yes yes after this battle is over we're gonna have to fight two roided out ragnars now it is insane that Verona saved that powder from so long ago for this moment like that is people say that you guys forget about items I just think you guys just save them for the right moment because I but yeah if William wouldn't have uh double death saved I was going to use it on myself originally all right uh oh oh you come back come back come back okay I'm back yeah I just love the fact that Verona's master plan involved the substance and multiplying Brad and mine was to summon a pregnant woman that was the best idea I could come up with that's why you're the captain captain very William thing 's turn oh punch him [ __ ] so many targets for blue blood but the biggest threat is Ragnar so he turns around to to after hitting replica Ragnar he turns around to OG Ragnar um it does have a chance if it hits you we will hit you but it it has it rolls and it can do enough damage it doesn't 89 damage that does not rank our unconscious he's using his weight can can replica radar you Sentinel now or like I don't know what his turn is like I don't know it's it's your turn yeah you still you have you already use your reaction um but he smashes Ragnar in the chest and you like cough up blood and then your blood is like coming out of your mouth a mixed is like purple right because it's your blood and blue blood mixed together you are weak but you are still standing um but before you go Ragnar it is Pearl come on people genuinely has a chance of being the one to kill blue blood not very not not very you know it doesn't have anything to do with Pearl's character but go for it Poe is gonna use her Dragon spinner no she doesn't hit she goes out to try and Dread into blue blood doesn't hit all right ragnars come on both ragnars like shoulder to shoulder like one's wielding the action his right hand one's in the left hand and they just like combine attacks and like sandwich blue blood and like to try to cut them in half roll that damage Chief I'm gonna do reckless attack holy [ __ ] it's gonna be a lot of damage that one doesn't hit that one does no no we're good okay that one hits okay okay well I can attack six times yeah you know and do replicas yes well yes yes yes so all but one oh but one for all that damage yeah I wanna I know it would definitely kill him but I wanna add it up oh 16 18 17 13 24. that's five plus nineteen eighty eight times two 196. [ __ ] yeah fragna as you as you are how I mean how do you want to kill this is how I'm going to describe describe it this is what you [ __ ] get like an echoey voice for killing my son and it just like I like both ragnos come in come in contact and like I almost slice them in half but like even though the first attack may have killed him we don't even know ragdar just like keeps on [ __ ] like slamming his body into the ground with his axes two axes two axes eventually he drops his axes and he just starts clawing at his feet like like the ground below him is like slowly crumbling and we're just in a pit I'm just like literally flattering it as I I want to say right before you do that like I said put in the axis towards him he just Smiles at you and goes thank you for proving me right my only regret was I never found when I came here looking for words out this is like as ragnos putting the weapon back because he knows he's dead um so my only regret was not finding the the thing I came to this planet to look for the first step the first ever devil fruit and then you just start [ __ ] ripping into him oh my god um just clawing him into the ground his gripping all his body pieces a shower of blue blood sprays out of him like a fountain right to an innocent bystander it might just look like a train of water but the consistency is of the globules spray across everyone splattering like blue paint like a Jackson Pollock painting um right now is doing it like he's like crying and laughing and crying and laughing and like almost like my fingers are like breaking and bleeding a little bit as I'm doing this like I am literally hitting the asphalt below him and then he there is a dead silence and you what is in that hole doesn't even look like a body anymore it is just a mangled mess of meat and blue like a Blue River almost like a pond holy [ __ ] Ragnar you take all levels of exhaustion you'll fall not all levels of exhaustion obviously yeah you would die you would die from that but I thought I just want to say before I go unconscious other guy like I almost like look back at like everyone around me with like still bloodlust in my eyes I take like one step forwards and I just like pass out pass out um yeah five levels of exhaustion not six because that's death in it yeah yeah six is death um but you are unconscious and that is the end of blue blood has his body but it's also the end of Louis leclock and very nearly gross and maybe well maybe I mean um you're you're not gonna die Ragnar I'm gonna use my power to summon like every doctor I've ever I mean yeah William generally could just hire one of the summon one of the Marines that like I was like a doctor I'm gonna I'm gonna use it I'm gonna use them to bring them all in and like you know you just start summoning Marines I'm gonna start summoning people I have the power you know what [ __ ] it let's let's summon some other people in there too who are you summoning what you're summoning someone that I assume has like healing potential like Dave Goodman well that's not I mean Dane Goodman comes up hey guys I'm Dane Goodman hi Dave hey guys uh sorry about what happened to you guys I didn't know that was gonna happen I heard please don't be mad at me that was my assistant's fault I'm just a businessman where the [ __ ] am I all right Dane Goodman summon a doctor for crazy no I already I already summoned okay okay that was the first thing I did something you summoned was Dade Goodman okay you summon like one of the Marine Medics who yes who like summons like holy [ __ ] and he's gonna just administer first age to anyone who's unconscious okay oh if you need any higher authority to give you an order I summon Trevor as well do you as well yeah I have the power for like five minutes I might as well just pop pop keep pop we're out of combat now right how are you gonna get people back you can't genuinely I guess Luna's traveling with us for a while oh maybe we found a replacement for Louie I think I think you guys have to go back to space um okay wake up William though aside from him yeah you've seen over me and then I'm like What's the am I dead I should have said exactly like leans down and just like hugs you and holds you tight because you're okay right thank God you're all right I don't know I have no idea what's going on there was a big guy I stabbed him a whole bunch you were unconscious your father I didn't there's a lot of process right now listen I thought you were wearing protection but it was just your armor was that not protection no I thought that was too they Doris does not look at me I mean to be honest we did not have a great sex education because our immortal leader was just you so you got knocked out by a yonko you wake up and you find out you're a dad he probably thinks he's in the afterlife oh oh I'm summoning Rick right back to the [ __ ] room and then I'm punching him in the face holy [ __ ] okay so so sorry first use someone no no no yeah I summoned Trevor just to have a mirror Trevor appears and goes what the [ __ ] is going on he's like Trevor is like dressing mid [ __ ] honestly yeah his trousers are around his waist he's like you summon him and he's like like half City there he like falls on his ass and he's like trying buckles up his trousers what the [ __ ] William what the hell okay that was funny coming together I'm just as confused as you are but no for the rick thing I'm literally Gonna Stand like this and then like okay three two one I'm gonna pop him right in front of me as my fist is flying [ __ ] hey [ __ ] yeah oh Jesus Christ man that's for abandoning us we almost died Louie did die I mean saved him what do you mean that's for a badly you doesn't it feel awful to be abandoned and almost die well I guess I guess we're even then yeah I guess we're even then [ __ ] yeah that that makes sense okay [Applause] I don't think I could be a part of this crew you guys are psychopaths yeah I think that an argument could definitely be made for that um anybody else Ragnar's being worked on right now anybody else that you want me to teleport oh Gunner let's get gunner in here I haven't seen him in a while yeah but this is so William yeah Victory lap gonna appears hey guys hey man I was just enjoying my time in that place there were Marines were holding me at yeah this is the yonko you guys were yapping about yeah we just killed him I would have summoned you eventually to fight him but rest of our crew here now is that Dane Goodman hey Dane Goodman yeah you know me yeah I read all your books oh oh Paige wrote those oh [Laughter] sorry are you summoning the rest of your crew [ __ ] I mean who else is left we know where to listen yeah sure Victory lap summon Lisa sure Lisa come appears again and gravy comes in he's holding a plate of food I thought you guys would be hungry so I was making food for when you guys came back what is collapsing in the throne room and just eating and healing now um holy [ __ ] Alyssa appears and sees Verona like bloodied like and like just rushes to Verona and goes for Honor are you okay Corona Verona her and I think I lost all my ribs gonna be okay we're on a Verona I uh I I I can give you um and she's like holding you really tight oh my ribs are cracking okay I did summon doctors here so like yeah yeah yeah you know she she looks Verona in the eyes like and like takes off your goggles so she's actually looking you in the eyes and in this moment she goes I'm pregnant Verona I uh I whilst I was by myself I was just so worried that you you could die or get hurt and you would you would go before like I I was completely honest with you and I for Honor I just I just wanted to say that like I really I think you're wonderful and I would never want to lose you and I I guess come on sweetest moment possible yeah but I'm gonna [ __ ] everybody passes out wow and Melissa actually says Lissa says I think I I love you and actually says the word I think I love you and bro Verona doesn't hear it he's passed out Just Smiles as he sees and just like just holds Verona In Her Arms um I guess I've just been talking and trying to catch up to Lulu yeah we're gonna get you back to your planet um Trevor's like what is going on is this blue blood I mean Trevor is very angry but also like you guys took down a yonko we try we did without your help I was going to summon you later but I didn't get the power until a little later in the fight well this um uh he like straightens up his he's just wearing casual clothes but he tries to make it look as fancy as possible so you were on vacation while these marines were fighting they said I needed a vacation after that [ __ ] that happened that's okay that's fair that is fair she went on vacation after the last time we saw you too yeah I got frozen in Crystal but it was a long story oh anyway um um well um this island is under Marine custody um Everest comes through the door as well and it's like yes thank you thank you for your help everyone um as he rushes through with more Marines um I do have a question though is my is my shipwright Ragnar gonna be okay with that blue blood [ __ ] in him now what are you unconscious now well Devin you've been researching this guy like you're his enemy we barely know how any of this stuff works so it's just magic blood basically we yeah kinda no I mean I mean there are people there are I don't know but there are some marines that know Everest Who would know Barry probably well he's over there the doctors are probably working on it yeah they're probably working on him as well who do we know that deals in Magic that I could summon like I don't know um they said he was an alien if I remember oh I feel unconscious I wouldn't say anything yeah you didn't know you didn't know that I wouldn't know I guess only people around him heard that which would have been Ragnar and William cereal and pearl I guess I guess pulse he said something about being like coming to this planet or something like that this guy is Blue Blood common on your planet uh no I I really don't think so I okay I've never seen him before um wait does that mean there's more than two planets I I would imagine so yeah I would imagine so I have another space adventure oh God I mean I'd be down for that actually after this [ __ ] I feel like we're all just gonna pass out in this throne room after this I mean Barry like you know he comes back with a couple hp's and he sits up yeah and he's sort of wearily sitting there and he goes I am sorry Devil's luck Pirates I wish I could have been of more help um you're all right you threw a brick at my face that was that was about it you're a funny man William I finally won um thank you for your help with taking down blue blood he wasn't a menace it wasn't me though it was the hero right now sitting in a passed out crater you know I'm worried about Ragnar I hope he's okay oh he doesn't come back out of conscious even if they heal him he doesn't come back um he is exhausted he's exhausted so he's out for a week he's gonna be out for a little bit for a little bit um I need to leave the long rest away yeah I guess would you I'm summoning I'm summoning his wife though it doesn't it's we just went you would say no but I can't yeah I'm afraid that she's gonna like he's gonna wake up and like I don't know he needs his wife there to like help anyone that you've spoken to is is what it is because otherwise you've you have summoned a few people you haven't touched already like yeah it's genetics and yeah yeah so is anyone that you've spoken to right I won't I won't do that though because that's the one I am second guessing I will bring everybody else to like little Ricky boss they're all yeah boss cut us down in his wheelchair like just decrepit he looks he really looks worse for where oh my God oh my God kids did she just summon him in front of Trevor Trevor looks over it boss draws his sword s in the restroom oh he doesn't wait you're right he's in the west room he doesn't have a sword I have his sword I hold it at his throat like Trevor come on buddy all right I'm gonna stop summoning people I keep [ __ ] this up man I'm starting to get a little crazy with power here all right holy moly okay okay one more the guy the weed smoking guy from the planet didn't he die no he didn't he didn't you're right [ __ ] Astor comes down and he's like oh hey dudes what's going on wait is this another Victory celebration I got a DJ for it's Mr Universe y back again give Trevor your best weed please to calm him down which one is Trevor that guy with the ponytail not me with the ponytail that guy with the ponytail oh man I just thought that was you again yeah it's like my twin brother it's complicated instead of hey hey Trev Trev you want some of that good space stuff Trevor just like smacks him get out of my way you feet let's all get high and then just pass out oh okay um Barry looks of and says I heard you guys talking uh because he did get like hell for the same time as you guys nobody quite knows what blue blood was um yo he he seemed to have kept a low profile until uh recently steadily gaining power but with the uh amount of children that he that we are and sort of the records it seems that the records of blue blood date back hundreds and hundreds of years we wanted to interrogate him about it but uh uh well you can interrogate that puddle of blood that yeah well you know at least he can't hurt anyone anymore thank you guys so what's gonna happen now to like everything well the Marines will take over this island we'll reclaim it um and you guys could go on your way thank you for your help you know what I'm too tired to argue I kind of lay down and just like because William started this like we're gonna kill blue blood and be the new yon code I'm like I don't even give a [ __ ] about that anymore I'm just he then looks over at Everest and goes congratulations on your promotion Everest congratulations on beating blue blood anyway I gotta go [Music] that's it we need a long rest friends yeah I as as my favor and as thank you for for taking down Blue Blood we will not arrest you here Devil's luck Pirates but we can see that you are definitely a threat that's fine but I want my bounty to be higher after this and all of us I want everybody on this crew to have a bounty damn it a big ass Bounty you Pirates are a weird Bunch but especially Jimmy he want I want him to have the highest goddamn bounty in the entire story Captain I think you're a little bit weird now so weird I think it's time oh [ __ ] so be it fine you've definitely proven your strength and wait let me ask you a question William before I go what what is your purpose why are you doing all of this well I've heard of your escapades G4 um for example yeah that was the only thing Trevor told me about everything that happened with the eons why are you doing all of this uh honestly this was kind of just like traveling around with some friends that kind of ballooned to do in insane underline bold insane adventure oh fun I was just kind of here you know full fun I got no no I got one good reason uh you see boss here I don't want him to die and he is really close to dying so I wanted to make sure to I want to find some way to heal him so that's that's a purpose that's Noble right and have you found him by doing this nope but that's the next thing we're gonna do unless I could wait a second I could scoop up some blue blood and give it to boss but I don't know if that's a good idea okay all right I won't you're always on the ground I'm injured too but I'm like the problems I don't think I'm not gonna do it I am gonna save some vials of this [ __ ] like I kind of have to all right that's fine I mean yeah in case I mean you saw like if Ragnar didn't drink that [ __ ] we might have all been dead right now okay Louis was I mean even him but God I'm sure this Castle has plenty of rooms and places for you guys to rest I will tell the Marines not to um arrest you and you have safe passage out of here but the moment you leave these borders fine you are wanted criminals remember that is the only kindness I will show you do you know where our ship is your ships yeah um me let me think I imagine it would be in the harbor at the back with all the other ships that uh Blue Bloods seem to have stolen all right all right fine all right we got it we got it all rest up for a while here okay he gives a big grin um and again just off the Record yeah thank you I shake his hand it's like I don't know now he's gonna summon you know we survived all right and as he leaves and as you guys collapse on your backs to rest we have a episode 60 to be continued in the dead of night with Candlelight barely Illuminating the dark stones of the late Blue Bloods Throne Room a figure approaches the pool of blood that stood undisturbed in the center of the hall he leaned over with an empty barrel and Tow dunking the wooden vessels of the liquid slowly filling it up after a few minutes he lifted the container out of the pool and screwed a cork into the top sealing it that should be enough he murmursed to himself as he stands up and quietly leaves the room [Music]
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 83,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, DND, one piece dnd, one piece dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, lost pause, rustage, 2spooky, Briggs
Id: xcCJxOp8UWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 9sec (6849 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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