From the Bad to the Worst Problems After 1 Month of Ownership

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[Music] at that point I was like okay I've had enough I have had enough welcome back to the cob pit whether your longtime viewer or a new subscriber I appreciate every single one of you you can be anywhere in the world but you're here with me now I already know you're expecting me to take off this cyber truck owner shirt and burn it right like when LeBron left Cleveland I expect that let me just let you know there's three different camps here so let's see what's up I wonder which Camp are you in huh let me know in the comments cuz people been doing that already so you let me know too Camp number one the people who are saying is garbage is trash he's a fake he Stark he's a scam artist Tesla suck quality control blah blah blah blah blah then there's camp too just be happy you got one people are waiting you're one of the first 2700 in the world enjoy it quit complaining and then there's people like me right in the middle the third Camp the people who really do really do appreciate the things that this truck has brought to the table love the way it looks love the way it feels but is a little fr frustated with the things going on with it and understanding it's one of the first ones off the line out of the factory if you've done your research you've seen that the first model 3es that came out trouble the first model X's that came out trouble the first Model S's and so on and so forth and I understand that as an early adopter but it is still frustrating so um I'm going to tell you about the whole thing that went down what's going down what's making me the most frustrated and it's it's been a while and already one month to accelerate my delivery and Vin I had to go up north to San Jose area actually Sunnyville California and pick it up so instead of me waiting and I got it at least a month and a half early by doing this I called up there and they said hey we got some up here we're going to give you a VIN number as soon as we can bam they give me a VIN I'm like whoa then next thing you know we turn around I call them back and say Hey how do I schedule an appointment they say oh right here bam I schedule an appointment for 3 days after that we flew up there whole family flew up to San Jose when we went on the lot we saw so many so many of them just waiting waiting waiting waiting it took them a while to clean it right I was there for a couple hours met my boy Ryan from the kilowatts you know in the hoopla the excitement of getting a truck I'm like you know I'mma check a little bit here and there I didn't go through a whole delivery checklist but I asked Ryan I said hey yo can you take a look for me cuz you know I'm floating high so he looked around he checked it out the family looking at it everybody excited and he comes to me he says Hey the frunk it's sunking in just a little bit and I looked and I said oh you're right you're right you're right he said everything else perfect I said I appreciate you so I talked to the guy he said you can take delivery now or you can wait and pick it up later after we fix it but it's a real quick fix I said I'm going to take delivery I'mma drive this home right I'mma take this all the way back to SoCal and then I'm going to put in a service request that was my plan so I'm driving home beautiful drive right only two stops for 25 minutes and they gave it to me at 30% charge so it wasn't even full so nice little drive or whatever beautiful drive and as I'm driving I notice something's going on with the windshield What It's Like A Wrinkle a line it's not cracked it's like an imperfection when they went through the whole process and it's right in my line of sight if I dug down a little bit I see it I'm like uh let me add that to the service request so I put in the service request I show up there and they say yeah we ordered the windshield for you we have the windshield but the adhesive is backordered so we can fix the frun now or you can just come back later in a week say less I rescheduled came back in a week picked it up windshield looks perfect front looks better it's not perfect right but if you do look at a lot of them in the lot they all pretty messed up but anyway it looks good enough right it looks good enough so I'm happy I'm satisfied a couple days later I'm driving it and as I turn I'm starting to hear a little Creeks right I'm like damn what is that where is that so I had my wife sit in the back she's trying to investigate she I think it's coming from the center console I'm like okay I sit in the back I try to listen a little bit I'm like yeah I hear that Creek and it's getting worse and it's getting worse it's getting worse so I'm like oh man okay so I'm might have to put this in too now right what can I do I look on the form somebody said put some foam underneath at the bottom so I went ahead and did that and it it made it better it it worked for minute right then it messed up again I'm all right so I'm putting in the order anyway so I put in order for that all right I'm driving to work it's sunny I'm pulling down the visor next thing you know kachang kachang this gear selector at the top it just dropped down I'm like dang what's going on I try to pop it back up nope I try to pop it back up nope right I pop it up it stays good hit a bump drops so I'm like man I don't know if the weight if it's the weight of the magnets or what but I'm like man this truck falling apart right I'm getting a little frustrated I'm like dang what's going on so I remove the VIS the visors so I'm driving some more then it just I hit I hit a little bump the whole thing just dropped down now it's dangling I'm like okay I'm putting in service I put in a service for the crein I put in a service for the top gear selector and now I'm just frustrated now I'm just frustrated and as I put that in I realized recall we got a recall right we got a recall now so everybody's thinking like oh what's going on what's going on right you heard about the pedal calm down calm down mine was good I thought right I thought it was good right I mean 19 people hit me up I'm exaggerating nine people hit me up the same day my mom my dad my homies people I don't even know right I'm in a Drive-Thru a Jack In The Box homeboy told me I'm like starting to feel it right so now I'm like all right I get it I get it luckily I had had cyber truck takeover Long Beach on the schedule and we went and checked it out and it was wonderful right more info about that later but I got to see some raps that I likeed I got to see some tents that I like got to meet some cool people it was really nice event but the best part about that whole thing they were fixing a recall they were putting that rivet right in the accelerator pedal right so I'm like I'm excited yeah do me next do me next right can you do me sure you can do me I got you I got you nicest guy ever right really appreciate them he does it I look down I glance I take a picture I'm like okay all right I guess right I'm like it's cool and I'm thinking like something's weird I post it on X and some of the homies they're like yo it's not supposed to look like that it's supposed to look like this and I'm like you're right you're right so I'm about to head back right and I I contact them and they're like come back immediately which is great especially on a Saturday you got y'all could tell I'm getting fired up I'm trying to open up the trunk it won't respond now I should backtrack a little bit this issue did happen about a couple weeks ago when I was showing off the truck to my cousin my car Enthusiast cousin so he's all about vehicles trucks he has a raptor has BMW he has all kind of cars right and I'm showing them all around I'm trying to pop the tailgate nothing nothing I'm like after a while it worked later on that night so whatever it was a oneoff I'm hoping I'm thinking so I'm like no big deal didn't bring it up again it happened everything's happening on this Saturday everything's happening I'm likeo why isn't it opening why is in the opening I put in a service request now the recall is good that they're fixing it the problem is all the service centers are backed up now so they're not really responding they didn't give me a date I'm getting frustrated right I head back to Tesla Long Beach and they hooked it up they fixed it they did a temp fix on my accelerator pedal the problem was it was sliding up so the rivet isn't where it should be the pedal's too high so they knocked it down they punched a hole in it another hole there is a hole at the the original hole at the bottom they're going to order me a new part and they're going to fix it whatever I'm just happy they did right by me um next thing is he looked at my center console not my Center my gear selector and he fixed it so I'm like whatever y'all did salute I appreciate you right I know y'all can't mess with this trunk right now though he looked at it he said yeah sorry about that you got to send that in they did they just hooked me up real quick because it was late and they knew it was a safety concern I'm like okay the front whatever it won't open I can use the two little red uh safeties right I can pull the safeties out and make it work all right whatever but I'm frustrated man I'm at Carls Jr the guy at the window says hey you know these are bulletproof right I'm like yeah yeah he said but they not really I saw somebody shoot it it went right through it's dangerous man don't believe it at that point I was like okay I've had enough I have had enough the hate is overwhelming and I don't really care about people online hating because you know you online but he just felt the need to tell me that the truck is not legit my family members telling me they got all these problems and I'm having these problems so I'm feeling really overwhelmed right I'm feeling bad oh man my wife I'm telling you she put me in a good place she was like you know what this is your dream vehicle you wanted it she talked me back down she was like you know what you knew coming in they're going to have issues you knew that you knew that and yeah they're unfortunate and yeah some suck but you got your truck and they're going to fix it in time and you know the people that love it they love it it brings so much joy to people you should you should see the smiles the waves the thumbs up right so many people love it and that makes me feel good but also the balance in life right the balance in nature so many people hate it right so many people hate it for whatever reason but whatever right that's the balance of life that comes with it but I'm like you're right and I appreciate her and I love her and she she thank you thank you thank you baby after that you know I get home I'm feeling much better I'm like you know what oh hey look at that I got the tailgate working again I'm feeling good I'm feeling good good I get home from the store the tailgate opens by itself it just drops like what's going on I went back and I closed it right I go back in the house dropped again okay okay can I catch a break at this point I'm getting really frustrated I'm trying to close it it won't close I'm going back and forth trying to close it it won't close it won't close it won't close oh it closed excellent let me go sit down and watch it it pops open I'm like I don't want to take this out somewhere and have this issue happen to me out somewhere um I did drive it around the block while it was open and I see why you need that rear view mirror because when the tailgate down the camera is showing you the street so I have to use that rear view mirror but I finally get there and I'm taking pictures this guy wanted to come and talk to me and I had to keep it real man I told him how much I love it but I said we got issues with it he don't want to hear about the issues it brings Joy he loved it right he loved it so here we go again now so I'm packing up to go back home I close it yeah you heard me I closed it it closed I'm like yes let me drive home I'm driving home I'm getting warning Galore oh tailgate open tailgate in not secure oh look at this oh oh I'm sitting there driving like is this going to pop open it did not pop open but I got the warnings and I did not feel safe I finally get home I said you know I'm going to do a a soft reset so I held down the steering wheel buttons reset it and then when it came back on I got all these warnings I never seen before and I'm like dude okay now Tesla did say I could bring it in and I can keep the vehicle there until they get the parts to fix it but they can't guarantee me a rental or they can't save a rental for me so I'm like all right dude let me let me figure something out right let me figure something out but these issues are frustrating and that's where I am right now right now it's closed but I don't know when it's going to pop open if it's going to pop open if it's going to uh stay closed stay open I have no idea right now and I don't like that feeling but I'll keep y'all updated on all that so I still have the creek I still got the messed up tailgate they're going to perm up my accelerator so it's a work in progress but I love my truck still you could call me a fanboy you can call me whatever you want to call me but you know what this is not going to dampen me I knew it was coming and I'm ready for it we'll see we'll see though we'll see if I get overwhelmed by all these problems right now I'm staying positive I'm still loving it it's still a beautiful Beast it's still everything I wanted but you know you might meet somebody and really like them but the beginning's rough right relationship the beginning of any relationship can be a little rough and that's how you work things through and that's actually going to bring you closer right I'm not being weird I'm not saying my truck is my girl right I'm not saying that I'm just saying it's a it is a relationship um and that's going to help us Bond help us grow all right let me leave that analogy alone but you know what I mean as long as you have these bad times you really know you really can appreciate you really can feel the good times hey thanks for watching I'll keep you updated stay locked for much more don't forget Cobra told you all right y'all [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kobra ToldYa
Views: 84,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 81x2XRtVKh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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