ONE PIECE D&D #28 | "Devils in the Moonlight" | Tekking101, Lost Pause, 2Spooky & Briggs

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[Music] hello and welcome to episode 28. how old are you attacking turn 28 rustage yeah it's the second episode where teching is the same age as the episode episode 28 of one piece dungeons and dragons very exciting um i'm here again with teching i actually i'm here again with taking lost pause breaks and too spooky i don't know if i've done that before like it's been a while since i've just introduced you guys by name at the start of the episode we covered you were just using our voices for the last 20 episodes you're just really good at imitation you do have the labels but but that's only for the video version some people listen to this on like spotify i just figured out how spotify works so go check out this but did you know this podcast was on spotify did you know did you know this podcast is on spotify if you guys have spotted you can listen to this on spotify but you guys are here watching the live stream if you're in the chat so um you don't need to listen to the spotify just watch the live stream welcome to this episode of one piece dmd i apologize for the delay um mr spooky uh got terribly sick he was on the ground spewing forth he said i'm dying i don't know if i could go on and i'm like well as long as we can still do one piece do you do tomorrow [Laughter] [Music] spooky you actually had to climb down into hell to get the cure to get back up it was a rough night for you oh yeah that was a whole a whole ordeal a whole ordeal so that's why we that's why it's today but um thank you everyone for coming by for this thursday adventure uh where we left them off enduros had just killed cornelius right uh yeah yeah which is very exciting duress doing murder um well i mean i yeah he was evil [Laughter] i mean what are you gonna do you're the god he was gonna kill our entire planet he's planning to do it so and plus i got the captain's approval so yeah yeah you're cool you're god now this planet i guess so it's all right yeah so you guys did that a bunch of people were like rushing the stage but you managed to like close the door behind you you're in the little preliminary yeah locker room sort of area and then uh the bear boy the beast comes into the room and he points at ragnar and says i've always wanted to fight you uh yeah like specifically you uh and that's when we to be continued so now we come back uh he he goes no words only fight and he falls out he pulls out a a a great axe a double grade axe um so while this weapon you while this is going on i said to verona we're like freeing all the steerings in the room like like breaking all of their bounds to kind of have like an army to get out of here they look very excited and happy but a little bit nervous i think i told them like i think i told them like you know you guys you know you could do whatever you want but if you could help us get out of here that'd be great and you could just all be free and that's where we ended off there yeah yeah one of the non-stern prisoners goes who are you what what's going on um i don't know who you are but we're breaking you out of here i break them free whoever they are uh and i am darrows this is god oh that's a lovely name your brother sounds like a 12 fellow he is this your long lost is it a man or a woman it's a man oh okay is this is this your lost brother it's like it's he's actually he looks like a middle-aged man despite his higher pitched voice uh he has got scraggly dark scraggly dark hair um and an unshaved sort of beard because he's um a prisoner and he's like yes well it's a common name um my name's flylon you're like the beast holy [ __ ] speaking of the beast it's speaking of the beast the beast is right here holy [ __ ] hello there mr b can you can you describe his god oh he pulls out an axe and it looks like a really like uh it doesn't look as finely crafted as your axe but kind of almost looks like a cheap knock-off version of your ex like someone was trying to replicate your axe i would be uh very manly to 1v1u right now but we're kind of in a rush so we just take this knockoff ragnar out i want to know why why what i want to fight you and then i might know why no why why i was made why i exist well i mean is this really the time we're all running from an angry mob right now is there is the mob like banging on the door they're like banging on the door right this is yeah god uh tell you what man mr beast um i hear you're a great guy um how about you help us get out of here and then you can fight ragnar in one-on-one pitch combat can i say for the record though uh ragnar you saw him in human form paternity before he turned into a black bear to dispel anything he does not look like your son this is not your son okay you would recognize your son not your son even if it was my son he wouldn't have the bear fruit he would not have the bear fruit right like now if you now if you had another son as a bear i don't know how the genetics work on that but for right now no yeah yeah um captain what do we do i i could 1v1 this guy but we don't really have some well i just i i just propose to him i'm like if you help us escape congratulations i hope he says yes i can't wait to go to william at the beast's wedding okay i can't believe you proposed to him i was like oh okay william gets down on one knee and takes out the diamond and oh for me this is why i existed [Laughter] sorry it's the love story you didn't know it was coming but that was what's happening sorry i interrupted you continue i try not to be like condescending but i do use simple words to him i'm like because he's like why me exist i'm like you help escape us okay this is sounded condescending you help us escape and then you can fight him how about that when we're safe when we're somewhere you could have one-on-one with him how about that uh do you want to do a persuasion let's do an actual persuasion role for that let's roll in this game oh my god right we're rolling let's roll 17 17. yeah that's good 17's good he looks over and he noted he hears the banging on the door and he nods and goes i know way out follow me good let's go everyone follow the beast no the prisoners in the steroid are like shaking their heads my name's flynn and i do not want to follow that beast all right if you prefer death then do it check to see if he's lying if he's lying or if he's trying to deceive us or something do it do an insight for me my body anybody wants to okay oh actually my insight kind of sucks what'd you get 14. uh you look at him and he looks straight and honest he almost looks incapable of fibbage um okay we're good all right he's like a gentle giant kind of character all right i'll roll with that i think we can trust him guys i don't know if we could trust him guys my name's flynn not and i'm very scared can i just you can either stay here and maybe die and be enslaved for life follow us and have a chance at life my name is my name's flynn lord and i think i pissed myself okay all right um ah [ __ ] i wish my mummy was here but she died all right i haven't enough kid knocks the kid out and just looks like he's not a kid i have to stress how much this time you're the one i have to stress how much this guy is not a kid but like a 30 year old man you knocked his ass out okay you knocked his house out so much are kind of just sitting there not knowing what to do with themselves they're waiting for orders okay i like attention like i called them to attention or whatever and that was it's like follow us to freedom oh they start making noises and such um are they following us yeah now they're following you all right let's go i like take out my sword like charge um and then we follow wait wait where's your ultimate girl are you trying to leave the city are you going to the sewage ah i guess we're just trying to get the hell out because the old man is there as well and he's like what what's what the [ __ ] going on ragnar you should carry the old man you want to just carry him in your arms um if you can't hear you i could hear you oh that would be very nice of you young i do man but you don't want to trust me you know it's rather you best yeah okay but now i think our overall goal is to not get out of the if if we're gonna have an angry mob chasing after us probably get out of the city or yeah where lissa is is probably the best idea so wait so you're going sewer or out of the city all right what are we doing guys we should probably turn the old man back to the sewer right that's where this is okay so yeah does the beast know like a way to get down into the like under city or whatever you guys are trying to get to the sewers yes ah follow me i'll get i'll get you i'll take you to some alleyways and we'll i'm sure we'll find a manhole okay um he quickly uh darts out um he leads you to like um to you you leave the locker area the the preliminary area um and you go into the to the bathroom he leads you all into the bathroom and then there's a storage closet in the bathroom and he opens the storage closet you guys go in there and then there's another door in the storage closet that goes to this kind of like office area and there's a there's a man sitting in the office with like that this like blue uh like half blue half yellow hair kind of weird he's got little glasses on he goes oh hello mr beast what are you what is all of this what's going on why are the steroids look at these people and the beast just sort of glares at him and he goes oh okay mr beast have a nice day and then and the beast runs through uh i'm so sorry i keep calling it mr beast which i know is a youtuber hey opens up the uh one of the back doors to like the back of the the stadium area and he goes this way this way uh and you guys are all following him as he navigates through like a series of different alleyway streets until you guys are pretty far away from the colosseum um and now and now you're all just sort of there in an alleyway and uh panting after running um and now [Laughter] i'm down to 1v1 a fellow bear but can i ask you why is it that you want to fight me if you beat me i will tell you do we hear any angry people in the in the media vicinity no no they're in the distance but all right you can hear like a distant yeah do this i'd make it quick you know sounds fun to me on the back are a warrior's shame to stand in front of each other and swing these axes yeah we won't run initiative because it's literally just you two uh do you have to do axes maybe you can just do an arm wrestling battle really quick or something do you yeah do you guys instead just want to do like a strength contest i'm down for that that's but that's that's one role to decide it yeah that's right oh what happens if ragnar loses that far we don't know because it won't happen i don't think i'll lose i mean he is going to be the strongest should we fight here in the galaxy uh arm wrestle let's go i'm wrestling that's arm wrestle all right screw i grab a trash can and just lay it in the center like okay do it go go do it also you gotta tell me about the prophecy afterwards apparently there's a prophecy about bears it's not even close it's not a prophecy uh he puts the the his elbow down let's go big man okay okay real strength roller strength my my friend let's go please be something good the future strongest man in the world 27 is impressive 27 is good you just rip off his arm holy moly 28 for the other guy oh my god let's see let's find out oh holy [ __ ] he critically failed critically fail describe what happened yeah yeah how how do you just destroy this guy why do you guys have 3 2 one go i give him a split second of just like him trying to move me he doesn't move and i slam his hand through the garbage can the garbage can just like absolutely compresses and his entire body just slings over and he rolls away like his head his hand hits the ground and compresses the trash can and then he's getting like tossed holy moly holy moly you are both in bare form for this i just want to say yes oh my god he slowly starts unbearing um and he uh he looks up at you and he goes you are strong i just want to i do want to say that um his his sheet is almost identical to ragnar's in terms i like i rolled the exact same role that purely was he just got a critical fail rough uh that arm's gonna be sore for a while i can't believe it that's amazing i'm surprised you didn't rip it off yeah that would be if ragnar critted and he got a crit fail that would have like ripped it straight off like come on well no i see why are you going to kill me why would i kill a fellow bear uh i'm i will be killed anyway i'm just you don't seem like a bad guy and they were treating you like absolute garbage why don't you join us and help us like at least get off this um or like just help us towards our goal and we'll protect you until then join you guys and honestly you actually seem pretty strong like i did to slap you in arm wrestling but like i'm a little bi biased here if you know what i mean he's having an off day he wasn't prepared you know by ragnar confirmed just wanted to say that [Laughter] um ragdoll's a little bye okay uh like he's gonna get a brother one that proposed to it oh god uh oh yeah what do you want to know i don't know much but uh ask me anything my memory of the last episode is very little you're gonna ask him why not the prophecy or something white you already you had you already had a bunch of questions hmm can you tell me first about the prophecy there's no prophecy there's just history stories um in the book a distant past uh hey uh they do say that the past often predicts the future no offense guy are you telling me that you read no this is just what i've been told hi so you're wait you're smart i'm just a little shocked that's all i mean okay fair enough i mean i was too i didn't say it though a team of uh sorry cat that's all right demons the i don't know the exact story i only know bits and pieces but i know that there were demons that uh that banished our lord and uh and uh one of them was a a grizzly bear like you hmm and rusted to remind me is he like a black bear and i'm a grizzly bear he's a black bear right um he's like and then he goes whoa what is your next question well that's interesting so the reason why they were treating you as the beast and the second they saw me they wanted to kill me was because of this prophecy and or like because of this history and they're scared of bears like coming and killing their leader well the reason why i exist is for a different reason i thought you didn't know why you exist well i know why i know why i was created i just wanted to know why i was cr two questions what do you mean by creating were you born well or like are you no i mean i mean i was a person before i was given this uh ability and i let me get let me guess let me guess they gave you a fruit it tasted bad and now you're a bear something like that but it um was it a do they vegetable devil vegetables on this planet angel vegetables angel vegetables not deviled fruits i mean that's just ridiculous some sort of fruit i guess but i i was one of the lucky ones they tried to they were trying to for some reason that they were trying to recreate your uh the power of the grizzly bear i'm an imperfect version i'm i'm i'm not quite as grisly as you i wouldn't say you're grizzly at all but you're definitely a bear yeah yeah that's a refusal i was the most successful experiment but still a failure in in in my lord's eyes you should see the others terrible mixtures of barren flesh oh do they have an army of bear people no they're just trying to create one oh like one really good one one really good bear was it the guy which that duros just killed that was the one that did this to you no i was sold to him no because i'm not a perfect girl i i was close but not close enough my lord didn't want anything to do with me but so he sold me to cornelius not to toot my own horn but it sounds like this planet is trying to create me but there could only be one i mean yeah i mean that that's a major ego boost right there you are a word of a kind right now you truly are oh no wait a second we did find your devil fruit in that city that was like worshiping a bear god or some [ __ ] remember that so that's true where did they banish this grizzly bear to sorry they didn't banish a grizzly bear oh okay they said what did they did something happen to the grizzly bear after no the grizzly bear was one of the demons that banished our lord oh that's according to the stories and this is a different lord than your current lord no he's the current lord our great oh god it's part of his holy book his holy scriptures so he got banished but now he's here yes who are the other demons i know not a lot about them i know more about the ones i was modeled after but so they're all bear demons though they're not all bad demons one's a bear um the most evil one of them all is a man who can turn back time um i have to talk to louie about this later this is sounding strange yes planet named after me a grizzly bear and a man who can turn back time it's almost like something's coming together here captain yeah this seems very oddly for a planet that apparently is different from ours there seems to be a lot of things that are connecting back here there's a mystery afoot that's not is there a demon with many different powers depending on the day i don't know much else i'm sorry i know i know about the one i was modeled after and the worst of the the the worst of them all with the man who can turn back time but that is uh we um do you want to join us do you want to join up with us for right now then mr beast mr feast uh i'm a dead man anyway uh why are you a dead man who's gonna kill you [Music] now that cornelius is dead i don't i am i'm back to being a uh a failed experiment and i'm sure that now you're a free bear you could you could go wherever do whatever you want yep you can live off the bare necessities of life [Laughter] well always bringing up the light uh like the light humor too yeah situation let's go to the sewer system and i'll think all right all right let's go okay is there just like a manhole we just jump down yes there is a manhole you jump down uh all right come on stearns [Laughter] we have our own liverpool big little larvae coming down until you eventually reach another door with a little slit on it uh do you want a knock go ahead yeah that little window opens up it's it's vinci is that vivinci vivint vivicci pavichi hey guys you want to let us back in pal uh yeah sure yeah yeah sure lissa would kill me if i didn't he opens the door gets off his little stall and then he goes oh hold up buddy what's with all these steroids and is that the beast the beast is kind of like a little half bare little half human just kind of like he can't quite whatever um keep his keep his forms properly um i just walked by him i'm just like whatever let's go guys come on uh vedic looks around he's gonna be a handsome boy too and then and then vedic wait wait wait we brought you a uh we brought you an understudy duros just drop the uh the other dude all right well i have to do i have an old man and then middle age no no we need we need old man we need the other guy just dropped out here i i dropped the other one lissa sees you guys immediately come in and go and and her eyes light up and she runs to your group and goes hello wow you're you're a lot of sauce you're still alive even and then she looks down and she goes grandpappy and hugs uh aurelius and religious goes ah lister it's been a long day but am i ever so glad to see you i assume these are friends of yours yes right pappy this is these are my she's getting the louie i accidentally made her slightly french you can change your fear these are my friends uh this is verona and william and uh ragnar and duros and uh we we why am i it's a mix between scottish and frederick [Laughter] noble could do a lot better scottish accent than i can nobody scottish scottish accent [ __ ] dude i am so bad at that i am so bad at all accents i just can't do them anyway i realized that my accent was also supposed to be kind of scottish i just did a general world where hello i was so scared i lost my accent i realized um happy sees all the other sterons and he goes stairs oh sky he says the other steroids look up and they just start crowding around happy and they this is not happening this is uh this is grumpy this is this is droopy droopy this is happy here you go whoa whoa i don't know we don't talk about fappy um and uh if you could change your face and and this is pearl and this is louis uh and and and this is gravy it just just starts pointing all the members of your crew right right everybody's like shake hands yesterday the devil's pirates you've got so many you got so many friends yeah i'm so happy you would never want to make that many friends a lot people always thought you were so weird with all your like spending all your time doing inventions and stuff always looked away in your room you were i mean i was proud but you go out go outside once you're in your life and um lissa get shoots her granddad like a really like uh mean look and goes anyway thank you so much for for saving my my grandpappy i've i just saw a problem a major riot in the middle of the city you did what we're talking about we did kill an inquisitor you killed the inquisitor yeah i'm just glad we got the right old man there we go thank god thank god you were worried about that too i was so worried about that you have some dangerous friends here they killed cornelius you killed cornelius there are skilled cornelius no i cannot take credit we all killed cornelius you all killed cornelius you're not gonna be wanting men's dominion is gonna want your [ __ ] heads what's up lis alyssa if you were gonna rank the hierarchy here are inquisitors like high or inquisitive middle management inquisitors lead the cities they're just one step down from uh dominious himself uh they don't not all of them are that strong uh because it's more like a position than it is like a a display of power but so some inquisitors the one piece equivalent would be like we just killed a king or some [ __ ] then okay or some kind what do you mean by one piece equivalent uh i mean like all blue equivalent would be insert one piece planet name here um would be that would be the equivalent then all right that reminds me alyssa i'd grab her hand real quick and put three of my bullets the moment you grab her hand she like blushes and she's like oh i put them in her hand and close them up and give it to her and say those shock bullets you gave me helped a lot taking that man down so you earned these what bullets did you give her just uh i'll just say i gave her the beguiling one and the banishing i thank you oh i i am i i'm speechless i i don't know what to say i'm so glad it it it it works she has like a a really wide smile you got a verona you got to tell me all about it how did who did you who did you shark did you shot cornelius oh i'd love to see that bastard cornelius get what's coming to him oh he got oh he got god oh my god what's that how much seems you're happy he's dead now splendid well i was just like i was just i didn't do much but it was verona's shock that really messed him up it was her bullet man so you're saying that she killed cornelius too we all killed cornelius group hug don't misplace my previous exasperation is disappointment i am very happy that that bastard got what was coming to him that [ __ ] nobel has i wanted to kill that nobody for years i mean he's the one that kidnapped my grandpappy ah and i'm so happy that you you used my bullet to to help with it that that means so much to me and these what do these bullets do is this the uh the shadow realm you were talking about last time oh yeah oh just don't send yourself there oh of course i i wouldn't even want to try i'm not over it to this day oh no speaking of verona secure inventions i was like taking a few little bits and pieces i noticed that you don't have much protection in terms of the way that you go about your fights i know you like to keep it a distance but i was making you this and she pulls out like this like shoulder guard sort of thing she's like i've got this the the idea is it like uh it's it's on your it's on your rifling hand it helps increase your accuracy as well as giving you a little bit more uh william is just like oh thank maybe he won't god us as much anymore yes don't test my luck boys finally somebody okay wow this is so uh it's still just a prototype at the moment so it might go a little bit wrong but if you ever have a problem you you always know where to find me i mean what it what are your plans on uh doing that you guys want a uh a spaceship right well you're so sorry we do need a spaceship but i also want to ask like what's going to happen now that this dude is dead like is there a protocol for this like is the city going to be locked down like the uh the old aurelius aurelia speaks up and he's like you lot will be more than men now technically but on top of that liza uh well william you're the captain right of this merry band right yeah i could tell by your hat what are you what is your fancy hat why don't you tell my daughter what cornelius said at the uh at the uh coliseum oh yeah um pretty sure he wanted to like make uh some i think it was some kind of spaceship or something to like i don't remember if it was like to destroy the planet itself or destroy the planet we came from i don't remember he wanted to do this yeah that could destroy other planets oh find a destroyer yeah the death star listen some kind of star yes yeah considering we're from another planet i do feel like we need to kick this guy's ass that seems a little alone i told you guys we're gonna have to fight god like i've been saying from the beginning yeah kill the most powerful guy and you're set you're good i never really thought i would agree with you on this but it looks like you are right because i'm sure i'm sure we could get a ship and get out of here but then we're going to be back on our planet worrying about this guy nuking other planets so it's like and maybe ours so we should probably dip that in the bud before you know ah lisa looks a bit shocked so that means you're not are gonna be heading straight to the capitol i assume if that's where the dude is at i guess that's what we gotta do this is this is bad nobody can still still make the ship don't make the ship in the meantime maybe we're gonna oh yeah get the hell out of here grandpappy you know that spaceship you were making uh i kind of traded it away for your freedom a little bit i hope that's okay uh the grand pappy's like uh that's fun by me i mean a spaceship's gotta get used right um i still need some time to to finish the thing and obviously uh um i would i don't want to get arrested again but i'm sure these i'm sure luckily for me the inquisitors have bigger fish to fry than an old spaceship mechanic um you can't really stab shortness on our adventure if you want when it's all done friend yeah you can come on back you know it's fine i've lived here all my life i don't know if i would uh uh want to lose it that easily but i will be working on the spaceship whilst you guys go off and to the capitol i look after the shop whilst you're gone um well that's true don't people think you're dead right now they shouldn't be looking for you anyway yeah you should be okay yeah you're right [Laughter] i'm a dead man lisa you're gonna gotta inform some of our uh some of my close friends i'm not actually dead but um i am no yo we all fit it all together i mean i'm sure nobody's gonna pay attention to you honestly i mean like yeah uh how far away is the capital from here it's about a do a two day uh a two-day trip but um if you are going to head to the capitol yeah you need to take me with you you guys know nothing about the architecture and the the the layout of any of these cities and i feel like you guys would be at a major disadvantage if you didn't have at least a little bit of my advice i would be yeah uh if that is okay with you yeah enough i can provide some sort of support from the back i'm not much of a fighter myself but i uh she flips a gun in her hand i do have this little baby and she flips another little uh a device and she like uh throws a device down and like this little like barrier comes up and she's like and i also have this little thing so i think i could be at least a little bit of use fancy that's cool ah um can you make some of those for us oh i could i could try my best i mean i'll bring out bring a um she grabs like a like a backpack um and she straps it to herself and then she presses a button on it and it like collapses out like it comes out and becomes like a little table on her back and she flips it round it's like a workbench oh that's so cool this is my little uh portable workbench this is how i um i'll be able to like create some little things on route fancy oh that's so convenient yeah i have something i want to ask uh her and maybe verona to tinker with but i kind of want to keep it a secret i'll tell you maybe after we're done because i wanted i want to be a big mystery if you i don't even know if you'll let me do it but we'll see where this goes uh all right right perfect perfect um um have a quick question how many inquisitors are there are left yeah you want to kill all of the inquisitors we wipe out the entire government of this planet yeah uh you try to kill usually when you kill the strongest guy the guy is right below him trying to stop you that is true that does tend to happen there is a better way that we can deal with this that is much less gruesome um yes we do have to take out the leader okay i will give you that one this time all right got me there but i have a better idea we need to replace the person in charge the person that people respect and i had to do a little bit of scouting and i think i know just the person the bird girl the bear right man you guys are so dense it's all right we'll cross that path when we get there all right no no i i'm not saying we have to kill the inquisitors some of them might be good people i i'm just saying um i want to know how many enemies are still out there trying to kill us there are there's four inquisitors i mean besides cornelius which you've killed the the other three is in uh inquisitor luna uh which i how did that go by the way last time i was talking to you a lot you were on your way to go uh um to go face luna yeah she freed helios who was her brother apparently and then she just kind of zipped away and we never actually encountered her ah she's quite strong if i remember correctly then there's inquisitor there's inquisitor maximus oh yeah we talked to that dude yeah we talked to that guy didn't we yeah yeah and the last inquisitor i he's never been to asta camp or so i don't know his name personally um so he's he's more of a mystery he likes to keep more reserved to himself and then of course there's the emperor dominious above him all who are he's more of a mystery than anything he's nobody's ever seen him without his mask on you you know he exists though like you've seen we've seen him but he's always wearing his big um silver lion you must have seen the statues yeah we did yeah you don't know if he's like strong or anything just from what you've been told he seems strong he gives off a stroke people collapse around him when he walks by that sounds that is that beautiful well he can't see his face yeah so it seems like we have four strong people that might try to get in our way yeah three questions vibe did you get from luna i know you were trying to say like we don't need to kill her is there any chance we could bring her to our side she didn't have a knife through his throat for a long time don't you have that ability noble that you can like read somebody yeah that's like it's not like their personality it's like their combat abilities if you talk true true you can i can tell you you can ask i think it's like one or two questions about her and you can ask me like in terms of her hp or her uh talking about luna you want me to tell you about luna well as in yeah yeah that's they were asking you so i can tell you one thing about me because you talked to her you talked to her for long enough to know about her rough combat prowess so i could tell you like one thing it's what whatever you want to know hmm she definitely has more hp than me and she's pr definitely a lot faster than me yeah um and stronger than me probably not but very nimble very very nimble yeah she is super she is very light she's super fast she has some sort of ability that lets her like it's crazy ass i've seen it before hmm well let's try not to fight her then well i do wish to encounter her to talk to her again perhaps she can hate us in our expedition yeah perhaps by the way where where's like hemlock and louie hemlock and blake have gone too far you know where hemlock and blake are they've gone to a different city uh when they left the things you don't know what city that is but they you know that they're out there on the planet somewhere uh louis uh louie and gravy are just eating food at the moment in the corner by one of the little food stores in this through a thing they're not like part of this negotiation um i mean whenever you guys want to ask an npc for their opinion you can just ask them because there's a lot of them and i can't just keep jutting in with each of their what each of them are going to say here's what gravy says here's what louis because they do have opinions but you guys have to ask i gotta stress how much you guys have to ask them all right gravy i don't know what are you gonna are you gonna join us in this fight against a god gravy turns round guys you know i'm i don't like fighting i don't like violence i don't like taking people's lives damn you're good at it well thank you you fluttered me captain i i i don't i don't know i don't i could be there for moral support um your support is very appreciated it seems like these guys are gonna be very powerful so we might need all all the people we can plus this god is the reason why there are slaves on this planet you still got to remember that people are still people and they can change their ways i changed my ways i used to be an assassin that's why i always think that even though some people can get really really bad there's always a chance for hope and redemption i know that's naive of me to say but some people i mean like i i understand things gravy my grandfather i understand where you're coming from but also this is the guy that institutes slavery over an entire planet so uh i don't know but you guys are friends with bullets she didn't she didn't endorse slavery over an entire planet i don't know i've never claimed to be her friend and i wasn't yeah i didn't say i was her friend yeah she's just kind of tagged along with us it's honestly unfortunate that she's here yeah really it's is slavery worse than a murder was murder worse than slavery honestly i do agree with gravy here we could talk it out a little to see if there is a chance at redemption but if not we do have to protect our world see i i i see we're coming from derose but i'm thinking if this guy's super strong i was thinking a surprise attack i.e verona shooting him from a mile away with a sniper rifle might be uh preferable but if you want to talk to him that's i don't know how that's gonna go well it's not equal to as bad as murder it's close whatever they're both bad at the same time this guy is making a weapon that's going to destroy yeah other people i will i will help destroy this weapon the weapon is not a living being unless what if there was a time living being oh god what if it's like a okay all right we don't want it pearl goes we don't want to get in over our heads we just need to destroy this weapon we don't even need to kill the guy right we just need to try to build another one what if he builds another one you know what it's a very that's a very good point i didn't consider um just to say this is a moral dilemma if there ever was one listen i don't know there was a time we had to decide now it's time yeah i remember and i'll tell you what when we killed that king everything worked out great in that kingdom afterwards at least i assume i haven't really caught up with you oh yeah i did to be fair i did kill my regular my friend i have killed my own dad um so time after time you kill the strongest guy and things go well yes yeah that's how it works yeah yes peace and prosperity there's an evil king or in this case an evil god you kill said evil king or god and then peace for like a million years or something oh my god oh you know what i'm going to not use the weapon i'm a good person i'll let him live dearest i have another idea says the shield why don't you kill everyone in this room well that doesn't really solve anything shield the emperor is a good guy what you like him nah yes do you know of the emperor [Laughter] kill everyone in this room they're demons they're demons you're better than that what's the bear the other one who's an engineer the other one's my captain um those sterns are over there those are things they're called we're in the middle of a table strategically like and he just starts like that's like you're better than them hey guys daryl is talking to himself again all right look okay this has happened all right this has happened like four times i don't think like i don't think we would just like write this off as like just like a fun little quirky thing i'm i'm directly asking duros like okay duros is that [ __ ] is that shield like like telling you to kill people like you're not joking like it's actually speaking in your head uh yeah it is telling me things yes okay that's a problem we need to get rid of that thing all right can we try to pull this thing off you try and pull it off but it will not come off can mr beast get in there can we try to take this thing off of his arm mr beast and ragnar both would bear form if they try to rip it off if it comes off it just goes like mag like magnetically reattaches itself with it like energy an extra arm back on the ship list so what do you think of this the the shield yeah i ain't never seen anything like it it it's just a little misunderstood i assure you there's nothing wrong with it it's it's telling you to kill me multiple times oh it's it's just misunderstood don't worry i'll learn that you're our friend soon enough don't you worry to be happy to be honest of all people i'm happy girls got the shield because like he will he would never turn on us in a million years that shield if he just whispers words of like kill us forever i just can't see girls doing it he's the most positive and like he's just such a good man what can i say you're not a good man doris you have hate and evil in your heart and i know it why don't you let it don't you don't you just want to go crazy don't you just want to go ape [ __ ] no i'm all right are you aren't you tired of being nice i don't know i i enjoy talking to people he's too wholesome he's just too i know you'll understand friend i guess if we can't if we can't get it off and i guess we'll just roll with it but if you ever start getting really murdery tendencies please let us know oh don't worry i would certainly tell you okay thanks the shield the shield does seem to have something in association with the king here the shield likes it likes the king of this world very odd it's never told me it likes anybody except the king what is the uh the shield is there anything etched on it i think you said something but i forget what it was it just has like a face on it like a kind of grotesque kind of looking face oh well no it looks normal too so no to everyone else it just looks normal you're right you're right the face is only honduras only i can see the grotesque face your armor dearest it's pathetic you need he's talking about that like high fives his boy hey so well yeah he's cool you need a better helmer more armor like me so you can become stronger yes i can see that shield turning good before dural yeah that's a tug of war that's gonna be one and one um one day the she was like good morning master would you like a cup of tea the shield's just like screw it i've been at this for like six months all right fine you know are you suggesting that there is armor like you as well friend yes i am part of a set then where is the rest of you i do not know much [Laughter] um yeah well there you go all right all right the beast the beast uh looks down at aurelius the old man and goes you need any help we'd build at this spaceship of yours uh i don't really want to show my face above ground for a little while aurelius goes helpless you're a bear you're strong yeah that would help a lot i uh i have a clown wig you can wear i climb he does i still have my clown nose young i think we still have all the clown gear yeah he's like here you go here's a hat yeah i don't know i'm too i appreciate you persuasion rule okay who is gonna do it who what was it was ragnarok he was the one who was the first one to say it so ragnar you do the persuasion role should i say something first hey man you're a bear you can't stop being you've got to stop being so negative got to believe in yourself i want to be the strongest man in the universe you gotta at least try to be like the strongest person on this planet once i leave you're a bear bro you're a bear okay what'd you get 12. not bad not bad but it doesn't clear the dc unfortunately just just below um he looks at you and he goes i never wanted to be the strongest i'm not like you i've just been made to be like you i want to be like myself now that i don't have to be the strongest anymore i'd rather just be happy is that is that bad it's not bad that's what life's all about but can you be happy with dominion still being alive like if we fail you're going to be hiding forever unable to do what you want to do having to wear a stupid clown honestly it's pretty cool never mind it's pretty awesome outfit ragnarok i am you're trusting your entire existence on our shoulders and uh i don't think i really no you can't just keep doing it [Laughter] otherwise you would keep doing it until you got it that's not how it unfortunately no you didn't succeed on the roll no everything's gonna go your way i apologize fair enough um uh i roll my devil fruit to see if i get a persuasive no no no i'm not doing that unfortunately i swear to god you stupid bear if you don't help us i'm gonna kill you right now oh god you're gonna do an intimidation now yeah i guess you can do intimidation you heartless bastard you got a nine he goes ragnar i had respect for you i thought you were noble i but i guess maybe the scriptures were right about you no no no guys come on maybe you are tired it's it's tired it's a long day let's just not i want to become an accountant what the i don't want to fight guys we never got our domains damn it that's why you don't gamble we're finding that dancing [ __ ] and i'm gonna i'm taking his money from him that's to be on the list oh yeah you're going to fight him first okay william is a guy that literally was raised with like rifting and like you know like cheating at card games and stuff so someone just like stole his money that's like the money doesn't matter because we're leaving no no i'm not saying like i'm gonna leave right now and do it i'm just saying if i do see that guy i'm gonna go make a beeline for him okay this is a matter of pride this is a pride as a gambler that is a grifter that william needs to uphold okay as a con artist um i do want to say i do want to say that you guys well i'd actually no i'm not gonna say anything um uh okay you guys gonna go find that guy no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm not gonna derail it that much priority number two let's knock it out priority number two all right all right you guys heading out then um if there's nothing else like i'm pretty much good on my rolls i don't think we need to rest or anything well we got like a short rest i would imagine yeah oh the bear duros talks to the beast good luck in your counting days my friend you have the you now have the opportunity to change your life around thank you uh good good luck man accounts receivable and deductible and and all that all that just thank you thank you i appreciate it all right well melissa since you're coming with us you have to show me how to use this arm thing oh okay uh she like fastens it to your to your arm all right so let's just get this on yeah right okay all right is that is that comfortable does it need to be tighter or looser i think that's great that's great ah perfect that looks great on you um so you'll notice how there's a little bit more um try hold your gun for me yeah you'll notice your your arm is a lot steadier there's like you and varela you do notice that your arm is just not shaking at all it's it's like a stabilizer before your arm that's cool so i'm like locked in yeah it's like it's like a laser yeah uh whoa perfect uh is this uh this was just done german yes talk about adventures like german sorry um this this will increase your accuracy it won't increase your damage just your accuracy and on top of that increases your um it also increases your armor class it makes you a little bit more resilient so it's just a plus one to hit plus one to ac straight easy ah thank you so much this is so unexpected ah no yo i just i just hope it's good enough i just don't i don't i i uh as long as i as long as it's not i don't disappoint i just didn't want to disappoint yeah um all right you could you didn't with those bullets i doubt you could with this thing either i'd love to see it in action oh i'm just getting giddy thinking about it well let's go meet god and we'll find out yeah all right well uh grandpappy uh do you you uh happy here is a friend of mine um uh he's a stellar uh he will help you with everything that you need uh yeah you can also use all the other steerings i mean they're here i mean going with all of them might be kind of yeah hey i'll be sure i will thank you very much aurelius uh puts on some of his gear and the stern start crowding around him and he's like you could see he's like giving them names he's giving them little hats and bandanas and goggles and armor and now he's got a little work force he's got a good that'll be good for making that thing that that's that'll be yeah that's good all right well if there's nothing else i'm gonna ask my request at the end but yeah we'll see where that goes but if there's nothing else let's go kill god then mateys i i i actually don't think we should kill him anymore but it's only a feeling it's only a feeling sorry sorry there's something i have an inkling about him something about my armor something that's very interesting that i find he may have been corrupted corrupted or not that guy's an [ __ ] and i want him dead anyway vivici um fair enough i'm gonna have to use your passageway oh do you have the domains yeah yeah i got the dormans let me just give you those [ __ ] scam this is okay follow me all right everyone follow uh vivici the sewer system leads outside of town we'll be able to bypass all of the uh all the people completely and just get straight on the road that's lovely let's do that all right all right it cost me ten dollars though [ __ ] ripoff especially because it's if you just sneak past the little bugger but i don't want to get any [ __ ] anyway she's sort of rambling off as she walks along [Laughter] okay it's like we're trying to free your people but okay you'll have all the domains you want especially if i find that dancing [ __ ] all right let's go okay so you guys go down the tunnel leading your way out of the city it's sort of a long sewer tunnel and as you guys are walking along it um the uh lissa turns up to you lot and it's like i'm not sure i quite asked what look what did what brought you a lot to this planet in the first place well it's a long story but verona's grandfather if you want to just cut to it yeah oh veronica you got a grandfather like my grandpappy or ellis is he also an inventor not anymore oh i'm so sorry for your loss ah i would hate it if i lose my grandpappy he's the finest inventor that i know was your was your granddad good inventing did your did your granddad make incredible inventions did you learn what you know from him i'm just trying to choose my words carefully at this exact moment but it's like well i guess you could say that he was a very brilliant man but really somewhere down the line it appears that he he took a turn that you don't come back from and he wasn't a good man anymore it was crazy i stabbed him with this you're the one who killed his granddad myself had he not you i pointed out i point to the guard of the sword and just like yeah he wore this around his necklace i'm so sorry pregnant ladies sure that was your thing you blew up pregnant ladies you brew up children uh yeah he was he was kidnapped he kidnapped gravy yeah he kidnapped me he ran an assassination organization and then we killed him on a spaceship that that crash landed here and that's how we got here that's not even counting all the people the assassins probably killed over the a lot of years gravy gravy looks really sad when you say that william um oh god that was so inconsiderate i'm so sorry gravy i'm so sorry dude all the people that were blown up creating the propulsion to get us into space oh god yeah and louis goes that is something i cannot even reverse there is something that did good happened he made gravy's little friend look at how cute she is long story short lissa he was kind of an [ __ ] and he's dead now um but that's okay because um your granddad seems really nice uh alyssa's like yeah he's [ __ ] incredible i learned everything i know from him verona uh if you um if you ever want to learn more stuff i mean i could teach you as much as i know but i'm sure my grandpappy would be willing to to show you things it could be like a you know you don't you didn't really seem to have a good uh son grab that experience you can have a son granddad experience with my granddaddy uh like well bonding's a little bit outside of my ah my jurisdiction but i would definitely be okay with learning a couple things before i understand take everything at your own time it seems like you've been through a lot what about your parents [Laughter] what about your parents are on earth well let's see oh boy in the background or whatever well my father was the best person i'd ever known one of the few genuinely good men on this planet i don't know what the military in this planet is necessarily called but he's what we would call a marine he was a great man but then he was savagely and brutally murdered by his best friend who i thought of as a as like an uncle he was he used to be a great man i'm i'm so sorry it's a whole conspiracy i think my mother was also involved i she was your mother she's also dead yeah she's dead i'm sorry we didn't kill her right or did we no we have not killed her hemlock killer that was the assassins but that was blake and hemlock that killed her yeah i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i asked verona listen if you it seems like you've been through a lot uh i know you have your crew with you but if you need anybody to talk to them i'm always willing to listen to like uh you seem to have a lot that you need to get off your your chest oh well i mean at this point now that we've been through so much and i have what i would consider my family now i feel like i've gotten over a lot of those those dark times because of these men that's really good to hear a single tear goes to derose family i'm but there's there's still things that need to be found out along the way the truth is still out there somewhere yeah what happened to your grandmother that's a question i don't want to every time i kill old people it's an accident it's not the last both my parents were killed um just they were killed by dominious um oh many years ago just as a for no reason random example sometimes dominious just likes to take random people out of the crowd and kill them to show how strong he is and people i don't think we can negotiate with this guy people are celebrating and and one day it it was my it was supposed to be me but my parents begged and pleaded for it to be them instead and uh and without a second thought uh they were gone and that's why i've been mostly living here with my grandpappy so i i kind of understand where you cut you're coming from i mean they were they were great people and um yeah i uh i apologize i'm oversharing a little bit um no um seems that we've been through similar situations and taken different paths yours much less dark but i do have to ask out of courtesy do you want this god dead for what he's done to you and your family i know it's um i know it's not a nice thing to say but i i really do want that bastard dead if if it's the last thing that i do i don't care what it takes i just thought it was so impossible for so long but if you guys took out cornelius so effortlessly then there may be a chance i mean we have to wait to see how strong this guy is but i mean i think we could definitely manage something i do think that he days need to die as well but whether who this king is is left up in the air well if talking to dominious doesn't work out i think we know what we have to do now yep same thing we always do kill old man we talk things out what do you mean timberlord how about that i just start rattling off all the people we've killed on this adventure remember the child what about that child we talked through that one william yes we did oh remember the random religious girl on clown island i guess she's still alive she is the lasser she's still alive you never found out her name but her name was thalassa that's a funny there's a fun sbs fun fact the name of the blue head girl on cloud island was called thalassa of course she's alive we didn't care enough that i know her name is enough to know her name we killed the big bozo dude we killed the arbor king we killed you spruce you saved spruce yeah we saved spruce you saved cyril hey guys i'm just saying along the way we killed arson i'm just saying along the way some of the assassins remember but a lot of people tend to die too so it's like a one i'm just saying we don't always kill it's not that's okay all right that's fair that's fair it's like a 50 50 it's called the yeah block that's why it's called the devil's luck actually you know what william takes out a coin and flips it heads we kill him tails we don't what is it roller d2 i'm not really but i'm just doing it to like joke you know roll a d2 to his heads one is tails yeah i have to pull it up here hold on all right uh oh i'll just do this you can just lie about what you see that's we okay heads we kill him tails we don't what okay tails all right i guess he's living no no but i didn't know i said two was hit i said two was his head said two oh okay yeah yeah yeah here we go here we go yeah here we go yeah we said confused captain which is it okay oh my god all right you guys make your way out of the out of the sewers you're now in this i mean a lot of the planes of this planet is quite arid quite deserty um i think probably because this planet is slightly closer to the sun than the all blue one is so um there's less there's less greenery to it it's quite that's good it's quite quite warm um and uh vivici goes all right well that was all very nice listening too but i i've got a head back um i promise i won't sell any of your information on the black market goodbye and he he ducks back into the sewer i looked alyssa can we trust that guy yeah he just likes the joke like that he's got the tightest lips um in the in in the whole sewer system you don't have to worry okay whatever if if he was really gonna tell tell people he wouldn't have made that joke fair enough um okay so where are we did was like a sewer grate in the middle of the desert like we're like behind a rock yeah oh okay that's that's handy yeah that's neat you get out and um lissa goes all right she pulls like out of compass he's like hmm if we head keep going in this direction we'll eventually come across the capital city um it's quite a long trek though uh i packed some supplies but you lot have food right we have a we have a cereal um water i just grabbed cereal i'm like here he makes another water he's my own body put please please i don't want to please i don't want to be making the water um and then the um gravy goes don't worry about that looser he has his whole [ __ ] backpack of food i've got plenty of food supplies to last off for weeks it should be good all right good old gravy little gravy you always count on gravy of course all right you guys get hot though can you make a little sprinkler to make us like cool down there okay this is this is a one-piece d d first um that i and i do apologize for this but man am i gonna piss myself so i'll cut this out of the episode i am gonna i will be it will be the quickest it's like really intrigued like where is that it will be the quickest piss in the universe but my god i gotta go piss real quick i'm stuck i'm i'm timing this piss you okay you guys talk you guys maybe you guys can talk in character or something but i gotta piss so fast i gotta kiss so quick so as we're walking through we just suddenly stopped for no reason like it seems like the light has gone out like yeah i'm really pissed on it or something i have like you know it's weird like this whole time i just had this idea like i just feel like the creator of this universe just stepped out for a moment you ever have that yes it's like the whole world we all just have like an existential crisis right now like yeah wait where's ragnar going ragnar just stops like oh my god he fell over oh no please no not in the tunnel man no we're all the lights are all going out [Laughter] verona are you still with us i don't know i can't see [Laughter] wait are you ragnar is that your perception [Laughter] all right we're back sorry for that yeah pissed it's returned okay oh god all right let's go ragnar's back next time i'll get a water bottle and just piss in that during the game okay you guys venture down you're starting your trek you're starting your trek um louis le clock walks up to the captain william it goes uh if i uh a mistake on the uh this mr beast guy he talked a little bit about a a man who could reverse time being a big evil satan sort of well well i only heard it in passing was was that let me ask you first though are you gonna fall in love with this one too i'm kind of sassy with louis right now he's kind of not really been living up to my expectations as of lately anyway yeah he said somebody could reverse time so that did make me remind me of your abilities so i would also like to uh apologize is that how you say it uh zeus that is how you say that yeah i um i've been doing some thinking and also being scolded by pearl uh she has been uh um was you guys were talking with uh aurelius uh it seems like my behavior has been a little bit uh dissatisfactory uh william i just wanted to say i you know what you know what i'm i'm the captain here i i will forgive you as my crewmate but just remember louie that we're a crew okay we're a unit we work together and if one of us messes up and doesn't follow orders properly we could all die so just keep that in mind going forward and we should be good i just wanted to say i do appreciate everything that yoko has done for me i went through quite a lot on liab and i i finally managed to get a taste of freedom for myself and i i went a bit um how do you say um i was a little bit dramatic with this happiness and freedom that i have found and uh that's fair i mean you've been through a lot and i cannot your brother died and everything i get it i'm sorry i i i i cannot deny that there are a lot of beautiful women in this world but i will try and like rein in my uh affections uh just a wee little a little bit um i do notice uh this uh this uh um lisa i uh yes she seems to be uh she seems to yeah she seems to be into verona a little bit so i will uh i was uh back off as they say um and um i uh look so more than anything more than anything like you could be interested in people i'm just saying like next time maybe don't heal the person that's trying to kill us that would be a good place to be interested in people on our side that aren't trying to kill us we ragnar just walks up here like that's the main problem when you leave leo that's the main issue i also have a request is that whole you'll see request yes that is that is how you say so this request is um you seem to be very proficient with using the rapier the cutlass um me uh oui your professional i have i have a long sword that i fused with a cutlass to make a yeah i don't know what you call this thing but it looks badass this is uh i uh i am afraid that mia uh i would like you to uh teach me train me oh on how to uh be better with uh using uh and i might need we might need your help in one of the upcoming battles okay hey louie i learned to use that uh i my my spindly arms as i do not think i have the ability to hold such a big massive impressive we can find you a little baby axe like that that mindset is the reason why you would never use an axe right stick to your camera ragna i do not think i could manage a shaft as big as yours um this it would be too much for my for my hands uh okay you guys continued walking all right you could you could see poland you can see pearl and cyril chatting um and lissa uh is talking casually to verona but not about anything important just casually um and um it starts to get uh you know darker and darker and turns into night time and uh like two sort of moons you can see in the sky start to shine brighter oh we're out of the sewer yeah yeah you've been out of the sewer for a while oh okay so i'm sorry i apologize just wakes up like oh [ __ ] i was i was asleep at this you've been walking for so long why you've been in a trench or something else yes keep blacking out like that you uh your crew your crew doesn't need you they are um anyway the the moons come out and they shine moonlight on you um and then all of a sudden you hear her very loudly oh not this [ __ ] again like a flash of light in front of your group uh so we're just walking along hey you guys have yeah yeah the moonlight kind of spotlights it almost like two spotlights in one center okay and standing there is um um sort of with a with her elegant figure instead of the clothes that she was wearing at the um the the ball instead she's now wearing this uh sort of white and black uh armor uh that looks quite i've got a design in my head but it's almost impossible to describe so you'll see you guys will just see in the art it's it's got a mixture of white black and blue uh it's got constellations i'm picturing like soccer's armor from avatar the last airbender because the moon too maybe yeah well you guys will see anyway it's got like she's got these long gloves which are like blue with stars and constellations on them she's got kind of a a lunar crescent shoulder pad white and black regal looking uh armor um she's got uh she has slick black like purplish blackish hair in the two little ponytails that drip down her back you can see her piercing blue luna eyes and she she slowly draws out her glowing blue sword with this like whitish blue glow on it and she stands there regally to her right sort of coming out from behind her um is a is a man with a bit more roughed up blackish hair with the bandages over his body uh going want to go across one eye he's got um his uniform still on um uh it's helios his um her brother uh they're standing next to each other and luna points her blade and goes i thought i'd would be done with you derose oh well hello it's good to see you again luna but helios it's good to see you well as well you found him splendid but now i have official orders for your execution [Music] man oh my god where'd they come from you uh uh pearl i mean lissa immediately ducks behind a rock and and just sort of hiding behind a rock um and starts like like tinkering with a few things she puts a goggle on she's just looking around frantically luna doesn't take notice of her um helios goes you a lot uh gonna pay for what you did to me take care of it you feed you this time it'll be a fair fight i am telling you i i've never been more embarrassed than mine and luna like puts her hand out in front of her brother and goes careful now helios careful now you don't want to get too um helios you know dude you know how this is going to end no no no no maybe we don't have to be all savage on each other yes you may have got this execution order but i'm sure it probably doesn't sit well with you you also lost something the last time we met he goes rums just threw his armor a little bit and pulls out her jabot oh you lost yeah yeah you lost this last time he met she's taken her back why did you hang on to that well you dropped it that's yours i just wanted to give it back never mind that and she um she like pauses for a second and frantically like snaps back into reality there goes gravity um she she points her sword at duros and and goes oh i'm familiar with it then she starts pointing at her sword at all of the other uh members these are your friends i assume um [Laughter] and points at verona and william and then then she nice to meet you and then she points at louie okay and [Laughter] you're just a regular boy right now and then she looks at louie and and goes i guess it's my lucky day uh um and she goes now doros stand your ground and fight me well we don't really have to do this why why why you and sister always on fighting i thought we had a splendid conversation last time are you uh she pauses for a second reads in to to steady herself are you a coward are you a weak and frail man well i i say no to both of those but i do believe that this is needless our endeavors are much more important right now and we'll we have a thing that we need to talk to about about your little leader and the fact that he wants to destroy our planet how arrogant how abs we are not equals your words are meaningless if you want to talk with me talk with your weapons and she uh uh wouldn't you say you were equal to cornelius she um immediately as in when you're mid sentence uh ragnar she immediately dashes forwards and i need you guys to roll and uh here we go all right uh verona you've got lissa as in you tell her what to do uh william you've got louie darris you got cyril ragnar you've got pearl how does that sound that sounds good that sounds great very well he's your boy we're gonna work together here cyril is your boy william and louis combo attack is coming down [Laughter] it looks like pearl's going uh first wow yeah pearl wow she's rearing for a fight uses her bonus action to transform her wings splay out and she goes ragnar what do i do as as luna charges in protect duros how dare she attacked heroes huh protection actually luna's attacking hero all right uh luna's just a little bit too far away for pearl's reach oh no she's got wings she can fly she can fly pearl will fly up to luna um with her claws in hand i feel like i've said that before and again that doesn't make any sense but again she flies out to luna claws in hand uh she breathes some flames onto her claws and her claws are on fire and she uses scents let's do that flaming claw attack flaming claws uh they miss they missed second flaming claw uh swings down but inquisitor luna parries it oh she's got that [ __ ] okay she's one of those points that's okay when i that actually worked really well when i fought against trevor i was able to get past that yeah let's see how this game she only has one reaction so boom all right parry's the claw uh it is inquisitor luna next sorry right now gets uh she has higher decks she gets punched over you even though the same initiative that's how i'm rolling it because she's faster than you um inquisitor luna is using a thunderous um she's charging towards derose okay come at me oh here we go she uses a thunderous flash uh to charge towards you which what that means is there's a flash of light and she essentially almost like bursts forwards really quickly but um pearl has to make a uh constitutional savings though is it does it blind her uh no the the sort of flash as she burst forwards uh is gonna damage pearl oh [ __ ] wow in in her wake in her wake so how does a oh sorry about that that's okay sorry okay scavenger tracker okay what can i do what can i do oh normally all of all the text is below but this for some reason it wasn't there yeah it used to be showing and now ragnar got his book out he's like reading fluid so power manages to resist it but still take some damage as the as the flash of light hits her then luna runs forward and is going to uh slash into duras twice duris you do have very high armor class so i do keep that in mind she uh oh damn it sorry another one another one i didn't know that was gonna go in the chat i just want to read what it does can i bring up my book so don't tempt me boys i'll do it too the the first blade cuts into you doris but the second one gets blocked by your shield and the shield goes yeah oh that feels good um you take 12 damage straight off the bat so much that's not great 41. it's not a ton of damage at the moment but she's not she's not one for damage you'll see in a minute uh right now it's your turn first of all how dare you ignore me when i'm speaking to you second of all how dare you attack my friend duros i turn into a bear do it he just hasn't spoke out how dare you throw it my good man how dare you turn it to a bear all right now the time for talking now you're in a bed luna looks over and oh oh oh oh that's rough i assume you run up to luna an attacker you run up to luna and swing and she poof poof parry's both attacks and he goes damn she's fast ah the beast huh uh i'm not a beast i'm a bear and that's very disrespectful sorry i didn't know why i did a rough voice for her ah the beast huh i guess it really is my lucky day oh all i need to see is a marksman again and a gambler and we'll complete the pack um i don't know where you're gonna find one about that yeah i don't know where you're gonna find what it verbs [Laughter] i don't even know what a paradise are i don't know um okay she has five legendary actions because she's very very fast holy [ __ ] ragnar after you go she's gonna swing and attack you in response to oh that so that's a whole deal did we get a resting oh no uh not a long risk you've got a short rest to restore hp but that's it yeah yeah so short rest just restores hp and that's it okay and there's some classes like wizards that have abilities but you guys are not there she slices into you for 18. uh right now there goes all my extra hit points okay okay well it's half of that because he's a bear anything um not with this blade it's like a that's what you notice ragnar it's not haki but but the blade seems to over overcome your uh resistances damn that blade cut a little deeper than usual yeah yeah yeah yeah okay roman it's your turn all right i'm just gonna actually stay right where i'm at i'm gonna raise my gun and say listen lady i know your name is luna but are you really sure you want to dance with the devils in the pale moonlight i'm just gonna take two shots oh my god i love the i love the obscure not obscure god wait he could curve his bullet right or something when a critical fail is just [ __ ] yeah that's with the assistance with the thing right yes [Laughter] um the first one does hit yes 18 doesn't bonk bonk alyssa you might be joining the crew here in a second probably stunned her considering how agile she is but the uh there's we still got time you you fire off your gun uh a bullet scrapes her shoulder ah the and then you're and then you you fire again and the the shoulder pad thing kind of like malfunctions slightly and liz is like oh [ __ ] it out [Laughter] oh my god i'm so sorry it's a sign but it's a sign right there don't worry our new mechanic everyone so i got a lot of time for that too right uh the damage is no it she's saying oh [ __ ] now not because she shot her but because the thing malfunctioned uh oh what's gonna happen here is actually the the uh the the bullet sort of malfunctions the the fire the fire goes off and you're gonna damage yourself from this one instead of hitting one of your teammates oh he shot himself for once yeah can i see how you like it this is unprecedented unprecedented yup oh my god finally finally lurie le clock uh looks uh so the the the shield thing looks kind of battened and beaten up now and this is like oh [ __ ] it out i'm so sorry i don't know how that happened you uh you've lost your bonuses temporarily louis le clock looks over at you verone and goes do not worry and reverse his time on your on the thing good job louie it's helios's turn and because pearl flew up she is now right next to helios helios then walks up to pearl and goes you lot took my last weapon but big sister worries comes in clutch fails he pulls out a purple like glowing purple blade and it's got these kind of like flames coming off of it these purple flames coming off of it and he's going to take uh gonna attack pearl no he never actually got to attack because you guys took him out straight away um uh so let's go boom boom okay now one of those oh that's not good oh that's not good one of them hits uh dealing 15 damage as he slices into pearl uh the second one misses pearl dodges and a third one the the flames get a little bit too furious and he burns himself dumb ass also rusted really quick i noticed that alyssa wasn't on the initiative turn order oh i don't know if she's supposed i don't think she is let me uh she was scared for oh that's the same as me that's good that's good still ahead of me [Laughter] so lisa's got six um all right after helios's turn inquisitor luna will go again and this time she's gonna thunderously flash and go and essentially move next to louis clock um so ragnaron duress i need you to make an opportunity attack i think you guys need to uh do constitution saving throws okay you both fail your constitution saving force oh that's not good that's high yeah it would be it's a 16 so you guys take 3d 10 damage it's anybody like an adjacent square um yeah whoa that's a good thumbs up that's a powerful 3d 10 damage so one three wait three d10 yeah you took 22 damage no you you guys don't roll it i rolled it i rolled it i wrote the 3d 10. you guys take 22 damage for our twenties you're not taking six jesus christ you're trying to stop they're already dead so doris and ragnar you take that shock but that's that's her that's her uh legendary action so she's got three left but she's gone next to louis clock now like this um so yeah you want to take the 22 i take 22 i take 22. yeah [Music] all right it is uh cyril next cyril goes duos duos what do i do to rose to us you should probably help her out with her helios problem over there sir go ahead and hit him maybe pull out his fires with your water but you guys versus luna and then all the npcs versus helios is that how it's gonna be that's not right yeah um okay oh why uh yeah okay so cyril get over there he can't make it over there but he's got long-ranged abilities he's got long range so cyril runs up and points her points his watery hand at helios and goes up so we i'm so wait for this um aqua pump it hits does 22 damage let's go but he's so lucky with his rolls i'm telling you i don't i dude cyril is just so incredibly lucky with his roles he seems to do almost like top damage every time uh i'm sorry the water fires off it washes um washes out helios helios looks over its cyril with a with a glare and see what goes oh my god paul looks over and goes good job cyril you've got this and see what goes well yes okay william it's your turn are you gonna roll uh yeah yeah so i'm gonna look over at her at luna and i'm just be like i'm gonna stay as confidently as i can oh you think you're so cool because you can move super fast and turn into electricity we'll watch this let's see what you get 132. uh mirror mirror know me you can see through someone else's eyes potentially all senses the wait the mirror the mirror mirror no no mirror m-i-r-u-m-i-r-u mirror damn it you guys there for a second you can see through someone else's eyes [Laughter] you can see through someone else's eyes it doesn't say um let's say you can see through any any person's eyes that you've met that you know okay um so that doesn't include everyone that you could see that could be anyone's eyes you can see through at the moment all right um that really does not help at all so it does i mean it helps in some way it just might not help in battle i would love to do that oh wait what's up i'm sorry but i i forgot that i had shield master which allows me to add my ac to any harmful attack that does me so i think that also makes me succeed the savings it's not your ac it's just something but you're right you do have shield master uh if you're subjected to an effect that allows you to take a deck saving throw this is a con save unfortunately any deck saving throw or other harmful effects that oh the target only okay never mind it doesn't work i apologize you're right this was a con save i apologize never mind nevermind all right um i kind of want to use this to check on like other people but we're in the middle of battle here so i can't really don't have time to do that i'm just gonna take out the true eight of spades now and with with the finesse side i'm going to sneak attack and stab luna go ahead all right here we go [Music] oh yeah you don't have advantage but you do do sneak attack damage i still okay you basically you hit you hit yeah you gotta ignore the losses ah well still it's a 13 plus 11. it's 13 plus 11. that 19 is from um if you crit so you do 24 damage then i use um yeah the rakish audacity stuff or whatever the thing that makes me leave and i like run back you run back your swatch buckle a thing but yeah so i don't get hit by that damn shark thing so you spin the blade in your hand and you stab luna in the back [Music] zip and says sit back with shuffle there you go oh you shuffled back um peculiar man um she's going to take a legendary action here to attack louis le clock but you're oh my god more important of a target to me she's gonna she's gonna just swipe at louie o'clock so she has a lot of legendary action so she can attack a lot because she's fast but she can only like do the one attack or the one thing each time right you know and she doesn't do that much damage we need to attack she does what she did 21 with this one yeah that's 21. that's 21 with this one she slices into louis le clock and like hey louis clark's like arm is hanging on a thread but you are so beautiful but i know i have to kill you twilight mustache and yes uh lissa's turn listen looks over verona and she looks over at inquisitor luna and goes verona yes i don't know what to tell this situation i've not really ever been in a proper fight you know what i i'm kind of freaking out just a little bit because i i mean i've shot i've shot like big rats and stuff like that but i've never actually been in like a proper fight um i don't even know if this thing's going to work properly but um i could shoot if you want me to oh i could shoot at that little like zuko looking guy over there looking guy on her waist what kind of weapon does she have she has like a like a small pistol like a makeshift steam punky looking pistol [Music] can it somehow reach helios from here uh crystal it will fire it disappears he's super far away yeah firing at disadvantage against helios but it can she can move a little um she can get out from behind jump on top of the rock can she get on top of the rock she can get on top of the rook all right i'm gonna have alyssa go on top of the rock alyssa go handle fall out boy all right she is on top of the rock standing on top of the rock she goes i know bed i'm talking about you bandage boy oh my god oh a scottish it's just yeah you're [ __ ] [ __ ] and she fires off you're gonna hit man oh that's not good that's not bad yeah the the the the um bullet flies through the air and as it flies through the air it like um it hits helios and then has like a mini incendiary like burst into flames sort of thing which is that added seven damage um and helios goes ah [Music] [ __ ] you he yelled out good shots good job listen we'll leave him to you all right i think we'll be all right before you turn duros luna's gonna deliver the finishing blow to um to louis clock no what no what what's gonna knock him unconscious of course but still not good that's exactly his hp remaining so then we just reconciled she gets her blade round and stabs it through uh louie's um chest and louie like face the blackness and collapses to the ground um this happens luna then looks looks over it at doris doris it is now your turn she only has one legendary action left how cool i thought we could talk this out but it seems a little bit of action is our persuasion i'm disappointed too more in the fact that i thought you lot would be stronger than this this is the the great demon from the legends this shivering little man on the floor i am ashamed to wear jaboz oh my god we'll see about that one and duro's uh activates his second wind um to heal his hp sweet yeah my hp so um how do i do that again what do i roll for the heel it's a d10 plus your air level yeah d10 plus fighter level and your fighter level is nine so yeah one d10 okay and then wow so you can get 11 hp back amazing that's good that's good well it's just like your health rolls you know so i'm at 40 at least okay take something and then i will go and go next to luna again hopefully i can stop it from zipping around too much um i'll put me within at least verona's uh so you walk but up to verona and louie's body um yeah yeah it's just just like trying to keep them away from i guess the other people yeah yeah okay and then i will also take out my benevolence and try to hit here okay okay well not lethally but not legally go ahead attack i will not lethally try to do something actually do i have a design i don't think i do do you don't have a disarming strike you have a triple no i don't but i can trip her so i will try to attempt to trip her go ahead all right you gotta rosa hit twice i hit with the blessed sword first that's right it's both times you hit with the blessed source holy moly whoa you're definitely hit with that one second time we've seen that i think that happened one other time but damn that's beautiful i mean how do you want that how do you want to do this amazing crit like she parries your first attack your blades clash and she smirks and then i do a quick little spin as the blade glides off a rapier and then i use the back side of it to trip under here and make her smack against the floor yeah um just because you got that double crit i'm gonna just say that's the [ __ ] trip succeeds yeah it doubles it doubles the damage guys it also doubles because it's a crit so you get a roll 2d8 on top of that damage as well okay it's like matched i know for chat i know that he she has to do a savings throw but honestly that's too good of a double [ __ ] for it to not work so all right now roll 2d8 on top of that doris all right oh uh one two three all right wait it's 2d8 okay seven seven seven seven very lucky this is all your good rules coming to here that is that's pretty much a full heal god damn you do 35 damage as she collapses to the ground ah oh you fight dirty i see well you are in the dirt so maybe you're the dirty one [Laughter] all right she's gonna take her legendary action now the final one to uh get back up but she can't attack she's using it to get back up so you did stop her from attacking she she gets back off i must take this more seriously then um it is now pose turn poggers should i just continue wailing into this bastard yeah sounds good to me okay ain't that strong well on him yeah helios saying that strong he's just a centurion after all um yeah we've already kicked his ass once i don't even know why he came out here she she puts her claws together and goes dragon spinner something cool come on please hit oh yeah yeah and her she sort of spins her hands around and drills her claws into helios did he kill him 18 damage do not kill him pearl yeah he loses not quite dead but he's close ah blood just spluttering down his body uh it is now inquisitors luna's actual turn um she looks over at louis and looks at duros and goes how much do you value this man's life how much do you value your brothers this does not need to happen luna she points a blade at louie i could kill him right now she can actually she would have to she would 100 have the ability to just kill him right now if she wanted to really yeah because if louis le clock can't she has advantage on the attack because he's prone and then if he no i can i can guard him yeah you have that block okay yeah she has the 100 the capabilities of it true she might miss if you block it but she has advantage which means you would just make it a regular roll and uh if louis clock takes damage for cultures it adds a death saving throw to him and yeah so that we are the devil's luck pirates duras it's okay oh god uh luna you can say that we are not very aggressive and i don't want to do this about maybe i can just give you this back to show my good will as it gives her the jabot just hands it to her like offers it like swipes it out of your hand and goes do you think this is a game derose she points the sword up at you you killed an inquisitor you come to this planet um oh wait no she doesn't know that you come to this planet yeah she does know that because you said you you're from a different planet yeah yeah yeah you come to this planet you act like you're above me i've been training my whole life to be an inquisitor i've i you don't know how hard i've worked you don't know how much i've devoted my time and energy and the my my faith into this and you come here and make a mockery of me a mockery of my planet a mockery of my brother and you come here acting like acting friendly like like you haven't disrespected me over and over like this i'm a mockery hardly the less in your eyes i see the furiosity of a leader which is why i approached you in the first place someone who has the ability to lead their people to greatness the ability to rise above this toxicity that has been around you and corrupting this city yeah and yet you waste it killing these people that you know nothing about that's blasphemous talk derose it's your intent to kill our lord nothing to kill him i wish to reason with him perhaps he could have been good before something like this happened to him as he like shows her the shield again maybe something could have happened to him would you know of it nothing happened to him he's a good man our lord treats us fairly with respect he would know nothing about that you're an outsider creating a weapon that's creating a weapon to destroy other planets that has countless slaves staring doing everything he wants that good man you freed the slaves so well we've technically freed the slaves but uh we did you don't understand sterens were born to be slaves that's what we were talking about that's what we were told they they're happy we ever asked the steerings what they want uh when when luna says the sterns are born to be slaves helios sort of like winces a little bit like in in just uncomfortably anyway luna goes uh yeah we i don't understand a word they're saying but that they haven't started any uprisings or revolt if they were unhappy they would have fought back they were eager to leave there in slavery when we freed them from the arena the death trap that they were unfortunately trapped in you they run away from your slavery constantly hoping for a chance but they're too weak to defend themselves this is what i was this is what the scriptures warned of the demons and their corruption but what sort of demon are you doros no man in armor was mentioned in the scriptures i am but a man a knight here to help guide the people to what they need to help them become better and i see that not only that my captain is in need of me well perhaps you as well when you say i'm a man of knight i've come to lead my people he she like looks like she has like some sort of like weird um look in her eyes she like sort of takes a step back and she sort of shakes her head she goes no no no you are not you are not no and she's going to attack you oh [ __ ] i'm starting i'm starting to think we're appearing in like their bible on this planet you know like yeah yeah i guess it works i am wait am i 22 or am i 21 with the shield with the shield that's an important distinction it did go up by 22. so 20 doesn't work the first one the first one gets finally your high armor class actually blocks like a good attack you she swings in with the the first thing and you should block it with your shield and the shield goes yes feels good um and then but she like comes around and then slices up your body for the second attack uh which does 12 damage not too much well damage what do you want okay all right ragnarok it's your turn i have a quick question the question is attack do i have to say it before or after i roll before correct before before because the yeah before before i'm tired of missing my attacks i want to be the strongest man in the world i'm a bear and then i use reckless attacker and swing at luna twice oh it didn't even matter yeah didn't matter uh it did matter because she has the ability to power which increases her ac to um so she would have oh parried one yeah yeah yeah but no yeah so she doesn't parry um you hit it you hit her twice as you run down and slash into her i love how consistent your [ __ ] roles are yeah ragnar they're consistent 411 nice damn 30 damage 30 damage and cut into her for 30. never ignore me again don't ignore me all right well then she's going to take a legendary action to attack back at you don't matter when they get up no no but it's gone on her turn again which means they reset she's got five again oh yeah that's right yeah by the way i don't think this has come up since she hasn't moved yet but with my slasher ability if i cut her with a weapon that does slashing damage it reduces her speed by 10 feet okay her speed's like so much higher than that that's well that's ten i just it's just you know it's like oh i'm gonna just take a cup and put it in the ocean now the ocean has less water it's that well well that's one less cup in the ocean i guess i did my job for today all right now she swings at you you take seven damn tips i was impressed by your last attack too like cuts off a chest here yeah thank you for the shade all right it's everywhere all right i'm going to just move one space over so that i'm right in front of uh louis and i'm going to use my respirator thing to say so he doesn't have to roll anymore he could still he could still die if he took damage well but he can't he won't we don't have to worry yeah now he won't need he can't he doesn't do the saving those anymore he's stable so that's one action right so now i can just do one attack no in another word your attack is uh is a multi-attack action which is the two attacks is an action but it doesn't if you use your action for something else you can't attack okay the action is called multi-attack which is how you can attack twice use your action to attack twice is how it's worded okay can i just action surge yep action so let's go ahead there you go yeah he's going crazy all right so i'm just going to fire two shots at luna go ahead oh no you guys are so lucky what's going on guys guys do you realize this is a one in a 400 [ __ ] chance that is what this is okay let's go devil's [ __ ] that was luck baby just another double 100 twice how the the uh the um the arm thing you feel it you finally got the hang of it it goes into your body uh your arms are like like as stationary as they could possibly be like you you lock in where you aiming not non-lethally by the way no you can't do none leave forward you can't do non-leaf non-lethal ranged weapons ah that's fair but i don't know i don't think this is gonna kill her anyway it would probably just take a very low so do the damage okay well all right i mean bonk and then bonk you go you got very much possibly the worst roll you could have gotten with your crips that's hilarious how bad that roll was i didn't realize i couldn't do that damage now i know yeah well we back on episode like four or five uh remember i told you remember all those years ago when you were knocking out yeah you can't just shoot them through the leg interesting no non-lethal damage has to be with a melee weapon actually interesting i mean it makes sense you can't legally fire a crossbow with something you know what i mean like all right so you do 21 damage weirdly she's still alive she's yeah she's still alive with that okay but you you where are you aiming uh you know what i'm going to aim for the kneecaps you just shoot it with that accuracy you shoot through both knees she's really fast okay she's really fast we gotta have louie as a legendary action she's going to flash out of there uh which means i need duros ragnar louis le clock instantly fails this so he's going to take a death save immediately oh god minus 10 feet by the way rusted minus yeah sure yeah con save unfortunate ragnar yo thank god you knocked out louie or else you would have killed her by now all right here i'm going to re-roll can i do that reroll thing for you for indomitable go ahead do it again okay uh okay come on still fail all right well i apologize your con's not even that bad actually you just got a bad word i just had a bad rolls all right now you succeed so you take half damage uh whilst duras you take four damage so ragnar you take 10 duros takes um 20. louis clock gets a death save one death save as his body gets [ __ ] uh and then luna's going to teleport to uh william lovely i can't like this is like super advance like my character can just move away that's like this is the fight where that's like a big deal all right okay hi luna how are you louis the clock is stable so he doesn't need to do a death save so that's good because then if you roll a one now if he wasn't stable by verona the clock would be dead um thinking outside the box boys did he do the death save uh no he doesn't need to because uh veronica stays right okay good good good uh it's helios up now helios is just gonna continue to batter into pearl oh okay like batters he gets those three attacks uh one of them hits and does 16 damage as he slices into pearl pole looks kind of weak and bloody but she's still going she's grinning luna's now going to attack william with her legendary action her second one third one sorry third one she's gonna do hold okay go ahead just attack you oh she misses oh wow so luna doesn't you know she just gets a lot of attacks in a in a round of battle because she's very fast but each individual attack's not super strong yeah um and she swings at william and you like how do you dodge you just dodge to the side she just looks like yeah i just she comes she zips over to me and tries to attack me and i was like ah just sidestep you know she's frustrated her injuries are sort of taking a toll on her cyril is up cyril looks at duo so it looks at duros and goes duos he looks frantically at luna and then at helios which one which one do the bubble thing again and trap the brother in the bottle truck the bubble trot the bubba in the bubble i will do my best i'll do my best okay so he's going to create a watery sphere um so he needs to do a strength saving flow helios does is he good at strength let's take let's find out he's just saying that's actually pretty decent he fails though in this case not in this case you guys are so i don't understand how you guys are so lucky um devil's luck pirates rustage watery sphere around helios um he's going to take damage how much damage does he take oh gosh let me read this oh it's very good restraint oh no he just he doesn't take damage he just starts to drown slowly oh okay that's all oh i thought that would do damage to knock him unconscious or something my bad like um is he like grappled while he's yeah he can't do anything the good thing about watery sphere it's like um in the zabazarak with kakashi he can't do anything so now he's trapped in a watery sphere um and he uh um trapped in this sphere of water uh his his bandages and clothes start getting soggy and some of his bandages starts to um to come off of his eye and as the the bandages sort of fall off that you can see this panic in his eyes as he's desperately trying to like get the bandage back on but you guys see this like weird galaxy like half of his face that has covered up has this sort of weird galaxy spacey aura to it and he looks around frantically he looks to see if lula's notice and luna's not noticing and she he like puts the bandage back on quickly uh luna's gonna use his legendary her legendary action now to just attack william again or william what's your avatar my armor class is 15. so that one oh i haven't used any luck points today i'm gonna use the luck point for that okay okay okay roll a d20 yeah you get to roll the d20 all right so she misses there you go she swings her sword at you um and you're just like well how you luckily avoid it how would you avoid an attack luckily because you're not doing that on purpose um yeah so she goes to cut me i guess and i like oh i'm gonna get hit by this so i just like do a weird spin hoping that it works and it just it just does work i thought that maybe like i thought that maybe you notice cyril do the watery sphere and you look off and as you do that she swings and you your your action of looking away means she misses like what's going [Laughter] all right um i'm not gonna bother with the devil fruit or anything because i'm just like she's right in front of me and she i'm just gonna be like lady i i mean this in the nicest way and i non-lethally hit her with like the blunt you know side of my sword or whatever yeah yeah yeah in the f in the face so there you go go ahead all right here we go lock point oh uh okay the roller d20 roller d20 yeah 17 okay i guess now you do hit where's told all right there we go and i just smack her do the damage that'll that'll be a oh why did i why does it come up steam pistol i must say if i accidentally yeah oh dude all right i did do you do the sneak attack damage because she doesn't have anyone next to her no no okay okay um so you do 14 damage okay hey not bad so she's very weak and bloodied oh she's not all right well as my bonus action i'm gonna zip over to where cyril is then go ahead okay i'm gonna use shuffle because i'm just like not even being close to her after all that [ __ ] she's using you know if that didn't knock her out done listen goes i can [ __ ] kill her verona i got her my size you want me to [ __ ] blast her head off no please no i i just asked her to halt what do you mean no just come down here by me okay uh i'll i'll go by you oh oh she jumps down it goes by verona do you happen to have any more of those healing serums you told us about way back when oh i i've got a couple i got um i kept them on me just in case you want me to hear this little french bugger yeah to heal the garlic man yes please okay all right [ __ ] oh god with this serum this potion as she's called it and that's a potion six hips very rough i'm gonna be a new man for these guys and just that's a lab all right um okay dearest it's your turn well i suppose i have to do what i have to do and he runs up to luna again you're flighty one aren't you and he's gonna non-lethally uh beat the crap out of her with it i not lethally punch her in the face yeah go ahead um if i oh yeah i think that does it there yeah that one definitely hits no no i thought well i i wouldn't actually punch her because i thought i was gonna do something i thought it was gonna knock her out easy and it didn't work so right yeah well do the damage for that first one i would still i might an extra thing to it like a a goating attack at least so she just goes for me yeah go ahead goating attack it as well you've got a deer on top as well so do the damage 14. that's her hp that's yeah that's enough yeah i don't have to do it so okay you're gonna i'm just going to gently and politely as a gentleman knock of the [ __ ] out right on the right on the top [Laughter] uh she looks up and then you knock her unconscious and she goes yes oh by lord dominious that drops down to the ground and then you see he was like see we'll go to you in a second buddy see what goes should i should i let him go um well if he thinks he's giving up now he's probably going to abide but just in case um if you get some people over yeah you can let him go he's probably going to drown in there cyril lets him go and uh he drops heli to the ground uh helios takes some damage from falling to the ground free damage you did you did great yeah really yeah but the the impact makes the the loose wet bandage that he has over full off fall off completely and you now see half of his face being this like he's got this glowy blue eye half of his eyes glowy blue and he's got this galaxy-esque um skin um and you see little fragments uh like with his ripped uniform little fragments of the galaxy skin as well that looks exactly like a steroin skin and then she frantically tries to cover it up and he goes don't look at me don't look at me looking i'm sorry that that's pretty yes and then i guess then we then we'll do it to be continued [Music] whoa that's crazy dude
Channel: RUSTAGE2
Views: 206,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, DND, one piece dnd, one piece dungeons and dragons, rpg, d20, tekking101, lost pause, rustage, 2spooky, Briggs
Id: AWcQE2Rvgcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 39sec (7839 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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