Driving Until I Get Pulled Over

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today I'm going to be driving my world's fastest gener Le what until I get pulled over we have one rule for this I cannot use a firearm or Rob a bang or murder that's like rules for every human being but I can commit vehicular man's [Music] sat night I downtown fall sitting in a nail my bman with the BT f [Music] hey you should probably put a mask on or something just squint dry Cody that's not looks good oh my God that's not even holding anything off you ever feel like your eyes are burning look at this fuel line right next to this oh it's the most critical suspension component so that should be good enough I jacked the rear end off like a foot off the ground he did look watch it settle oh it's perfect we're installing a parachute on the car cuz it's too fast did I get it no did I get it now no did I get it you didn't even do [Music] it now before we get started here we have it on the dyo to measure how much horsepower we have we're going to need some more straps we have this bottle of nitrous which is going to ensure that we have the maximum power you just stand there when I'm spraying this in if it starts to take off you can just push it back ready for nitrous yeah just go like this oh my God just that much I would maybe stand hit it good but not like really good [Music] we're done all right it again 1339 horsepower is a lot it's not a small amount of horsepower we got a new parachute hooked up that's only for the fastest cars in the world they get parachutes and that will allow me to drive out of a plane be in the car and survive Seth here is going to pull the shoot you ready yeah okay it didn't release well it didn't open there's no win what are you guys going to do with this we're going to fly past the cop and pull a shoot wow I'll fly past him at safe speed though 120 130 that was better I'm going to pull the parachute on the street in front of a cop it's not dangerous what if it blows into another Lane that could be dangerous you know you're going to lose a race when the General Lee with an iPhone aimed at the parachute on the back passes you we have our first lease encounter here there's a Sheriff right there but I don't think it's going to work he's Way's over guys this might be it we're going to do it we're going to do it we got to get going straight here we go the shoot is out is he pulling us over no he's not he's not he didn't oh my God he didn't he didn't pull us over I just pulled the shoot in front of a c oh here he is does this count as a pull over there's no lights was an accident I thought you a b Luke oh yeah well we kind of are more than 71 man so I grew up watching the D okay okay I figured you'd come down here so I just did a lap to say hi okay I won't do it again let's pack it back up and do it again there's a bunch of cops we got two or three cops right here maybe we can draw a bunch of attention I'm going honk the horn at him and see what they [Music] mean I like it it's going to be hard to get pulled over actually everybody likes the car nice car thank you so much did you get that just a tail end of it he said when are we going to get the chase I said whenever you're ready I'm doing it we're going to do it now go go go go go go go go go I just ran the stop sign I hope he doesn't care he says when are we going to do the chase I said whenever you're ready I was being [Music] serious more speed holding pulling I'm hold it I hold it oh he's leaving no come on no I can't get pulled over bro they love it too much there's no way he didn't see that he had to him I'm going to pull a parachute next to our third cop I'm going to Swerve into them this time it's so weird waiting for cops instead of a cop waiting for you they've got to be talking to each other don't give in do not pull them over here we go here we go here we go oh boy oh he's getting off he's getting off there it goes there it goes it's deployed it's deployed oh I H this hor but he didn't stop oh my God I can't get pulled over we're pulling a parachute right now down the [Music] road oh my God [Music] bro I'm going to be taking this Offroad now to Mar by the uh draag slicks properly work that was actually my first YouTube video one of my first was mudding with dra slicks everybody liked it so now I'm going to be sanding with Drax [Applause] [Music] yeah it's getting hot already wow this car does not do good off road it is so bad get out of mying car get out out wait I just want to talk about something really quick that we get a lot of questions about and that is this flag it looks like a red flag with a blue through it I don't know if it's people don't like the color red people think it means like slavery in our country oh it came with the car because it's a historical component of the Dukes of Hazard why they have it on here I'm not 100% sure but I think way back when nobody cared so we have a couple options number one I can leave the flag option two we can paint it into a rainbow what does that flag mean Cody the rainbow flag means uh you are a very diverse person expand on that Cody well your interests are broad those are the only two options that's all op we live in the United States put the US flag put the American flag yeah it would be the general what about people from other countries that have fought in a war against America just put every flag on the top of the car every flag how do you think that makes aliens feel why do you care about alien feeling I'm just saying he did he take his meds or stop honestly I'll level with yall generally if everybody can agree on one thing I'll leave it but otherwise I'm going to have to cut the roof off no I don't think that's definitely not an option hey Cody what your merch is too expensive oh yeah yeah yeah people say my merch is too expensive that's why we're starting a new line in China just to please everybody if you want quality made American items you can go to Monster max.com if you want cheap stuff you can go to WD merch madeinchina.com and we'll get that right to your door [Music] do the burnouts with the parachute is not a good idea no well we can't seem to get pulled over in the country so we're going to Nashville now we're going to see how everybody in the city likes the general [Applause] Le last time I came here I was driving a Ferrari a fan was like Revit rev it and they were all standing there so I revved it and immediately the cops pulled me over so I think that's going to be what we have to do but the differ says that car was really really really loud but this car is like collapse your foundation loud that's a badass car that c that ain't good it is way too hot for this car there we go we go we're going to go on Broadway where it all goes down there will be people drunk here at 7:00 a.m. on a Monday we going to be not so quiet I can't I have a girlfriend I on the cheek no yeah know I have a girlfriend sorry she tried kissing me here we go let's try the green button there is no way they're going to put up with that for long no I can't get pulled over I violated every noise ordinance let's see him with the horn tell them to plug their ears plug your [Music] ears these people think I'm like assaulting them with a firearm right now so I see four cop 1 2 three four they're off in your some cookies yeah I'll take one anything oh yeah that looks good he's the man who police say contaminated food with rat poison oh here we go here we go he said none of that look there's people filming up on the balconies when we launch Al Colo there's going to be like 10,000 oh it's going to shut down the city massive you should pull us over I didn't look I didn't even care oh my God bro we asked them to pull us over we can't I don't think anybody would be mad if we actually ended the video without getting pulled over cuz I'm not going to fake it if I pass a cop on the highway I'll pull my shoe we got to find State Control something's wrong over here Cody I see a couple things wrong there a few things number one that's like that but number two oh my god look this was just digging into the side of the car and then on this side that's not good no wait what is that from that's cuz I did it myself well that would that would explain it I'm want to make sure that these tires are safe to run on the car still I'm going to put 500 PSI they're already B so everybody get ready to run and hide I turn it oh yeah it just shredded itself dude look look at that it ripped the whole tire [Music] open so it is day five and we have not been pulled over yet there's something we're not doing right and I think I know what it is we're not being profiled enough you know what I look like I look too respectable I look like I have a farm with a wife and kids and a golden retriever at home I look like I go to the bank and pay all cash for an F350 and then preach about America why would I get pulled over I need to look a little more like a troublemaker all right well how's this sound I have a gun and I'm schizophrenic I got sunglasses on I have a watch that I stole bracelet that I stole shoes that I stole you're filming on a phone that I stole kind it looks pretty fire actually no it doesn't I'm going to shoot him with a gun that I stole I want to remind everybody none of this is scripted or fake we're actually doing this we get pulled over it is real we got one we got a cop get off yeah he's getting off all right he's under cover this is the kind of guy that's going to pull people over on the interstate interstate criminal enforcement all right hold the Sho oh I know he saw that I know he saw that I almost hit that car actually swung away I pulled the shoot and it wouldn't open it wasn't going fast enough yeah all right repack it repack it repack it I've never seen a State Trooper here I have never seen a cop here gr towards orange cars radar is going crazy we got a State Trooper this might be it I'm pulling it pull it oh he's going to get you did you pull it we pass a state trooper and I pulled the parachute he's coming he's coming he's coming yeah yeah he's coming up he's coming up he should light you up by now I'm pulling off here we don't get pulled over for this I quit oh are we getting pulled over yeah yeah we got pull over yes your shirt it took all day okay yeah no it took weeks okay let's see how they take it I've never been excited to get pulled over before how's it going this dies yeah how's it going here man here's the reason why I stopped you if you're doing this somewhere like on a RAC trck completly get it but whenever you're dragging something like that your brake lights cannot be seen oh I see is this thing registered is it it is yeah yeah we got plates and everything I was trying to get pulled over all day and I was still like nervous I didn't do anything that illegal all I did was oh they're going is there a way that you can get that thing roll yeah yeah they can help us with it you understand why I stopped you I totally understand understand what kind of issue that could cause yeah yeah just like a visibility issue absolutely I'm not going to give you a tick I'm just giving you verbal War today okay appreciate you well we did it this time it go oh it almost didn't start [Music] well we just got pulled over we just got pulled over it took forever it took so long my goodness it took so long but you didn't even get a ticket that's cuz we in the general there's a deal call the police for YouTube and everybody it this whole video without being Reckless or inconveniencing anybody no one got hurt one second yeah my what do he do wait have this popcorn on me oh thanks man dude for the next video which is right here click on the next one or I'm not going to give you popcorn okay come on guys click on it click on it I want the popcorn not you Seth the people watching tell you what if you don't want the popcorn have this asbest I just ripped out of the imaginary wall good one no that's so stupid is it cotton candy or aestus more no one know that's the question my uncle asked before he ate the asbest stupid guy fell for my joke he died now
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 2,895,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O46z1N8iqtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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