We Really Pissed Off the Crowd By Bringing a Cybertruck to a Tractor Pull!

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all right here we go full pull time actually I'm terrified who would have thought that uh a tractor pull in this case a truck pull could be so scary there's a lot to this it's like drag racing except scarier I don't know what I'm doing help me I need to make sure something so I've got 60% power to the rear 40 to the front I'm in Offroad mode rear steer off I'm ready to go okay pull forward so we can tighten your chain just go easy it's tight up hold up right there now wait until we get a green flag okay okay here we go come on cumins come on we're moving we're moving there's dirt fing go go go go yeah I heard people saying go back to California people wish me to go back to California yes this did not turn out as plan the plan was to come here before the crowd showed up and run the trucks by ourselves because frankly Andre and I don't know what we're doing at a tractor pull in fact this is very similar to drag racing except instead of going a/ quar mile you end up going about 300 ft and it is much more complicated than first blush would [Music] suggest Andre where are we at we're in Stony Colorado at the tractor p that's right prob like that my friends is America F yeah but what are we doing here well we are here as part two of our video we're trying to figure out is electricity the future or is diesel there there's a lot of smoke behind me so I brought the TLA cyber truck dual motor and what did you bring I brought the RAM cumins and as you remember last time we told with them the Cummins crushed it uh no yada y y the cber truck was very efficient okay Andre So the plan is to head to the highway and basically tow as far as you can go before you run out of energy and then compare how much energy cost you used versus how much diesel fuel cost I used remember this 25 bucks almost 26 bucks yeah supercharger energy cost 35 cents per Kow hour okay so so 107 * 35 per kwatt hour equals $37 45 so basically $10 more to tow the same distance with the Cyber truck than a diesel than a diesel uh but that depends of course on where you live and on the price of diesel if you're equivalent almost it could be so today we're going to find out what's better a turbo or instant torque but Andre I've never done this before me neither they told they told us we were going to do this before all the people showed up and there's a lot of people here a lot of people and uh I don't know what I'm doing we need to talk to some experts how about we go talk to Kyle and at nsba National slat poers Association and let's learn all the way about it and then let's go pull some sleds see people R stuff all the time great all right well do you see that truck is in pieces did you see that no oh I'm serious it's it's in pieces no I'm really scared I don't know what I'm doing dude well but your truck is not tuned I mean you are lifted I am all stock so I'm not really worried cuz I have a lot of torque and all Factory components you think uh Tesla will watch this video if we break it I think they'll watch it in any case right well I mean they did do a video showing Elon did do something like that so we're good okay good [Music] well Kyle nice to meet you man nice to meet you so I want to learn everything about the sled right because I've watched a few sled PS but I've never actually participated in one sure so tell me about this well it's a giant semi-trailer right essentially it's uh pretty much acts as a what we consider a special mobile piece of equipment and it's a self-propelled by a 6cylinder diesel air cooled DS diesel engine uh I want to show the engine I mean since we started it so it's a self for propelled kind of complex piece of Machinery right yep at that point it becomes its own special mobile piece of equipment runs off of the rear axle and so the rear axle is what drives the sled forward and backwards when it's activated by an air switch in the cabin this piece of equipment this kind of the sliding sled the box so the box is the most crucial part of how the system works so the Box always starts back underneath the cab you have until literally the front axle or essentially some people would say the front of this Fender that as soon as that box crosses this is your point of equilibrium so you have from the point that the box is back to there which on a track would equivalently maybe pan out to be somewhere between 150 ft that like you want to make sure to get going right that's your a game to get going past that point once that box crosses that point it's up to you at this point like you need to keep it going because this is a piece of Steel and it's pushing into the ground now after that point once it hits the trip switch then that's what will relax the pan so when you start that pan is off the ground the only thing that's touching is from about the second light here forward that's all that's touching on the ground once that box actually hits these rollers right here that's what activates is the push down system and that's the crucial part so when that activates that push down system comes up has to transfer 500% of total weight onto the pan as I understand it sorry go ahead you got to get as much speed as you can initially initially and then it's slowly slowly gently gently in the same way it will slow you down and then finally it stops that's it just stops that's it yep so when you come to a stop you'll feel the Box T like the higher speed that you get you'll feel the Box tap a little bit you'll kind of feel it but it's real gentle and then you just spin out that's all there is to it how much does this whole system weigh I mean if you were to tow this down the highway how much does this weigh so just the sled alone yeah is about 33 34,000 lb dead rolling weight okay and then you can add other weight to the uh to the box then we we can add weight so the big weights like what's in the box and what's on the front of the neck those are 2,000 lb and then I have two small 1500 lb weights okay so I have a I have a really good idea now do you mind if Roman asks you a couple questions [Music] sure do we put the trucks in four-wheel drive or two wheel drive four-wheel drive four-wheel drive and we have lockers so do we lock the lockers or do leave the lockers open uh you'd want to lock the lockers all right fair enough and then what brakes what are common breakage points like are are people breaking drive shafts are they breaking differentials I mean what what snaps your the most common weak link that I would say we find is Drive lines you can get a few like within the ring and pinion sometimes those will explode if they're not heavy duty built other than that there's really nothing else that like frame wise is usually pretty good unless you get to balance them then you'll find a weak Link in in a frame yeah then you'll snamp a frame right look you do realize we have to drive back so we cannot snap a drive train or snap a truck in half that would be bad because we'll be coming back here with a trailer you got you'll do just [Music] fine all right Kyle so I brought a 2 and 1/2 to 2 in receiver adapter yep because you have a 2-in solid shank here correct okay and this is not a Pendle hitch I mean this is kind of a very unique hitch this is a unique hitch yes so in our world to technically pull so work stock you can have a a receiver style hitch but any other class you have to have a stationary built-in hitch that's tied into the frame that there's certain degrees there's a lot of power and a lot of yeah you Beta And so then measurement wise to fit the hook under new requirements you have to be 3 in wide 3 and 3/4 in deep Andre how heavy is Roman I'm ready I'm ready let's go that that in itself looks like it's like 100 lb well actually this was a real truck Roman here you go Roman hold on help you hold on if this was a real truck you know we wouldn't have to be doing this right no no if it was a real truck that would oh look great he's lifting it up for me suspension okay that's not going to break right shouldn't okay so to answer his question on that air suspension so in the pulling World there are certain measurements on hitch Heights you have to meet the hitch height requirement within the class that you pull and it has to stay there it can't what's what is it for us does it I think it's 26 in and I'll double confirm that before okay so we have three height right Heights high medium low okay and it'll stay in high uh as long as you don't exceed 25 mph which I don't think will be exceeding no yeah so we can keep it at this height or we could put it a little bit lower or we could put it all the way down so depending on we could adjust the height of this we can adjust the height of that as well if this needs to come up which I can tell you right now it will need to but um that's all adjustable are these specially built just for this that is yes so people trailer room here right this is just a pure Towing rig yes right that is so this is a true competition pulling vehicle every vehicle that you'll see here is true like built just to pull that's it just to pull they don't you don't you don't go to the McDonald's on Friday night in this right no no uh the only thing that you could use is a work stock or off the street vehicle other than that everything is specifically built for Are there specific tires for this as well there is yes so like on the modified four-wheel drive you'll see that those are like v-cut tires those are called CC tires um that class specifically uses those Additionally the tractor tires will be the same any pickup will will have the same um these are tru's um STS Tires and this is a very common Tire used for both like a proo 4 4x4 pickup as well as a diesel pickup I'm thinking there expensive slightly yeah I'm thinking if if they're very specific purpose buil Tire they're going to be very expensive yes does a does a driver have to come out uh no he'll stay in there you stay in there Andre just a little but I had a big lunch Roman 6,975 nice uh I think he's going to be a bit heavier than me which is really not fair yeah yeah Andre my truck oh it's my hat out of here oh boy Roman you're 8,805 that's not fair already I mean come on okay first off I would like to thank Dave ler and the young Farmers for putting on the show and feeding us thank [Applause] you so we have 30 hooks tonight it's not too shabby I'll take it we're all going to have fun um we do have two exhibition hooks tonight we're going we have Andre and Roman they have a 2022 Dodge and the Cyber truck as as I'm sure you all know electricity is the future right charge right the fire department be a hell of a show so that is they approached us and I'm happy to have them here to kind of just do an exhibition put on a little bit of a show for everybody um second to off we have we're going to weigh you're going to go across the scales go down and around you're going to pull from that end to this end and then just like we always do back through the pits just watch your speeds we have young ones there's lots of people around so please go slow we will be in the BR Le Stampede 4th of July parade so if anybody wants to join walking handing out candy handing out flyers find me so I can get you on the list get you a t-shirt um parade starts at 9:00 right C what are you pulling what's your what's your vehicle uh I got a small block 350 Chevy and a tractor a 560 farmal uh call the econom mod class those things had like 50 horsepower yeah and we had to change a few things the only thing stocking is the block so I figured how much horsepower you putting on that thing we're hoping we're crowding 5 500 550 pretty hard sweet um four high four low uh I'd probably recommend four low okay some more torque break torque it yep I think so all right good luck man thank you thank good luck to you [Music] P full pull this is an nspa sanctioned event National sled pullers Association which means there are many rules and regulations first of all you're hooking up to a standard giant semi-trailer sled then you have to go about 300 ft to complete basically what's called a full pull the distance you go is is measured by GPS also it's measuring your speed your top speed there are many different classes of vehicles and they're usually broken down by engine displacement and or power two wheel drive or four-wheel drive of course our cybertruck and our cumin are all stock and they're not really fitting into any of the categories but we're really fortunate to be able to try this and run this course right now are you scared I just don't want to be like and the comment goes 5T 5T 5 ft that's 5 ft people the shortest pole [Music] ever so of course what we're trying to figure out here is uh torque versus Instant torque cuz I got turbo and I got to spool it up whereas Andre no spooling up just uh just floors it all right here we [Music] go okay pull forward for me got [Music] it okay here we go okay you're in low I'm in low okay hold on one second [Music] 2022 here we go come on cumins come on we're moving we're moving there's dirt the truck is going come on oh hey thank you nothing broke who that was fun I want to do it again that was so much fun all right well I went um I would say about 200 about 280 ft just short of a full pole good all right did you get the hitch yeah okay thank [Music] you thank you now it's Andre's turn all right Andre yeah 280 ft 280 yeah that's what you got to beat 280 that's that's too much that's a lot [Music] [Music] I need to make sure something so I've got 60% power to the rear 40 to the front I'm in Offroad mode rear steer off I'm ready to go okay pull forward so we can tighten your chain just go easy till it's tight hold up hold up right there now wait until we get a green flag okay okay we got it [Applause] CH go go go go this feels heavy 33,000 lb come on oh no I don't think I'm going to do it it doesn't seem like it was working very [Applause] well all electric trucks electric what you think about that [Music] huh [Music] what that's of the response I thought i' get wow that was a lot harder and heavier than I ever expected it to be I I was basically full accelerator pedal uh there was so much going on there is such a big crowd here at least for me for doing this for my very first time and pulling 33,000 lb uh and then going nowhere sorry guys I uh there's uh I I think Roman beat me I I [Music] winner winner chicken dinner at 1280 my man almost a full pole almost a full pole hold hold on bakaro diesel diesel diesel diesel hold on buckaroo I got the official data okay I I saw I went farther okay officially yeah you went 21.59 5 ft at 18.3 mph C's power does it and you want to hear about the Cyber truck yeah I heard people saying go back to California people wished me to go back to California yes I think they didn't know you're from Aurora Colorado I went 27.5 70 so you beat me by like 45 ft all right well that's two for the RAM cumins and zero for my man and the Cyber truck I'm not sure Andre if electricity is a future it might just be good old diesel wait a minute we need to come back here when we have a tri motor cyber truck because this is dual motor right I can have more power and maybe I'll have a chance Cummins almost a full well all right not quite a full pull but you know I still pulled 30,000 lb dude 30,000 lb I want to do it again I don't think it's fair it was one elimination see you guys next time hey if you want Andre's I conquered the ike click on the link below comment [Music]
Channel: The Fast Lane Truck
Views: 187,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFLtruck, tesla cybertruck, tesla, cybertruck, cybertruck tesla, tesla cybertruck review, tesla cybertruck drag race, tesla cybertruck news, 2024 tesla cybertruck, tesla cybertruck launch, tesla cyber truck, tesla cybertruck gun, tesla truck, tesla cybertruck crash test, cybertruck review, cybertruck towing, tesla cybertruck capabilities, cybertruck update, cybertruck news, cybertruck interior, tractor pull, elon musk, cummins, ram hd, nspa, sled pullers, weigh safe
Id: FrIUPD_wM6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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