Gutters - Overflow Problem

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alright guys they were refined walk gutters and specifically ones aren't working right thanks for joining me on there on the home Nathan Cox here guys alright now check out this video footage right here we're in the middle of a storm I had shade here before I can read the video right oh okay I look good but anyways checked out the video this is at my neighbor's house okay take a look at the good out front there I'm trying to zoom in right okay do you see the rain actually bouncing to the top of the gutter right there okay that means that gutter is like super full you can kind of see it now okay I got the angle right a minute ago everyone's a little bit harder and was actually flowing over the top like oh like a waterfall over the edge of the gutter okay but right now it's it's lined up a little by the ring but you can see that water is way too high for that Gunnar just ready to come out again now there's the downspout on the side of their house that I can see you see that's working good does what I tell a lot of people to do is actually go out take a look at their gutters once raining okay so we already saw that from the window our downspout which is working just clients we thought okay first thing is is a clog because it's free of some example there's no trees in the front of house Hall and there's really no trees in the backyard here okay back there they're way back at the fence line so there's nothing really getting any gutter it's already know that they're clean so we come around here take a look at the other downspout just to make sure it's not clogged between a good reason okay and I start looking for a downspout and that's the problem there's one over there let's connect it to the gutter on the side of the house so what here's the problem the gutter runs from there our little front door just catching you know half the cable side there are their front foot room they're the main part of the front of the roof and the right side of the garage and fun the garage let's check out all that distance all right so you saw this video of my neighbors gutter you can see how the water was like rated overflow and I told you that it's just over Florida minute ago before I had a camera okay and that's a bad thing all right and you can see in this situation it's really due to a lack of downspouts and I probably did that because let's take a look at over here on the very far right side they probably could edit a down spot right there on the right side of the front door and that would have handled the extra water flow but it doesn't really look that good it's kind of this places where it doesn't look good so some people say well if I cut corners possibly but it's very debatable that you just don't like open a down spot right there it's just not pretty okay and this one almost holds the regular you know during a regular rain and the downspout holds up it handles it just barely because obviously like I said when the hard rain happened just overflowing that's bad okay so let's talk about what I gonna does why it does what it does and some like that so there's a roof line all right here's your pretty fascia all right and then we're gonna draw a big old gutter okay there's your soffit okay right okay good you see that good to camera all right so I forgot her just just two things it stops the waterfall effect it's not just a convenience thing that you just you can't walk through your garage you know out to your garage through your garage to the driveway sorry alright for the front porch honking host no waterfall effect okay all the water is coming off the roof line that's a convenience thing now the bad thing about that your home is it that just all that water is hitting right there in the bay your home eroding the dirt around the around the base your home and if your home is integrated real well the land around your home your actual home but the land around your home isn't green real well with a downward slope at all four sides your home then that water to underneath your home when that happens okay filling up your crawlspace and that's a bad thing I'm gonna go if the reasons why other than like mold and rotten on stuff I guess I did go ahead was reasons why all right so sorry I'm a little snappy this morning all right the gutter so what happens you know when you get Iranian home that comes down blah blah dis the gutter goes down the downspout everyone's happy okay there's this little thing if your gutters installed right clogged drip edge it's a little metal piece right here the gutter nash goes behind and that helps to keep the water that would normally that would normally run up and under your roof shingle there is you know some water to actually run back upwards a little bit participants flow because it kind of sticks to things that keeps your water going into the gutter properly so regular working probably working gutter and that's how it works right and yes the backside of the gutter is actually a little taller than the front side which helps to hold all this together and keep Rock from happening over here over here when your roof alone and here's your rafter here to fix your board don't hit your soffit blah blah blah okay is all this is being protected you know and if all the water stays away from me but back out of there we saw hey during a hard rain was 90% full or 95% full you okay right and as soon as the rain became really hard it was overflowing like up like a waterfall so what's happening is all this stuff really can't stop that because because of the force of the water during a really hard rain causes a whirlpool effect and the water hits they got air and rolls up and gets up underneath there okay extra water's going up and over you know during the waterfall effect so this water is shooting up here and little by little it's working way up in here dams in here and down engine here now from that tangent here and like here the crazy squirrel who got in because all the water he does you pretty good squirrel all right you know cuz that starts robbing then squirrels get interionic okay and they got chaos because you've got squirrel parties and your roof and no one wants a scroll party out there okay they're bastards there they are okay alright so number one way to fix this is what normally is causing this whole overflow and the waterfalls like that is a clogged downspout okay now we don't have clog doubts about something you just saw in the house when my neighbor's house but that's why I wanted people to go out and check their gutters in the rain now don't do it a thunderstorm dope is check on lining to your bullet umbrella okay go through something crazy but check your does bus make sure they're all flowing out really good and strong like so in the beer okay if one of them is not or many of they're not get him cleaned okay check up top make sure it's not clogged if it is you just got to reach up there and get it uh nope you ask people on I've had people ask me sorry I'm talking too fast you know how do you do that okay there's really no simple answer we just get a ladder and get up there and just start scooping that crap out okay that's all there is to it if you have watch the leaves up there just scoop the crap I know I'm stirring a stick put some gloves on you can easily clog so if you take the extension off you know work so it keeps the floor short you're not trying to do this and hold it up look that long tube and you're gonna blow yourself right off the lab okay now don't be doing no crazy stuff like that don't do any Chevy Chase stuff we are pulling off ladders it's like that I don't hear anyone told me they blew himself up a ladder alright because if it's the only folks they just told you not to do that that's right you in the back feet suck it and they're gonna try it alright alright anyways other than that this is good I probably just needs to down spot added no I like like I said just a few minutes ago accepting this video more than once and to redo it make it better is that we probably bounced about added but it may not look so good in the house and downspout is handling the water for most of our rains 90% of the rain that downspouts doing okay it's that 10% when the rain comes down crazy hard that it's gonna overflow so does the owner one or add that downspout to protect it and stuff like that anyways that's a decision for you know you guys they're watching if you have the same problem to make if you do you know it's good to talk to someone who's a little experience with gutters and try to get an opinion on it on more placements and how far you know and all that stuff fun and good placement for it and make sure that's actually what you need okay now if you want to try to excel figure where your side you need that you know you need that and you have a video that will help you that's a whole video so we're give me cuz you know it's old but you know it still works so we're in the end of this video I'm standing here there alright so you stay here so scrap my channel please helps us out okay and you can get updates on other cool videos to come out websites down there below and check that out so many super awesome things there if you wanna help support the channel just click on amazon banner links and use that for your next purchase and you know let's cost you guys at paint but it helps us out and there's my gutter videos right there okay for the downspouts guys and girls that you so much for watching you guys have a great day
Channel: Around The Home
Views: 76,284
Rating: 3.4237623 out of 5
Keywords: gutter, leaky, leaky gutter, downspout, how to, clogged gutter, overflow
Id: 3pcxUj0DuNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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