I'm selling my stupid Tesla Cybertruck as prices are crashing, but Carmax refused to make an offer?

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but I need to sell it while I still can and dump the Cyber truck so I am going to take the Cyber truck to CarMax for an appraisal to see what they say welcome to's garage the dumbest automo channel in all of YouTube and yes I am dumping my cybertruck after only a month because there are some things with this that I really don't like also some things that Tesla have done with the new Cyber truck make me feel kind of icky and also the main reason I'm scared of catastrophic depreciation the bottom is falling out on these and I feel like if I still have this thing by the end of the year I'll lose $30 $40,000 or more and with all the dumb decisions I've made lately it's time to make a smart one and dump this thing now before we get into this I do want to say this is my opinion and my judgments on the car based on my personal opinion my firsthand experiences and what I have read online with other Tesla owners and I may be wrong on some of this this is certainly my opinion and I'm just reading information I may have a few facts wrong so please take that with a grain of salt and Tesla if you're watching this it is just my opinion and uh yeah don't sue me out of existence for having a negative opinion please please pretty pleased but I am not worried about Tesla suing me for selling my cyber Tru even though they threatened that they would because they haven't done it to anyone else yet that I know of although they may want to make an example out of me we'll see uhoh so when the Cyber truck was unveiled over four years ago it was supposed to have a price of around $60,000 for the all-wheel drive have 500 miles of range and look like this incredible spaceship looking thing from the future and they did deliver on the looks I do personally love the looks people are divided on it but I personally love it uh but what we got as far as specs isn't the same Foundation series to own the very first cyber truck you had to pay a minimum of $100,000 and the range only 340 mil or you could pay an extra 15 grand for a range extender that takes up a lot of your rear cargo space you buy a truck to haul thing so you have to sacrifice that bed space for another 100 or so Miles and with a cyber truck you're supposed to get a lot of extras not just the laser etched Foundation series thing on the body you're supposed to get full self-driving standards so the autopilot system you're supposed to get a cool light bar across the top and Tesla's really cool Power share that allows you to plug in the Tesla and say if your power goes out it automatically kicks on as a backup generator and can run your home but I haven't gotten any of those things more on that in a little bit supposedly over 1 million people put down at a Clos it on a cyber truck $100 instant fundraising for Elon and that meant a 3 to 4 year wait to get your cyber truck and that does not seem the case so I was a day one reservation holder but now I'm seeing on the Tesla forums people who are 500 to a million people supposedly in line are getting their invitations to configure and that's because you get way less range way more expensive those hundreds of thousands or million plus people that put down a reservation are going to pass they're going to wait at least for the non-foundation series and save themselves at least 20 grand or wait till the rear wheel drive comes out that's supposed to be under $60,000 and get that not pay 100 Grand or 120 grand for the cyberbeast or wait until they improve the Cyber truck add a lot more range especially with the Chevy EV Silverado having a reported over 400 miles of range and it has been reported that Tesla does have the room underneath to add more battery capacity to meet that so this very first model that I'm a beta tester on that I don't get a lot of the tech and a lot of the things I was promised I'm paying extra to do that so once they run through all the people dumb enough like me to pay $100,000 or more for the foundation series that'll lower the price 20 grand and I will have an instant 20,000 or more depreciation realistically if you can get this exact same truck the same spec for $80,000 then wholesale will be 5 10 grand back of that or more if demand really goes down these things as Tesla is able to ramp up production because their goal is to build hundreds of thousands of these a year and sell them so pretty soon these will be all over the place if they can sell them and at the current price point not a lot of people will buy them so they will inevitably lower the price to what they were supposed to be so I bet by the end of the year if I still had the Cyber truck I would be losing $30 $40,000 and that's one thing if I actually Lov the truck and wanted to keep it really enjoyed driving it I just popped open the charge port um I would be happy to do that drive it into do nothing until it's you know rusting out on the farm but I don't love this thing I like it but not for that not for $100,000 or 30,000 or more in depreciation in the year so let me show you why but before we continue with my issues with the Cyber truck I would like to thank pury debt solutions for sponsoring today's video that can be a soul crushing thing and I know because I have a lot of it right now with all the stuff going on at the farm thankfully I can sell a hoopty or two and have been when things get too deep but if you're struggling with credit card personal loans collections medical bills PDS solution provides options that consolidate your debt into one low monthly payment if you're making payments every month on your debt and your balances aren't going down this program is for you everyone with $110,000 or more in eligible debt qualifies and there is no minimum credit score required PDS debt is a top rated company on Google and they have an A+ rating on the Better Business Bureau and they're offering free debt analysis it only takes 30 seconds and you can save yourself thousands in interest rates in fees pay off your debt in a fraction of the time head over to PDS death.com hoovies to get your free debt assessment today so there's some pretty well publicized issues with Tesla the panel gaps being one of them I don't think the panel gaps are that bad for a Tesla I feel like they are acceptable and of course the finger thing the fact that everything is Razor Edge on this and they don't have really good pinch sensors to where fingers and appendages get trapped it is certainly an issue there but it's kind of a goof I hurt my arm the first few days owning this walking by and clipping right here at this sharp edge cut into me pretty good but other owners have uh actually had stitches from this corner right here and slamming their leg through the door one person did it on delivery day and needed stitches from their cyber truck so these razor edges do seem really stupid but it does mean you get a very nice thick metal say on the DeLorean where it had nice edges on it it's not as thick as this hence it's not bullet resistant or impact resistance so it's pretty good on the body but you can see it's not just stainless feel everywhere on this there is a lot of hard plastic including places where it shouldn't be hard plastic this right here this should be flexible most people they have these panels they are a flexible material to where if they take a hit they sort of Bend backwards uh this one it does not so people are going Offroad or hitting some road debris and they're breaking this as well as this one back here sort of the mud flaps are for the extra arrow in the Cyber truck they need to be flexible and they're not so they are breaking at an alarming rate great and Tesla does say if you go Offroad you should take these off so they don't get annihilated but it's not just what you can see it's also what lurks underneath and I showed you in that terapart video the issues that I saw underneath the frunk of the Cyber truck but then another person has pointed out that the control arms they do look very very dinky thin small I mean this this is it right here as far as the thickness it is not thicker than my finger all the way across and this is supposed to to be an off-road vehicle you see the big airbag there uh that is not a very beefy upper control arm I'm going to show you on two other vehicles just for comparison sake starting with my Chevy 3500 van so a nice beefy van here the upper control arm yes it is smaller but it is at least one finger thickness and this isn't meant for any kind of off-roading at all but you can see it is a thicker beefier looking at least control arm but then when you compare it to this purpose-built Ford Raptor this offroader here you can see the upper control arm is pretty beefy as well at least one finger thick on there and then the lower control arm is absolutely massive obviously this is built to go off-road and jump over 300,000 miles and it has had some suspension work but hasn't fallen apart on me yet and you can see the suspension setup just makes the Cyber truck look like an absolute joke another thing that's having massive failure rates is this panel right here to open and close the rear hatch and The Vault you can stand on this it will support your weight but this button itself allows water to get in I've seen it one time where it's all swelled up sort of like a pimple and it still worked but obviously water getting in there over and over again it does lead to eventual failures and there is a replacement for that for now mine is working perfectly in addition there is a hookup for the light bar or whatever up here there's an electrical plugin for it and someone had their short out and melt all of this without any kind of warning light apparently of course there is no hub caps and you can see inside the hubs this is normal my 11-year-old daughter set the lock noise to that uh she thinks it's funny it is pretty funny but uh it does that at times so this is starting to rust and it looks very unsightly it's normal for hubs to be exposed metal like this and rust uh but there's supposed to be wheel covers that we're supposed to get eventually but we haven't and there's no estimate on when we're getting that same goes for the full self-driving Elon said it could be a few months or more because they got to prioritize the rest of the Tesla Fleet for the new generation autopilot uh so if Elon says months and he said this would come out in a few years the Tesla Roadster they're supposed to come out in a few years is still not out who knows when this thing will actually get autopilot in full self-driving and it's something that you can subscribe to and pay 99 or1 199 a month so at that math $8,000 even if I had it right now it would take five three five seven years depending on how they pric it to recover that cost and then there was the Power share I was talking about the homeow the backup generator for this well uh Tesla makes you have it installed by a certified Tesla installer and there's a long weit and they're quoting out uh6 to $8,000 in some cases one person I think said $6,500 after a decent weight and he was very proactive in signing up which is a one to two day job and Tesla provides the hardware that is the Power share to plug it in so it's simply electrician wiring up this to work on the house on the existing infrastructure not many extra parts so one to two days of work at $6 to $8,000 means Tesla is probably marking this up to recover their cost I don't know that for sure but in what world does one day's work or two days work for an electrician with no extra tools cost that much money so a lot of people are opting out for that and they're getting a $2,500 credit supposedly or a year of supercharging and one of the things you can buy is the Cyber tent the really cool cyber tent to go across the back here and that is $3,000 so you get a $2,500 credit $3,000 for the tent I wonder what their cost is on the tent could it be $500 would that be the cost on the tent or maybe $300 so they still make a little bit of money this is me just guessing I don't know but you kind of see where I'm going here where all this sort of feels like it just feels gummy it feels like used car slimy dealer stuff when this is a new car dealer and I'm paying for the privilege of being their beta tester not getting the tech of full self-driving wheel covers a light bar any of the gimmicks and paying extra for the privilege and of course don't forget the little rivet on my accelerator pedal because the pedals would come loose and their fix is a rivet so yeah but that's not the primary reason why I want to get rid of the Cyber truck like I said it's because of the massive depreciation a that is coming on this thing it's enough to where if I wasn't going to lose a fortune I would like it enjoy it drive it there are some things that I like but I need to sell it while I still can and I actually found an EV that is worth owning that is brand new and I'm actually going to pick that up today and dump the Cyber truck that is unless CarMax gives me more so I am going to take the Cyber truck to CarMax for an appraisal to see what they say and I have had a few other quotes as well it's been a for sure so the first sale of a cyber truck at auction was $244,000 that was dealer only the next week $200,000 I covered both emailed the man who owns the wholesale company that uh did it give me the VIN and he has offered to take this truck and sell it through his Lane and see what it does but after those few early sellers that hit the lottery that took the risk of being sued by Tesla for flipping it uh the floodgates opened and prices have come Crashing Down 150s 140s 130s 11 teens we've seen public sales on cars and bids as low as 108,000 so with fees that's around 115 and now they're getting lower and lower and lower closer to MSRP so I realized at this moment this is the last day the last week probably that I will be able to sell this cyber Tru and not take a loss so I went shopping the acceleration is so good that is one of the things that I do like and I have sort of become an EV Enthusiast or convert after owning one of these for about a month and driving several other EVS on my other Channel Good Morning YouTube a lot of new car reviews I do love the fact that I never have to go to the gas station I plug it in every day never have to think about it and also that instant acceleration this thing 3 and 1 half seconds to 60 is awesome the ride is also very nice on this thing it is quiet and I do love the visibility this big giant window in the front reminds me of like a Toyota Privia I had in the past it's just so cool I do love the look and the feel of this thing but not for $100,000 the seat Comfort is okay nothing spectacular not uncomfortable but still not something plush and luxurious that you would think for something that costs six figures then the interior itself well it's very sparsely finished out you have this screen that controls everything and I just can't get used to it I want to have buttons for things I want shortcuts to change the fan speed I don't want to have to push this button and then this button and this button to able to control my fan speed same with turning on the heated seats or changing the radio uh so many things I guess there's some radio controls here but there's just so many things that I hate toggling through the screen to do and I hate looking at my rearview mirror in the TV screen rather than up here because it is completely useless with the Vault closed the mono wiper works but it is kind of annoying the coverage is a little spotty sometimes it'll miss the middle of the windshield because it is so big the windshield washer cleaner has actually improved a little bit let's see I'm pushing the button it's still there it goes it's doing the job but as you can see sometimes it Parks itself down there I need to like off I want you to turn off and but even though it's off it's now parked itself down there it'll eventually go back up it's just a little Quirk not a big deal I haven't had any kind of lag or any kind of crashing any kind of electronic issues at all with this thing and that's pretty widely reported uh with the Cyber trucks they're being pretty reliable in that sense a few very early failures with some big Hardware but normal for a brand new vehicle off the line I think overall they've been pretty solid in that sense oh there goes the wiper but I did mention to all of my dealer buddies that I do want to sell my cyber truck and uh they called some of their bigger wholesaler friends and a lot of them are scared and B a little under MSRP now because they obviously want to make money if they wholesale it or if they're stuck with it for a long time then they don't want to continue to ride that wave down because it's not just with Tesla and the foundation series going away leading to huge depreciation it's just the same with electric cars in general because they are so darned expensive that when they reach the secondary Market the buyers they're used are buying it at a much lower price point test drove a lucid that was $155,000 new for $79,000 so half depreciation the ride was a little bit too jittery for me a little too harsh but overall beautiful quality Tesla Model 3s you can get now for under $20,000 with autopilot you pay the subscription and you have autopilot out of rron similar thing about half off there's so many EVS that are half off after one or two years of ownership where that makes a lot of sense to buy them and maybe someday I will come back to the Cyber truck and buy it used cheap and depreciated and then deal with all the issues and lose money that way because that's how I like to lose money but for now just with straight up depreciation it feels really really stupid and no I am not worried about Tesla suing me Elon suing me for selling this because I did sign an agreement with Tesla when I configured this that I wouldn't sell it within a year I'd give them first R of refusal at MSRP minus a mileage if they decline then I could sell it uh but I can sell it for MSRP right now to where I don't lose anything so I'm not making any money but Tesla could technically sue me for $50,000 and if that happens it'll be ridiculous they're not doing it to anybody the worst thing they're doing is Banning people from buying future Teslas which if they do that to me I guess I'll just deal with it so I know I have an offer right now to where I'm not losing money and it also gets me into another brand new vehicle that I really really like but before I drop off and say goodbye to my Tesla I do have to see what CarMax has to say because they may want it for their own inventory pay even more than MSRP for because the auction values are still kind of crazy right now they're up and down but every single week it just gets lower and lower and lower but if they base their wholesale values on even two weeks ago they could bid1 $20,000 over MSRP for this thing so well fingers crossed on that but we'll see well it's actually been a few days since I went to CarMax in the Cyber Tru and it did not go how I expected at all after sitting there for almost an hour they came back and said that we are unable to put an offer on your cyber truck or any cyber Tru for that matter until it has been at least a year since you purchased it and there's only two reasons that I can think of as to why number one being the volatile cybertruck Market is just too crazy that it want to get into it so they're just waiting a year or more likely they're worried about the litigious nature of Tesla and what would happen say if they bought a cyber truck and then that person got sued and then that person sues CarMax because they should have known I don't know something like that uh so it didn't work out at Carmax at all and it also didn't work out at the dealership that I was going to buy one of these from this is a Cadillac lyric it's Cadillac's allnew electric SUV and the one of two ways I was talking about on buying an electric car one of them was going to be buying used which is what this is the other one was leasing with the $7,500 tax credit and most makes way over overv valuing their residuals on leases you can get a really cheap lease like Ed did on an Audi rron for you know a couple hundred bucks a month on $100,000 Audi for two years there's other instances of that and that was going to be the case with the lyric except it turns out it didn't qualify for whatever reason on the lease for the $7,500 tax credit so that blew it up and they were going to give me MSRP for the cybertruck $12,000 but my backup was this it's a 2023 with 9,000 M 300 plus miles of range this is the two wheel drive but it is the launch edition and very very loaded with the super Cruise which is rival to Tesla's autopilot installed and working and this dealer was willing to give me $111,000 on the Cyber Tru so I get not only what I paid for it but also all of my sales tax back to where I'm not losing very much money I think even making a couple thousand and they were willing to sell this to me for $42,000 which knew this was close to $770,000 so one-year-old 8,000 miles that massive depreciation I was talking about and you have $25,000 off uh a third not quite half off and with that higher trade value really it's like $35,000 is what I paid for this thing when you consider over MSRP and since I traded in I didn't have to pay any sales tax at all so it really was a no-brainer I really haven't liked any of Cadillac's recent offerings other than the Escalade because Cadillac had tried to go sporty and trying to make sort of European s sports cars rather than old school luxury sedans like that ended with the DTs when I was a Salesman at the Cadillac dealership old Devils cils that kind of thing but I do feel like this lyric is a return to form because the ride is so darn nice I do think it looks really good even though it is a cross over it's lower so it's almost wack Andes to me I like the light bar here in the rear in the back the rides incredible the seat Comfort is just out of this world and it has Tech the right way I have options as far as not having to go through a screen I could if I wanted to with a touchscreen but I have the knobs down here and I have physical buttons everywhere heated and cooled seats autopilot that works I don't have to wait for months all kinds of nice options that the cybertruck doesn't have and for a small fraction of the price not only because this is way cheaper new MSRP but also in depreciation now things that I do give up is the acceleration 0 to 60 on these at the fastest 4 and 1/2 seconds the Cyber Tru a second faster and range is a little bit less I think all the cybertruck is 340 these are about 320 still plenty now this is an allnew platform for GM as far as their big electric architecture as far as their push into the future and it's sort of modul with the motors and the battery packs to where upkeep uh should be pretty simple similar to Tesla really this is the first thing that I feel like from The Big Three that is able to go after Tesla in a meaningful way and be competitive but it's not without its quirks I haven't notice any but in the lyric owners Forum there are plenty of people having little bugs and hiccups and software updates and things but the good news with that is any Cadillac dealership can work on it I don't have to drive three hours away to a Tesla store to get my car fixed if something does go wrong and like I said it's more comfortable it's better equipped it's easier to drive and I bought it for less than what I expect the Cyber truck to depreciate in the next six months so we'll see how it goes we'll see how my decision was we'll check back in later and see well was I right on Cyber trucks was I not I feel like I am and while I did have fun with the Cyber truck I do not regret my decision one bit thank you so much for watching
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 549,509
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Id: JsU0vNHXun0
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Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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