Is This Really Why Everyone Hates The Cybertruck So Much?

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all right so recently I took delivery of my new Cyber truck and within 24 hours I'd fallen in love with this insane power while also being one of the most comfortable Vehicles I've ever driven but like most of you would expect I had to make some changes I started the build by getting it wrapped with this wild military design put together by my friends down in Envision it's nice work bro you guys crushed it also I never really loved the proportions on this truck from the factory because in my opinion the body is too big for the tires that are on it I decided to bump it up to an even bigger size 37in nits but that led me to my next question you see I'm a truck guy and truck guys pull trailers right well what about the Cyber truck can it pull a trailer can it stand up to what other modern trucks can do I decided to put together a little test to see for myself real quick before we go get this party started I want to talk about something very important and something that we talk about a lot as you guys know ag1 sponsored today's video so today I've got an idea with the help of the Cyber truck we're going to mix this bad boy feel good put this bad boy in here put the lid on and then we're going to attach it to the blender looks good to me I want to talk to you why ag1 is that's just it and the reason for that is because it's a daily comprehensive nutritional drink that has 75 different vitamins minerals nutrients Whole Foods superfoods probiotics prebiotics I'll tell you some of the things it's done for me it has a improved my gut health it has improved my focus my energy levels I'm really looking forward to getting this thing mixed taking a sip now the moment the truth it's so good if you want a chance to potentially feel much better than you do and give your body the fuel that needs to be able to actually have energy and Thrive and have motivation and Better Health overall ag1 is going to hook you guys up they got a welcome kit for new customers where if you place an order you're going to get five of the free travel packs absolutely free plus a one-year supply of vitamin D click the link in my bio place your order now and get feeling better and thank you ag1 for sponsoring today's video ladies and gentlemen it's time to see what the most controversial truck in the world is capable of doing in the real world we're going to be doing a towing test of my cyberbeast this is the Cyber truck PR motor Edition that they call a beast and it's an insane truck [Music] very capable but I have not pulled a trailer or any sort of significant load with it yet so what we're doing is pulling onto a scale here to weigh the total weight of the truck and the trailer and the payload and everything because the truck has an 11,000 lb towing capacity which is pretty high and then we're going to compare it to our Ram 5500 heavy rescue truck these trucks are fairly similar they both have 37in tires and they're both both pretty much stock other than the ram has a fleece cheetah turbo the Cyber truck is completely stock other than we modified the suspension and put bigger tires on it comes from the factory of 35s we added 37s so I'm going to pull the trailer on now to get the full weight reading keep in mind that we have pretty much identical trailers both triple axle trailers I'm pulling my brand new raw Max car hauler diesel da pulling our older um Load Trail trailer both triaxle both almost exact same specs so they should weigh the same and we're pulling the exact same Vehicles the weight of the vehicle should be almost identical so this should be a very very fair [Music] matchup the Cyber truck weighed in pretty much right at an even 20,000 lb the Ram with the truck and trailer weighed in at 22620 now the reason why that truck's heavier is because the truck in general is just heavier that truck alone probably weighs close to 11,000 lb where this truck closer to 8,000 so there's our weight difference right there but it's a fair m match up as far as the load goes like the trailers and the load on the trailers weigh almost the exact same amount now we're going to go pull a very steep nasty [Music] Hill it is literally spinning the tires I gave it half throttle just now and the front tires started slipping and spinning because it's got more weight in the back right now listen power is not an issue very impressed so far we'll see how it does on the freeway and on Hills these trucks lose a lot of their um Power the faster you get going because the electric motor is already spinning so fast so when you go to stomp on it I mean it's still got decent acceleration from like 80 to 100 but it's not like you know fast car that has a big engine cuz electric motors most of their torque is down on the bottom end and it's pretty much instant but I I literally I can't even feel this load right now this is pretty impressive all right guys we are here at the base of parley Summit now keep in mind that my Trailer Load is actually a little heavier than his because my jeep has the Hellcat engine which is a few hundred lbs heavier he does have a shell and some other accessories but it's safe to say that the loads are pretty much identical uh the extra weight difference on Dave's truck is because his truck has a flatbed and it's just a heavier truck so this is about as Fair as a uh if you're just looking at payload capabilities so right now we're going to take off and race it's about 11 M long and we're going to climb approximately 4,000 ft now one thing I got to say is I just charged the truck last night to 100% the other test we did yesterday so I I went and got the truck a full fresh battery and I'm already at about 80% I've used 20% just getting here so this thing is going to gobble up the battery as we go up to the top of the hill and I'm guessing we use every bit of 20% 25% % but we should gain about 5 to 7% back when we come back down this hill and head back towards the shop as you guys already know my money's on the Cyber Tru because it's a monster but remember the battery is very limited so I could only do this hill you know a couple of times before I'm out of battery whereas Dave he can go all day cuz he's got big fuel tanks Let's [Music] Race we're about to part about to test the old cyber truck versus this Ram 55 500 pulling two of the baddest Jeep Gladiators on the planet right dannie you want party yeah all right ready set go there go just a 360 what's your battery life out there Dave it's not good guys this is absolutely bananas we are doing 80 M hour uh when typically when I climb this Canyon with any other truck with the trailer we're talking like 4050 which is probably about what Diesel Dave is doing boy our average speed has been 72.6 mph and uh we've gone about 6 miles so far we got another five to go till we get to the summit and I haven't seen Dave in a minute pretty much since we left the comparison is like there's really no comparison as far as power getting up this hill this truck absolutely dominates however we've already used 20% battery we started at about 70 at the bottom of the hill and now we're at uh 51 so probably get to the top around 45% cuz we're about to get to the steepest part of the hill now whoa that guy's in a dead stop in the middle holy smokes it's a good old cruise on Annie unfortunately our insta 360 camera decided to flop over right as soon as we started so the footage is probably really weird right now and uh the Drone couldn't keep up it's only like a 40 mph drone and and we were immediately doing 70 so the Drone is back there somewhere just kind of loitering over the highway we're hoping that it finds a safe spot to land unlike last time when it didn't find a safe spot to land and got run over we can't turn back now we're stuck with this and that last 5% of battery since I was talking just went bye-bye so we just used 5% 6% now I'm only at about 60% throttle right here there's that bar that white bar that shows you how much power I'm using when I accelerate all the way you'll see that bar it was maxed out um and it was still pulling which is insane this isn't practical for everyday driving because if you're driving a you know with a trailer like this you're just going to run out of juice immediately so you would want to drive a little bit more conservatively but we are almost to the exit I'm going to stop the timer here boom all right so the time shut off there now we're going to start this timer to see how much we beat them by [Music] jeez that was nuts no warnings no temperature everything seems pretty happy so I hear a fan going that's the first time I've ever heard a fan that's probably the cooling fan for the battery pack and the motors because I guarantee we just created some serious heat the battery's at 40% so that uh climb used 30% of our battery Dave's pulling in passing the exit sign and boom just shy of a minute 30 was what we beat him by and I guarantee his temps aren't happy I beat you by a minute 30 nice and straight down the freeway we're uh just going to go up the hill to my house which I live on a pretty steep hill up on the mountain here it's about a about a,t climb from down here where we're at by the shop up to my house we're going to climb from about 4,500 ft to just just a little over 5,500 so a little over 1,000 foot of climb and this is a road that uh you know all of our trucks notoriously struggle on even our big semis and stuff just because it's so steep right now driving around town I mean we're on a decent little Hill right here I can't even tell there's a trailer back there this thing's riding really really well and I love that cameras cuz they're like HD really nice so I can see my tie down straps make sure everything on the trailer is good I only charge this truck to about 90% 80 to 90% every day because you're not supposed to go all the way to 100% for just everyday driving and so I'll leave my house and let's say it's at 90% which is what a Max charge was that I allowed it to go to by the time I get to the bottom of the hill the shop I'm at like 92 or 93 because the truck is building power as it regenerates all the way down the hill um which is cool cuz it also saves my Brak so my brakes don't get hot and it charges my battery for me that's one thing I do love about electric vehicles we are pulling up to the hill that leads up to my house we're going to come to a dead stop up here and have Dave pull up next to me and then we're going to just from a standstill accelerate to the top of the hill and see who makes it there first Ready set [Music] go we just got to the top of the hill and it's been 15 seconds I started a stopwatch as soon as we pulled to the top I mean we just walked away from them and we went maybe half a mile we beat them by over 30 seconds on a maybe qu mile run right now we switch Lane I'd say it's comparable we beat you by 40 seconds we're still cooling up what else what else you got that's it that's it you didn't have breakfast so they didn't have breakfast that's all right I'll be lucky to have enough battery to get to the shop so we just came down the hill from my house we're about halfway to the shop and most of the steep hills are behind I started coming down the hill at 58% and we're at 61 now so the battery regen 3% in how far was that 3 miles so we were getting 1% per mile regen with the load that we have on there which is really really impressive this thing just absolutely rips where I go just thinks there's semis everywhere yeah there's a lot of ghost vehicles that this thing sees and people creepy thing is people you just be driving late at night like parked at a stop sign and all a sudden a person that's not there in real life walks by your screen well guys you saw the results uh now obviously there's a lot of factors here that contribute to this but overall if you look at my speed my top speed was 84 milph diesel Dave's top speed was 83 mph my average speed was 75 mph diesel Dave's average speed was 62 mph it took uh we both did the exact same length 9.6 miles and it took me 7 minutes and 30 seconds and it took Diesel Dave about 9 minutes and 16 seconds so we beat him by a little over uh like a minute 45 somewhere in there um and it shows you just how fast the Cyber truck was actually accelerating which is insane you guys see this clip right here when we start going this is fully loaded truck just launching as we're merging onto the freeway pulling uphill so I'm very impressed now let's talk about the bad I have 25% battery left when I left my house this morning I had 100% I used about 20% to get from the shop to the bottom of the hill I used another 25% to get up the hill and then I actually gained about 5% coming down the hill and then the rest I gobbled up driving from the bottom of the hill back to the shop so it shows that I have gone 63 miles since my last 100% charge and I have about 25% left that has been while consuming an average of 1.2 wat hours um well 12 1.2 kwatt hours uh per mile so 1,90 wat hours per mile where this truck normally gets about 590 wat hours per mile so way better economy when it's not Towing obviously so right now with the 25% that I have left if you times that by you know the average of 500 um wat hours per mile that means I've got approximately so looks like I'm going to have approximately 42 mil left on this charge if I just drove normally which sounds about right so the reason why this is interesting is because obviously this truck has significantly more horsepower to get up the hill and it's instant torque availability but the drawback is to run out of power like almost immediately now keep in mind a lot of these new trucks uh only get like 5 to seven miles the gallon once you get them fully loaded and you know with the d8 uh DPF systems and all the death and things like that so uh you got to have bigger fuel tanks on your diesel trucks to be able to make the distance work but overall I mean we would have had to stop and charge first of all we would have had to try to find a supercharger at the top of the hill if we were to try to keep going and then we would have had to sat there for roughly 30 minutes to an hour to get a full charge back on um a lot of people when they do cross country road trips and stuff like that they'll go to supercharger and sit there for maybe 10 15 20 minutes and it's just kind of like throwing you know 10 15 gallons of fuel in your vehicle so when the charging Network gets built out that's going to be you know a game changer also Battery Technology hydrogen fuel cell technology all that stuff is going to make a difference when you're talking about how far an EV can go while under a tremendous load like Towing as we just were so this is not a truck that I would try to take tow trailer really anywhere other than just around town it was more of a comparison to see what the power was like uphill under you know extreme demand I'm still very impressed with the truck so now I'm going to go plug it in and uh we're going to get ready to do our next test which I would love to hear your guys' input what do you guys want to see this thing do real world applications how do you want to see us work it what do you we've got a whole list of stuff we plan on doing but if you guys have ideas drop in the comments below let us know what you think I'm not becoming just an EV guy that's such a stupid like just an ignorant mindset like I can't I'm not just going to choose one or the other I'm always going to have my diesel pickups I'm always going to have my semi- trucks I'm always going to have you know gas and combustion engine powered vehicles but I like playing with this EV stuff too especially if you're driving around town like the Cyber truck has been one of the most enjoyable Vehicles I've ever driven around town so I think there's room for both broaden your horizons and do your best to try to embrace new technology and new ideas because ultimately that's how we advance as a society and as a civilization if you have that mentality you're going to get left behind thanks for joining us and we'll see you on the next test [Music]
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,704,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, snowrunner, trailers, family friendly, no swearing, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar, excavator, equipment, heavy duty, dozer, hunting, hellcat, JEEP, snowcat, oshkosh, auction, govplanet, public surplus, abandoned, storage unit
Id: A-TkY1paDjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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