ISEKAI D&D #2 | "Not a Good Vegan" | Tekking101, Daniel Greene, Shwabadi & Briggs

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[Music] welcome to episode two of isakai dungeons and dragons um welcome back it's very exciting i'm here again with uh norman briggs hi i'm here with old tony tecking hey doing son i'm here with the shark daniel b green oh [ __ ] if anyone listening he just award us all and i'm also happy somebody's fetish somewhere yeah somebody's watching right now and they're like oh yes finally yes and that someone is my next uh player uh cody schwabidy that's not true but hello that means it's true i mean yeah um hello cody how are you doing hello everyone i'm great dm yes cody has voices in his head which are just me um where we left off last session you guys had just confronted the mayor of mushwick um you accompanied by a bunch of like the the rebels and dissenters from the town which were being marked uh inappropriately as bandits when they were just good people that didn't like the mayor and you have teamed up with them to fight against the mayor and his whole guard uh you burst into the office and the battle was just beginning as idea to be continued so what i need you guys to do now is roll me that sweet initiative all right so the the person to go first is a um i'm grouping two people the guards are being grouped together and broken wing and benton bell a lot of people thought his name was benson it's not it's benton it's a teen on us um they they're gonna move as a unit and they're going to run up and essentially both run up to an individual guard and just both attack themselves so that's just one attack from broken wing and and one attack from not broken wing from bensonville the other guy they both hit they both do a tiny amount of damage all right it's the shark's turn all right um i am okay rusted what am i gonna do here well so in front of you are two guards one to the left one to the right behind the desk is the mayor sitting on his chair he looks kind of smug because right by his side is his whole guard the big blue fella with the horns he has a huge like great axe in one hand big muscular he's like eight foot tall very intimidating what with the show russell for future reference i ask you what i'm about to hear the answer is go for the knee oh okay that makes sense all right ask me again and i'll do that i'll do that bit better no no it's too late you ruined it and i'm sad uh so i'm going to say uh let's see do i want to go for the guard okay i'm here i want to yeah i'm going to just go for the guard uh by broken wings knee i'm going to go for that knee kill so the the the guard that broken wing hit with his stick um go for that holy holy moly holy moly i mean you run away i mean these knees they were crying what knees yeah what do you zoom like before the the attack comes in it zooms into the knees and they they're they get little eyes and they're looking at in shock and they're crying they have time to mourn their families and their knee children um did he die again did i kill another person you gotta roll the damage by clicking the button oh damn it right my bad okay all right it might be a [ __ ] crit you just hit the um in the chat where it says baseball bat you just hit the uh thing there you just click that yeah it says baseball but another 26. yeah genies open the chat oh there you go right i mean 20. around 74 at level one i do have to say these these players are level one 24 damage is is insane is insane that is genuinely the most damage you could actually do at level one you literally haven't you haven't broken knees in so long it's been like 10 minutes since you've broken it how do you [ __ ] break this guy's knees uh i so we all know my bat is a metaphor for my penis right uh yeah breaking people's knees yeah so um the shark doesn't understand how sex works it was sex education in america in the 20s what can i tell you well the first step of sex you got to break their knees so they can't get away it's terrible i just i always say something weird that my character thinks is intimidating but i'm just gonna say i'm just gonna say my guy's gonna go this is for uh no wait hold this guy's gonna go uh time for a home run and then i just hit him in the knee as hard as i [ __ ] can all right let's and you hear you hear that like baseball sound that they play at baseball games i can't remember how it goes no the shark is not a virgin in his mind sorry assaults in chat he's [ __ ] many knees he's not in his mind okay okay okay okay okay all right so you hear that dude i don't with that you know that baseball yeah that one um there we go you guys know it you swing the baseball bat and it clocks out his knees like baseballs they fly across the room and i mean with that amount of damage that critical hit one of them's just gonna hit dale winning the head do an extra little bit of damage um and he's like this like kneecap ball is like dripping down his face he's very um irked and the guard just collapses he's dead you killed him knocked out his kneecaps he lost so much blood from his legs he's dead like a few turns like he didn't take care when i'm writing on the ground screaming for at least a couple sure he's he's arriving on the ground screaming but he's definitely out of the battle um and will die but what that has done mr shark has made you a target uh because it is now the whole guard's turn and he well i was going to ask yes did we not end last session by all surprising them by jumping into combat it is was definitely not a surprise that we all just started attacking everyone um i think i get uh i walk because we had like these guys go to the wrist and they're like yeah i think that's exactly right okay it was a surprise round you you're right you're right that's me miss remembering so guess oh tony go ahead uh all right so jeez that just happened oh tony guard one is cracked him i just son do i have to i mean all right i guess i guess i knew what i was getting into all right and so i'm gonna go after the other guard next to benton and just like sorry about this man but yeah all right and i'm gonna swing my trusty uh is it a broom sword or um it's a mop sword okay yeah yeah two-handed one-handed oh oh oh yeah i mean oh well [ __ ] no no it's the same two hits so you didn't need to yell again just okay just do the damage of the two-handed one all right sorry about that i meant to do it with the two-handed eleven slashing okay all right sweet but this means you do not have your shield equipped if you're doing two-handed so you're almost that's fine cool so your shield's on your back so you come in double mop yep and i'm just like sorry there you're gonna clean this guy what do you say i oh i'm gonna kill him yeah yeah yeah i'm just like all right i'm gonna say uh i hope this doesn't kill you i'm sorry man uh i hope this doesn't immediately kill you as bad as that guy hit him he dies yeah he dies it does kill him he's like he goes man i hope so too and then dies all right well i have now killed a bran um but as he as the blood spurts out of him because you hit him with the broom you actually clean up the blood in the same swipe so his his death is entirely like bloodless is he i feel like i feel like old tony he just murdered a man this is a normal dude i feel like he should roll something to determine whether or not he's going to be like okay do you want to roll what would that be like a um maybe almost living through it would be like yeah like i'd say like either wisdom-saving thought i'd say wisdom yeah i'm going to say a wisdom save because like yeah go ahead i mean oh tony's great you need to completely unfazed that you found a new thing that you love you love it so much i didn't uh i thought it would be a lot worse you know uh ending someone's existence seeing the light fade out of their eyes right in front of me by my own hands oh my god i actually feel pretty all right about this i don't really know what that says about me holy moly i'm gonna i need to rethink some stuff i can't believe this norman europe wow those those those guards were dog [ __ ] um but i don't the big guy's gonna go down as easy uh as i walk backwards away from the enemy i've i've been dying to try this out all right fire bolt attack wait mustangs did you accidentally skip thawne no no no we you guys know surprise round oh that's right you guys have a surprise round because you surprised them so you will get to make an attack before uh anything else so excited for my next attack okay sorry norman you fire a fireball at who at thought yeah i have his name there the whole guard is called he says method is what he says um you fire okay i mean 22 hits so 10 fire damage um you damn that's a pretty good gun sling in there son you blasting out of your hand or like out of your i don't so yeah i i i walked backwards while like whatever talking just like i'm kind of behind cody now just like trying to be safe and you told me i fireball from your belly i do like a little a little a little spin and with my staff i'm like fireball yeah it fight fires through the air and blasts off thought he looks unfazed but it does he does he does seem damaged from that upset and down right huh the staff i can't remember in the drawings you have a staff you have a staff yeah you have a staff yeah that's what you were given when you entered this world um i think you have the only weapon that wasn't from your home world i think your your staff is of the fantasy world um cody your turn okay inspired by norman's display uh i'm just gonna be like yeah bro i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna step up and uh uh attempt to attempt something myself now this is like all this death and you're like [ __ ] yeah yeah bro bro uh now i don't have a lot of like attack magic it's it's largely support um so i might have to just charge at them with my pull-up bar my my my dumbbell bar and uh and strike him let's see no you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna run up to the desk and i'm gonna try and sort of pull thought across the desk using a thorn whip so sorry out of my hand okay this yeah roger hit with that thorn divine vineyathon thing what do i need to roll for this uh it's just a melee spell attack which you might have on your feet if not we'll have to add yes yes you do seven seven you i mean you missed um i need to give you the advanced toggle as well but yeah you you throw out your vine whip and it just doesn't even reach the fella it just like collapses on the desk and he looks at it and he looks at you uh i think then i'll just turn to norm and i'm like damn sorry little bro not as cool as you it's okay man you just gotta get closer with that attack it's all right you're the only one of us that hasn't murdered someone yet maybe you should take that with you son maybe you shouldn't just stay stay pure you know all right that's gonna be i'm gonna i'm gonna end my turn sort of their position in front of the desk staring down delwin and third yeah there we go well um broken weird and benton are gonna run up to support you um and the shark your turn okay uh there's still a screaming dying guard at my feet yeah he's dying i mean he's pretty much out of it but he is i'm gonna use i'm gonna use improvised weapon i'm gonna pick him up and throw him and yell at time for a shark bite is that really necessary really are you thirsty that's necessary oh god i'm throwing it yeah the big guy all right go ahead that's [ __ ] yeah so i just click improvised weapon improvised weapon yep yes i mean you hit oh my god the shark bites okay sorry what do i get so the screaming body of the guard hits against uh the whole guard's chest pushing him back slightly then at that point the neck of the guy breaks so he's definitely dead but just there's just blood but there's blood i mean blood dale when the mayor is sitting right next to him blood sprays against dale win he's like he's like really hits i go good thing we got a mop and he's he's like come on do something get these ruffians and now it's finally thought's turn and sword grabs the table and pushes it to one side he just flings it against the the the the wall and then he walks forwards oh nelly it's like me me broken winger benton and just yeah come on he's looking we can take him he looks like cody broke with benton and then just like shakes his head and walks round to the shark just walks straight past them right [ __ ] um he pulls up his great axe you've obviously pissed him off the most out of anyone i threw his dead friend at him i would assume that would uh you kind of asked for this yeah um he pulls out what did you think was gonna happen and he's gonna swing down with it not hitting here's what i do here's what i do i just bring a baseball bat up yeah just catch it he's kind of badass he sucks how did that oh my god all right well yeah i mean he's a strong fella but you did just catch the the attack the the base comes i do a stringent workout routine of kneecap knocking and there is nothing that builds more strength than that holy moly well that's his turn so oh tony you're up there was so much build-up i'm look i'm looking over at them and i'm like all right you know shark is a murderer he just he's an expert at that and thought seems pretty impressive i'm gonna go try to i'm gonna talk to dale wynn let's go walk over to his desk yeah go ahead and i'll be like i'm gonna go over there focus fire thought i'm like look um so anyway we can maybe just get you to leave town because these guys are gonna kill i mean we've already murdered pretty much everyone in this room so i'm just trying to persuade him just to leave and never come back because he's gonna die anyway listen i didn't take you for an evil man why are you working for these bandits these these villains they're not bandits they're a pretty nice group of people or birds i'm not really sure exactly but uh look you know these guys are gonna murder you and you seem like kind of a dick in terms of a politician so i i think you should just leave i don't want to murder you but everybody else here kind of does he looks around like sweat dripping down his face i was told my whole guard was one of the strongest men in this part of the world i don't i don't need empty threats i mean but i'll take you around with the baseball bat just now so he says you know i take your advice he like runs and he jumps out the window behind [ __ ] okay was the window open or he just jumped through glass jumpsuit like he like borrowed the clock he doesn't fall that far right all right he falls into a bush but he is i mean he doesn't want to be at the battle to see if he's like you're all right there buddy dude look at me all right um good luck to you i guess we're gonna go kill your goat guy i suppose norman what do you do oh tony that made no sense but i i respect it you're a good person call me crazy i don't want to murder everybody in the room i'm gonna run over how am i doing another little spin and fireball uh you hit with the firebolt two damage this time you hit the two here with the fireball it's just sort of does he have some type of some type of something that helps them be uh be not effective against fire interesting um well that's him that's that's norman who's next it's cody it's cody so cody's gonna destroy along next to thought he's not gonna point out where the dude just jumped out the window he's like yo thought bro your dude's like gone he's like gonzo like you don't need to keep fighting us they're all responsive i you don't fight i was paid to fight i fight i do not back away from battle god's not coward thought proud hogart i think this guy's a bud short of a six-pack guys if you catch my drift i didn't want to have to do this to a someone else with as nice gains as me but all right i'm just i guess i'm just going to swing my barbell at him and try and hit him okay point blank go ahead you don't hit ten does not hit my garbage am i am i garbage oh my garbage his defense is really high you smack smack with the barbell it just hits his abs and does nothing to him whoa i gotta know this core workout routine now he's surrounded uh you've got you've got [ __ ] benson and uh broken win attacking um that's the spear hits off against his abs but benson is able to get a a nice sword thrust into thud's side um doing a little bit damage to him it is now the shark's turn [Music] all right so as a fighter to another fighter i always respect someone who's not gonna back down um but i do believe it's time for me to end this [ __ ] so i'm gonna go for a two-handed bat swing you hit him i the difference in your ability modifies is not that different to cody but i can't i don't know why you keep getting these amazing [Laughter] i don't know [Laughter] um and then i go for 12 damage uh this time i'm going for the right knee specifically um and i do it but like in a respectful manner i need cap in a way where it's like you know i get it your bat wears a bow tie while you do it you hit wait was it left or right it's right knee you hit his right knee it doesn't take the kneecap off you just leave like this big bruise as uh blood sort of dripping down from his knee he's grunts at you that wasn't very respectful he says [Laughter] a gentleman's kneecapping well this is what he's gonna do he's gonna he's annoyed now uh he's gonna use a reckless attack uh which means he's gonna have advantage on this attack against the shark but it means the next attack role against him will have advantage 20 he hits you mr the shark he does only seven damage that's not even that good for him all right but it's it's good it's like more than half of our health yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean uh i think this is like one of the first times any of you have been hit um yeah i know we're really good so he comes down with the great axe slashes you across the chest shark uh you do the minor seven in the thirteen you did it the wrong place oh i'm sorry my i'm trying i'm turning my breasts he slashes you across the chest with this big ax swing and you do notice like it cuts through your kevlar [ __ ] breastplate or whatever you have and blood splurts out um surprisingly you've probably not been injured like this before mister the shark uh because i've been shot and stabbed oh you know what fair enough you've been shot and stabbed so yeah i was just i thought you'd been more of everyone here he is the one who i thought he was just used to being the big guy that beats on the little guys but not really look at my character's face in the drawing he has more scars than skin you know what that's a good point um i'm an idiot uh but yeah you're fine he does leave this big gash wound across your chest oh how would you like that he says can i can i respond at the end of the day you can you can just spawn people could talk whatever they wanted to touch some of the blood and just i take it back you can't respond all right oh tony you're up all right um i'm seeing everybody crowding around this big lug so i'm like all right i guess i'll go and lend a hand so i think i can make it so that's 10 20 25 30. can i hit him from here yeah sure can all right so you've got us crowded i'll run up behind benton with my i'll still use two hands with my mob sword i'll be like all right last time i killed that guy it was a little bit of a rush try not to kill again let's try just to knock him out or something so i just come running up and smack him really hard with my mom so go ahead now here we go you hit him all right really just cody's not hitting anyone everyone else is having a great you do fall damage all right all right well clearly cody didn't get this warm up in and he's using the warm-up he doesn't have a protein shake yeah um yeah i mean you smack him on the back of the head but he doesn't even notice your attack he's still cheating really untensed on [ __ ] shark's day because shark's the only one who's like posed any sort of challenge to him so far oh he wants oh he's trying to okay if we want to [ __ ] no um oh [ __ ] okay all right norman you're up all right i'm going to use i don't even know how to say this word prestige press the vegetation press the digitization i'm going to use that let's call it let's call it prestige that's what we do i'm going to use presti to shoot a little black smoke at the shark to give him an opportunity next turn to not be attacked by thawed ooh to impose disadvantage on the attack or just to make it so he could like maybe like because he would have his turn before so since he's covered in black smoke maybe he could hide can he make enough black smoke to do that though i don't know what's in the guy's eyes if he doesn't know yeah he can maybe he can move without having an opportunity attack yeah yeah you can hit him right in the face with it or something yeah yeah yeah all right so also if this black smoke around the shark yeah it could be disadvantage or just maybe this big like um stupid guy might just focus on someone else fair enough okay anyway it's like i mean it's a good idea so you shoot off a small little puff of a puff of smoke this black smoke that comes in between the shark and sod um uh i have the raw no you just do it it's just a thing you do it's just a small magical trick um and i mean it's really up to me to decide how how good that is um i'm gonna say that what will happen is on thod's turn before he makes an attack i'll have him roll like some sort of perception check and that will determine if he has disadvantage uh okay uh unless and and shark would just happen will not take it opportunity attack if he does want to retweet if he wants to retreat not retweet uh sorry but that is not in my character's personality i don't know if i noticed uh is it my turn now no it's cody's gotcha sorry cody my bad but it's a cool idea and so there's like this black puff of smoke just between the shark and thought cody you're up uh okay i think it's just going to be like i'm getting increasingly frustrated but i'm i'm just going to keep having to get away tony i forgot to say that you had an advantage but you hit anyway uh but go ahead oh yeah yeah yeah cody because of his reckless attack yeah because of his reckless attack yeah okay yeah then switch i'll see him sort of off balance after his attack and be like this is it this is my chance the last two you got this just one you can do it bring down the barbell yeah 13 just hits he has 30 no no all that training matters he yeah um i similar to old tony i'm not looking to kill but it's a bludgeoning weapon i just want to try and sort of like knock him out if possible let's see if it doesn't need damaging seven seven pretty decent yeah you knock him he still has a decent amount of health left but he's quite wounded now um and it has made him he's taken notice of that attack as you smack him across where are you smacking him on his head uh yeah i guess since he was looking at the shark i'm sort of like aiming up his shoulder his head trying to yeah you see a bruise forming on his pale skin um yeah if he if he sort of like looks at me after i hit him like yeah over here big guy could you could you move that character so i could see god's health there he is thank you because that's it yeah um okay i'm gonna use my turn now no no no not quite yet just a second just bird dude and benson have to both hit their attacks and be cool they're just like spinning around being cool doing cool things uh just slicing into the fella all right the shark is not your turn oh did they nothing i did it quickly because i know you want to get to your turn it's all good nice uh well back i'm going back i'm gonna use my first uh so i get to uh in my uh abilities i have second win uh you have a limited well of stamina you can draw and protect yourself from harm so i'm gonna roll one d10 yeah and how to wait i clicked it didn't doesn't do it okay i'm clicking it what are you clicking i'm clicking second win and it's not doing it no that you have to roll the d10 for it oh just type in the chat slash r space one d10 and that's plus your level surplus one this oh let's win yeah you got three hit points back yeah nothing better than nothing and that was your bonus action so you still get to attack yes uh i'm gonna just say the moretti family sends his regards to their regards if you understand the shark just assumes every hit's going to be the last and so he always tries to like he's like oh it's over now all right go ahead all right you have advantage so don't worry you have advantage you get a rod again oh yeah oh wait do i just show you advantage next time but now since you've already rolled once just roll it again there you go 14 you do hit nice lucky because otherwise that would have been very embarrassing [Laughter] rock and win would have been the broken wings the ready family brings their regards and you just killed the bird guy [Laughter] 13 damage i mean that clunks the fella it wow it it like almost brings him to his knees which with advantage shouldn't i have two or no no no that just means you um are more likely to hit okay so brian do his knees yeah yes knocking into his kneecaps i assume well the right kneecap again trying to just finish the job he is he's very bloodied and wounded now that's one bloody knee you are strong if i beat you i will be happy he says i mean he just he's got his pride on the line here he wants to at least take out the man that's beating up his knees um so i mean he's just going to keep reckless attacking wait i'm sorry but doesn't shattering a knee make them lose a turn or anything or no no no no no no okay you haven't you know you you're not paralyzing or crippling him for an entire round for flavor effects um he is he is all good he's just just sort of a bit woozy but he does hit you killed me at all oh goodbye uh you chose to attack i feel like he chose to attack i gave him the opportunity it can't get like a huge even with disadvantage he would hit you 18 would be yeah it is like a puff of smoke yeah but his eyes are sort of they his eyes go red with fury i'm at nine is the plus three yeah you're at nine he up swings the x i mean if he gets higher than nine you're going to go unconscious don't worry you don't die you just go and cry now oh [ __ ] i didn't mean to do that oh you roll the two legs he does 11 damage as he strikes up and that does make you go unconscious mr the shark so well i guess everybody was kind of waiting for that one i mean as the out of all of us which one was the most likely i mean come on no old guy the other right the last thing you see before you black out is this upswing of an axe cutting through your center you have like this huge x across your chest and you fall onto your back unconscious i'm luffy um oh tony you're up i mean sod looks very weak and you do advantage against him he's pretty much on his knees he's he's huffing and breathing he's just like his like final stand was to take down the shark hero who took down i see him drop it's kind of lackluster i just turned to cody and norman just smack him on the head two-handed go ahead smack him on there there we go just like all right all right 14 hits 14 hits and 11 slashing yeah i mean that are you gonna are you trying to kill him not lethally knock him out are you gonna knock him out okay so you you bash him on the head he goes and collapses to the ground covered in blood and wounds you have defeated this fella all right as soon as i see him drop i'm gonna run over to the shark and use cue wounds on him okay well actually hold on does that take a spell not meta gaming but do you does that take up the spell slot it would take up a spell slot but also cody's just that type of bro right he's just that type of bro right right okay i'm trying to spot my bro yeah i mean how do you how do you how do you role play this cody like is this your first like i see i see him go down like yo and then i see the big guy go down and i'm just like and i just like i i don't fully understand how magic works i can just feel it right yeah um so i just know as i'm sort of laying my hands on him i'm like yo you'll be all right bro sleep it off just in world i think his spell should be him just baby birding me a protein shake [Applause] um but you gain seven seven seven hit points points of health all right i got seven yes so the shark does that go from zero does that go negative no it goes from zero zero yes i'm at seven the negatives only matter if you take excess damage like for example okay if your negatives go below your max hit points then you die straight off you just die yeah yeah but you know you go you come back you you slowly open your eyes and you see jim bro cody looking over you uh okay giving you i roll over and i start just crawling to thawed and then i just start looting his body [Laughter] i mean he actually surprisingly has barely anything unsurprisingly he has barely anything on him he just has his big grey axe and does he have horns he said he has horns right yes can i tear one off sure i mean you've got to cut it off i mean you need a baby all right i guess you can cut it off with the axe i can i just rip it man he's not dead i do want to say he's not dead so yeah he's unconscious he's like dude this guy i mean he's he's he's a big stupid idiot i mean like you're just gonna just rip his horses off am i i mean i think i can stop him because okay cody cody does have some respect for thud being as he's like jacked so like when i see him trying to pull off one of his hands i'm just going to like grab the shark by the waist and just drag him away oh we're going to get into a grapple here i need a trophy i'm going to attach it to the end of my bat so it has a point oh it's a good fight's over i do want to say so like because he's unconscious uh if you that would count as an attack and he might die from that which i know shark is fine with i'm just other characters might not be dragged him away can i run over and look out the window oh yeah sure you could do that oh yeah that mirror fella just jumped out of the mirror i've just jumped out of the uh the window there it was uh kind of impressive actually he's still alive i think he's like all right he's like what do i see god okay you look out the window and he's still he looks up from the bushes and he's like sarge did you oh [ __ ] he's still there i told him to run no it's the one hey hey what was your name uh bloorman wait rustage do i hear this uh you you you can you can't hear him but you could hear whatever norman says norman is he out there i wish i could use some other attacks but i really don't have anything so i am actually you can still use fireball i'm going to use fireball you just gotta kill him well maybe like i gave him the chance to run away if he just did dip [ __ ] decided to stay he hired us to kill people yeah older code you normally at the point where he feels like he's almost like playing a game like he doesn't realize this is reality yeah oh man oh my god oh tony's like i i'm a firm believer in natural selection he's here he's here he's down he he was a jerk to everybody i told him to run he didn't i mean i'm not his papa i mean and you got you got the information you already wanted from him as well right you got that at the end of last session uh you just didn't get anything else um so is there anything we need to know from this guy or anything well you you already already managed to get that information last time because you convinced him to tell us before we executed the bandits oh yeah right um about for a reminder for you guys about the other man who has uh a necklace similar to you guys and the direction into which he said he was heading uh wait i saw i saw norman shoot a fireball out the window right i also screamed that the guy was there this is so funny norman that you to prove that you are not weak you fire the worst possible fireball at the guy and it does not kill him he still has hit points remaining from this fireball he has like three hit points he took one from the kneecap he took one from this fireball but he still has one remaining so you fire at him like scorch his head he's like i was right and then he starts to run and i just won he's can i so i have a horn right you haven't take it off his body yet yeah he's not taking it you didn't get the horn because i stopped waiting there is like is there like it's an office i imagine is there like deer heads or like elk heads or anything on the wall or anything like that uh i mean yeah yeah it would be like i mean if you're into antlers there you go and that's a pretty nice [ __ ] over there i mean yeah i'm just gonna sprint towards the window and dive out of it with my bat over my head in just the general direction [Music] all right i mean of course it's what the shark's gonna do but i mean he's running at the same pace that darwin is running he has no idea but obviously you're just going to jump out the window fall down into the bush derwent's already like 60 feet away just running man that guy reminds me um you are going to take 86 falling damage from that derwent didn't take any falling damage because he's oh [ __ ] do you stand by 60 feet because i believe fireball you can find another fireboat normally it's 120. you can fire off another one you got it he's got a really low ac don't worry shark i got him but that was my move that is not high enough his ac was 10. it was 10. guys maybe we just let him go i mean every all his guards are dead i don't think he's going to be kind of embarrassing i just want to throw my bat i mean i mean yeah he reminds me of some idiots i knew from college you know i mean the shark and the mayor i honestly thought you guys would just get him but i mean you hit her with what damage and then he gets up and just dashes out of there you fire off another fireball that doesn't even hit him it's because i didn't do my dance he didn't do the spin oh uh i mean holy moly you you want to throw your i don't think your back goes that far uh mr green yeah now my guy has a bad knee so you see him trying to get up and start running and he kind of falls because that's the by the way backstory character depth i have a bad see it knee comes full circle there yeah he's a writer everybody [Laughter] he's written two books one and a half check them out oh okay [ __ ] out all right all right well yeah i don't got any projectiles so i couldn't do anything anyway i mean i suppose like i guess he gets away that's so hilarious technically norman probably could fire again but he's just so like distraught i guess cody like at that point walks over and just like looks in the distance and sees him running away and she's like man hope that isn't an issue later cody i go over [ __ ] athlete just run he's like a normal noble you probably do marathons just go get him yeah by the time i go over by the time that cody's walks over to the window to look dude's like not even visible yeah the dude is on on like i go over to norman i kind of put my hand on his shoulder i'm just like it's all right son you'll get a handle on that firework thing at some point it's all right um fire looks so cool it does look cool i mean you weigh your fire in it out of your staff that that fancy stick it's pretty cool i got it that's like one damage magic is stronger maybe hit something though with you guys could take you to target practice is what you need you know yeah we somehow managed to win and lose yeah yeah hey thought's still unconscious uh if someone wants to time up but benton and benton's now just going through the office like i'll i'll tie i'll tie thought up i have to go back around front where there's guards yeah i'd be like i need to go oh yeah you just need to go get back here around the building are there any guards outside there weren't of course of course there were but don't worry benton is already like making he's like he's he's gunned for the desk already and he's like perfect perfect this is incredible thank you so much you've dealt with you're welcome i guess um this this is incredible um and he's like going through all the coffers and stuff and he's just making sure like everything's where it should be and and he's like ah don't worry we'll talk to the guards um yeah that's me big ben so i like point of thought who i guess old tony's just tied up yeah i tied him he's like this guy cool can you guy like like make sure he's okay um you didn't kill him no oh i wanted to take his horn while he was alive that way like four sessions down the road i could run into him and be like look what my weapon is [ __ ] oh my gosh um well you know he's just like a hired goon so are we kind of feel bad for the guy he doesn't seem to be all that he doesn't seem to be all there you know probably being leave myself nah cody don't talk to yourself like that you know uh benton goes i don't know he's pretty that's really funny because i know all tony was like it was like yo don't insult yourself like that cody cody was like fully just like complimenting himself by comparing himself to this [Applause] looks over to broken wing goes what do you think broken the broken wing goes i think it should be okay um i think we could use him or you could use him my friend and he then broken wing goes around the table and he walks up to cody and old tony shark you're out of the [ __ ] window you're not even here you're outside and he goes i'm just walking around front again yeah limping yeah benton's already like going out and talking to the guards and like talking about how things are going to change around here broken wind walks up to oh tony and cody tony and cody he goes thank you so much my friends you two seem like good people it's hard to find good people in these times well glad we could help you out with this uh never mil i never killed a man before but uh oddly i'm okay with it ah well what was your name again old boney it's tony son old tony that was his name in college oh man some wild times let me tell you oh tony tell you the story of how i wet my wife one time but you know that's another story for another day congratulations on your marriage but where is your wife now yeah she's back at omaha she's probably making dinner right now wondering where i am so i'd like to get back there pretty soon i don't know where omaha is my friend maybe maybe i will well tony's wife just goes like commando after he leaves and just starts storming omaha with an ak-40 i'm like where's my husband at oh turn okay yeah um your necklace he points at it yeah um pretty fancy thing well earlier i said that i knew more about it i recognized the symbol not these other necklaces but um if you want i can help show you where um i've seen that symbol before all right sounds like an interesting thing is anything that helped me get home i hope so i don't know where this omaha is but um i my the elder of my village might know he is very wise hold on i'm getting a phone call from your wife we do have a service it's a spam call doesn't matter freaking robots i'll tell you all right continues okay i'll tell you even getting isakai into another dimension those bastards still get your number to call about health insurance or whatever i told them we're here what's your phone number extended warranty you put your phone number on a website one time seven years ago and they keep calling you until the end days i tell you what okay okay he puts out his wing his hand and he goes oh tony i can take you back to my home village i don't know about the rest of these uh your friends but uh you uh you can talk to the my elder and i can show you where i've seen that symbol before it might be sometimes for you on your travels well i kind of sort of attached these guys i mean they're the only people from my you know they are welcome to come world i just uh i know it might not concern them as much as you now what what do you guys think i mean the other guy shark is still coming around yeah i was gonna say well shark's not here i mean what do you guys want to do i mean you guys are pretty cool that guy's kind of intense but yeah cody i mean i'll go wherever dad bro goes dad bro norman all right you're still by the window but you could hear this conversation happening um i'm just contemplating my life he's i walk over and i'm like we gotta figure out where we came from we gotta we should we should probably go in the direction this is normal we know we're always we know where we came from wait a minute no one comes over he's like guys i'm just um i'm [Laughter] um ready my bad that phase in life oh okay i'm feeling better oh my god i got some firebolt at my nostrils all right what do you say norman i was just saying we should probably go direction that the other guy came from i kind of only heard part of the conversation cody has that map in it yeah yeah i've got that marked on the map okay sweet all right the shark looking into my eyes intently all right you um finally make it around the front um the benton's out there he's like he's told the guards that you're cool the guards seem relatively happy now that they don't have to defend dale win anymore and they let you into the into the group and now you're back inside okay and just as this conversation is sort of uh winding down what do you what do you go sit at the desk chair and i start looting everything i loot the two dead guards uh i loot the desk uh i start pulling books off the bookshelf looking for anything hidden in them i mean floorboards any kind of like oh is that hollow anything like that and bent is sort of coming in behind you and he's like hey wait wait wait a second here hold up ho ho hold on we can pay you don't [ __ ] loot the place we've gotta we've gotta pay for for the village the village are still gonna function fine yeah that is private yeah i'm a reasonable man i'll still loot the cards though what the cards the guards the dead guys oh yeah the dead [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right yeah yeah we were promised money yeah yeah yeah i'll get you you have to understand i can't give you all the money that's in here because we still need a considerable amount for the town to function otherwise this would be phenomenal that was the whole reason we're like that old lady at the bar you know yeah exactly right uh my mother is the old lady at the bar thank you very much oh she's a sweet yeah that's great it was me money yeah she what what did you do to her i didn't do anything beside give her the business opportunity would you like to pay off her debts you gave my mother a loan you f-shark man you just say whatever comes out of your mouth don't you i mean you have the opportunity to pay off her debts so i don't have to come talk to her later today well i mean i definitely how much do you does she owe you four silver pieces fine all right he he didn't get three yeah it was he gets some out some he gets out some pouches out he starts filling them with money one for each of you four and he's like inside each of these is five gold pieces except for the sharks one which is five gold pieces and four silver pieces um well that's okay i give each of you one of the silver pieces ah a generous shark everyone's got five gold and one silver five no exactly in vin diesel's voice i say we're family i don't know if i want to be part of your family is this some sort of mafia thing like am i going to be in your death wow okay so all right then and he goes and let me let me continue to extend my thanks um i never figured out what my character voice was uh but so it's just me but let me extend my thanks to you lot um i really do appreciate it even though you put my my my mother in debt um it was it was far worse debt than dale would ever put him in um you are welcome to mush with any time and i'll make sure to make a little house with your noble and friends um oh that's so sweet i'm sending one of my guards out there to uh welcome them into the village now wait how many gold pieces they give me again five five okay i'm gonna take one copper i have and i'm gonna flick it to him and say for the gnomes he grabs it and he he grabs it he nods his head and goes for the gnomes wait they're knocking the marbles that reminds me though about those knobbling guys um is there a any sort of paper just like scrap paper and a pen or something yeah there's plenty of paper on the table all right i'm gonna go and tony's gonna draw very you know as quick as he can and kind of crudely he he would know at least a little bit about plumbing and stuff i'm gonna draw the basic layout for how a toilet and plumbing oh my god and i'm gonna hand it to benson benton and i'm just gonna be like all right listen up this is called a toilet i believe you guys have just been using a hole so it's time that you become civilized a little bit here you sit on this part there's plumbing he explains like really quickly like how water flows and just the simple setup here you guys are no electricity required no electricity required i don't know what that is but these are the things like they have in the capital it's a basic idea oh my god oh so there are toilets here oh thank god well i only like i thought they were a myth well just follow that basic plan give it to an engineer or whatever the equivalent is and they might be able to figure it out it's not that complicated wow that's how toilets work i never knew yeah well you know i went to hvac but you know dabble a little bit in plumbing every now and then some people you know human just had a big [ __ ] down the toilet just had a bowling that his mother collected no oh my god okay wow thank you very much oh and cody don't forget the map the map that's on the table that has the directions that's yours yeah bro all right one more thing behind the map is there a trash can in this room a um rubbish bin i take out the drop i'll take out the rubbish yeah you take out the rock all right there's one thing i could do you know just take it out i'll take out the trash for you and uh there's a toilet and uh good luck to you you're already mopping up the blood or the floor i mopped up the broken glass when they jumped out i'm just like trying to make it look as nice as possible what is it miss the show yeah uh can i roll like a sneak real quick to see if i can be inconspicuous and no one noticed me it would be it depends it might be a sleight of hand if you're trying to do something sneaky it's not sleight of hand it's me trying to like get over to thawed without anyone really noticing i would still say it was like sleight of hand for if you want to get the [ __ ] horn off no it's not it's not getting the horn off i guess they hit him and had my bat full of force just to finish him off you're gonna hold up hold up it would be sleight of hand to hit him in the head full force with the bat and nobody noticed okay yeah that would go by our passive perceptions right if we notice it yeah do us do a stealth check to go near thought so i just click sleight of hand no no we're doing stealth first and then it will be slight so start first okay hit that stealth you got a critical fail i have a 12 passes i try to step towards thought and i trip over my own feet and just fall on the floor and i'm like oh sorry i just look at him with like a disapproving dad glare of just like the question is what's he going to loot him or kill him he'd already looted him i think we all know what he was planning on doing there i think i think cody will like will like help help the shock back up and be like bro you're still injured come on and like firmly grasp him by the shoulder and put one of his arms around his like his own neck i think we should get going here huh cody you think that's a good idea yeah let's get out of here yeah all right well i shake benton's hand i'm like well thank you you're welcome in mushrik any time thanks and uh i do look at broken wing and i say you probably want to tie him up and i adjust her short thought oh no he's already tied up get that toilet up and running and we might come back here someday um all right i mean broken wings coming with you guys oh yeah yeah oh yeah he's our guide isn't it he's your your guy my shark sees his furry chiseled jawline and his feathery back and he starts feeling things he never thought he'd feel oh my god oh i want that gay furry love in my campaign it'll be good okay so broken wing um leads you all out as you say your final goodbyes to ben and belle and um you're now just in the town and um he i mean broken wing turns to the rest of you lot he said oh tony has his has agreed to come with me to my home my hometown to find out more about his the symbol on his necklace what are you not going to do will you join us on our travels yeah dude yeah drink first then yes drink first of course and anything that will help us learn about why we're here all right yeah i might get a chance to get home i do want to say that you guys do level up from that encounter uh okay all right a lot of you i told you in advance just do your things but we will do our roles now on stream so all right um we'll start with druid which is a d8 right a d8 and then plus my concentration right two so all right six to a hit point maximum you know how to do that all right yep um norman it's a d6 for you you roll a four which is the same uh plus your constitution norman which is uh plus three so that's uh four plus three is seven so seven plus nine is your new hit point maximum which is sixteen you've now got sixteen hit points norman is a beefy mage um and i want uh mr cody's giving him tips the shark you gotta roll a d10 and tony you gotta roll a d10 no okay wow that's just awful oh my god okay well both twos are you kidding me okay well rustic how many uh how many points do you guys have so old tony you with your constitution as plus four so you oh tony you're on 14 maximum hit points i'll put that in for you all right i have more hit points yeah yeah the shock 14 huh the shock you have a three constitution so that's a plus five so 13 plus 5 is an 18. okay that's not bad which is not bad but yeah that means what is your hit point maximum now um 18 right now yeah cody minus 16. so it goes the shark is the most at 18 the norman and cody are the same at 16. the same hit points and then tony has 14. okay i mean you're really living the spirit of doroth oh tony can't wait can't win them all yeah yeah actually since you brought that up at second level did we just level up and get our stuff now or we yeah yeah so what happens i mean whilst you're like bathing in the the victory of your fight you all feel weirdly stronger um and i mean for some of you you just feel a little bit stronger like the shark you just feel stronger um but norman like you've just like you're this this book you're like that you've been your hentai book that has turned into a spell book that you were looking at um you suddenly see my character sheet yeah you can see your character she told me that i could see it yeah yeah so i glow for a second i'm like whoa i leveled up oh you see in the book there's like new spells written in it um good for you son that's that's great i suddenly just feel like i can hit both knees in one turn i'm just really feeling it yeah um level two how many levels are there um i don't know if no one would know um oh i mean we're in a different we're in a different world i probably there's probably no limit yeah it's not like a game where there's usually a cap right then cody i mean you all can see your character sheets in in in world and cody you see you feel more in tune with nature but you also see on this your sheet that's something that says wild shape and you don't know what that means yet um i'll find out soon and yeah old tony you have this like divine smite and that sounds cool and these spells you feel more magical and you you can hear a small sort of voice in your head but you can't quite hear it fully yet becky is that you it's your wife called becky my wife's name is becca yeah all right okay okay uh all right i got this divine smite sounds like a good name of a whiskey i guess uh let's see um i got a fighting style that's nice um would we want to rest up before we venture forth i think that might be a good idea well we all know the tavern to hit up but grandma bells i look at the shark and it's like all right look her son paid you back just don't give the lady a hard time okay when people pay up the shark has no problem with them whatsoever i don't know why i'm italian now i just want drink and honestly i want to go rest at the bar so i'll get my hp back yes yeah yeah yeah cody cody let's go get a beer all right are you waiting are you old enough there son i'm 21. you all right i mean like well oh wait why whoa why did you say yes be 21 people can drink at 18. and the future it's 21. actually they just passed this thing a couple months back you have to be 21 to smoke cigarettes now too communist one um it depends it depends on the country actually i could cross the border just from new york to uh to canada and it's 1916. oh oh you're you're a canadian norman i don't know that no no i live i live in new york but oh okay um oh tony you actually have 16 hit points not 14. i have 16. okay cool yeah so everyone has 16 except for the shark who has 18. so there you go all right cool i have 16. all right nice okay cool so do we say what we chose like how do i i don't know how to add this [ __ ] the light goes off um you just put it on your features i mean put it in your spells you could do it you could do it between sessions officially but yeah you figure it out yeah whoops nice cody cody abdurates uh i do not you enter into the tavern and news is spread i mean of your victory over the corrupt mayor everyone in the tavern gets up and they clap it's the heroes wow we just murdered some people but all right i'll take that as a all right um oh i picked up on the fact that cody is like a health expert in his time at least that's the impression my character's got because he's like you know i started asking about like possible ways to fix my knee because i have a bump knee i wonder if cody would actually have any advice for that yeah that's right i'm serious or if you'd just be like or if you'd just be like i think yeah bro leg presses protein pre-workout most meat heads i know know they're [ __ ] for like damaged joints but i don't know uh hold on can i like roll like something to to know like if i would actually be able to give him any useful advice for that um god what is that [ __ ] is that like survival medicine i don't think it would be medicine medicine it would be any of the intelligence checks yeah medicine is not intelligence um medicine's wisdom well i think i think like things like survival and medicine and stuff that relates to like the body and nature is what he knows about but he doesn't actually know it's like science yeah okay that makes sense yeah then medicine makes sense so 13. i mean 13. you know some basic advice but you're not a doctor like okay you know if like somebody like pulls a joint you would know how to like yeah yeah yeah i give him i give him what what recommendations i can appreciate it you're like bro i got this cream you probably just tell me like oh there's a knee brace you know something along those lines yeah yeah all right well the old the old lady looks up at you guys and goes you held my son you saved the town drinks are on me fellas well thanks ma'am let's go i do never i i do find her and i tell her her son paid her debt oh oh he is such a wonderful young lad isn't he he's incredible he's the best any any woman could ever have wow oh he's so great he stopped crying i don't know how it is i have his sexy bird for i mean his bird friend he's a regular regular bird friend broken wing is like what did you say about me nothing nothing's fine well i am he's right here man i i i don't drink um uh alcohol but i will have some pineapple juice i do like some pineapple juice it is a good thing that every single tavern in this world serves pineapple juice what yeah i'm sure it's the best drink wait did the knoblins show up and party with us oh i mean yeah you start you start drinking and then like halfway through sort of drinking and stuff as you get your ale the guard comes in with the two knoblins like introducing him to the tavern and he's like and this is the tavern and then the smog points at you guys and goes hey you guys did it you get [ __ ] alcohol i've not had alcohol ever i take i take a beer and i just give it to him i'm like here you go drink up there it tastes like [ __ ] yeah that's how you know it's the good stuff yes and we i mean we nobles like to eat our own [ __ ] sometimes all right that was more than enough information and you can keep that cup so that's perfect the whole you mean the pantry you accuse me of war the camera is the difference daniel okay this is not that's not like deep [Applause] do you still have your tonsils or did you get them taken taken off of we've now been taken off of twitch for sexual contact that does count man there's people out there right now that are just going at it my audience is like i i have shown my audience scans of the insides of my eyeballs x-rays of my wrists the insides of my nose and ears my throat they're into it wow all right here is boys cheers guys i'm so happy to finally have friends oh oh that's pretty sweet um gotta go easy there norman good man i think uh i like the idea of at one point cody's just like he's really into it he's dancing on the table they're all shouting and bumping in drinking and like yeah whoa party yeah and he just turns into a bear yeah okay so bricks he's just like chilling with norman they're just like dancing or whatever and then norma just turns around and he is a bear you're transported and you're not like a bear dancing on the table i am a brown bear yeah um uh and you're do you want to still be in your gym clothes as a bear absolutely so you're always just a full brown bear in a pink leotard yes and you're dancing with the beer in your hands give me your bear noises do can as a bear can i speak still like common oh i think so are you aware no he's a druid oh wow that's his [ __ ] album sorry that's why i said that yeah all right i think you can both make bear noises and speak i no he can't someone said no he can't so yeah you're just bad i can only spare bad no you can't no you're just a regular chords would change yeah you wouldn't be able to yeah like like you could roar something my guy merely shits his pants um i think well you can totally still tell it's cody he's in the exact same clothes i think tony is just drunk enough to be like he just thinks it's all like this is a [ __ ] wild and a dream i'm having man wow this football team has a crazy new mascot holy [ __ ] yeah norman's first reaction like he screamed and panicked and then eventually like oh he's a druid yeah i guess he would just know what that is i mean what do you think of the dragons i just want to describe a montage of like the night of everyone being drunk norman's teaching the knoblins d and d cody's getting [ __ ] up dancing with the grandmas as a [ __ ] bear we have old man tony and i just like doing the [ __ ] getting drunk you know complaining about being old how was the last time you had a [ __ ] drink man you said you were from prohibition that doesn't mean i don't drink i'm in the mafia oh that's right right well that must have been a [ __ ] up time to live in i'll tell you man jeez i felt the crunch of so many bones well it ends at some point i i i don't remember the year but it's sometime i think in the third oh by the way big ass [ __ ] war is about to happen like huge like i know this war already happened world war ii man world war ii it's gonna happen two there's a two trust me holy [ __ ] we could talk about that all night my dad fought in it oh my god that'd be great man i don't know great uncle my great uncle fought in it god just goes on a surprisingly progressive rant about like the segregation of the military and how it's wrong does not like it and then he learns d from norman if he'll accept him and let him learn um yeah it seems that you're a fighter shark i don't know i don't know what uh what tony is though so cody the druid tony do you know what you are because i'm a mage i mean wizard it does say on your sheet that you can see tony what am i looking at now well uh i assume you're able to see what i can see and if you look at the top left corner there's a class and race your class i'm a paladin all right all right i am a little tipsy here son just sorry about that paladin those are um oh sh i don't know those fancy people with swords and armor i don't know yeah yeah pretty much um all right you probably have some healing abilities yeah yeah i have this thing it's just it's a little i don't know i'm not liking the word the wording here it just says lay on hands so i'm not really sure what that means but i've actually never played paladins i don't know all right well i guess i could give it a shot oh pretty pretty diverse party hey shark you got you got kind of messed up in the last battle let's let's try this i tried lay on hands on the i just slap them on the back yeah you got ten hit points to use for lay on hands now that you're level two so do you yeah so i got ten so i don't know i'll just give them like you know one just to see if it works yeah you feel your knee get a little bit better the shark yay there you go wait uh is also also count as a rest how much health do i get you guys are probably going to sleep here and get along we're going to do this which means you'll get everything up you'll get everything back yeah so don't thank you i mean you guys party into the night uh drinking your alcohol everyone's having i mean [ __ ] benton comes back he's like whoa whoa yeah everyone's partying broken wing is having a good time it's like tony's college days all over again [ __ ] all right yeah and you guys all get a room for the night and have a nice what's your question can i seduce the old lady i'm too drunk to stop you so have at it um i mean her son is there i mean i'm not gonna stop you from trying just that just gives this to me you just it might not be a good idea i also i don't know if that's a character for shark either is he an old lady [ __ ] well you've been he's trying well he's an old dude yeah he's just a [ __ ] he's just an [ __ ] i mean that's already kind of established i mean i'll let you i'm not gonna stop you from doing it if you really want to it's fine it's fine you know what i've already threatened her we're business associates i don't cross that line yeah that's right yeah pleasure yeah i'm separate all right all right i'm gonna turn in for the evening guys i'm feeling a little who haven't gone this hard in a while yeah yeah yeah i think at this point i've reverted back to human form i figured how that worked i figured it out and uh yeah i'm gonna retire to a room everyone gets there norman drank too much and fell asleep on the table i'm just going to leave him there everyone has a really good night a good long rest mm-hmm what's taking care of the beaten up horn dude was he just left bleeding out in an office floor what happened probably probably in a prison yeah i think i locked him up here a dungeon um everyone has a nice long rest and when you wake up in the morning you guys i mean look you're so shocked the shark all your wounds completely healed right you're just and that i mean probably surprises you because you're um from a real world when that doesn't happen um but yeah you had those cuts over you but now they're completely gone you're not even cool uh you can have cool scars if you want yeah yeah just some cool scars um but you're you're completely healed is there any sort of negative side effects for him being knocked out that one time uh no i'm not gonna do that i'm not going to do that yet if i do it's kind of an optional thing yeah yeah mark asked that because when i ran personal games i used to have a system where if you get knocked unconscious you roll a dice to see if you get a permanent injury but oh that's awesome though yeah that's a cool idea yeah um maybe in the future but not not now not level one permanent injury from level one so you guys all come back oh wake up the birds are chirping the sun i gotta be honest i gotta be honest with you when tony wakes up he's like half guessing like all right this was all just a crazy dream i went to this other world i had this big fight big party i'm gonna wake up in my own bed next to my wife and he's just like oh [ __ ] all right i guess we're still here all right [ __ ] okay a little dejected by that i mean i don't know what order people wake up but you guys wanna roll for it you want to roll for it um i think i think cody cody is a is a bit of an early riser and so cody by the time other people are sort of filtering downstairs from the the rooms and in like the main area like he's just squatting at keg getting his like tony wakes up at like tony wakes up at like 5 a.m to go to work so he he would wake up early yeah i'm gonna come downstairs and just start making coffee and just watch cody just he's like needs to be woken up he is out yeah yeah i make him a cup of coffee and i just set it down next to him whenever he wakes up and just like here you go son you're going to need this shark's going to be like it's a bit drafty really get some asbestos in these walls get some nice insulation going you know um yeah that's not a good idea there so yeah no wait who's going to wake up yeah uh yeah i'll i'll wake up norman sort of as i'm doing my routine my little morning morning workout in there in the inn i'll i'll rouse him uh norman hatefully lady morning everyone oh my head hurts yep that's called a hangover but you've drank before so you'd know that right um my first drink was the first drink we had here at the bar i figured as much i i had my first drink when i was like 14. don't worry about it just go easy a little bit there he's like your dad yeah thanks thanks tony no problem ma'am can we get some um please tell me you have eggs bacon in this universe please what uh the gra it's actually benton behind the the counter moment all right and he's like whilst we try and find new employment i'm still just working here so that my my mother can rest um all right we uh we have eggs yes okay i don't know what i can scrambled if you can i can scramble an egg for you all right i guess this isn't so bad anybody else wants to get a really big egg we don't have many of them [Laughter] [Music] there you go big egg how's the taste is it good right i mean you're eating it buddy yeah all right yeah it's pretty good and pretty good egg man i mean it's bigger than that you guys don't know what kind of egg it is because it's obviously not an egg of an animal that exists in our universe [Music] um i'm not gonna tony's just interesting coffee and eggs in the morning man and he's just like all right this isn't so bad this isn't so bad you know how big i would say it was like that's a torso sized egg oh that's some girl it's enough for us all to eat yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a family meal everyone gets a family took it in yeah yeah i mean he even has leftovers he's for the love of god tell me that's not broken wings egg oh god oh i'm in the middle of eating it i'm just like you mentioned that i'm like broken wing is sitting there and he goes i dropped the fork i'm like don't worry friends i don't have any problems with egg eaters some of my tribesmen mate but hang out in mind people it's far too big all right all right fair enough you see no big kiwi eggs are like i don't [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is the kiwi kiwi aren't kiwis tiny yeah no dude kiwis are like this big everyone thinks they're tiny they're actually kind of big oh i didn't know that that's pretty bad i mean we're learning from each other way bigger i don't know that either fruit burger sitting there he's drinking tea he's relatively at peace and he's like ah let me know when you guys are ready i've lost that i have lost my accent i'm now just british um um benton long shot here do you know how a ketchup is what all right now it's fine it's cool i'll find some tomatoes at some point it's all right all right i guess i'm ready to go i have a headache do you have any quality heroin you're just saying random words with me 1920s they would just prescribe that [ __ ] that's true yeah oh yeah that's back when cocaine was actually in coca-cola i remember that it would be wonderful to get this morning started i i'm not not that either i have a healing potion that sounds like hair you have one well hold up this is for my grandma uh just in case anything you can snort it's not snortable you drink it god damn it never mind no okay uh look bro i've had my big egg i've had my morning workout i think we get on the road again pumped sounds good to me oh there goes old tony there it goes leg leg oh man um broken wing goes i like to see that enthusiasm cody he gets up now you all packed and ready to go do we have anything nope no yeah bro we have each other cody we got each other true we are uh let me show you on the map and the map that you have mark yeah i mean cody sorry mark doesn't have it um sort of like a forest map but in the at the edge of the map there's like uh some mountains and he points his like claw-like finger he's like this is where my people live and so if we just follow the mountains we will reach our destination it would be a few days trick oh bro we're going to be like really hiking and camping yes don't worry he has like bro i have that all right i guess that's not bad i mean i have never been camping before oh it's great son hang out you're gonna love it good have some beans go hunting go fishing it's a good time i doubt that okay all right so i asked if we if there's like we have no idea about currency in this world how much do horses cost here um we have no horses here but um and nor do we ride horses in my hometown um do you ride their mounts of any type we fly my friend what is it i guess i guess that makes sense lightless bird uh i okay he points at his wings i do not but my people we do all right can i can broken away can i suggest can cody suggest to the shark that he he can ride on my back because i can turn into a zebra do you want to do that shark oh yeah you want to ride on his back as a zebra no he's not going to do that that's way too [ __ ] weird for him he's from the 20s he's still convinced he just drank some [ __ ] and so this is all this is a hallucination right there with you pretty much um well i don't really see a point in doing that if uh maybe if i get tired i don't have very good cardio but there's no way you could carry all three of us also someone just said the shark surveyed camping he fought in world war one that's just one big camping trip all right okay norman i think some fresh air maybe some camping would do you good all right okay tony you guys head out of the inn and you venture forth on the road following behind broken wing with his pack and he he says i apologize if i could fly this would be a lot easier but i am it is well i mean it's not like you could carry all of us so i mean we're gonna have to walk anyway yes but walking is fun i've walked for most my life it's over it's underrated if you ask me how did you break your wing if you don't mind me asking if it's personal you don't have to no it is a little personal but maybe maybe i might be comfortable enough later you don't have to tell me if you don't want to thank you friend yeah um you guys start walking out into the forest into the jungle trees the big mushroom things um passing you by is there anything you guys particularly want to talk about for the first few hours of your trek i want to i want to ask broken away sorry i want to ask broken wing about some of the things we've seen so i'm like like yo bird bro yes like are some of these like mushrooms like alive oh yes they live for hundreds and hundreds maybe even thousands of years bro like turtles yes they hibernate for a lot of the year but then you could occasionally see them walking around and relocate bears yes those are like turtle bears made of mushroom i was gonna i was gonna eat some of it but but but it's alive i i can't i can't eat that ah a vegetarian you don't like living vegan bro ah but you just ate eggs yeah oh no he's stupid my friend he looks sympathetically at the rest of the party with sort of a look in his eyes that's like should i tell him he's like and everyone's just shaking their head he's like old tony doesn't even really follow the vegan craze so he doesn't know what it is and isn't vegan he has no idea well good luck my friend on your vegan journey we all have appreciate it bro personals uh struggles and trials [Music] all right chuck what are you going to do i just want to ask norman about the future a whole bunch so i'm just going to like obnoxiously be questioning you about like what the future holds general stuff yeah this is in the background cool tony anything okay um i was gonna am i cutting out again uh a little bit okay all right yeah i'm just i was gonna my phone to take more pictures stuff and then i'm like i uh fellas battery so i'm gonna i'm gonna say there's not a lot of this left but i'm gonna turn it off for now okay so i might need it for later all right norman what were you gonna say oh no i thought he was gonna ask me questions so they were good yeah they'd probably just be general questions about the future and stuff um but as you guys are walking through the forest having your conversations um you hear a a a yell like a help ah you've been dost thee you monster there must be somebody who could help help with me i um i think i think uh somebody needs our help i i i arrived at that conclusion as well cody let's go check it out uh you start following the the the sound that you follow the news and the yelling is getting getting getting louder and as you come to this clearing there's like a little lake um in the in the forest you see uh this man being held up quite beaten and bloodied by this like creature who has like four limbs um and kind of like a pale pinkish sort of skin um really pointy ears earrings on one side um dressed in quite like um baggy clothes and the moment she sees you she just flees she just runs right um yeah question i have divine sense and that basically just like i could sense evil and good like if it's like you know your fiend so can i can i detect anything from her okay all right but she sees like the shuffling of the bushes like you just catch a glimpse of her as she starts to run away right she knew we were approaching yeah yeah um but as she as she runs she like blows a whistle in into her mouth like a wait rusted that whistle sound like again i can't whistle come on i can't either i just i can't yeah don't make fun of us dan someone do a good mouth whistle could someone do it you can whistle no like like the one where you float into you and i can't do that you can't do that all right okay we all suck at whistling she she does that and she she starts fleeing um and drops the man to the ground and as you as you see the man drop um oh [ __ ] i don't know how many of you are going to recognize him um can everyone here make a history check for me sure well does it matter for what time no doesn't matter what time period for you for anything okay so everyone make a make a history check uh what do you that's not literally a history it is a it's yours history yeah it's history oh tony you know cody you know for some reason norman and the shark don't know but i guess that might make sense uh uh cody and oh tony you recognize this man as william shakespeare william shakespeare beat it on the ground in his shakespearean uniform he's got a little pendant around his neck right you see the pendant around his neck with the loot on it and to his side that he's holding in his hands is a baby and he looks over you and go sexy sexy very much um wait a second i oh holy [ __ ] aren't thou here to help oh yeah you're that guy from the william shakespeare guys this is william shakespeare's known are you yes it is you are the a fan you're the guy that um oh what's that book i had to read in high school macbeth macbeth you're the guy that wrote macbeth my works my works transcend time yeah yes yes the blood is like sort of dripping down his face ah wait i didn't recognize him but once once they say william i said it yeah i wouldn't say i've never let any of the blocks does the shark know who william shakespeare is yeah you know everyone is [ __ ] willing yeah okay but okay so you guys didn't recognize him but you do know him so yeah yeah he heard the name yeah you're like that fancy the the british guy with all the words yeah finally a friend in these dark times how i how i lament the morning sun all right my life has been nothing but gloom since i think this is really shakespeare because he's talking like a [ __ ] idiot and i'm kidding he's he's shakespeare but stupid my own teacher has nothing to dress portrait of shakespeare looks i mean this man right is william shakespeare all right he's william shakespeare he is like i mean and he's got a baby with him um who's whose baby is that i don't know when i appeared here baby what all right thy baby was within thine grasp all right you need to just calm down now um i'm old tony hey guys hey guys um that thing blew a whistle i think we should get the [ __ ] out of here all of a sudden as norman says that you hear and through the trees this huge owl bear well it's half our half bear um it's a big flower face big bear body that's a bear right there i've never looked at one of those um and it's going straight to attack you guys all right so i mean albert fight albert fight what does the baby get does the baby have spells the baby's a sorcerer um so yes i need everyone to roll initiative can i can i for the sake of like what i want to do just in this comeback can i please be at least 20 feet away from the elbow you would be you are yeah yeah he's nearer william shakespeare than you lot by the way rustage west is out of character i just love that you're have you ever watched drifters because this is seemingly turning into a drill and i love you for that it's like isakai into a different world with famous characters from our world so like jesse not jessie james but i thought i had a girl original idea but it looks like an ally has already done it before me yeah coach hirano did it the same dude that did hell sing already kind of did it but it's awesome i love that it's one of my favorites of all time well you did great i'm doing it yeah again it's like oda nobunaga and like you know the sundance kid is in it like it's great all right well [ __ ] jesus is the main villain i didn't want to put jesus at this that's not the baby then all right i almost did okay oh my god cody you are first okay i uh i see the the willy big willy shakes is in immediate peril the baby doesn't have initiative it is baby it's and i'm like i'm like yo watch out borrowed bro and i charge at the elbe yes transforming into a lion all right could i make it okay you lion versus bear i can make a line gorilla versus bear because that's something i've always wanted to see all right uh and as i as i charge at this at this line i'm going to make a claw attack yeah there is a there is a lion now in the character sheet section just for you oh yeah there you go i'm prepared i can just be alive you can just be a lion wait i can't i can't i can't rule anything here is there any way to make me like able to click things you are a lion can be edited controlled by the kodi there you go now you can click things and i'll do your the blue one will be the hit points for your lion form okay so thank you okay yes i i will i will pounce at this albert uh and and and try and clyde oh go ahead battle begins lion comes out you hit the fallout 24. six damage slashing so because i it was a running attack it was a pounce which means that the alban needs to save do a dc 13 strength saving throw up prawn okay albert oh he's pretty good with strength seven yes okay so he gets knocked prone and while the elbow is prone everybody has advantage attacking it and i get to make a bite attack as a bonus action holy [ __ ] that's what i want to do knock him down with a scratch the elbow collapses to the ground and i'm just roaring over it and i got a bite at its neck can you do your best for me wow that was pretty good even with advantage you still didn't hit with a bite though yeah yeah okay i needed to get my bite but i am i'm now on him sort of lean like on top of it while it's while it's prone sweet well norman your turn you've got advantage on your attack he's down he's down let's take advantage oh god freezing oh [Applause] i'm a gamer not into that kind of stuff there norman just try your best but not your best i do a little a little spin it's going to work this time fireball with advantage oh i almost [ __ ] it up 25 you hit oh that hits the fire hits the beast and the owl bear is still sort of on the ground but now it's the albert's turn and the albert gets up i was not ready for this i thought we were all going to attack it oh the elbe looks at cody the lion uh cayenne he makes two of the hesitation like the peppas twenty three and sixteen do they hit the uh yeah i only have i only have natural armor so both of those are going to hit 15 and 15 that's going to take you out of line that takes me out of line from oh my goodness i don't know yeah i mean albert's strong he slashes into you pecks you um taking you straight out of line form does the excess damage go over uh i don't think so i think it's just if it's reduced to zero you just go back then so you get so i guess like on this second slash as i get like knocked back and i reform like turn back into a human i just look around i'm like this guy's kind of strong yeah uh what's your armor class i forgot you said when he was when he's a lion he has a different armor class because he's the lion yeah when i was a lion it was just 12 because i didn't have any armor i don't know what my armor class is as cody actually because i haven't written down my armor on my sheet oh it's probably just uh 11 plus decks am i just wearing leather armor yeah i think so right okay well [ __ ] not very good broken wind goes do not worry guys i am trained with the spear and he's he hits indeed you are two damage all right do damage all right um let's see here some new stuff i can do i'm gonna run uh in front of norman here like kind of like you know you know in front of kind of protecting him and i'm gonna activate um it's a spell i'm gonna activate searing smite so it's not this turn but the next time i use a weapon attack it deals some extra damage so my mop starts to glow like white hot is here not a bonus action so that you can attack with it uh oh yeah no it is a bonus action [ __ ] i can attack with this okay cool all right so i'm gonna use searing smite it's like oh my mop's all glowy all right let's try this out and just like i go to attack the albert with that go ahead cody you do take four damage it does go over apparently oh it does go off according to literally ever it by chat so you totally that's what the chat's here to do all right i'm only gonna use one hand with the mop sword though all right go ahead i know i mean it's a critical hit with that yeah all of the smite dice as well so yeah so sorry that's okay how much damage do you do with the smite the steering spike okay so i got 13 regular slashing damage an extra 1d6 fire damage to the target and it causes the target to ignite in flames so roll 2d6 for me 2d6 so four all right okay and at the start of each of its turns until the spell ends target must make a con save on a failed save it takes in another 1d6 fire damage holy [ __ ] yeah so i just literally just light this owl bear on [ __ ] fire and just immolation oh okay now that's got my blood flowing off the albert it screeches it i mean that's big damage i think i kind of like this this is i mean this is cool yeah this is nice um william shakespeare's turn he goes okay what what thou must be but a demon a fiend that is magic yeah yeah i mean i'm not really sure what it is but i just know it i have a glowy flaming mop sword pretty cool death magic exist in this world does that mean i have magic sure you are pal sure you do let some bars help me you probably if you got transported to this world you probably have magic or some type of something yeah if you're in the same situation we are you probably do he stands up at points at the elbow and goes vine mother was a toad and he cast vicious mockery oh yeah uh what is the owl bear speak english can it comprehend a language or does it have to be that for oh you're right vicious booker you might not even work yeah i know cutting words i think you have to comprehend a language i don't know if it's just mockery doesn't i think vicious mockery doesn't need to don't need not understand you yeah they just need to hear it no i'm just thinking of cutting words oh okay well let's go do a wisdom segment wow oh yeah because it does have extra release isn't it besides like this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it i closed down my world 20 like a stupid idiot oh never done that before on stream i've never just closed it by pressing the x by accident um all right where's the saving throw [Music] oh he's got [ __ ] wisdom so he saves so he doesn't take any damage the owl bed doesn't even hear him um and william does i guess i do not have powers like you now he's forever not going to use it he doesn't have any magic well yeah at least you tried right you keep fighting heroes i will keep writing he gets our piece of paper and he starts quilling um oh my god um all right i think we should just handle this guys i think we should just leave him to do whatever he's doing miss the shark it's your turn i am just going to say double the legs double the knees and charge in um uh let's go ahead and go for i mean can i use my ability right here two swings and one action sergeant nice uh so i'll do my first attack it doesn't hit okay he's on fire and i'm kind of like oh my god a little bit so i can swing second swing hits i i get more intense and i go for the uh the back left uh leg because i know predatory animals tend to lunge from their back legs so you know logic um and then just five damage i mean you were doing crazy the last battle it's your the time has come for you to not be um it's it's roaring cody what are you going to do i'm going to um sort of like physically position myself between bill and the bear yeah to get like a human shield almost i i am going to [Music] possibly waste the time let's find out let's give it a shot let's go let's see i'm i'm going to cast speak with animals uh and and i'm going to try and talk the owl bed down he's obviously been damaged yes go ahead i'm just gonna i'm gonna cast speak to animals and i'm just gonna say it look bro i get it okay someone summoned you here but you don't need to do this must kill us cody um i listen you can't it's like you can't talk to a bear like it almost seems like almost like possessive like how how this is a wild animal you can't talk to it we're all wild animals old tony each and every one of us yeah i guess we are at the end of the day but this one's trying to maul us so we should probably i just i guess i turned back to the pot and it's like look i spoke to him okay he doesn't want to be here he has to just whatever you do be merciful and i guess that's my collection because i guess i feel kind of bad for lighting the damn thing on fire but you know it's like all right norman at least now you know he's kind of acting against his will a little bit where i'm standing if i were to run away does he get an opportunity he would get an opportunity to attack on you yes unless you purposely does engage and that means you can't attack you can still attack a point blank rage if you want you just said come on just can i use a spell on someone else and then disengage you can't because they both take it if it's a bonus action spell it's not a book yeah like it says so on mine like it'll say bonus action yeah i want to try something all right let's try something i'm going to use presti and can i shoot uh his turns next never mind [ __ ] i was gonna shoot sparks in his eyes if we could get like opportunity um in that case i'm just gonna walk up to shark and like what were these two new spells you picked up um i don't want to say yet okay all right but this one's actually i already had but i'm gonna walk up the shark and just touch him on the shoulder yeah and give him mage armor oh all right does that i'm just imagining the dune like pixelated uh square blocks from the 80s version of the movie yeah yeah yeah yeah does that happen the shark actually it actually might make give him less armor well it can't have less but you know it'll give him the target it can give him less because it changes the it replaces his armor by target space armor ac becomes 13 plus it's dex modifier oh i didn't realize it plays my bad homeboy just stripped me okay so it's it's how's it work 13 plus it's decks so it's really good to use on people who don't have armor like wizards and uh yeah that would be like like cody like you ran away from me so now i did run away from you but actually my original plan was to put it on you yeah it makes the shock weaker does the pal do paladins have armor yeah both i have 18 armor glasses i got my shield i am going to touch myself with it yeah yeah that's best place to use it all right wait wait wrong boy all right i'm ready to fight like a super magical suit of armor appears around some that's some star trek stuff right there that's pretty cool all right but now your armor class is 30 what's your dexterity norman uh it's three so your alma class is 16 now cool oh man this is pretty good um [Music] it is now the albert's turn all right he has to make a con save yep it has to be uh maybe 12 18. yeah it beats it yeah okay um okay on a successful so the target ends oh wait oh yeah it just ends yeah yeah oh it's no longer on fire it's no longer on fire pat's out the fire um that was fun while it lasted yeah but he did he does not like you for that so he's going to sell tony all right i raise up my mighty shield he comes in with a claw 26. 16 damage the claw just knocks tony unconscious knocks him over wow tony unconscious he then looks over to cody [Laughter] look bro like i said you don't have to do this i'm your friend do 19. six damage he pierces you with his beak but that doesn't kill you or knocks you unconscious you just get wounded [Applause] kill one kill i assume i'm the only one who can understand him screaming yeah it's terrifying he's doing it right in your face as well because the beak is like in your body um must kill okay i need i need to ask a que wait am i next well no it's oh i'm sorry i'm not going off for a while never mind keep going i'm sorry it's all good it's all good broken wing critically hits him oh yes i'll show you the move of my clan does like a combo move on him he does nine damage all right um this is now old tony's turn you are unconscious do me a death saving throttle def save here we go kids one d20 uh uh yeah oh wait oh there it is it's right there i'm an idiot what's success okay all right william shakespeare goes he runs over to oh tony with the baby he's like you are my friend but you have been slain i will write a poem for thee oh old man with broom he starts writing this poem but as he's writing this poem it cures you it's him casting cure wounds oh my god writes a eulogy and it heals you holy crap that was a new feeling uh so uh level one kill wounds i don't know why i took my glasses off you get 10 hit points back that's like almost max you could do yeah that's pretty good um everybody's still okay and now it's the shark's turn i'm going to try and okay so the bludgeoning didn't work too well and my guy's thinking like big thick fur i get it that's not good so i'm gonna pull out my knife i got a little switch blade and go um you know mafia see stabby stabby um and i'm gonna try and go for uh its eyes can i do that can i try and target an eyeball um i will i will normally know but i would like to see that's the thing yeah yeah i will let you do it um just because the dagger's gonna do less damage so i'm gonna say like yeah you can target an eyeball and it will yeah okay um just because it'd be cool if you do hit you don't hit though so you do ghost you do go for the eyeball and it's look you just can't quite as it's as it's his hide is just too tough you can't even get through it [ __ ] me i know this is the shark had like the best day ever yesterday and he woke up and now he's having the worst day ever well i'm hungover he's hungover yeah we're all a little hung over here speaking of worse they have a cody yeah um can i okay i really do not have any offensive spells uh i how how is this albert looking pretty wounded it is it's taking damage i mean he just got that special attack from broken wing do i think i can take this creature down uh i don't know if you can okay that's that's what cody thinks as well um i'm going to do don't worry brakes we're almost finished i know you've got ranked cafe ah we're good okay um might have to burn another wild chip because he it threw my last one yeah all right i'm going to transform i'm going to wild ship and i'm going to as i'm bonus actually i'm going to transform into yes a tiger tiger let's see if they they have tiger they have tiger can i see tiger can i see tiger i see tiger you've watched the lots of lots of nature documentaries i assume so you know what we'll do yeah i've never seen these creatures she had zoo books as a kid all right cody the tiger i will just bite i'm gonna try and bite him cool uh go ahead and bite roll him you hit 23 cool going for the neck 10 10 damage you like bite this huge gash into the neck you're like hanging off him this hurts pain pain pain i'm sorry you must kill tiger he doesn't know what tiger is he's how bad i want to say it like also cody you might know what a tiger is from like just eating frosted flakes he transforms into totally turning into tony the tiger and cody the tiger must hurt best kill tiger uh i mean and now it's norman's turn uh mr dana green had his cap as support for the tiger i think as as as the tiger i try and shout to nam and finish it off before i can kill me but instead i'm just like with like a mouth full of albert right that bear is above you now he looks very weak and wounded blood dripping down all right i know what to do in a time like this he's cracked i mean magic missiles bang you get three of them bang final one this is going to how do you want to kill well done in my mage armor i run up to it it's above me i look up and it's like three shots just up at him just to his face magic missiles through his [ __ ] chin how are we gonna get through his chin get [ __ ] get pwned um three missiles it screams out um in cody's ear oh no i don't want to die only cody could hear that bit this was it collapses to the ground and it's whimpering out everyone else just hears but cody you here where am i what was i doing here i did i was peaceful and then i curb stomped now i think cody cody cody will share like a tender final distraught moment with this owlbear as it dies still in my animal form that's just dead i am not a good vegan so be continued oh my god okay all right episode two episode two there you go there you have it that was a good one thank you
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 209,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isekai, Isekai D&D, Dungeons and dragons, Isekai dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, daniel greene, rustage, DnD, Isekai DnD
Id: OCnCE0UwlXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 21sec (7041 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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